The Signal, 1898-2-11, Page 3spITDRl4L NOW. PNt,hsalt.'1+114 07 the chief junto of Hnglaai that brut interest tor ns, though there may differed° d mines among M to the weirs eaas of the ,i1Fdg- t& peiat of law. A young Ing - nomad Clay. who had jest arms Rad Leto Os pasressioa of a largo was meadby sa Old family Lord William M.vilL to whams A roll d rpm was pro- red rep by blotto&( or payer, {a whl-b then wan four Rad upon Mr. Olay caking Williams smut tba doenmsrat wan the latter •aid It was • power attorney relating to W sister's. y Co ley's. worst&(* settleseot csrbio divorce psooesdisge then Belying apes oasis stato- $.r. Cloy edgood bis mem la them tour tiaas Rad Lewd llraiill twin*. Mr. Olay b.ilevtag that be se oak wits/wing the signatures of Swill. 11 turssd out that what signed was two joist Rad amoral mtmor7 totes wits Lord Bevin. for or £11.000. peyabs to the order of Samuel Larks. a woll•laaw& Lon- na mel lender, with whoa Lord &rill kcsg had had mossy transo•- tiorr, Thr, rotas woos disooaatod b! Lents at Di& 'IFiristlag sad w rata of n. par catty. " bat Chore is no usury law b' $agl•ad this had no Morino a the ams. The auto allies dna .moi Lord Williams Ne- ill bowleg bearded ed to ties coatis - Mr. Lawig brought ..It agsiait Mr. Clay for tee smommtd time sots.. AN EPISODE "TMs tie charming spot -tor two." 4. said. aeatiog Massie oamtortably at bier feet. • ••We.ar• lucky to toad it na000apbd," abs rid. "especially at am of Mrs. Ourdoc s gards.porths• letmi will b. pleased. 1 don't behave nears L a square inn d the lawn to be Ran." "The wbools world Is barn. I know. Skis Lleds•7 ; I have sbekan beads with it." "It is oma of the pn*rltiss of being a groat author.' "Or of belag aotnriou.r "You ars fou modest, Mr. Holland. Have you not soared the honors ot tate afternoon with the Primo sad tis let - Mt uoa-just taeportod from Booth Al- ston was it sots' "And telt Ilk* a grartyr ell the Liras. Hat there you base the proof. Mis Lindsay, Dust tblak I am oompiste- Ing. rams and notoriety moan the ear• -is Logica. Lad la thin" -hs ladlcated tbo scrim of shrubbery which wt at t o lIttb &sok trod the rent of tisn garde., but did not abut out the str'ait's et the How Hungarians or tbs hum of magt toloea--"In We I have sty reward. I forgive tis. Uon- buatotu," "It is a maid to be out of IL" the ods4tted. "Ice you know. Mt. Holism. Nit those nooks -yes. then are sora of thMm-an a pot Ides of Mrs. Gur- dona f "I must thank ber. Bios is • woolen of genius." Bbd laughed merrily. "Ob. no, no is only an incorrigible aatob-mak- .r-&ad finds thus ambit" "Bo aha. .t last. believes in laver ba yoked. picking up the thread et a forms coavorsaUoo. "Or is marriage. Is is not always tie seas thing. is 'tr. "It should M." ha replied. with a& sir At. tion dome* oonviytlos. He woo looking rep into bar eyes. 'What doss somebody wt -that to ward love is a dlrta.e ; in mss it le sa eldeode-' "I mega to r000lloot that." M said. "Bat it is enemies; lawn *meet bo eliiaa tip id Tropig'rsa.... --- she laughsd, "I am afraid yea bans a very bed memory. Mr. dollaad. la it aaotbsr of t.bs p.Dalties of-no- toeistg r' "Ice nay cam I .t3 onlaid at. L More - din the oulpritr I mutt two that to your covarisnce. air. The saatias&t appears in a brit - limit study of society. ,titled 'Provi- deaoe and Mrs. Grandy. for wMon if the thisomis is to be trotted'-" "Mel i remember tow. Please spars aro, llias Lindsay. Yoa don't Mow the evil deeetaet iitrass-making -it saps a saa's morals until he has an even a nodding &ogwtntanco witb oke truth. AM Fos have taken your TIr jury losid fig Gusts to 4. that r. Lewis iced takes ties sodas la good site and la the smuts. at, donates. itbcut saapicioa of the tread. bat hat Mr; CIAO bad sot nomad the pie rs as proal nosy tlgrtatCaor was b.. Mor the droea easK °hagad with ligiss-s. UMW lulls . bamts the justice bold as matter dmf low that r. Clay . was sot liable. for the roo- tlet 4. bad sever sabred into ay c+ostrsotuai ohligatIoo to pay Mr. win asytbiag. aa4 that kis sigaatnrrs the anal as arab wM is lvbtlblW}.. not is law. a forgery. From tbs meri.