The Signal, 1898-2-11, Page 4OTC Polishers! 5,000 Copies New add Up -to -Date MUSIC WORTH 40, 50 ANO 60 CENTS, IOc. a Copy CaII or drop a card for Catalog EMERSON'S REPRESEN'.M1, A. & S. MER, TORONTO THOMASRN CO. Ike Oignal, hs rcttslsa>m EVERY THURSDAY MORIN •1 O. ■Kss.rat* T ' OODZRICS, FRIDAY. dila 11, 1111S. WM HURON ELICTIGN 1 MR. CARROW'S MEETINGS. • Martinis is te•littliesdi thr" U?. Sinew; the Liberal emeltd•te for West Heron, will b Mid as follows : II LONI StfORO—FAL, kala 11, at 8 P.M. HOLIIESVILLE—eat., ", 12, at 7:00 r.e DUNGANNON—Mon., " 14, u 2:30 r.r. - - ,.. . _ i►. —. ST. AUGUSTINE " 'v 15, at 7:30_1.. ie. AUBURN—Widnes., " HOOVsit'S—Tharb., " 17, " =INTAIL—Fri. " 18, at 2:30 r. oRANT8sCHUOL—Fri, " at 7:30 " HINa8BR1QUE—Sat., Feb.19, M2:30 •"- Nomination, Tuesday, Feb. 22 COURT 00051. OOI,RIWWR. THE SI GNAL: GODERICJI ONTARIO y��::: ✓•moi:.. n parent look of enthusiasm, to the foot I the electors oan see the men taco tufaos, that the leader of the Government and 1 and Ret a geed ileo as to which Arlen will better represent them on the door of the Legislature. It would have been in the interest of the electors of West Huron had such a plan been adopted iu this riding, for, after all, there is no ,better way of enabling the people to determine which tiandidete is the tetter equipped to represent them in Parliament. the leader of the Opposition are both new men, and the people are not so responsive to their names as they were to those of kiow*T and MgasuITM. Others there sr* who ulaim that there has been a broad cleavage from party lines in the last few years, and that a stronger independent sentiment exists in the Province now titan at any pie- vious tiwe. Be that us it may, there is not the strong manifestation of par- tisan enthusiasm that formerly exist- ed, and neither Brit nor Tory is in evidence to as great an extent as in previous elections. —It may be, that the people are getting more sane in their conduct of elections, and that individuals are be- ing educated to curb their feelings more than in former years; or, perhaps, they are beginning to realize, as has been pointed out by Mr. GANitOw, in more than one of his speeches, that., after all, there is very Tittle of politica in the conduct of •claire in the Legis- lature, where.-ainetenths of the work transacted hat little or nothing to do with politics of a partisan nature, but is of a purely business character. There certainly cannot be much politics ia au amendment to the Ditches and Water- courses atercourses Act, er in any legislation ask. ins for a radial railway franchise, for power to enact a bonus bylaw, or for the incorporation of a maaufac- taring company. TINLAY'8—Wedoes., Yob. 23, at 7:30 r. e. NILE—Than., " PORTER't! HILL—FrL, " 25, " LEEBURN—Sitar.. Feb. 25, at 2:30 r.w. THE CAMPAIGN. THE Provincial campaign is nowia full swing, burihe party fires do not appear to be burning as brightly as in former 3 ears. Some attribute the ap- 4 • Nature makes the cures after all. Now and then she gets into a tight place and need* helping out. Thingr get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction —When • man has represented a toward health. constituency fora number of years, it Scott's Emulsion of Cod - is his duty to give an account of what liver Oil with hypophos- he has done in his public capacity, and phites can do just this. if. be isnot able to give a satisfacter1 It strengthens the nerves, record of his labors, he should befeeds f t mished tissues, and forced to step down and out. If, on makes rich blood. the other hand, his course has been clear and consistent, and such as should redound not only to the credit of himself but to the benefit of his constituents and the Province general- ly, then he should be retained. If he hu been derelict, and an opponent comes into the field against him, it is the duty of that opponent to meet him floe to face, and to point out all sins of commission and omission that lie at the door of the old member. Iti. is not enough to say, " I want the job, and it's time for a change." The people desire that the newcomer should show cause why the other mad should step aside. s s s —Up to the present in this con- test no pantie meeting has beetf held by the Conservative candidate, nor Wm he appeared at airy of his .oppo- nent's meetings to poict out where that gentleman has been weighed in the bilanoes and found wanting, and we think it is only fair that the public �+IheaId have plaeed before .