The Signal, 1898-1-14, Page 5THE FALL CAMPAIGN -IN- Dry Goods -AND-- Ready-to-Wear Clothing bee fairly commenced, and our range in variety and style is the larg- est, most comprehensive, and up-to-date ever shown by us. No exaggerations, no word trickery to get your dolly-4ad we wish to emphasise the fact that in, these days of e old fashioned honesty is rare. Kindly remember, we guarantee goods as represented, or your money back if yon want it: -- STAPLE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS. Ewert's Linen Tablings (from 18e. to 31.30 per yard) and Towelings, direct from Belfast, Ireland. Ask to see them. Lidice Black Cashmere Hose, 2 pairs for 25c. Our Ladies' Heavy All -Wool Hose, at 15c. beats them all. Grey Flannel (not all wool), 10c. per yard. Grey Flannel, all wool, from 18c. up. 25 pieces Flannelette, on sale Saturdi,y, at 5c. per yd, easily worth 7c. 2 and 3 -ply Faetory Yarn (best make) at 35c. per Ib. Grey Cotton, 34 in. wide, 2/Je. per yard, up. to Cotton. 36 in. wide, 4c. per yard, up. 425 ►Bniirt.Yan's Underwear, the Winter kind, from .,Qc. to 33.00 per -. -... • Floor Oil -Cloth, to clear, 1 yard wide, 11c., former price, 23c, ; 2 yards wide, 35c., former price, 46c. Chenille and Tapestry Curtains and Covers, direct from the mill in Philadelphia, at prices that make it decidedly an object to buy. CLOTHING, CLOTHING , THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO. ROOM - MAKING SALE For 30 Days After Stock -Taking, we find too many lines of Shoes on hand, and in order to make room for Spring goods now arriving, have decided to GREATLY REDUCE THE PRICE Our Ready -to -Wear Clothing Department covers nearly all of the 2nd oor, with the kind of Goods that will catch your eye, wear well and well, and our experience gives you a double guarantee that the quality is the best obtainable, and PRICES THE LOWEST Est. JA& A. REID. & J. REID, Manager. MARRIED. 111.11.11-IA=ER-At Naderleh on Wedner dq the Mb tael. byReg. M Meaay. Hob- ert os ert'Make. ef tto Miss Anal'. K eesesd ilii eta et Richard Baker. of OUNND�RYa-J Go4O 4 3. on Wednesdayy. Jas. ME6tkMEHannah A.. youngest daughter of Mrs. L '. sadry YOUNG --la Colbarw, ea Saturday, Jan. Mb, iele, A1esaeder Young. aged H.7 veers, fIlE TALK OF THE TOWN. N OtsbOOk if We've . Reis {a a' ler Coale. 1 roar ie teat Mr a Milers ARMS. We iakla' Seems. a.' IMAM Re'll Meas 11P -Mama. OM 1.1 le at k111 beet fer /bstes*Pliy to rho 1taMk.ahns dupe of Janavy, ..dd with his ebresallews Mies tbe beet ed a *mhos toa Ontario.Ontart Peldham�ietllluk of the Demtet5. OF. 10. wwbo sea ap restore Ike co*.t Wile* lash and Sae maMriaL Cwn.t, tag4 AID Soorrrr.-The animal senettsg of the Obildr..'e Aid %e.', sill lit bald is the :meaty clerk's *Mee on Fri- dley *osier of this week. at 7.50 r. a. Oversee -We are N. kssdquartere as we rsceiv. them daily. amiss* semi soma d os.t..tte.ery sad freta just arrived. Call OSA see as. Yawns Retaurant, C. Bleak - Menu DM:if l ek- DM:if ram fBaLruroaa.