The Signal, 1897-8-5, Page 7:g alxtasl trviatoono-.-
ta�t ., �.. '�•I SIGNAL A ..GODERT(RTiJ (*TA . " 't..
T11171MBAT, A9111.4 al 1897.',
PREMIER OF TBE I 01 des 1 • mil' .04 ow. carica. �1'd�w . NES W PAPER STORIES.
"r"'a• eca•pp�� :imam beet dud ills.
UNITED KfNGDOI[. rtes of T T19 Kl tetirIry l ellairft i ,
int1W 21,71$. Vogt ISIk”teeth '
i A ed the lite of the "ream° is-
aerW a.orwtarr of ata, Per nor age
Aaalra-Uta °aiding Head la MatNn
Arpertalalag to areimiler !sierra,
The personality of the Most Nobie the
sumo of Salisbury, ILO. P.C., D.C.
,.LL.D. , Premier of tate United King -
an Caauceller of the Cohered: of
durd. le at the prat/rut' um. of much
tercet to all dwidiers In 'The Colony
Nations,' as sutuebodll baa styled
'wrist Britain- Although, in rashes
morning the destiny of the Empire iu
cukxniaJ relatn•,na may brio`` Mr.
.epb Chambcrlaiu. the Colonial &rre-
ry, more premitrently to the public
e, the guiding head of the Prime Min-
er will be felt and acknowledged m
cry phase of the multiplex queetiuu,
u descrut, as well as his career, it
ter•atiug. Ten generations ago the an -
stud of the present British Prime
[ulster were reroute their country as
steadies, awl it was at Hatfield, then
royal palace, that Sir William Cecil
ek the oath to Queen Elizabeth: "1
re you this charge that jots shall be
my Privy Council. 31141 ,.out -11t y1.ur-
If to take pains for me and my realm.'
• fAmih did wore to lay the fouude-
413 of the Empire than Lord Burleigh
IJ his second son. the Marl of liah.-
"ht• premier has also mime sof the
of those merchant manes who
9E Mu6T NORi.R 111* 34ARQ11teg OP
re done no mach for the State: he
tins descent from three aldermen, one
when, Sir Crisp Gaae..yne, sus the
it Lord Mayor wtio,.fn 1782, recopied
✓ {or.•sent Mansion House. The tithe
Marquess was c•uoferrtd Jamie
ail. the seventh Earl,eiu 17 Q.
itubert Ilascoyn.• ('+cit the present
vn ler, was burn ou 2rd February.
30. with hot little apptreut t
he..wling the Marquess. 13. dis-
ncuist,.l himself at Oxford, and after
king his degree he spent a year o
.o in teeing the world, traveling as
,knstrnlin. He did not hovel -111e
✓ typical tootling with _a suite of at-
ndnut+' indeed, a resent wafter-ir1G the
Ire that "at 14eneli3o he lived in a hut.
•nt in for gold digging, and did his
rn washing awl darning." •
Stn his return to England he was :m-
inted a Fellow of All Souls. but `had
resign that .elerle of income when.
the age of twenty-seven. h•• married
Innghter of the ta1e114w1 Jtldire. Banco
demon. At this period Lord Robert
ail hail an intimate connection with
'Ire than one leading journal. and the
aunlay and Quarterly- !reviews, and
✓ articlea were able, pungent and .cynl-
to a member of Parliament, be old
illy arpties! distinction. ,red
id made hie mark. In 1865 the dekthl
his elder leather made bias dude to
e liarluis,tte. and changed hie eoar-
*f title of that of Tisexrnnt Crant"unw
ow held by his eldest son, who in M.P.
r R.s•heste•r,
in !tree; Viscount Cranborne took af-
r fnr the tires time in the Cahinct of
✓ Kati of herby. hnt resigned the
Ik..trine year owing to hie disapproval
' Mr. Ithiraelra Refsum Bill.
in loge/ his father diet and be was
smelled to leave the mem. Of his ofa-
rbenl triumphs for tae gilded chamber
' the Peen, ----
ii•krvr`etr-'i I- ..-lt
inistel. in 1R74 de. Margo.", of is -
try jnin,d his Cabinet as Secretary for
slia. am: gnined IitHuelkta hy his
P asur•s to tight the great Indian fa-
ille. Ile wejft as epeeist Aluhaaaad• r
Gmst:Iutinople at the tine of the
lowelilrkinh truth!,. and in 1877 auto
wed the Earl of Derby lwho had mar -
.4 hs fath.'r t Wide*) a1 Foreign dee-
tart. in tint 'eioaftioa h, has won
one ns a declutch wr;ter, kis commune
hen to ]Huambo denonuriug the treaty
inn Stefano being still quoted as a
aster -piece.
