The Signal, 1898-1-6, Page 3C TO 021DE111 EYI,ONTA i$Yt . Ms. and rte ie Cleared Out! MADE CLOTHING. MY OWN MAKE is Goode, and well made swill imerkabsp.y low prime to Clear tt rtmeot of New Goods for Fail ear. ALL AID SIR MR L. DUNLOP ✓ . neat Beak Montreal of :°nom' Spruce • Sore Cum ▪ etc. WATSON • e0., weamenol , :NIY-SEVEN YEARS IUM' AKI DWDER ;QOKCS BSTSRIEND Og$T SALE IN CANADA. .LO! THE OLD RELIABLE, VDS OF )OAL ALWAYS ON HAND TEs BFMT Di011 Had CoI IN THY MARKIT weighed as tee Market Realm pat TM Ike. for a tea. WM LAM at =MIS • LL's ewe p reap ly attained La �+s W Js' :.a: �rrr•-.••.ru..a.�'L'...7ct The germs of consump- tion are everywhere. There is no way but to fight them. If there is a history of weak lungs in the family, this fight must be constant and vigorous. You must strike the dis- ease, or it will strike you. At the very first sign of failing health take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphitcs. It gives the body power to resist the germs of consump- tion. pre: sad $4.0e, .I dr.gglaL- scOTT a epI r1IL. Ch.s...t.. I unmade. •.•' Di•tlath! - XIUHOLSON. __ _ _ IX Pest OMs -Geld Filling, C=1..,ridge wad s '* Years Enka ase. _ . L4 T M. MAB . D.O.S. 1,,D -S., -DEN• AI. SU P OL-Ltsst sad approved fses►ede for all dental operations. Preserve ea of the amoral teeth a p olat7 . Moe averJ•aos Reins a'. 417 r de more, ern SR et Weil m oat be buuar.. 1'• I. TURN i JLL, 1D.D:8., UDE.- w eW as RMoot n Gott ergs► isle, ou►Tad os' sat Cr alma- 1atta less, auesithe rivee b tb. of the natural teeth. Of os to rIwaa u sew block. Illi-tf Msdloal. DR. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN, 84 gem, to. Moe -Bross street. the reel deem lately occupied bj IL... --Dr.. Melissa A .gb .a....-. Legal - IS G. CAIMEROeN�,, BAR}LSTBR SOLI. > . ort ems iters I7 -fly On ..WRNEST HEATON -_BARRISTER. 12 aNlelior, Notary reins p��� Beak of 00011)111100(Giant n, oke 1pn�n, Dod.rk h. 16w -i7 ECAMPION,Q.0-. EARRIHTER, AOL l. Wise. erne Nudist 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SO- _ esaaiwKollar lsasr. etc. Mer to . Stadiums a tiros sada. A.d re. s D 0. HAYS, BARRISTSIt, SOLICIT ib. OR. Ac. Moe Nolrtlwt., seat door Rutlul. Ocoee Pel vats Rads le load at I -won raw of Inter mt. era !'!ARROW A PILOUDTOOT, BIR. l3' enter& ANaene s, Suttenoraa,�, GaAs drib J T. Darrow. t.0. W. Prsodlooi. OAK fat 314 HOLT & HOLE, tee M. 0. llettere la O. arse, Q.r0. ; P. Bolt Deasy lieleme. D. WARD, CONVEYANCER J . rm.. and .salmi...* 6r talo sad re salvias reamed sues et trail. salaries es aers•tlon., dspositlsse ce seism& deelara- Nese la or soneernf .ay .eats. son or ors medium Center Is the poem .t Jos the rias.- le any .O,�em��e1 yyl ,tetmstt,ttesldaee P.00at tf AAMM sea llnaurwaes. �OPrtvs TO WAN. -Mia 000 00 Privet Feeds to lead st M nor raft. aa - M. O. CAMYRON ges s Sle!ek. Colborne Rotel God..tea's 4.741 � UNEY TO WAN. -FIVE PsR IIKNT Roser Salome. pirate tads ;also tint GODIBIOB II BOILER WORIB. . CHRYSTAL, assn* t. Oarg.l.t 1 NU" :sr of ell Stens et 10ILIC RS. tacks, Balt Yana, Sheet I1'ee Works, eta., etc., es- ., Mashlaery Castlaga, its. e .f Pipes red Pipe r=MrIM. 1 Water pirGrwsnE rrs, Velton. ssteatly es 1!