-them-b Mr. Uaugow's opponent why the old member should be ousted and another man . chosen. West fibroin should brit* a --Siad" representative, mod if Nis Conservative candidate is in t-poeiton to prove that the interests of tba 'riding will be better served by his election than it would be by again sending Mr. GARROw to duty to do The people can get on toe..M 1,... ; a1 d,u($Yta SCOTT & SOWN&. Cliental., Tercels. SNAP SHOTS. —Election time is • great leveller. —It looks like a still hunt in this isomer •f the vineyard up to date. —Old " Ambitious Nova Scotia " is having his hands full at present. • —In WestHuron, the Liberal can- didgte has opened his campaign, but up to the present his opponent has failed to make open manifestation of his interest in the fight, and as a re. salt, whatever excitement that hail hem geniertii oT a one-udid cB'li1R' iote,.'-The wether last week. was not bearable to the holding of enthusias- tic meetings, nevertheleu good recep- tions were accorded to Mr. OAstow, at Carlow, Benmiller, and Port Al- bert. This week, Wingham, Clinton, Blyth, ',Belgrave, and Holmesville, are on the line of visit, and with two weeks to go, the work of the election ought to be well up to concert pitch. —In East Huron, we understand timPealraildwies •have arranged for a series of joint wettibge, which is an eminently fair and proper method of conducting a political contest. Then obar.b, Blvth, last evening, Feb. 10th. the Legislature, it is his so without further delay. want all the light they this subject. Rev. Joseph Edge assisted as the sum.' saetines being held in th. Metbodut —That armed Yankee escort to the Klondike turns out to ha • myth. —HainaooD has Dirs STsa1AWAls's luck. He has been granted a new trial. —That Lieut. -Governorship in the Northwest seems to be going &begging. GODERIC$ BARGAIN CENTRE Y —The mortality on the evening of polling day averages fully fifty per oeut. ---A very perceptible quietness pre Nails iu th. 1'ouservattve candidacy in Wsat fl„r. n,. —Brother DswAst i. going to try awl Near the Manse's crown ,n North Toronto. 1 ---The Conservatives in West Huron ►anweelsibisistgaa eleom case ot.ammended as ination at present —There aro • number of voters cane. -a-days whose favorite air is, i' AU Coons t ont--Attke virile." --_ —There isn't a great deal of political law Punthing going os, in this week of the woods at present —If Toronto reflected the sentiment of the Province, ()uteri. At large, would be ,eetbiii1. politically, Just now. —At Ottawa, we observe, the poli - ti. -tans are pressing .on,pliments with their vi r"+tl.muri aryl` 14.941 gr„ ox. A BIG MOVEMENT IN BLACK SILKS FOR ONE WEEK, SILKS at $1.40 per yard for $1 00 BILIS at $1.25 ter yard for 95 SILKS at 75 per yard for 50 SILKS at 50 per yard for 38 8TIaK8 at 25 per yard for 19 Come and see ; come and compare. Remember, this sale is only for one week. On the Centre Table is a lot of Remnants of Dress Goods, away down in price. JAI/1MS ROBINSON understood the Tory candidate had toms out on Candlemas day, when the sun show, had seen his shadow, and then went into retirement for the usual term. —Sir CuARLse TuPr&R is still stretching—he avers that he now bees sure signs of disintegration among the Liberals. —Let us understand this thing. Tanday, Feb 22, is nomination day, and the election will be held on Tneer>ay, March -Up to the time of going to teres we have not been able to leant that any Con servative meetings will be held in the riding. —From M I LTOIr'e " Paradise Lost " we learn that a deceptive polltllRsn mitred l.cctrrat originated the phrase, " It is time for a change." --Tepees and Furze will have dihhi.