The Signal, 1898-1-14, Page 3,'tt1'.'Je p,... se •
ter.stIag Reale About Oar Own Country. arltaha. the United Mean. sad
All Parts .l the (Yet.. Conesesee end
Amend M Sissy Rasdla.•
gr. A. S. Abbott, ex -City Clerk of
don, is dad at the age of 86
Spain has been added to the list of
ountries entitled to the preferential
Lieut. -Governor Mackintosh and ra-
lly have removed from Regina to
The pleb4s'lte on total prole! Ilion
ill likely be submitted to the Domin-
o voters next October.
Bir Adolphe Chapleau will likely be
ted Canadian C'ommisdoner to
be Paris Exposition.
Chatham Is building • House et In-
wary,to noes. 115.000. and to,
oda90 persons.
Three carloads of dogs from Lows-
. for um in the Klondike paMrs,
ve arrived at Ottawa.
B. Z. Sheppard. Canadian Trade
oast to Qtb Amertca. wit*
Le Vittoria about Feb. 15.
The firm of J. H. Blumenthal & Sons
of the jargssst clothing dealers of
treed. has waived.
C. 1'. R. earnings during 1897 were
24.41.792, an tecretem of 93,506.196
ver the earnings of 1996.
Auguste Bourdon and Joseph Gea-
ry of Moetreel were killed in a rail.
ay .'oiltsion at 8t. Lambert.
Mr. Patrick O'Coostior. carpenter. of
. had hie kg broken by fillip.
a root that be was ebtagling.
Oi.lsos duties collected at Montreal
dories tits year amounted to $.999:
• tis ltwcsara-at. MSG.
Over $00.420,008 test of lumber have
Men shipped during the past season.
he, hangs t its tee Nato. y roe tte Prada.
A convention of Baptiste of Quebec)
Proviso' and the astern portion of
O.taris is being arranged- It will be
Id in February.
The coatroom for supplies for the
9erhil asst military corps tbrougbont
the D99slaba neve lues awarded at
proceed to tee Klondike. to look after
some mining properties in which hes
tether is interested.
Great Britian has announced that
she will retuae to reseguixe any spa-
cial rights granted in Chinese ti.
and will insist on the enjoymettt
the same privileges as granted to any
other power.
Four men were killed by the collapse
of an Lie home at Hsmbuy, Mich., on
A fire in Saginaw oe Thursday
morning deatroye,l eight million feet
of lumber.
William Gasmen, 'a millimetrle lum-
berman died on Thursday at Kau
Claire, Wieconsiu.
The Earl of Ave, the eldest son of the
Marquis of Putteri* arrived in New
York on Thursday.
Mr. John Redmond is to lecture
through the United States on the "Ir-
ish Patriots of Ninety -Eight." -
The Rev. William McNichol, of Bridge-
port, Cont., attacks President McKi -
ley for baring wine at hls.dtp
dinners. -
Z. Triplett. president of the Alcorn
Agricultural and Medlin College for
Coloured People, at Rodney. Maw., bas
been murdered.
.•ZI U
'not 'belliteed by • New Yor11•tl}as-
tetn House azperts that the new rales
prohlbitiog _thAilltrortetois d asd-
skias can be enforced.
Fire at Stockton. Cal. on Wednes-
dar, r>leni i.1 le 0 grain .levators eon-
tatnong 10.000 tons of wheat bsI66glst
to tbe Farmers' Union & Milling- Co•
An express on the Kansa& City, Pitts-
burg & Gulf Railroad, was lend spend
robbed withio the limits of Manses
City on Monday. - The robbers'e'f.
A Loudon detente& to a B`ffalo Payr
says that the partition of AlasDM
been indefinitely postponed. ped that
.England, as usual, gets the Iloa's share
of advent egos from recent •.eats.
Plsnmfor the buildings of the pro-
posed PareAmencan Czl'osition• on
Cayuga inland, Niagara river. in 1999,
have been awarded to architects Grans
& Hyde. of New York. who will receive
1700.000 ter .be.
A not her er,•teterfeiTafvet MMittfica
o[ the denomination of $100 was found
ieoerPAiiedeipbia'track.-'So eeeseross
have these counterfeits become that the
United States Government bis decided
to call i i the Inuit
Ree.resant•tive Johnson of North Da-
kota bas introduced s bill in the ('nit -
ed States Camerae& to repeal the law
which ham Just gone into effect tela -
Un to pelagic sealing and the import-
valsaDj•' eoiisetl•� soma the
stioa of eralskies taken by pelagic eeal-
A d
rty of Meads. wan shies from era' W.B. T. T)tlrraat was hatred at
Natioeal Art Gallery In Ottawa San Quentin. Cal.. for the murder of
Tseed•y nen. San
Lamont and Minnie Williams
lira Oeotiiot• 800tt a colored neo- In Emmanuel Clturrh. San Francisco.
of NI%miltos. who was burned by
the impieties of a lamp • few weeks
ago. is dead.
