The Signal, 1898-2-11, Page 7• .... salt': . •inose.:: itig tv .m,.,.: a --wore, vsu...N • w.: GI�IL111'8 00111 FIDLDB& TUVAST DIPOSITS THAT WILL SR0014 BE OFENZD TO TUR WORLD. This WUl Se *lode Aeee.athie b Me t».w'. Iles/ PONS gia'Irsad Mew MOW lee - Or. seiwys a Wheats of she ems Nevis et Vacs he W Mases rhea er gees aemasa7• Vaal Lail t edsveloced coal deposit. «1U bethrtowa upon to the world wksa the Crow's Nest Paan Rearmed. Aaw oo etructieg• is completed. *eye the con- Now otte Vork thee Bus The new t.saaeooatlnSatalU lige orltmnlstg the great plains of the Cana - dem Northwest, wick the Tetley that an between tbs Rooky Mountains oa the east send tits 8elktrks on the area of One and m. oa Oodide thedeprsita. the breadtb of the seams aad the quality of the amt. to under- lined that the output from the new tlelde will have s+ appreciable influ- mice oa the markets of the whole oon- timsut, A000rdieg to Dr. Selwyn, former Minter ot the Geological Sur- vey of Canada. tbs Western Gelds no- tes' 10,062,000 to of opal per innate Mew ..M the area. with coal deposits ogeiored up to the present, ooaalata of about 160 swum mile& Dr. S•iw7* was Opted for hie conservative esU- mste& but if SWIM a flila100 of the omni which be omsidira &Tellable be Miead from the Crowe' Neat Paso coal Helds the world's supply of fuel will be greetly increase. THECOAL AREA es in the southern part d the country (mown as East Kootenay. 1t was la West Kootenay list great mining ex- citement prevailed during 106 and 1197. The whole Kootenay district is toyood 115 ortereat T.rritorlea. ex- laternatloeal boundary. Beet Kooten- ay sloes le stout two-thirds tee alms of the ld�des New that a railroad N Ihi0**b tib terra ttoogalt•• • period of great d.- relopmeat i• anticipated. The. noel fields are sixty cokes south- efat of port Steil sad is proximity to - elite Q/peefts-ecourrelt-deseisg t�aari„t,. eighties. Workss& wore cuttlag a rouge trait suitable for pack trains. loon os Um old stamping ground. with through the Crow'• Neat Pae. There ware few prasp.cton is Brltiab Cob uaiba at tart time. but since the wild Ho,et that time but elan tbe wild Ctwk is E.M. Kootenay nearly hell a amatory aad. trappers and In- dian have loaded down from father to Son and from maw to camp tradi- tion& of lost malen and riob gold veins. The very where ninrowe existed tbe regions 1.- with mysterious need escbast- lag possibilities of stumbling o soma wonderful d(pesvery. The con- *tratchee the trail were full .1 theme 014 stories. sad Venting gra' yeas ware .pus o•Sr tee eighty p my u were. r usual. prepared for ki i d a dimover7 • aid wires on eon - A MAD WHIM. Ma Majesty Emperor William of German, le a men of ,streags fresh* se all the world ksows. There lea you mea now employed M tis London office of Brown Broth- ers. beakers who has suffered bitterly from the buoy of the Bmpsror. Hu car- eer was ruined, be was diagramed and humiliated by a whim of hip monarch. He felt himself driven from the army and from hie country, and reread to maks a living we best be could in a foreign land. This man is Lieut. Gustsv Amberg, and he was an officer to a fine and dis- tinguished cavalry regiment, Those who hold oommiasions in it ars filled with pride .Yee tbs honor that 1s thein. Lieut. (Amberg able family. Lieut. Amberg was an admirable mol- dier sad popular ba Ida regiment. He Is a man of fine