•utty'ii, pulling in the eanie harness, gust even WILLIAM FIOLAY UArLLAN is in- clined to Iw l,alky. —We say to the politicians, as the Hon. JOHN LAwasacs Scu.lvAN said to Messieurs Frrdtissines and Coaerrrr, "May the best man win." -I4 will be in order for Sir CRAILLN Term& to real tlu.r.v MA4u.EAN nut 01 tee party, or, at leant, to give him the six months' hoist. —An irreverent Grit, when asked the other day when the Conservative meet- I —In Ellet Huron the candidates are ings would open in til+ riding, said that he into the tight, lieketty-ewiteh; there is music in the air in South Huron ; but hero in the West there appears to be only one tide to the questiou. —Have you read the elevator by. law and the agreements in eminect ion there' with r If nut, bzge. and read teem. The reacting rrill help yen le determining ipso en intelligent vote. last be Cleared Oat! —The leaders will give music in Huron. HARDY will speak at Clinton on Monday and Faster on Tuesday, awl were. am will .gawk tau WWI uf...li ..at Brussels during the week. —Cnest.ls M.sacII, the well-known Frenehdhnadian political stumper, is au- thority for stating that CMArtsar will pre- sently he appointed Canadian Commissioner to the World'. Teri at Fiat" UMW* NO ""t`. Liberal who can fill the position! _ ...w-- ._ AU. KINDS OF • ..r had It hath furniture s/.. to Toronto M Yeadq ban iM was= READY MADE CLOTHING MY OWN MAKE AU testolnes Goods, and well made uFp eau be sold at remarkably dew Floes to s1a&r 1t Out ODA nae •rasstmeat sl pow goods for dal and Winter wear, CALL ANIS ads Ms. H. DUNLOP West -* Taller. east Baak Sa•tes•i. Give the Baby The only food that will build tlyi a weak mis- t titutiun gradu- C ha nce ally but surely is Martin's Cardinal Food a simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. NINNY WATSON • 00., r.swee,....., lewd rent. For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBESTFRIEND ��os�r wu iw uw�o�. HE1Lol THE OLD RELIABLE. seeds factory. Weak lipaemia M raped 4 t+e base bre - ea ors at tee ap alta mope ib the Owe. sot* noes Holmes, .1 the abase New Zea, ALWAYS ON HAND sad Mayer of that tows, is mooted to preach loth marinas and evening west Nasdaq in North strew' Methodist obara. is the abtneo• of the. pastor, Rev, Joseph Zdsm, who will preach missionary seesows at Versa ow test dote. COAL Nan Pass railroad. "Seek good tboagks or ameba snow skin dark world seater to the saw."—Weft- tier. " 1 bed rosier in manually blotWd est of erfeteeoe than es ether than on God's side." —Mn Tborsky. BEST FOR i Butter Ftieese Table Farm Costs No More than Inferior Balt "T h 5alt of the Earth." PURE SALT. • SOLE SIANUPACTURBRB 3 North American Chemical Co. (Limited) GODERICH, ONT. Awarded Highest Honors for Purity Color Grain Excellence 11' Every Package Guaranteed to give Highest Satisfaction ScraiitouScralljoi hard Coal All Coal weighed on the Market Scute, whet you get MOD lbs. for a too. WM. LEE. Orden MIs at L$223 a LZWI sum* promptly attended to. OODEBICH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, ewaea.e.r to Oisrs lei • Awes, suawtLsot-r'er et W triode of BOILERS Broke Stacks, Balt Pans, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc., And Dealer la— angfaes, Maehiaery Centaup, to. All ohne of Pips sad Pipe Tlrihtp, Maras sad Wates Oaares, Globe Wyss, Meek Valves, hood/stars. Ifjeotss and L• joetses Constantly .a Hoed at Lewes oaA &pedal line of Ikea Water and Hog Trewgka for we e! fairway awl ethers. Re at tsg,ess,w astewdea te. A. L o!>IlT'/r'AL, as -lv P. 0. Hoz S. Sodomise. The Impression seems to be that with Yr. Harper's leaving the firm for- merly ormerly known as Maims h Les, now Las h Snenano, that plumbing boo been dropped. This is T We are in a Better Position than evert. do Plumbing.Steam, Hot Water. Hot ir or Cot'tiblikatioa Heating and GM Fitting, baring obtained the Merida et Ova. $10111.113),a peseliad tie. will wid Me A Mistake. •I' LEE 'SHEPHARD M41josa an.1 Uan.renaetts. t ears twits Well • morales other be -etla Steel