Gen. Montgomery _Moore has for-
warded to the War Office in England
• targe ntuulwr of applicants for Fen-
ian raid medals.
Very few more aestisle 'w411 Ca cul
frees VMteria this .. nMilenr - steins
steeper labor or Melo.. grass for
bre- .�r�...
The Minister, at Plsbllo Works bas
extended the time for receiving models
for the momments of Queen Victoria
and Alexander Mackenzie.
General Manager Hayes, of the G.T.
R., has ordered,tbe removal to Mont-
real d the audit office et the omen -
ger department, noel at Detroit.
Ne esmNmme returns hem been m-
ired for mcamtthn trots Vancouver.
It is said to be the intention to
1d an investlgatlon into the state of
ft is me t teed that this Growl Trunk
t worts and foundry will he namov-
front Hamilton to London. on sc-
ot ths former city increasing the
1 •. sesseameet.
Ae iceboat went throlleh the ice on
amiltase By. throwing eleven people
tai waAr. Ildhes ATostt.
17 escaped drowning. going down
o or three times before being res-
Cbisf Justine Rtrbardetom of the
orthwsrl Territories bat been sp-
adminLetrstor in the place of
on. Charles H. Mackintosh until tbe
tier's swx'essor as Lieutenant-Gover-
is appointed.
instructions have teen/ sent to the
its postmasters that In cases of tet-
ra for tee United Kingdom or the
entes mailed with' only three cents
Mamie the postmaster is to affix a
o-oent stamp aid let the letter go
Judge Degas oft Meptreal, and Mr.
ra nk Pedley of Ottawa have been
ppolnted commissioners 17 the Do -
inion Government to investigate the
harges referred against theeontr$ct-
building the Crow's Nest Pass
ellway, for allogedf ill-treatment of
heir empioybaa.
In consequence or the retirement of
r. Rouge Roy, City Attorney of
treat, Mr. I. J. Ethter, his as -
tent, Ma been appointed to that
Uos et s salary of four thousand
re hundred dollars end Kr. J. L,
Archamhault has been appointed
joint City Attorney, at a salary
of three thousand five hundred dol-
TELLS HOW HE DID 11'. v,'• desgatoh from Muutr..a1 sayet-
!�e authorities of St. Vincent de Pahl
penitentiary have decided to try dras-
tic mnaap to put a stop to the riot-
oue cn4uot of the convicts. and as a
result some twenty of the ringleaders
will be flogged lathe pretence of their
fellows within the next few days. As
already stated, the trouble bas now
as been ruing on for some mouths inter -
eh :Ieeewi de rest Penitentiary blisters le
be Made am tsemple .,f.
.is. tb• Weasels Fres' eke Woodfield! Is
O ise FI
.e Was militias wag violated s
went Wttb the Aar. -
A deepati h fromDerUn says: -The
oci osseine of Jamie Allison, the mur-
derer of Mrs. Orr cin August 9th last,
made ade ob Friday to Governor
Cook. of the jail. 'The confession w
In Karen or April, 1996. The legal hat. -
Us to save his life was one of the most
prolonged and stubbornly -contested in
eke meals of tbe United States courts.
General Blanco will take the field
agaite*t the Cuban insurgents.
Dr. Zscrbarin, the humus physician
of Cur Alexander i11., is dead.
Spain is 9 ugur.nting lit tr ssury
bonds by two hundred million pesetas.
Emperor William has invoked the
Pope's aid in the passing of tbe naval
Ex -King Milan bas been appointed
commander-tttt-ekiet of the Serves
army. -
It is an. tmproleble that King Alex -
ruttier of Servie, may retire before lose
ie favour of his father.
It is feared that in the rainier Whit -
teem the French and Rritlab expedi-
tions will come into serious collioios.
The fustian speech,* of l'k peror
liam and Prince Henry, which elicited
so much criticimm were impromptu 'ut-
The Spsnbh Government is consid-
ering the advisability of taking Unit-
8taj,ea iatervestios in the . Cutan
Major-General Yattmen-Riggs. w-
oomd•oded the .stood division in the
India frostbite campaign is dead. He
fell a victim to dysentery in India.
Dr. Bebeuk, d Vienna ilnivenity.
claims to have dsicmered the secret
lot ezeroi*ing an influence over ani-
mals so a* to fix the sex of thefts off -
seri se.