-so point d slew this decision a *Ws Maui's.. for we bore !ways Mae ltd to believe that mete trtrasrata wore sarronsdsd by pe. utter smoothly, wbioh othor ove- racts did amt per- . sad that all • r for vats bad to look oat for was gonnamons of the signature. ysaas ago soma d oar waiters rwen wen • Urk4d tato signing smaerg. ctsppeaiag thee wen Dias anew triAIsg agramoat tobuy or sosetbtrs of that sort. We tett tis warts hold them rites to valid is Um has la of lasoasat Hard rase tor value. This cases are ds- . ori we comet but think that tbs tubo of the chin jostles is muck in Record w kb Mottos. At MI ts, It la a hrmisons sad vigorous neo. but as the case is to be ►p- ied. whither it is the law or not reclaim to !is mess. Tb. moral story is thse young mss ohm riolrri°OffitiSOPimboaid bs careful t signal tiidr Mass to mikados or eves to busk paper. PURLS 0? 'twin better part of valor la disastloo. espea*s. orlicen In to tin ibl.d what haaltb the body-RociedosesWM- words admit et ne Moms; sat of lesser, la want of seas. rainy whoa detested SWOT gives but boldll add' impdwaee to la" ere.--rtiMdgrin . MOO nab tsuita sen with mks m.stakes than ba wbo Matrons --Casoar. rth has ootk1ahg mom tender than n's boort wPes it Is ties abode piety. -Lather. • eb job earas1ss only la oar work oar daiar; and our best doing is :est esjnys.at.-J•eobi. saddest faiiores la Ibis ars oboes esus from sot postbag tortb the r and will to Tnsowd - . P. Whip- Perverse hipperverse temper snot a disow:t at• fretful disposition wherever they vii, render any stat. at Ute UTe .-Cseerdo. rich man wand remember that tour -se paukstii. the wield Ibisg, slide tbeir width with eitlldr..t and give for tit= and so knee, tles wealth con gioso-Tryas Ed- r7 4 snake at leen MM person bap - ere is tea Tears ms ham a1 COM psrnoas MP , or may • mon town by your ribstieo to the ihatd et amoral es- s._87dnay Smith. t4. eor.nra o<h.r .tem; the um'AQRICULTURAL woos not mikaews to bar. Timm s a awe thing w your coat. Mr. MO - HO Mated no insect oft. -rattnll4GOr tittliT TRYniln. "I have somrtb;,ng to sy. Miss Lind- Whoever attempts to pram strait but 1 o&kirtd d o* kat,wmb It la stupid; tree of sort Moore cutting oft any but I don't gaits knew bow to a t." a7 "la it aeosrsriy r' MOO asked boo- limb, branch, twig*: fruit -spier. should osatl7 "1 don't like ouotssio i. Mr. he able to aunts a s.ieatllto reason Hollsad. Ws are Low Church F•opl*•' (or prnalag eft or or mon d snoh "It aroma a lot to ms," 6►aoations& Ili'"than" itt ilk andW there sea sham Than he th esateportions of e tree -tops, wss rlt8. E. (a ror oho wooed time, parbaps Leel- Todd. If a praar is nut able to give Bb. proper e � oD°4a<• a&d res. removing any part d the top, be will aim. t is tins we wore retaraing." he quite as likely to damage • tree as she rom&r%d. to improve the growth or the fruit pro - "HMI go just yet. kiss Liaday," duotiveness of any tres. ba pleaded, puttln� out a band to de - mg that as rl�bt peal conduces a scientific roma tar cutting bask or t talo bor. "I wait yctt to Maths to aye for a m'a.sot. I won't keep you it-" obs already s washalf-hidden by the shrubbery. and bar only answer woe a bewildering while. He had pre - (ores to follow. "It imams more crowded than .ver." Ile said as obey pbbsd their way tbrougb Ms throng. "Oh! there are sy mother and Capt. Havelock. 8ba11 we join tbstat-I hope you are attend- ing to your dutlas. Ralph l Mr. Hol- land and I have bees discussing rl Mere- dith -and things. Thad. msothe you mut Ds. Mr Holland. will you find my mother a sat somewhere - near the bated. it you can 1 The Hun- garians are .o good." Delighted," h. replied. Then low- er: "I may see you agate before you go Mins Lindsay r' It you ma." she repeated. fries watobod ties mill they wen lost to the Crowd. sad then deliberately in Capt. Havelock beck to tis. Uttl. wok. Boons girls have no originality. Bat it was still gmpty. But sit down. Ralph." .bs said. taking Mr old