It he known that Loud Renconsdekl
enin,lteet het for the leadership ot the
irty to wh'vh he wins formally appoint-
! after, the death of that great leader.
poll 111. is ti.
Ile hos 14•,•11 Prune Mlnketer and For-
m .'venture from 24th Jame. 1EIKS. to
,•hrnary 1;, Itis►: f Sul /ingest,
Oki. to August 1R. ,1M112. excepting a
tort period whP11 Loud .lddernleigh hecki
le teals ret Foreign NI Metter nr41 the
holier those of First Lord of the Trio -
17. daring thnt perked.
The Marquess of Salisbury Mcnmr
*flier en for the third time July 'L,
It is well known that in 111 he of,
'reel to nerepii ogler tomer the then
lamnees of Hartfnmton, rather .1ruu
reyrnt the ern clnsiou of the linl:dr,st
The Premier bee n happy fncnity o1
P6-film2414'4. rn11.4 1I4's and putting 111•
rand peg„ in the round holes.
itis offer of the Colon,nl bkrrotgryrh'
n his former itnelical npp4ent. 1l
"'with Chamberlain, was much c1, 11
44111,11 upon at the time. hnt hos y,••:-
oi his judgment in a remarkable wait-
teeth of Their ell.toei7, Aron. Chief t'ro
duets sad Liapltale.
1311ma now the Interest hum bread., in-
ch*,• (oncoming our "teeter" eel Mee.
.11.1! „h 'NM -who l part of the ErupPire on
rk' 4 the sun never sets. uud, t,arrhre
.;nada, wbioh we all know AN shoat, a
*Vfib „1 the hsding ehernrterletice of
141111tea del4endettcies 1s in order.
Cepa ("clone.
('')4 ('Mese obtained reaponaible ()nv-
?0lsent h: Marti, 114(113 7th e..aptttn-
bne now c,naiet3 M a Legislative Coule-
✓ l of Zd members elected for Myth
'cels. ,rel s Home nt Assembly of 79
embers Plated for fillerses.
The Governor 1a ted M tit,
sad pfd erby t e Cap,
tar per *urian by trio
tial Government es Her N
',+moues Coon`( for !tooth Atr►oa
total grew 1. 121,1111 wiser. mit.*;
S;tl»( mon d'
; Meal.
"▪ s�st egges nes gosh. M total*
%rill, Maft pdiwenee+It1
Natal became an independent MANY
in 1MS6, and has a Governor Aleft •
salary of £4000 per auaum; a I.egblLstlye
Council of 11 members, appointed 1., the
Coverpdr upon advice at the Min..teer&
Ilse Legislative Assembly consists of
th(rt- seye3 elected members. Total area
of cMonr. 20.481 equate miles, with a
population of r.2,654 Europeans, 161 *
Indians end :u9,934 Nadirs.
Durban, the capital uud ddrinelpal nth -
port, had a popubation of 17,984 in 1804,
and Pietermaritzburg in 1891 had 17.50e,
T11r principal export's are wool, gold,
angora hair, bidet and skins and bark.
Coal 1. found and .Ogino sugar growu.
Principal imports: Wearing apparel
uud huberlaabery, flour, heather geode,
iron goods, cotton*, woolens and ma-
South Australia.
Tooth Australin wax founded in 11c56;
the prlu.ut constitution dates from Oct.
24, 11t'dl, Parliament consists of n
Governor, appointed by the ('rowu, paid
iti000 per annum by the colony. .k
L•gislntlee Council of 24 menls•n. 8
members of which retire every ,three
yefirs. 'ILP I,egislutiee Assembly con-
e iets of 54 'members. The area of the
colony is estimated at 9(0,f190 ,egu:ar•
miles; 'inpulatiuu in 1801, :2211.4:11. Ade -
Miele. the capital. ;gel Ste suburbs, has a
population of 144.3,'2.