# a.d N lapels* rJ Use et Steel Water sad E.g sr w of farmers and ethers. r ptentab attained in A. S. OISTSTAL. P. 0. Boa W. God.rla, age & Fuel Co. re prepared to handl 401, re t and H tb Dispatch at t arce8Nia [leaders in:all grades of ICOAL' • and Rapithing Coal es mat i ter s1.M. L. O N IsN. IlW8 TOPICS Of 1 REEK. Important Events in Few Words For Busy People. Thi. Ratty World's Happeabp Carefallj C.apUed and Pat Into Heady ape Attractive *kap• ror the Readers of Oar Paper -A Solid Hoar'. Ealoyaent 1a Paragraphed lataraatloa. Tai AGRICULTURAL WORLD. JL. 1). Smith, the Winona fruit shipper, will put up a large coli storage plabt for shipments to England next summer. 'TUE DIAD. The ostak, of the late actor, William Terris', is ssttnatoil at between X40,000 and X60,000. The body of Rev. W. Homer Hunt, who died at Omwnec, was buried M Mt. Plosaent cemetery, Toronto, on Friday. Win. Anderson, ox-M.P.P., was found dead on the road near his residence at Pluton. Ont. Heart failure Is eupporrd w have been the esus*. He rat In the old Parliament of ('ands end in the Arai Asegndbly of Ontario. Z1 ■L-■T1Ce-!•OKE1GS. The Japanese Diet has dissolved par - to the >1s is Ration _._ I The United K=*..will stake ea ant - Ince with the Jape in Chinese affairs. The Spanlah Cabinet has read United States Minister Wosxiford's note concern- ing Cuba. An tnterprelatkm ..f the Dingley bbl at New York taxes, fl.h livers No per D Up till Friday they went in trout Csta4 fere as part", of the internals of fid. TIM LABOR WORLD. T'' Dervish Zmhrs, a large number of Derv- ishes, and Captured valuable stoma. Friday there was a rumor that Gen. Pendo. the Spanish Commander -in -Chief in she Cuban field, had been hemmed 111 by the insurgents. He had not then been heard from for ave days. CRIME AND CMIMINALM. The regal Panama ('anal culprit* to France aro, it 1s sold, being sperext to political reasons. C.sohs attacked a Gorman school at Wer,robowtts and were driven off by the pollee with one killed. Harry King, • oounterfulter to the Erle County Penitentiary, killed a fellow-oon- viet named Carr on Friday. j Wm. Roberts, alias Doyle, In telling ' how he murdered Jacob Welnand laughed as be related the occurrence. Right United States mall boxes to Oswego, N.Y.. were broken into and robbed of their aoitents Thurydey night. There are four generallons of one fam- ily at prevent In one jail In New Bedford, Mas'., and criminologist* are greatly In- terested. Dalaant's father has filed an a9llnvit that Horace Smythe a juror who helped w oonvlct his son, informed friends that he believed Durrant guilty of murder, but not en the evidence at the trial, but on outside information furn4hed. The mother of Iwealore Pottier, wh was murdered by his wife and her para- mour at St. Canute, Que., is ruing the arrested wife for the L1,000lnsuranve policy which she tralwferret to her law yers to moot the ousts In her defunoe I� °goo LE81ATURE. What Provincial Lawmakers Did Last Week. Atter yeti 1e, 111,11, Lep Mut IM slaaatMear.d d oatarlo-XP. astd'. Nea-Ceaadeuoe Mottos Toted Down-- treal.r Hard, aloes Ib. Htatory .t the Moor. Lauber Company All.pd Steal or Lop -Mr. Hardy'. Hew Klee - Ilea Blll. ' Toronto, Deo. 81. -The Ontario Gov- ernment has broken the diene, in the timber question, and has announoed les intention of compelling the manufacture 1n Ontario of all Logs out on Crown lands is the province. The aunounoernent la made to the form of a bill introduced in the Ioglsleture yesterday by Hon. Mr. Gibson, Commissioner of Crown Lands and read a first time. The chief fault found with the measure by the Opposition is that if it party the Hours it will not go into effect until next spring, and that, therefore, during the present sosq n the Americans will take advantage of the 'altdrt time len them and take sot an MOIMMOts quantity of limbs.. One ei the points the Commissioner of Crown Lands insisted upon was that the bill was not intended to be retaliatory 1n its object, but rather to have as its main end the preservation of Ontario pine. CAaVALTlgs. The Act it to come into force o. April Janes PaITlah was killed In the C.A. R. 19, 1898. yard at Ottawa on Friday. Mr. (Heron, in closing his epeeoh in Three firemen were totally injured In a introducing the bill, said:- Chicago fire on Chestnuts.