The Signal, 1898-2-18, Page 1nienessinseeo r FTY-FIRST YEAR. ---2661 NEW ADVERTIUMENT8.-FEB. 18• oa't Forgot-Oahorne Bea or Ermine Wenn-8sith Was. • Co 11 sad M. H. -Geo. F. Emerson bit Barran gents -Jas. Rebate** Winter Need. -W. 0 Goode lain T.'t-9►. ono. rriee Attar T•blete-Geo. Porter MU Los►- 910$1L Moe Lost. 8 8 4 4 6 b 6 1 OST -ON W EDNEBDAY MORNING nava.. Wolf -IP. and J..Wb•s Mall-r's table, der wD1 heooh doe arts rewardedby leaving 11 0t tat filet headhis Mea Tun Otuen - Publts WotlN. 01ICE -I 'rai general pu tin the, she a¢weseent b• - wean J. -. Platt .red myself bas stared. earl tat Iran 001 a aw oo ecoid w n i stooge d Pavel Oe, t•n will he-eert.r do bus:ne.0 my w . almanac a all -Mee of bet Luh lr slier Coal .., d. re let, Nel..,n-•t. pis elle Wein I u^ N ur at J. H. Woo ore t10Hs bem propUJ ate tied to. D. STI For Bala or To Rant. It 9A Lit t'R TO RENT -VOR BALE Of to...tit the dwehI•g on Noleoe-a. et t ,coupled by L •meetb Is eowtatas rooms. melon n.r draw og moot, moths loner and thanes. sod has • library, maw ofels, parries aod a sou cedar. le hen es acre a land moonily 'otiose with threes nae fruit Ores, sod on ria Nat wee. Apply to 11'. 8isltaT11. on the pre - mots. lc- in o NALR.-ONR Of THE BEST _ %spiel,A"NMrtlPA O'Ituele, LHR teatime n on r, township of ()elbow, Haim County. Moores. flood eleyD.,ll. Boring water. 1105 boon oast earn 1st to Mute lbane to bf 90. n posture fee II rime hour sad kitchen. More cad P.I. as the pnmleos. Ezoslleat gravel roads. $1.150 cosh, balsa. at Ave ser .est Wattle.. 0a*. Apply se Y. W. Mo DON AOMI, (Wipe Y.O•. One, or to J. A. Me MHNArti. rO W.IllMimt..aw. f.st. reaasw tt. ALUABLIC PROPERTY FOR BALE. part of Int f Canoessloa C. oederloh Tomo Towesalwl0102 i 1-1 agree of land. There Y d t•at•tgM the property • good 1` .'ory Was dwnamo, w Michele • taeMd. s1 wttk a�r//agte til whoa hones. Thle is I really int.lao sod will be sold on remos&ble terms. MMticwlare &ppty to PHILIP HOLT. 1 Oo4 4ek. LOW ,tBarrie lWf, VOR RALK-Witt 69 AND 70 L� Har•hlnsoe', t3 In the Town of Ooderleh, noon whiob le erected • sloe dwell- teg honest. Dated 41h Peni.eibsr,18116 Arply to CAMERON. HOLT R HOLM2f8. Ooderlok oe It VALUAKLI TOWN PROPERTY FOR BALK -The brtek reeldena overlooking the river and lake formerly oauplel by Ilse ate A. Meol*renett nap., Master l• Chs•eery One of tks wet valuable and desirable pro- perties ro- _••. Tb. ttitgisesrey tune dunks' house os ieemedte.el. cubicles the Rrlt- Ho'.•I at present oo&upled by Mr. Aodrew It'addelL 2. The dwWlnirrt house and dfol0ing grounds r the 0, T. It occupied stades, formerly the late Jodge Toms. tad terms of .sya.at retest table, ap tar to MARROW &Ilebenttore. ( 81.11Wadeh. Waster • THA T-'ilA DXZ•TQ NDWBPAP1.R OP HVROW OOVI2TTY- GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : FEBRUARY 18, 1898. ONE DOLLAR WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL Fos 0,1 Teo'. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE. It 1. 8t1U In the Front Rank. The Aana01 Report of • meceeieret Lift Assurance Ouspeny- A Roeerd Hist le REN to Renal. and mot Ones Wurpsaoed. W AIITED- W a WANT T�A�Npa�eQbUAN- whish lata l INF prism sadH�ltllka _edge. .. mixed > II Maes, eiederM t tom, b. On W. J. TOOOOPIal Artist tarp er Bettor. Isms sad . Ina Appl.s. THE annual meeting of this company was held a1 rte head of iia in Toronto os Jan. 26. Mr. John I.. Bleikie, prealdent, was appointed eheirman, and Mr. Vin M.• Cabe secretary. 'Tbe directors report, pta- seated at the mating, showed marked proof. of oontioned pregame and ,,lid pros - parity in every leading branch of the coma pang's bus:nese. Details of the rubataot:al rains made by the tympany dnr!ng the past year are more parlioulsr)y referred to in the remake of the ;fruitiest and rtport of the orirultior eotusey. Summary et the fin,oe'el stetetnent and btlenotnr sheet for t'e year ended 1l 0 31, 1897 : Lien mains. $ 699,560 49 Erp•nditure (t&.iudtog death claims, endowments, t:.& - tared Investment Dolola, profits, and all other pay• menta to policy holders)451,367 26 Acute 2 773,177 22 Reserve fund 9.246 920 00 Net wastes fee p.44. -ne lsrs . 417.121 \s it. McCann, Managing Director. A.ditsl awl found waver. JAt Ca&Ltt.g, 21.11, Anditor. T tJ . Hot an•Ma�Le�gikrd ve.R�I_.,. H1AgsB.. - bit�oae.tsDy a e. -s. .baattwrumba e latent beads d, veiUnimra ela M.Lese new bask meat door to arielsitlie :nano ant! M188 RIg1TE OHUTE. Graduate and1f�rM.Oetb.halt Lade 1k mai a and t INorth Bassi ems& M• aga S ada at Bask xW l[lashin. 