The Signal, 1897-11-11, Page 3G
eon Ihlnt,
ter Cas
sd tact.
In Dr.
Is now
ry blear
e- Latest
annot bt
Ieroza Y
best Irq.
IP. she.
see ▪ Valves.
tam sad 1e
at Lead
me sad HCR
01 Co.
&hold Ef-
des of
int deliv
DrdI tr deo
one loaf of bread may be
light, sweet and dizestible.
you may use the same ma-
te/145 for another' and have it
heavy, sour and soggy. The
knack is in putting the in-
gredients together just right.
A substitute for Scott's Emul-
sion may have the same in-
gredients and yct not be a
perfect substitute, for no one
knows how to put the parts
togeth:r :.s we do. The se-
cret of " how" is our busi-
ness--twenty-fve-__ years of
experience has .taught us
the bat way-
Two siges. w etre •d $ t m
swrT & &OWNS arlkvUl. O.
e -
..n . este-s. -1.
An Wipers s.deler Teets Some el the
.eared or U. 1be•s, bp nesse er
Wiese Keay Women Have Riese
..-;,fie Hues AKreettv..
A woman wbo make* the molding and
adoring of lips a specialty saki, wrraw
asked to talk of her method.: its normal rentor. For the? wane
"The first thing 0u be cousidered M the to be lawyer sod physSclau■ charring
rigidity or laxity 1n the appewlanoe and the Mme fees, ministers having the same (Isamu
t►. coWnlun't'epie
ardor of tier tlpa. It they tend to atie- ..ia.. .., artisans and wurkunn bevies et Tare Centuries Agent..
BMA or sternum; D the acme wales a* erect. A curious old a•lmauue
M, DaKTLL agNrtOtt.
Rooms ospsslts the Post Moo
gold Filling, gowns sad
Bridge Work • Specialty.
at gads UTAH nos.
M. MABEE. D.D.M , 1..u.8., -DEN•
1/. TALSUitNttO�f.-Lte.tand apppproroved
methods for all dental operations. Pt.sorva
Ion of the natural teeth • p Malty . Moe
wer James Rubio, a s cry ode store, cor-
set of Wart fee, ane M Susan. 67
u. TURN • ILL, D.D.S., L.D.S.-
0 • Dental dart.00n. tLately awool•ted
with i e. Dixon. of leontreri. Gold and porre.
,ala.,.tifolal Neth moaated on gold or slum-
�l�eom b•oee. special attention given to the
ye n i newfthe block. feral tenth. m0Z oe to
T R 1� . srn1I L* OD UER1C1LONTX!Ii7.
WOMAN du.- e RA46
Otyeettea Is 11 rla..d .. s.t.•
mammae Illsoe �a..
Certain discontented women w Ole
want the ballot. In order that they mal
with it open to themselves esi the same
terms and foe the same arwnaar/tww�
a fres Carew in ail the pretessles•
occupations in which deo ase aogaYwe
Theywant to piece ail women in
cotluo of service and hardship In
which the casualties of 114e and the iite'
carious fortunes of busied' now pease a
few women. They wish to make
wooed which the preseut ideal struc-
ture uuw receives here and there party
'Mils' so erode whatwkat-lfah dead
Ner 10 wear lei W well
tt*gs it mak. rev
Cunt. luta d ways.
When 1'• dose Se bees 1 me.
Weary es kir b.
Whist I was arm. ystfw man.
• star u' betas nit.
Bat when mewed' [tare me alvei
Beady cue de day,
Strikes ane tat I sal be wrong.
Ytsln' dat-e-way.
