The Signal, 1897-8-12, Page 44 Thva1nAY, Aug. 12, 197. WE HAVE DECIDED to rent owr wheels at the fol- lowing rata for the balance of the Season. FORENOON 1Oc per hour. AFTERNOON15c " " EVENING 20c " PER DAY $1.00 PER WEEK3.00 G. G.eaF. EMERSON. Zhr Signal, • is lionLmxem EVERY THURSDAY MORNING B. n. neallWC IOIlf Terms er entrsertpstee ONe month, In advance 1 11 Terve months. Six 88 1 CO Use Tear.60 erns ime-fence. ',real and other casual advertisements, 100 per line for drat insertion. sod oenu per lire ter each subsequent insertion. Measured by a nonpareil wale. Dimino,' cards of six lines and under, 16 per Tsar. Advertisements of Lost, Found St.syed, Situation* Vacant. Situations .. anted and Moines* C1.enoe• Wanted oot zoeding 0 lines nonps-''I, 1l per month. Rouses op -',lo and Farms on Sale. net to sword t lin 11 for Bret month, 70o, per sub- sequent mon rL Larger advte. in proportion. Any special notice, the obyeet of which is to re-mrote the unlary benefit of any tudi- - --Vend ;to -be considered acne. v'wtjMment oheraed semord lnote. toes' notices in nonpareil type one Dent per w•nrd, no notices less then 3.o. as el notions In ordinary reading type two cents per word. No notion for loss than Ipo. Notices for churches and other religious and benevolent institutions half rate Subscriber , tC frtrto-receive 41 s-nrclrat' regularly by mall, will o infer a fever by ac- quainting les of the diet at a. early an date as • t when a ohange of address 1. desired, Iota Ise old wad the new address should be siven P.htiaber'a Mentes, J. C. Ica Teasel, of Ooderlcb, has bees sehe pointed Local Travelling Agent for ttome shim of Ooderfoh. Colborne, Ashfield tied Ws wench, .. Local po.tmasters over the d11t -alt e empowered to rept ve Butnerlptlose te Tam Sweat All communications must be addressed D MoG1LLIWUDDY. Tag emmukt, ✓ he sispse Csll e0 Godertoh Ont. OODRRIOH. THURSDAY, AUG. 11, commormsa- THE PASSING OF CAMERON. IN TEs SIGNAL, of July 1, the follow - fig article appeared : "Tisa 8 emu, has a higher opinion of Mr., Cameron than to believe that he w .11 elle ) his political life by pputtin,•, 'o.p••actice a policy of nepotism, which on the atntnsnd on the floor of Parliament none has nounced more etrongly than he When we remember -and the thountnds of electors in Huron remember -how in trumpet tones he inveighed against Bowell's " soh-h-Iaw Jamieson " avid Tupp•er'. son-in-iaw Came- ron," and that in every .cape' house in West Huron his denunciat'ons rang out against public men mak'.-g private gimps of public office for the benefit of their "listen, their meninx and their aunts "-" their man servait, their nwid servant, their oxen, their asres and their sone -in-law 1 THE SIGNAET DERICH grew by denouncing a similar outrage w Which currod thirty years ago, gal he hes ds.outioed that outrage from the day .1 his mieent to public We evert unto the pre tent da ; and knowing him as Ti. Soma. dues, thus is oetly one man oa earth who sen make us believe that now, at the close a • brilliant political career, he is prepared to prove recreant to the professurus of is life -time, and dem..uteate that, so far as berufsoed nepotism in ooaoerned, he is nes bettor than the Tupper. and the Bowel's, the Carole and the Langevius sod the scores of others whom be has denounced during his entire pubtte career. That man is M. C. Cameron. - He will uut do it, for not only is his poli• tical honor at stake but the fate of West Huron, so far ss Liberalism is concerned, hangs iu the balance, and he is too staunch a supporter of the Liberal Government t ) !eopattliw the constituency. 