The Signal, 1897-8-26, Page 44 T hamar, Aug. 26, 1887.
to rent our wheels at the fol-
lowing rate for the balance
of the &aeon.
FORENOON 10c per hour.
EVENING . 20c tt
PER DAY $1.00
Zit $venal,
Is pu*LIam*D
DT O. EcGIWCi11R11
verses el gamseripttes
One mouth. In advance
Three months,
One year,
A. vertlstaa nage.
(,�a� and al advertisements.
per 11-ne for first Ineeretometlleoents per line
for each sob.ect^int tasertflf, Meenred by
• nonpareil scale.
Badness cards of six !indeed under, fid per
year. Advertisements of Lost, !round Strayed
Striations veo.nt. Sttuatlons wanted and
Radnees C' ..cee Wanted not Ioedlnli.
lines poops- ', el per month.
Houses o. tale and Terms on ao
Any epeetal sock's, the object of whioh la to
promote the pecuniary beneet of say utol-
ridsal or oompe.iy, to be considered an el-
eaetl.ement and charged s000rdlnaly,
La -al notices in nonpareil type one omit per
word, no notices lase tesla fee,
t.ncsl notices In ordinary reading type two
t en* per word. No notice for less than ego.
Notices for churches and other religious and
benevolent lnstltntntns half rate
S to
1 Otos
Subscriber wbobII taaeable Tem 8.ow•L
rtralarty by matt. 'nil meow m favor by so -
Yr1 ting m of the taot at at early an datgae
When • (Mang.. of address la desired, bola
the old and the ew address should be given
P ublisher's goatee.
J. C. Le Toiling, of Goderich, hes been ap
llinAgent tor the town.
"hips of CodeinoIntLocal e*. Oolbo a Ashfield and Ws
Local poetm.Mere over the district are sine
empowered to rev ve subscriptions to THE
AU oommualoatioas mt..t he addressed
D Moo DDI%.
Tehabsas COM (hod deli Oat
000111101. THUEIDAY, £VQ. >'A 1151
Thi_ Editor is 1I g a rest this week.
Loral matter has crowded h;m out.
se ••• Roby wits 'e..u• c1e.14y Mer stems
• womb a *tert•an/v. •
For six weeks plat the lovers of art in
china painting end deoorabitte in town have
had the privilege of availing themselves of
tuition under Miss Ruby Wilkinson, of De-
troit, a World'. Fair mods/let, and the pos-
sessor of it diploma. in the special line oI art
to which Rheims' devoted herself. Many of
the ladies --melees and matrons -availed
Throw Men Wers Trying to
Croats the Swift Stream.
Teiolr •set Was theired Over skis n.d of
tie t'semde. an! Surnamed sed MM Ole
assereetes Rede a mewl* f.r 141.,
ant Were alma reseed Oke taiga la
Tie paging Teresa( sad Went ever 1ki.
1eseesbee falls.
Niagara Palls, Ont., Aug. V. --Three teen
In a green -colored beat marked Nu. m lust
their bets this atternuuu In attempting
W cruse the rifer above the tall* about 3
o'clock. Several people lu the upper or
south end of Cedar island, about a mile
stove the Horseshoe Falls, noticed three
men struggling fur deer life W pull to
wards the Canadian shore, but swiftly
and surely the strong current gradually
swept them towards the tascadee above
the falls. When they were first uuttoed
they were about Jt)ll yards from shore
mud looked aathough that' might pus* biy
best the strung current, Two of then
fated eech other. palling on the wine ear.
%bile the third ppaad a piece of an tar and
w owed to be waktug greed .se ot. It. in the
stern of the boat. but the all-powerful
current mustered the trio and the were
swept over the Snit cascade. Their trail
!rout completely up-euded, spilling the un-
fortunate men Into the ruahtug cornet.
and their boat suou route W tue surface
with the end stove In. The three sten
disappeared in the rapids, but in • sew
Bf►sutea were agalu veto struggling in she
staler, attempting to swim, but were swept
over the fall* 111.• dittos of wood la a few
minutes Their boat cable ashore a few
ardn above the falls. where It was se-
cured. It is said the mew were from Ie-
selle, N.1-., un their way W Chippewa.