•t folks changed arena' so free,
Comfort might be Nim;
1"rapt ['d wish dat 1 wus m.,
St10 o' beta' him
of he reason one The greater published in this
should begin to make them .upper t'7 coupe - -1. - swung the watt' wwisen an country in 1TW gives tb� following rules
gentle but cotstaut massage treatment, arsine the iter ensu iu the oeeup m for prognosticating the vieather:
supplemented by the cultivation of an tuns �� to women the' VruV°t• Two rweuutdiug of sea upon 'L
intelligent antic. Understated rte, 1 do c unteract by a statutory equaliaatloa 1 shore and the murmur of wiudr m the
not meas a perpetual grin, for that Jeep- of wages for rhe came kind of work. castes without apparent wiude shove
ens the liner around the mouth, and , The great labor oriels and the impsrteil•J wind b it tuteo a
gives the taco a haggard, pained eYpres• industrial t+yuiilTLrium in the whole urmur out of eaves portendst(t the
cion auytbiug but becoming. The smile
heed world being ouafeaae'd1T due to the �. Ek'1•
to tae cultivated is more .t brightening excessive number of competitor+ for suck The otacuring of the smaller sten u
of the whole hoe with a sensitive Wet paying work as machinery haul left to be la sin of teutptwt. Also if the Mars
ins and <uniag art for lige 1. nut dune, it L VroDOYed to aggregate the seem, to shout wind will ttwte from the
necessary .t4 .arafwh the-.. -- ty��•ppt by _lunges into the compo taw,.
"rheu, instead of firma) doehie th-
e tion the whole meas Ur agile dtet!-w �r- i The often changing o leg" `
as so many women have • habit menh not hitherto gveewlly r'edia�d eth t oft• nt-
1.% 1 pe -Brno. street. the reit-
Once lately seen '.d b Ur. McLean Arg,
ale from reeid 611.
chore Cosveysaear, era.
Moe street. 1 doors east oftailbone"
b ne
km.' dry goods store.
of doing, which giver heaviness to th
and bardnees to the mouth,
should learu to bring the lips togeth
very ligbely, allowing that always agree
able dimple effect iu the corners. t
that poutiop which maker the mon
of a healthy child too kissable and giv
him such se eager, interested` expo
Yon. $
But where -the mouth is inclined
stand open, wttlr loose, undefined fin
the vigor of the maeeak r should be r
doubled. nein` the treatment as a ton
to tone up flaccid nerves and muse)
With such a mouth the object mum
to learn te hold the lips with firwne
tempered by grace. t through t
practice as facial gymnastles for ,tat
periods, and until the training l..•or
a natural habit. Strange as it may
pear, this style of mouth is moat c
mon among wdl, and po• weak m
either, Wleiever I Bee • n w
that' mouth 1 feel assured that be
it possible, too much firmness of char
LdlaSdcmen mnath �a Tis a ale, s�ito
`lat ed In childhood, and .kms d mu
Dome just like Weeping
"Ciosely compressed tips, I think,
miiki-loituston among worsen,
this hahit indicative of nervi
with a lent nerve or tonic. fer your services at the going wags* , winds -guar as ttttIIo
is eipectally cry where the lips ,
are "Besides
to ba' g and algid. I tt. run a locomotive, to bfaot rocks. or'ttaseamed 4 alike an dei mafr's rail.
•'Besides a thorough massage once a handle dynamite. Men who are has- Make lone -ships a carry low sail.
day you should spend ten minutes, morn- I hands, fathers and tons will not say thin
NSF aad.alfautg, tM3wdfns hefore a mu- or anything like it. But when 'h. -Thunder in the morning, if it be to thu
ror, and, with thumb anat forefinger, E -Herrera `Bedf- tits female c semee ee tblfler in the the -wit b • t
pinch the curves of the mouth, accent•at- 1 the charm' of her beauty
and elogaeac• l denotes many times a temL In the wttrlre
ins their delicacy Bad clearness. Until winning his clients; and the doctor, that sera a rainbow pr water gall _
you have given this method a fair t the woman pdysidan, b her motherly , denotes a wtormf, wet day.
for you tenderness, as sett his
patients; i •rhe "sun doge appearing in the
say one month, it u Impossible
to jndge the happy awoke I am sure and the minister, that some reverend tai or email's is a sign of �esM. s
at the end of the fine month Foe will) lady, by her etperior ctity has no-
b, windy wstl>K. aMPsOlwtt7 -
be so pleased with the result that you planted him in his parish; ail meby a time.
will look npott it as a necessary featdre! all their wocetions. high and bred for I A wet arae Is always followed 1A
of your toilet, as trach so as combing' whose Wile they had gained a fmsty winter, but It happRta oWsd b•
eon* hair and bending your teeth. I their families, are fireweed with the coin- all that the void extends no Outbid
lave twee the shape or the fattest. 1 petition of those it had been their chief Ewen'
winter with exerts of wed
strweir to industry and pride to maintain b weuwed by a coed summer.