sad delicate feeling. He believed In the dignity of hie posi- tion. He telt that he should be wor- thy of it sad of hip family. who bad stilted themaelvee that he might have his place Ir the army. One night last Wring Lieut. Am- berg was on duty in the palace. The Emperor was giving • semi-prlvats banquet to his immediate friends and military staff. Late in the evening a aeemeeger came to Lieut. Amberg. sa7- lag that the Emperor demanded his presence la the heaqueting hall. The young offioer's Moe flashed. Ho had heard stories of strange sad un- dignified commands put upon •oldlen On these occasions. He hurried to the monarch with a sinking heart. Lieut. Amberg could hardly compose himself as he saluted and stood at at- teetios. The Emperor regarded bim coldly. " You night r' "Yea. Your Majesty." • end " You will mount your bens rids blen into this room." " Ride my bores hers--leo-this room. your '6rsr iei t"a the other. " Yes." wee the reply. •'Ye heard my command. You mai' go." Lieut. Amberg made his way trema the room with hip thoughts la a_wltifI• H. had never dreamed of bei gorderedg to do so extrtwidinar7 ides of disobeying did not suggest it- self to him. Ile mounted his horseand ae forced the trigbted •aimel to d the stairs He made his woo through the corridors mad into the banqueting te,pa, the bsr.s's boots sounding ala the floor like a roll of Claudia $e drelr rein and .eluted. The bril- liant lights, the nnoau•I snrroundiege sad the ercper11rite* on the stain filled the spirited samal witb tear. He mov- ed about restlessly, toned hie bead and morbid with appnh•n•loa. And his master had little more o*ndes erne "Ton will ride •botlthyaon nit tb&L bo oral see ed the Emperor. bort." commanded Then were &beet seventy guests Is the room. and they wateb.d the officer oo horseback with inbred aad .mae.- slip- pery as s, end ties The polished f iron shoes were like skates The &alaial moved about cautiously, staged,, ever mewls strained to leap from a possible danger. The lieuten- ant guided lis with bis fan ea Bre. tab " Ata trot r eomb masd taming . WM slims north of tbe came of as bower - tried to make his boles jump over the obstruction. Mob time ibe salami re- fused earl went dHdtag .long oa bis striking the table. The ride r the mooring ot the goeets, bar the Emperor expresiag val. M last he drove the horse to make tits leap. He asaag.d to scramble over the obstruo- tioe. Officer end horse fell spraw- ling on the other side. Ag•la he wee compelled to take the Jump, end the result was more ridicu- lous. more humiliating than beton. The Emperor called Lieut. Amberg. He poured forth lbs ill -humor and his wrath. He told the young otfioer that 1e had behaved abominably ; that he bad brought disgrace upon lila Emper- or. Pia regiment. and himself. He had given the most isoompeteat sxhibltot of horsemanship that had over bees aeon. Finally he dismissed him. Lieut. Amberg went to his quarters weighed down. almost crushed by the degradation thmt had been heaped up - IM him. He felt that he could never raise his heal again. He resigned immediately and settled his attain as quinkly as possible. Hs went to Leaden to start lite anew, and found • place ie the banking firm where be is now employed. •r He hie n etructor toned ilk the bel of • creel islet' sand.grho le what b unmake st�rtlo�laasreg ha0ae. that easel 'he b earldoms. were %meekly 