The Signal, 1898-1-14, Page 7e stew
raw.y.. MINIMS!
S Or 1► BRIT -
Ker of Lay em
Met 1■■keeprirep
are e. Ib.mob
us oeeupatlose
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restigetion just
of the Raglat-
It of the Hei-
st collection of
ahlse, doe., has
bile document,
ants the array
'traceably dull,
from them are
w idest Interest.
fes overwhelm -
occupation of
it promoter of
*tons LA Fog-
lia-We thi,t this
clearly in peti-
ubill in England
, called. is eaf-
mlarison to he
:woes the mor -
I of "unoocupl-
in flavor of the
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,llowanres have
rotesrlon upon
u pointed out,
manifested at
eoatinuea until
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ting a bad pre -
test. lunkrep-
e rapidly than
m ►nil diseases
ief caught'. The
alio-house limp-
id of their ser-
) rapid death
sal average of
!lens '/owersr.
;hese two Glaas-
lii-oitrisl dia-
rist to London.
nk next among
a the ht'g b moo
e lectively 2 1.-1
'indeed. Ohim-
teres coachmen
the wrong side
'age. At the
of the liberal
orgy enjoy the
d pawing the
,re in this vale
,ve a startling
ity records. al -
two to be much
real. Taking
is shown that
reduce I to 75:
iIth year. while
Mot 78,1191 at
*rind. But 1st
ed healthy die-
Wale* this re-
iahad until et -
in $.b5 case of
a in females -
treater In the
Thus in the
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-populated see-
1111111Bst sera -re -
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thibie of Moa-
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Ire Denbo more
Ire mock more
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reed This w, .•
srm ate.
in disceseing
yet of mari-
amount emeri-
ti towards this
1. The Auatre-
bout 1E180,000 •
O ; Lit Canada.
he rest of our
flog. and all we
e dubious pm -
!roma the Caps.
the rorim .
ul dependeecies
leu, but they
' • Wilkie, or
nt., In protect-
iatbulk of the
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i. the Cape, leis
ned to 'Oaten*.
hen - presaitted
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rt&et. and one
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0 our own.',
It In to be
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melee eenther
eheitL78elvi crsr
I1,ey e1 tae l'bsrae et Use Usha areas*. at
The occurrence of the forty-third
anniversary of the (emcee charge of
the British I.L/4t Brigade at Balaklava
hoe Led to a wonting up of theeventa
of that oucasion by an English peri-
Lord Lusan, who commanded the div-
ision la which was the Light Urigade,
had never seen any war service, though
be was between, fifty and sixty years
W age. He was, moreover, accustomed
to think a loop time before he did
anytblag-a quality not always de-
sirable la a military commander.
Lord Cardigan. wbo commanded the
Light Brigane, was also a " carpet -
knight," witbant.war experience. He
"i llaa older than Lord Lucan, and
although be and, Lord Laren were
brothers-1n-iaw, they were hitter en-
The Light Brigade was not so very
light, for some, of the men, with the
heavy saddles and other equipments
then In vogue, rode ttelr horses at
`tkree hundred and eight pounds in
110ercbing order. lb wu made op of
shreds and patchea of other regiments
s.squ•droa from the ineggehh,;Q D
Light Dragoons, one fretla..the elot-
Ilah Humors, and w on; one et the
squadrons belonged to what ware
called the Whitewashers, on account
of the profuse white facings on the
Tbs eassalans under General Lip-
randi had bast IManacing the position
et the shies Gear the village of Balak
lava. and had taken some Uritish guns
from the Turks. Their advance had been
ebeoked by the charge of the Heavy
Brigade -
than the subsequent charge of the
Light Brigaes, but not so "magni-
iia ttilnILg: Leanne ft* cb*Yg* of the
"Heavies," the Russians bad these
guns aith tbem/ in a aomewbat, ex
situation, an Lord Raglan, the
Cattail commander-in-chief, rent •
written order by Captain Nolan to Lord
Lunn to send the Light - Brigade to
tales them.
'fide Captain lfolan was a dashing
officer, who had written several works
ea cavalry lnatraetioc; be regarded
himself se a great soldier, and felt a
oontompt, which he bad freely avowed,
for both Lord Lucan, and Lord Cardi-
gan. Captain Nolan rode up to Lord
Luean, and repeated the order he had
brought "to take the guns."
"What guns?" asked Lord l.ucan.
The captain turned on Lim in con-
tempt. He was delighted to have an
oeportunity to ttglUI) • superior offi-
cer whom he despised.
"You have your moo, my lord," there
are the guns, go and take them!" be
said, tossing ins bead in the general
direction of the field.
