The Signal, 1897-7-22, Page 22 TIu1IMDAT, July 22, 1897.
Best infootwear
For Men and Women.
Tho bathers a thi. store te Detag built on meat. Peloe,la
• ooa•iderasioa in buyer shoes, but • small lance for somts-
thing tr•eby m•v maim • deer shoe. You o.0 depend on
quakty here. We do • large oboe trade. Jest now priors
ea Moss of
are lower thou what Vets think. Won't you have • pair of
GREEN SHOES? 'rhsy are the taunt.
Your Repairing iS well doh if spit to us.
tluooe.sor to H. H. POLLOCK.
r _ TAE ONAL : G c1DEflh1 1 e'" ONT RLn.
OLD HOMES. the agat jumped oat, dragging the oath
box after him.
.y JAa1W uci. UwLL. "Shall have to Lave this hero tonight,"
Fond memory otttimes ueune to ivy he explsioed. " Bad washout. at Tamarack
turned, !'reek. three miles down, and we can't gN
So Itytagly it olfnge to rained claves through to Sabine possibly ; order* the to
Whore youthful hearts and lips and eye.
once burned,
run back at once. Have wired to cheating
And where they've left behind a few sad to seal m -p down 1,y the reed and they'll
truces. be here soon. I Val be all rsgbt ; uobody else
But there cermet be found no spit oo w1:1 know the scud a here. Come, we'll put
To w ,ich it. tendrils cling, through all
the morrows,
More close then to the home that gave us
With all its scenes of our Bret ic)s and
The garden gate : the ov•rnangmg trees ;
The neigbleriog forge, with rt) harmon-
ious clinking ;
The woodbine porch that fed the fragrant
bees ;
�be wmd:rr brook where all the kine
stood dr; .:og.
These. these ere aheeished memorise teethe
:-,;.tea Thlit, bloodies with too sweet, pale. far-
rowed foes,
$old all our bower being to control.
- - - ]Cab make Old Homan the hetYla4__.S
THERE was s little old-fashioned
sate in the depot at Damphrey's Glen, but
everyone knew that it never 000teioed soy•
thing of special value le served well
enough to hold the books and papers of the
caste and • little loose ohenge, there wee
prwtioally no business done at Dampby's.
If it had been otherwise the station would
never have been lett in charge of • more
girl like LOOK Stearns.
Ffteen years ago it was quite soother
story, At that time Dampby's Glen wait in
the midst of it) boom a a prospective sum-
it ler tis safe for you "
So Las upsoed the mete while the agent
with tete help of • brakeman brought in •
box. It was • snug lit, though she palled
out all the books to make room for 11 Thee
the man I, corded the train which slowly
backed un the Roe until it was out of sight.
The girl re-entered tee depot, locked the
door, threw • fresh supply of coal oo tb.
tire •sd waited aloft tor the
from lbs mills. An hour p••e.d, sad
another. and .bother at last the hand ot
the elook stool at 11 end still they had net
John Sturgis was sitting alone in the
ticket aloe at Pine Ridge. TM:manta of
I Lens were uppermost to his mind—a thing
not unprecedented—but tootght hi• heed
was full of fancies. He knew about the
oash bot, for he bad spoken with the ex-
press agent as the !rein booked through
" I'm afraid the girl was worried about
that money,' he mimed. " Stet isn't need
to that sort ot thing. Bat it can't have
been in her bands more hen half as hour."
The telegraph at hie elbow was clicking
in an uneasy, irregola_ seinen, but he had
warcely nottoed it. All at oboe the ',goal
sounded loudly. This was followed by an
aniotelligtM. n tle ; eves his praotiad ..r
could hake •othiag of it.. Then, after •
moment's silence Dame words—broke and
fluttering—but fa itis quick apprehension
they sounded fiTte sa •rtloulats cry.
mer resort ; and when Lapa'e father bought 1 -0-0-0—Help !" then • oonfusioo of
the barren little plot ot gravel and bare'. clicks—and again the instrument seemed to
mate upon which be had erected his cry Ont : " F—O—.ave—L—"
_Ue apraag to bis key aid Wled he Who'
graph hot he e..M get no reeposos. The
wires seemed badly out nt order. He w as
much alarmed. Something esu wroog—
horribly wrong—at Damphy's Glen. It
would not do to state time.
He ran otit of the depot. '• Look after
things', Mao." he called to the byggage mac.