11111011111. N W IeAUBMISggrgMI�oogPgIeI-ALL K1IS DE rola 11`mlrsab tiff EF- tnebn • are In 1896, I beg lora b r.osmmend that the sum spportiostd be set &aide to meet the dtvidene obtlgiWo.s &earning thereoo,whlok unease I have •ll000ted properly to the lo• choking palates entitled thereto. The president, Mr. Joh& L BI&ikle, in moving the sdoptlon o1 the report, said • "I hay. pleasure in moving that the re- ports and balanee sheet be •do-nted. " In doing so, permit me to invite your •tte0Hoo to some interesting and important (ante therein contained. Bat before proceed- ing to do so, I heartily ocogratulate the policy holden upon this anneal means be- ing held in this splendid nfoe, the buildiue being owned by the compel, y, and secured on such. extremely favor. Lie terms that at • moderate oast we 000upy one of the finest busioese buildings in the oily, beautifully Hgbted on al sides, with abundant vwl10o- oommod•tiw, and with • sufficient depth of lot to admit of the great addition to our spat. as tits linsinelleilleatinues to grow in the future. ' The wearing of this property to gener- ally enetally regarded •e • •pleedld stroke of bast• nese, and • prate We, solid invesemeut, meting a v.luablu •iditlon to the assets of the e"omen y. As on mary previous ooaslone, you will be pleased to (larva that in every• t hing that goes to make • lite test i oce company sacoesdul the North Amertao Lilo again shown progros., t:olid.t• and gain for Me policy bollen. " For example, compere the business ot 1897 and 1896 ander the following heads: Percent - Increase age of In. over 1896, memo. Assets M SLUMS I.71 >19lOM 49 t 1b 67,743 44 1911 lt5gs••. 18,946.$ t 00 1,IS1,7m 05 8.1 Nw_I�a• t1w, IR . -(7,270 11 7.4 ammo is• lir. W. T. Standen, of 7%.w York. the pilar i -c ffIrse * .eteurT, -4e - ter. 4n#• and detailed report et the year. operations, said : ` I bays °srdully examl•ed the •carate and batmen 'haat of the company, ae at Deo- 31, 1897, and beg leave to retort to yo0 as folioed, open the result of inch ex- amination : Your obligation for investment petiole. that metered in 1897 called for an outlay of over $89 600-cbe individual eettlem.ots not only being generally e•tufwtoiy, bat, as a matter of foot, oemp&ring more that favorably with the settlements made by ether oomp•aies apo° similar forms of poli- cies. " The no Bring of this ohligtelon, together walk 1116,579 96 pad to b,.ebalarles under polices Chet metered by conn of thele• eared, 428,006 10 paid for matured eudow• menu. ; 114 291 46 paid to arn•ttants, and 213,101 08 pa'd for aarreedoed poi one, gives a total of over $271.000 paid out dur• too the your to poltoy-holden aloes. "Thews sad several other It.as of die- b.hGoents in • life insurance company's boniness are preetleslly noun trot latile- -some other items involved in the cat of manage- ment bang more or lees odder antral. It Is, therefore. very gr.tlfytog to me. as an mama of very andel m•nseemsut to sou that Wow aotroll&ble expesaee are lees than 8 per oeat of your total diabetes. nubs •• Tits eestland teodeooy to lower rates of loMrost, upon much atriotly ant-olw ..eurhbmi as yo. are authorised to Invest is ewp'selnes she wisdom of year manage - meat in having begun two years ago to am- ppuub .enure: on new business °pee that 6lgb standard of calm: kaolin se the Hm. 4 per Bent table. 1be eoerse now bels' purened muse be to the utmost drainage bCUuse 11 Is year by year &paying tkb Mara rlirfd tat to • larger sed lager volume e( your kaslnese, wtaken%matert•lly dieturb- leg yawr imam -__antics o1 surplus. • TMs Ware ales Wises. with alter eon- r▪ edraw the the SS Istel of iarigs skabis °a lay.stass° palwes- MOM lo • a_5eafty teretria, headily all �reesi nessdfiat year e.ap.wy adept as estimable herewith sub- mitted ubmitted by mea bad, e• they are, era ai.ti./ e•stblbme, sad resultant is saeate as favorable as M. somal settl.mesls sew berg male by tin. berineissed •'I am glad to see that theia.ee... Is your ,sob booms h 1897-$67,789 41 --le greater Mia the nabs e1eood a the pee.l- ✓ a. venr- s sego eroeflel resat is rima of the amloereial .ed budseee'wager that • Nerrithetndisp the Legs amount paid le volley headers. beretefere referred to, u smely,it71,000, it 1e very .otbf etory in - dee M 1.d fhb yea were amts sae to slier so lMreased see. earlobes. TM pis has blas elliMed Is era ret one .o.eormetve Lair .f vslmsaee t►'ie' h.e been applied e the awes of the oeapey. Tor Mousse. Abe market valor of your debentures. oto, le $1.463.15 b ream .1 the .meat for wbi& yes bays taken ,redia is your Mae nest. Yellowing the emir .soapy por- e.54 yea mild have � properlyWised year seeea.S over 121,000. ▪ •• 1''s new busker adios In 1897 brag 2601 polkas, 1osurtsr 13,366,004 (bass larger V the history of the estp&e�). is s very la des result to view of tie !s- uss me' s Mailed Geld, a▪ d « the oristed t ab titer potion el the year. I regard t$ as ipeelelly oak dreary 1ime the alk of Me barmana b upas bug ler. rv..kaest plus, seat favorable 1. IM poky healer, as well ae be 44e esml- 1rs.lrt of New. As si y ea1Me.l.ry feature el per ids 1. ire rowan per.bsmcy--5 Wet wp.r s e eleav t. tending to McWleV- of ►� w� "..t01....... .. ..tho magmaail y~ Th Mi4` sear to ..