'changed few 1 W ..
monthi treatment of this I without the necessity of r'e4alWuni universal '
"The next point to be looked to is the will not the teefisg become Origin ..f the i•os'lage pot-, mw
attainment M that exquisite polish and i that men are rek•ated from their oblige -
The incident which resulted in the in -
satiny tenni." or skin, without which r.o tionsof dute
ser andsupport
upturtlisuroteU rd the ',cation o[ the postale stamp wan a curl -
mny 1,• accounted pathed isTthief' the human race acquired its strong ora one.
thea end the lips should be bathed twice potential affections by performing the A traveler journeying through the
:1 ray in water as hot u can be borne.' needed offices of care sod help which north of Singland chanced to reach the I
Strictly avec ammomid, so oaten and eo s-1 the prolonged infancy of its young-eo door of an inn just a a postterm ttottped
trnlishlj recommended, because harts- retch longer than among all lower ani- to deliver a letter. The young girl for
nd cracks the skin. A malt -made neeewnary. We kaow titan wbow k was intended came oat t0 te-
the tenderness, affection and sympathy cely it. She turned 14 over and over
which are the essential grace and harm in her hands and asked the price of j
or women -hood, as well as the •.outrage. the postage. The price demanded was '
dislnterestedneta and chivalric sentiment a shilling. and, as the girl was pow, 1
whit* torso the nobiUty of manhood, she returned it to the postman, saying 1
that it wits from her brother, but that I
he among the worming class. In Nes If -two rundowns appear it will -rain.
they gent n-msuffrage movement the "insur-
er gent women" vinosity serve notice upon A , crimsons presently after' rain denotes
w men, that they • Qp net desire any fair weather.
1 `a Of our courtesies, which are a badge off If the •sky be red in the morning it u
tit servitude, and that our politeness in *le- a dee tokeu of winds or rain, or both,
es lug them the best ptacei ru the concert because those vapore which canoe the
=r- room} sad the street car is superservi-e- redness will presently be resolved.
' able hnd coiteprwuires their setae of iu- ' 1f the sun or moon looks pale 'hen
to dependence. . They do- cwt longer care hook fur rain; if fair and bright expert
er, to be petted or cities., Loewe peri a ant- fair weather; it red, winds will emcee.
e- hardships or to be maintained by labor If a dark 40114 beat sanr'isiag he which
lc not their awn. They only want en the sun le soon after hidden it will dim-
** egltttl chance to "paddle their own solve it and rain will follow.
be roe., in quest of their owu fortunes. , It there appeareth a cloud and atter
at Whatever the answer to this demand vapor are seen W amend upon it that
he maybe, It will not be likely to be this portendetb rain.
ed Verwell, please yourselves; roses it If the sun seem greater in the eget
ir,•9 with us in the strugg'e for dire. nakure ' then common it 1a a sign of rain.
aP no favors it such ai'ontest invitee you.1 It in the west about sunsettiug'there
om- hnlisr1n the military companies and appear a black cloud it will ruin that
en. stand the drill and wt en the next war night or the day following, kecause that
ith comes go to the (runt. Join the fire con- cloud will want heat to dispose it.
has, patty id your ward and run with the -I If mists .come down from the hills, or
ac- • machine when the next fire calls you out descend from the e ethafand w then
Ill. at midnight. There is a ship in port the valleys, it port
er bound round Cape .11.oru, on a year's ther.
over- voyage; the owners have had suoh bad 1 Minta in the evening show -s hot lay
uth luck with drnaken men that they mean ion dee morrow. The like when white
to try a cow of athletic girls. Go up mists arise from the waters in the even -
are to the Penobscot and live next winter ding about t anus
and as
Ttv1nAY, Nov. 11, 1'1!97. 3
We Ask but a Minute
which has been giving such excellent
some time past. We are sure this tea
and earnestly advise giving it a trial.