1)id he do .o, he would stand alone, as did the neat who followed that course thirty years ago. "-Not only would he sacrifice the riding in so far es Dominion matters are concerned, but he would wreck it from the viewpoint of Pro- vincial politics. Mr. Garrow, M. PP., and the Reform party as a whole, are opposed to such a course, and even the Conserve. tives, who would stand to gain everything in the event of the deal being cctsummated, would censure the folly although they gain- ed by the act. It were better that the poetruastei had not been interferred with than thet'such mu nutr-age should Le perpetrated, and we feel sure that Mr. Cameron will ind'gnantle re- pudiate the evil suggestions that have been made to him, alid maintain the prowl posi- tion in political' life which he Ices lierdadore enjoyed." `iinoa the above was written M. 1'. CAM- raou has seen fit to east his professionq of hau,ty int pnhties to the wind. --he has taken uepu.i►m to his bos.oin, and done that which, by voice and pen, lie <a.demned in otbera during thirty years of public life. He stands hrfo"e the country t.xbty- • rene- gade tnpr:odptn, and now ranks- with the worst of those whom he has denor•need' in the p.;.t. Every of a epithet which he has hh owered upon Bgwsj.L and his son-ia. law JA$IWON, and'liiren nod his son-in- CtM.solt, now apples to 9I. C. CAMERON AM his son-in-law GALT, intens''fied by the face that his course in providi tg "soup" for hie eon -Wake' -.ha rm more aesinst the s: in ref ria oonsatuc nts,and more repulsive to the feelings cf all honest men. than ha+ been any piece of nepotism ever per. petted by may d his prAeosset Let him think of the welcome he will re- -rce .rtnerrrnr should he have the hardihood to again face the parliament of bis country. How he will enjoy hating his old, hack 'eyed and thro,utb.re speeches in Hansard read off for his . dific,.tion. What a drawin' card it will it,, in the House wben it is known that ' CAMERON is up," and declaiming against t dit(ifitiiiittafi'ft his opponents and point- ing with pt.de to his own immaculate record. What $ pleasure it will be for him to know that his enemies rejo'te at the fall of the "great Liberal figater" who, after thirty yob. -s, wife snared from the path .if reotitude and fell by the wayside. By his present coarse be has not only earned the contempt of his opponent*, but he Ile.. gained the disgust of his former .rile. _In the entire riding of West Heron then is not a prominent Liberal who do as notunhe-it- tingly demon^. , his can duct, and who, if given an oppor„uwity at tat early day, would not re'egete him to the political obscurity whicn was his portion quiie reeni,ly, end from which be should never heirs 13te'1 reaurret: d to tetray the cme/Janos r,: his old-time friends is rad sup- port' e. He has • wmsitted politic .1 hari• kari, and then is nothing left for in to do torten Teter the remains. Poli.ic sly, he is es dead ss the late Jr nes IScARtar and equa::y beycad the hope of $ glorious re'wr- nsotion. - It is with feelings of the c npest rebel that Ttts SINAL deabunce. the °outinapt ible, lying and o rooked conduct of CAMERON t -'t this occa•nou. For ne..rly a score of years the prepnt edito: of this -journal hal stead sbouller to *houkker with GAMMON, and by voice and pen fought his betties and rejoiced in the victories won. We were with him in his .t.ongth and in his weak- ness, and when, in 1892 th - iri. lei Cowes: mei cam + upon him, rr.d whe i ..e was enfeebled menta"y and physically by the cruel assaults 'made a;aiu.t him, Tee SIG- NAL and its editor @tied in the Fos ..ch and fought the ase•il.nts to the finish. When sf.l.vorobie ol.porturity offered in 1895 to once more rehabilitate a man whom every effort had been mode by his oppon- ents to disgrace, THE &OVAL end iii editor championed his oanee, and were among the factors that brought him through in trir-,iph. at a time who., ho was .,east t d by the syco- phants who are now his chibf aivictr., and who bare lured him to political infancy and m the pati of party probit,. In the old days we had learned to simire CAMERON'* ooun3e, his word we had looked - upon as being unimpeachable, and his party fealty we implioitly retied upon. There hat hron a terrible change. The old-time courage of .conviction hs a oo:.s.d out of CAM- rsoN, FON word in • lie, and his party :salty has been superseded by trer.on---treason to his oon.titnsnta, Ito his