Principal exports: .wool, wheat and
flour. toper anti copper ore aril wine.
l'riueipnI imports: iron, apparel, cottons,
woollens and mn(hinery.
'flier,. is u large export and import
trade done between the turieus Austra-
lian 4.,lonkea themsetres,' independently
of the item. Reseed „hove. .eke eeteseie-s M18 NAME IfitT1'ld DICTIONARY.
goods exported or in1IN,rted by sea. f
Captain Bored* *ee.,n• P.m owe 11 h a Labor War.
The Tnemnnia (,natitutkm dete•a trona
111*1. The Governor appointed Mt the
(.'rnw-n be odd 1.3:N4(1 per annum by the
e Io.iy. The Legisutive (.uteil is este-
jewel of 11I members shorted for tux
years. The Hunte of Arserhly of thirty-
seven meant ere is piste elective, but by a
lower toile hist.. rehe .reit of 11e• (al-
one witch Macvltmirte is e.tgnated at 211,-
34,1.59 eluate miles; its Population in
Pell was 14I1ji67.
Taamnnlu was n penal settlement from
114(14 to 11153, and a depmdenry of New'- --=
Routh Wales until 1123.
11ollIrt. Slee--tyltr4talt itad_II- mtlttiluti
of 24.911: in 1111 LLapueeston comes next
with 17.111e. • - -
'hv principal exports ere wad, time
ber.11reit• hope, grain, hide,. akirw mei
1aarkW `Sone gold, ,diver and tin L
Principal imports are textile fabrics,
nrtk•ie•s of drew„ art mid mechan'cal pro- r
ductiuua. /ale snt tltiuka. - - _ .
New Realaad.
New Zealand 1s made rep at two prin-
t! islands known as the North and
islaodw besides the Booth or
tewart's Isifand. and small outlying
Listed.. The grout) le nearly 1000 mikes
king and 200 mike *cross at its broad -
set Part.
total arra M eRinr.ted at 104,411
square tidies. The total iiupub*tluu in
11000 was 743.1615, ineksiing shut 110,-
000 Moor{, end 2711 Chinese. There
are four towns with over 411,000 Mthatdt-
ants, viz., Auekland. 51,016; Welling-
ton. the neat of Guvernutcnt, 47,441;
le..hriatchureh. 51,380, and Dunedin, 47,-
The• priueipal exports are wool, gold;
frozen ,twat, hide; and Akins. butter alta
chess•, guns. tallow. Of imports cloth-
ing and material, for clothing Corm the
principal knout, thou iron sod bteel
goods. err and depots, sugar. )'sults.
beer and tobacco.
�e+r •44n4114■d,
The Island is 317 ni$eo long, and 316
mikes in the extreme width, area about
42.200 souttre tail,., IPo.pwlation in 1801.
including Labrador, 202.040.
St, John't, the capital, has a popple -
doe of :51.01110: I1.tb..r (;rnee, 65416; Car
bonear, 4127: Twilling',te, 31185. n311
Bonaviata. ;3.'151. Of the total populn-
Sun :54,71515 were returned at the host
venoms as rumored in the tisheric*. whose
products' form the staple expoideit.135i -
39(1 of copper and ore wen• exported in
11413 and t�ir ll;n rapid r*tlio of the
railway .y ets 1s expected to develop
the mineral retiOa ees of the colony ex
teneively. The principal imlaorta etc
flour. articles et apparel cwt textiles.
hardware, tea, hitter and leather and
heather goods.
Captain, who died the otl*e
day at his reeisk•uee at Flixton. ,Weer
Annear. Suffolk,Was the agent for
Hiath Adair and other lrish land-
lords who beea►ae bottom' during the
land war of the early eighties. It was
111.•1 .surer*lla.
Wer- tern Australia was the last of ,Die
colonies on the eoutioent to ,.brain
suousit,ile thuv*rnutteut, attel the present
constitution datra from Augyst. 1801.
The• (34114raer is ai•p•iuted by It
eriirCrown se in the other co:uui •rt tie
ea,a **1a7 u:. £4000 per aunum.
The Legislntdyl2 Council consists of 21.
'fif+'mt4•r, elected `for six years. •
The Legiaiative Assembly celeiste of
33 members, elected tor four years.