-alis/ wry yw+ a fl.ld rissik-ast yaw agars most be a rem a mea thereat* wad is Melo Overly mad OW the 'l weeds mortal te eWn • ooM .f the kelang d flim . anagleasi=duch atilt ears. rreri eWntimN 1 ' rey beet am sod lie inesb eassoubill agate. te year Odd Mal. Ilkorlig samansilthe bresi ..N pea• AG it T b - " ELONDIKE GOLD eallieg frit" ...i...r widlramanorpele Teroar G TB-" GLUM= 01i' TfRI UN• ,'�' Ifvory al444 iA Y_a • , o ROO ROY. Tea 186h. Mr. Charles�g�T, Nati 1.1l, lase the gait of Mr. J&5. (Aerie. lA•d y Issa. Yam Amok llagglikw et Retlfesd, wee tin Rust M Min J. M. Williams. Weems. t. Woad M5Oamk.y, of Qelwfel, was raal.g is a'a i1 Me. R. Bemmmll. en The domes .14 the read sso el Ng. J. 1.1044. cur Marled ly • kale 11110b0 of tin ytrtgk ss4 bounty d Dentlsp. A.t.gl ••Rr MMM t bias fW .a08Nr. were B. Oalio, Mae TA, G Aram nal bat set leera Henan tewst e 110111 m. w• lewd I they .E most _,yaw Loons oil stool 167,780 00 Outstanding preen. ams in wane et ool- teotion, sod quarter- ly end balf•ywly Premiums, below bateau' of year's premiums not yet paid . 100,460 37 Cab in bank b7,743 071 Cosh on hand 31 781 Interest and roma doe and •oaroe11 Reversions ... pen•„ 117,118 13 14.092 00 14 t "The assets ot the wmpauy are of • high ate, end after providing for every li bili- there raasirs • net erupted of $427,121.- , the per antes* of net surplus W itabdi- Mug 48a. a•4. leo -paseent+ae• u to liabilities being 118 2 I shall net ter more particularly to the assets, as that ill he done by •ioe•Presideut the lion. r. Allan. , • great deal of ineuratce a hieing done owadays of such • character teat: it may more fairly rrgorded asNs•In0•ry rather en real insurance -00 teogible meets be- g Lid op oat of which claim. easing En- er each polioies may be paid. As the Og- res befote you will oonoluelrtly prove, the oetb Amerloan 1.41.1. upon • very dtffor• ret Mee. indeed-tte foundation tieing solid ook-sad its pulley -holders are abundant- jasiAltild In rating easy to their mind. as the alibi, of the oompacy to promptly teat early claim se it may .nater&. " It tleften ..Id by theme who do not n derstsed any better Diet life incur/mos ompanics make lags paths by reason of many lllowir g their vol.cieli to tepee, us dropping tante Inauran.e.Iter having d, it may b., only toe or two prem. m., • This is • mistaken view of the matter. B enmpantes regret exceedingly t8• vary t rmisatious that take puma evert Ie oats moo.y to pleoe every policy o the book.. the Dempsey having to pay agente' .ommtesioo, medial fees, and eme- ry other charges, and of unreel until the ext premium fails due the company I. ging the risk, and is liable for the cunt of the policy in the event of the oath of the insured. All respwtable oompanles ere moat de rose thea their polloy-holders should per. .latently keep up their polloie., and not •I - ow them to apes Or terminate. ' A year yo I uubmitted • table, show. big the exp.' norm of eleven oompsoies do tag; business is (Janda, the amount of in- surer* lowed, the total terminations each ad e�od, and whet the perdoemge wait ho North *modem toad. • far bot• bar .bowing time my of the eleven, and ffoial figures given in the lass Dominion 'oarsman report, showing • Ike exper- keno., again plain the North Amerada in the first potties. • The imp.ra nos of • thorough audit .f NMI pm y'* &Ears 0511 werody be over. gammated ewben than audit 1. t and ahe.eave. I ars .tate that this is ..e with our esteeaed auditor, 1h. (Adria " Bead.s this, however, thee* to • most .srefd tm4 amplNe eismfsetles of every- rra.g relating to s8s oot npsa . position every veer by the DSmision Government ep.ristendeal of iwrasse. who ex&.lase every s..aeiby owned by lee eom{.ay, std o re NW every nq•ire.•t of tin. 1r- 05(5 ego i. Am y emptied with. Tib scala 45* le mate entirely ha - damndest et any paws ..uaeoted with lee 0ra25ey, mod the nook Y published in the Incur•.. Blue Book b detail. ' I bare already treepared boo mag ap- es year *ae wed primes. yet garnet ee.- aads without bearing wtdso.y to the un- wearied seal, dUMaea mad abiBly .f Kr. Mct3ahe, ear m5.