The Signal, 1897-12-16, Page 44 Thumper, Dec. 16, 1897. THE SIGNAL : GODER.I YH ONTATA?O. E. B. & M. H. toric at Mite From now until Christina' This is your epportnnity. Nearly 1000 Copiers to select from. No two alike. All tor half prior for Ten Days. We want the mimic buying pa gloof (lode - rich and vicinity to know us, and we take this means of advertising. This is no old stock Everything New. Fresh and Up -to -Date. The cream of such publishers as The /Mime of Bourton. Howley Revile/el & 00., New York, The Anglo -Oen. Mnsic Pub. listen and W. R. Billing'/, Toronto. GIVEN AWAY FREE Ws have is stock 500 copies of EVERY MONTH one of the leading music pubiloatioae of .Am- erica, and will give one free to every purchas- er of 60o. worth of goods. We will make it worth your while to set sone etiatiem ^lc,.^,ere... -We-eaote _AL F1CW 131R.I9$S A Violin, Bow and Box, only $ 5 60 A better one for 8 00 A very floe one for 16 00 A Gaiter 650 A better one 9 00 A choice one. concert size 18 00 Meodolitu from 86 00 to 16 00 Mouth Organs 10o. to 60 W$1 A:1711:1 100 100 oopies Muoio and Songs,were 10o, now 5e 100 folios Musto and 300(5, were 25o,now 1Oc 200 " Songs, descriptive and aeotheental 60 " !' oomio and minetrsl. 60 's' " sacred, •'41 0 "*--liirobes. 60 _--1" Sobottiehae rot Lanoers. ALL AT HALF PRICE Every musician knows the Qttallti of tbe Nordheimer Piano and Tnomas Organ 'W, only wish to egr eat repre.eatshem and invite your inspection. ENIERSON'S Mese kicCaLL'4 Siusto Studio to connection. 'The $inaL IR PtYeLlafgr, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING sr D. MetILLICCDDW Terms of eubaertptIer one month, In advance 12 Three months, 70 81z 65 Ono year, 1 00 advertIstag Melee. Legal and otner carnal advertisements, loo p.r tine for first Insertion. end 3 oents per line for each subsequent insertion. Measured by a nonpareil scale. Business oerds of 11x line and under. $6 per year. Advertisements of Lost. Fonnd Hrnyed Situation. Vaoant. Situations „anted and Business Chancre Wanted not Foeedlng 8 Item nonpareil. $1 per month. Houses on Sale and Parma on 8a1e. not to .zoeed a lin, e. 81 for first month. Erb. per sub- e ecneut month. Larger advt.. In proportion my special notloe, the object of whioh is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any tndt- vdual La' ooni ny, to be considered en ad- 'llff'Rlifet!"l1RRltYt'1lfX¢ly;--- ` -- Local notices in nonpareil type one oent per word. no notices less than Mo. Local notices In ordinary reading type two tents per word. No notice tor less than 500. bottom for churches and other religions and benevolent Institutions half rate Subscriberwho fall 40 receive TIER Boleti regnlarly by mall. will ander • favor by so - Pe f us of the hot at as early an date as wade When a change of address is desired, bora the old and the new address should be ►ea P..11saers Metre. J. C. Le Toned. of Ooderlch, has Dose ap Pointed Loosi Travelling airiest tor the town- ship) of Goderloh, Colborne, Aahflold and Ws wanneb, Local postmasters over the district are also empowered to reo.,,ve aubaoriptlona to Te. Brow a 1. All oommunlostlons must be ad/Ironed D MOGSLLTCUDDY, Telephone balite TIER Br OodorioAL, foh l;b . GODIRICH, THURSDAY, LRC. 16, 1118f. HOLIDAY ADVERTISING. THIS is the season of the year when everybody waste to know whore the heat value for money can be lied. The advertising pe.gea of Tits Rion AL are • capital directory for the people of God. - rich and the adjoining diotribt to study. • A porous,' of the ten pages this week will be particularly interesting end instructive to intending purehaeers. FOR RECIPROCAL TRADE. WHERE are the newspapers that a few short years ago worked overtime in advocacy of reciprocity, and whioh oontended for the freest trade and most open market for the Oenedien produc- er t With the exception of that grand old champion of honest trade, The Hamilton Times, we fail to find one Of our Liberal oontemporaries that has not orewled under the barn, so that the echo of its past utterances would not reach it in its retreat. Why