'11ee eatitnatel area of SYe"awv Aug
trelin is 975.920 square miles; the py.t-
Ittion in 11491 was 49.872, but it Net
sinew largely increawd. owing to the r•-
morkahk• diec,yerlcs of mold in the Co,l-
mardl' and other district&
Perth tool Fremantie are the pt'
The 'hist ell„rts are gold, pearls.
MOS 141411. sandalwood, timber. w.sal
and skirt..
Th• import'.. except thane from the ad-
joiniug colonies on the Australasian
evntti►ent. are iron. articles • of apparel.
(sotous, machinery. leather goods end
fools and drink.
. 11e.•r1.44l1ied.
Queensland become a set -governing
colony .len 1839, upon its separation
trent New South 11-als-
Tlw(;orernor appointed by ..tb.
Crown. eeires In salary of £5000 per
autism, from the. (*bitty.
The 1 egishrtive (''ouncil consists of
3939 ns'nhui•rs, nominated by the Crown
for life.
The Legislative Anambly comprises
72 meads -re. elected for threw yeniw.
The estimated aeon of Queensland is
etiti.497 s.tnai• 114 kw. nod it twprla-
ed 81114 Chinese.
Iiri.hane• the cnlaitnt has a Melilla -
tion of 98.6157. The other principal
towns ate It.,•kl::ametre'. Townsville,
March oron.rie (lymph. and Ipswich. -.
I'rinei►ail exp,rts acTose sen are gold,
et. mer. wool. enter. hide; and akin.;
tattoo• and preserved meet.
The chief Inrtarrts are tea -Wee and *e-
nure! and metals and metal goods.
Nen- .oath Writes,.
New flo4ith Wake a the erlcket ofsthe
Australian colonies and Its possession .t
renpousbble gal ernme ret dntc. from 1833.
The Governor. appointed by tlw (%rows.
muives o salary of 17000 per avunm.
paid by the colony.
The legislative Council constitute of
not lege than 21 members Itbere were
tel in Jniw. 1144(11. a.tipoiuted by the
Grown fur life. -
The Lex.hibitive A..•mhty c,ntsins 123
members uud tri.• Pnrtltment. Is triennial.
Pte moo of New South Wales ie rsri-
mated at 310,714(1 egnare mile.. anti the
Population In 1801 wee 1.132.2:34.
Sydney. the capital, 1. niw of the ffneet
-by mass traveler* gold to be the nip
art-httbotw h tie e• • rlrl. It. I4.••nla-
tiertPl in •1895 mea. 4118,519); the other
Principal "towns are Newenetle, But't-
urst. gond-men. Pnrramaita. Broken
11111 nod Maitland.
7'he principal oversea experts air
weal: the 4131411- exports. follow. Mal.
bidets and skins. lenthpr and preserved
and trowel tweet.
The• total ardente of the track., of New
Routh Wale. in 11111.1 we992.416its 121.-
934.781S: 'et{4.
nmowint the import. from the 'United
King,lom nfKreeetrl (n.42i9.107. awl ex-
ports thereto 49.371.418.
The principal itnPOrte from Oversea are
Iron. *pl1ntrl anti haM rtionhery, cotton
cud woollen goods.
obtained itsexistin* oonatltn-
don in -11454.
Tit.. 'Governor it appointed by the
Crown end r.04114s a eatery of £71N1a1
Iter annum.
The l,egi.lstive Comte] is.cttrposeed of
fnrtyeeight members ek'eted hs a higher
fr*nchiee than that which g0*1Me•s the
electors who return the ninety-four mem-
ers whontil he l rmeApetletorlfedart of
N Rnnth Wales.113 e* 1...*tpime-
*tho a
4 err
• at 147.844 ,,ll was 1.140.4eg5
lation at . last retools
when 9377 were Chinese and 596
Melbourne. the e*pha. had leap napalm -
tion of
fal towns in 1806.
Ballarat. ileedi�gry
ilhendhniotl. °.yens. Warrn.al4enf ata
The principal nrtlelte of err• e1er;Pr•
Ara are. gee and foamed, w 'sits
4014nd sued w�sea
di, atrite said r gher
w s`�
dbring itis rvgideoce let Lost* -Mask,
Coupes Mayo, that the term "boycot-
ting" origiu*tal, when, in the course '4
hie duties. he had t, serve notice, tie
some of the tenantry. Laborers trfureid
to work for him, traders would not
supply his waMm. and everything. ap.r1
from actual violence. was done by the
native, to drito hien nut of the 0otttn-
tR. Himertf s landlord. he wee driven
to great Straits. and his wife *ud he hal
to do their farming themselves. Theal.
however, the Ulster men came to the
hecue and did the whole of the work
for them. Captain Boycott ontltved the
9n -indite agafiwt hitq, and herame
popular even with hie former enetnk-a.