plats. Thanks; I prefer to stand." he said stiffly. "It is a matter of tang Or of eos- tort." 8hs gave his a swift gleam. '•Motop to Bitola is its' I'm sick at lt. Besatly peck. I hevea't had a chance of spooking to you all afternoon. Noll." ' pMNaetkaopy Is its own reward." abs said. itis an that -loss. 1iedaay is all right. But chem.'s that scribbling fellow wbo'a always dangling attar yam" 'Ha 4 vet? bmuats-•-and Coed:" "Is be so 1 Hs dowel w one end of gun 104. . that horses other, invented to drag the Chelsea 'bus -or wbe b. roams. "Why. dear boy. to be a groom is sot man's .blot end. And you ars Mr. flotlosi masks very sleety of you." 1 and. by "Coalman b4 impudence " way d road. he proceeded to kick a bola la Mrs. Gurdon's turf. Look barn Bell,"bgeypa.W pne.rtly ; "I'n go- ng oft to �p "Indeed I I thought winter was the proper .won. Won't it bs ratber warm there just saw r "That t*. if they'll have me," bocce - timed. paying no peed. "1've volun- teered for ibsgola. Kitchener 1. go- ing up to Khartum in the autumn -at twat I bops so." In Cook's boats, Whet fun!" "It will bo -for Fuzzy and ties der• wiabos. But you might have the de- cency to say you an sorry. Noll. I srsyn't wee back. you know." So Nat 4. why you told ens r Rhe seked, "Don't you. think it 1. rather crude. Capt. Revoke* r' But abs was ado looking at him. being engaged in transit patternson the gran Not that it would bah .mttand; for M. Ion hie nt of part. was ales regarding the thgaessimis with apparent Interest. "Ob. 1 dao my that writing chap would bass dors It better." be said .tyvagely. "It's his trade. I ds.ppees you mesa to hurry th. beggar, N 011r' 'His name is Holland,"' .he suggest - ed. I kms that. You can sae his por- trait 1a way Itlustrotod paper for a aizpeaos. Its is ttt/s ell.' W hi.h is rally ao roma why be aboulds't be Millwood properly, is 14 4 I have moms ides that I have sees m- other portrait la the ammo places, ti letters D. B. 0..fbt the name." Zoo mod sot get natty. you lomat told um yet if you are ow mAod to nine Well. you neo" -ban ah. ?.•tared another glaac. -"ba bawl .eked me revenge." "Bat. really. Mr. Bulls*. I trusted b loar-your tmowtndg, of Muses no- un, shall I my I I was glad. for soy wa mks-" "For what. U I may ask r' "That, 'in ens It was an episode.' It makes lib so moth easier to believe na'" "You will let ins retract in sack loth sad shat, 11115 Lt/dtay 1 HoaerOiy. I hem ass* reason to do so. It la throe year. taws I wrote that msissrabts book. Can you gum m7 mouser "It .Mas tooted a oompUmeet- (noeswbare." sle sold. rather doabt- "I �ma vary amok Is onrao.t." be Md. getting up _Rad staining shoos bar; sad he looload it. I dila t Miaow you non It I bad. the I w epigrams 11 meg ldbs-would d mum have waittes. How Gould it. Het, this bushes won parted. Rad a hes•-+ terard. yndmase. ops. fees M was. albeit just sow tiso eargmasd!a was not puce*t-.showed In tee osiers- ticsa, YIs Lindsey sodded brighty. Pomo la. Ralph.' aim mid. "Vary sorry. I'm mein" said ten sew - sonar. "1 Aden know. ilei'.--" Teo ba"" aapt�apt.ve okk near --oat of sorts." researbsol bar .ospaaios. sitting dews trees sad noes ornamental tress we can nes at the point of articulation or junction of flue limns with the iamb stem a sort of cross or seam or ci- estrtoe extending around the base of each branch. That natural gram %M- cstes the better place for **officio the limb from the mato stem 11 a branch is awed off at that mow, the wound w111 always hal mocb sooner than if the hero or out was made on either side d it. 1 have directed tbs attention of many Intelligent min to tbia im- portant point ; but wt use of them had ever olrarved that seam. Wh I go about tion country or city or vil- lage, I ars many fruit trees and orna- mental tress ruined by ignorant prun- ers, wbo maw oft targe branches aaver- ai Inches from the main atom; where- as, they should be Nvered at the slam When 1 wee • small boy my father indicated in the growth of the bark. neat an Illiterate wood -hopper to My con practice boa alwayn been to