At the opposite end of the ridge from
that on which were the captured guns,
the Russia,* had thtir position well
protected with a lottery of twenty
• Or more of their own guns There were
aids strong flanking batteries on
aslghboring bills ltlisled by an lm-
ppse rt�n•nt subaltern, end without the
Ntidarne* of wisdom and experience, this
�eeoaarrpet-general" ordered his brother -
Velem, carpet-knigbt like himself to
tlharge with hia_brigade the main Rus -
slat position'
"Very well, my lord; it shall be
done," said Cardigan, and advanced
with the brigade
When Captain Nolan, returning to
Lord Raglan, saw' the Light Brigade
riding toward the main battery, be
was htycrylad, and turned back to cor-
He was on his way when a shell struck
and killed him. Heexpiated, his offence
with bis
Cardigan and the Light Brigade rode
Cath Vitas story of the attack is. in the
main, oilowing for the license of poet-
ry,' true told In Tennyson's "Charge of
the Light Brigade." The brigade drove
the Ruaatans trout their guns, but of
course could not take them away.
Meantime, the Reasiane closed in on
the rear, cutting oft the British from
their awn forces. They could only torn
and fight theirs way back. Only% one
hundred and ninety-eight out of six
hundred and seventy brave troopers
ever came hack.
Lord Cardigan himself returned -
alone. fished Leen separated from hie
men from the first moment of the
.bock of the charge. After that it had
been every man for himself. He has
been charged with deserting his men,
but be was really cat oft from thein.
When the remnant of the brigade
was drawn up, Cardigan rode in front
of the men.
"it has beeet a mad -brained trick,"
he said, bitterly, almost apologetical-
ly, "but it, was no teeth of niece."
Lord Cardigan was not popular with
his men. He had at the had nearly
every one of them wader arrtet for
trifling infringements of military or-
der; he had no other military, distinc-
tion than that of a martinet; but no
seadier's ►nice hlateed him nee."Nlet-
tmind, ally loraidl'*orne of the
een; i,i' s"we era retrad to gt, again".
Ifo sen," be' said; you bare done
This is the. story of the most famous
of military blunder*
111-*ONNINO. 111/811A.TED.
An:Ldos Mother -And so you and
I b awMsestand 1p.n leve Ie.Islag Than your busbeed bane a great many dif-
T+Lasa• s 1. s. 1� fe moon,
Lines of 1500 Young Men and T weep: ng Daughter -No, only one;
obuggening le very well till 01145 has
Women may be saved. tried skis-running-peareounoed, by the telling and fighting from One week's
way, she-rQua lug.
I$TaRESTI$a STORY FRO* $USKO A A person sails majestically along with,
N� notbtng to help him but a spiked bate -
boo pole and long narrow models on
A Ougs..tton or the >izoellent Woril h;. feet. Dr. Comm Doy le ii the pion -
That Bae Been Already Done by the
(haysuhulat Sanatorium ser of t5e sport in Switserlaadt where
Spirit of "New Rope." the English people enjoy the run sr -
/Attar from Rev. J. Plates. 517 mum to the surprise of the na-
tive. For a beginner the difficulties
DEAR 815,-- are much greater than in learning to
At this time of the year oar thoughts toboggan. Let say ono tit a board aix
turn in sympathy towards those less tut- feet long by three ioehea broad to ea.•b
Inutile than ourselves. The sueuasf foot and try to walk about a lawn. He
work that has been done at the Sana may shuffle along, but let bine turn a
rium at tlravenhurst for the cure of ins corner, go down a slope or alter his
cipieut palmuuary consumption, and the course in the slightest and he will re -
urgent need for help in that dlreetioul alias the difficulties to be met it itis.
cheated' me Wash for aid from these who The sport is pr•e-tieed an the natural
wish w help one of the Leet of all °het•i! s ovocovered hills at an angle of 45 grarM ai ,' 0 ypTV y. Totem
l.ucaa Coos rr,
but lbet keeps is us ging and guar -
end to the utter-ixo boo. hoof
Only one, What La itt
We differ on religion.
Nue You Neuralgia t -
If you suffer from t4, agonies. and
fail to get a remedy, we %aat you to try
Nerviliae. Ila action on nerve pain
1s simply marvellous. herein Ile 1s the
mast pleasant and powerful remedy in
the market. Try it.