-R. 8. Ttis sew rammer oysters direst from SSW nese, :Yeg4. .erettike swami Mk*Mk*asdo one stay les, enough d MOW to 'pdoieed with water to sae armee {Mir balk. 56 minutes. This rider premises next enema to maks an attack oa the oestai y 8.00.s Loewe those who made...tnrles the past season are Alex. McIver (2) W. W. Moo- nset. and Dan McIver. Tits LsoAL Penrea*lows. -Tb annual meeting of alb Law Lb.ry Association of the County woe bold in the Court House on Wedoeedsy, of lash week se which the followi.e allows were *looted President, Jelin, Marion, vino president, F. Holmsted; moo-trw., V1. Pro.dfoot ; librarian, I). McDonald ; &editen E. Campion and R. (7. Hays ; esmmtttee, Judge Doyle, E. N. lwwis an R C. Hays. S cx's►)srvT. Msrrtst,s.-Rev. Donald 000aty aro bang largely attended, and they ars creating a strong feats, in favor of his Hosea memos. Lae% habb•th at Bay8'.id he ohuroh aisles and platform were erowd• ed cod • smokier were unable` to obtain standing room. The week day msetiaes are very aiaraedve, and kis system of allowing thirty miastes for free and easy question and answer, and the exhibition of esricaitts@ from China are very much •ppreoiated. Au. Anon. LAGaR -At the last sees(es of the Division oeurt,,*n interesting sass ; Flelohman vs. MoCormaok and Jobatse., sa settee to secure damages for wrosifel di..tiseal, was tried before Judge Doyle. The action was tried by a jury sad lasted all day, darts( *Mob period the wort was orowded by those who seemed te take a lively beteseet in the mope•dlaes. After • ..s over long delib•raUoa the jury renamed with • verdict for the defendants, • meet LOOK FOR sToaE I BIG BARGAINS For THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS ----- For example,, we ata. going to _sell Ali ! tilt a O tsrds, -nodal grief, $L.2f4;,•"111is-'srgies;- Fine Kid butt- Boots, " " 2.50, " " 2 00 Dong " " " " ' ' 1.50, " 1 20 " Lace Working Boots, "- " 1.00, It 44 75 Girls' School Boots, size 11 to 2, 44 1.25, " II 1 00 Men's Glove Calf Lace Boots, " • 411 1.50, 1 20 " Dongola, elastic side, " 1.75, " "...„___1_ 40 keds Heavy Lang Soots, of- all Tulldas,-TOTe soldiery Cheep. 44 Wuall1 lo Save you Moocy oo ?IINaSc GOODS SOLD AT SALE PRICES STRICTLY CASH. ST GEO. PRICE West Side of Square, Goderich that seemed in thorough aaordaooe with the evid..oe. L. E. Dancey appeared for the plaintiff, and P. Holt for McCormick and J ohnstoo. AT KNOY Cacacn.-The Rev. Donald Ifacgilfivrey, M.A., R P., of Hama Caine, wall address the oongreg.tion of Knox oburoh next Sabbath, both morning a.d evening. O. the evening of the 18th he will also address the Huron Presbyterial Sooi.ty of the W. f. M. 3. of the Presby- teries Auras in Canada, which bolda its annual eo.ve.tion on that date in Knox ohersb. A meeieal program and addressee by two of the members of the Presbytery will .is. be given. A oolleotion will b. *505' MANltlwi.-TM Mord.., Man., .f last wash, says :-" Mr. J. T. 1 le..e.~....Ia tl�dh..s. left .. S.{sr- day for Goderirb. Oat., .. • visit to hie family. Mr. Admen 6. well pleseed with W pauape'ta L Yeedeaanmorn d will mbis Wady Yew e p is shit to take Y� Mir l at 7.30, tea w k M ISIMll reestredMtetrade (ell.wi.g .omtnath.e for the vamma ss M Ob. 0.ergs'e ward : Hugh Danlop, proposed by Ohm. Rlske, amoaded by J C. BUM ; Calla C•is.beil. provres4 by G. C. Week. mosell.d by Asa Malts As there wore deeeLr.4 madidabis d, Hum Imre d amble by abs r.M r01ag Tax A es,r's Woax Aaooa .