A dwapatoh from Bermuda states that
the steamer Scotia has commenced the
work of !afoot the cahle weirh is to
establish wmmu.nication with Turk's
Bland and Jamaica.
They are having a Presidential elec-
tion in the Transvaal Republic. Mr
Kruger l opposed by Mr. Joubert, and
it is said the third candidate. Mr.
Sehalkhurger is running to split the
opposing vote and secure Kruger's elm
art dawn in writing at noon. but l* JOttontly,!o_ " terror of the reel -
reality Allison made It over F moat% V,;1A village outside the walls•
ago, shortly after he was sentenced to It began over the taking away of the
he heneed. Auto otter the oast with allowance of tobacco, and to show their
murderers. the wretehed youth found diesatlsfactioi the convicts bowled
it impossible ter keep the awful sen- sad bagged their tomb basins •11 nightl
rot any longer, and he had to make a long. They were allowed to fire tLem-
oonfident of some one. Governor selves out. but every few days the
Cookmiss was the very.first ,arson Allison a F would as Ira enoe. Acting I en Foster has been doing hie best to
spoke to about the crime. Sine then bring about peace but as all his ef-
he km Mede owelestioNu to others. but torte have tubed. be came to the con -
that to the Governor wan the first, clusiun that nothing abort of corporal
Mr. Cook does sot remember meetly punishment would be of any use. He
Inside a repcut to MY. Mills, Minister
what day it was. but li wsa one day of Justine, to that effect, and suggest -
about s mouth ego that be had occas- ed that he be allowed to flog the ring -
t° visit AUL"' 1•t► his as1L''lMblll" kelt i.a thla.,*aa�t'u d the. tile,
rb ie.
was This, 1te believes, will have the dersred
tee on the boy'a mind 1t effect. Mr. Mitt came to the same
nese quite evident. Pres stly ie -M- ootrplurioo. sad after mature etmeiders-
gan to talk about the murder. and time gave the desired permission.
Ths Earl of Wilton is deed at Lon -
The Prineess Beatrice's few book bed
boo onb1lshed ab Darmstadt
The [oral,* trade of Great Britain
Mat year was the largest in its history.
It le mien that Ragland has guaran-
teed a loan to China of over PS. -
000 060.
It is probable that Prince. who es-
. as.iaated William Tarriat' Will be de -
(eared imam.
The British Board of Trade state-
ment for December shows decreases of
both imrorte sad exports.
Major-Gewerel Getson will to sent
trot Aldetnthot to eemmaed the
British troops In the Anglo-Rgyptiee
e xpedlUon.
Lady Henry Srossrrest has again ten-
dered ker tengraatide of Cha presidency
of the British Womee's Tenteeranee
Aa s*$oltra took plass at Glasgow
derieg s 1111 IK Hatrink's chemical
works. Id whisk tsar tiresere were ktll-
sset t119te11bl pas le injured-
Ths Mari of Ara, tie eldest sols of
- nib tet will shortly
ewe Ntei-9lrees Gun sentries fur-
rrNrMhe to ter
A despatch from Halifax says:- An
evening paper says notification hos
been received from the War Office to
the effeet that the eonatroctiou of two
quick -tiring gin Lotteries is to be com-
menced the coming spring for the bet-
ter defence Of Halifax harbor. One bat-
tery will lees located on Merges d,
and the other at a poip "half -gray
betweem the two foetal' Nn McN•b'e
The steamer Portia le due from t1t.
Joint's, Nfld. Ths verasl is bringing
in 190 dogs, rornded up on tbe
Newfoundland (toast, to be transport-
ed to the Pacific coast for the Klon-
dike route
fleetly ani that the Ores were entirely
wrests dost Yi wily triet to
snit Mrs. Orr. It was Plot that at
ail. he said. Mr. Cunt let him talk.
sort by putting in a question here and
there and making suggestions be got
the whole story out of the condemned
men. Allison did not want him to
make it public, however, and out of
consideration for him Mr. Cook agreed
to keep it quiet. Friday morning Al-
lison mads up Ale mind that he would
give the story to the public. and he
sent for Mr. Cook. Writing materials
were furnished. and at Allison's dic-
t tion the •followillag was :written
' (w slit.~`. m _ -, made pub-
lic. I tdd It to th• authorities souse
tome ass% Tinier at any 'fine made"
improper proposals to Mrs. Orr. 1 had
made np w mind to get even with the
Orris for things they said and did to
me. That morning 1 gut mad because
they Would sot let me go to Niagara
Falls. After breakfast I lett ery loaded
gun in the woodshed. I did some
chores. Mrs. Orr was milking about
twenty feet from the woodshed. I
went into the abed and fired at her
through the door. She tell oft ber seat
and never moved again. An axe lay
near her. I took it end struck bee on
the head with it. I had the grave in
the swamp ready some days before,
but it was too far ole, so in • burry I
made the grave in the 00[0 patch and
dragged her try the bands and bur -
hid her. I bid the gun sad raked up
the tracks with the fork after I got
back from Barrie's. This is ths truth.
so help me God.