Padlocks are being manufactured
with an auxiliary chamber which car-
ries an explosive to be fired by abam-
mer in-ide the lok and give an alarm
when the lock is tampered wtl,h.
iter, the only institution of the kind in degreea or more. The fun of sliding y res J. ' n, Mar makes alb that be is the
Canada. !about 20 yards a mooed can be klieg- senior partner el toe srte of 7'. J. t'assav k
The 8autorium, although it has only iced. Skating cannot (or s ruorntnt Oa, chained bashers In the Clt? Ot Toledo
8 f d dt► c Ida
been opened for four months, has already oampare with e,lber al:ul,'atliieLng or to-
(usuIy u ole • ore.. . sn • sa ',or!
proved that its work is no longer an ex., 1 b an w111 ji.y the num 01 OVi Ill%NURiU f,Ulr
psriment.Io the present time 40
patients have n received, representing
every pert of the Province, especially
from the low area of western Ontario,
sspreewtfng alt classes of sooisty--edi-
tors, ministers, business men, servants,
mechanise student,, clerks and others.
in almost every case, it can be 'said, that
nmark•bie progress has been made., A
number have been discharged by the
Medical Superintendent, erred, or Tits
the disease arrested, so that work Joey be
Great Improvement 1a !Oltenia.
One of the iadiostions of improvement
in the patients, which might be noted,
is the enmursgins fact that 42 out of 45
have shown a decided increase in weight.
About twenty patients have gained tram
15 to 28 pounds during the short time of
their stay, and one young lean dis-
charged a month ago as cared, returned
to his work in the city with an increased
weight of 46 pounds.
Should it not be a Daus of gratitude to
the thuusaads of suffering people through-'
out thulcountry, as well se to their
1 risa& and the ietvretedpublic, to kpow
for a Aortinty, that consumption is now
being cared in our own lend, and that it
is no longer necessary for the sick one
to take a weary pilgrimage to Colorado
or California, and thus be exiled far from
gg/rIt of seer Hope.
An incident 000urred recently which
verve* to express the spirit of " new
hope" that coma to those who enter the
eanatorinm. Ow of the best known
citizens of Toronto having occasion to
bring hie sick daughter to ;he institution
said to a friend atthe dineer table, "This
is the first meal I have eaten for a
month." Daring the previous weeks he
had been watching with a troubled he. rt
hie child, weak and suffering from the
disease, but after entering the Sana-
torium with its cheerful .urroneein-s,
and with the woadertal improve -sere
.that be found in so many of the patients,
he felt that • new hope had Dome to him -
Rev. J. Pearen. a well known Methodist
minister, in a recent note to the Medical
superintendent, say.: -"I am desirous
that all sufferers should knhw of the hood
work that the Sanatorium is doing.
When I sent m7 daughter to the institu-
tion I felt that it was our Lal lope so far
as human kelp goes, but after speeding
about three months there she returned
with a new lease of life upon her faro.
The benefit she received ems also to he
permanent,. for *be has ineressed in
weight sines her r.$ero • month ago."
But whet shall we say of the pitiful
appeal from the large number of yenog
men and worsen who et admission as
patients, bet cannot be received for lack
of means? If we had the rosemary
funds, the experience of the past four
months assures us that we oonld promise
lite to folly ons -half of then who a
now turned away apparently to die. We
in esrrying on this work. " s also want
to build fonr new nonage. during this
coming seamen. Thea would make beau-
tiful memorial gifts.
11.000 01. Lei Year to Ontario.
The report of Dr. Bryce, Secretary oh
Provincial Board of Health. shows over
8,000 died last year in Ontario from this
canoe alone. Were the lamseary funds
given, and with the disease detested in
earlier stages, then is no reason why the
lives of over half of them eannot be saved.
May we not have your aid in this good
work IYnnr dollar will help to save the
life of some young man. Tenn ate.,
Toronto, Jan. 4, 1588. W. J. GAGE.
The sacred fires of India bene not
all been extinguished. The most an -
twit which still existu wee eonsrcratmd
8 centering ago ii rtrmmemoration of
the voyage anode hy the Parsee' when
they emigrated loan Persia to Ia.
The fire is fed five. Orme every 24
with sandal woad and other fragrant
Materials erothined with every dry fuel.
Yltia, fin In the *Maas of °edwad* near
OlalSat, la visited, ip Parsees In large
•a.uhsrs daring the months slIotted to
the presiding gentian o1 fin, 1
lIASfOs1719 ill BABYLON.
Over 408 dIeroe•de are ketone to
have twee normal Troia the reins
of H*byik,o�• /[any ars **oat Ila4raost
are pafiftlW ad nos or tura elide.
T2ke beekentins Josephine has jean
made the possess between Rio Jan-
eiro and Baltimore, a-note,nce of 4 8,0
n les in 23 days. 'this reooraieats
that of the famous clippers andjalet-
ter even than the timed the average
LAR, for each and every rase of t'ATA• to
{ chit cannot be is w cured by tot HAt.t,'r
I CATArau CUs..