-. The Government has upon the whole mo Four children neared Malt*+Iskl were arrived at the conclusion that while there suffocated by amok., Christina* Eye at are no doubt risks w run, the object to be gained, namely, the prew'ercatlon Philadelphia. of 1P the timberdementedthe demented annual A. Ritchie lawrenee'I Wancattle and bees . * --• T. • 40911 • - • ' � 1-t t°• +4 R ,'s .► • 1 . 4 illUIMDAT, Jan. 8, 1897. 3 e manufacture ma went D, � .,_Tye difficulty between the C, P. R. and through the ice at AmetlYbarg and wen worth the risk -its two former of there ISO telegesphers is es good as settled. drowned on Friday. - ISOospectally - _ _Creak mine owners made A number of explosions shite sooty- "The Mimedag export of logs to s(►p- :rii preeents to miners aggregating bene liquefying work. at Jenny City oust ply mills In another country is becoming two lives and $'2'(1,000 tiattaass formidable, and wlterc a aolghboring o Commit- 01 Tommy Reynolds, a llamllton hostler, oounlrl •o artdttclally arranges its tariff r k,,s, 7 tl.Q!, 1pmber could not be out ask,le► •^tote), - ' 't l►'t t1wokewa s nee -Ile isle ..r sHgdu+. /the:: ( . - . 613,000 subscribed le not sufficient for broke hls-n`e-Ile He was 5f Y Ind access to their markets at all •e'mtanpls0ed. J'>4 sr"'. 61191innkt" nurviser; iP*-7-r ten from Canada Ih the raw *WV Fifteen tbouesnd window glare work- $1,000 from Chicago city for fracturing manufactured in another Country, die - men return to work, after • four months his knee cap through a defective sidewalk. agreeable as that duty Is we are justified strike, on Jan. 7, st en advance of front 18 to 17 per oent. In wages. "" THE RLON17rire.- Australasla will send a big a.nt4agent to the Klondike in the spring. R. yardi, Parkdale, was caught between by legdatation title state of affairs It is Herndon, Man., is likely to leer s lee two cars on Saturday evening. His right psrmbable for ns' to overcame it. of Ire population in the spring from nal - arm was badly crashed at th.elbow joint If It is fair tor Americans to legislate gration to the Klondike. Brairoa an Haycock on the Central to provide that the manufacture of Amer- L,an Inas shall be wholly done M ♦rner- rEIVATII FUNDE-PERSONS DE stress of obtalafat a6t�.s l ee fanoMea.1. per mat. hg ay - la anif ��Itt•,�ix/ se at Reese owiles �ldi IMAGER, COerCONNEYANCINO AND Md« ese ethos. mutate YartMti Hetes. Seems Impossible that a PURE CEYLON TEA such as "LUDELLA" Can be offered at so low a price, but it is so. Others are- beginning to appreciate and take advantage of this snap. Why should nut you 25, 40, 50 and 60 cent lead packages. AT MIINR,O'S. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY C000S 1 ALL SEASONABLE. Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Linen Department, -well aasortto!. roe + Small -wares Complete. , •. -- A burp stock of li nderweer at popular prices. Scarlet. Greys NA], White and Grey Flannels. Inspection kindly solicited. No one will be importuned %p purchase. A... MUNROe Draper. Hiram Swoeay, a farmer living near to meeting that situation by taking steps Holland landing. wan found a mile from se overcome that artificially Created dim- .