Their names cannot be learued. Several
people witnessed the struggling men, but
were unable W render them any assl•t-
a helag
i�agar• Falls. II.Y.,Aug. 7t. -Prank Web-
er et buffalo, Warren !tush of (nicago,
and Chamy� Gleaner of c'blcago who have
been campellg on the basks ut tbt• Niagara
River for ■ week part, to -day hired a mall
boat and started to row across the Niagara
Ktver to the Osnadban shore. When In
midstream their bit became unmanageable
and capsized. The mets were seen strug-
gling In the rapidly -rushing waters, but
before aralstaace could reach them they
were swept over the Canadian falls.
The We ea Wheat tau. 111111.0111011111M 11i.
rarekaatea rower.
Toronto, Aug. 28.
The rapid advaace iu prices of wheat
within the past few day?' has electrified
the trade. It came unexpectedly to the
wjeritip,-.s+++d•ysa+litse haw. -mermaid- ugly
to u comparatively small number ot peu-
New red and white wheat are selling
in Ontario at 86c to 88c, which is an
advance of 25c over the prices paid the
hitter half of August last year. Mani-
toba No. 1 bard sold here yesterda7 at
11.08, an advance of 35c to 37c, as com-
pared with a year ago.
The advantages of these high' prices
to the business interests' of Canada must
be apparent to all. Fortunately, the
Province of Ontario will have a yield
of 11,000,000 bushels in excess of last
ear. ACeordillg to the animates of the
t of Agriculture the crops
of wheat, in the -province will be 29,757,-
000 bushels. *0 against* 18,567,000 bnen-
e1s In MOS.. Taking these figures as a
byy,, gad with the difference in prices
1a favorofthis year, the crop of wheat
in On 0,0w he worth to -day mom than
$ in•eSeess of the crop of last
rear. '
Manitoba will have 5,000,000 to 7,000-
000 bushels more wheat this 'ragout than
het, and owing to the enhanced prices
the crop will probably be worth in the
neighborhood of $7.000,000 more than
issj season. .This increase of 320,000,-
000. in the 7purchasing power of the
farmers of Ontario and Manitoba will
Lead to the expansion of trade and cum-
,erce and every interest will be bene-
fited thereby.
Laseel m's Yield.
Winnipeg Aug.. 21. -(Special.) -'rhe
Manitoba Government yesterday issued
ap official bulletlu on the crops. The
total wheat yield is estimated at 21,-
264 ' 4 bushels, the average being esti- at 10.49 btiahel. per acre. Muni-
toba's production of all kinds of cereals
Is shown to be forty million bushels,
reported to be in a satisfactory condi-
*Miens wltMwt Turning a hale&
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 21. -Wheat
reached 31 here just before noon to -day.
Seetetuber option, as the leading future,
sold at a1 for the first time since 1891.
It toll 12 cent afterwards, but advanced
to $1.00"3-4. The gain for the day aver-
ages about 4 cents.
Usually it is the speculator and the
middleman Who reap the benefit from
advances in price. This year it is the
as a result a large class has met day after
dal at the studio on North -se, and wombed
ansid uonely early and lat ' 1 o aognih Mime
oomplishment. The class celebrated its
closing Tite.elay last by a reception, w114ch
was largely Lttetded, *here an exhibition
of the work of the pupils woe made, follow-
ed by a five o'clock tea; The studio ind
r•e• option rooms were Aecora ted with flags
'and ferns, and these wieh the pretty gowns
of the ladies -pupils and visitors -formed a
very ppreLtj' picture during the efteruoou.
The diepl ty of work waa large varied and
handsomely embellished, pend- comprised
tame 140 pieces of china. Among those
who had work on exhibition were the fol.
Mies Horton -Fern jar in red and yellow
Miss Cameron-Jardiniere,pink roses and
.gold etching ; toilet set in violet
Miss Mattson -Set of bread and butter
plate's.Min. R. R. n. Reynolds -Lame tete tele
tray, pink add yellow end gold etching.
Twelve beautifully embellished platen.
Miss AllanCracker jar, pink ehryaan-
themums : cup", emcee and cream and
Mrs. Carrow --Jardiniere, pi ik haw.
Miss Mabel Cameron -Very pretty berry
plate, roaee and chtysenthemttma.
