The Signal, 1897-12-23, Page 1Arm.
cies, the
u to make a
'5a., S1.00, $1.50,
:(5o ; MIRRORS,
..nnfactured by the
Company, of Ham-
4 are known the
411 Grade. Alio a
1 h,n't fail to see oris
8 IN 8ET8
IN -
line and belt atliorte
your inspection of
will find our price'
N &CO.
ids for 25o.:
et 25..'"'"16;w 250. ..'rte,
M 25_ •
N 25a •
Alt' -.^.m rrrr ...>'.
� 1 ,
Balmoral Cafe-, B. Tlb 4 �/�
(odenoh Bargains Ctttstig.elaa Robin- -
eon 4
Three Dodi. -C. A. Nairn v.., . 8
Huron's Greatest Store -R. B. Smith... 9
Lest obeoee-P. M. Denham 5
Christmas Freta, u3 Promote -Sturdy
Rause to Eley
To M.nbipf Treasurer -Provincial
Municipal Auditor
Here CAWS O!
Bees. els o.
b 1s, std dL.�p ,
Prime that will Create a Seasatiop�
Gee. Porter,,...,.,.. 5
t --11n. 13. Arastroog, , , 5
u r • 5 ---
d Banta Cbaa-Apdrewt
8 THrimtonimarrat• tr. @sr
aew''speech oa Friday evening Let L token
HIS Address In the Leglelature
1fk. ■easier ter west Man■ C.e(tIb.te.
Me Views we the Budget Debate-
- Mai to liaise the Standard
- •....".a6Mataaalea. ,
a..o maim). Highest price.. largest
seek ot Dry Goods, Grauer es, boots and
Shoe. to 'elect trete. U. E. KING. Wlag-
For Bale or To Rent.
4L •l1WJtoMlle. ARMS rRe-WO.
or to tent the dwelling ea Nekton et. at
• .tatty! b7 F. eli.eetb It Ooet.J.
s room.. t■d hg drawing leilowetait,s
room, Ostler and kitcnen, mud has • library,
••mast ..f .aSS10, .0011100 east a
Thele is Millen acre of land intern t�j pteeeted
with Menlo sad pail neek mut e* eerie lent
laws. Ap.:s to 1, tiflttTH, os the p•••
mites. Mote
hems to Western Ontario, Lot Loo•oes-
eton S. township of Claiborne, Hume county,
ICO AGM. Hood day aoiL Bering water. Has
teen oo0i'anoasly In IMM* for 13 years. let t
class large frame tiara W by /0. trewme hole
and kitchen. $toren mad P.O.on the premises.
2 oslleet Ravel roads, I11,OW cash, balsa*. at
Ire per sew, Appt1 to Jl. W. Mc-
fONAOH, Carlow P.O.. Ont. or to J. A. Mc-
DONAUH. te Wellington I. East. Tweets. tf.
• baeiuewyuertioo :
Mr. Garrow thought that a gree deal of
what the Howie ban herd during the de.
bate had not been uttered by hon. geutlemen
Ito muoh with a desire to clear up tbe ques-
tions under disoutei.00, but rather to Mystify.
He bad beard the same arum/lents advaaoed
for some eight vers, and bad been locoed
to the conolusion that a great deal of Lite
°attentions mdvanced is humbug. This is a
business eeeetloo pure and simple, and the
c000lnatpo at which every man who inveeti-
rid that question for himself from the
before him, rather than the Stump
-oratory of pgtttwisoa, must to foroed to
entre i• thatiZrprteint Government{
sekete stria h. a LibentlAguis Conservative
(loverement, is as btesee -and • bosisw
Gover*meot. 1t was a �ihhlg
that alter three or four days' debate they
bad r•osivd no automation fromhah. gentle-
men opposite. with this single ezoeprtoo of
hat made by the hon. member who hadytst
sat down, raepeotiog the moose apart orin-
onrable tomato" ot asylums with a view to
the itmprovemeot of •000mmodettou and
mein, of the oust. He ( Mr. Garrow )
thought perhaps there might be something
e• the enttg.etiot, and be commended it to
TT Part of Lot f Cosoeselon C. Godes-tett
Town. ooatalnla S 1-6 acres of land. Thereto
situated on the property • good le story twice
dwelling. with klrchen .,inched and with
cellar ander
the whole
first Mass and wttt be told es ren.eo e'ki.
terms. For moonier. apply to PHILIP
He)LT.learrisu ttoderfeb.
Dater faith t ,1007.
flutehlss,.. Survey 1t1 the Town of
Oodertab. ewes •►hick is w•oted a atm dwell -
las hoose.