prnfesaon• and to Liberal principles. The idol'. feet are clay. GAMMON 1. in the duet. Our duty Gra plain. It to to pillory the renewals+ before the eyes of all honest men, and harsh as the duty in, and however un- willing we may he, for the eeke of the friendship that is pest, we shall not heeit•te to do 11 CAltsao$, as • political factor, ie now dead to the Retorsion' of Wee& Huron. Thin .y years ago he branded a roan as a traitor to his party who did not dewier* the epithet any Inure than GAMMON dose to- day. Tree, he will eel that he did not desert, het we whn know the inside higher', know that he lacked only the opportunity. The stswy e( his treason to hie party • on more than one ooeseoion is in the bandit orf MO who will not hesitate to um it when • the hnnr ermine and Carmen, will Aral that y though the wrougrlost may apparently prosper for a wtdls, the idea wad Dose whoa the search -fight will reveal kis every poli- tical deliuquenoy. He is now relegated to the ranks of the politics' " has beeps." But. the pawing of Censitoe,by the Bev., Pier Aweoto route, should not affect the cause o! true Literalism in West Huron. When the American 1e • ler tAirned traitor, hie treustxl did not virtually affect the cause which be had formerly aspen, -d, a•td the poring of Casu'us should not wean Liber- al. from the c ruse whlob tbey have behind in, aid for which they have fought so earn- estly and w well in the past. True Liberal- is.n is against family ciompactiam, and fam- ily oompactiem is merely another name for nepotism. Bee nan w end Le roman's fought against the Family Compact, and .o did Blows and 1)uaw-s ; Maceieus and BLARE opposed it when the Liberals were last in power ; and, we believe, the great chief, LAvslaa, is as true to the integrity of the principle today as were the giant leaders who in the raft lead the people out of the poi'tical house cf bondage. Ashfield and Wawaush Liberals are .til true to Lenora ; tboee in Colborge -and Hullett el 11 revere his came ; the rank and tile in the towns and, the ren•'taut in Gude- rich township, are true as steel to the priu- ciples of Reform, and the defection of an erstwhile local leader will not litre them from the proper path. No ; they will re- main faithful to the true interests of the party, even, if to do so, they he forced to denounce the conduct of the man who, at the first opportr lily that offend, took ad- tan.age a a position of trust to be a self-seeker„rid a swallower of past profes- sions, end , to become a member of that army of nepotists whose policy and practice Dae Aad , raced in uunmcasur,cd terms dur- ing a !oar political lifetime. To all true Liberals the uame of M. C. Caltsaos is now but a memory -the mem- ory' of • man who wantonly took from him- self his ow.i good name ; who created the CAManoa influe.xs iu Huron only to de- stroy it for a price ; who was will' ig to wreck the oanatisieocy to asasepliab his 80 much is this the case, that no representaWro Reformer has, dated to conte forward over his own signature in peiat arta amt wept 10 defend the course which has hen punned by the renegade , and•ree-reepeenlbirsner winkle for CAMERON'S action is indefensible, with- out one redeeming feature, and can be de- fended neither in the prees nor on the plat- form. The finger of acorn is now his por- tion, and the name that once awakened cheers from the Atlantic to the rick -ribbed Pacific Slope is now a hissing and a byword, Ric transit gloria mundi. selves to believe that on this, the first op portunity'°offered, the professions of a life time have been cast to the winds. and the man whom Vi'eet Huron has been delighted to honor is as devoid of pohtical integrity as they whom he formerly denounced. No; we, and all true Liberals of West Huron and staunch friends of Mr. Cameron, have • higher opinion of him than that, and firm- ly believe that some enemy, who, desires to wreck Liberalism in West Huron and end the Cameron influence in the riding, has ad- vised that much a course be pursued, so that the