--a•1Mwe his r.aatvod a Wier tress the puref.aer of flu ;plasm "etesaddi" that wen • tow e.iks Num M oshMMMus is hit window. MM Wafter of Obartatta. Mak. tM pair shads. is mash pits.d with /Ya wick .1 �artt, and M hue Mist says I '• odor* tee Y{(i.d the plasm flea, sad I Maof ramplabit k s pod deal a TRU Wads Ana W=fmie.-Tkai.3 S samba .t Uy.Ysg Yee Oka lsWldas ahs.t Gabs eh riders t 18.wh. aro the Yr WA S same 5.esrded t 0.1. M. Al... Mold od.hb to 81estfare sad wear.. and Ma. Iona. ea Oft *yea Reed M aossl.sy ftld i tilllt Ata. 'Molar spa. aiame T.i0. Marc Maker sa D... Si masattl M egsiMi advy paskisals mater tram that e*w. M lortAkia egg r.bwtl br b hese) tad A PANTRY Goon Orrrrrr.-44,779 tons of merchandise wen skipped by the G T. Railway from this station during 1897, and of this amount nearly 24000 tons ooneisted of wheat, eats, barley, buy and peas, and the balance, of salt, lumber, furniture, knit- ted goods, leather, fish, boiler, organs, picas stools, bath furniture, bloyolei and miaeeflaneone matter. Thera were also large abipmento of salt. eats, hay, potatoes and general merohaadise by water whiob added to the G. T. R. freight would nearly remeh the 70,000 ton mark. Pu.swr.rrow.-O. Monday evening a very plumes' time woe ape* H.1 {he resi- des* et R. A. Robert* when a number of Me members of Subaru Home Circle as- sembled andptsse�ted Mrs. Roberton with a headstones oloek, thus Mewls, their esteem toward ber. It was a...mpasid by a nice, This Board of S c h o• 1 Trustees have decided that the Oheapest and Best place on the face of the earth to buy SCHOOL BOOKS Amo I8 PRIORS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES ORTER'S B v., O KSTO R E JANUARY: K bbr•Ti.asd Load Paws, 5e. des , :r 9 for 1s. 46 a . better quaky. 10e. des., et 1e. meek ,.. 10e. dee.. er la we . baker quality, t. 30e. des., be. *eh, sr 9 he bit SOL des, et 6s. sea " Rehire 100. des. eft 1H. amok b o t� �Me AR . hoed or H.A. _ 1n le. 4 Sot Ill Pas Pala% eMl_is_� for la ter 3s. w .elan Luk' fur 5e. t 91.. 3... sad awe Faber'. H. W. •' •• 44 Of se •• OS " a► .• Iy worded address, expressing the feelings of the circle's members at the lady's loog ser- vice ea their secretary. Mr. Robtrtoo, iu a brief speech, thanked the members for the very handsome preseoe and the kind y worded address, and said that the olook s tiok would ever remind him and his partner of Auburn Home Circle and the members' thoughtful kindness. JARVIR-ALtXANDxRCON. TAT .---This oon- owrt now promises to be the hest over given in Goderich. Mise Alexander will give us one of her selections, her new original one, "Jubilee Pretension is London," pronoano- .d by all who have heard it to be of an et• alfesiaaallX_hi /LI:Eder- tatiooe are the delight of a11, old and young. Her rendering of "TI -.e Song in the Market Place. by Buck ham, with solo by Mr Jar - vie, always calls forth great applause from her audience. Mr. Jarvis' songs are of wonderful rases and variety. from the heavy oratorio to the sweet and heart - reaching love song, while his patriotic sad Sootoh seleotlons are the admiration of all who near him. Remember the date. Janu- ary 18th is Viotoria Opera House. GEO. PORTER, S■U 4, GSM. EookssUrr and Stationer Feiner, JAI. 14, 1897. FORTIFY THE SYSTEM Nortob lb, blood, Nacreous (se.'im strength