should this be the creel Canada has not floated from her old moorings, nor ham the Canadian pro - darter become We anxious for tariff reform simply bemuse there ham been e ebance of Government M Ottawa. The neoessity for wider and better markets for Canadian produce is as apparent today as, 11 was when the Tories were " bleeding t;e white" with e tariff that remains practically un- altered, although two sessions under Liberal rule have been held. Can it be true that the lkrmer no longer feels the pinok of high duties upon his coal oil, his cradle, his coffin, die., as Wy were told by our leaders in the olden time ; that the working man is not anxious to have the coal duties done away with ; and that, the " last vestige of protection " should not be removed. At the last election was it not the magic word " Reciprocity, " that was used on every platform to ooglute with in behalf of Liberal candidates, and did not some of the speakers go farther and boldly advocate " free trade as it is in England 1" Why, then, is it that the Lioeral press is now dumb on this great question, and why do we no longer hear from the lips of our leaders praises of free trade with our nearest and best markets 1 Instead of that we read day by day of that economic phantom, preferen- tial trade with Britain -that aforetime was jeeringly left to the advocacy of such visionaries as PARKIN, DeitisoN and CAs'rsxL Hopauta-as being the ne plus ultra of true trade relation- ship, and men who claim to be Liberal leaders are now eager to advocate what they formerly scouted as a mild form of lunacy in economies. There iamething wren in th Polit}ll! t>It- toff why Ub4rate of note -hseireeeemEroeieey' TIP HERE AND THERE THE NEWS, of Toronto, is a shouting preferential tr.de journal. Whether the al- leged editor of that deleetahle sheet knows what prefereutial trade really Rteans or uot, we don't know, but we do know that he knows mighty little about anything. He is the young man who some yearn ago engaged a room outside of the once building, re that he ooukl have a place •' to do his thinking in," and the ,beet which he edit., is the one to which Editor GAKe Nea, tit The Hamil- ton Times, referred at the Iset meeting of the Prow Aseociation, as being ".white paper made dirty by ink." It is also the eerrsationel sheet which recently twnufao- ttired the alleged oonfe.aion of the boy, Ai.. i.L•oN, who is now under oondentnation for the murder of Mrs. Otter We merely make this reference to the Toronto literary scav- enger to show that no reliance can be placed upon any utterance it may give our tiny subject, at any time and udder ell con- ditions. It is a journalistic fakir, first. last, and always ; characterless in the extreme ; mendacious to the outside limit : and shal- low as a fool's brain can make it.. But pehaw ! What's the use of wonting good space advertising this Toronto literary ya- hoo, when holiday rai,Iertiaements are crowding our columns? So long, sonny, we'll see you later. . • --If the Hon Gnome' Rohs could hear the oemi es his remarks discouraging reciprocity with the States, he would not feel like 6ehing for plaudits from PARKIN, hurrahs from Ht,PKINm, or drumhead applause from Dam. soy. Toronto may still feel like howling for preferential trade, but the great country outside of that city is se closely. bound to the spirit of reciprocal trade as it ever was, and the recanting of one or" two so-called leaden has not dampened tbe ardor of those who formerly advocated the freest trade and the best markets. Simply be. cause the MCKINLIY'$ and the Discusr'a riser m the ether aide today, is net retain Why the -great heart of hire-hs.e'ian te !fir Is..eNw we theta. The independent we are the chaps who will hold the next elections in the hol- low el their tend, and upon them will de- pend to • great extent the personnel of the text Legislature. The poltio.sl back as s factor iu nleotioua is fast getting to the cud of the tether. ' 1 r SNAP SHOTS. -The Vicar of Bray sunless-- Prutcipte i}atNT still lives -It begins to look as if