-Li4,,ta4>ao on Friday night nearly frozen catty, and to restore and preserve and t0 death. manufacture to our country. If It 1s Jame/ Childs, car ooupler at the C. 1'. allowable for the United Stater to arcate George Ruth, who has just arrived at Portlapd, Or.., from the Klondike, says that famine Is auras for Dawson City. One hundred and fifty Chippewa In- dians will go to the Klondike from Wis- onrin in the spring. They will be bead- ed by Runnlog Wolf. TML TIER RECORD. Harter's Mill, at Fostoria. 0., has been destroyed by fire hose $160,000. New Jersey railway was killed In COI- - listen on 1''riday night, and Fireman teas in Canada 1t cannot be unfair for Higgins and Engineer Murtagh were. it Caoadlalu tel Provide that Canadine labor 1. thought, fatally sonde& abs11 saw Canadian logs in Canada." --Mrs Jarvis Janis and her nine children wore ! Toronto, Dec. 21. -In the LegieMIure bunted to death at London, Eng, 'tooter- yeareffa7 the Govt'eraeat ward down an day. Her husband died in one of the OPpa' want of oonfldenee motion, hospitals en hour after Without hearing which was as follows: That this House L of the, occurrence. or the epigion that tponeys voted for col - Lae Division Superintendent Newell. enieetton roads in •dJatriets where munl- *Val government eAista should, as ter as �- *♦11111111.. MILLMINADlis Famous In the Domiciles. NULL, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC,, HAirl ?4N,.- KINaSTON, HALIFAX, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, VIOTONIA, $T. JON'S, Nft. • Cleveland's Friday night fire will total of the Boston and Albany rallwey, at ica and temple such inspection as Springfield, Masi., was killed on the 1s' noloessan is lnsuretheappllostion $1,000,000. The accident list was very tracks may of his road- He was formerly a ar 7 be moneys to the purpose for whiny Harvard football player of note. they are voted, be expended by the usual - Thirty poandw of Canned powds7 os'- olpal authorities Mr. Reld'a.slo8too was ploded In a crowd oof 100 taps and Ings put and feet on the following 41vlsion: who were firing a Christmas cannon at yaw, 34; nays, 51. The Houma than went Aabeville, N.C., and about forty person into Committee at Supply, with Mr. were Injured. none of them, however, Charlton to the obalr, and poised a num- fatally. ber d Items under the head of "Civil Two passenger trains came Into coin- Government." alon at Le Poage du Roussillon, Depart- Toronto, Deo. U. -1n the Legislature merit of Isere, doting the prevalence of a yentrday the Attorney -General gave dense Ing Christmas Eve. Capt- Bleu" „oke of a Government measure to secure • the cruiser Fotgire of a French Medi- the hatter eheerranos of the Lord's Day t.rtsneao squadron; Capt- 144a' en le- A hill entified an Act to Amend the Act A %r ck of prayer will 'be generally structor at the M Ulsary School at St. Cyr. voter' (late was read a flrsi observed throughout the Dominion from and M. Mathieu, a naval engineer, wee, 74;37.As 80 the investigation into the Jan. 1 Meiners. 