Hated h Ap♦!y lto MQA IRON. MOLT t HOLYiB.
%dorfci mitt
el•Li-The britt raaWaow overlooktag
the river h�ood lake formerly occupied by the
ate A. BeiM)erniett asp.. Mester to Cheeeere
One of the moot valuable and desirable Ore -
poetise, fa tows.
i Th• two -corer frame dwellmE house es
South etMeet Mewedtatelr aejointagthe Brit-
ish tzottaoge Hotel. at preemie oeoupted by
air. Andrew Waddell.
& The dwWletr hoes and adtolnlag grounds
near the O. T. R. station, formerly occupied
by the late Jtadie Toms.
Prices lied terms or payment most sable, ap
Pie to OARROW & 1'NOVD1I1)O?
71141 _ Sol►t►tt l -
ifertgage Salo.
etty.-Teere will be sold by TMmas
O.adr7, esoyoae•r. at W Auction Noma to
Me Tows of Ooderto4 on Saturday, the kb
day of January, the Satoh Halt of Lot No. .
is the Toweehtp of Colborne, It D„ oontatuiee
*sores. This properti 1s welt situate. and 06
eemeproAvett". one HARROW & PROUD
700T. Tender's eonoltots,
este)) • gaaantr of Hsneset Blabs eat to ftp
Molise 00d 16 Isobel, loam Atm • 4f•.tkl d
Cedar Blabs 1G Inches 1 at. The wood M 417
Dad ret nor wens nee. WIII deliver to au
Paris of the tnfe -ams dal . ordered. "el
Priem, etc.. a}pty at H. J. Reetoe'e Mow/
store corner snores& street sad Square. armPETER WOMAN, Os4erlet or Be't(.ed. 1!.
fo.mHotaA d mid baths of ptemesee. See-
poalnt and moor ether rpatre-
tient carefully attended to stet sone but com-
petent bande employed, Wtlllon
William' old stead.
olwan's new bloo, next doer to arflisb fix
thanes Hotel 0-1.t
is for We.
' 25e.
NA over
Telephone 62
trp dpr� to sm-
fle0erf� •item
►rr�yssmmttl1ttt��pb� M •
Woe and Mgr.
PANT Teh�r•obteie. Yb.
Mettles a hq .e.•ld work. lsl.adfd
Wares .e oosep.teat pool). 1. ton1,10
'AY.. Toronto.
who can work hard Wale. sed wrtt-
1eegg dx'e Saar, ter .tx days a week. and
WW be 0eesemt with ten donates weekly. Ad
dre.. NNW IUZAe CO.. H. tr B
, Cornea-
and iklobmoed Mi.. to, OnI.
L��t�,v�xsr0aeana ����e,eeto Ran LET BAR!tars� r , Afri BRAD
GENTS --BOOK "f117i�ttit�i'89 IS se.r.
ti col its' y.�!p•S1t *0e0 here bett6t
faster srlll p�ts0+st• AgsaM 03001.1.0
sb. $10 00 se tM' week*. el flim e
' Cleo a sir
Lite et l r. 6eed-
s.�ye kr Mother's t terMI Pre.
Sfn�t, 'MOM 61M jptr141 •r O utai
free to M tnro�seeIa It on ty OvAR_
hilly N COU bqp THE Rl& iT$AR-
(erednata11.4.11st eotl..irib i4 *
O(�e��fy,,� � i f ei fRe ra.I
?monitor g
alin ltah.Ilei
votes iiiltnrw.
•ad�it� milk toms
et yid
the att•OWoo ot the hon. gentleman who
bad charge of the department. if indeed it
bee not already been looted into The
emotion of, the sppototineit ret • Minister
of Agriculture had been i°trodueed by hon.
gentlemen opposite. What Mos this question
to do with present-day politicshe asked.
But, Moos the other side had brought it up,
he desired to say that tt wan not that the
Opposition utterly and entirely opposed the
appointment, bis that they sought to be-
little and curbed k They held that a,ri-
eolture, the great industry of thea country.
was not to be pat upon the same footing as
the other doper meo4, that It should be a
sort of annex to some other busy Minsiter ;
that was good *Dough for t he farmer*, m-
(*rdiag to hon. gentlemen opposite, but this
was not the view ot hon. 4.0tlemet on the
Government side et the Hous Th. Oppose
Moo Sia not dare tansy " no" to Mo appetite.