'(signed) Jame. AWws.
"Wylie, Jae. 7, 1999.
"Witnesses (signed) J. Cook. jailer;
Thomas Tracey, turnkey."
It is •peculiar circumntanoethat Al -
limon should make a confession on the
day tour weeks exactly from which'''.
Ls to be hanged. The jail people say
lbs lad is greatly changed lately and
they expect him to go to the gallows
undaunted and without fear. Under
the administration of hit opirlutal ad-
visor Allieon seems to have changed
from • atured, ignorant boy to a
thoughtful young man. giving *vi-
deos of intelligence, wbiob lay dor-
mant so tong • time. and whi-h had
it been cultivated before. would have
saved him from his present • etal sit-
A •ervehh Tragedy all roma - ONt throws
Tltern al a Vestal Sea lid 1. Killed.
A dewpateb from Paris. Frans, says:
-A young girl, named Ilseouaset way-
laid a clerk named Verdisr on Friday.
threw vitriol in beetles and stabled
him in the hack. VSrdierabot her with
s revolver u flhb Wile P ening away
and he then basalt es her head ant
shut tier Ihrte times', killing her. The
man wee then arrested sed taken to
the morsel hospital where he weft
mune to he tertiary burned. Vermeer
said the %vomer had followed his for
a year. attempting to kill btm.
The Seat WIss of the Atlases College Sadly
7ssss.w sr Tilts
Ottawa College was viaited by a dis-
,astroen $ Wedeseday morning.
The buildtsg is • large stone edifice
having accommodation for 500 st udents.
When the fire broke out In the east
wing there were only 35 students in
the college. the remainder being away
enjoying Christmas holidays. The fire
originated in a student's wardro'e,
above the chapel in the mat wing. The
entire roof of the east wing was de-
stroyed ani part of the roof of the
centre building injured. Great dam-
age was done by water to the chapel.
and to the furniture on the lower Elate.
The damage is estimated by Father
Coiela'ntineau at lettl100, hat that is
thought to he ezoe*sive. The building
and contents carried insurance to the
extent of.
rarsents. esev,edtseet to the Address- ••
&Moir Read - • Deasy los tel.. - Car- Toughest's reply- Maribor Cestrl-
bailee to the Antilles' Orders -
Meisedess tree *s ItteadIia
-•,A- simpatah-fro R L i.R-Myt-Tho
foreign trade of Greet Drltaln daring
1897 was the largest ie 1t. history.
The total, eAkertse jai, nod
ports amounted to t745,425,000 The
Increase was •mirth/- in, imports and
Ye -exports, tb -decline in exports
amounting to £5,795,000. The growth
of the imports 1s almost entirely due
to the huge purchases of produce in
the United States, amounting to £114,-
000,000. 'The greatest quantitFeihtbe
exports were textiles. -•
The Parnellites .ntroduce their
customary amu a, . ....endment to the
Queen's spesoi at the opening of Par-
Ernest Hart, editor of The British
Medical Joarnal, is dead. Mr Hart,
who was for, several years editor of
The Lancet, was born in June, 1836
While Mr. Havelock Wilson
touring in the United States be the re-
presentative of British labor hie ewe
particular labor organization has hoes
A Reales Said to be neared eau M else
el.sdlke - e..Nr■l stem jest to a
t'hlrase Paper.
The Times -Herald prints the follow -
log see: ial deepe.toh from Halifaz:-
Repnsentatives of a Nova Scotia
lumber menteay meetly visited La-
brador for the purpose of making ar-
re.ngeanrnta to erect now mills at vari-
ous points and engage extensively to
fire lumber busihess. 1t is said that
the project will not be carried out on
to *re* a watt as was at first con-
templated, but it is likely that their
visit to the country will be productive
of much more important results than
develoe,iag the wealth of its forests.
The prospectors who %kited Labra-
dor eta* that they ba%• good reason
to believe it canalise depo..its of goad
of great ricbnIMA--a/t is uestined to
become a mining comatiy.
There are evideo-es that gold ez-
*O to quantities that •reequaled only
by the depurate of Klondike. In tact.
it was areserted that the depos►►
Labrador are in (5. oma range an
thugs meths Klondike.
Thum iu the worn Fre quietly ar-
ranging an expedition to the country.