the Looa1 elections would be on by the middle of Feb- ruary ---a good time for sending valentines. --8r. JOHN now says that he is not so much apposed to the Humber piggery, es lie is to the hoggishness of the craps that defend • t. -The speeches at banquets iu favor of preferential trade are of the bottle -nosed variety, and are usually made by bottle. ended wen. -The *ppointment of Mr. ALLAN, M. P. fur Ease', to the collectorship at Windsor, is not in accordance with Mr. If ulook's reselution of 1896. -Some so-called Liberal leaders in Ontario ate now yellingfor the 04 Flag and an appropriation. We used to laugh at the Torirn .when t4teY Aid ie -The .tta ubtheou Lead ate reit., neat to a Mita" ex 1 Wilsrks quite a� r one •rets trade or reciprocity in tariff." -What Canada wants ie Recitero. ei t y - Reel raocrry-RECIPROCITY, and will get it on right litres if our statesmen don't degenerate into mere politicians. -M. R. -Cowes, M. P., the lawyer who, it is alleged, hypnotized a Windsor jury into giving a 82,500 verdict, by winking at them, is said to have had his winking patters developed after the bar was removed from the Howse of Commons. -Breslin t Brussels oboes* hotaylmedfill - of the October make to Mr. CisRk. Od es 8 °eels SCc,.°SPUREsq� FOR TABLE , BUTTER , CHEESE AND GENERAL USE. PACKED IN NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY SOLE MAKERS THE_NORTM AMERICAN ChENICALC0.U?1ITED GODERICH ONT. '.""' GODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE! BIGSALE LADIES' MANTLES O4KKENOING FRIDAY, OV. 19th. Eery Jacket Reduced! SEE OUR JACKETS GET OUR PR'CES Extra heavy Flannelette, twill, at Extra value in Grey Flannels, at Extra value in Grey Cotton, at Extra value in Grey Cotton, at Extra value in Table Linen, at Battu value in Tweed Drees Goods, at 19c -gram valve in Ladies' Vests, at 20c Istln value in Ladies' Cash- mere Gloves,. at 15c value iee' Cash- mere Hos, at 15c 5c 9c 3c 5c 60 We have received extra" Mire in Silks, which we are selling at a Bar- gain. Call and see them. Men's Fur Overcoats, away down in prices. See the Shirts and Drawers we are selling for 25c. each. COMPARE PRICES COMPARE QUALITY, JAMES ROBINSON TWO DOORS MIST t1! MAIIIIL!O1t. T. all their pat processions..of tariff re- i°orm, and c7enonnii idle"tin`s' tori i doctrine of the Befor'm party. What is sadly aleit the present junc- ture is a man like Gsoaos BROWN, to rise up and put the whip to half- hearted ones, end either bring them into line or drive them outside the breastworks. Liberalism and freedom in tariff, in education and in everything else con- ducive to the welfare of the people should always go togetber,,and when public men advocate" anything differ- ent they are not true Liberals, al- though they may put forth all manner of claims to that effect. For years it hen been the bosat of the rank and file of the Liberal party that they were more independent than the rank and file of the Tories, and that their newspapers were more out- spoken when the leaders stepped aside rom the path of rectitude. It is to be regretted that even that small con- solation may no longer be vouchsaved to them, for thus far no protest against the trade heresy of the Lib- eral leaden has been made by the rank and file, and with one or two !suites s i�riesPl�igi. the press has been mute on the subject. The Republicans will not always rule across the line, and it is to be hoped that in the interval between the present time and November, 1900, the Iiberal statesmen will endeavor to perfect a system of improved trade between Canada and its nearest neighbor, whereby the commercial war whioh has existed for so many years will be brought to a close. It is time the prohibitory tariff barrier wee re- moved, and the man who does not use hie heat tdforta to have it removed is a traitor Ito the best interests of ane& lotions. As well aught we believe that be- pnofeasioiis in favor et reciprocity, the votersin the backtownshipsnest ekes d necessity, " jump, Jim Crow," in their WIC opinions. And any of the followers of Hort, G. W. Roes