A few years atm he removed to Suffolk.
He leaved a widow, but no children,
Lite of the New Chief .,jJ4g;r A>lpaSLb
J ode's.
The Value or 'arsenal sweetens
He who is reeouroeful la thought mad who
aooust.we hiseeU 1e both element mmd'seri-
ees refeotlom, had .o seed to dread retire-
ment, or regret the obese,* of eompaay.
He is never leoely. Hs enjoys at times the
sooaely of others, and nada n1 • reesule sad
anvaotageoue to compare otitis, or to impart
tame void tnform.tlon, but he is neither
restless nor dt.00ntenad because uouuental
amocwtloa L not at bead. He who is given
to oomplaluta because he has to be alone.
show. that he ts mo empty vessel Moot.Sly
as well ace .pirttually h. bee very ;leader
supplies upon which to draw 11 le wise,
than, to Corm hahlt* of reading and nada*,
tam, to store mind and heart with the best
that ma be galbtmd from observation, trout
study, from experience. from nature and
from grace, and to live virtuously' and
soberly, so that we may have delightful and
proflabls oompentooehip within ourolves
wbioh will serve us la good stead whoa out
off from outward tutaroouree.
A■ Agway .a raper.
The lariti.h army looks well on paper,
says the London Coot Journal A000rding
to the latest rotary, the army at home and
abroad musters the very respectable total ot
221,000, exclusive of the Hususyes. Of thati
number nearly 106,000 are at home, about
76,000 in ladle, 4,000 in Egypt, the remain-
der being distributed over the liediterrao-
sn garrisons and the ooluois1. At home in
round namhers, there .re 26,000 troops in
Ireland, 4,000 in Sootlend and 76,000 in
England and Wales. The Bengal oowmand
h.s the greatest share of thu 76,000 men in
'rho. 41•triot takes up 24 000, the Pan j.ub,
20,000 ; Madre. and Harem, 14,000 ; lion•
toy, 16,000, tri• remainder being on pea.
sere. In South Afroa there are about
6,000 moa, The g•rrisrn. s6 Gibraltar and
Mala abseil over 14,000 with, the Wert
ladies .pool3.000; the Wet Afrbcea vol.
o.ies, 1,000 ; Hong King. nearly 3,000 ; the
Btmite ..$U.s •Sts, 1,500 ; Coyle. ether
more', Meerttius, 1,000 ; Reline, Nova
300111, 1.500 ; Bermuda, 1.500 ; Cyprus,
150, and St. Helen., 300.
*NMI MI osl_e.. War.
Seeesellmage ago an effort was made to
oolleot all the obimney pweepera in the 0)ty
et Dahlia, for the pare of Education.
Among others came • lit e- fellow who was
asked if he knew his lettere.
" Oh. yes, sir," was the reale.
"Do you spett”--.-_.
" Oh, yet, sir," was again the answer.
" Do you read?'
"Ob. yea, sir.
"Aad what book did boa learn ,rem ?"
"66, I never bad • book in am lite. aro"
0ed who was your eobeelmeetr'."
b, I Dever was at school '
Here was a singular. cue a boy who
oould read and spell without a book er
master 1 Hat what woo the foot? Why,
mother little sweep, a lath older than him•
telt, had ta.vbt his tooted by showing him
the letters over the shop doors which they
Pawed as thy went through the pity.
Has t.aober, then, was another little
sweep like himself. and hie books the etgn
ho.rda nn the houses. Wbet may h, done
hy tlpeg? " Where there is • will there is
• way.;' -The Myrtle.
newish the Meese reel.
" How to keep the hones cool in summer
is • grave problem." writes Mrs. S T.
in the July Ladies' Home Journal.