prune bis apple trees, wing no tools keep a small kettle of grafting wax bat a wood-cbopper's ex Tbe mea on hand. by melt!ng a pound of rosin with • pound of tallow, which Is •p - was an expert with • woodmen's ax plied warm to the wounds, with a small He know bow to obop down trees, bow paint brush. It this proportion ot roo- t* trim off ths braacbse, and bow to In and tallow should M too brittle, pile up the brash and the wood; but add a small gwothy d Reared oit. Should tbo wax b. too soft, add more he had not the .lightest conception of Two, the scientific knowledge essential to enable • prang to prune • two so as to Improve Its lateral or ita upward growth, or its fruit -productiveness. Co•oeqmptiy he went to work In the orchard as he would when clearing ground of a forest. Snob pruning! Such rookies, outtiag and slashing and such damaging vandalism was really Provoking and beartrdckeniagi • The tress were Iargo and in 1x11 bearing; very few of them aeedod any mon pruning than cutting oft, bore and thorn a wall branch. But that chopped off with his keen -edited PERSONAL PO/11TH= rnseessos asses awns sums w rresteewt Pveplo arum worth. Mr. Hubert Uatheatter. R.A- Rad Alats-Tadem•, R.A., hive just Deena', turaiized as Eagliahms•a- Th. late Bir John Gilbert. R.A..wbo died • abort tilos ago, belt betted him R parsimony worth •boat 411.000.000. TM Fresh government has deoided to offer to obs Empress of Russia a magaifloret pia* of Ubantllly bosom the oocarion of bur Majesty's next birtbday. Prof. Tracy Peck, head of th. Latin dsp•rtmaot at Yale. has been appointed director of the America& School for Chemical Study at Rome for next year. He will imus for Home out summer. lira. Gladatons has just celebrated her eighty.ixth birthday. The elder of the two daughters of Bir Stephen Glynis do was married to Mr. Glad - sinter, .toss cm Judy 25. 1lliB. Her ---- M. Mr. CARE OF CIRCULAR WOOD SAWS. Farmers who employ circular saws for cutting wood for fuel ked other purposes may be interested in the views of a saw maautacturer regard- ing their use and oars. There are five points of special importanoe for the Saar to observe: 1. Keep the saw perfectly round. This Is attained by jointing oft points d teeth before the saw is filed. It is conveniently done by holding • short round iron Mr at beck of saw pruner ee az many large and leading limb, trout squarely actors teeth and teach points suer) two. Many of the limos wore cf teeth as lightly as ooesible while the fourteen to eighteen feet long, and nil ace revolves, so that web tooth jut g to eight inches to diameter. at the I! strikes the tar whoa held firmly Is one position. Repot this process with every ttird or fourth tiling. 4. Bows must run oras. This re - butt end when they were severed from the parent stocks. Then the branch- es that wars allowed to remain were all trimmed neatly and °assn of every tole, loaf -spur Rad frait-mpur, leav- ing nothing bat • large bush at the sad of a long limb. 1 well roust%ober ho.' laag, sad destitute of branches sad twigs, most of the limbo were Is many instances more of the top was alaabed away than remained Huge and quires that the arbor and-nmaodral col- lars are true. 1f they are so and the naw winds in and out of 11ne, wits turned round by hand while on the so - tor, from a gauge bold on one aids b. - lbw bass of teat', than 1.M -writ sprung out of the true. Should the mime res true when turned by hand let wobble when running of full speed. Mies Mary Glynis& c• Um -- herein* the wife of Lord Lyttelton. peck and head! Well, it's surely se Princess Theresa of Bavaria. dangb•• worse than a lizard or a beetle, and ter of the Prices Regent• bee received is more of an ornamsnt, by reason of the Ph.D. d.grss from the Dduaiuh Uel- the jeweler's art In Paris jeweled tor - comity. Her Royal Highness who has tutor ram sr° quite the ra. 8o we may reounitl written • rientitfo book °t look for an invasion of the ugly little travel is obs Brazlllaa tropics. Is the be disturbed. benumb tis only was is - to bis saa:•tum