Sworn to Deloqrs me and subscr.bod la my
prsenien tide it -ay of December A. D. 1561
c -•a a W OL•A1101,1
▪ as i Notary Publics.
Hairs Celanb Care le taken InternaiI,. sad
act* dlntttr es tit,' blood and mamas rnrraoee
of the astern. gond ser lab. fro.. -
r. J-rilgliar a Len'rrlede, a
O dd, Drompebt yar.
steamer. 1 lialrelnslt7lt'lllsare th. bee
imagine a thrifty little town of
about two thousarel inhabitants. with
its rows of' comfortable homelike cot=
tages; breed fame -whose fertile acres
Weak of prosperity; vineyards and
fruit orchards groaning with plenty in
their sesame and with just enough
mantnfacturing to kern it in touch a itis
the uutdie world, and you hate a fair
picture of Clifton tiprinas aa it is to-
Situated Ma the Auburn branch of
Lim N. Y. Central. about midway be-
tween Syracuse and Rochester. and
also on the Leh gb Va:ley 11.11., it has
traoo.portatioo fe.-i,ities far ■uperlur to
away towns twice its r.i en
A atranger peussinip hastily through
the village would Ike very little tot is-
tagguisb it from hundreds of other
Wenn in Centred sad Western"New
York. let probably ober is no town
in the sltate whoa* name is so familiar
to tecinetteds and tens of tbuusaptla all
over the Vona ea case seam Chiles
TRY a half pound package of
bad It It Is sot the beet 7.e ewer tented take
tpit brok to your roar wd gret pour tummy
last -we eaks 11 good W bila
lees 11 leets te DM Told by a tea Wb.
A man wbo recently came near dy-
ing in the course ot a serious illness
has described graphically in a London
paper what are likely to be one's feel-
ingn in the face of death.
"The most remarkable impression
left upon my mind." he writer. "was
my power of thinking clearly and ra-
anomaly. 11Vplap, a• I learned after-
ward. my lite was believed to be slowly
ebbing away I became perfectly oun-
aoiuus of my surroundings, and, u I
thought, of approaching death, 1 re-
member distinily moving my lips and
bringing sumo one to my bedside from
am mg the ansa hero fur my end. I
could not. gpeak. I drink. but I pointed
to the roan below where my mater sad
mJ son were -� r,ro�wtuU waiting.
They came to my Ade. and 1
made some signal for them to leave
the room.
"My daughter was now on one side
and the doctor on the other. end I
felt myself hastening to think before it
was too late to say anything- I then
thought. shall I send a me+aage to some
relatives? Something seemed to say
'last words are painful.' Then with
unutterable atm I felt myself eluw1
penaizes away. And ob, how quiet
all woe I could ant decide wheth
I was gliding back into an oblong dark
plus or H it were approaching me.
1 recognized it meanwhile as the gate
of death.
"This waa my last thought. I seem-
ed to melt away, and then •l1 was a
blanc. The next day the doctor told
me that at first he believed 1 was
Iiehtful promenade with a magnifi-
cent view of the surrounding coun-
try. A portion is enclosed in glass,
forming a spacious solarium where one
may enjoy -will -out any diseconfort
a sunbath in midwinter. The elevator
aerie* is such that even invalids in
wheelchairs are not deprived of this
The building is heated by iadiroct
rad.ation, the steam tx i nernteei
two blocks away. it'a1•f.:nlSla
gnu and electric light plants furnish
the neoesaary means of illumiaatloo.
Across the street is a four-story An-
nex, which together with the main
building. prof ides accommodation for
four hundred (ovate'
A corps of experienced physicians ars
connected with the Sanitarium an the
one selected by the patient visits him
daily for consultation, adapting the va-
rious forms of treatment to•hie Lndivid-
oil needs.
E A score or more white -spied nurses
minister to the needs of the very eiek,
or willingly run on erraada for the
The atmosphere of the house is dis-
tinctly a religious one, and yet thief fea-
ture is never made in the least oitru-
Contusion is frequently caused by
English weights and measures. The
same term dose rot mean the ame
quantity in all parts of the kingdom.
and this is more frequently the use
with grain than with meat. The last
named is usually quoted per stone of
eight pounds in tbs principal markets,
ani official statistics are based en that
quantity ; this is known as the butch-
er's stone. Yet in soma parts of the
oomatey the stone is locally understood
to be 14 pounds and meat is sold oecs-
MMooslly by it. A stone of flour is also
14 pounds. When meat animals are
mid' by lira 'Weight. they are sold by
the cwt M 119 tOunde, whlok Meant* of
eight Monett of 14 potted' sank. If a
man says a calf weighs 10 Moue he
mean* 140 pounds, It, however, he in
dealing with dressed moves. he will
may it weighs' so many stone. mean-
ing eight pounds, it being dead meat.