From Grocars here, there, and everywhere•
Lead Packages.
satiafaction for
wilt'pleas,e you,
■ II I camp, 11d acme !tack se=t spriee he eirelers that appearendetf
w' a ch -pole e• if they be red aid broker, Dort
as. a oa �[ s`' -J'""
p1l .' . to the mines and pith o.1 a Vi Site and ragged ods epi •'.irtt "e
to* sayer eine Ora- t8iitt_fftrtt• . noel
'Nihau*. Sony PnbI* t tisslinswe
(Nook, est aired R, SOL-
I:). ClelttorPlNo arryy �e''O•BAOdds eve? Medical
ileo. 'blears,Uoderloh.
J,1. 16.110o. mantas letter. etc, Honey te
Ban. Mew : nor. lliasniltm tied et. Andrew's
bitrreete. fiodertob.Ont.
0. olo. ORaa• RAYS,
1 next ease
ducat Office. Private 'ands to Is at
ewsst rates of interest.
%.4T nears.
Ja ' Ostrow. 4.0.. ioreeya Wt. Ptettdfooal.�
Barristers. Solicitors le Chanced ens,
talt. • M. . Oamente. Q0. P. Bolt
� sad sammienimarrag p andavtr ohms n orae
�tiose or Islam= dealers -
ass lees raft or pro -
, f Ammo d Jestiota, the
0s 1 t omissow.w..:�dta
Divides Court. Nerds• i sad Y.O.
sod sreo-unDW Met•. a Q fit.
sem •tisete`
Loans and ms
ONEY TO LOAN. - Wl 000 00
Privet Resents N lewd at N pe omit. ea-
delly. H. A. CAMSRON Hecto. • Brock. 1
*doom (Mlbueae Hatacloomisb. -
*lain. minas
a s the area
u. sad lets
y~trlitkwMM•t L L1
A ?'
othing Emporium.
Big III ten wi i' e
$3 5O i
jOood, well utstle Win -
pot eta and •a ell
tee Sults f
made in every par- ortnen ,
titular for only .. I only
Such valued- in clothing tweet heard of before. Our READY-TO-
WEAR department is now oopmlete. We have a very largo-Rtook, and the-
hebeat of it is that a large pfovoetion of our Clothing has been made by our
own hands, firing tbs slack treason, r that one Suit of these is worth two of
TAL ?+Yget1: }•l._7:•i�r.�7�--•ra-zE.11ve.,31. ias:EiusC1-cn. toe. *tet
horn pa
good white soap Is all thit is necessary
for cleansing the skin, and it should be
freely need once a inight
fore etirinRel-insider1 esider the best time.
After thoroughly drykng the lips. gently
ub stn white perfumed ♦towline, or cold
r have sprung from that very relateon she had not that amount of money.
Cream. It surrounding well to aneN of 1 ei� strong to weak, protector to protected•
and the gtnhm the or mold- which have for ages subsisted .among The traveler, in spite of her protest. paid .
the massage all the civilised races. What t"aarmntee the money to the lloatmnn and handed
b" ortreatment.thati can they giveking Wbeu the post-
na who are see t0 dr- the letter to the girl.