Miss Celia Neftel -Naiad howl with puff
4.halls, and two handsome vases in ram...
Miss tlrue Cameron -Pretty chocolate
sstr in violent and hiwait jar in roam.
Miss Wilkinson left for New Yok Wed-
nesday last, where, we understand, she will
open a studio.
Remoodyllle : Lewis Kruse wed Thinnest
Bickel let last Wduesday for.the Prairie
Pray toe.
Wret.t.r . Jerry MoKin'eev had the mis-
fortues to lone • hand *bile threshing en
the t•rm of Wm. Weir.
Turnherry : The. Ring, M D , of finale
Ram's dewt►rns. N visiting friends in this
vimott y.
Zerioh : ,f. (1. (lingerie% rase height the
farm of the 1.1. H. Weidman for the sum
et µ,09b.
Exeter: *b 60 per ens/ le the price paid
for hogs. wile wheat fetches 85 mate per
hl' -bel.
Exeter : J. N Reward last week refired
an offer of *3,900 for his Seale liths
pM .e.
Enter t Mr. Powell, father of Rfspbea
P+wellleft es Tuesday ter Meogejaw,
Mae , whee he will visit Meads prier M
r.tnroleg le Mewtaaa.
X tM.wase.% : On Moeda, eflisR'viar,
Messrs. Add 4: Omit threshed fee Robert
MOO.weili. of B Waimea. 5bushels90 bushels .4
wheal Is seas batty sod eo daaw
Caa•db.. Cambiums *medals will see ILA
skis Gold Marten Pay L.
Seattle, Wash., Ang. 19.-Tbe steam-
ship Alki, which arrived in port yester-
day Irons 8kaguay and Dyes, brought
the following letter to the Associated
Bkagvay, Alaska, near 1)yeea, Aug.
4. -'Twelve Canadian MUUMUU) otberrs
have arrived here and will Mtabliah a
custom house at the portage between
Lake Bennett and '1'ugiah Lake, a point
by, which all Yukon or Klondike travel-
ers must paas if they start from Dien
and tikagusy. The rater of duty will
average about 330 on the average outfit
of a Yukoticr. The officers are well
•rnt.el and will have the assiatance
orf tete Mounted Police to enforce the
duties. Further down the river will he
stationed guards to intercept ealyone
who might attempt to elude the vigil-
ance of the officers. Miners and pro..-
p•ctora are very much Pxercieed ever
the situation and this nvny lead to e•o 0 -
Meat ions. The Camndiau officers tie-
clare they will enforce tete law Impartial -
Aand will not dlecriminate swine
It is idle to argue that there is no
serious feeling between the Americans
and Cnnadiatis, The newly aepoint.d
collector for Alaska. Mr. ivy of Oregon,
has been here. 11. said he dart
In beset
telegraphic communication with Sec-
retary Gage prior to sailing from $esittl.
on June 25and that he was entered to • sub -port of entry at byres as
mann as possible. T'ukeas both the Cana-
dian and United Stat... Governments
err• orry careful, a eyelvm of retalia-
tion w111 be in vogue before either is
swan. of the fact. Meeh ill-feellrtR
n ill follow. and the miner. will be the
greatest rifferere.
Es1Mr .fid (*044rele *uses.
Winni,wg, Aug. 19.--1l1pecial.}-II'Lre
lest night deatrn,ed the resident',. et
(lehrgt Hndann, s well-known resident
of Rapid City. Hndsow was away from
Aimee at the time. Mns tiu.J on and
le.wr ehildren perished 1a the lames.
nein 'arawrl.d,
'Awn 14eh..flan, Aug: 1n tk A•n-
04111. who shot amt killed Renee ('on
ova. del Castillo, the Prime Masher
wiled fat 11 1ea Ibeeday.810 wilt eft.
owe ems lissome.
Swttiw Wr., Aug. 13.-Ths deesa-
er George 11. Starr arrived at her dock
from Dye% mod Simila7.and was
gage6t' a great crowd. It rvi keto rs
corked that several nem trusts Mollis,
vine made tedr mg to salt waar
ovesimel, were ea board. Thin report
proved true, but else interest centred b
the appearance el cue pa'sti'er, M4.