and life by using SA RED N'S BLOOD PILLS ! THEY SUCCEED ! (loth the Beat and the Cheapest 25 CENTS A BOX, OR 5 FOR 01.00 THE PERFEC 1' EMULSION OF COD LIVER' OIL WITH HYPOPHOS- PHITES A Vu % C\u►es 3►1.fatke Regular 50 omit slue ter 35 deem. 3 for 51.00 W. C. GOODE, Agent, BEDFORD BLOCK. • . LAST CHANCE . . To procure one of those elegant bottles of Xmas Perfume. A few are left, and will be sold very cheap. Don't mistake the place. Look for the electric lights in the window. - D_UN Daii: you see our agars 3 ud get our P'rIOES- 1. W. Robertson, Commissioner of Agri. cultere. and dairying for Canada ; J. A. Ruddick, Superintendent Duty School, K oeeke% ; F. T. Shutt, Chemise at Experi- ment.1 F. its. Ottawa ; Thal, Bal.antyne, Stratford ; A. Pettulle, M.P.P., Wood• stock : J. E. Muir. Ingersoll ; A. T. Bell, Tayiefeek ; Geo. H. Barr, Sebriogville, eta A number of our young people had a moonlight drive to Clinton on Monday eve- ning. There were enough to fill two sleighs, and as the roads were good and the company pleseant, it proved a vesy enjoyable trip. THE WEEKLY MARKtT REPORT. Oon=..::o. 12. 1393. .Pall ii ens{..w,.,.axxvm.,.ww..,.w•-46i-da s 41 Flow. family. per ewt.... ..... ... 35 to 2 35 Flour, patent, per owt 00 to 3 00 S hoorts, 1 0000 toll 0000 oats. • bash -_.. 2100254 Pees. • boon.. ........... ...-..-.. 4510045 New Hay, iton -...,- eOto600 Potatoes. ►,bush 35 to 0 40 Butter Y.. 15 to 0 17 iogs Fresh unpacked, • dot.-.. 16 to 0 Ie WocQ........_... 00to350 Hides say 0030700 Pell 60 10 070 Lamb -Skins 60 to 0 70 Live Hors 00400 to 12 to 0 13 •m, per lb.............,..,,...• . 10 to 0 11 Cheese. tier lb.... le to 0 11 Dressed Hone, nor cwt 00 to 6 75 Dressed Reef, fore quarter 75 to 6 60 Dressed Beef, hind _ 00 to 6 50Barley, per bash 25 to 027 Traysung GRAND TRUlili RAILWAY. Ktneass7s l.... ..p r ":... AN�9a.m. Moil aad lityeees 1.26 0.m. Mixed Mail and Erpreer Dar.nT. Mall and Express MMali and Express ixe t 7.40 p.m. 10.50 p.m. 7.16 a.m 30 p.m 3.36 u.m The place where you get your money back if not satisfied JAS. WILSON Prescription Drug Store, Marriage Lloonass. W1 LANE., ISSUER OF MARRIAGE • Licensee, Ooderloh, Ont. 2641.1) AuotlonserinR. i'HOMAS GUNDRY, AQOTIONERR and Inauranoe Agent. Roderioh, Ont. &gent London and Lanoaahlre litre Ina. 00., Gore Dlatriot Mutual Ins- Co. Bales at. sod d to 1n any part of the county. 001y JOHN KNOX, GENERAL Al0- Wonesr and Land Valuator. Godertoh Oat. Having cud considerable erpertenoe la beaaottmeeringtrade. he is in a position to isobarge with thorough satisfaction all tom- m:wlone entreated to him. Orders left at it.,Itne'a $Mini, mien* by matt Ip di+#dd$1NeL, Ooderich P O carefully attended to. JOgp KNOX County Auotteuer 11.701 ProfeselonaL C. 8 ELE 0I11111150ChiO4ON ORM-LAND RUNRIYOlie h.it. CAN. 300.:.1. DSAUGITs1AN. ,R. HUNTER. PHYSICIAN, 8t'7t Ul80.--(nor. Hamilton andNewgate-et 62 3m '9 aeon, to- "MT --Bruce street, the reel . deice lately oconpi, d by Dr. McLean Nigh calls from residence. Telephone 58, i Medical Gall. Dentlstr' NICIIOLSON, L.D.R.11. strut- .vatarteoN- - Rooms opposite the Poet O}Ncs ';old IR►iisR, frowns sad 'ledge t t"ae 33 Years Etper' Lce. M MABEE, ) i , J. TALSUP •JIC, \.-Latestand Ove& methods for all den.- , operations. 