A state of wool, potatoes, or other
merobanilss Is also 14 bounds.
Rain does plants comparatively lit-
tle gond until it enters the soli, where
it ma be absorbed by their roots. A
daily record of he amount of water
1* the soil without Indioste whether the
indications were favorable or otherwise
for tortilla crops. There is a plan foe
burying specially eastreetei elsctrodee
le the soli, le order that bit sbellsuring
' tae resistance to the pelage of.* enr-
rantthrough the Moil the amMeint of
moisture me he aseerlained. This me-
thod wee euggeeted by the mese ity
0f greened bIy telephone and
4e1.fnapb hila 'if the terloM5llf ars
sot centinealty 1r a aiobt a��1I tbs
• s las
do ant week dry napllira.
A Ilttle leas than fifty years ago
there came to Clifton Soling* a young
doctor, Henry Foster by name. Natur-
ally of a mon* benevolent and philan-
thropic turn of mind, than moat young
man, he felt in.t he had a ui-.tiet,
tall to relieve the sufferings of LL
fellow-mvou, and he set about doling
this In a way so unusual u to produce
much ere thrlsm. ani even relic n.e-
At that time what is now the centre
of the town wee little better than a
wilderness of wood and swamp, con-
taining several abundant., ever -flowing
sulphur apriogs• Reoogni -ing alts
,* d4cinal valise of the springs. the
young doctor resoived to make a be-
siat►iag of what he Cherished as his
Ate work. the apreariag of a Cbrietian
Institution which should restore health
sad utren. th to warn out thousands.
The beginnings were very modest in-
deed, and the "Water Cure," as it was
than called, when completed. bad hard-
ly the necessities of life, judged from
the prevent standpoint. But it not
wltb favor, sod within a few Years the
debt Incurred fn 1.uiiding was paid off,
and in UDEN, this drat, plain; wooden
ing and regular week -day an
services are held in the beautiful char
el, wheal forms a part of the i`anitari-
nm. It is a Christian atmosphere of
doing rather than of talking, and the
eheehful service prompt attention, and
co rniderate care ebowa by alt the em-
plrnyeea is the irst possible sermon that
could be preached.
Otte would never imagine he was
at a sanitarium from appearances. Kv-
erybody looks well, and a- pars happy;
in fact, one cannot ,e despoorknt hers
if he tries. for one does so hate to be
odd you know.
The rates are shout the same as at
any first -them hotel. and the price in-
cludes everyth�1og room, board, treat-
ment, and med1ic I advice.
Oa. mete people here from every
• part. of the country. AA 1 it at my
tails in the dining room. I find thet
tie lady et, rity iS from Virginia:
the gentleman and his wife opposite
from Baltimore At my left, is seated
• gentleman trt*n Colorado; at S lit-
tle table on one aide is nae a party
from Canaia; while at the extreme
end of the room I have pointed outto
affair was superseded. by a commodi- me the Archbishop of the West In.lies
ous, five -storey. hriok building .which and kis family.
answered the regnrenmentll of the In- The circle of one's acquaintance in-
stitution for many years. chides many business ani professional
As time west on, alterations were mien. this being a favorite resort for
made, wings addled to the main build- such, who dn4re to drop their heavy
ins, untll nallyl vire see the culmina- cares for a few weeks.
Oda of ..111 is the prlinent nMlgnifirent 1 or many, years mt ,pate been the de-
initebtorely, fireproof leilltligg of brick snit of pr. Foster' all so arrinpte mat-
a.nd terra cotta, winch hail risen 'like a tern that that viola W' the ilanitaiinm
giant oak at the forest front the for- ahtonld be salt-Tisrpetusting and "eon -
tile soil, eultivated by years of on- tiaras to he manatee for years to Home
ceasing toll, and nonaeerated endear- oa the same basun as originally estab-
er, until It Metal today a lnndmar. Iisl ed.
for miles around, speaking in its mats Acute -LE -44y. • few years ago, be
elogosaoe more powetfuily than by mad11 a silt Oi+lfahr ifIeent prop -
words of man of tho wesderfel way 1* arty, valved se by a dead of
which Clod hast lent bis blessing to the trust to a wombat Obi. '•:_hfe were
es terpyl,e. to act as a board of trustees withou t
This new building. recently dedicate pay. sad he plednevi-to every out the
ed, contains all the annessorls and con- founder's wiabse forever in managing
vani$aoes of a motley% hotel, and in that inetituttold.