1t4 for oa asaminsUme the black oall proved to be coal erosions. ordr�ls• from upper mamawashed lathe •slley by11100111r11 11 s Ur ''tbs Hos," found in =outtalk streams. that tilts the prospector of • gold - bearing vein or • galena Pad higher up the water coarse. Um black nand was indubitable evldsaoa of RICH COAL KELM somewhere. As the trail proceeded time workers panedvWbia outpropp utile mal. At that times thereote a railroad. .ak- ar railroad nes at *tt of the discov- erer awe taws beet very great. The Dncielewt was inerely ripened to Mr. William Feats. the Oad iOssremegt Com- y=�I���O�1°ese twas tbo� 17 pe esVMti ts coal. Than the twee. env - MM. ea area of 160 equar'a mike. were Milseuedeist deposits *TO aot fax frod the must slid of Crows Ness Pam and one rode d seamstwenty .aa eon mother, einarly HAM* aloes the melanin ridges and etretehlag ep to eke seass1ii. Fourteen of tbese made swans an cowl coal. Terns of the are reepect3vl7 fittesa, tweet, ad thirty feet wide. Another great aeries of mean is ihet is the )Nit River Val- ley. where they oxtail be a dldsaes of from twenty !to thirty hat foty dies. thickk,, Le 1.600 loot up the radentata. seed fame it Ovula Mob etslat eft arc on duty in thepate n to - Permanently Cured. A STORY TOLD IT A JUSTICE 01 Tia ?Ma - . _____4 WWI �wiTr. • Weser art nes is *games T sew Added ru eees•ealaMae• sad th. same - Wonderful Effect Ohlld Wan+ Net Well a single Day for Three Years -A Fath- er's Qratetul Werds for the Ours N Hie Daughter. ."Dig little girl. who is now seven yuan oil. w'erind only throe pounds at the time of her birth. For three years and • quarter of her life she was out well a le M11 I was persuaded to giro eier Huod'a Barmparblla. aad slough! I ws.3d give it • fair trial. ,lets child began taking It according to direetioas. T1s result was a perfect ours .ad MF bode M. been ion ever tines ler reooeery. due. we test sure. tb the wad atheote of this wonderful medicine. You do not know what a combet it, is to my wife and myself to have her restored to haaltb. I to - neve els our, le personae earl,Isbell always ,sel thankful for Duda Bar- separtlla." George MnAsrlaad, W ell- aoeburgl. Oat. Sarsa- parilla parilla b Ganda' p .. `t1 hr �1. e1s Hi gi. Hood's Pills„ r',1.. 'al 's :t:' TR& REWARD OF VALOR - JUST A CAllitt, Q)0ANOB. Ms. Mann -Did yam• a» that Inman jest am we erased overt Kra. Mann -You man the woman La the camel's hair gown and heavy beaver jacket; the one wk. had on bronze Mr eq. a hat trimmed with fuch- sias' &ad beliotr. with pink ribbons and a cbilfoa sell, No. I didn't notice tier in particular. What were you g..ing to bay about beef la business comes wbeawbra thorough mat - erection is given the publiu. That's why Nerviline sella b rapidly. Taut e- acbe le cured as If magic. Pain. in- ternal or .xtera•l, finds a rapt an- tidote In Norville*. Try it.'r V saasd fl ii Ugh or !d SL l.