For that rich. rad ebr so neve ad- stray that relation, or at least the cause man dcp•trted the young girl admitted
mired in the lips. 'Ahlch can never be and reason of its existence, that those that she and her brother had arran
imparted by pa1nG, one must have a I cardinal virtue* that 'adorn and dignity by certain marks upon the letter that
good circulation. The manipulations of loath Key will not be Mvohed in its the other shouldk that the writer
cored nraweuse are very beneficial,
-hould send tete crimson stain to th
face by stimulating quick elrmul
The massage movements for the 1S
always upward and circular. The
so simple that after a few Mailmen
,esional ally one can learn
ber OAIrofe*-tVreteersee-beelthr
rise and amiability are the most
factors after all in rounding, tinting
shaping a sweet mouth.
i consider the mouth a fair Ind
a person's character more than any
feature in the face. A
sheets, asecurratel determinedh animal and bythea
A tight month, with thick ltps pro
ing to a greater or Ina degree,
dicative of animal instincts to prepon
ane.•. Thin lips indicate a peed
trolled by her bend. not her heart
s ,ierst� Is, as n rale, selfi hand
What is known no a prom
that is, where the teeth pvotrn le,
denotes se 4t-nanertiveriers. Of
this leading characteristic thicket-esalways
tied by th. leepth
lipses well as the texture end
For twenty, j.thhtk short fall
din most admirable. They ate,
reek. mobil-. IOdlentins the varying
times of their owuer, and, with
anuretic" of the prrly teeth h
are exceedingly ettrnetive• Such
irxlihltte geeereifv, sincerity,
Med self-control. For ,tneigt
erlt'ereetcr i ten sore the bog HP*
elerendee neon. The '°enters O
Fps hold high trumps. No BTM'
by their month., nnytfiing neon
theeehtr. eetntiems, or character
he err bom•et or very meat
• sur
pe art
y are
u by
to do
ex to
• In;
1, may
n Nott-
or the
Ups fire
Plat a
Jetty be
r long
enn tell
t their
to the
1. shote of *Malaise wed neat •D
ma first -elan
arm security can do so at pe4� Ps
sse�rr1.1s to J. A. McDUNADii. Room la. -
6dd Buddiesa. Tomato. erMatin
• I..e,••seeel.e, ssisstfe ataetl•'IHotel ,
15,10s$Y it per
LIND ON li th
es togit. otos opposite iffss•a's Soed»bled►
wadi.OSss-Car. predate llarlienaee dd-
NAINIT 10 LI PD. -A L A I A 1i
ail dim m el-Privoie tt .Assts
•ARItOw s 't '
R e . ,. , s inritLL is
junatuta•aM, !1 bead •
taaellwa� M •t
teas, at the I el sats tt
ane over eve feed Nessa whovaas,s
IsisN inert)
W LAN& firs t&RBL( 1
'� i o los. *5Q .
ataslsewmar limmoss
8C3111, ger. lergieros sea /...-6-11
11t IIsvges S�•
Pira Nag,
W lloteidars.. ala �
tosiftb• taw um
all tang
•r. tt•eltlsn1. aM warship reed.w W
'aees.(e# 1faM'i11s 1M.
rh o1[A* Burned,Aar1iICltIAD>si
eieel de.
ted s to to
joint tare, �its11•L'" Alle-
1st�� b
a.. M
destrmctioo? For one, i abooid not dare was in stood ea
error m .
to vote to drag woman from the high "We are so poor." alae addet "that
estate la which min honors himself da we were forced to invent this way or
being her minister and servant, until at letting each other know of our welfare."
least the intelligent majority of women The traveler continued on his ay ask-
s -
deliberately ex'-rees their judgment in ins himself if a system givingroe
avor of a social change so consomme such frauds was not a vicious one.
TT� enn had not wet before Roland H111
inch :Firm
woasee Whitey* feeling• sed to organise the postal service 011 •
I"' b"1"-
130. 'West .Tardbe a 26 leer odd widow gds viers found favor with the Ong-
the Indies, has passed thus far Bel dovevriment, ami. on Jan. 10. 1840,
th a is Ute bs ab lue ranee o touch- the Wilt porde stamp was tamed and a
She u said sense M •Deola he ashout feel- postal system �rted by which not more
ed terlyp of Dale. She has bitten
by wads paid for letters wbieb
ori -rattlesnakes
s who, been Mot, by than a ed 000r the whole extent of 'he
of he herfie whose drink were tom out Bdr �1wi This bold scorner ear-
xd ieteg She drinks toe expels
r and the wildest lopes of the legis-
bollo the gas dud
she gh her
[rom s
hollow seeder steak through her cheek. T� ream eels, I t 1 A. the number
She hie a etaskted a pk7 assn W pane- et tetters tnerreed from 1,500,000 t0
tare the diol ,d ler baser. and is able 7.3 ,9-PDtlasl.tpbia record•
to stand a dislocation or her neck.