9 clners. killed and 15 other persons were Injured. moon Lumber Company's alleged steal CacLAsslrigD.: or lop, the Attorney-Generel told Mr. . _nix sna ja"I l-81. John that the Investigations bad been 34th. -1211f4-1M-Pg'ry- -•tko®d; $nstrvu ,,, Te - The Pope's enayoilk:e l on the Manitoba *ante, Detroit, Trout Creek and Bark's school question was published at Rome Tod Sloane is paid 1250 a mount to milia, A, 1eper% was returned on Jane 3, on Friday. The settlement Is not ap- truce of les' than two minutes. 1696. Th. Commissioners were John A. proved, the zeal of the blshops le praised, The Newfoundland herring fishers have Barton, Q.C. Lindsay, and J. B. MoWil- and Catholics are exhorted to claim all been very successful 1hie year. )Jesse, Cf Psserbero The oc.elnrlon of ex their tights under the oonatitutlon by , Hamilton's Chrlsitnas mall was tide the Commissioner. was tart logs had been Hit Holiness peer 60 per cont. larger than that of last. .d and base in addltlon to those for whishproperreturns were ends` The PURELY PEBaONAL. ♦ United States Kitty psiek tesla will Commissiones were of the opinion that Lord Roeehery is a daily visitor to the shortly leave Cheyon e, Wye., for Alaska. Poser Sheehan, a Diller of the o ompan British Murrain makl`,g 'earthen fox an Merchants at Winnipeg report the best kept at the lumber camp two disereeai important historical wort which he 1a Christmas trade In the history of the astern boom, eentaiaing mernopanda er writing. owe. the Logs said to be out, in which, or to The brewers are voluntarily cutting ons of which,' false entries were made. down the number of Cleveland .►irons He absoonded from the country. The by 400. Commissioners found n, evidence that Half of Charleston, S.C., is searching the heed Cr the oosnpany, Mr. Fleming, with mystical Ates for Capt. Kldd'soaths the ts of thinsot forth In buried trews&reportthe until the autumn of 1894- Natives 1n Lower Gtilnoa have killed 11 that 10, after the fraud had been o0m Portuguese, one of them beings grandeon aftted The Comnfsdonesr veered spin_ • Saldsnha tan that a quantity equal to 1,861,610 feet of lumber and 4,861,191 feel of mill Mr. Fred Hewitt, of the Mall staff, has culla had been cut and taken and had not left the paper to become manager of the hest, •eonnnted for. A settlement was Orton Comedy Co. effected on payment of 110,881.61 by the Jimmy Michael defeated Chase at New .Company, together with 1686.81 as costs. York on Christmas Eve to a 80 -mile race Mr. Barron was paid for his services at which he rode In 64.05 1-6 minetos. the rate of $10 a day and his traveling *On Jan. s0 there is to be a grand pow - Mr. MdWtlliazne, Wail already wow at Winnlps,f of the Indians of that 5 servant of the department, was paid ,.otldo. The agents will also he present, ally his trsveling expenses. In Commit an to talk over the reserve question- of Supply the Houma was asked to, vote John Bell ass arrested at his residents an estimate of 1711,886 for educational at Puce, Ont, on that he emu- purpose next year, or 18,466 more than healed the funds else Presbyterian' Is 1397. The Home rose at 11.80 p.m. aordety at Chicago. Ea was taken to 00- Toronto, Dee. 94. -last evening the trolt, where he was t'1Le/ed, si is was Lecielature concluded ib ante-ChrissmY found he wee net the man. pre reedinge, and adjourned until 'Tues- day, Dec. ,reprem fled day, Dec. 16. The Hoeft aftt0 adopted the gsttAR ese'ePurtnen 00 est of lunbse we,. pies moths. tint Garernmene btud- impurtecd by Michigan hum nada Jtnr nest shall have precedence ewer .11 other Mg the peat ae•s0e, this being 77.006 000 heat e s on and after Jan. 4, and that ih" gown than mitt "wa y tita feet over 1ye "111/1118 tit1 bsgtbning at essslon