who advocate his heresy during the next few months will find heavy .led - ding when election day comes around. The rural districts have not gone quite so crazy on this jubilee output of preferential trade as most people imagine. • • • --A great deal isbeing spoken on plat- forms and printed in newspapers about the good times which this country is now hav- ing. Speaking of things as we see them up in this neck of the wood., we don't fiod any very great improvement in the condition of our frienfis, heighbors, and countrymen. True, the grain orop was somewhat heavier than last year, and s better price was real- ized, but the fruit crop went to pieces and pork went to sero, so that after all, the av• erage sum handle 1 by the farmers over th3 country we` not a great deal in excess of the previous lean year. Whatever was ohtained wan aoonped by the loan societies an,l hanks, or " salted down," and the gen. eral impression is that seven such years as we have jest had would not do mole than lift the average man's name from off the grindstone. For political purposes it may be all right to shout " Donee Wheat !" and " Preferential Trade !" but iron a utilitari- an standpoint "there is nothin' to it," as the late Juin, HI NE' Ppm weed say. Although there will not be so many Pat- ron candidates in the field et the next pro. vincial election, there i. stip a goody por- tion of the electorate who hold to very in- dependent politico! views, end theme inde- pendent voters are spread all over the pro- vince). At the la.t election, Grit and Tory broke away fromparty affiliation, and after having voted on independent linen They dia- witaned that the reentry did not go to enmesh because of their motion. Today they leve the experience of the past, and their love for the old parties hes not ineressed to any groat extent. They have breathed the breath of independence, and have got away from the party Dollar without laving es- p*riennsd hardships -theei,eceleeo or roused ill to the a ecntry, and in man, Sarah it win be difficult to take their independence from ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS APeeSlir. "-"`.StalsetMr'uster Its still is now hooted as far as Lha seemed story, and the oarpent.rs are hard at work framing the third and the root. The build• daft will be oomplatad early in 98. Lite *co 8esrHtan.-Thin change of business Ad was too later for this tune. lo It they tell as not to kink because oar lamps won't burn or the chimney, smoke op, se they have received a oar load of American Wets White oil. MrnsioN BAND, -The Ubristmsm meeting of the McGillivray Mission Bawd will he held in the feature room of Knox obnrob, next Saturday afternoon, oommeaoing at 4 o'olook. A rood program by the members Is beim prepared, and all are most medially invited- to attend. A floor) BALs. -Reale Connolly has sold the November malts of the HoIroesville and Sammerhlll ohms* faetori.e, about 640 boxes in all, at 81e, a better prise by (a per Ib than obtained for the last shipment. Th. purchasers were Ballastia. k Go., who have thus secured tbe whole season's output of thew two fsotories, A. F. Ain A. M. -At the menhir meeting of Maitland L+oige, No. 33, A F. and A. M., held ne Tuesday em ainv, the following e ars sleeted offloer, foe 1898: W. M., Gee. Porter : g. W , Rd. Beek. J. W., J. D. Tye ; nhapleia, T. Huoketep : worstery, Rcae RaMsll ; treasurer, k Dowering ; tyler, Js. Hays Tee Harnnsos Oo -Waists tor tb ooml.g year are now is the finishing room at the works of the Henderson Bieyol* tea tory. and Ire fire will be reedy es ship all orders by Feb. let. The maseeer says the wheal they will mad meta 1898, will be m- ooed to non* on trio oeptlaest, and that he quality, style, and finish, mast sell ft. .i1 L1mo -here !