The Signal, 1898-1-14, Page 8) ITItrt a . 14, lane. CLEARING SALE --OFALL-- WINTER GOODS We don't intend carrying over any lines of Winter Goods into the spring, and have Started this SALE while you still need Winter Wear. COME AND SEE OUR BAIIGAINSt POSITIVELY CLOSING UP BUSINESS 1 Ladies' Jackets Clearing Sale Prices at Less than Coat. Millinery ng Sale, Half Price. ores uioves Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Competition.. Dollars' worth of goods still to be sold, all of which must go at what- ever they will bring. Slaughter .Prices on verything I_ some of our g 200 Pairs Fancy Ringwood and Black Cash- mere, worth 17c to 25c, sale price. IOc. Fancy Ringwood and Cashmere, worth 25c to 35c, sale pri a 15c: - to make prices sell the stock. You should secure - ns bemire it is oo late. ---_-._ COLBORNE SILOS., per J. H. COLBORNE. Tru Out ��PAe�staa MeaT 00 ) sar=wth tireto eb ter ii Mathes ,rineloise sal la behaves b aIt sospatl WM Meal at earl penessaki! Por halm d.seas.h aim tae rem Mees, eosemither with lama sad :Me Werth week/Villa Direst thesis/11 OO amblaires he andPeel u oa.s—Sootk tilde Weetate a sa.cun■ /t !Manager iseaeelek THREE _ . _ . DONT'S CLOTHING WHEN YOU PURCHASE - ONE OF . - Tiii First of February, only:'—. 20 per cent. Discount off our low price Everything in clothing comes wider this CutPries. This wall be an ex- ceptiot.al chance to tit up at unheard of prices. . All Must Clear Now! _Blankets, Comforters, Flannels, Furs, Cash Shad --Oils Price OniNr r_. roonts--- ERIOR uNE • e 11.0' SBIRAN6° Don't Kick ... because your lamp SMOKES or WON'T BURN, as we have just received a Car Load or 1898 on't :Forget that w. bare the Largest nod Freshest stock of CONFECTIONERY in town. + + + Don't Forget to mini.. Inc. Bargain Tables our 2 in CHINA and GLASSWARE Pratt's Astral SMITII BROS. & CO. WOI 8 LL'S 00AL or}:Stoves WOOD Yon Mea deeppeenad on tbelr beluqq the SKIT BAKENS and the MOST ECONOMICAL ON FURL ot any stove In the market. Every stove guaranted perfect any warranted tor one year. Beet Canadian and American (Our Special) American 'W'ater White Best Canacan and Lily White In buying GROCERIES you want the Best and the Freshest, partrcnlarly when you caniget them at STURDY BROS. at the same price that poorer goods cost you elsewhere. If you want to buy a useful present, see the nice things we have in CHINA and GLASS. Dor't Forget that oar GROCERY DEPARTMENT is complete in every detail. Beams sonde Littlish Sully for Deooratiag. CHAS. A. NAIRN STURDY BROS RBE -RS aOfERSHOES 1 Seazonable GOODS We have a fine aaeorttaeat d ..OILS.. :y. ASK FOR W. c. T. U. l)h.rARTMENT. Popular Deir.Was. The working ol.sere in Eogland ere still largely under the delusion t bat sloohol is oe oss.ary is laborious oo.upattons. Dr Parks& whale work .o the ds,•.rtm.s, of hygiene ranks with the torsmo. 1 the century, says that experiments' wbo. h aro an accord with common exp.nenae'bo.s that men rem Raced 10 eery horn tabor esu their work • s.mI-y wnbm.• nice retry also to reoogn.ce the feat that ex- tremes of heat and oold are better borne without It. 1 be union that alcoholic b r• *rages are neoe.sary to great beat N, 1 bs. Heal, a miohievoue delusion The ezperi- seos of those who hays eoeducted greet es• peditions In hot oocntnss, and of those who .ave the remitwl oare of workmen enga.red I. employments whioh rzpoea them to great heat, is 0000lsaive of the fait thy. teeto- tallers are more vigorous and healthy then thee* whe do not abstain. The same can be said of those who are exposed to exoes•ive fold, and it is with there wit are perhaps snore nouoern.d, b.oan.e in this rigorous oh - mato of ours w• ars coos aptly nearing people to the winter say that they take al- sobol to keep int the oold or to ward oil the effects of the oold. Aloohol for this purpose is tot on y nrnlsss, but is is to ming Oases, speeieily to those of weak circulation, posi- tively 4eag.rons. A. the settee et aloohel in this oath Is easy to understood, it may be interestreg jest to enter • little Into the phf .