•giest darter 3 of Mr. Oo4s... o.r Allier seerotmel...d, I may add. of the elks N0[pe..raily. " Ami lent of all. nea/b motalaly net the least el all. we ere 1.4.4154 le ear ray aft sena 1. les field. who Mme es ykt loamy bat/y, bb harem setts . Wemp..y es M5 N.e18 Asoreses We et their i5ek. they culo may waterloo, sol linos. W. by fair sod bs.eablo woos." The Hen. G. W. Aller. VbwPre11dss$, said •• The Presider 4.s sated Mb M mesa like tae. as Yiee-Pewldist of the seapasy, e Wks sew r'efereneo le the wets. whin sew total the large suss d 10,773,177 41. 1 Milt the very beet .unease of to MxseI- lem! diesaehe elate sera .f the ..loamy. mod the are slows by w daemon n 10 the aveMs.M of Ms lark k the Wow - 1a- aeaea la .sir agorae e i.eoww fel the jar. ..ally, 31,1,0M. al the gest air 5.r b- ars .d reser. dee W.d .segued, as the lad d ase year 5ke114 .hew • belts.. of r..A.. WsMN kw.fad a t12.41a57Arr. here le Me �� of oar Parentage of TVI •Aatws► Aster. .w $1.101.86: 91 40. 631,19? 10 fA9 111111111 R t0 1111.311 44 7. ' by seedmsse owesn& VISI *1 a 41 The hark' /gores with .hew the ere - 11 ty 33 thea es re M be tit in d N ly to a se tit paid, t A larp VOW. 0 d torr &m d d k 0 5.7 lets esrsed by thew companies since 1892 : ig .4 !Ig 0011WAIrr. ' SI a 2° 1 Nati A.Isei11p .. 3600.081 89 23 8. A.6 2 .... 101.881 00 8 46 1 63,480 27 10 66 61.637 71 10.18 36,346 99 698 No net eurples Nil. Thee. BRnree .re taken from the a folsl government report*, and I refer to the own - pantos by number and uoc by name. The erperiepoe of one company In particular, aeouriog over two end • ball mllltens cf new business within a few months of commenc- ing operations, and such • result hue nova has s000mpNshed aiooe Ity 4J other com- pany, will ,hon you the difficulties that • po,w company has to contend with In com- mencing buwinesi. The -company -1 referred to ,ecurcd • phenomenal amount of business, together with a large premium Income, hav- ing at its head, as president, the most prom - loam men in the Dominion of Ganda. Not. withstanding alt these adrantagee the first few yasri business resulted in a loss of al - moat the entire amount of the paid up .epi• t•l, which was over $100,000. 1 mention this to show thole present and one agency staff in particular that the mere foot of • wmpanv having • large o•pitsl and rushing & tares amount of bnainess on Ma hooks In • short time means a very largo liability by way of the reserve required by the Dominion Government, and must result in • las to the oompany. 1 trust my few remarks on this subject will sot be taken as an etteek on soy pur tattler company, as I have not named any, but will explain to you that attain motbods of oonductiag lianas may, on Online 61 it, have the appeerance of s000e., but ulti- mately con have hue one result. The worse we have adopted has been • °enervative one in every way. and we propose to follow that coarse, believing that our Bret Interlake most be those of our polioy•bolders, and tismitltis•taly-theteatof-the hatjosst int tweet' the different oompanles is, " What are you doing, and what are ; ou likely to do, for your policy, holders' Mr. ally, In referring to the.compane'a loans and real estate, said ; "The mortgage list sent by this company to the inearanoe department gives every de. tail ea to the position of the mortgage bans from yeas to year, showing the amount of the mbrtgage, the an.ount ot the Bre in author., the details of the .ecuri'y hal I, and also. *genet each mortgage, the Interest duo thereon and accrued, so that at • rhinos one ie able to see jest the position of *rob mortgage. ' In looking ever this mortgage list, 1 was pleased to find the setifaotery m••ser In which the Interest bad been paid during 1897, the interest due and aarued on all loans held by the wmpary, showing a de- crease, ss compared with 1896, of $2,201 - 73 From an examivation of the reel estate, I oonsider that the oompaoy must sooner or lets, realize • handsome profit from these properties, when it i■ deemed advisable to well them, and In view of the d:ffionity ex. petienard by •11 oompaaies In finding esti"- history Investments for money at the pre- sent time the company rennet do better then retie Its present Wats holdings. "1 artaloly join with Via -President Allan In oongr&tnlatine my Icllow policy- hohfera and all those Interested In the am - piny on the splendid hallding the oompany has seoured. Fromm extended knowledge of real estate --and I have probehly had more experiedoa in that line than anyone prsseut-I can heartily Indorse everything he has said with rupee. to this building. The position of the compa57 is highly oat- lefsotory, and as one of its earliest and large policy holden I feel very pleased at the splendid position that the ampany has