His h:cyole wee leaning against the build-
ing ; he had brought it out that day ter the
first time ciao• Winter set in. With •
quiok posh and • leap he was in the caddie,
boaodinr along the dim, (rosea road.
Terre—yge -fee- 41.10f•
seemed woudertully Jamison& Bet
lipht was fitful ; there were moments when
all seemed burred in darkness. Tbenrth%
landscape bnghteaed its if the moon had
emerged from behind • cloud. But there
was no moon ; he knew that the moon
would not ries till morn., was near.
The railway alto eA the foot of the hill
but the F6.d ran straight over the summit.
By strenuous effort he had already resobed
the crest sad tb• herd drive wheel leaped
forward with a ksah burst of speed as 11 H
felt the downward slope.
.tele, be bad pea for it at Ne rete
front foot and had trouble gettlag it at
that. Bat be bad died long since, broken
in fortune and in spirit. 'Che big dis-
mantled " Senitoriam " os the bill wag
utterly abandoned. Half the glass In its
dark, dirty windows wea broke ; squirrele
married over the sagging verandas : the
warping ahmgles blew down from the root
in every storm ; the eaves were • hive for
wasps and hornets. The streets that were
•o Hopefully laid out led nowhere. " Park
Avenue " started well but soon loot half
name hung askew from its rates pest, held
by cps rusty nail.
'The ster•,how.ver, was rept shier there
was still a little ooantry trite. yes.
Stemma lived with her dant/titer is ton
upper story, and managed to sell, or barter,
aoroes the dingy oouoter, oottoo, thread,
nails, mol•esss and potent medicines Bough
to pay the interest en the mortgage and
live. Lena, who we sow sivhtesn, had to
do eometbiog of °ours* ; and alio was no.
nistahably • bright girl and had methanol
bookkeeping and telegraphy, else easily ob-
tained the unimportant position of statism
agent at Dumpby's where she sold half a
dose° tickets a week, flagged a train when
tbere was • passenger, aid boarded at
Lees ones net •sly bright and efficient, but
decidedly pretty. This fact tied hao dee
oovered by Joh° %Durgin, the station agent
at Pits Ridge, ten miles above ; it was •
earn of regret to him that he esu eat the
city discoverer. As it was he perversely
*reed hie hitt en the well stocked storeo
at the ridge sad did a enspioioas amount of
tradiov at the GI... H. •leo did more
omMer•phint at times than easiness seemed
to require The wires meat have felt a
queer thrill as some of them messages
ps's•al them—though the word. were as
trivial anal remote from the .etimeate they
voiced as in say other rustle courtships.
Though searoely any money ever (nand
leftmost is Dsmphy'• ltlen, • good deal
psesad through it. About 20 miles below
wore the great saw mils at Sebald" Falls,
..4 every week • great rah box was .z•
ferese .bthithertrom the oity to pay the me°.
The train whlob eenveyed 11 however,soarae•
ly ever stepped at the little flat statin : bet
Mere WW1 the °.table ezaeptioe.
It was abbe. the waddle of Mare% sad
Nosey nine had stripped the hills of their
wtilte Whiter steaks. "They're jam like
folks who lay off their wraps the sena."
thought Lease. dragMag bee Seamy " hales-
alonter " more deal, about her seek sad
•boeMers--fer the sky hod cleared ad the
Me was Nowise treety—" They leek as if
they wars eI- /°g their death D1 sold."
Rho was siesilltha se No platform w•tgh.
tag the belated express se H wended the
ewes Te her serpries it .lowed sad sass
III • step, *ash elle had see Sawed ere
es deg M • flee olid opts sad
aid gimbal cheeks, labia* straight dews I
the bleak amok Ota pieta Nae • ►•Io des-
perado was holding alone* her lose-
" Yon uelgsk that tele rigbt quick and
an seea••eg." he was seethe.
"1 west; I na't," arced feta.
Th. Oboe 'strafed, a seedy little fellow
wed thin ftp. ad hatchet tape, wee at the
sale examining the look. H• tanned to-
ward the vial.
" To might as well ins trouble," h
said. " We know what's hen mad we're
voiag to bare it. Tats is Ws., uoder•tend,
we sheet hurt ye if ye behave."
The girl glanced at him wit% angry con-
tempt Her blood was tootling.
"Tners ain't going to bent) one to help
ye," the fellow oo.t.aued. " The reed,
bridge is down-- tweet away by the treatise
—bpd the fellers from the mills won't get
her. vet •white. Yer m•1 too tar off and
she ain't no rood asyway. Wive got to
have that k, y fur we ain't got se tools
handy. Be lively now. We kin be rough
it we halve ter."