•oingio.i osswideration et the suijeot. When the body b expn.ed to oold the surface vessels eeateset, and the blood ,s driven into the let riot of the body, and thus the heat of tae body is preserved. The ef.ot of aloobol Y, however, to dila'. the surface is, to alkow the blood to flow freely over the sur- fe.. sed theg to modem' the sensation of • warmth This, however, mean' a greatly i.wsim.d lees of heat ty radiation, sn4A when the cold la oontibued, • dangerous dol. press on cf t he mroul.non. A story s told y- Dr Milner Fothergill, which well i11ns- treies this A party of Americans were crowing the 8terr. N.taia, when the oold was tarns., and they hal to pus the night in an expose., alt'a ion Some took alcohol to keep out the mal t, and o, here took uooe. These who had taken much alcohol I -y down warm and o•.n.lort.ble; shose who had taken leu ee.e not so warm uor so oomfor- taLls ; three who had taken none were cold and uncomfortable When the morning Dame show who had taken no alo.ibol arose vigorous and refreshed ; those who had taken a ltttla aro„hol arose les. vigorous 1t ko much aloohol did not rise at .l1, shay perished from molt ••wring the night. Thos wbo took no t.louno' kept their bears warm at the expeo•• of their skin, and they lived. Bur hos rho hat eke* • uoh alcohol kept their ski.. warm at 1hi. expense of their h -art and they m..i —Rev 11 F. Benham. Coal Oil. ORSELL'S, Tae firman Met imam. These are the BEST and need recommendation. IEE & SHEPHARD THE CANADIAN RUBBER- CO.'S WELL KNOWN BRANDS. Nrw BOORS. -1 he I t,lto. Inv new books are .t the Mwhar,.o.:-- t,.a Biwirz : Quo Vrdw ; All. e'.: Cn.tr Inv utble ; S 'elm's : P.o. of the War.,'.; Ib,esior'e: lo the Year ot Jubilee ; C••hb'.: (loomsker of Moscow ; Meal arse4 : In Leo D ye of -Auld Lang Syne; Cor.11i : B.r.I b..; MaoLsen; Kees Car*svt. ; C.tue : C iris! ion ; N' h, by ; Mary Fs e..k'• D•uAtuti,; P.rke.'s;Seale of the Mwhty ; i)wadi : What Necessity Koows ; Grand : B.• h hook BAD Comma? —Don', forget the bind mintier! fixer 10, ne drat week to F. btu.ry, end the be.& value .4.t:+a.waos Th. tied - ori chorus, ie .imply me/sillotent. the best Atrtean talent has SFjyrt.gnged for the minstrel 'onus. Thermic* will be rendered by nor most finished enema, ih• iaterlooa tor is s maws! of grace en 1 dostnty, and 'As end man 's trre.i.tioly fonry The band wt11 sty. . onni.Ie or overtarrs and s few well ssleomel sero., derma, end quar- tettes, OOncR1Ow Wino.—There was a fair at. fandango .t 1..k.. ins rink on Frid.y eve. nisi to wife,'. the game .1 hooker be' ween the home teem ami one from the S.) y .11. lag.. The puek TiN sot limed sill steer 8 do{oiph, bet when is ,loi on the Move it went at a Neely gait, and heifers the Tooker' on STILL TO THE FRONT ! ! ! i tab this opportunity a afeew that 1 have deo:ded 'n Mammy wore to Goderich as a could catch its movements it had passed be- tween the poles, and goal 1 was scored by Ooderloh. The game continued at the same lively paoe, and goal. 2, 3, 4 and 5 were made In rapid suooesaiob ty our boys. The eizth goal we. taken by the visitors, and while the teams were arguing some point be- AittliglidiMiln t and the rink was to Egyptian darkness. soon es darkness came matches were lighted around the rink, and within a minute a large lamp was brought in that gave a glimmer of light throughout the vast builliog. As may be expected, there were loud cries ot play dar- ter the darkness and then with the lamp light, and while the wits were getting off their funnytems about the Fame the town. dmoent was again manifest. The game was then resumed, the play being ahead ot the Brat half, and each goal was well won. When time was called each side had scored two goal. In the last belt, the totals being Uoderioh 7, Luokoow 3 We congratulate the home team on its sueo.ssful beginning of the season, and the management on being able to place .o strong a 7 on the toe. 1111 CANADIAN Howe JOURNAL—The Jannary . Dumber of the Canadian Home Journal -has two features of special interest to tJaeadisee, besides the usual departments which are w important—the fashions and fancy wort. the delicious home-made wady reoeipts, the music and .t,:riee, and the two delightful pages under titer