at- tained, and only regret that when Insuring in the icon may I did see dose to the extent of $26,000. as I am quite estlsded It would Wore proved one of the best Investments I scald have made. Life iDsuranoe Is not • temporary matter. It 1s, therefore, the Imperative duty of those in Marge of a company to les that swayable In e.unootlen with It is made cerasin, and Is this respond the merged. end yes oonsem.tive pollen adopted by the North Amadeus Is to be highly oemmeed• ed. Teo groat progress 1be ocmpany has made and the strong position it has attain- ed make 11 a *troe' OOmp•ny for • policy- holder " Jamas Thorebarn. M D., ma'ioal dime. sr, pretested • fall and lelirestleg noort d the mortality experlesesd by Me sem- pay during the peel year, sewing chat the marl lees was favorable es ommpared with Me 'mortality table. Afar she usual vote of thanks had been p..sd, the .I.oloa a linear, book plan., rafter which the sewly•.leeted hard met and John L Risible wee unanimously elat- ed President, the Ha. 0. W. Alla. sad 8i. Trask matb Vie. -Presidents. 3 4 .. 5 ......... .. 38 " 696 1.4 6 3,b46 36 $2.773,1T7 22 100. 'Market v&loe .roads this b $21,426 15. "Inolodic, the company'. budding. „ I think You will agree with me, this show* • highly satiat&Ctory state of &ffatre and must be doubly naseuring to all the policy -holden of the company, as well si its azoolleut ayeney sluff, ie to,, he hltgb stand- ard thio compeoy has at tamed ►moa' life oomp001.1 in this country. Se far sa I can judge. 1t stands at the head. " Our real estate, as cnipered with last year, shows bot • slight alditicn in amount, ex:•ept that we have now added thereto our owe 'home, this headsman building 1° which we are hutdtng this meedog, It was an ex• cellent stroke of bncinas on the part of the oomp•oy in securing this property, as we have now every •000modatioo for the prop- er oonduot for the business ; 1n toot, one of the beet (quipped odiods in the oily, and the oast to the oompeny will be but a mod• orate one. Already the space we have to rent is well tenanted, and the one office at present veoant is already bespoken. All the properties in poeseefon of the company ore well ranted god giving the osm0any • fair return. From t(•,e fluses taken from the last Dominion Government report, 1 find that our company naives a net return on ma reel estate largely 1n excess of any of its competitors Mr. J. N. Lake, In moving • vote of thanks to t4• company's provinni•l aa•a4- era, tospeotor. and &vasty staff. said : •-'Fherveine e4 eur•wmes•y-et&R!• show by the pent.teooy of oar busine.'. From the lest Government report 1 find that tit* total net iooresss in insurance of •11 Gee&d• Ian companies for that year, this tympany held slmort 25 per ant. ot inoh addition.. I attribute this rattef&otory statement of af- fair* to our agents, being men of integrity sod high standing in their profession, and who endeavor to arty out our wishes and transact their business in • Pair end proper manner. _ No d.Cub:1he stent is very mater- ially aided in his work by represeuting the North American -a oompany having snob • large surplus to proportion to its liabilities, and its earning power (clog r.letively so groat se compared with the mej••rity of it* oompetitore is • tcwer t1Y strength to its agents. I most sincerely ooegntelats .Sr very .fliotent staff of r.preoeetativee on the work they &wnmplethod last yer, the num- ber of policies brim 2 621. and the amount of Murano. thereon $4,556,024-s truly mod year's work. , It will he gr.t.fying to everycae inter- ested in the compeoy, and speaks volumes tor the energy displayed by our agents, that oar new business thin month is the beet business for January in the 41.toy ot the ampeo y. Another satisfactory point in the com- pany, t on the our agency * l including local •:somale l Is the *mall amount of ontataadlag and de• fired premiums at the otos* of rhe ysnr. The beet test on this point is • comparison with our business and that of the other home companies in that respect. Prom an examination of the last Dominion govern• meat report It will be found that the North Amorists° 1. the lowsse, namely 18 per oast., while the highest is 36 66. end the best evi• demo that theoompasy'e Mshess is brought down to • bard -pan Mss le shown by the outstanding and deferred premium* at the end of 1897, showing the alight hareem. of $3.280.16. It is tutorage, to note the groat progress that tit* company h05 trade daring the past ben yearn. as shown by the following table : Osee leonine 4288 282 64 434 626 42 699,560 49 Um int talpgig i1L IsMagWt. 