thereafter. Two Government Mlla season. Weed Intreduoed dust's' the atWrnoos and Howard (held, of New Taft. tile's a grad • den time. One was a measure to letm Chi s. dinner at the Holland House to mend tit d s 1Euetfon Aet and uta ether 12 guests that s urpasaed In somvt ens- related to the Division Courts Art- The none anything ever before known. Every Rehm then want tato Commlttsn,of Rup- rnenlY Wail .repreannted .i77 ise ',Postai Dir on the animates for 1$96, and under fruit SU of the guano were women. tlr heed el agrieuiturs the sum of $148,- Christen/to Day Preston, Oetarte, operand 160 wee voted_ This 1. 11,800 more than her big rink to the mine. I1 la the the safe Naked te 1s07. largest in Western Ontario, being 90x130 At Gas Ossa .( >w Lilo. feet, with • Clear shine d loo 00x161 hest In the Ceatee. OswMS et pie, which i New York. Dao, 1T.-Jsmse . E. 0ot.- 1a boarded for hoeiNy, Omen 1pe roogl 0 man, an engine drtvor in Ike The Ds - the shies for ds miaow hetes •t one ppsarrt1mmeeoo4, west peed his elite Me .a time lighted with lose kity, N Beet bhinne•s taller-ehsa reit down a we - rase and • MOM M, 8)0. zeil tNth Merit, wire titlle,j, - t oa�t�d Ms Aiwptwd h1e�,Ifiatd1pi71aintr7 ase. , 40 eioid MOW S1sm, gave that engine les suet, s lint MN 16 Rotifer, N.9.. talo. e9.-ItMatarsetrosiewer, wish the gime wise. N. here that the infantry srtss�eassete bpm ninon fserady. The 01d1d paisettd by Dep'rt'b Sorgeoa-Gee MS O�rryty 1 Meftlefl.. Roll, and Ode. vis 40,10 !Sieh AM/. IOU 11411611 fa am had fttM rgettpd Mr dds� 8113 linifek. have t .dogs foe the ago d Moto. -Leese ,gee ob * at s Oyriskar tie tarerfry thaws to Caasd► ,1 teoleh stet • Ms own two ohne en. !aWFir- As Everett, Maas, street car house end rolling stock were burned on Friday night. Lou, 3160,000. The Watkins wing of the Kingston hospital was burned 18,000 worth on Friday. Nine of the 40 patients hastily removed suffered from the exciting exper- ience. Fully Insured. THE RRLIOIbU$ WORLD. Midnight nus' Christmas Eve was at- tended by thousands In Montreal. There will be an official reception to Bruchesl on his return tram Rome onteaaT Tih i4IMItT. flllmob sia+•r Islantut'Ta. GORyi:wo�B1y111[130HANIUB' INRTI- �RIoioJ -tar. sr 1seR Myr.os sad =It Qei0 heli t se ern sad treat le H_ r.�1. a:`diour a=;114).1 J2i �LisaA in **My etad iNeseratwi pyor>M H 1100" 01470 a d 'i .aid � free � Allalen ass fee a reestved by 1411. ia..Inrem . E. (703.NOislOIL it HAMILTON. Noelast A ul dOfl 16' in6r. R Ie1< t �.. paten. 1 Knit customers and delis, .h Orderpromptness. Ordeas. hone S O.&P.Oo. me, d . 0 ss1A�Aag, kwasliat i .PO iDBIIAL AGA - NA Lane Whetter. ao..Mse» M O.M moss ASISla *5,. USW Ofss7ro/e bit- *Mt hes. 1.L inewas. �tseNNi� a its 41. , The death of Lady Millais recalls the Net that when Sir John Millais fell Ill the Queen sent the Prince." Ionian tp rho dying man to enquire what favor she Could grant. He gilled for el writing tablet, and inscribed the words: "I should 1108 the Queen to see my wits." The Queen broke through her iron rule not to receive any woman whose marriage 11e had ones been dissolved, whether blame- worthy ar not, and aootxdert to her a tender and sympathotln interview. POLITICS -CANADIAN. 