-- er was et.e*or&•a . From the Journal. Baaaerddet PAL men BediqueOn t the beat. and vicinity Mr. Alfreed Schulman. who has renally removed to North Carleton. Mr. Bohar:&a was born in Bedieue about usveaty years ago- Some twenty-five years ago he was sworn in se a justice of the pesos. e nd clout twenty-one years ago he wap appointed clerk of the county court. in both of which oflben he has gives every satisfaction. Mr. Scbur- man was also a farmer .n a b wale and like Woe men eng•ged Olt naiveties led & busy life, being oom- pefled -to steed rtrtetty tem ree's& but lees thee •etir- hd free' g year ago n a cottage 1* North Carleton. Before now lives t his rettrsm•at• work such as only • man engaged is that occupation knows any- 1flgie r Zieve other broad ekes eueos ems The immensity the The R gallop repeated the commanA, to realized. T1s tlrs Sty not yet been aad his voice wee solder, more mean- Yt7 ID9e1 ,fins than hefo». Of ookitg Boal ro b Mme• which will prove You acquit yourself h•dty." _pt 1�VsyMle b tap smelbTu Nothing more was needed to com- M eT thio ecandar tar ate the fifties" eonfeekre and feet. tin=tag` PeO••'s d doallag wi� the ��t of piegt'ane. In draperatMn M Plunged his spun, deep into the horse's abeaL-cjaigad attention. His lecr.aaiag yea:omen teiblialligitegre ler. and the spring week of 1893 wore him completely out. This is what !se Willa &lout le and how he was cured. "lei the spring of 1.113 the constant Wil and drudgery connected with the work of tagmisg wore me out complete- ly. and the break down was the more oospib because the results were cou- pled with the bad ewe othat results an attack of la grippe. el la grippe Inn • nasty cough. an- other was the complete toes of appe- tite. My spirits' were greatly depressed sad I felt that I had lived out my days. l always telt void, and consequently °ds, the stow. and I were greet but tee sold effected more especially my feet and caused me great aanoy- anos. Added to this complication was • "serious kidney trouble which three - tensed to prove the went enemy of all. I was meanie to do any work, lad no ambition t idbi15 ss etrtee ofgth, and l the was pot • aooto7'a amitiolne I had talon. It was ray wife wee allvlmed me at boa htooutry t Dr. Williams' Pink them 74 pix boxes sad began takingfor the bops revived t,ecauae $ change better was Boon taking place, and be- fore o-fore they were done 1 wee cured. The six bores brought tack my appetite, atrangth. sed amlatlon, is .bort, all that I had lout In the way of strength ata 1tb. 'Tbs mot spring, hewav- er, m$ Melte sepia VIVO way and I Immidt&tear began nine the Pink Pills amain, and I am happy to say that they erected that time a permanent cure sod to -day I are well rtyas f I ware mal l strongly forty. recom- mend Dr. W1lUsme' Pink Pills to all who &ye suffering as I was. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mire byTgo- ing to the root of the disease. y resew and build up the blood. Ind enaction this served bdriving Dense from the system Avoid Imita- tions by insisting that every box you pan is enclosed In • wrapping hearing the foil trade mark. Dr.Wil- liams' Pink Pill. for Pale People. Melbasn the mast dramatis Teton Lord Charlie Bereeford ever got for valor was a few years ave. On hit- ter void night. whet his able was oU the Fsulklaad Wands, tbera wee a cry of "man over os.r4 The matey had di/appeared beasata the floating los. Though oiled b heavy garments. Lord Charles 1.r1aLly sired a col of rope sad limped tats tube ma. "I went down sad down and down." said Lord Charles whew relating the loci- d.at. "until I bore& to skink that the other sad of the rope esu not fastened to anytlaag. At last 1 grasped my Inas, the rope became taut, and I De- gas to earead. The ship's oorporal helped us both out-" Fifteen yearn sttervearba Lord Clare. wee epeakise at s political meeting in support