11108 Wires dieaemd pmads fella:_ et cit• 14011144144. EWA s�.4 beads Small • passe • Year 7th 12th .. Year 7th 12th. 17th. Is.arame la fora $ 6,934,390 12,060,060 16,946,878 Anna $ 649 318 99 1.413 978 00 2,773,177 00 Net .•.oras $ 64.896 90 2211.636 84 437,121 33 You will see that the gosh lease In - seemed ever threefold I •seea ever ere Maio ; Immune to forge early threefold. sad net surplus *early Aghtfold-tine latter Indleatktg that the company M 5 good sae for the peiiey•kolden. "Til. eimpany,. ►as alwey. Mooed Ito tasks promptly on Dec Al. and never ts- asdea in Ihe statement applications or n- esapM er busker of asy Mid meshed at 58..td.s awe that data We di.s.mr.gs cur sputa foreleg bwls..r, end the ramie* of staking .peol01 Goa. n..5 to agents to sash's them to rebate far tin pupae Gt .o.uria, brisem dialog the lest .estb of She vas is entirely opposed be a, as IOW - me es the b..b.sss gweretly. 4-44si1y m- aM te the elder policy holders, sod sawn but malt Ia • b.e to the Nsewy rudest- bg to busimses ea sash a Impair 4.5.." Yr. M5(J.M, roasegla dtroetor. Saki b. metal boartIly adore all that bad loon said all be Lite SAeteeey ef sur seem rat and Ms emerge** sod e, wooer la re' � wird' they hal Weir work drag the year jest closed. He knew that tee agate had u.s.n•I se.pse(Mso darty Me leire port d Me par, ewty to fret sew ee.pentM harrier erne..oeed aerie tiers 40652 1897. Our flea d ep.r•Msos b somewhat limited. Alarm* 1'. lorri- Wry 11 Ik. Maass Wavy Y.Rat the pap' slake god sompeliaso bbM_$ms ....e1' 41! tem and sematimen sea. -r 4?, kiss*.., Orem the e.aswlla- esy sad inyemper km.iw [sweet adapted by Mese sanious a SEW arisen es the babe, lemsp ithe d the ..t. 1u thin w• arise I amid weal Sew-.- B the• .f • the � gpmpMa 4..45 Ms ewe IoM. 5. Ms !lath Aswan w onieegssuNy, mot NH d tem Wade 4 cur ers w mot via ABOUT THE BIG MILL. Wrong Imprima 1on• Car Minot! • Fte 1. Clear sad Replant ilaretese y ■ r. elgllvte'e Representative. leo Mill sad Ilystor will be Mad Wiek..t (..Allen• will .bow the Tories that we know how N kw. our powder dry. " Qui'• as excitement over the appoist- meat o1 a :heel teacher for Homlock 0167 school too& plea at the twat time of the trustee meeting last veer, and it 10 wt set- tled yet, but will probably bare to be d• sided by campeteet wheel authority, per- haps t1 may even be taken into the law court,. Much ,mall matters 05 the cutting down of sslsry, when the oaeber 1. pro- m noised ampeteor, seems to be the whole ammo of the trouble aod the eeotlon le de- vtded between the choose of two teachers to be the fleet to take charge of the hand• WHEN the G.T.R el'vator WAS some new Monne bnildmtt which DO rs- barned down, DeWitt attention was called tie pl&ooa ohm old frame affair kn,wn as Or::ut's the (act that 1h. Hallam Mill might be pur- eohalbouso chased from the Ogilvie firm. and that the elevator in connection, pith • eepasity of nearly • quarter of • million of bushel.. Nance. -Tine f{or Tu& onntobppauttirtaolinxthuney 1n f Dnaupnnppronrybn might be nitlzed, ted thus avoid_ the con• strnottoo of •new and mon expositive d.• sweo*k,toand 1bcP„ oonce/Ae•r, showU raoolve &,d advKeirvteie(rDaadsioo e.• rotor. to reply to that • statement was emousts Acid for the sons. put In circulation that the Ogilvie firs would sot consent to sell, that although they T W CUMBER .� ti U, l't1RRiA(:F. t/ acd w•&tro0 m.&• ., hwlrg purohaad had given an option on the property, they tote late.bee,pleat, frau esrphan had plaited restrictions thereon that world stothore, 1+ cow pr.>{'area to ell order. for oarn•uer, waggon bug&(ee and oaf &rUele pr•otlally binder • transfer of the property unullt wedeln a carriage ,hep, qtr. or Laing made. During tl:e past weal, M. T worktsrashlp, oasootnab+e• pprreo 10 UAantar1o. id Williamson, the Ogilvie representative, has m'nong •ttesdod reel ate (1., tem work-oon- been in town, and In th•ioter. at of the pub- d ler&isle exuarte oe, he t►eref ora eutlutte the patronage of the fatatog u mn.uit and "ill who may ant work .0 h . nee, will Sod 6110 at the stand formerly occupied by atephe0 Btot,.er.. Duugauoon. DUNGANNON. lio Tits SIGNAL succeeded in getting the tot - biting full and ezpliolt ela1mcnt, which apesku»for itself :- " 1t was only a few days ago that we beard to Montreal that the people of Oodc- rioh wore negotiating for the building et • large _rain elevator. In not, the brit in- ttmition vesiallliraw.1.4544-lt.m HIM Prat idiot o1 your Board of Trade, Mr. it S. Williams, ask og If our property was in the markfor sear. Iet sa authorized by Mr. Ogilvie to ot- ter his elevator, mill ironerty and ma _may cnoneoted wltb the property for the e,,m of $50,0011. at least colo half.2 be paid it cob ; the