"During he hot months the hou.%is much
more livable if srtifloial heat ore be cut
down to the minimum. Um the stove surly
is the morniag, prepare dartain foods the,
1ii1 keep well sod avoid the t.0.011ty of a
hig tire during she net of the day. Bare
floors are very mach more pleasant in sum•
mer than straw matting. though the latter
Mr. J Holmes. who has just bees ie preferable to carpets or rage When ,one
aupNoee•d Ito 1 Justice of Appeal in Ire-
command • writer ,apply the hoose is
011.14the leis Lord -Justice measurably cooled by redobingthe temper.
harry. Ile _ said be one of the tare of thepevewleat and grenade around by
ludo* ou the edoeut mit
Brittain The sew Irk& judge sit tip, copious sprinklings. A goodly stream of
ppp�tt Re 'W a nate acme air eh0a1d htl'ttltuwW xteweew throwerlrbshmnh, .- wits educated' .in the the entire hoose morning and evening. Tb.
diner old of Dublin Unlveri►ts. hot air et midday will modem* quietly ea
anti toot' t law course iu a Maws \of cold walls and cause moul4l and dampoese,
several g mrB who have mince Ire cewe meetly it should not be allowed to en•
tie 1)ntdi ban -Otero and sharp 'mer coy portion of the hoses. All the room.
witteed - w Pre j i. Imblin and e1M•wtie: r.
He web ;, tq the bar at the King's is 1ho heats should be kept scrupulously
Inn fll and became i}_ _ n
becher in seat and alma,
lS79 t ttyyrpe net IIII 1L�s that he " If the outside temp.ratere is not •p-
becvne,,m (12 's co*m1e4, 141uv t*iPUta preo'ably lower at night than daring the
rryokily beteg* him to the s nurture of day, it in almost impereible to keep softie.
the {�rti In his native city. 'From sully oomfort.ble to obtain e•oass•ry rest
IIc4t fb i f f Riledi $f, pont ' Ro The sleeping rooms may be 000led by place
lirknes(Ietierral r7. 18143, b ream as 'later,
1814ti. t�R ,�nt�ptrry. 1RRtI, be 'mesa Atter- ,Sat in the centre of each a tub two-thirds
peed"sou+. $dor Ireinnd, Thea SBL jell of oetL, or better, Ito water. This will
1ehnes muse ter Pai4ierrteet as the re- Agora the beat of the room in a few hours,
_ Sett will be found particularly belpful where
f theft are ehil,ren. If the treat 0ewtlmoes
during the night the ohang►og of the water
will pre,erva en even temperature le the
room. Alt your cellars at night where it u
possible. Close them at nine in the morn-
ing, sod they will be cool and dry the entire
rammer. Bsrleptions to this role are on
woody day,, se the redid motior of the air
done set allow etwdendenmtion. Resp the
ocher perhotle Mean and froth. Frequent
orate of wbitewoh with plenty ret lime are
of. 114. greatest value in summer."
Milt �I;N1'I(;Y IIOLM11a.
gins ns �ela �lwhflA t Mverslty, • and
W He eat for that interest
front nbl to 114814. In the latter seat
be aranniptsbr a ja.tlre of the Quren'e
Mtia't nt•,slretrsrnl. Among other MAere
be IMPfiII'4I 1. thnt of Privy (:oxuaeillor.
tri��tt jte• was attp4fnted In 1885.
deka alp Sloths ►t not a *ever, judge.
and ea ' tuitions) to enjoy a jolts nn oonn-
asl or eve. stn the chart, when the op-
portaajterprrus'nlg itself.
T*o Melt we ta.14..
The sachet) of entreat 4* mating hells
of Ijrgp sem, for Aimee OP given tones •
is An srjtitt 4140 thlektwse M the ring
Inst udde J)ls month of jib. 1* e tart-
y t. Lt peeper ing tit. mold for a
host ey len of thbe rent. or extol
1h• e maitre nk
and the elt wt
a slant ellnreth.r ore
the Tried the New alewat.
limy stet in the dew store. and the I.1est
isomer throw tip ha beetle in amassment.
,aye The Chicago Those -Harold.
"precious "oedema, Gw.doblne 1" she
exclaimed exaltedly, •' what wader the ow -
trey aro yes Bp be newt You have the
h.:114")61011 eft I ever Sew: yogi aha is
, yoa, shook oat. and Gwesdoltee
£rstNroag, I verily believe you bare bees
bailee 1'
The dilapidated girl replied
' No," etre said dej.etedly. " It's the
wheal." ' Bet I thought yea Warmed two
yeses ass," eiaonuted the other girl woe.