They propose to spend two or three
months prospecting and then to take
up a large number of claims in the
most promising sections
which, they ay, will inevitably take
place sooner or later. Preliminary ar-
rangements for this expedition which
is to start in this spring from this
city, ham air ode -bash mads..
the boles of the promoters are real-
ized, it is probable that • Crew
Klondike will arise in the east which
volute failime t .-.stin-_ia _ 05. Dori
Labrador- lies betw•se the fiftieth
and -aiztentcosh oar beets worts 'lati-
tude, and to but a few degrees south
of the Klondike country, -giving these
two sections of North America' a cli-
mate practically the same. Its area
is about 420,000 square miles. Tbe :At-
lantic Ocean bordere the country on
the east, Hudson Pay on the -west, sled
Hudson Strait and l'ngays lily on the
north. - Th. Gulf of St. Lawrence flown
hate -wen Labrador and Newfoundland
on the south.
Summer lasts from the middle of
June to September, when io•'beginm
to form on the many rivers. lakes and
ponds The coast ie frozen twelve
miles inland during the summer by
the arctic current. but within this line
there is an abundance of vegetation.
The mountains contain millions Of tone
of iron. The greater part of the in-
terior, is tableland. 2,u00 fan,. high,
which declines towards Hudsoh Bay.
The cousery contains a chain of rivers
teed lakes making travel comparative -
Ly may. The waters are full ch white-
fish. lake and brook trout, pike and
carp ' ich fruit grows wild. cranber-
ries ..sig abundant, while raep&.rries,
strawberries and blackberries are also
found in most parte of the oountry.
The Hudson Bay Company. which is
practically the only government. keown
to the native Indium, has pests scat-
tered all through the peninsula. Fish-
ing is, of Bourse. tea greatest indus-
going to the dogs. Mr. Wilson ia Pro-
u ident of the Seaman and Fireman's
Union. whish •t one tin„ be a , seem-
brrshie of 100.000, but now lee (c..athta'tri
10,000 and its press organ, Tbe Sea-
men's Cbroniole bas just stoppedpubti-
ostion owing to lack of support.
An amazing instance of the divergent
views of literary critics is afforded in
Saturday's Academy, which lately ex-
pressed the intention to crown the two
books of signal merit published last
year and reward the authors. It con-
sulted s Dumber of critics. and the re-
plies of eleven are tabulated. The dit-
teresm of opinion shows the difficulty
of finding out excellence. Only two
books receive mention twice, and all the
rest are wide Se the poles asunder.
Cardinal Vaughan. Arehhirbop of
Weatain*ter, and the Bishops of the
diocese publish a 122 -page rejoinder to
the letter published last March by the
Ais signed by sixteen Roman Catholic
prel•tew, maintains that to deny the
Pope's nompeiency to decide this ques-
ta to strike at the very roots of the
sacramental system.
Sir Robert HenryMeads. permanent
Tinder Secretary of State ter RsColon-
iea since 1891, is dead.
A despatch from Copwebr ten to The
London Daily Mail says: -A large ex-
pedition of Laplanders is about to start
for New York from Copenbagen. Chria-
tints and Tremsoe. to go to the Klon-
dike with reindeer.
A CI.rt SUMS elite,* free= the AtteetLrM
Ric preen reptetweisy.
A dimpat-h from New York. nye-
Clark Braden. jr., • night clerk. ems
ployed at the branch office of the Am-
erican Expresso Company on Thuile
Oar stole five 91,000 bonds of the Coo -
re' Gas. Chicago. Braden also took
96,900 in Dash making the total of the
robbery j1de00. The branch office
where this took place is at 47th street
end Madison avenue. Braden had. my
been night clerk there for 3 nigbta.
Titers were 940,000 in bands left at ties
office on Wednesday night, which Bra-
den Walt to have turned over to the
messengers for shipment. on Thursday
morning. When the meeseng.r ar-
rived they found Braden and the 95,000
wortb of Irate* and 9O.1100 in cash miss -
on e Msm lw tie /alifew if Mf
A despatch from Victoria, B. C.,aya:
-Walter Anderson, a former resident
of Brooklyn, N. Y., filled • grave in
Cirele City, his death, just reported
from Dawson, having been inexpressib-
ly sad He wane on his way to Fort
Token, where leo/ is plentiful, and
was apparently shot in the boat iq
the fatting of i* rifle. Then the river
tidied, sed bio Companions planed him
ois a sled, wnid *either tie *offerings
while be was being drawn to the
party's destination; The others had
just sufficient strength to reach ramp,
and the miners remaining secured the
body, which was buried, the thawing
of the ground, tieing • work of many
hoar•. Joaquin Miller rod lbs '•et -
vines, and to him has been deputed
the t.aak tet telling the ad newt to
the young miner's mother, and of
restoring to her family photographs
and • pathetic diary found on the
The iCgsperor et Austria takes his
sales enter publicly. Meeh unlike
Qmesen Velar*. lie believes teat hie
eubjeeta like to ere him a them.