beluga can remote, 1f desired. as a moil gage against the property at 6 per ant. in- u.rt,l. There ere no restrictions of coy kiod`attaohed to this offer. The whole pro. party will Lc sold to any elrporatioP, firm, or individual who pay* the money, and the purohasers will be Cres to do whatever they ple•se with it. • I •m surprised that the belief has .x• sated, and in fent does even now exist in the town that Mr. Ogilvie has no intention of *Olive the property, and had evcfyetused to sell pertain paroles when the money was offered. This hRef is entirely unfounded, as he has twin given the ubairman of your Centime Committee as un000dltional option over hie own signature upon the property, good for three moothc. " The mspaony of the presort elevator is about 220,000 huabde, and if the milt pro- perty were also turned foto an elevator this would he easily doubled, and the camel: y raised l0 460,000 bushels. This could he done with very little 1,9e0.e, and the out would be far mon than made up by the sole of the mill ,machinery, which include• two engines, one of whloh coat 312,000 and is as reed today as the day 14 was pat In. " The elevator, as it stand* today, oats un- load a vessel at the nu of 4,000 bushels per hour. -Tine less mono 4bee amt In the Myles, carrying 4C,1100 bushele, was unload- ed is 12 hours, and thew with nary indiffer- ent shovelling. Four oars of wheat can be loaded at the same time, and In about half ea hour, Mr. Ogilvie would he quite will. lag to pay a eompcten4 and dl iotersstcd engineer to make a report on, 8rets, white would he ncoessary to turn the prologue pro - pert into • fin/Volum elevator of a c.paolty a400,000 to 600,000 bushels ; and, ascend, what the probate's out would be. The bulldloge and machinery are in Bra °lase oondillon In every way, from feasd•tloo to roof. The property was ezamined by the 0. T. R. people. who found It all satiaf05- tory, and wanted to lease 1t from Mr. Ogil- vie, but Mr. Alia having thea as optIOa se pasha's, t1 was Ispoe.iblc to Isaac "• A. to harbor f05111tiss, it Is defined by everybody time one site is the hest that could be selestd, and ►b. railway :cases• dose are already there. " I have bees asked repeatedly whether Mr. Ogilvie has soy lunation of ru..tag the mill .gain. Well, I think not, for the ren - con that since Mr. Hn'.M1oos's death he tee been unable to give it any perusal attunes H. bet another mill is Mo.Ireal of the daily eap.oity of 1,500 barrels, whish has not turned • wheel for some years. But .pun from Hue, two other mills are rrindlog over 6 000 barrels daily, and If our bust/les should moire acether mill beteg started. It Is .01y reasonable to suppose that Mr. Ogilvie would start Me mill In Montreal, whore h. esald ,1vo to his aro parasol eapervuden. "There 1s me reason, however, why the ttd11 mould son he ran by esmehedy else with snt8ehat capital M • proal sales asapetmI man.reene&l. The milling bstzisew b which requires s god deal of espial, and I Mould ay that $900,000 would be required be pnnbase the property, and nn 1t es sated busbies. prisdples ; whereas , If the n n property wepukseed and mond lute an elevator. N would require &e capital at .11 outside she maltase pries. Then 1e se raw material to buy, nor Oak of geode se he kept en band ; netthor is then any leder .40(•25 for 0901 5.ateb. " •. bo cbe prcep..t c •f n.reos of en Mo- ws** here. I have so doubt, provided ears beary .rrnagemenba have M gat be mode with the frawkl raw. Gedertek le the meet Mama p.ht end the freest rte trent the gash. &ad with • little Oever.m.t assist- Mee ssis`•see the harbor Gull be md5 1neend te n one en Take Homs. Tex Barnum Num. -The old drain was mimed this week .t the owner of West and Wellinstoa streets at the pefat where the break, that mooed the flooded ..lion, Ge - eared. A. opening was made into the old draft to rnos off the water, awl the eeeled cellars won soon free. As seem 05 the water cad weather permit.. *be drainage will be properly attended to. 1 esso•y, F.1 15'b. DIVISION COC&?-Dtvieion Coo: will h.• held here on Friday, the 18th ot Fe', , 1898. Cnpscu-4 u'rso,-V4 loft Sab.tatip. K_ya,... Duthie of Lnokoow, end Arm.troog of Don. Kennon, exebaoged pulpits. PAKe,D'1.aocOli -J. E. Tom, P. 8. 1., passed throuen our village dur og tea latter part of last week on hie return home, from visiting schools north of here. S. B.-Cowxv'tow -A lone r•prasent&t• Ten 67 t*4M1''?AMlwted annieenY'w•rhtrwm Dm village and yummy eft -oiled rhe 8. 