prat y heading, Young Canada.” Coe is an article written by Rev. Henry Soadding, D.D., giving ez- traota from an old diary kept by Mn. 81m- ooe, wile of the Ant Governor of Upper Canada ; and the second 1. another fall pare on the organisation of the Canada Club, whioh is a matter of home interest not only to every woman in Cane#de, bat, Indirectly, to ever Canadian, 110'41600h as it w111 ad- vance the interest. of their country to an Extant atm -omit hardly ,realized even by the members of the Clot) Reports of their meetings will he given every mouth in the Canadian Home Jeerer'', and wi11 be looked for with Interest. The Canadian' Hewes Joaraal, McKinnon Building, Toronto, Caa. EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BEST QUALITY LATEST STYLE$ SII.QERWAR$ Quadruple Plate, manufactured by the Me,idan-Britannia Company, of Ham- ilton, whose goods are known the world over for High Grade. Also a full lane of • • sll• nMMr• e' e ...law. MOM PRACTICAL PLUMBER and GAB FITTER 1:4,17L 1wk. Nw sauetvh.tdtntkas. t h at fori aro: moa lothr 'rwooal7 practical workman, sod rev prism The Practical Plumber. 0. J. H A . P E FZ Pommes the Wooing dietinotliemerits t DELICACY OF FLAVOR . SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY QSdT!>r41. anti 0011701tTIaTQ to tis XZBVOV3 or DTSPZPTIO. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED. In Quarter -Pound Tins only, Prepared by JAMBS EPPB & Co..Ltd., Hom®opathio Chemists, London. Lifland. WHSOMEI. ..TOOTHYOME D. C��zom's`READY FOHTHE RUSH and see his grand sinew ot POCKET AND TABLE OUTLERY • of best makers. Don't fail to see our handsome CARVERS IN SETS ' -u— e .. STANDARD NEVER LOWBEL AT MII11T$08. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS 1 ALL SEASONABLE. we have the finest line and best mason- ment outside the cities. We kindly ask your inspection o[ these goods. You will find our prima right. Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Linen Department,—well assorted. Small -wares Complete. A large stock of Underwear at popular prices. Scarlet, Grey, Navy, White and Grey Flannels. Inspection kindly solicited. No one will be importuned to purchase. A. MUNRO, Draper. Fruit Cakes mane from the hesMr' that 4 rlY D Id be bought. He leads the e tradede Inlrl OR�tA�[TING anddOORNNAMENTI 8 EDDING E& BeC1Neans yoart r yes ALMOND la the line Pastry, Puff Paste, Tarts, and Oyster Patties or Puff Rolla 1 with the most delicious whip;wi cream AUIan, the latest out In pastry. 1.68 Short Bread e-.' :twos PIm Gad Oaks all kind .kept on hand. Lewitt orders In the moreinr, and they el tilled and delimited Eke gams day. PLANING ZILL. OrIT Remedy fer a Sewer andWondrful Toa1sittI RIII Culvert Pipes % WO Weak and I;npure Blood. Meir. mvsls•s. rR/p�. and Kidney and Liver Trembles. miessemonms ea I. N. M*sLIt D. s....sss.. ere. An a.m. �4 a. Ito WRITV /row ESTSSLISNEs I$15, The finest selected Raisins 3 pounds for 25c. The finest cleaned, Currants, 1 .1 Walnuts 2 Almonds 2 Filberts... . 2 25c. 25c. 2150 DAVISON & DO. THE UP-TO-DATE HARDWARE. The ieu initou Funiture Co. Limited. hays made arraogeeoats with J. BROPHE' & SON, et wort -or. to carry a ton Ilse of their Mb. The public an gee Furniture at Factory Prices tress �1.. and by daimons:her" V :arse ow[. N i�hek by ° Hese ' toi thei Com parry's .hake nee fray ineireatessd by them CAgDIES CATTLE BilOS. Onr stock is simply immense. Watson's hand -dipped Chocolates, 2 pounds for 25c. Cream Candy, 2 " 250. A Baakst of nice Mixed Candy for 10c. ORANGES llucliairnus & Rhiyiias N.Merrsorot as BABH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all kl.de ef u� YYT `p SLIER oyer LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES THE ON1 Allo PIPE D ao t+ aA m.Nela1 of ewer sass t eO .T. School furniture d Snakily. eae'a T Ar t.r•eia 1 *.IONTO We have the largest stook in town Florida s, Californias, Valencias. Try a pfickage of the beat CEYLON TEA ever brought to Canada. 50c. for half lb. package. Plumbers Steam-TTitters Tinsmiths , C. M. ELLIOTT RAIULTON-BT. GROCER. Telephone 52 HAYILT ON -ST +.w�tn..+�•.e.t.e-...:.�.... ..--_ ...,..sia.Aj._..---.g • • e.