man who had gone through the Hery furnace of public life for over thirty years without being besmirched by • taint of aplf-meet ingQ or nepotism, may not remain nnsmirched, but shall clone his political life yi obliquy. That Mr. Cameron's long public service deserves recognition without saying, but that such recognition should take the shape of a postmasterskipp for his son-in-law is somethingthat Tug guitar, and the true friend. of memn-who have fought his battles in the past, and have stool by him in sunshine and shadow, in prosperity and adversity -do not muter*. Why an at- tempt ehonkt now 1"t made to seduce him from hie political integrity by tempting him to give an office to his ern -in-law, who h ndt as much claim on the office as the humblest man whose name is on the voters' list, in beyond our comprehension, and we do not consider such an act a fitting climax to Mr. Cameron'm public career. Agaln.t Mr. Halt, penomally, we have _act • word to say, but we fail to find env • resent' why he eould been epplioant for the poatmastenhip or any other position in Ooderich at tie present time. He has never been on the voters's list, that we - know of, and certainly never took • part in anyvoting or working for Mr. Camemn or liberalism in :Huron county of anywhere else. We do not know that he ever polled • Liberal vote in his life -in fact, the °hanone are that he ham always been on the oppeeite side of the political fence. He hes been • resident of the town for little more than • year, and hie appointment would give odor to the 'opinion openly azprem.rd by Mr. Usmernn's political opprn.nta that he was imported to fill • vacancy which was to be specially treated in his behalf. He Is of that clam that Mr. Cameron wrote of in • letter dated Rept 98, 1896, as " Men who have never earned their politicise] breeches. much lase spar." Than why I he he a party to attempt to plane 11,.- t(bmier n ate diaadvantng. in the eyes d Ms oleUtimne snppti ten, •rs7 endeavor to ltapatr the ptliti°•1 integrity which has been the portion of the ' Oki Warhorse • he thirty long years ! mf. do not believe the attempt on Mr (b•mer.Y,'s politieal hopor,rtd the mt sit of liberalism in Wer Herrn will he me wade!. Iii. Qamerea hepa his polities* of • putrid pickerel seep by moevights which shines and ,Winks, cud stinks and lb ad t� more it °Innes the it GOD ERIC H = BARCAIF ' Tuzuse many a slip 'twit the cup and the hp, and this particularly applies to the 1p of • crooked politioian,whioh isfor uvehcry. • Ir certain patdfamentarieas hail ahad, it would mead: "The earth is the Lord's, anti the fullnw thereof, but the salaried µ,ba are for me and my relatives." HOW OTHERS VIW IT. Toronto Telegram (Ind.): M.C. Cameron, MP., should have known better than tofavor the appointment of his son-in-law tothe powitiou of postmaster of God.rioh. Mr. Cameron oould afford to forfeit the of ec- tions of his son -in -Lw, but not te good support of every other Grit in the riding.• • e !Hamilton Spectator (Tory): Dau McGilli- cuddy, who is -opposed to the appointmentof•relativeetM.C. Cameron, M.P.,to the Goderiob pestmaatership, is not afterthe job himself. He asks te Govenimeutto retain the present postmaster. Dani simply wants to gave his party from tbeAtis- grace of nepotism. Strattord Bescoe (Liberal): TMs Gus- a1CH SSPINAL is waging a vigoroua warfareagainst the local mmber, M. C. Cameron, M. P., because it Is alleged he is trying to appoint lea eon -in-law,* young man who has for years been • residenrof the United Stater and • strong Conservative, to the Guderich postm•atership. We do not know anything about the matter other than what has appeared in Tug Stow.L, bat if t e facto aro as stated the Government would be guilty of a wrio.s indiscretion if it yielded to the member's demands. There ought surely to be • local man of sufficient intelli- gence and worth to fin the othee without going to Florida for one. CENTRE. OODERiCH AND rYS-PEOPLE. !rats ler The Prettiest Little Ctty le taamdm. Shelby Cockty K ilei Democrat. The next oily reached wag Uoderioh. Al- most as soca as the Carmena touched dock Yiyoc Sbsimnon, -tb. proprietor. of the two newspapers in the oily, and several other oft ..m came aboard and announced that they had carriages In waltiag for the ez- •teioolstt and that they were prepared to skew them the prettiest little city to Can- ada. The ineltatioa was accepted, .id we were driven through the principal streets, and with sone of Ge the drive was extended "' THE SALT OF THE EARTH.' AMC TOUR Did!' 