These remarkable and almost ua,be •v,.: Matta or 'reek wetting.
leretts assertions sae vouched for by A sw7er U� fawn has a
reparable ph doubt
s h one of w ala strange habit 0t' a> ens along the
therm is es abreact Wm. ? o atreel5 now taking gigantic Ms ago
Hs t Db0tes her freak 'stats mwkin 54isting stela WheeeTer
fife die •r/otes s a•ssn•loeabe b seen WM Wm acquaitstanoen
enoa� b •moor• bib the teethed The ere fears tat mind le totatb Gem-
cake• •r wart • richt elf dyeory ferric Inti) bar •eessbla. He r a ^-tttt-
her of w4th oem, and tamed maedi walkers. When his mind
el ted bmr alis s with /awns. H• s tree btpia b• eiP walks nib rr-
statA ems 'S a rehires what she twill'''. heehaw then les studiously avoids
deers b he. -s cause• within' eletilteis. the creeks.
0W ha crew into the habit of walk-
• Prof,ss0105. Ifli alk creeks hs tees in this faah-
All 4lo to see as b the bowlful los.
Hawse el trait. different/ °tile Iq Vialtn ',nee I was • very smell ferny s•7
as to time and method or serving K. oar mimed mammy Mali me that wh•tts
Aatbeeities admit that &nit aloes win waking en Mae „kenoslk I mast alw-tys
Dot stietste Die the s ervieeevd peAOd. stop aa a week, else my mother would
ppi�tt its a ft "lin" imdsDene.ole s . he pots:me t Dad *boggle faith is the
tAt talafdrtiamee or 1ea11'h. F4otews0r .M wotlsas► x•11 �
mny v - - astfith.
emitter?, very /e" ai'd'e• or very
Bet. whateve! the trait. one may cart
nattered tete word 'very is a n Ifoa
ailfactive to the
to * li 'env petrlttu
will nntle!P P
bath teen nee women. Ton will h. •m
twitted. how few have of mayflieseir ,
hete. ;owe
OM. The shapes et the long lite.
haste, demo, mny verso, j
ninereseed ort of tan. are there "-how
Tort Son.
new to Tlenteeet erte.•fn11y.
- •a
.w -.:cava ¶•i
All women ride grwrefully, bat ter'
women can Msmonnt in saes but an aerie
ward meaner. They geuettlly twtftid.•
Wiser thou sCep from their wbeele, A
woman's wheel is an awkwardd mneh:ne
for the meM f stwful *to dismount from.
There s a right and a wrong wn7 to
diam.rack, so far a Knee is concerned.
Th. Tlltrd way, those! the one ttatt-
ally tare tt 1t to Aire' down. nod en
the lest peas resebet the lowest point,
to slip to ,,heltretnnd with tic± right tont.
The grateful way. sometimes coral I the
"French discount." if to stand nn the
loft pedal atter die wheel has ,
and that step to the srote•d
oe UV ett
tide at the .vbeel with ale right toot.
All �s should adopt this melon].
t--__,•.-,.. .....went
ttaetatr,taaaa,t,a•� a.fw.lrftttlfavinofe
t. •. nes flap l a !:•1rs
11Me-{uv, �meslltsa and
• ■ s t 0 ■ ■ 0 • 0 0 • • • ■ • • ■ • • 0 os
And their Wives,
Drop us a post card, and get free our
It costs nothing, tells all about Indurated
Fibre Pails, Milk Pans, Dishes and Butter
Tubs, and will put money in your pockets.