me01, but were nawiUtsg to have an Agn-
ealtursl 1) nartrpaat He oballeneed the
boo. ce tiei,.an it he knew of misconduct by
(Jovernmene ofilo•Isi to report the matter to
Me department, ea big. ditty. Th. Goyern-
be argued. le instilled in pre -
Meant to of$oiels where they are not
'ally of wrongdoing or oppression
boa, member for North Toronto had
roper t rendsry-•wee4, _hat. as
am0ant of radio! of resolutions of tong
years ago will remove from the rem.mhreoc
of the people of the Province the undoubted
foot that the Oppeeitiot is this Hoae were
ailing in accord with aid in support of the
pottery of Mir John Macdonald to resist 1a
every way tjte acquisition by the Preview*
el thea valuable property. He (Mr. (Jar.
row) b.pod that the high steward of Slim•
ty of ttie °bomber would he itaintaised,
and he appealed to the Opposition to lend
their aid in this direction, and to this god,
that whoa they bring ap a 'anodal in the
Hones the, will tee that it is in reality a
•meedel. Re deprecated the unwarranted
e tttaek upon els. Mmiet•r of Ednoation, than
whom s more able and honorable gent/e-
pan bed Dever filled that importer'
oaa. and pa•swd on to refer to am iooidem
which 000pred daring one of Mr. Whiteley'
meetings, when one of the andienee inquired
whether H wee true that the Mtnhigae Camb-
er men bad soh.ortbed 1200,000 to carry the
e eoleme Mr the Government this time, Me.
Whitney replied, " I don't know." He
°barred the ben gentleman that he might
have known from the record et ate ohamher,
that he did know from his erpenesee,
that the statement woe notrne and utterly
without 100*datio., and knowing this he
should have repudiated with .noun earth an
leetnaatioo refieoting aeon the honor of the
Legislature. He quote! from The Mail and
Empire in approval of the finanotal admire
stration of the Oeverame.t, and else from
the same paper.' et a later date, what he
oeetend.d wart *rat .ntair .itlofses. He
elan geared from The iRvenisg Telegram, an
independent paper, weigh, o• Ilio Wier
band, Lave 'MN Oovermmnet *reale fee 1M
Aesnetal dmia*teattes, and *eked the
Opposition 14 wage a fair fight npnn the
tweeds and upon the foots. Upon the
gumbos of the surplus, lir. °arrow jostl-
ed the antion of the (/event/wont in ex-
p.ndi0g the money of the Provlace to meet
the Iboreeetnt - nedda4MM of n growing
Provinces is the evrotton mrd mat.tenenee
of nerwesery pebiin iastftetina. in rent/
to the attet4ro'et the Opposition epee the
Government. let .azerevaimee, he showed
that the Erni receipts of the Prorin«e ninon
t:.ntederetterm ilad lisle 189,370.700, end
the evpeodttore 189,131,563. 1•avtae a hal.
acne on the right side of 1239,139
sa+ori. net feted' ' fM tweet land. of
the Protases bat from. the', end
netwee"atleg me animal, sarin,. [tit
Ow fens of thetlrfkd4'ehe Mail nebeoeper
stated Thee 10. Previa,* heel g..e.h.tldtd,
• to the d.enr.dlt et the Proviso*.
whieb M Aetrely end utterly wiebnet feet-
stettea, Mr (Jarrow rwwlnAwf the Row
that the fievmrime*t NM nest i lepted folio.
at Ottawa *MEM, M d.aUkg wieb th. omb-
in, M4ee1n. A raeolotien Sonia egdo that
Om Mete sferreM he .illi eitd Agee Ede
Ne. Wee .ens rt d'ey • swab •ad Of fie
beed,ef Liberals eassesi hintN.Mei
w'tri eppaeod by 101 amernieleis.. .tr.
favored the greatest detail oouaisteat with
prudent expenditure in the pubino eouounts,
and .:preened hes desire that the fullest op-
portunity for 'equity abuuld bogies& before
the Publio Accounts (,ommittaa He oom-
pleioed the. Mr. Whitney, while quoties
his word. as W the oompoeitioa of the Pub•
Ito A000uata Cummtttee, has tuisrepreseoted
their eppltoatioe. Air- !;arrow admitted
that he bed said that the committee wee •
Parties* committee, but only iu the sense
that tie oompoettioi wee under • °ou•tlts-
Isonek system of government. ItIo did net
mean to imply that it wee partisan fA it•
method of crises. the goosed.' that site!'
before it.. __
fie le;aet11141y1 rremeMags trsl�iWtw.s,
The court opened .t 10 A M., and shortly
afterwards Huth Semple was platted on trial
oa a charge of burglarious!' entering •
dwelling in the village of Crediton. Several
witnesses were ezamioad, and tube° oounkoi
had addreaeed the fury and the judge
summed up, the jury retired and after an
hoar's abesooe, brought to • verdiot of nes
guilty. The oouity attorney proseouted,
and P. Holt defended.