- 1 How we welcome its mirth and gladneeKits feasting and rejoicing. Hapoieet time of all the year' Let us increase your joy by making it easy to choose your Gift Goods. Read over our list, and call to see them. Choose early : They are going fast. Cut Glass Perfumes The mea: reflood and dainty : the sorest to please of all gifts. We have the best goods of all the leading makers -Canadian, American and foreign -Taylor, Seeley, Rieksecker, Roger & Gallet and others. Beautiful new satin -lined cases of unique form. - Interesting Novelties ; Large Stock ; Splendid Assortment Small packages, suitable for gifts, at 25c. ; Beauties at $1.00, 81.50. $2.00, and on up to $6.00. We can suit all pockets, large or small. We have the Finest Sachet Powders in 10, 15 and 25 cent packages and in bulk. Some lovely and lasting odors. `' Toilet Cases A nice assortment -Comb, Brneh end Mirror Cases, Shaving Cases, Cuff and Collar Cases, Manicure Sets, Gents Travelling Cases. These are the latest styles in Celluloid, Aluminum, Leather, Wood l llttell'l, e?tt.. '-Prict'a'wery Tits Ire rrlpo F'ACrosr.•-stook taking was measly completed at this setabl1h• meet, sad the balance sheat is Det ea un- favorable one. The taotory hands are work - hag fail time to ell orders, and Reedit are he - Ise finished at each a rate as es keep the shipping banns en the rush all the Une. The prineipal line msaefaotnr.d these days 1. bioyele hes., aed as bite styles tweed OSA seem to have caught the pahlio, there in every proeowet of • busy winter. The fete tory will start 98 with •sod anew. as sassy orders me sow se hard. Home or Rorvott.-Mee. Rask et dab - field, wee *donated to the Roe.* lees week; she was sofferleq Severely from potassuolg N the time, and Is set bettor yet liedfficb, cT Wewadaeh. who left 11001.1 time .Re, has r estssd. A al. lamas .seed R*gl.ses. sdmimed eons time age from Stephen, died es Monday. H. was paralysed at the Nese el ►Y miry sail tea peeraisally Wet tdpisw over afaee he was Sweet 70' yews .f see. end was buried s• the pew mimes, 1.y. R. Usmem elad.t4Kg I ibis In PURSES and WALLETS we have some very fine lines, suit- able for gifts, at 75e. to 22.00. New and beautiful designs. One of the most useful of gifts. Ordinaryjines from 5c. up. Presents for Gentlemen " It.'s so hard to find a present for a g"rttleman," is a common remark. Well, we have aimed to rake it easy, by providing the following lines GIFT PIPES of new and beautiful designs, some of them adorned with coin silver mountings, in nice cases for the pocket, prices from 11.00 to 24.00. One of these would be sure to please a smoker. Other pipes, suitable for gifts, at 40 and 50 cents, without cases. PRETTY CIGAR CASES, 75c. to $1.50; Smoker's Sets; Cigars, by - the box, and other lines. GENTS' TRAVELLING OASES in leather -a, a lei did .gift -from 21.00 up. Razors, Straps, Shrew Mugs, Hair Brushes, Hand Mirrors, Wallets, etc. OTHER LINES too numerous tamention. Prices to suit yon. For your Christmas Cookery use our FLAVORING ESSENCES, extra strong -Banana, Peach, Pear, Lemtm,•Vanills, etc., etc. Call and see the goods ; we would be plea/0(14o shrew them. C. G000E ttnrom nom . I sakes 21 deetbs, Th..orbs d�nitals 1s new 78 It is an open a.oret Ma before lees the azoollenb emi.tont, Mies Hodges{ w111 leave to .tart housekeeping in her own behalf New KIa. Yea Honore Minmti. Cowvawrtow.-Th. He... Medical Ooneention met is the sem. oil .hamber of the Sews hall 8sateeta, ea Wednesday attar:wee of lest weak. Th. preeidAsir ant, Dr. McKay, oceupi.d 1M r Tbaro Pere mosses. Drs Roberteee sad Hawk, of Stretford Ober Peal, Rehrlesvills • Dr Woad Mlteb.t 1 Dr. Ran. Masahertor I Dr. Shaw (Alai* 1 Dr. Taytw, °white% and Des B.tbsee Surreys. and Mool..a et tees. Dr. T ler et (;iodsrieb, este deettN SA ee .1 the Mahe* sl shad fee the0slae4. Medi.nl fer the .un .s yew, tett die eettersise rte Yet at-pDpeellles would be =! fr ssa Neese M the «aed lemur of Dr R.hw� rill. et sevaaf.r4. fee .est ewes h. baring • als,aanMreRdy witbdwwe iti beer of Dr. Taylor e1 QedorW. wbe be .looted by seetwlatess. O. E L. (1. :IollewlN are the tipples ler the Mt- young pestle's aooioties white meet dsuhyl the weak : lleAb•m Metbodiet ehereh R iii aEQ=o. TrMay wash ate -eaten amm of 1 8bb4r M Sharm D • w- �. (Lila of Obrist.) ' i w M- _ VIZ ebereh Y. P. S Gt f meet. se TMtsrt+y a esiaR, Tb