'CR F JR Rice's Pure Salt. BEST FOR TABLE AND DAIRY. t30LH1 L.A.Z 16 The North American Chemical Company, Limited, GOIXERICI E . - - OITT_ POLITICAL POINTERS. or It politics, over the fence is out. II: Tee bell-w-,ther dceen't live forever. Sr To .he crooked politie'e i electio.t day is Judgment Day. a1r civ po tme'1 lies as ein"jriC=' tidally as a toxnbetone. Its The politician who climbs the high- est has tbe.greatest fall. _.. goa.Aril ry aim l dh AIIN marry a member's daughter. or I)rectums ..,eases when the people discover that the idol's feet are clay. air ANAaiae u moral numerous than Joesre among the practical politicians. oaf Fgaa to do right, honor myself and .tend by my relative3, i. now • po'i,.ioal axiom. ir Ta. Scotch have • .tying, "Gin ye sup soup wi' the dell yell need • lung spare " or The honest man in politics is not to be found on nne aide only. Neither in the other fellow. - /sl' " Needs mist when the devil dri vee " has been .he excuse of more thai one hen - run politician. Ir Tawe is no room for the fool in poli- tics, and the fellows who are not fools should be honest. elf Wiles your member becomes a Baez - =or Aair0LD hrand him as Bitterne". Aa- woLp was beaded. Its Ir some of the politicians would be seised with the virtue et resignation their constituent* would rejoi e. e/1 When • man who thinks he is in the first rank in polities molls out his record for a third -clava position, it G a "bargain day " sure. Ir It 1s salty to be a p _triol in tie 0°ki shades of Opposition, but iib dir'.r.at when the teat comes from the ether aids of the Hoare. m The warped psNsi•ian ahothl- be buried when be 1. dined. The Miser the remains are exposed the greater the *tench will he • .. e... e! Tea brittleas, atom attributed to the mea who is merely a p09111 tE 2l1 like that out 'lite the country. The writer, who had the feettem to b, ' t Mayor Shr -man's cr•- rlege.t e• . .e e! those who made the trip to t e -*•hairy. Goderieh stands at the month of the Maitland river. In spewing the lake the river makes a Pend around therms •o ss to 1e on two aides of it, while the 'eke with a beautiful cal ted batch with One beth'-ig localities is ea • third side It steads •bolt Sana . feat abee ,s. 1tysL.ot_1,ha-ciyag..1.4 lake, arid is underlaid with • bed of as has gravel as e to be found anywhere. It Nth. ooenty seat et Herron oor sty. The court berm @taafe 0r. • lot about as large as owe *sort .gwa..t It 1. ootogon in shape EMI* eleeeta °entre ea this let. /'1 the otbels W on i are p.r.lel. The outlook from any pen of Use eih IN grand. The 'raveled • trtxts ere sewers clear of mud' and the roads metering on the city are se finely graveled as the reads of Shelby twenty o.s- tones es Sidney. Shade is abadwt a4 rte all the steers. The hard or sager envie le the ter 1 thecae rtivsr•ally plenoW for shade. Gedeeiob has a populawn of shout 4,000. It bre water weeks gad a oawplets sewer system. Its nubile sebeele are ender a mawagemsst similar to r'ac.e of our owe fly. is .Ghole bundles is erre red bedifaliy located. The Ort -rim .ebea1 systems is very similar le the Ohio system. 