addition, has facilities for giving the Thin whits matey an tadivlinal would
t various heti* and treatment, Dome have had ids fine residences. Stylish
thirty in number. coachyee, aid all the attendant good
Tbs dinlag room reminds one of a things oi lib., this oonsetwated man
*tett tan hotel without some of boas preferred to turn it all over to
the disagreelable features, and the the good of others, feeling that he has
along as betori O. will satisfy the been but a stif\•sed of Attalghly dei
most exacting. wteo baa so wonderfully blessed 11 be nn -
The richest of milk and crease is fur- doetskin'
MLthed from th. eanitarIsaa Arm et ho *tiara yon will, north Or .ont.h.
tone hundred and misty acres. which is wast or want, met you will wander tar
•.tacked with a tlplte►d4d herd of cows, Wore yon -find a spat where dwell oo
me:tly holstein*. utueh of iaaoe, quiet. TMsaant. ebrnt•sn-
T1* tbof vlf •. •.fly huildltt; 'sweetie oemlb4MSd, with skilful men -
is eeee*ral • wit% tiles and provhl d eal attention, and competent MR sr
with ample parapets, soaking a de- here et C1Ittemie 8prr10get,
The Best of Results
.Z:171," La_
IT'S A STICKER for quality,
a mild nee saord 10 wD.rwlr.
1+ 40. se sad aaa LsADuto °Rooster, is LEAD PAo*Aesa
Atliowney-Have you formed or ex -
Premed any opinion concerning this
Venireman -All I've said about it it
I'd like ho make $1 a day /sten' on the
W P C fres
581115, Mille 0Males,
Asrr1•tent ek'.,remove,l
t0 Wesley Itelgs., kloh
mond 51- Wcroute
4. w AMeasIM, IL R. Me. a seaegoon.
EYE, EAR, NOSE cc speclAl-1sT 1
• ttlrel tll&711rNrM
Toronto Cutting School.
VoUNO MEN. tern to rut. No better trade
ear prot,aslpn. WrIt• for sentential...
111 Yong Bt. Tomato.
Twn ream 1a Wbleb They reealtb
sad swage' Amor All Oilier Mears Had
Failed -Tr bat They Nave Nae for Others
They will D. for Tea
From the Colborne Express.
There are few if any people. in Mur-
ray township Northumberland county
to wham the name of Chine is not
familiar. Mr. Jaoob Chase. who baa
followed the d&oupetion of farmer and
fishermen and• fiabdesler, is especially
well knotin. He -hoe-teen s'greatonf-
ferer from rheumatism, as all his
oe ghlors know, but has fortunately
succeeded in getting rid of the disease.
To i reporter be gave the following
particulars. I had leen a sufferer from
rheumatism for upeards of twenty
'leafs. at times being confined to the
house. At one time I was laid up
for sixteen weeks, and during a por-
ton of that time was confined to
my fed. and perfe•tly helpless. 1 bad
the benefit of excellent medial treat-
ment. but it was of no avail. I believe,
ton, that I have tri& every medicine
idvert,sed for the cure of rbeuniatiam
and I am sure I expended at least
5200.00 and got nothing more at any
time than the merest temporary relief.
At last Iwai induced to give Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pille a trial, and from that
time I date my good fortune in getting
rid of the tinware. I continued using
them for several months and daily
found that the trouble that had male
my lite miserable for so many years
was diaappearing and at last all traces
al lett me ani I was cured. I
say cur
recurrence of the trouble.
As graving the diversity of troubles
for which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
a cure it may also Its+ mentioned that
they restored Mrs. Frank Chase, a
daughter-in-law at the gentleman
above referred to, to health and
elrength after alt other mean* had ap-
parent'', failed. Mrs. Chane says:-
' I can scarcely tell what my trouble
was, for even doctors could not agree
as to the nature of it. One said it it as
consumption of the stomach, while an-
other was equally emphatic in declar-
ing that it was liver. trouble. One
thing I do know, ani that is for years
I was a sick woman. i know that. I
was afflicted with neuralgia, fay blood
waa poor, and I was subject to
depressing hestachee. My appetite
was not good at any time, an 1 the
least exertipn left me weak and de-
st:ondent. A holy frlrnot who had I sen
benefited by the use of Dr. Willieme
Pink Pith advised me to try them, and
za they had shoe cured my father-in-
law, I determined to do so, and 1
have much cause for re;oicing tbat
I did, for. you can easily Pee that
they have made a well woman of me.