Poetleth wait. vs. (ie,wotn,-An milieu for
illegal distress, was settled out of court,
(Green vs Goldthorpe, • claim for wain,
and MoCante vs. Kilpatrick, •n action for
rent,. were postponed u1) sett Stork
Bei die- naming vhs-ntinfOrlidniiinane Lair
matt tbelrimemendeggisgennemospeaserssie
Al - -opening e1 the t °oars
Mr. Proud/am, counsel for prisoner,
moved for w reserved vise. on the ground,
that the proseoatton was not ounducted
personally by eke Crowe Attorney.; that
two witnesses were sworn by the deputy
Clerk of the Peace, that the •videooe of
Margaret Davidson should not have been
•dmttted, and that the Crowp Ives in error
in °barging the jury that they slight Ly
aside all other grounds except that used be
Prisoner in the box-sepeotelly seledefenoe.
The motion was retuned.
The prisoner, b•izg asked wise: he bad to
say why sentence Aeolis not b9 pawed
upon him, his moose' road a petition mooed
by the strand jury,and a large petition from
the reeidenta of Byfield and vicinity, asking
for a merciful nes:te0os.
Hi. Honor. previous tose0teswtn, Elliott,
addressed toe pri.00er, to effeor, that he had
been °o0vtotei after a fair trial in which he
had been ably defended. and wbtle it was
natural that sympathy should be expressed,
the crime of, which he had beers found
guilty was of the moat serious character.
The trouble had started by the prisoner'.
broth.r,tn • druokeo freak, ordering him ro-
to the home and undertaking co enforce his
oommaod, which resulted in a souffle. Alter
separation, and when his brother was being
held, the prisoner, standing • few feet off,
produced a revolver ; and after two or three
bystanders had rega.t.d him not to shoot
he retired some twelve feet and, turning
around, stood awaiting rbe with the
revolver still In hie hand. Hie suberquent
notion and the fatal result presented a case
tittle short of murder. As the jury had,
however, not only recommended mercy, but
had strongly recommended 1t, and had in-
dividually signed • petition to tti et regard,
and as • largely signed petitron had s10o
beget_peteeated in the prieoher's favor by
neiebbori r►w
would not oonaider the one in ite most .ert-
oue aspect. Taking the more serious view
of the case. be would bare felt bound to in-
dict a very .ever. sentence. The penally
provided by statute was not simply punitive,
but of • three -fold nature : First -punish -
meet !or the offence ; second --of a'diectplia-
ary oharaetsr ; and third, and most import-
ant as • deterrent to other evildoers. While
sympathy for the prisoner and his mother
justifh d a reduction of the punishment in
this ease, the other element& should net be
lose tight of. The wnteem of the "`met
uses that the prisoner he inosroeratsd in the
Provinotal penitentiary for the period of
five years.
t_ ■eLeen Still to tem Treat,
Ia Datil. I bene a ehoiee heifer, 3 years
aid, weight 1460 lbs , Derham, oust 187, fed
by aware. Avery anti Hunter, Leedom resat
1 very flee steer, weight 1473. lbs., aged 2
years and 7 menthe, Dothan,, eest)Mg75. fed
by David Mollwh, Colborne ; I'two-year-
o ear•
old heifer, weight 1260, fed Thos. os. Dyes,
Uodertoh ter. Then comes Captain W.
Young. Colbert's, wish • very 5.. otto y,.
0)4 .bn10omn. weigbt A60 lbs., and 1 °alt,
Ayrshire, • hille dandy, w•ieht 960 lbs.
My show of hoge eon not he hest ; Wo.
Ryes, A■h5sld, 6 Duress, J. G1sm, Col.
borne, 3 Chore* Whites. D, JobeeWs, Ara -
field, 5littb hearties; A. Theurpeoe. Gado -
rah to-, 8 Dare* Jerseys, very fine; J.
Soots, Aibfield, 4 Cheater Whitee,and Toes.
,Teheaton, Colborne, A pretty little asst 01
the same breed: a namb•r of sheep and
Iambs perobawed in tate • sghbarboel, elf
witty fine, are oo Stow. In poultry, a .hetes
Int fed by Few, of Hullett, *erns fed by J.
Lovett, el tee same eows.kip, and pareha.-
•e from other buyers too nominee' to men-
tion. To.dd to my, display of meek. eta.,
1 offer ter rale • illy flee Isaac
Cell .sd Inemeet my steak before*as-
ing elsewhere.