1. ..i on of the n.turat teeth a_ Amity mitx Moe ever James Robin. n'e der 3 de riots oor- aer of West St eat he donate.S7 %116. TURN 1 P li, --- . Dental Burs eon. ( elyesaoolated with Dr. Dixon. of Mo:tire L Gold and poroe- lale, artificial teeth monntod cs - alum - sum buses. special attention o the ppreservation of the set*ral teeth. .)moo ...t McLean's sew brook. •tt M.dfse{l. i Ir I8 NurWRAP YOU EARN, BU'l WHAT YOU HAVE, MAKES YOU RICH. TSE HURON AND BF'TCE LOAN INV O$TMENT a MPANT Soucrrons.-Cameron Holt and Holmes Dnroeim.--Interest Compound every tax months at four per cent. per aununn,_on rums from one collar upwards. Depositors will find It to their advantage to oome and see us. Loaxs-May be secured at any time without delay on the security of approved desirable propertyExpenses moderate. Applioatloas noetvied by the Manager or solicitors. The Company's odious are located on North Street and- Court House Squats--orpwlts HUMOR SIGNAL Odle'. HORACE HOB_ area er. Presides. J. H. COLBON FUNERAL NOTICE A. W. CORNELL Undertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO A. B. CORNELL N. B. Our Chargrs.hare bten Greatly Reduced in order to mutt the popular demand for Moderate Priced Funerals. - LegML G. CAMERON, BARRL'TER, 80111 atla cttor, Con. a;anocr, Re. Hamilton street. 2 'ors east of Brae.' dry geode store. Wf- Li� RNEI3T if1:A .'ON -- BARRIST 1.4 tioltoitor, Notary Public Ow Bank of Cummer' Chambers, the Big Oodert h. 16w-iy LI Ilia 3• RRI�i:ER, r301.r301.L • loitor, Notary Lo, Office over Medias Halt. Sonars, Godert^h L0. JOHNSTON RAR'IIBTER, SO- . Ilottor, oanmt. Money he can.. GmCes : our. ki._.L' :on aat. _ - Andrew's etreate. Goderic.t. 1113, 604 `.. O. 12.E 78, BA1. "v z'r •., S0L1(JT- l4. OR, 8dew 0. (woe North -et., next de 111JNAL Omoe. 1'rl rata runds to legit at 1, west rates of Interest. 11351- 1 1 ARROW ti PLLOUD3'O(YP, BAR - Asters. Atl ,rne s 8d{pltore A e., 0ode; b J T. Harrow. Q.& W. Proudt.,oL tA11Eli�N, IIOLT & 1101.M=8 Barristers, Soltoltors In Chanwry els. iry1.rt i. M. O. Oemeran, 0.0. ; P. 113 )edl.r Holmes. 1 G. WARD, GONVKIANO=R 1 . to., avid commissioner for taking and re e"rieg reoognleanoes of hall. amtLvits ort dirmatlona, depoeltloms or solemn deplore. use In or oonoerning any notion. suit or pro - ,wading la the HLich Court of Joatlue, tko •. Division Court, AA tta.a•ot'oes ear'.tuili and promptly exeon►e.I. Resldeaee_�sd P. ,Adoees--lla..anno. Oat. itf CSLLs,IAT. IN6'14ruTE BOARD -The reg- ular mooting of the board was held in the e sorvtary's of os on Thursday afternoon, present, Messrs Jordan, Aoheoon, Sh.ppsrd, Colborne, Dr. Taylor, and Sheriff Reynolds. Minutest of last mooting were rood and con- firmed. Moved by Mr. Colborne, eeoonded by Dr. Taylor that J. J. Himp.on be refund- ed exam. foo, 111.00. Carried. Moved by Mr. Sheppard, seconded ky Mr. Aoheeon that soot- of Chas. W. Noble, 4 cords d wood at 33 50, be paid. Carried. Moved by Mr. Colborne, seconded by .Dr. Taylor, that 0 as Co'll soot. he retired to oom. to ant- Carried. Moved by bk. Shimpard, wooded by Mr. Colborne IAMBI, GM meeting of the new board be N 4 ielnek e'. le., in the sect's. office., first W.4sasday i. Febaary. Carried. Venerowe-Hoots.. A pretty wedding took plass at the