With a sudden motion Lana pulled the
key from her apron pocket. The big ruth•o
snatched at it. lowenng the metal a he did
to ; but with the quickness of a oat eke flung
the little pied. of steal through the aped
door ot the stove. where it slipped down
'wring the Glowing ooals. The fellow
naught up the poker and plungewt it into
the red-hot mass, but while hie heck was
turned sho had darted across the room sod
jerked open • drawer.
"Throw up your hands, you sooundrel."
The command Dame in a hoarse roar from
the open window. Tl wheeled.
saw • tierce livid fees glaring in from the
outer gloom, saw also a leveled wespon,and
suspected more behind. He dropped his
pistol sad obeyed.
Ltyiog his loft hand en the sill John
Sturgin leaped through the windnw with
one b dund.. There is no record breaker like
love an anger in things athletic. Meaa-
while the looser villso was struggling wttb
fsetesings of the nearest window ; but
When he glanced over his shoulder and
caught the glint of soother revolver in the
hands of Leos, as she stood ty the .pen
drawer. h. desisted.
"Give it up," he said cooly. "Ye got
mom sure, little seri; though how them fel-
lers got across so quiok beat. me. Now
don't gat nervous with that pepper .t
yearn ; I'll rest soy, w' I eia'c got no gun'
"Give to. your p'.tol, Lwow," said Star -
gin. his voice stili quaking with eseitemenh
"Now von two brutes stand her., faoe t•
the wall, hands up. Lena, please sand •
mes.ege t hronvh to Grandport for • tri
and • pow.'
She sent the message as she was hidden ;
bat the ate•dbeees bad gone from her hand
end the Dolor from her cheek. Sh• telt
feint ; she threw opad the door and gazed
a9 the track: The night had grown very
dark, though • fllmp veil of auroral light
still flitted now and then aoroes the starry
bsckgrouod. At length the rumble of en
raging was heard —II welcnme pound to
S)turgia woo** $oma were s' palsied wttb
weariness and nervous twee that he oonld.
hardly bold the pistol,. It was jest ••mlti:ell
thea his prisoners were so placed that Huy
oould not see hair. Soon, however, they
were in the bands ot the deputy a1 eriff and
the strain wits over.
Sturgis sat holding bath Lena's hands in
hie. " I can't uuder,tsnd it," he said.
" Hew didlt heppeo, dear, that you tele.
graphed me for help so long before:these
villi.oa reecbted tb. depot'.'"
" I telegraph '•' she cried. " Why I
aTd-a"'t";'T'coa'7aii t, Thad°
chane.—until after you tame, joie is the
nick of time and saved me, John." lee
" Aot 1" 'oltelaimed Moly Mae, wbn was
ataadia*by, "It'll be them northern lights
done it likely. You knew what a fiddle -
faded. they'll make 'long b' the wires, as;
set all the soaa'er. clackin'. Aa I'm think•
in'. Sturgis, somebody's wbim-wbems dons
the rest."
"It we a menage straight tram Rano.
murmured Loupe.
Aad douhtl..a both she sad Mao win
The Brant A,.waat SEMIS/ for she Weed
Dia by els WaWr Haitlothet
Compart•ew .1 Sintliteree CenewiaMow
All Over the woild-
The ettfautity of tobacco euasumod au -
nuttily by the civilised nations of the
earth, its tot and its er(recet upon health
and character is the subject of an ia-
tetteating usticie it) a recent usuub.* of
Thr Loudon Niuet.reath (.)eatery u+[elt►-
sine That the cunaumptiun a (uhacui
le ttwn•asiug match taster than petiole -
tion 1. u well-kaowa tact and i fury
be exerting r rtidual and ilnperoe etihle)
Wilmette" upon haitlo and dbardetnr- Of
the latter there is not mach decisive
pion! mid authorities con be gwrt"l un
both aides. But of the harmful effect
of iia —co there le uuturtiutately too
tomb cvideace. Under these tieoutu-
stuuter it is perttwat to know bow the
tobacco habit has graven, what t; Dusty
cud what its effects d:,e.