Fhanki., you fag peat favors end eolioit-
iw, a esetenem ee of the seam. Sod wMhia,
you a merry Chriatrw sad • happy New
thee!, I retm•ia,
• ? .tins .wooer telly,
R Mo(mat.
A11 p•rtlria Mlles will .ave yS )solo. py *e.
la 1101e Het se to the Ute of iayeatmSOrM!
IrittA It Jae, I thelia. 'al11 sf leignsamo
kohl f SAI ryas Siam', earello V omit•
attest it'd ifdratio st These Gerrie)►
.... .
O. gi+ttffi
_ ekfd. a bft•
+el Us Mi.
wowism 'elsehme 41.-
■!solea of tie Special Biretta(Oddetllag el Odd
The Question Still s Live Issue The argnlar meeting of the Town Counoil
was held of Friday evening, pre•eut Mayor
Shannon, reeve Proudtoot, dopy
The Old relies e1 the Liberal rano' is the Thompson, 2nd dopy D. Holmes, Coosoil-
C 1 O.e- Ne Eiert ab..14 M( lore Goode, Colwell, Tweedi
e, Nairn, W il-
$Bared to mrl.q 1
Abeat 1.11.,..I Martin, Dunlop, Pridham, Caatelon,
city *110 tie Rae 1 Craigie, Naftel. Minutes et previous meet-
s ,y, :--er.s-^ lag reed and signed,
A statement from the oolleotor miming
le the Editor et Tire Sweet,-
KIM, -It is pleasing to know that you melon and elwcrio light t•ktfes J• Meet
do not intend to falter to your advotmey of was read and ordered to be filed.--
rt.1070047 with 1•. Ue44,ice a W. A communication was read freer Cohn$,
have been so taken op this jubilee year with
the di.cuwion of imperial affairs sad of our
own Government's preferential tariff that
oar eyes have, perhaps, been somewhat
Moped to the advi.ntsge• of °loser trade
with our southern neighbor,. Thia ie only
temporary, however. The benefits to be
derived from freer oom•nerotai interoourse
on this nontinent are too great to be lost
sight of for any great length of time. Our
total trade with Great Britain u of about
the same volume es that with the United
States, and it is manifees thee it we could
do basins• ae freely with the latter country
as with Britain oar trade with oar next,
ooi nel,t`aWitri'illil hiereat -resynieos
Oar t6sm_aatresriper*
all the twine* $h* trade, but it is ifitir
duty to do Setif attar It lite matter. Great
Britain rives us • free market for all our
products, and is is oar duty to take admin.
bag. of it, but that Is no reason why we
should nue try to swore in addition the fila.
mens morsel to tae month. I thunk t
Tits Spasm. ham taken too mach to heart t
cloaca of the Liberal press on this quests
of reciprocity. Just at preaeot it is fashio
able to wax enthusiastic over various pr
jeota of Imperial prefers:sus/ trade, bat t
people of thli border counties empeoi011
are not likely to forget that it is to their t
tercet to have opened for them, as wide
possible, the door to the market joat a h
miler away, which in times past wa.tseP..
help to them.
It is a matter of regret that the Hon. 0
W. Roes has given comfort to the opposers
of receprooity in big remelt speech. Perlia
be has been taken too seriously. H. t, we
known as the "spineless" member of tb
Local Administration -as a man who can g
through remarkable oontortiow with th
utmost rag and grace --and hie reputati
cannot be entirely undeserved- Certain!
he is in poor company just now, with suo ..
mea se O. Parkin and ol. Denison, but, i
may be only a temporary departure fro
the path ot 0002111012 note.
That the Government at Ottawa i. aliv
to the lemmata of Canada is abowo by 'th
visit to W aahington a short time ago of th
Premier and Sir Louis Davies, and by i
refusal to aoospe the United States' propos
Rion to .top Delagio salt.g unless otbt
matters concerning the relations of the tag
ooaotries--reoiprooity, the alien labor laws
and other questions -wen at the same tlm
oohafdered. The tariff revieln oof the las
seeeio0 was not all that mime Liberals ex
pect•d, bis- considerations of revenue as
the attro004 fling in the country in favor o
among Liberals of a slow process of removing
protection. bed to be kept in mind ; and the
adoption of the pref.r*ntiel system, favoring
ohlely Great Britain, knocked the wind out
of the' Tory opposition to tariff redaotloo.