wsa b7 a rap ladder OOmytnua'icat wksmal h a l. tartan a1 th. river's . nae. Before Moving ler the Haat he will make a brief stay at Roobefortwar-M•r, bin native plats. A GliNHH01781 HUDSON'. The °hoo oos Y a pet nurtures by fair f.mininity 1s no longe: a fa- vor. The gorgeous Brasilia* beetle es occasionally allowed to roars at will about my lady's coiffure, but he la be- coming very scarce. And now then is a new pet. ev.a more Mrsngel, at vartto°, with feminine nerves, than either the lizard or the Motto What do you think it iso Nothing more or Peen than s tiny turtle. kept alive is golden chains, his shell Madded with precious atoms, and his 114 one round of pampered plasms: Fancy having • turtle clawing Its cold. clam*1y way about your breast` first lady on e shothio honor has boon creatures any day. bo owl/erred. Isn't it strange that • woman w t At the is•tas .. of the King of the w111 go Into hysterias over the sigh Belgians the Mintsterof Fin. Arts has of i poor, inoffensive, .oared little given orders for the faithful rotors -1 mouse will nurture tows other .peci- gaping wounds on every tree, which it has been ruu bot by being plaoied wars Dover oovsred with wax of any In awing. In either of thins mass! tort, Were exceedingly damaging to t ns fse- "'tioiD Eieih. - Front -the time oi-that i -U tory fen i* r. -�� Laos of the oaetla in the Ardennes i mens o[ the lower animal life Mother which hekonged to Godfrey do Bouillon! Eve early showed a fondness for the nal cedar of no drat rusade.L1eTQ s serpent la the Garden al Mden, and architect will .. It.Loboat to her bosom. who showed •modal of the chateau. Cleopatra took as pap as It originally stood. at the Brussels So why abound not our modern Eves na exhibition 1a.t year. and Cleo.atras shower their affections Thu death of Lord Wilton will be �} ld amateur English musical dr- ain. The Wilton family lees for many meneration, been famous for ito musical talent and the late Earl was regarded a• one of the ablest violinists in the country. He was an extensive land- owner in the neighborhood of Man- chester and made several attempts to dispt»s of Hetes Park. his mat sear Obi oity to the corporation. Gm. W. E. G•tacrs. C.H. DE.0.. who M to oosmaad the British brigade la lft, was receltUl 1Erigmdier4e n 0f the second class in Bombay. Hie was bora in 1843. and entered the Sev- oatyosventh Foot in 1882. and paatesd through rue Staff College la 1871. r His war trrvl . Include the Hamra r oxpeditioo. 1888; 'Burma. 188e, sad Chi- 1889,--whhs-cosduct*ti tb. fico at Walaagai. and tis. pawls Janbtai sad Lowersi Passes. tor which bs received his C.B. oder /Very Jams of theBri- "Probably MI Imether." oho arta. "I ttoild bin to INA to ter." He is a capital fellow." be said is - differently. hoes iometWg ie -a- dia. Meal bar 1 stall affair d outposts," sbv se rockhds pruning, the rapid decay of I 3. Keep all the teeth the moss six* the ss most fruitful trees commenced. Ev- and shape. Retain the original shape cry season the yield of fruit contlaa- of the teeth by proper care in filing. ed to diminish. et the tray. 1 Take a diagram of nape of teeth when MW the saw is new for guidance an the saw wolf ismeml,er, copibwgd to dss....sh wean down. Kesp the teeth all apse • the heart until there was nothing. tvd alike. left except an old, half -decayed tree,` 4 Give each tooth exactly the same standingon amount of set By axing a gauge and two pro , like u cid ngssetting each tooth accurately to it no decayed tooth difficulty need he had in setting the Now, let u. contemplate • bettor and teeth.aspen the teeth properly. 'Phis mon philosophical mods Droning. ration depends upon the use of the tiers is • point of leers miwrtanae, properly shaped files and the skill of which only a few persons i understand Everthe tiler. Twelve -loch mill sus tiles producer fruit Cues tit 1 n a utrus and ninedach round smooth files, in prodaoer o[ unit) will sand out fruit- careful lands, will keep the bottom of Wore, on the roils of all the limbs and each tooth round and the points sharp. small branches, covering the sides and Give the teeth cell a slight bevel on upper amble with fruit -spurs and trout and top. File holt he teeth isat•opura from the brio. of the tree tt Yet-" tinmgh. limper you u 14'. * ural hs "It's natural Mire �o�!