��, who was ezpected to come down
0o t* Portland. and who L reported
tan ewe numoewae,e in the aeightboe-
bood of $130,000 its Kioodike gold In his
taleUm. 'Thorp and hie ellmpan0una
but it is lmpusa;hk to set any-
thing dedttite from them. WII!i. Thorp,
the father of 114 Thorp, received a let-
ter a sew days ago en the Alki from
his son, 'eying that be lout 3130,000 in
gold at Least that is what Wtllis Thorp
le alleged to have told his friends, but
new he and his three companions cm
the Starr unite on only one point la
telling their story, and that is that they
hare 320,000 between them.
Murdered Ela rattier.
Wlaniltt'e. Aug. 22. -(Special). -The
Hungannn Oolue7. neur Whitewood,
nets the scene of a terrible tragedyyes-
terday- Adam Grega, nged 28, ad a
Quarrel with his aged father over dee
ownership of some chicken'. The old
man ire a rage struck his son In the face
and the latter, seisitt*t an as.. felled his
father with a blow. While the old man
was on the ground the eon chopped at
his Deck, moat severing his head from
the body.
The one salt -itis *sited the Earth.
H. R Walker, of Cbtaago, ls fa tows.
The Choate Frioad@ will meet this eves-
It will sow be in order to select winter
olothittr. •
The G. T. S. Ilset out 101 loaded oars the
past week.
The town never looked prettier at the end
of August.
De: **h.. hs -visiting erbihafa iso
Tawas, Mich.
Have you tried Sturdy Bros.' coffee for
these 000l evening..
Mise Yates' is in Toronto attending the
millinery openings.
Andrews Bros. and Co. shipped • oar
of bogs on Monday.
-.its; s .siaatselteirTiar. teereete:
Wedoesdsy Sept. lit.
The public schools sad collegiate institute
✓ e -coon next Wednesday.
Last week Chas W. Bail wheeled to Cu-
ditoo, Select!) and Mitchell.
1)r Thompson's otftw is at his residence
Montreal -.t. next the market.
Tb, cemetery should be igen now If ono
wants to see it at ica pretreat.
Colborne township council will meet in
regular session tomorrow Friday.
Rheumatism cared by Bromo Saline 26o.
Sold only at Denham's drug store.
George Aoheson left oo Friday last on •
badness trip to Staples and Llodon.
The pionio that had been partly arr.agd
to start from Centralia fell through because
From our own Corllr.Rpondenta
Moro Is ra/rrmWMm Item Tame cssa.$ **
Wound Anywhere ON --Rewe of the
e.aaq evmolaile Reversed
Ter TM Waal.
of Lnoknow, visits Dnagennoa (as let
••a ash rltLDAY ot 'soh meath . hours from
s to e. Palatine extracting: special oat. la
*111.. sad or'eawvlar aateeml teeth. Onoe-
Owing to • rush of woes we aro forced to
omit the budget from Dung•naoe.
W.DN..DAY, Aug. 18.
Oar town Is boom►og. It has nodulose
• thorough palatine.
The wheat Drop u being threshed. and
runs from 36 to 50 hawed& to tie sore.
Several of our young men left last Wed-
nesday toe M•aitoba. We wee& them see
Wm. Gibbons and a. Beaton, who have
hell 1 very sick for some tune, are both tee
hoovering under the skilful treatmeot of
Dr. Jamieson.
John Martin, jr., la building a fine boose,
whioh means a Omega for roma one. John
will have the Meet farm buildings oe the
TUESDAY, August 24.
SPIED •',o QUIcros .-.-A pea antler
driven by James Chisholm out too acres of
peas ie five hours. Wm. Hackett and
Joseph Smith in rood fettle and alertases
with their forks keeping the ooarse-olear
for the machine wits* at work, tee perm fes
Mg cot a. the canal road. Doubtims wee
osu be shown this field my lime. BOA tido
who oats.
Mise E. Chisholm tiliMd Baulked
Today of last week.