sepia ler Dee. 21ib "Oar saw. anti hew be let rid et them. ,,lake 13 i 23 30. goatskin 106. Ear DusesNMliesal-._hWbth t:b. ysay ar dot he the (Atari►." Preis 199 t et4982. All ate cordially lavtted to *tend these inseelmo, which are bead he the boseeseid• d 1be diSuest ammonia *ushers des M aft sooffi hs are Ysvt$ed bile peeklf , PIIS TOPICS Of 1 important Events in Few For Busy people. Via Busy World's Happening* Compiled and Pat Kato Hs Attractive Shape For the ■ Our Paper -A Solid Mears In reragr'aphed Information. THE EIKE *0000D. A 9600,000 fire occurred in street, Philadelphia, Sunday nigl YOLITI04+CANADIAN Mr. McDonald, a Patron met abet week iutsodnoe into the Logi bill providing that civil servants be exempt from garnishee. ROI CI Dnit- M. Rempler, who had charm Panama scandal, killed himself den attack of insanity, by throw self from the window of the Justice. FOIL MIN OF WAIL, Prince Henry of Prussia, who appointed to the pemmand of t German squadron on the coast Ell limit Pekin, where the Chi peter will receive him as an unusual honor. MUNICIPAL MATTI The Nitansee-Falls elections run on the issue of Niagara veloped by Canadians for A Roseland, B.C., bylaw to to be applied towards current ex a sewerage system, has been q The statement by County Cochrane that the Wentwo Mice owes the county 8588 on year's account doesn't tally ani ares of the Deputy Registrar etetigetton will be held. THE AOItICVLTVEAL WO A. W Maybes of Toronto ed for John McDonald et St. heifer which woo the epeoial ju -t eV in goad as the Fat Stock S .3an. saesersbdesies samples d e ben varieties et seed take tb.appiieettea at orae to teal Experimental Farm, Ot letters addressed to the Centra Ottawa may be sent free of pool the samples, weighing a pounds heart tree ie• tb..appua.atl4. mall. The distribution will beg December. i?'OISTI: Jacob 8ehaeter, the billiard p the record of the three-onahio America Friday night, by of 10 potnee in an exhibition Caton. A tekrgram from Kingston lbs day says: F. O. )Men, Ca king. suede a Mintier on a Nov. lb, in 0 hours 9 minutes, beet record made in America The big schooner yacht (1, George 1. Watson, which L Henderson's yard, is for Mr OrrSwing member of Perri Ayrburgs, and not for the Priii, as =pealed. THE DEAD. Yrs. Warren, 78 yews, di.. Newark, Ont, and two hour,. aged husband, 87, diad andel, chair. 1 John. Dickenson, head at th, mond importing house in Ne' on the Neese of apoplexy at don, L.L D. W. Powers, the banker the famous Powers block ant: M Roobe.Ier, lf. Y., died Sate lug. He was 79 years of age. Riccherd Stevenson, a br of Zone Township, was f dead within a few yards of his where be lived alone. The contribute Nome revenue to as he has no reiettvee in this The HsayMan Ministry has German National Liberals ghestio.n to the Reichstag intentions regarding 011 Co. President Orempo of V oastved the rMinister TWa ooinple0eaBtheIWh Britain and Venesueia atter rapture d dlplam544 The Berlin oorreepon lent d Kin says tae hears desk agrees not to oppose Germany' et Kiwi Chola in return for promise no* 10 /seesieee In gnetton Aeen:dlatf sestospasse the Germane erre eitimdtsg etrpottion at K1ao Oioa and 1,10 ,gaarw nmllee- They Pave German administrsdtale . eollecttng duties. ' oalR,r r>veeir W. J. Bryan L $ moa through Maxie*, wfse treated ser a national raft teir Wilfrid Leerier his Mee, whither he bad beset Nrlon. Ulneee it beeeth r, Anthony Hapsof,bthe ibagT contru man 10 Toroe proceedsthe e Vic tf Nurse rebs . lits. Alfred Stead, son ill "D Ci'rbd Carne b Ckie.go," The Review of Bevfews, pn Montreal Sunday for honor London 10 months ago for wand. Trath sendin)Mry" d trep.uba pof t hnndnds previa: mark.* labelled "Shoe Higtness til. Prime t W Rev. A J. Beaks" kip Obsreh d obs )l�lk Bev, Rar+.11s� )NsS,Iggp gletl to hem .R SWM ir la•a srerwa.itesg sand Y aAti>dxa r!Y! William (fresh tsliu We* Tether Hraars ear 0311 at 4 f .y a wli* 4t tan 111 teal, five !Batt pr d P o.t T.r9ihid 1s 4r.�1 cera 1. y wrawtgt bfrlt s[ 11 ttrbad a tsrtrargt'tsasie The wlt.eik. a The 4 s r.,.ete Mate