►. 1�•*�p►-id's a goats and all W- i ac *.urn I'ra rot. Watt at ��1isstfs. 21e11i 1 east stand this any iangM'. sad I's hosed to b*ve it out 11bb!! Yon wore always cleverer 1f�ti� I1wwas; but pita knew what I've slated for ever tips 1 was an initiated one st shoo. I wars't afraid to tell yew° then Yon r. 14.14 r I remltmbsrl�aa that then �. Iteki.rked% you Bot^ nrigat have loss you good.' "Well. Toa didn't sa so! And atf triols time I was nowise Is India Uwe' the imams; sad when I was down with fever In to. plains I Inept shouting dos name -es ttba Motor told no." to the extremity of the branches. lbws should sever be removed ; yet many owners of oroharda, with saw or hatch- et olip oft every fruit. -spur from the mats part of the large limbs and email branches,. leaving only a denuded branch. Fruit -soars are small aboote only on. of two 'aches long. Them should not he out oft, nor jammed oft by one's Oat when he is plaokiag the fruit. Fruit -sours produce fruit -buds in one imam for the crop of fruit the 1o110w- lag assaoa. Lost -buds may appear o*s year sad the following season they will produce front -hada, sad the snoo.eding season the fruit -buds will yield fruit. Dame Nature is • scientific philoso- pher. Ohs would Dover aU the large brambles with lap -buds or fruit -buds sad leaves, for the purpose of pro- teotiag the baro branches from the scalding heat of the muninsr'a sanakins. That is one point of transcendent im- portanos to be remembered by every ow who owns a fruit tree of say sod Still another consideration should he When tbs Celan - say ties art replete with will not ba 4.11 ea hie oft by furious la ` case whim the fruit a groat t the extremity of long and swaying limbs. Moat chern trees will produce fruit -bads in a1**dubos on every limb, sal branch It they ate not 'out oft, or jangled off by pion tthe rr'ei( t it la :. an� d t oke also obs fruit -bade. '' destroyi.g the amp of trait for 4I.s seat sasses. Bach pruning of fruit tress is always very damaging to the fruit productive - nem and to the growth of my fruit tree. We have only ono 4•rgs cherry tion, I Lear 1 am oe sap way to the UM limbs and- branches of which are mien 11 covered with trait -spurs. No cot "It eras Is vero bad taste" Rhe noir- piled, la obs sass. toss. Only, per` geared, it was as well that 4. w•a not 'Ohl Theo that fort a the trestl- e( ber eyes veer th"._ ee that er, with the Waatrts bawdst remed•- gaos.at. "H. babel a tor4 MaawMn . Rad not five remotes' sleeps cad for oil tbl hostler for a fottslght s;+�aiad' fear they should mob as• -•turd oho grub a 45*4 a of Untamed . with 1 tossing out -.and t4. soty idea ip goy Dail n Lor°psar .tut ant and tt2071 bead was to me it through Ms°bow. BttSs wader bis; Rad Tse oma red.00d I .. go boss to ask you to starry oro I eta vanitfos m i Thar% Noll, ft's out at last i" Wore he quit* a eoatiso* thing out. there. He . �5 wan at !aim now, bet told es ae himself." there wee a suer of reproach --ate "Bs * is amiest -aa .sell aa lucky." , Miter amea�ag else -la Mr ayes.. Mid lholtnsd. "'You and ba ars old •ou haven't saksd a yet t" abe tries** ll mss i.isdaay 1" figs " .fit, 14,11--gvx7d bravoes i -loo don't { "�tildhe sot nor OtTHOHABLE {re rra to Mgr. Wolk tbe %Woes will tail the y. We quarrel quite as Aad there --well. in Rome m7eteeRtne of Chime nitlth. at beat.' fashion he amassed to•g-4d po.esmies 551)101* as; teat psfl*pa -thee "den saran It Yet I Sue env1 soft at bar 41.04*. ted to say the meat with- -`- la are rot MrlOar. out Mair'is. An ter salt • part inn mak• ty feeleitiag tate treelike .".star. 1AGNIEVEU OLAND. rbs 8alttc OW tbdO i as Island it rk o.U.d Berth iia, which cos- oatitely ret 8IS4 abto It dtwnd ed by ti lawns bosoms steotiug • 1p` Ammo d Itrip�ortdble. THE Bi'ENl11 a•tbt > . this* us I Ma *sae tri. Misers bar: A Ran do,gvo•r?' I "Tab sight baso aeon it. yo. foolish "Wile Sete a orimos, Kr. BONasd 1 boy I" she amid. ttea87, t tllepidyr�Nasai '-•' ltd $ik! was all. "'Fe were B'?t._ �. " vat, a little later, abs goat "hear.