Rea AUss, M Week MkibIaas.
was b f�i ieeikly payer =seta.
with ow weer. Hs is am a etreager hos
t.x -A esarrot
to prime here wben our ooneregaMo* ansa
in oammsmt1w with Koox church.
last week at 8:30 a. M. there were a large
nnmbar of inside acq others together with
the relatives of the 000tracting parties to
witness the marriage of Joanna, third
daughter ot our respected townsman, Mat-
thew Fo*0y to Wm. O'Brtee, of London, tin
St. Peter'. R. C. church, Goderioh. The
bride wee prettily attired m Dream .ilk and
the bridesmaid, Mies Nellie Keating, of
+loderioh, in whits, "sob osrrying a bouquet
of Sower". The ereoes wag supported by
his brother T. O'Brien. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Father Wes'. pastor of
the ohuroh, being the first wedding siooe
ire opening over 8 months ago, but not the
frit wedding ceremony u Father West ha.
There are Others,
But, -0, what a difference when you ;lse
RIce's Pure Salt
The Borth American Chemical Company, Limit3I,
of some didoalty in making arrsngementt
imitable for the di(ereat localities. •
Engineer Stewart, ot the ,pubiio ,Berke
department, arrived in town on Monday. --
All bicyclists should use Rromo-Salla*
25o. Sold only at Dunham's drug store.
The oaretaker of the C.atril School has
Ten the ;stakes fence • new coelsA else.
33 tickets were sold at the G. T. R. de-
pot tor the Manitohe excursion the past
A. MoD. Allan, who was in !footrest lee
week, wee a judge of the fruit shown at the
orbit Mon.
it's about time our merohants ordered
their printing tor the Great Northwesters'
This week Tes Sweet. was shown • sun-
flower the stalk of whioh measured nine
fest six inches.
There were several bicycle mishaps the
past week. but these mermaid only got •
good shaking up.
Three horses were shipped on Mowday to
Orangeville for the races shortly to take
place ib that town.
The members of the angling party that
returned from Matn Station last week ere
beginning to look like white men again.
The Roval Tempters will holt an open
meeting at Ramsall on Sept 2. *ben Rev.
Mr. Hobbs, of London *Ill deliver en ad-
Rev. and Mrs. Galloway. of L•smingtes,
ars the guests of Rey. sod fan. Joesph
Prigs, at the Methodist parsonage, North
Thera is • large quantity of wheat in this
section and the prim being higher than it
was net year oar mer b•nt. should sell lou
of goods.
T he exoar bon to Brantford lest week was
fairly well attended, and North -et &L. of
O E. and the Royal Template wilt each be off.
Yukon River is thirty miles wide 600 miles
from ire mouth. That is a weagaifioent
stretch of water, but tt Ie frozen up the
w rest w part of the veer.
Jo.. Pugh, of Bl"eyale, he bought the
livery Manses' from Mmes Jadeites'. Th.
loot named gentleman It is said will move to
(7'tiderlch.-Wiagh*m Advance..
Re -aldermen Armetiong tad Mrs. Arno
among a14 little daughter Criea1*, who have
been visiting at Mr. ad firs. Shears', St,
Davide street, have returned be their home
in London.
Jobs Drby. /*remedy .t Oo*1 td, died
s week ago lest Saturday as the Hoose of
Reface, aged 79 Teak asd 6 mw.ME. He
had resided as the Hinge the timee of
the °pe•Lcoo.
We stsdet•to ed that Ceoetable Cereeob ba*
settled the elan of Hl.doma° fir $1,000
for fates arrest, by payt.g him a .Male sem,
equal 1e to assnsat le weal/ met Nan to de -
toad the .w. -grows 'Brits
The Bwslferd 41.31...f the psis Aloe
hMoo Looks. 11.
ogs{. is bu
rahas ss -sett eft. the* di -
W. lratk e. of �wsl., She Moo tapes
ter .f the Leaden dl.lelea, oil Mite 1 *
Inst. Me. *We obisk
bra a priest, 23 years, 9 of whioh be be
'meet at Ooderioh. The ohoir of the ohnroh
was present and took part in the service.
After the ceremony the wedding party re-
turned to Rosewood. the residence of the
bride's father, and partook ot • wedding
Lreaktast at whioh the Rev. Father W t
was peewit. Hearty congratulations were
tendered the happy couple.
TUSDAT. Sag. 81.
Mrs. %aloe, of Godenoh, vh filed hero
l•et week. .
Mies L Cumming is visiting 1dh1a Bleck
esar Dungannon.
Artois: P'i 'rI-'. ,n, of Windsor', was • vie-
itor here oo Saturday.