Bs I did." sea the doleful response,
"M1 le wee dos rear's mount that did la
Yea Wow Edwin lather& of mane! Well,
the ether rtraskag be called sod he did mode
his Mit tet if the sew '97 mese* 111 wee
so fVSMIel and pteety. He bid we hew to
de to • Yea get yet" left pedal levee,' he
kept saying. 'sad pat pear tel* Leet es it.
Thee yew with a little speisg. sed ae that
hes awes dove yet *ohm year Hilt feet
eves i heel d se
the ,addle d them yew
gra Yee loth b b . little coda. Met'.
a13, iteii 140 girt wise instate that wed is the
WW1.* Mature to the 30+14.'
sal ,tial.. tth►vklwrs of " Wali Is/ ew
lled«3 sm.y,.ad r.. slwys
1.14 ' -. h..g •lel to do a.ythiet with a wheel
Wily. when i gist loathed te ride-"
Raitsteis(tMMia ,.,,,p.. t L ksnw, 1 hoot.," interraeta t the Nlfe
It 24..1166 ewe
:at t
teesatea 11101111.
'iN'v3 - - rn
lel Sint~
istarestedly• " bat bow •M.t this
Did yob merest right .sr,, rlra ttwef.t,.,***PPM*n*pe,snet the metiers! rlr Dodd's Kidney Fills
+ •._.., �,.._.
soda- 'd ".led miatoblag
d her alma
tiewwet. Always Cure Drppaye
av/ wtiewatins• ' ser i s 11 NI fl llif
"8o will 14 " sold the other girl, symp•th•
.Wally,batthe war -worn dowel saw thew
thing esepielons in the hams with weeps
she led bar wheel around the merest comer,
sad smiled oompraheadlmgly at the drug
'yUive her that oombmallos of Notation
madirdea that you mixed for me when she
theme batik," she mid amusdly, "and tell
her t0 pat • lot of It In 1.0 her o.tb instead
of tryt.a to rub leis. It much meter and
for Ito palotal."
And she left the store with a bappv smile
ligbtenmg the the•ideroloud whtth ear•
rouuded nee black eye.
Cheated 31nisell.
The dry bot weather for the last three
weeks causes many farmen"to wonder wby
th.y gat so little milk, wahe lambs do
not grow se they shoulaisd why those
Moors dost put on more flesh. They all
know why sad my the'paytare is poor, bat
some of them have themselves to blame. 1
will give you an lusacoe. A friend ot
mote bad a tremendous hay Drop. 13je ran
(11. mower early aid late, bad to est it all,
you know, and bad it in bares and stoke..
Now he 'Nuke lie hue done well, lint I
dcn't, In the Asst place, while he wee
waiting for his bay to grow bre cows ran
short of pasture and dropped off one -bolt in
their milk, so he leu lost four pounds of
butter a day, or, say about 200 in two
soothe, and u his fields are bars now sod
he omnuos br1Dg bis °owe beak to their tall
Bow, you ,tan add 200 pouade more 0A to
this as his tot.l loss during the summer.
This amwpt of butter would bay his bast
field of bay, and he would have the oath in
his pocket, and the cows would not have
soma more than half of it, the groucd
would he t.,tter, as there would be a mulnh
on ft, sad then be would not have had to
pay out money for help to out the bay and
moose. Besides all this, be did not need
over otw-hair the hay he cut, and I have
keewn him to have hay stand out in the
stack two or three pion. Now this man is
called s good, is oarelul and works
bard, but Imre io o4• of the times he mimed
it. Now how many men did the mons
thing, end have done it and will again.
There is a loss of money besides labor and
the weer of machines. If we want to make
money those times we must tbiak and pion,
and this brings rep another question. A
neighbor who milks eight cows Dame over
b -hos IDS find 1014 ma what they received
net from the sight last Booth, and m i hod
jest received. returns for my butter, I saw
that four of mine would equal their eight.
Now we both receive the ease price per
pound. but there was something wrong with
their cows or m►namem•at, and I know
they have promo good oowm, some ten.
Wood Jerseys. That not disonnraged and
talk of 'goyim( the farm, and hardly know
U it. pays to keep oows. The mores of ibis'
is that there u a leak that they ought to
find and stop. P.rbaps they have one oow
that does not pay for her keep, or they may
sot feed tor milk. They ars on the wrong
track and ought to etch at cage. Don't
cheat your cows or they will cheat you.