* iftanuiith.: ' was tt soil" Mr. "Theft I gal sol ttersivists *a- "I have tsrtnn•ta fault t s7 ye4�� ola�fees 1 � �7 ~ � bodsg for you. Mils said; "I vie something 1.41•14g. leg V marely very rot the .rree of *47 waif*. I may 4011 ht, thirst I treed sot Telma Jeanie** 'mil t * 1 Mu low, so.'" Napa Yes e.. .. i " Wok it week' be bettor sot to bill* " ate valde "It 11 tot Oben $r .Tronas." mho mollis/, stet hut trivolDy.t' M kin bell b N. "I as orry, att-'will led.ervourl7� pluck- yelfopeoZtp me idem awed t I as .•gaged to the tint. Nilo out of Capt " upon turtles, It is woman's priv- ibge to be contradictory, and the mouse will ever be a mo.ster In bar eyes. Tha pet turtles are very smell. about thirty millimetres in Mongtb, s eordieg to the Paridhe an standard T shells are oorared with an ornament d filigree gold. In which aro set as a ti magi gems s. owner may wish. Boobs s Bos have bathus ornamented with dladateed e. rubies, Rad sopphlrea to the nesand dollars. Imagine t.Agithan en' inch lung, 'Wag worth a thowaad dollars! A tiny ring is run through obs .Jp of the shell and to this i is la• gold chain of tory f at the other end secures the chain to the wearer's bodies or Mir, just as abs pleases, and the bej'•soweledcaptive is g,toreoeth. ongtb emasbe - his ezplor1.iona. Th. little reptiles appear in no way injured by the work upon their shall*, oar do they team to be inconvenienced 1,110 Navy. who baa just diad at Brigb-e by their cargoes of precious ■toner. It Os, England. '.4 -$ nano exception is said that in time they even display -that d Comme*der Richard Bacillar I an affection for their mistresses and appears in the list- 15bow other symptoms of unexpected wlrbm mine Mill Vp°a intelligence This claim, however. was the senior other ut the navy. lis need not betaken without a grans was bora in obs year Ina. and is un- d mit. ks ,� to have placed it on record that, a a little boy, be was moved with a desire to enter the navy hen JUVENILE FRILUSOPIIY- he wltn.c•ed the funeral Of Nelms I dunno whiots I lits* best-"Ivan- Lied�gatabiU. He joined the navy aim hoe" or gingerbread. "volunteer," and. in the PomPD° Toulon, ace mom esreke in the em- It • girl couldn't cry her brsin'd soak bora d fes great war ins 1812. all to pisses Much interact is felt is Devonshire You can't toll ma any woman over died of ol.' tags. England in the diopoml of the library from each aide of the ace. ever run of the Lie Rev. Jobs Dredge, an so- a sus after It becomes dull ; keep It sharp by tregneat filings. Attention five member oc the Destu�si of Moo - to those matters will keep the maw 1n elation. The notable the Ib bast condition until worn out. collection ars brass rubbings. Puritan POULTRY NOTES. d)verfending will spoil any flock. Do Dot use fat, clumsy males in breeding. In brooding toots, select for trans and bone substance. It you are breeding fancy fowls bay a standard d excellence. literature d the sev.nt.enth and eighteenth centuries, and valuable to - of pogrsphiral works. Till fifty years age Mr. Dredge was a Wesleyan mon- Wer. and when he took orders he was strongly opposed to Mr. Gladstone u an Orangeman and Tory at Liverpool. Nevertheless. Mr. Gladatooe presented nted him . to the Vkar.Fe Brewer, the favorite retort for trout - fishing of Charles Kingsley. Mr. Pierre Lots has completed his term of oommwd of the French gun- boat Javelat, stationed on the Bidas- soe. He will soon undertake a jour- ney in far Eastern countries. Many of bin works were written daring one or r of his two periods of command- o' isarl►ye. He soy lave TOMO dif- ficulty in finding .nothersucce old not retreat. W he& • work One secret of breeds for profit is the feed and care gives them. In nearly all canes hens learn to at eggs from bating them broken in thews objection to a smolt poultry bows is the difficulty in keeping the Gent$ elan. If the fowls have sore toot or nim- ble feet., it means that the roosts are too high. Leavui, tont straw or dry dirt ars good to scatter grain in, to compel tun Leas to .oratoi. BOMF.WHIAT AFTER AESOP. J1 chrysanthemum and a cabbage net by chance at the door o0 t boos. when they bad been lett b7 a florist and a grocer, respectively. What part of the maeeion ars you about 1. visit? asked the cabbage. 