of Lord Folkestone's candidature. The Mil we& packed. and soddenly teem was a scuffle at the back. "Chuck hem out!" cried some one; but Lord _Cbarleay� come u to the ia- tltore "ani t ou 11if to what he had to say The mea struggled forward la great szeite- meat. H. only wetted to shake hands with his rescuer. He was the sailor who had hexa laved by Lord Charles from the by -est off the rsulktaad Is- laods. ENTERTAINING PERSONAGES. Pretty Girl -Haven't you ever met Mr. De Dudmt Ob. you eh uld know Mur. for I'm ours you would enjoy his society. He's so amusing. Ra•lotie Rival -That reminds manly uncle «ho has just returned from Eur- ope, brought m. • prompt of the moat comical little m.nke7 you ever saw. Let ms bring him arotfnd mums even- ing. or. Liens, Ambers urged his theanto n� an - 'nalsI edam. a tIIratt>< nal slipped to its lsanebes. There wee very tittle space 1 a wbbk to manoeuvre. It wee with dlffinIty Mat � tot reed keep his mat. Tin the boots ad tb efforts made by the berm to hemp fres falling math • frightful mast. At a gallop r' The commend of the Emperor was .bsrp and quiet. Lieut. Aaberg'S fan 1•d lat•tmme white, but be weld not re- tire. He gave his bore the spur. Ties animal sprang forward and went slip - pias, scrambling along the floor: fin- ally failing. The rWer had to leap trent the addle to mesh iris w the est. Again be mounteif ord plight f offiith icmer and horse. Theg•r was * ivring with fear. He refused aegthe Aga u• and thirty bat to go toward became of the danger of ""' are , tailing Pa the Men" suTlsee' At • gallop 1 LA Md. Men a Hales »ten etc -removed M Wesly Wm. Mob mind Bt. W., Tomatos, re�ntett�vtry gold otos of flat reeled elides. and again went pleaging. scrap - mama Dred there ver spear i awl sliding along. Tient, Amhara mete Wtlt Ude Iv the loser anth- roturt% hear the roan of Laughter and be (*hobs: {tat ti s o mgtrad co b roues see UM cold, immovable taste er Milereasysnorts, In tocttale tb eo.l ra him wienersb, who wee eeerifieing bim uta hitherto to • wbiat. Iie hoped that tam floor in two reaped - tke coal bot might epees sal . he might fe1l. He 1 t n% er are a sirtkT. til wishes fora sarins se. idert. for death, ,s 14to a a4l grater erelong. , nytbing to .wraps the torment sae •N vest ataed`t s"a' Weary. t°DrtagV�eh tree, for veiled sok- 1,pg�saltl abaolutel jr_ taaelvansab)5 la, Rut be won not yet to saran•. The the pl'e ole of eassittag• To thane , Kinnear bad a mon n- diffieelf. and s are Om bessadlsas dtetebes d wood- teltarona aoat*Sad'te pat neon bis. lea plains. is latitudes when feet. art . He dusted, that the table and t aks ample heel, is a gaeeedtr during oh; to 0101 into a Mardis is the mid m„ystba et the year. In • oUmste ; of the room. The servants apee4Oy seeps 11d, wilsera see tem severe tag tttlfilled his order. The gents drew gtl0tiiegt 0 gide, wed eimede t fuel,to one Ade, that they might en sod done est lelee the Mas overshadow - t p�oyet tempos Injury. �s�9e1The aiming regional • Toe wilt Juts, your hors over t1e Ind jistshs resent their peculist' table" ilasseah sap, Metwn. the Rock- I Therm en a menace it the Rsper- b *.tutus to- oe's Lotto .anal Tient. Autterg knew 400111 a .:baud• f there wee no bon ter bin. He 11a'i so 1155s iepply .1 *Dam* varlets. d ebeM. He gramma tits danger. He Wow (bat it was almost Imps sibiete Agape a frightened hone that had learant that bis