reddens of Wm. Hake, Gederieh township, Wednesday mRNAs, of last week. mimehie youngest daughter Ida M., was salted la sherries. to Cyrne A. Vas - ltd., s prosperous yeaug fanner of the M*aeht of Colborne. Rev. Mr, (ledwin cloa Nie knee in the prim** et a large num- ber et lurked guests. Tke charming bride wee loess Mseininely attired end was assM- ed by Miss Fier** Ol.dhw, one of the fairest of Oelbor.s's lair ladles. William Haeke, bretber of tbe bride, was grooms- man. Atter tee eareeee.y, .eng,ateLMoa. sod Rood wishes, the ssmpa.y sat down M a eamptweo enpper. Keine. dmnetam sad yaw followed and were kept up until the was taus' 'esre appeared. The eaany pees- ** .f • baademne and dereble asters begs .,Id.... sir NIe popaerfty .f Me beide. Mr. sad Ids Toyama. have 3.8.. up their residence la (.*burse. barna AND Cwaasa AasoarArtow ON Warrgaa OreAato.-The aae.al meetkis will be held at the Upon!.ens. d. N harry 19.90 sad 21. de t Dr. N. . Osaaeil. gasses alv y e. W.0.11llls.il. Pre+.u301dam t Rom JAI% ludierDryads. le Raad ler *f� �Ayi3Mlara Ms Os1.1. 1 fret. tl H. D.a.. OMerie Applaaltarai Ouks., 0.411 iallietii IseRO.Aiad�alM1iettkM.rD. re AiptDielipeldre heel. r1W I IL i1. (Mier. D.Ratbr IIL ; A. R Jobs. D4aiyrr d )Cie rhtt t 86a11ea. 00.0,0. 1. Y. t 0. Co Jews, Do- ds sty 1 hdatlr of Agrtwllar. for 0.15,1. t S IC i S $Dd Eissel's Cycoaaring Carpet Sweepers ARE HERE_ SOMETHING NEW IN SKATES CALL AND SEE THEM. A FEW FIRST-CLASS GUNS, TO BE BUN OFF AT COST. WECSELL AMERICAN DEAD -SHOT GUNPOWDER• ORASB-CIIT [SAWS and AXES away down in prices. R. W. M�KENZIE, 01 TH2 CH$AP .HARDWARE STORE. Loans sea Insurwnoe. "ONEY TO LOAN. - $50 000 00 Privet 'nada to lend at Li per cent. an- nually. M. O. CA*lKKGN H. non's Meek. no.iteColborne Hotel Oode,loh 401-U MONEY TO LOAN -FIVE I'n,R PENT money t• loan. palpate funds ; •"eO first case farms to rent or eel". Houser and lots to rent or for sale. E. N. LIC W Id minister. Iioderloh. t)RLVAT.E SlINDS -PERSONS Di:- strong Rstrong of obtaining money on first-olaee arm remits oars do so at 6' pe. Dent• by ap- jlagg to J. A. McitoNAOH• Room lig, teen - old Balldlaae. Toronto. wliem `1 BBAOER. CONNEYANCINO AND J. losuranoe amoe, Opposite !alarm's Hoed, Godertoh. 110N EY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE t- at 6; per Beat. Notes dt.00untet, 0. 'MAGER. otos opposite Martin's Hotel, Soda •;ob. l,* J. T. NATTEL, FIRE, LIFT ' ND I' • aeotden{ insures* agent Amara) �leweet -*ea Om* -icor. North... end 7 Ani• *rich 4- U ONBY T(/ LEND. -A 1.411.11 ul amount of Private read: for tavertm.n lewe•t uses on Mort:mares. &W y OA RROW R P1107' 717004 • 1) RADCLIFFE, MINIMAL W- ■ {I. *ramie, Real Rnate sad Mess, 'owning age*. Oely 5r.t-olaae rgreseotsd. Mosey to Lead * --- Gabe. et the lowest rase of lararwt sy wet to salt aka oorrower, se door treat Store, Wee* Street, leh ddalsitant.m' Institute. IODI14IOH MECHANIC'S' 111011. TUTS LIBRARY AND RsAt1i11� atx)M, ens. of East It** sad nessemille .1.1 re, - • ossa tram 1 le . P.m , and from 1s. o It$�fka., k HOOT 9000 V OL i IN LIBRI�*T. (red* Doily, Wsehfy e.e1 hews ketal eta r r AU. bir1.Y =sic ?seas M sad Readl, uirNirBl. i► twit 's'etved 1y 'L r6eb Maris mail. NA wed.rlek iflh EUAU YOU NO WOMEN 1/11•wARY 7. Oak Mit