(le LLD rutD,
"Have tried others, bat like Ayer's beet"
is the statement made over and over again
by times who testify, to the benefit derived
from the nae of Ay.r,e Sarsaparilla. Discos.
had • greeter enemy than this power-
ful blood purifier. 1t makes the weak
Brussels : Geo. Rogers, sr.. has hien ap-
pointed • General Agent of the Standard
Life Insurance Co.. with headquarters at
The schooner Clara Fossil arrived to port
on Saturday with 300,000 facet of lumber for
N. Dymout.
While oro,sing the loge the other day •
breakwater job employee fell through and
got. ducking. '
" Mamma, was that • surer -plum you
just gave me!" asked !trite Mabel "No,
dear, it was nee of Dr. Ayer', Pills."
" Please, may I have another ? " "Nob
pow, *fear ; one of thole Bice pills le all you
seed as present, because every does iseffect-
4..m? TO ORDzali •
ifrapper Competiiioc.
JUNE, 1897.
Th. following are the:winners In IN.lrkf
he. 1. Western Ontario.
lJr. John Hey, 429 Adelaide W.
Mr. James McGrath, 193 Seaton Street,
Torou to.
Mr, 1i. 11. Powell, 416 Spadioa Ave.,
Mr. Cyril Maltby. /Ioatan' Fella South,
Mrs. Johnston, 239 Palmerston Are., Tee
Mr. Roy Andrews, Aurora.
Mr. Arthur E. Wilson, 103 River 8tteat,
The alcove eusupettal.. *111 tie eonstem-
ed emelt scuta •( 1:N7-
LliVER BIROS., (limited) Toronto
The Kensington Funi.ture Co.
LIe lied, bate mado arrangements with
ot W..' -.t. to carry s full line .g their goods,
The public can get -t-
Furniture at Factory Prices
from him, and by doing so keep their money
in town, and have a good chance of getting
scene of it back by supporting Home Manu
All goods ot the Company's make are tally
guaranteed he Stem
lluchaiifluii 1 Rhiyiias
D41313/1 In all kinds of
Aad NOW' material of mega dsetidgami
School Furniture a Specialty.
Summer is here.
iso De prepared to meet it with a
good Hat or Oap when it comes.
We hada put in stock all the Latest
IStylea of Spring
K ALL Sr«1LMa•-1/11114 t, a14 550.
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
LM aim Orem at*i�K
tri 5
WRITE' /OR pig
d0t IOfs a..
waaeomv Av aaraun TORONTO
awes w
I have been troubled for three
years with Dropsy. Could not
get any relief. My limbs were
swollen to a size I could not
rest. Z was advised to Ouse
. Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have
only ratted two boxes and I am
completely cored. I have no
objection in allowing you to
publish this *o as to help othets.
I remain, yours,
Ottawa, Ont. %
which for malty and piis4� MPS be
equalled. In stock' ars nnalevola tis
sortmenta ot the latest in •
C. R. SHANE & 00.
Th. reliable Has atsd larsishiaq Emplodar
Cor, 1petition,
13trt� PAeleto It4ILwee (b
W hags setabllebed to give the
a.sseata mom
moviwith fair and pee
It fs ttaagag.d os burns, tenth/lee and la
fereet of l . paoae,
deserv'ee the unmet of even ponsallie
h nem boa.
Ihr gimlet despatch wee Oslo
lisee. ewaa•eting with all lifter asst
1t in/se� states. Canada *ad Sumac.
Mete through wires to all points la the
Iforthwest,Rrttieh ('olnmbfe sad Nettle CNet
One. -South Ride WWsst--wt,,
t ss Bgsa.Ret: G $*.I.4
The pilailOilE
-- ,
?Mom ow 'rte w *!lin nT.
Tleasaat, rine* and 11/04111Afw1
Ooarsoued ,0 (pare
R sum.ttaut
Rebaelea, Lomb/ego.
Goat .ad
A sere thee de
Headaeb., Disnises
Cerettmoan*, Isola
mattes, R/Hnas*.m,
Beighta Doses,,
Diabetes, Parolee's.
l:os ruleir.ns, 'Hem%
Dieese t. rte., etc,
seansibt bttidil en ■ mo ! gait w beret
Bela to 9oillieh tlllty b7 IlliMminin