ler 41(41• the consumption of tobacco in
Britain and Inejtod &venni 'i
tbirte'1•u and three-fourths ounces to titch
inhabitant. Fifty ye(trs later, or it) 1491,
this ay.eerage had 1ncre,sed tcartwenty-mix
uuacea, and "in 1,485 it was eatiwuted
that the consumption was at the rate
ot.two pounds per 4iliobitaut. ILow this
cuusunuptiun in (heat Brittain awl Ire-
land rotative* with the conaumpttoo in
other tvwatriepr can tmi stifleitem tine
(flowing: The average. consumptiou per
inhabitant In the lenited Scatty la esti-
united nt fear pours a, eight Dena'+: it '
(lemony three pmfds; in Austria th
',tenet+ eight ounces: in France two
l) tetMl+ 014e antes in Iteumark three
pounds seven ounces; in Itehriuw three
pounds two ounces; is Italy, Hu•,ia aad
Spain one pound roundels, and in
Holland ' .en pogsds per idtnbiiaiit-
1f thew' figures are egns.t•t tit' Americau
on ektat mar.' tobaoso than assn Wee( n•-
ttumrltty axe pt tbA Dutch.
The tonna! cost of this immense tittan-
tity art tobacco is thtighly eestitinttri-eeyt
$, or mote thaat jwo-thirds
as large ns the pprnincipal of the national
Great debt ,f Gat Britein'and neatly threw
Mute ns large tia tete debt of the United
States waw in 1S9O. Tobacco uostr Malt -
land and Irs4 ud enfant park000.osYi a
i ear. It is doubttall If the writer is The
Nineteenth Century Place. the consttm1so
lien of, tobaee+o'in the United States hien
enough, save The Philadelphia .Frere,
The rapid incietitie to the Wee of cigaar-
etteri in recent seams has matte ail part
etatiatics naives as Le. the weepiest. eun-
.umption nt the weed. Prune publish-
td.hglirne it is kuOwn that in-4SW there
were only 1,566,802 cigarettes roll in
the United States and in 1584 tally UK, -
..9 -15.140 were mild. But in 18011 this
awmhrr bad increased to 4,0I$ , 39V3,
or 41100 titmeg more than were sold Ht
1911P. The retail cost of the cigarettes
sold brat year wise S'3,A40,1fu-76. lei
the sameethwcnte-eght yearn the ante .f
cigars ha. Inere•aed from 81)O.'S.'ti,iett to
4 , 7.7,.5,943. The great difference in
t twat of • chutes rebels,• It iwiwd.aibk'
to •'eeiti ate their coat, but when ttwe
are added to the cigarette++ suet toburwe
need in other forme ft tent,.( probable
that the English writer has placed the
consumption in the republic too low.
As to the effect of tobamd on health
there ere varying authorltic*. it it
ensy to analyze tolaceeo mud find m:.ay
deleterious eketiaents in it. Carb.gnie
acid antmonia, lime water, nicotine sate,
rein nye nit there, bid when It COMPS
to prove the luerntlesieefett of these sub -
stale -en upon the health of grown .mets
the tnek is not so they. unless' tuham° ie
need to -cecinas. Sir Benjamin K. Rob -
Mann, one of England's bent -known phy-
'detamt tad !nett of science. hail to can -
fetes Wendt defeated when he st Mike-.
took the Tarr; 'wb11e other aiaoPn in-
vestigators' have contended that the nee
.1 tnbacey, Ip moderate quantities is bene-
ficial. Op oar point. hpwev.'r, there is
no dhapnter, and that hi an to the harmful
•ffee•ts ref entoking cit the young. Bir
It. W. ltiehardaon mass: "With boy. the
habit ii pie is ogle. and wrong as it is
ditwnetlnR early 'piper' loste hie
growth, /orations bane. e'ff'ete. Inge anal
stunterl." In tbl. °plukm n11 playlet -ems
one does lout nerd dpeesem e, coincide. And
oie des the physician to
j.nd effect of,the dignrettq
habit on the growing boy and young
As to the effect of tobacco on tem-
perament and -character tate author
Suddenly the air seemed full of miry light,
as if Mooed with the glow of the dawn.
Though he was now runnier at a break -
nook pace he rlanoed upward. The sky
was aflame with the flickering p.onente of
the aurora bere•lis. Near the bortso• ley
• bank of dusty hast, through which the
stars gleamed faintly. Above it wavered •
• phoephoresosot'metal° wbieh shivered so
shaken by gusto of wind from behind:which
tnddv streamers shot np to the very zenith.