Moreover, the duties on a oonslderable num-
ber .f articles which Cmedist. import from
the United States were reduced, Siad in
some Wantons., as on hinder twine, barbed
wire and corn. retrieved ntlnly. It is to b,
hoped that the tallied-ot ameedmeet of the
preferential system, so that is would apply
only 10 ooanlries within the empire, will
not be oarried oat. It would be . backwardcc
step. Another proposal not in aordance
with Liberal principles 1 that of Mr- Ber-
tram, the reoenWY sleeted member for
Ce04. Toronto. that the tariff ahenld not
be disturbed for ten years to Dome. That
may be • good enoneh proposition to plans
bitters a Toronto onn.t±tnwoy et elee400
time, but the liberals of the rest of the
country do not take their opinion. upon
eoonoenioal matters from the people of for.
onto. As for roiprnoity, Mr. Rifto, knows
the frost advanttR., whbh In the Wealstimuliwould suli from .00h • policy ; Mr.
Fieldingand Sir Loner Davits ars aware of
the immense importa°oe to the M*rktme
Proviso._ nt esonrin4 the New Ragland
market ; in Ontario, we have time Errand old
patriot, Sir Richard Certwright,'to look
atter onr interests in this dir•ntion, and
Qaebuo te not unintererted-the',ambling-
Nook he tlta proteotloni.t party in the
Let Tilt 8ttttiAL do its part fa keepin, the
matter before the publio,�.o %het Cabedisas
may always he reedy 1e take advantage of
any disposition on the part of the people
ans, the border to take down the tariff
wall which ebatro0te ear trade with them.
Warr Hone Llasaat
Goderioh, Dee. 20, 1897.
n -
Man mad Wife Jots Heeds in !'roolatming
the Great Moatb Ameriea0 Nervine
King of Cures for Stomach Troabi•
.red Nems.
1/r 5. Phillips, of Whitton, Ost., writes :
" J wee very muoh emaebted by ohronio
dy.ets y ler a ao0i her of snare. No reeved y
et 0n pnysielan *sewed to saeeee felly Dope
With my ease. Wheel all els had tailed I
Heed of the mares being eWweted by Smith
American Nervine. I derided in eft* 1t •
Meal. Refers t had tette halt • beetle 1
was mush imprnven and hM meetly no
lewd, A few bottles et it hays made ewe •
to0mya 1 net better sad healthier then
I bell telt for years. 11t* mite was also •
4*000 Masco frees eteeraeh Womble sad
heedaubta Hb. say.: 'Seeing the weeder-
t.feflles 16 wwl having na soy Marland, I
tam Webs. Th. tem.dy more tee alines!
ill&eart relief, aid Mo oared, diel made •
army salw e1 aa" 844 by J. 11. Davis.
L*AC.nriterd_ reed 'itiid:ey. an
Th. Orbit irons the I oin1 MIM
• Weekly Agent et toasts ole s aer.04
ap to suit Everybody - rtth and
rein' slipped sad Condensed
Wrens Every tseeti...
RUS8ELS : The Winnipeg - Free
twat N -tr pa3rd ear.: "L.s( eveeinglat 54
King street, Mem Lizzie Forsyth was mar-
ried to Ch.. Lorimer, to the employ of
cent to the Hoare of RsfugeTrom the town 180 0 ray._oontr,pyq��i�� bride woe •
of Goderioh, and eneiomng the motion mead. former Alex.iar of t, Brussels.
at the recent r.siog of the County Council nota of Alex. Forsyth, Iirtte•slo
requesting the town authorities to remove i Morris : 17t m. Hogg it visiting to Womb-
. said Brindley. Moved by 2nd dopy
seootded by Colwell, that the Clerk
he authorized to answer the communication
by stating that as we have no oleo" to put I Citron : Rev W. Stout wee in town
Brindley in we oan0ot do anything et pre. Tuesday and removed his family to Kirkton.
sear, betides we do not recognize any obis.
dation to ant. Curled.
A oommunioestton was read from Jas.
Reid requesting an extension of time for the
collection of taxes, and the apphoatton ryas
granted, the time being attended to the
lit F.b. a
A oommunioarion from Jas. Kea, asking
remisio0 of taxes oo account of sickness,
was mint to ICourt of Revision to report on. by )oho t D Il $g
AA large titebet nt-woeetaictr,- At-Cirerao: 111xex.lieEjery who roma', not
ington Territory with hie brother.
Morris : Luther Pepper had the mistor•
tune to loose one of cis horses tee week. _
Drysdale : !dews. R. E. and T. `Snowden
d"horned one hundred and five head of
cattle last week.