K1lrt when le nes toot theater he takes
s prominent position in fell view of
the home, awl the mines is that
the royal box i* the eseater of attrac-
tions this Katon playing to It "for all
they an worth."
T -- IY CANo1AN �.
Tire adewll.e C�•etrsl.a of Mr. egllrle
Terl.ed le w •ro'erSsble 5...r,.
A despatch from Victoria. B.C.,
says:-l)sv non arrivals by the Topeka
acnounoe the finding of the gold -con-
taining mother lode of the Klondyl e
country, thin great dieouvery, equal-
led only In imixrrtant a by the original
discovery of gold on Bonanza and El-
dorado, bevipg leen Made by pure 50-
cklent. It is important chiefly M it es-
taldishes the permanency of the Klon-
dyke misslit fi.Ids. and of intosat. at
verifying scientific conolu.t nes
reached by William Ogilvie. the geo-
logical expert and surveyor. Between
the fourth and seventh of December
Obi lode appeers to -have been simul-
taneously unsevered by three parties
and at three places. it commenced at
Daae Hill, midway between Indian
and Klondyke rivers and twenty-five
miles from this Yukon. and tieing the
most south-easterly 'sent ate hich tis.
ledge bas yet been uncovered. fak-
ing this latter point as a starting base
the ven has been tra ed in its full
width of thirty-five feet in a north-
pesterly direction. slanting towards
the 'E:ldbrelto, rebirth it Orolieee at No.
al, and continuipg down the left aide
Of !bet stream verging away from the
veto ntereecting Nugget gulch
at Claim 15, Adams creek at No. 6,
ektiotrua-sulcle al No. I._ and.
through the Bonanza half smile 1 elow
that point acrd aeries the Klondyke
mountan. • Owing to tbe fact that
there is little or no dynamite in the
distriot, .the examination have leen
very primitive els yet. With s little
Meek powder • piece of rock was
broken at Ski/Mutat gulch richer than
(hornet rock, atosving toth lest gold
and stringers, and yielding tour or
five dollars whin pounded on an an-
Terrible Life and Death Struggle be the St.
A denetoh from Cornwall says: -
Joseph Leper's. with his wife an Pthres
children, left hare on Monday even-
ing to crass the river at lfogensburg,
N.Y. When about half -way between the
8t. iawresoe park and Cornwall island
the ice suddenly gave way. and they
were all lett in the water. Leparls
threw an eight-year-old hey on the
solid ins. sat idler shout ten minutes'
lite and (teeth struggle managed to
gel out hermit. An Iodism who was
some dietaries ahem. came 1*Mt and
pulled nut. Mee Iwtprlw. She a av near-
gexhaltated. sal the two -year -o14
ild she was boiling slipped from her
nerveless grasp. skid was lnet . Ths third
child was Iwtt in another rig , omine
b oisd. Tbe horse ant rig were lost.
resides et tie ts'ereved - The
lire weak' aleig.
A deapetoh from London shys:-A
orists In the engineers' strike is evi-
dently imminent. The emit ioa of the
re bee im , roved sad the men
aro weainenime. The disintegration o
the Amalgamated Society of Kagineeru
has begun despite the den et the
isadere. Eight more firma (sited lock-
dut notirew on Saturday. Thi gravity
d the dispute is illustrated. by the
fact shown in the Board of- Tiede re-
turn+ that the export of steam engine*
and other machinery declinedt$2.014,256
is December, and 93,660.825 for the
whole year. Happily this greatest in-
dustrial struggle of modern, times is
making no disturbance of socilei order.
The Chairman of the Quartet Sessions
at Newc stie this week noted the ex-
traordinary lightness of the police cal -
seder in thin much -affected district.
Trade unionism certainly provides a
vefil safety -valve, whatever ground
there may be for criticism of some re-
cant developments of its method■ hen.
from Various Pelete fres tie
.1 emetic to the Pacific.
The 'machiuery for the Cameron Is-
land mine has arrived in Rat Portage.
A.G. Irwin, assistant .ecretary of
.the Montreal- Board .of Trade, hie t•
**nod. Y.
Point F.dward citizens have pstitele•
ed their Council to sink a test OS
well. �‘^„t't "r
Rorseland's latest voters' lilt shows ,
1,218 voters in the metropolis of the
Regina Board of Trade will help ad-
verteae the Prince Albert route to the
Sixty-four canneries were operated
on the Freer last season. and thq
pack broke alt previous record*.