footless was most tIn- M meet* to oasis tau Mem. Some el eke(ru bel been (laced leg's spread. t. M ilberg's fees was whiter than SIMPLE AT FIRST. Toronto Cutting School. erOlJNo iarde Leers f'u Nobetter trade ser raete..l•a. it ease areata. KIND-B,KARTYD BRAX311T. Cookin Bohtwl Girl -Bridget. what did you do with that cobs, I baked yen terdayt Hr. Yiaefgllo is bare. and I want to give him rims. Bridget. -W u11, mum. I'll get It fur ye if ye say sot twit sure it isn't me wed be dis000ragin' a nob* young man like that. NO °H NCE roil THE REST. Hasskiah-Tory ray that Skinner Clutch bet religi,ro. Obadiah -alight es well stop th' revi- val. thea, for et he bee it tber won't no one ekes git it. tt V reeefaO 1. Seem. ..7 sled of riles -lure ?Nis el the aegf.etes. Piles are almple is the beginning and easily cured- They oma be cured even in the worut Magas without pain or iossot blood. quickly, surely. sed com- pletely. There is only nae remedy that will do it--"Tr.sk'a Magnetic Oint- mroot." It allays the taflamm.Lioa immedi- ately. heals the irritated surface. and, with continued treatment, redness the swelling and pints the membranes in good, sound. healthy codtlition. The can is !borough and permanent. Hen are some voluntary sad unso- licited testimonials we have lately re- ceived:- Jodie Hoary D. Barron. St. Croix Falls, nay.:- I have suttered Severe- ly from piles. end bound no remedy until I applied 'Trash's Magnetic Oint- ment.' It relieved me at once, and p•rtis&deeatly• to tbs present time." Dente John. of Liberty, Bays: -"Hy wale was afflicted with the piles tor tee nen' or mon. and have tried many eminent physicians, but receiv- ed so benefit until I wen induced by year agent bare, Dr. (leaver, to nee Tr.mk'a Magnetle Ointment.' sad I oma sow nay oda is entirely cured with three bottles" C. I.. Boot. Mooresville. sale: -"I have been using your'TtYk'qq Magnet- ic aaboret' for btesdlah Min. ad find it beips ms mors. than anything else I ban tried." All druggists sail Trask's Mag.etlo Mat/rant. It is 25 and 40 cents for fuU-+deed packages and is put npoely by Brescia II. Labia, 171 Bay street, Toronto. SOME PROGRESS REPORTED. Have you caught twat murderer yet No, replied hese detective: we bavea't caught Cala. bet we've got bim So scared teat he doesn't dare 4p sbow blaaselt *bee we're around. d. a. anuses, we, M t e.n.se+L To`tONl0.0.1 THROAT EYE, EAR, NOSE & mvaA 1 Wa ,,JS ONTARIO $USl�9 COLLEGI Most wtdelr As= in n Isritio. �- tne.tr.Mg rntateass ROBINSON • JOHNSON O.A1 7I.LZYiLLi • Apples,Poeltry, Feggs,d�a TM MtrMR ConinderMR Co.,ti?w •5.I, lona ■ ie n mea eeatavee et, - Mean, Ts tabes, The Loa receives the record of daily exporierss. Oonwtaat suffering from morns will trsar your beauty. Do not look &axiom and discontented. but cue Patssm's Painless Corn Retract:sr, wMcb will extract that more Dorn 1st a day without pain. coal. WTYit VARIATIONii. Mn Ports-Worewe were married you vowed yen would dee Air sae. , !steel be net PoRna Prior .