I took the pills steadily for a couple
of months, and at the end of that time
was enjoying the blessing of gond
health. It glvetey the much pleasure
toIse able to heal' public testimony
value valuof this wondbieI1I medi-
flee.. fF
Drs. Williariu'Pink! Pith* cure 1
KcotenayCoped with Eczeml
MI Overthrew It.
James A. Wilson, of Paris, ons, de.
lighted with hi. DaughteP's
1 1 I0%111 %(r.i:
11' XI t 1 %I1t1 %e h
Apples, Poulin', Eggs,d&
The Dawson Comllnisslen Carts.tstell
Ser. Of wet IlerMt and eeMred 5L. - T5SSU1
- la So, Warns -
Wililao SC, - - - TORONTO. OM.
2rC23111 Q117A>•.
�o lane,
/mated, to say one she
1 doe `lndestreetl►N Lam
uith•Wises. Wises. Toe
ace oesalvet
vita Gnaw BUSINESS
Mod widely Attended 10 Armories. IMP
lltbetrated eatadogae Moth Teur1, A!AMMO-- - -
All along the line Kootenay is March-
ing to victory. Wherever there Isa stand
up fight between Kootenay and disease,
Kootenayalways comes out Victor. The
"New Ingredient" gets in its home
thrusts that make disease yield the battle.
Nowhere is this better exemplified than
is, the case of any stubborn skin disease.
The use of Kootenay means certain curet
It was so in the case of Miss Wilson,
whose sufferings for 18 months from the
cruel tortures of Eczema were such as to
make Icer thankful for any retytcdyy that
afforded a chance of relief. Her father",
Mr. James A- Wilsonewriting under data
of April 19th and May 8th states :-" In
rc„srd to the health of my daughter, I
am happy to inform you that she is cured
of Eczema and has this Monday gone to
work in the Woollen Mills here after
being out nearly 18•months, and I give
year Kootenay credit for curing her,
" You may use the contents of my
letters as recommendations, for we be-
lieve that every person who has Eczema
should know the benefits of Kootenay.
There are lots of witnesses here to testify
to the contents of my letters, people who
saw her when she was very bad and
to -day. -
According to previous information re-
ceived from this same gentleman, we
learn that Miss Wilson had the disease
for 1 r months before beginning to take
Kootenay Cure, and was under the
doctor's, care for about 8 months. He
said the case was a very obstinate one
and elm did not get any better. She
began using Kootenay on the recom-
mendation of the Rev. Mr. Brown and
Rev. Canon Richardson, of London,
and is Dow wail.
Here you have a complete history of a
case from beginning to end and can see
that when used with perseverance and
conscientiously, how thoroughly Koot'
enay Cure gets at the source of all dis-
ease -Disordered Blood- purifies it,
enriches it, cleanses all impurities from it
and restores perfect health.
Sold by all druggists, or The S. S.
Ryckinan Medicine Co., (Limited), Ham-
ilton, Ont. e
Chart book free on application:
Intelligent ladies and gentlemen an be an
jilted with genteel and eery PRnrrr•il ,■
employment. laloetryl. the.+e.tltl NE
IC•tSARY to aaoure 04)0D Ri!IJ'4.ItA
TIDY Cas give 1u address of r,0reweatatl••
who has Just',leered 1111 in ti D ►Ye. Il osa
hemade right AT•eo•r• own H. 2.
J. L NICHOte st CO.,
Rlehmoad Wet. Tortilla*.
A Spec ifilo for Female 0omD1a1Bt1,
wee tree bees bower %sdy th.pwieiji
sate el .Nun's effort. The .t Done .s.e the
reelore .seta! a.d \sank eetlo..t the wet
sea rw )nes and Mro w.rssMod t►r7
air rwe•� •elan �.a D. uaa���..dd�. Ther are cora
solely frogs tae .dtf►. principles et cspilalie
sad .r•r veri.otl ere ..d reliable Ask y
he them, and tfM doe sot keep Mem Is stool
procure diem far =ulnae. ala per SWIM r
ISM Wsoli.
TM Tenons ehrwmeal Mi., Ueda* YM'enalls
�.s1 sent., a erg. MAI; war
Mt► encu mita: Astrte.n� eogmtM_ i
warras10i ire years, *eel as ueeksa5IU
ute W apt s mei * 1,l� al
wa4 ,seddN ed ashy e
wok s..,nd .and; resaloed \,ease dol
ed•1 .wards at Aeeriess and rNYarem•n,
tM,.00sI gtp.�u
cn.: patented
world Dyer: 111.1 . midi Mica MP sad
Mast,' N to a: Mesta make w Ammerdl
eallIngi1:se spot bid 72 in . Natio/r
day ; .d owed saepl. 1. u laddreee es
remise of pose: t foe s7, 11 tor lis , l sr
mor. ...t c o. rt. a 11 u art loth .«Ice qq
for 81 1 .ill wed emelt a.d M.6••�
lolled plate Mein ~mated b wear a1wye�1
yews, ma all aerator erssos. Wed IS
ler m.j
Mad+ima ts5ote New Tedi .5,.