9. oolv.nmon which was 11e14 at the N.le, dur- ing last week. and report a profitable and well ',petit time there. AeDITOae -Messrs. B. J. Crawford, of Dunganoa, and 1) E. Munro, of Menchest• or, auditors of the treasurer's aowueta, of the municipality of West W&wanah for 1897, paid an official vent to the treasurer's of ee on Tbured.y ut last week. Result wilt appear in oar next fine A NAME TO CONJURE BY. - Ddd'. Kidney Pills Oared T. J.hades of Diabetes. Osborne, TM. 14.-Thr.miheN ihe W.rt- ms smarmier Orono the acme et Dedd's &Ida y Pi11s la a acme to rare by. The pipa with the very best .f reams, have Mord Meir faith to this mad melwse. sod It is mod is every bas.. The resit of 1'b le th51 Miry 4lseew, snob as Diabetes. Bright's Marne, so. are rapidly dlagpe&rim fres fhb B.telea r. Themes Jokester', of Osbers•, le the leer sura He SOMed all the agonies of Dakar for dx yaat7, inkpliguisiewskg to help Ida give kiwi Nair friar te 1►Issll me bye te w 1),44'. Kllssy Pflik Me aro bets at ease. Rs seed ire hew sad in sow Wine. fl, healthy sod reheat. CMINIVAL,-Quite a largo numb -r of our young people took in the oarniv.l on Wed• n eedy, at the Sep. y town, North of here, Master Wm. Bowen had .barge of the tom• racy In golag :henna and rim prong home - They 'report ome- They'report bargee 4 '84-'eb " able time, and give credit to William ter his good and oareful .rvlore as oonduotor. Sgsno!r or COUNCIL. -- The oounotl of Was Winonah, le •000rdsooe with ad• journmeol met In the township ball en Moods) Feb. 14.8. All the members pre- sent, Reeve Gibson presided over the mesa - log. After municipal business wbloh was brought before the .onnoll was duly •tteod- ed to and trammeled, It wag dec,ded to boll the out union of °outoit no Mosd&y, the 210 day of Mare. hi.aenow CAMPAIGN-Eleotloa of mem- ben for the Provincial Parliament of On- tario for next berm oommenoed on Monday e vening. A meeting in •000rd•toe with prevtous arrangements was held here In she interest of the Reform nominee, vie , Mr. }arrow, M P P. There was • laps attend. sea of voters including quite a Dumber of Cooservattve.. Opposition speaker or speak- ers were at the close of the mooting cordial. 1v (nutted to spook. There was awakes kms order, and we hay* bees informed that Mr, (;arrow throughout hie (as reported) very able address on the political esd $nan.lel status of the Privilege, was listened to with rapt and undivided .110ntloi and without Interruption. which was • malt to the sadism's. There was ne oppositloo address mode on the ooauloo. COWING AND GOING -Joh& Hiles, mor- obanti, look • bossiness end pleasure trip bo Kincardine and other point. torah of hen, duel% last week •lex. <Vaitor, a oke township of Camden, during last week vis- ited Wm. 14111ipo and family, also ether friends sad eoq.etateaeee bore, ale being his firet tour to this sootiest of county. He •xpreeeed himself highly pleased In eo far as Gould be seen la the Improvement. sad appointee of sofs locality le partlool.r. G ad being fur bettor titan the repores, we1b be had previously hoard wiles at h.mt.... . Mr. and Yrs. flood, of 4.44.1d. °oede■• Ga. to Port Alpert, vaulted their doagbter .ad see•ia•i•w, Mr. and Mn. Wm. Ma Nally..- ! ! .11fre. Jobs Brydges, of Gods- d oh. lochrtoh. left here ea Tuesday for hem., after having an extended and pleasant vista l* leer mother, Mrs. T. Pestlesd, and other ' eillw ii. 17. LAURIER. Polities is this north soros a useu rldiar oral* very little a5Maeat. Tres sturdy S...hr ea up here •5e'. adorntaad why you allows In the aunty Nem w log ever snob trills, thaw as yew ao ■ feet she tea Tories that are koro en asked ors with trm.whsS of • friar of pity and held la as suei.dtba se To atee words ef the jolly els fiosMeman who herr: the IINIe per .0.s with the high se.ellag *4. •- W. fellows lis low, lea sew, bus ries The annual tea worse of tae E`Ileepsl- 1.n Meads was held 1051 evening sm4 was largely attended. Some fourteen montbere of St. Georges obeli, Ooderlob, were pro. .eee and helped eonald.rably to make Hs eventsg enjoyable. Teller detail. M$ week PORT ALBERT. Mo,enav, Feb. 14th, 1898. H. C. Hawkins returned to t:►lo.go I5. wee. Allan Bowles was up se Belfast aeeendleg Ma sister's waddle/ on tin 2.d of prb. Fraser Willie fres Duluth returned boas atter 5e .bears of el: yews. Freak is se iell♦ as ever .ed leeks bole Sod hearty. Dar slesahleg was spaded, lest week mak- ing It implorer ler the surprise/riles a the esiebborb•d, N/ M. ,sew •( M..d•y mud Tuesday made pod Weightier ear mono The werptl.e party held las Tuesday eve 1m the hollow we • w..derfol mew& The roved was sat very lane a arra of ea way beau away frees the Abort a14�s118ht ter tad a tory pun area ..seaer•ble fa for the .Id people. Rleo'. Pun Rah Is hes the sake bennes the trams orae Ism she 1st Mare. int 11 bor ase raga