*try Peek it. mrpriwing the tells linen qt re spirIti-Wear this to a liming teeth 1 1 through with it. Time apt) igen be BEATEN FOR ONCE., Drnpglit--Bea hen i Why tell that otutoaet that we thing jot .m aood ( _ NlTte New Clark-oatssil' IRP some postage .taap s. didn t you had nese- was after CATARRH CANNOT RR CORED I�p k LOCAL APPLiOATiONA. se t ee- sit *.lee the +e•s_}a, s 44ase +s 1h r bleed K emrsntur `tete tMvrell asaslias-is- `rb. 5.ula5 delta net amenst to sack, they dMs% esti tbems.lv.s. al Goodrich Res -Flex SIMCLI TYRE TIRES Tse shwa lest el .11 . too oe the ■tossr 0Y0a built of tt. 5151 tau sed esel..aod to savor. tests. Thew arc plots that should establish the eos$d.are the ttrs dr versos oat .sulotue "T" fully .r pl.lo. lead for It Deal we quoted. AI0ONAM nee se. hltalsoe es nae fes amt et, Ir., Teneltle. Klondike Sui encs e . . We utter tfotbiag bore truth whew we= ONSOON...... iN DO -CIS' A+ to be the most economical In the world. TRY IT 11........ Mai .. A. L is �I Mlneo•� a� Uplteyr..^ttt ter mot• Ban looms R000•.ltWomo R tmowsuems. Bence Sloore p e Teceut, Art:. (teed for .londlkellet. The Wightman Sportinr Goods 00., tel er. P*ULBT., MONTH' &L. QUA - HAVE YO TW T lle111111O1il.l 1. I lO%I e I I. ♦ I11 11.11 11!'1 �' . 11 /i'i,041 MR. 4OODW$ MUSS 'P ltoYAL VILLI A 8peoifio for Female Oom iii sn5.1.. .�tsw.<s r s"cres=s rep�ol ee seelwe sWtle1n e.� _, ,� a =r-oir eel e�p��lss t1*eraii.:le�h..tere� 11Os'�lsp 51 -sea ,elbsl.. £ reef e l�. tww�.."� v..1• J'05 tea ...ter stake Twine,* ehiearsm Ra. MAK TIM.. A PIO WITH TAILS? Is 1105 W11Tg - W. C. HARRIS, Crap" t Mlles rt. - W'dt71e. * w►a. "wi Will' YOU QUIcL4 ist.11 ladles Tad sea PRO A_�j y1 wiitshh t.e1 sad ver, fvR�t+N/ • tsptoy. $Autry t the • JN$L11Y is *soon 0000 R WtJI$t i TION. Cas glee .JN addrw Teti. os, N iM a lef*50 0I•+tn�d 91111 to !t 7. le aortas « ao.. its Rlehamd tt.t teaseM AS YOUR O RU DEALER FOR -Royal SafctY BURNING OIL The Best CANADIAN OIL. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Royal OiI Co, TORONTO. ONT. 1 (1 DUTHIE & SONS �Itdk<Rmat-sem. Tres w Aram sone Meeallot& (Y!Itnr4 Terra Cotta Tile. Iced. R)♦aet AM Oreo Hoolle' Slate Metal Den. Mesa .ret. Tar, Rooth g Pitch. Ito. brume Dowsplpee. eta. supplied the tr.da Teepees• see. Adelaide a W,dear eta. TORONTO. 1t'T�`Q�a single tgllle 'and Y=om pebble tread tires come _ -.{,._the. hands clf�l><perienud • men, not lacking in one good thing that goes to at once make a tire easy - gym_ w_ esu riding, wear resisting and perfect In -every �par mil tires, and repair theta finish. - we �Wrissidr prices, _ - FREE OF CMT. t6O5TBtAt. Windsor N tsf Meek. - TORONTO TIRE CO., Limited, WII:NIPEC WlnnlperRubberWorks. 9 Adelaide St. West. 61ALWAX - sines opens let April. QUEEN'S TRIBUTE TO SERVANT. Quests Victoria hap paid • touching tribute to her old eervent. Tea queen has planed on the grave of the late Mrs ,McDonald in Crethie churchyard. a tosabte*S consisting of two hand- some Mooks of red Peterhead granite. ase the top of wbioft ie carved so in- terlaosd Celtio erase. TIIo followiag in- aeri4tiea V cut in raised polished let- ters: This atone is placed by Queen Vlo- toric in gretetul sad affectionate re- membrance of Annie McDonald. daugh- ter of William Mitchell of Clechsatura and widow of John McDonald. She was in the queen's Service for forty-one 'Wert and during thirty-one years wee wardrobe maid. and the faithful mere• ant ad devoted friend to the queen, by whom her lees is deeply deplored. She was horn at Carona-Culmhne, Jan. 9. 1832, aad died st Clachanturn, July 1897. beloved sad mourned by all who knew her. ' Let her owe worka praise her.' Proverbs. mixt, 31. 'Notl- lag in mor bead I bring: simply to Thy otiose I eliag.'" E by Bomber. Bol «eat lea want. VEGETABLES. ,Order be Httah.r.1 1 aws. &ISM tette* I Boot.1 - _ Y mead Osbatia4 t 1. waste• cemee�.