115 people are very pedal and haspMab' . ane la the sena beers we wire flap sea found them mord laMWMMsea. awderiib wee the tlem plane 1a Cuda whew ogle wag dfaeevaed Tide oda ity bas added troth- ly t, the wealth of M* shires. It w beset .1 ewe we three millimetres wifbm the wseeralies. There are ew* a-.11 far tease mill 'a °sorsties. Meese she Itemiser le mer are se profitable me formerly. It ase lame biey& works.. as ewes Newry, a bath tab rim factory. !grow Iaab•e stag. *Mae mill•. Rearing mire .sd Moir mallet Notaries Ito 4..ao•e haat beast ray memonetally meseeed. em there W she bees a faller• n she Iowa he tea years ACM, the river thew e • private park et 900 gores. Several heats Mee bees Wilt is sofa, anted ft. se weU es the fey Itself, le a fleee. e. peembed the esemer wed eery e The Presbyteries std MaSMdM dememme. time potidemtntet The labsMeasls atlg •had the demeedeste m eta .ail Bs 8rIriab. No dry of the mama die rep whsle hep a seer Wads/ 19e of people lima M M be Need is Od.deb. Tile, hawse.. ie trio •f all the town es the .moi wise el' Lake Nereus 'The inn are bop sad besot mime awl she womb, ars prey. may of them beautiful. The mese y aewd (lodai.b redeem .hemi she mime mesa ea is aselb•Q. O1da The elegem a lee Meru fer wait wx+ saes, smaller reelable ore rabid. reams, .and Mbar tech take the Mame seer ete1y for feed pisdsdag. Th. week e/ berme wed aside are Ma as to the Oils readied. 'halt .l all bade. eopiwMl�y apples and •br.rbo of the da• a Imml /� cats predated. lase pear 11 a eeimated that the wrmsybeirreht�gof idNere.res Mise profused 910,000 Ate al PetWe erasead the 0 biter a�a�d �13 ND bld t .11.101 atli Ass il* g iia *ar alttl TIM nil aid N eisb M id -Summer Sale Don't mica the Bargains at ROBINSON'S. Everything in SUMMER GOODS meet go. Goode never so low in Prices. JAMES ROBINSON, OOR. SQUARE AND WEST -ST. the oow abolished from the street and the yard feo.e• removed, that eotb ourself and the citizen of the place may enjoy fully the many lies s►add lawns now almost hidden by the board Noma J.O.A. S S. AND C. E. CONVENTION. The annual oonvwtiape mf the Harm county Sunday School and Christie* En- deavor Ualon wilt be held to Willis church, Clinton, ea Tuesday end Wedamoday, Aug. 24 sod 25. I. onions are : 3. P. Rees, 1Szstw,preslde.t Sunday School Apooiatioa gad J. C. S. iceman, Heneell.searel ry 8.s. Association; W. E. Har. Brussels. proof• seat, anal -A. T. Cowper; twoeetttt•y, C. E. Caton CON VINI.ON NOTsa. " Harem c panty foe Cheek" Take part in the discussion, briefly. All ea is, gad •Iwsys at I• -Weiler. --"Phew-erne llimetr-t -Ibe washer at gates you may mad. 1t is .rpsoted that eve pastor of the meaty will ee preemie fcr both days. It yon have to change your uerrepoading .eeratsry, always notify the oosaty 114110t. - MIT The speakerm will he limttd to the tine allotted, cad the bell will 1 i rang sharp on than. The dimension. are as pcotd to he lively gad interest'tR, tied those tnkeig part will be limited to one slanto emit. All delegates will be supplied with a hedge, mod at the evsn''ng semioas only these we :ring them will be &dmlttt I before 7:45. 1t you do not wish for His kiewdogt, do not pray for 1t. Rot if you be, yea mast do more thee pray for it : you must work fer it. The bya•oe t.tot.d ..t the pr. sem will he need e_olnsively dr rag the oo•venttosa, and the local *potent s are asked to be'now' 'emiliar with tb. n, so they eau jo'n hearti- ly in the to t'•te •'sero �c:, a'to .ineiog on the trans. on the .'rests, r ld at the *ti- tian,. Railway tteketa are good three days be- fore sad tl'ee days a...r the . •nventioa. Buy • single ticks from your @Litton agent and ' k for • s• tdard certifioate. '-on a i.l get th'e oertito•te filled '3 •t the conven- tion and then purobcee a return ticket at the reduced rate (oor-third` Secretaries of local sedates* and Holiday Ssheels are a-gentlyrgametad to writs as sees .e possible to Wet Gra na Bowles. °Ii - ton, Oat., ocaveaor of the bUletie, oommit• tas..si; asia Abu somber mf summer that be r, pe.rid, rid wham Owdble tend tbolr mama It a tee y impoeazt that this be dee. wiebase delay. la order thee bones may be provided for all. do me good, but only for • tune, sad I then began to grow worse. I ooattnsed raking bis medicine nor three months, when 1 was so demure/mei at not regaining my health that 1 deeimed to take it any borer. 