11. B. Britton has been appointed Col- lector of Custom. for Gsmanoque. Friday's Canada Galina tells Parlia- ment together on Feb- 6 for the despatch of bm.Inees. ▪ L. Merryman, Collector of Sestedss foe Stanstead, Quebec, hue leen snposantln- aied, and C. H. McClintock has hewn appointed in his place. It 10 raid Sir J. A. Chapisaa will he- eome Canada's High Commlraloner to Fiance When hs retires from the Quebec Ele otenant-Govetotor ihtp. The Canadian (lovernment. at the rte must of (Treat Britain, haw ordered the confiscation of erelitloue publlontlons. This awry cornea from New 'York. Fon HEN Or WAR. The report that Italy had ova. tato ey. Mame sgtahble la not correct Prinoe Henry of (her•many, it is said, will be fittingly emelvet at Chinon porta The Ttsooh have sent the first -claws Cruiser Pothnen to service in Chinos. Waters: Contrary to general seven, (Itwab Bri- tain 1a likely to oppose the Aaaal.nisa- than of Cones and Northern Chinn. htn.sla 111 primaries temporary bane• (� tee 10,000 8s011s at Port �thpr, Obiter. T11e ant 1. looked upon ar viijitlao ____ad and Japan, bitboat miming �!� allliars a Amelple% 10. so the Casabas eMtate>n Fifty Berman army the ea*ws hem hese ifdl(Aed by China that wham time expire they will not 10 to Waive trees of the Kansa& __iUud the pest of El Feather, ki owe top%A • FOR THE RUSH The finest selected Raisins, • 3 rands for 25c. The finest cleaned Currants, 3 -" 25c. Walnuts .....2 " 25c Almonds... 2 'T '5c. 25c. Filberts ,1 DANDIES Our stock is simply immense. Wateon'r hand lipped Chocolates, 2 pounds for 25c. Cream Candy, 2 A Basket of nice Mixed Candy for p IOc. We have the largest stock in town Floridas, Californias, Valencias. Try a package of the best CEYLON TEA ever brought to Canada. 50c. for half lb. packag C. M. ELLIOTT HAMILTON -ST. GROCER. Telephone 52 WB • Sewer and Culvert Pipes An them rifer . IL q 1e ` Aim CeaaeMfens. WRIT. FOR PRIMES. American Nater THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO White Don't Kick • . • because your l..mp SMOKES or WON'T BURN, as we have just received s Car Load of .tet, Mo WWI ifs. tF-1 as av 11.oa, reieht.-N 1. Goode H this, Mu Colwell fed o0 mayor to Bed de .]EI. W. tiers for 1 lam poop M by law d the u. 'deputy slier ute ed. deputy am. tit .n of t U.derto yler for 1Jor($D rodII.R A by r Ouder.o nu. for 11, tit Doan i rides eouootl t LUCKN pleasant 'rend I Iadiu woel ,t Mperi presett• es e, end le rhb't)r 13 the y ends in Pratt's Astral (( cur Special) 804 ADOLAIOU all_ st.. wa rasv ttv swam . •, tOWTO - Seat Oanaaiein and PLANING KILL. Lily white ElT$SLISNEI lilt. Buchailalis & llyllas . pILS . 3ABH, DOOR and BLIND neaten le all knee ca LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLE Awad anew% matsetal er every deamet.te• 8ohot hnitare a Nato Myth : Nervy dabs. d Mae}1eM, te 1X present .sitlia1� ' .ed Meade is sire a..I vtei•ity it M 15 roars rhes Mr. emit lett this ..ltk... swam :Yes Brie he►t. et Ale teweelde. • he has t Sgh/ m di Ns. 14. Hey far tb. rat Use )ears. has 60164 to sive up •.ashler sad siedy ter me et the p. e- t lWena. • These are the EIEST aper need no reoommendation. LEE & SHEPHARD 1isheeeetilh a Mary of ibs Meade ..1 acgealenthsm of lir. Rlgte will mime 1. bear ei hes death, wkleh to -WI plant e. Wed - saline, the lista ire' as hr has resli nee ee set 10 re the Ilea eessees'su. of Tweet. +,• IIt.i DUNL sot vee Ru ricer w hig the AlIan , t Ig the iawktaa there, 1 his gist their •h M arios on `.lands .be Inner 3r. Artie and One d.vs sed r the god ,bar mat Dot for s puttee RLI .ear old . dao 10 r R. s aeQk fast 'Flee btk ly soil wire, manna' AL Li ass ltd 0tmas t hmday ruday) I -Afi tth .t m*mist • been metier f *.sired us os' l • am rags v he a ami the Ai two tit Pall a ■ les ►tet