Loan and Savings Company.
ler00RPOaAT•D 188&
s_Yeert•.e Wino' $ 5,eee.eee
hN-wp o.ett.l.... tele see
.serve fund 1.450,000
Teat M.54. *seam
S1nee-Seal eaa?S s.tpskege, Toronto St.. Trento.
DQOSITe neeiv 1 at onrrent.ratM of late&
eat, paid or compounded half-roarly
Daasir rump irood 1■ Cat relay c r mousg
with interest twosome attached, pa%. Mie 1a
Caned . or In BnglanS. ix.onters and Tris.
tees are autherts d by law to Invest in the
Debenture. of this Compo -y.
Mossy ADVANa5D on Real ietat..eenrlty
st en rent rates and 00 favorable coed pion. as
Mortgagee aad Ynntelpal D.bentnres pur-
p1 551, MAI M. MemegI sg Stases.
This little Meter !r eassIplsess
with battery and slsnlealS, IN
le .1 bay's doltgbt.
going to the root of the dIPeaIiS
They renew and build nlr the blood,
and strengthen the nerves, thuAdriv-
ing disease from the system. Avoid
knit.alions hy insisting that every
box you purchase is enclosed le a
wrapping bearing the fall trade mark,
Dr. Williams' Pink Mlle for Pale Peo-
The smiles mouth Rhyme..ohthe most
'extraordinary -objects io nature. Jay
the time the men has wore out the
lest of its 80.000 teeth, a new set hes
been provided for It to begin all
over .gals
Id YewBISM II4PTeAtpered
Saaates !whet, and if she hascorns
buy bar PutIWd8 Palnleao Corn Ex-
tr'arton. Bees - Tslll th+a hee5nie an
14deu, Herb alt4iss mheerl of msrrted
lifefor k le due tExtras-
tor wore.
painless. Radprnmpt
Electric Railroad Complete $3.50
This Miniature Eleclfic Itatt said is complete with
track and battery.
We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices.
Are the pride and glory of
lovely woman. Amberine
cleanses the scalp, removes
dandruff, itchiness, harsh-
ness or brittleness, and
makes the hair as beauti-
ful as in youth.
The following ladies ha ve kind-
ly permuted es to refer to
them. They have used Ant•
berine, they know its worth,
and they reeornmend it high.
ly :-
Nish Tonle ebb.,
Nelson St.j London.
Mrs. J. Manson,
Yorng St., Ha , bion,
Mia E. Patterson,
Hee, St. N., Hemiltele
Mrs. Alfred lort'tn,
ill St, tondos.
Mies 1. V, RJrckman,
Hugheon st. S., Hamilton,
Miss Eva Dickenson,
Young St., Hamilton.,
BWeaPIT itriti ',low 01s3 e
1)011I1N1ON 07' CANADA. ) iN Till MATTER of Ibe "Ambrlas Hair P.i*s58
Pnvtan• of t)ht a mannraotnr.d b Mason. Jeb Crook sr*
and Ootopaay, N
°r1 e1Ytddtesez. To WII: llnetot Street, London. Canada.
I. Seery Aron P1astew, of the t:ley of London. lo the County of Middler. Weer Wale
ere scleral d.ehre Mat 1 have weed Ihn "Aahssloe Hair Predator.* man5fstettrei
• Meets.. Job nook and nor" of No. M Wnl'1 tn. Atesss, leeks Oily of LeeAost 0
Moos the lith clay •f Atrl4 .ftfl. it keg•tebpet the tehla. of the wall, stepped IM iiMaaMMM
trots batten sot, remee ►N d sndratr, .ed h ea beonR it nob a Whit moo at ha.r wh.r• cog
hew wuetsthed 8514 Wore! eommene*
ned millet their preparation.
AOA oa ke OM 51ea• dselarsUns eoe.eleninruly hsllevlog It to be tree sad imi.4011
.1 111s.e toes * terse and seem salt made ender cosh end by vote* of "Th.
ps 4..t1a I
NO at the Mr bathes to tis tenet? et MI4dtei Mb 1
as..It atobH.san eq g,D,P*8lik/7,b 111Ise and whloktw 1 M wsr'PreJry rratios et. --boni al std 1 fk. A. yummy.
fsttaT. • v.