Miss Etta Young bee returned from •
pleasant visit of several weeks to relative*
in Goderiob township.
Miss Kate McDonald, of Detroit, and
Miss C.CIafBn are eojuying their annual va-
riation by taking • wheeling tour through •
large pert of Western Ontario. During
their stay here they have been Instructing
towel pupils in the art of propelling the
*Met steed.
After • pleasant stay of several menthe
Mr. mod Mrs. E. Morris, with their In.
Joseph went bunk to Awtia Man. Darin"
their "ojoern here they saw away old
friends and many plmsant u Taalwt-
anoes. Mr. Morris will again res his
threshing useable* 1a the Prairie Province.
tittle .Lea's •bseme" (save" a b' • blank
s'a'ger the yoaag mad old people as he was
a gases! favorite.
TUESDAY, Aug. 24.
Mies Bertha Yoasghlut,wbo bee been re-
loudy ill ter some time is now reoovering.
Mee. T. Poulton, of Cleveland, is visiting
her lather R. Mutest. who le laid ap •e •
result of being k'okd by a Dorene
D. Fell who has been • resident of the
vtiege foe some time. Me moved to Chutes.
where be bas '.",red a eiteatios.
Mr. Cook awl Mine Stout have aerie re-
ansaened their daliee he 8. 8. No. 5. We us-
dersta.d that Mt. Cook nu been esiseted
for 1888 at an iaorommet salary.
Jae. Y ousg is at present Gamier/ improv
lagasd eal•rplre B. T. h'eart's hedge.
H. bee MD lour hooses ee snplette It'1
fall, all of them partly era the way.
Mrs. Elkin, et MMk viliege, who ham been
he mills/ health for some timse, pared away
se ' Isar, mod woo iwtsrrsi h Tall
ews•a•ry .a Bwtard•y. Icer and wee poses.
There were a Member from here who ask
In tin eieoretos se the NortbwM i ss
week. A.s.trg them befog. R Stalker. E.
Rowed, sad W. llerstt. We wide lbws
A. P. Warta orbs hes bele beio for the
nut two year, bee takes W deposal for
Gederioh. We de ow haw what Mr. *r.
rtw Meade doing he the 'bell Iowa, loss
appose AO he will fellow the eats ad -
that he vii yr -aged le haw.
The sane elft seal le mesial Is, mad the
irk* sari of 1M NOW boom 9aMi1gL
Owing to the Store I now occupy beim too small for my
business I have leased tho store lately occupied by
and expect to move on or about the 15th of September.
We have decided to make everything move ; that is, if prices
will do it.
To make it more interesting we will reduce the price on all
our New Fall Jackets, Dress Goods, Blankets, Ladies' Vests,
Men's Shirts and Drawers, Grey Flannels, Floor Oil Cloth
&c. just received in stock today.
Sale to commence FRIDAY, 27th, and continue until we
1/0 *Cafe AT mu:winlLtt-TNL CLAIMS
ifeLL : m.Mir! .arff.T .y:1..ti73rr ease
Tram The Orangeville Sun.
Is a may lite1 house on Margaret street,
to the town, live Mr. John Oarrity,hts wife
aad family. Tbey are indeed • happy eas-
ily, although a few years ago a sadder
household would be bard to find. This hap-
pinesa was not occasioned by the ea .a
wining of a formes, hat by eomsthiog much
more prsoloas•-the restoration of • wife sol
mother when everyone wb4.psr.d that elm
met is.. Our reporter beard of Mr Oar-
rity's illness and ours, sod tor tie Donal o.
our readers investigated the owe ; what be
learned is well worth repeating. A leer
years ago Mr. Garrity kept a well known
hotel at Chelter•hem sod was knows
far and wide for his hospitality sed kind-
ness ; his wife, too. wee Doted for hoe ands-
' - ti However, she wee atrtoltn with a
poouliar eases, her health failed rapidly,
end from one hoadr 1 and forty r ••-en
pounds,'her weight h.o►me reduced to ninety
eve pounds. Fainting spells became fre-
quent, audio 000tian•1 pain in the beck of
her bead almost drove her freesia. Physi-
cians were in alteod•noe,bat the doctors s11
said then was no hope. Mrs. Garrity saw
death staring her to the tam, and the
thought of leaving her little children mused
her mach 'adage Nhe wee advised to try
Dr. Williams"'ik Pith. but thought they
ooald not possibly do her any good wheat
pihysoians bad failedto alateher enffar-
in,s. Hoping, almest •galeal hops.