�Pt.ttl e t oat O.iMi. as1RgMa.u.g It Hark saes 11 Hana s.esry a 17 VARIETIES FOR 25 Cts. TM is .-EONA elegilldeassentetreesses ear •••••••911 sad Plower whe •• No Customers and which we guarantee to please you or t gd reloaded and the Seeds given .e . present. gaol price. we ca. on 1.1. offer the variations named below. Order They Tee'e seat by mall post ems' /else tem the foUowtag tot woks Mannnice, IIims rot tr or Commiearly O 4 Opsuloa, T.11o. dine Demo. Parol►. Hollow Crows Radish, /moth Maw arsIdsol Mi■.sh. Rtabbo"rd Tomato, Dwarf Q ip AtIa ti' PLOWER!. Akar% mla.d rlgm.n.tte...51 P.aar. nettwt Peon* seised xastartnnos 1.11 mica* Sinai Pew, Vias mired Wes rower, o.rd.a wised We well tba rows ere � A hem prices 11e07 des thee,.► WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. FREE WITH EVERY ORDER Providing WI. Cospon 5. OUT OUT sed .oat to as with se ord.. for If p..k..s, we will Include 1 psek.t 7*.. ()i.ut Mil- len p4.11441.4 price leo, Iffs. of Nal a TU yy O1 THIS PAPta, SOMETHING FOR NOTHING Person• suffering from Rheumatism, Salt Rheum. Plies. Totter, Chilblains, Famens Skin Die. ass, etc., who gene s two Beat themes (tor postage only) with name and address. we will send • free sample of Treak'e Magnetle Olnt- moot with • Relnek,m's Cook Book fres. Irani* U. Kahle. lel? Bar Ht., Tene- ts WPOINS Two Hundred an 1 = ventyrf ive Cups in each pound of 40c. LooluA Ceylon Tea. Do yogi realign the value this conteine--seven cups for one cent. Try it. Is, N , e•, Se ea/ R. es Bead PagrsgM. treat l.•arng Veseaa. • r1 • i'•••• , os".44 , r'4.. • l".44• i-;;•4 • •i- Sr"' -'44. • a...4 • •••••-"", „,•••••••4„ • ,..•••••••. • „.•••-•44. • 5•a...4•••••• -"".,_•••4„.r•.-.•-'. •..•••-••••. r MEDICAL ..Science Startled.. THE NEW INGREDIENT In 11101(11111N1 11001:EIPY 011:11E fares Rheumatism, kidney 11211141110114eagel daily t X000 Canadians sag Jnen Of testify minetionsits lts. endorse 1ticl ps use The general public swear}by it. e Clergymen of all deryo King's Daughters, Ilamilton, say: "No hesits;ion ul reconuneuding it. Know it hoe awed & terrible cable of Sciatica, and other cages of Rbenmatism." Rev. Thos. (teop'lliegan, Ht. Peter's Mission, Hamilton : "Froin 'inferno interviewed I reoelved the saute hearty testrnlony of pain roue)* and health rastnre'i. Tdenty•llve people." RSV. Eugene Grunix, Archbishop's Palette, (Made "Marvellous cures affected in Rhuematie and Skin Dilemma which Dame directly to iy notice. Twenty -81% people." Patrick Ryder, London, Ont, : d Rhuurnatiem thirty -ail: yssars but "Kootenay Cure" drove it all one of res system." Mrs. Maggie bfoMartli.t, Radepburet 811., Toronto : "(,eft side completely paralysed. "Koote- nay Cure" and nothing else, tutored my health." HE WHO HEtS1TATE14 18 LAST. The longer you wait the worse you beoome, but as long as yon have waited we man sine Jou. Just think, 4000 people cured in Canada atone, Copy of above testimonials and others (awardjp) sent tee on appllqatim There is no eubetitnte for "Koote ti mammas", *Web cont%itis the RImammas", mod W your druggist does not sell it send die TflB S. S. RYCKMAN LialtetilAKILTON, ONT. PRICO 01.00 PRR SOTTLS 1 0 CO.,OTTI.WW iFFOR 00.00 "RC)OTItN IbSpiiasfrrt which notain Nlle.New!martPelee inet154 b site .119 0*lp'' Eealeebe, Nelms .,los arid Oesetipd i s 1 1/ f,t .a J