0000000 ■ • ■ • • • • • • • ■ r
pO,U D.11:70 A WEEE
are aimed in your shoes, then why not have ease
during that period.
w= SET-- 1
the daytenth 1
Agee risks that Sp" frit as a ceder war old mei. •. better/ I never
is cars paiserble ••i nutoitiot.e I to hen • a ttll0. Bot walk -
it els a cooled chart. Ti. groper dme. • jar wa-
llet I had aegntred
Ws, b eat train. he advisee, is either at I la" �'atttt ase• •sear •nit msaiiy brP.ek.
tete b gilidisg of a leen' er bWvema Aad today, tAra tag t heandtts arae' twee-
ia, alien it eels digeet*on and ex- 1 1 rilewes s the f.gatAtmn., lnak-
eris Ae tweet laxative aged. Tams 'sea Ittj Drape b .fight 0r a
Ott the
et a mealy, it tensa eesek At Beare brass I lace to make
the giowfirm.. ___ we Mails in „m S ; ee *Mod to keep tem following an in -
:newt. it sat to ae.erd- stent. A heWM ask .eat. seat formal,
a with the �tl� ~tow, it berm s net IS.U7 m break
LI' 111m0st natter•' pr•etae. 00s1t delve j Are you a crack walker? Agreet
to serve fruit at 0. old of the meat. J eau, prune's era -)dance Oltj Star.
Wee *Moe he Mom
lar h11 _ "r
eo , eli0af,
F!e to M w esterprergiTZtseMeiret a•d
latitJ est �� , eels toned es
Mid pra
mond s - -- - - ire
bead ea *I
t#Me 1es•psaets or Room 'weft 0.....vs Mases •a•elletf.
It l• silty ltd `' Why sheered ft 1!s mer„
rtlaltl tthat tier law
certeia Signa are .oily lira
erase Is the naso as world aver. Who tet an •nit•al depending on tsundevwter+d, the much as the dos does should be able
language differentiates itself, N M distinguish sae trent trema another.
tegtkxa language does, ani proper of tit- w� toenkind aa• At the tame to folly
Mint toetr owe Am- w deltette a 44(1"1/t Eine
etieaa dent Ott.f_ 1rNt with t� me, he Codd hoar .001 4 kettle et
int ideag be a� et. boiling glop stork (DOt'riele smelting .t tin
ldsa4 Kt there le a �f A w dlstin. hood et eri mer tram tor
tit- seed
ffemme. bei rose the *ar ca of tar mer tt• n 1N ie. Julia Rrnoe
two swat N•/11she=1 ideat-b1104) could smart the clothing of
la 1Dngl*Md` flat a►•.darw• **babe 15 her fellow-ire911i atter eorefa66 horn the
ased, while harp the wash by ams lt. liens. Hageewood
waits ea t•eg11t 1e faker (esotber deaf- �B hoer. every doh•alta•, and thew and Is for the table en assist Into the r`"owi-
JAM Walled (a daaf-bllt,d man who
about 1lM0) reosgniseel hie Mende
ihiff mm• li aledd !IVO raTUIe d Aft
T gimbaled
11.Bnae w°W a n`
brother-in-law ens i
.a, tabi& 'ma ,
at the 4
S5814 d8i SII.0
Onr long experience enables us to select a good Boot
when we see it ; we cannot be imposed upon by Cheap
Our Prices -Like our Boots --FIT
Move of *sae _.. •
tam• * t0r
twee Harte.
Having thoroughly inspected all that was new for Fa
e nd Winter wear in the beat markets, and haring purchased
largely, I now have w stook of new and elegant Millinery,
Trimmings, etc., to which I cordially invite the inspection
of the lae•s of Ooderich and vicinity. The stook oompriaee
All the flew Midis in Grey and Blue Trimming,
Fur Mounts for Millinery Trimming.
Rialk Trimmgaits, to all the new shapes,
ed Hate, from $1.00. up,
Trimmed Sonnets, from $1.75, up.
• Bailors, from 30 Dents, up.
A specialty this Beason is FRENOH VEILING' et which I have•Ilbgd line in stock.
All Geod. told at very tee•eeoble prices.
Mob 410/4.the. sow "Ale mIB s_
tet and
Hamillew-st•, (iodseteb -