1 then tried • liquid medicine advertises, to ours eases like mina, bat did not obtain the • llghtest beoett. I had broom• terribly emaciated and weak. There 'rasa comma* terrible roaring seise l■ my head ; my fee sad ankle. were swollen sad I was se pals e a • oorpas Owe day while 1 was is title seadition my father brought home a bot of Ur. Williams' Ptak Pi1L sad asked me to My them. In ism than • week 1 could sit up, and in • couple of weeks I Gould walk oaths •diska-ee without Dein' tired. My es returned, the roaring le my heed , I began to gain flesh sad "solar. and batore I had .sed a half doses boxes I was as healthy as I had ever boas 1a my bla. My bleeds did not expect me to get bettor sad are sow) njotetn( at the woadertd Dr. W illiame' 1'ia.k P111e have .. wreaght in me. • If my .tntemest will be the mosm of helping cess other sufferer yea are at perfect liberty 1. publish it." The above statement was sworn before me se Maplewood. York Ca., 14.B., this 14th day of Mayy. 1897. 'L'uwrsy W. Signe, J.Y. To wean Rettog the gwaise ask always for Dr. Williams' Ptak Ptah for Pale People, and resume all .abetitatea sad nestrama al. leered to be just se good. A HAPPY GIRL. Neje Asatra imo Tons et wAllIaMu sad Naeenuss Curs -A ileapthesse Mat Should be Rand by every ti aura Mims Amis. Helly. a wall-ksews sand smolt'messed roma lady living at Maple- wood. N.R., writs :-" I madder it my they to let yea knew whet yours wonderful dem bdwfor ma Is 1086, I berm a lee. flash .rad odor, my •,pastes fated, .rad es raw/ spawn would ba se tired I w.ald have to rust. I eonWsed la tbi...sdlhbl. ter tere mouths idea 1 we. sakes =da.aly 111 aid cos *ole a poshest Oar fa54I daetsr was Galled la mad im seemed sly inane Mimesis (warty et she Weed). At fire be treatment appeared a CROP PROSPECTS. Lastyear's Fall wheat crop will be lamer ly exceeded, sad Spring will oleo be in ad- vance. From a new phase reports are to the sleet that Fell *loot, has sprouted, bet se far little damage has melted. Hay will be the heavies* Drop gown in twenty yews - Lags year's oat ,rep was s geed one, o a t ib will he exceeded by that sow to be har- vested. hast, sea resod of the ria. is re- ported from some quarters. Osla are Dom- ing into more import•noe in osoaegoasoe of the demand for them that Was sprang up in the British market. The Drop of pea will probably ezosed that of lass year. it It escapee darns, tram mildew, u • remit of the rain. Of herby the yield is evidently sore.- whae larg.r,as also V the •wreage. A vary large proportion of it will be discolored by the ruin. Unfortunately that asset meth diminish Its value, as, closed out of the United Seams markets. se it le wow by the I)isgky bill. it most aiak to the level sad prix, of • teed grain. In both rye and ems last year's limit will be passed. ifee a1 the bane the nim Lai raw the farmers ea a oleos, they will be .bwadeatly rommammed by its basest to the alley ha- dss4y. es time It will prove as asmived Rem These te every pgeop.n that .11 farmer tesords I she Casedkta eons, trade wad ibis kw dpnlws& OreuMoq but- ter, u` tar, ri wI ` s. be b less e tml by tib. Ms export. will alas he Ian Fads. Goo' arcs, Sept. U. 22 and 23. Wimree, Sept. 20 and 22. Blyth, Oct. b sad 6. Palmsatw, Sept. 27 sed 28. Teraina, Aug. a00 to Sept. 11. Leaden, Sopa 0 to 111. Walk.rtos. Sept and 16. Straetmd, Saps. 23 dad 24. CYLard. Sept 23 sed 24. Aadww Brea, & C.. dapped a me d east. M Tomato es Monday. Huron's Greatest Store. THE BANKRUPT STOOK SALE will positively aloes Saturday 21st Inst. Black and Colored Dress Goods, worth 65c and 75c, choice of 25 pieces. pet yd Black Satins and Colored Silks, worth 6k and 75c, Baidtlrapt Stock Sale price Ladies Perfect FStting Blouses, worth 75c and $1.00 each, Bankrupt Stock Sale pries, each .. Black and Colored Silk Chenille Dot Veiling. made to weals and worth from 80c to 40c yd., Bankrupt Stock Sale price per yd Outlast, Sheeting., Denims, Millinery. fancy Goode, Ribbons and Lapse a/ unheard of prime. Ps Be V..iw Jr 0. W. ANIIBZWB. Waimea' P • _u • i e .s s