Fdrnonton is rapidly filling up with
prospectors, who will start for `that
a'ukon las 1109n. tie ape'islg-°fit's'•.
James Paul, a 17 -year-old Rnasla>:4
boy. shot himalf-becanne his mot
reproved him. The will get letter.
Jas. McCreary has reegood the prin.
ape p of flit ""WatAt'ard Scheot.
Petertoro'. He will travel a petrified
Mist Mary Hayne., •(1 of St. Thomas.
became despondent on Sunday and took
a dote of toothache medicine. She wilt
The Quebee Exposition Company has
decided to buy Uowan's (arm and
transform it into a permanent exhibi-
W. J. McLeod, warden's clerk at the
pointed steward et the Dorchester
Dan McNaughton. who was se*
nta111-- kiiieei •-b.t11r -> ..Bijlli� C amble. wee w
Rev. J. W. Spirweli bas left Wood.
Tram Miniere ee Ol.eotl.e trod gale MR :- -
A d ipatch from Kingston says = At
noon en Monday, John Tiiie:Viiiirtitife
er or Mr. McLeod. Napanee. arrived
to wend the remainder of Lis natural
life in the criminal asylum. While
being driven from the railway station
to the penitentiary he enjoyed tbe
ocenfort of • briar pipe, and appear-
ed a a genial frame of mild.. Oie
beard and hair have grown to a con-
siderable length.. He was very quiet.
On Saturday Sheriff Hawley and Gaol-
er Vaaluven repaired to tete cell of
the doomed moa and engaged him in
conversation. finally coming outeitb
the ell -important v queetiun: "Troy,
whet would you say If your renitence
was oommutei f"
"Oh," he replied. "that would be iso
urn to am. no relief at all; my soul is
i Whoa the document wag read to him
he .showed not the alightest sense of
relief at the contents. He has been
very restless and unsettled for some
time and in great trouble about his
soul. He talks incoherently about its
utter loss and damnation. He Pays be
is un infidel now; thee et one time he
did believe in God, but now he did not
believe in Him. It is understood that
Troy is toot his real nems.
R$ Collision .e the O. T. e. at
Mal ?strivers.
There was a dientrous side collision
On the G.T.R. at Mallurytown. on Sun-
day Ir>ornlogs whir* caused several
tbousands of dollars damage. It hap-
pened in rather a unique way, though
i bears a emeriti resemblance to the
idem at Lansdowne, opt sta-
stock. for New Westminster. B. C..
where he will b. prihelpal of ihilte-
lumbia Methodist College.
A Canadian Pacific brakeman wee
blown off the top of a train. near ,
ham last week. 11.• lit a $ n
nk and err aped_uninjured _� _ ..-_
A dal for the sate of eighteen. oar
neriee on the Fraser has fallen th
as the English syndicate say the
tat is drifting toward the Klondike. d
Jame' Grant, of Stc art. Ls rej,.cing
because an unmarried brother bas left •
an estate in Oregon valued at 95000i
and he is one of the Pix who will di-
vide. _
The Merchants Cettonn'O 01 Mont-
real. have deeded to place their goods
with the wholesale trade and'manufao-
tures. direct through a special selling
Alfred Robert Ange, + former clerk
of the Court of Appeal at glister who
lose hien a novice at the mono -tory of
La Trappe. ham taken' his final vows
as a brother of the order.
The Le Rol mine hats nearly nomplet-
e d its contract to su;.ply 75,000 tons of
ore to the Trail smelter. In future all
ore will he sbipped to the eompeeetis .,
own smelter at Northport.
Quail are numerous in the neigh-
hourbood of Brantford. A railroad
train killed over • wore last Wednes-
day night. Rut then everyone who
goes -hooting quail can't carry a rail-
way train with him.
A 't ranger tried tike trick sof sub-
stituting a pasta diamond `iris a real
one in a St. Themes jewellery store.
hut the clerk discovered the fraud Id
toss moos* Of Ills' ae..eld of=porn 5.
-ABMs a Lees Tem.
ills Brllssals oorrespoodent •.f the
London Deily Chronicle says tits neph-
ew of Prince Leopold, of t#elgium,
Prime Albert Leopold, the heir pre-
sumptive to the Belgian throne, will
make a long tour of the United States
and Canada.
Prince Albert was born on April the
9th, 1875. and is the surviving tem of
the Count of Flanders, brother of King
Leopold, The King bas no fes living,
and bis daughters are excluded from
succession by the Belgian oonetitntion.
Prime Albert's elder brother, Priebe
Baldwin died In 1991.