Grey: 1) Deeyer has .old hie farm, being
lot 16, coneeeeiou 5. Grey, to James Porter•
field, of Elms, for I3 500•
Exeter : The old etatioo b.�tel property,et
owned by Cr -lice Eros., ham been purchased a,
i o e for a goodare,
and sen toilettes, Comu4b .,-......a,e..•n~ 'sadly hurt by falling from • KniiainiRiq -
On motion of dopy reeve Thoattie iciWtt R.•ferab, 1, ebb 1m Pse anoud by the Std of
Twe.dte, the annual grant W the ire Bri• cru
gads was directed to b. paid.
The Finance Committee reported in favor
of paying the following :
Queen City 0:1 Co 1 14 53
Chea Sntnbtit_..,, 8 40
W. Rumen.. 30 89
1). K. Straobotl ,_... 225
Wm. Hebb
J. H. Wnrsefl.
Wm. Mcelymonr
Davison & Co
(.oldie McCullagh
National Ebot to Os
Beardmore On,
Thos. Swart' .-
' 84147 lifetertsee
It. Graham
Chas. Reid
22 70
54 17
- 150
27 95
301 00
20 00
1 50
2 00
W. J. R. Holmes..... . 26 60
Sutton ft Co. 42 00
Stevens Man. Go , 12 18
National Csrboe Co 16 00
t,arper and Lee 10 47
.lomathen Mellor . 28 00
0. N. Davis.... 28 39
Wm. Lee . 870 10
and reoommeoded Mat the tteeta°t from
the (.oderioh Cu -ling and Skittles! Associa-
tion be referred back to Council.
The report was amended by striking out
the clause referrthg to the Corking Aesooia-
lion and paying the account.
Report of Public Work. (tom :
Your oommittee bays made an intimation
of the sewers and tial that in some inetao-
0ee the *etch basins are too high aod will re-
quire to be lowered; also, that some of the
mach basins have been placed on the side•
walks and other* in improper places. lee
have pleoed the matter before the engineer
for an explanation, end to find out it the
oontraotore should not oaks matters right.
Wehave 000sidlsred the appliatioo of A.
that no aotion be token until next spring,
The report was adopted.
The 000noil then adjourned.
The Wunerel Meld at Griswold ea lea.
Winnipeg free Press, Dec. 2. -Griswold,
Nov. 29. -In she Griswold cemetery today
was interred all that was mortal of the late
Samuel Hance. Born in (weds een0te. 00-
tallo, in 1837. he was just 60 Years
of age at the time of his death. His earlier
Hie wag spent farming in the township of
MaKitlop, where he was very.000mefol, en -
geeing in different enterprise,, but being a
very ambitious man and wishing to extend
his operation., he removed from Canada to
(Oil Cetyl Pen°sylvemi*, where iu . few
year. he isomme one of the largest operators
on the oil ernhange. When the great boom
came to the 13anadian Northwest, he decided
to owns to Chia 0000117 in 1881, attending
different Government land sales at Birtle
and other plasma. Being a keno, shrewd
business man, hie operations were very sae -
mode! in land. Io the tome year ee located
hie term, where be 4*e resided ever eine*,
end on which plasm the great calamity of
Thankeeiving day 000arred. No man can
visit thieves* teem without being impressed
sad attributing to the late Samuel Henna
greet foresight and sorted judgment. He
saw in nature that whioh. with industry, in•
tegrity and ambition, onnpled with good,
itoosomieel, mend judgment, aif of which
oharateriatios he poseeseed, a farm destined
to be one of the first in Canada. Aeptved
to realize hie great ambition, anti has left
behind him • monument to hie indartry that
will perpetuate hie name in this country for
year,. He hes not been the pampered pet
of any mime oorporatinn, . tome hate
been, to boom Manitoba, but has done more
le the last fourteen years to wive nor oonatry
a name, and essiet In hyalin, Immigration
here than any other man in M•sitahs. Ha
has probated ever 100.000 bushels of whose
on hlrlferm In the lass twelve years. A. a
pnN1a man he held malty positions of tenet.
being the fleet reeve ot the mnnieipality of
W heatland, Rs wW1 the fires warder of
the oennty of Brandon. R• oeetosted the
otrset(tueaey of Lan.dowae la 1888 for the
Legislative Aesemby of Menitobe, and wag
defeete4 be Edward iNekton by • narrow
majority. He wee the oldest J. P. in this
[tart mf Y•.lsebe. aid hie deebions always
milkweed good 'winsome- Ma In. to Gris-
wold and "Wily to irreparable. as ha as-
sisted In nary s0terpri. 0100 the hemp.,
Gee of 1ks Mer, with a g.wereme head.