14. parlor. replied the chrysanthe- mum. And lout Alas, fair wade! njc.ioed tbe cabb- we la allowed to climb tato ingtt retteoP1 Coll me not ooasin. said the othar. to °lack sier _esti l at or and b arrogantly. We ars sot related at all. made to made that tat fruit-. Lura cellar la e god eoocgh, places for spun must not be °lowed at with the fruit. Ths breathes of our apple and nook as you! pear trees art well 111111•141011 with trait- The humble cabbage said no mom; Oen; .*d no spun alrsays yield • bat s few days liter they lost again, girlsrous &Mount of trait. 1t Is a Or accident, fon' one brief moment. Weosg pretties to w &ts'ay *11 obs ipso Cabbats reposed in oho centre of shall branches, twigs trait -beds sad • largo platter. The ehrya atMimws leaf -buds from the interior of • one-! was In $ real-bw.ket. feebly ss AsitA mTkse..Oldt ilbs .ss114ttNd brier d e d t them aroim you srgoing, rale is to toed the ejryaaatharntn.. cut away the intoner of a trio-iopvso To t.ha dinner-tahie, answered the y iso la Rha asshine sal air Tb cabbage And you! ie leo spend ressMllall is ah direr- Alan! responded the other. 1 its os tic* for pruning tree& :The foliage At my way to the garbage boil ties estr sit os dt tib 1llbaeb.a '►111 Coneorning which Iectdsnt It tray exelsde ail Mend en•shige Freak air be rwmarked tbet pride still goeti br- and wind will swam tbriwgh a trot- fora a tall. soon as it did of old. top, *vee when tM top 1* so dere flet a poroma mese! climb, armed amass the brambles. ?reit tress m- eek* bet little pruning. Maly need sons aalW t i. aThie frei°d* should sot bo ma Every two that awns proof., Amid be pruned *Mu the .5pal'tlaoae branches Ors moll. Whoa P.M branch - ink ars allowed to grow a4 UMW* or at random natI1 they are as brim an a mar's arra. it IOU M very daa•ging to the tree to cot off each largo :511MIMsa K vat mambo arty fruit THE TIENT. ?IIRi Jskts'i mother-in-law area buried one day test week. Jostles wog visibly at - fantod as is (snowed tin Maros. Rear apo ar," mid t10 .ad*rtakar. "Host ory." "1 east bale it." sighed poor lea - "Poor a- Poor• sense t Do you know this is tbs very first tins we haus boos out together without gearroi- Iing t" Some way or other 1 can't seem to make Shakespeare's pieces go into my heat • Jimmy Jones has got chilblains on bb stomach now from satin' too mach ice cream. Pa's mighty cross to ma whoa be's got th' rheumatism. Guess he thinks he 'horned it from m.. Nobody says things when Bob Ham- by wears old clothes, 'muss his pa's worth baps of money. What's th' use of 'Inimin' th' dudes, When I wear • necktie I can't hardly think what my nameaspoil nabs aim Once lot oouldn't sleep. -Bosh!" says pa; th' wayto ours losmmny Is to go to &IoW anforget you've got it." PRUOr. Josss-8o you had & Uvely tussle with OS burglar, Smith -Lively t< Wby,lt woks up the soak. 141PRnli FOS GIRL FRO 1t 3 TO 4 YRA,t9 OLD. This top la gathered and stitched seder t narrow feather-.titobsd band to a yoke. cut from wicis blade of embroid- ery mbrT� •r7 walloped ;with the edges tT,var•1 each other at tis wok. A r.t- M d •snbrtid•ry t rentg-twa lactose long, slops 1 narrow sailer the arm. forms the sleeve, tint la .awed in with theme", sot gain m•stiog saber the arta. Thais little yoke apron is mads of fig cored white &aiasook, with the yoke and slaves of Hataber'g embroiders. flue Lecher; dap. The skirt 1.art M made of owe Meesnhe of tie est eook joined , at the Aim sad tire hollowed oat at =us leib mid i bit dons for the 1 the edge is finished with a ban Maoist by • irony of tusk..