The aeeerlatendeas et lie L. Ret Mae
mane see rest Rowe tie abaft.
A despatch front $atoland, sayer. -At
5 pin. on Wednesday Captain Wm. IR.
Hall, the well-known Superintendent of
the Le Roi mine. slipped when stepping
nut at the head of the main shaft of
the* i w ltd and fell the full length
et the shaft. 000 feet. The hndy was
horribly mutilated, and crushed be-
yond rsrognitios. The captain leaves a
widow and four children.
tion distant, some months ago, to t • t
the same conductor, George Clark was
in cbsrge of the fast freight wblcb
collided. tie had order. to pass Con-
dssdor Patterson', train at Mnllory-
town. The aogineer mistook a agate!
to go ahead and pitched into th *0ber
freight about the middle as at was
ma►eng over the crowning switch. The
engineer and fireman reeved themselves
from isjury by jumping. Ten (ars
were ditched. Three of these were
knocked into kindling wood. and were
loaded with miscellaneous, freight A
flat car loaded with a $5,000 fire engine
coneigned to Montreal was damaged to
the extent of 95,000. The locomotive
was also wrecked+
As Agretmeat Rrarkrd 5, Greet 1.11..,
Japan and Rassla.
Aocording to a .eorcial 'espatch from
Shanghai. it is staid there that they
agreemeibiitw'eid England, Jai aa,
and Russia. with respect. to Cora in-
volves a reiteration of the status quo
ante, and the reinatatement of Mr. Mo -
Leavy Brown as Chief Commissioner
of Customs. with • Russian Commis-
sioner at German. the tort of Broug.i-
ten bay, on this ease coast. and a.1a;.-
anesa Commissioner at Flinn. in the
extreme south-east.
Sir RoI.erellett director of the Chi-
nese 1m;4044 Igkritime Customs, Is
negotiating with the Chinese Govern-
ment for a lean. The Emreror took
the negotiatiotls away from the Tsung-
li-Yamen. Board of Foreign Affairs, in
dieguat at the previous failures.
Mrs Hymen -1 am afraid y lt do
not think as much of me, (heels, as
you used to. I can remember when
you declared I was worth my weight
in gold.
Mr. Hymen -That's what I atilt say,
bat you must remember that you have
lost at least twenty pounds the last
i had no appetite for hrewkfaat this
morning. said the bookkeeper, as he
came in and took oft his coat.
(Put late last nightl queried the as -
Great Rr4taln controls 21 matof era- _sit ent manager
sry 100 Square miles of the eart's ser- rat. wasn't it . 1 foetid my
fees. NII Meek my plate.
windier • vs n
though . incept+ • ;met
A (lore 13sy constable has been carry-
ing on an indbleriminate shootingot
doog.s. ('hriet.onas day he. shot a value
able canine belonging to the mail doe
train and stow the municipality lath
detbn+taet its WINO, for damages.
A carload of live bogs from T.istowel •
went through the Sarnia tunnel os
Thursday. consigned to the Chicago
stock yards. it was the tint impterta-
'tion of Canadian horn for alattghter
known by the United States customs
The latest verdict in the celebrated
Turner vs. At. Clair Tunnel ('o., waw
given at Port Huron the other day. It
nese 92.200 for the plaintiff. Turner.
lost hie bearing .%bile working inoom-
pre•aed sir during the oonetructlos o1
the tunnel.
W Ill CneMveet Motels 1a ?eremite. Meateeal
sed ether elites.
A large English syndicate, repre-
sented by Mr R. D. McGibbon, of Mon-
treal, proposes to erect hotels at Mon-
treal, Toronto. Halifax, Ottawa. Nia-
gara Falls, and other pointe in Can-
ada. Tbs capacity of the hotels, which
will to under one management and
control, will he arranged with refer-
ence to the requirement. et each place
and the clava of patronage t• ftp seer"
ed. Mr. McGibbotrt states that tbi' is
the preliminary feature of the syndl-
eate's proposal, but that further es-
t:melons of it, toned probably lent/An
innlneliog the establishment is•
dao, England. of a hotel whirh would
he a r'erlort for visitors from the vis „
era rolonles of the Empire and fled
-tinted Staten The hotels, are all ter
he fire -proof sitt the plans have been by Mr. Bruce Prise, of New
York, the srohltest "d.._.tbe Chateau
Dr. Buohater. the Atricas traveler,
broke from the Mahe., point on Menet
Kilimandjaro. conn of the mightle*e
rn>tlntein' in Atria*. • Mess of Froth ,
wt',ich be presented to the German ea. .1
perm. The e.nperor now use• A a.
seuttrain snmifilt M 1 (*.pelt veigtt eta"'
his writing desk.