she proctored • supply, and woodertnt to
relate, abs had not been taking Pink Piles
loog when the dreadful symptoms of her
illness began to pass away, and today she is
the picture of health. A few menthe neo
Mr. Garrity and family removed to Orange-
ville, and in conversation with our repre-
sentative Mrs. Garrity said : "I ostlot find
words W express my thankfulness ter what
Dr. Williams" Pink Pills have done for me.
Why. it is almost mementoes. I -*iib that
everyone who Is iniig-" wi'wee will bear
of this remedy. We Always keep a box of
the Ptak P111s to the bean."
The tollowing wee touted written in a
bottle on the lake shore by a resident last
Saturday whioh may be of interest to Me-
tall residence bat as ter u we oats see then
is no date : " I am drowned out ib the lake,
my yawl bate* sank. Please rive this to
my brother 8. H. Bolter, KtabtI, and
oblige as 1 will neves rsaob shore aria."
(Signed) T. BoLTmm.
A Fran. -On Saturday evening • oott ge
on the Bayfield road carted by John
Sproule, was disoovered to he on fire in the
roof. A seemeoger wee seat to ring the
alarm, sod sibil the arrival of the fire bri-
gade, a number of mea with buckets kegs
the blew under metro'. The hose waeoE
wild out in good time, ad after spreading
oat 2400 fest of hone a good stream woe
poured ea the burning buildings mad tis yrs
sorsa pat out. '1'80 cottage, • mall one mss
se rly destroyed, and the fire was supposed
to kayo been ceased ty • detective chimney
or stiles p1pe, u the building wee seed ua
sr t - re kt hes.
Misses E. G. and J. C. Potter, daughters
of Rev. Mr. Potter, of Hagersville, are the
mem of Miss E V. Mahood these days.
We are pleased to learn or one of the peri-
odical* shat Mtge Potter bee pawed bet
third year's work is the Team Uolesr-
s1�ty. We trq.t that
thbeae -oat with $, A. atts s obi e
-Wlagham Advance.
parttee getting their sale bills prtntu.fa
this omoe will have a fres nonce insert -1
this II& up to the time of sales.
A farm, tars lot, and farm Implements
will be sold es the Ise ,oath half of 12, coax.
6, G..derloh to on Wednesday. Sept. las.
•-nmeoo tg - 1 o'clock Thos. Conch',
Au. . n sal hoose told furniture, a--
pie•to, dishes, *to., at Mrs. W
-' -redeem, St. Patriok'.-st, on Friday
leer. 3. Thos. Goode'', aootbone"r.
Before than made u. alt, •n. g eat caters
made as mea
II is asioaidnr bow little Doe feels poverty
when oo. loves.
One who is aheld 6f is wally atrr 1
of nothing else.
Who makes quiok use of the moment •s
• genius of prod. 305.
Beauty without kindness dies r tenioyed
mod undelighting.
Conceit is to nature what paint is to
beauty; it is not only needless. bat impales
what it would improve.
Rigby kin-F.ocfsd
Ft' ieze Ulsters
In Olive Mix, Brown,
Fawn, Claret and Oxford
Gray; 51, to 54 inches
long, witk6 inch collar, 5
pockets ind throat tab,
with " wont come -off"
buttons can be bought re.
tail in every Town and
Village for
Greatest Store
will positively close Tuesday, 31st inst.
Black and Colored Dream Goods, worth 65c and 750, choice of
25 pieces. per yd
Black Satins and Oolcred Silks, worth 65c and 76e, Bankrupt
Stock Sale price
Indies Perfect Fitting Blouses, worth 76o and $1.00 each,
Bankrupt Stock Sale prioe, each ..
Black and Colored Silk Chenille Dot Veiling, made to wear
and worth from 80c to 40e yd., Bankrupt Stook Sale
price per yd '
Cotton, Shootings, Denims, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ribbons
and Laces at unheard of pritwt.
O. W. ANDREWS, Kastaget