Griswetd fete • bit •dmlrati•oe iso hie MeV
ttemibip. his hearty handshake es film
Weed er hie boepianl. greeting r1 the deer
*f hie palatial rwldeeee will moot greet bin
malty Meseta ..g.;M. Pere to his May
The *rase et the nay 1m the Warless
Sr_. Gsoar:s•a CMvti.It.-Ou Cbr*teme
1)ay there will be en early oelebration of tee
Holy Communion at 8 o'olook. The order
of eerviw at 11 A.10. "Will be . follow, :--
Opeotog Hymn 77, Adman Fide's, Readtme
Venite • R
Proper Psalm XIX... . Maoferren
.. XLV::....B.iai.hill and Torii'
•� " I,XXXV Hereby
To Daum Hopkins in 0
1yeaediota. Tarte
Anthem Gu..
Behold I Wee you good tidings of great
joy, which shall he to you and to .11 people -
For unto you is born this day its the city of
David a Saviour whiob i. Christ the Lord.
Kyrie Eloise° lallis
Gloria Tibi Short
Hyena 78 MondeLsha
Mormon by the Rentor
Hymn 73, W inchoate, old
Sanctus Brown
Hymn 3
Gloria in zoeleis Blackburn
Sevenfold Amen Slather
011 Huntley rho Cbristmas bermes* will be
continued, and will iholude at Matting, a
new Anthem by Sir John Goss " While
Shepherds watched their 8otks br night "
and otter Evensong at 7 r M. a seleotioa of
Christmas Carole well bo song by the ohoir.
CYtuwrwAs DAY AT ST. PrruR's.-The
Cherish bell will ring et 6 tem to notify the
oo0gregatlon to proper. for the morning
esrvios. The first mew, at which tee
Children's Choir will assist, will be..!.brae
Lid at 6:30. A.61, The emend mos will im-
mediately follow the first mw. The High
Mau will begin at 10 A M-, and Vespers *t ,
Adeate 1r'idsles Solo. Duet and Chores
A.psrgs••. , Lambillotto
Kyrie-..- -Emernoo's Mw in
(;torte la Es*tist'tE Flat
Credo.__a....,•.,....,Leonard'.3rd Mw
S•rmoo Tee Birth of Cbrist
Offertorium Henry Wilson
Christmas Anthem
Solo and Chorae, "Bhoat eh. Glad Tidings,"
Sanctus Leonard'. 3rd Mw
Agmen Dei , , 1 M mersos'a Maw is
Dona Nobis f IL Fiat
AT veeraa' ANL aahnDICTION.
Adeete Fidel.. Solo, Dust sad Chortle
Psalms 110, 113, 160 Gregorian Tones
Anthem Shout the Glad TidingsMmgnifiaat Gregorian 1st Tone
Sermon The Werke of Christ
Tan tom Ergo Lemhillotte's Grand
Landate Dominini Gregorian 5th Tone
Mute Shtonne, Organist.
Mr. Fowler, Director.
The Church will be decorated. All wise
wish to be present at the service» will be
made weloome.
Ceat.TlA, flown 8envtem-ChHttmea
gong eervtee will he hold le North -et Meth-
odist Chureb, Sundry a resin., Deo. 96th.
ORDS* annvielt.
Prelimhtory Organ Servide beeffm*ing at 646
" Weddle, Marsh ". ... , , Wagner
' I;hti.tmee Pastoral" Merkel
" Bereeo.e " ... , Delbriiok
" Communion in G " Ba11.te
Mies Retie coats.
Christman Carol "0 Little Towo of Bethle-
Prayer Ta tr H. MoKentd•
Response " Talk wit h us lord "
• Indies Choir.
Hymn 142 .Choir and Congregation
ARiro0*ciata,t4 Kit •
Scripture Readier Ker. Joseph Ed
Violin 9e1e, " Andante R.Iiglore horne
Mi. Leer• Aohes•'n,
Anthem. "Seek Ve the Lord " Rr-bort..... _PI
11r, Edwards end ('koir.
Address Rev. A. E M. Th.tb ,0n
Baia, "A 0.rlatanes Chime' Clarke
Mist Whitney.
Hymn 141,....... Choir and Congregation
Addeo*' Rev R. F. Armstrong
Solo, " Where is Moires " Mort'
Offering ...............
Grim Voluntary, '• Hom. Sweet Renee ''
Dudley Rook, My. Rets" Chute
Part Song, " The Roma Light" Morey
The Choir.
A5Wem, "The Radiant Meru" Wendward
The I;heir.
Hyena l45. , . ... . Choir sad (h tireg•ein.
Prefer and Ranedlnttelt ....Rey. Joe
Ogees Pearled•, 't'I`6e HallNwjeb ChorfltT"
Horde! Mee ttotee CMM