Mid flickered and waasd and brightened. It
was a magnlficeni display ; bet se the de-
eesot wat becoming steeper every moment
be esu obliged to keep his ayg fixed on$tbe
He won pew running down ibe rough
tr•ok with • violence that almost defied
control. The overstrained tobiog g•vs en-
der les weight to the very limit of Its
etreovth ; the martins heaved and palpt-
Iuya like • frightened horse tad shied
wildly amid the rota asel stones that he
could not avoid. At the 'harp tarn in the
road he .but eat so Nr that he h11 the hied
Woe elipptag on eco ley .do. •ad barely M
need pluaging down the smb mkmast,thes
the depot flashed lob view.
After that the Moyela mast have ohmage
1M owa thorn for Stores wash*,eeasobee
.t guiding it For the sash was raised and
against the yellow lamplight he saw the
dark matins of • ,as erawltag through the
°psetar. mother followed.
The last had an•reely dleappsarsd whoa
his wheel e•m. M • atop in the deep .and of
the station yard. He dripped frees the
meddle, nailed • 44 -calibre ranee, from
hie pallet tad apnea to the wiefese.
T . these .assisted of • slagle nom : the
ala grid tJ 1111Yjp.Aha wise se fife
tails tics Is the middle a the drag
odooml Les" Yolk f11b'tlltmt ul lM1Np
eat. atrr tae » Sl .04
• Are ..orad w .steers. Perol$r.
It I Mut uutlkely !het the claalnl*i
WCI'ii a ttt! ye µwuuiyttured by our
.usjurlty Df e ' bit briar neat ear.
Tbtrv'�aa treoa%utlk of even a puaritieltty
ler two last tee yeas, butlwwccnb altuw of
eyclet has aero tout a reWliammis, with
Ne intormattou tlt* the mactalu ey
needed to wake them fur the
would panel their being on male fox
some Ouse.
Prom 14 orinAtlun that has born ideat-
ed from the venues sourced, however,
it tweeters very probable that Wra :'ear
lt*Yt will see them on ale at .eery
Veit s.itwruutti, .ey■ The New Yu:k
lanieJ, It has been stated that cue
u[ the largest makers has bought all
the patents possible (about 701 in reele-
tlun to ebaiakrr wheels, azul will wauu-
factit't them as Ilia leader fur the ye'►r,
with a chained wboel at a 'educed print'.
le 'the veptort is true, it la certain that
tall the other uvtkdra taelll prepare sornt'
kind of n chain/etre wheel for the mar -
Of worse. as has been algal In past
ears, each maker is careful About mak-
lag dtatements as to his succeeding
year's prodeet,'and none of them have
made any uuuuucemeut for 1tifki. Thr
number of inventorw of ebabtsn
Who have mot with suoceelt in lap•'.t-
1ag ofi their' teeteute.however,lead many
to believe titer next year will see itis
nmcb-talked-+4 •thatuleas wheel on sate.
The fine ebaialeas wheel. male its
nppeareo y in this country About five
yews art., but WOO rather mule in eon-
swnction and did net meet with reccese.
It was made on tie Level g'•.' style .tu'.
nttttoutth tzdprrevenwnte were made on
eabh ancrtedirig year, there appeared
some Alfficulty .goat making a model
with a tread narrow enough to Gait the
ridhtg public.
Sinter that time inventors have ale.
voted their time to perteeting lt,hut with
utaeteetain sateen. A number of nwxiege
were etre at the eye* show teat Fel -
mien, but. wkh few exeeptkn)j'. they
could not be termed perfect; either 4w-
1'1050 of tan much friction in the nett.•
oaten, of tete welth of the tired, w•hteh
roe rider. to at By tw'r rike the, fvear it is exnectrd
that it will Iwo nothing'voa of the or-
dinary to gee ehalnheen bicycles en every
mead in the country.
ermines Lha et e.R soa►'-
The treat Northern Railway Qnmpany
has pint seamed a rate of 60 ,.ante
per 100 tads oa seep slush (nam
uethern I'ttcifle coast points tieChicago
and M ppl ..d 3lissonft River
wine'. Some use bas le'gttr•W) a rate
nn this orommodiy, bat thetageloss nut
u1r:it t. be many peupie w o knew
what ,snap slosh is. vee ingeniorta 4u'n-
Neemen said that it was the prudract of
(erten+ small lakes on the Nne oe the
rood that is fitted with a thick eines
water. which,dr eels -bandit aro
washed an it, gigv a lather that would
bring joy to int. heart of any washer
woman or tonsorial artist. What the
hair is washed in the wonderful native
product the head melts with lather till
It takes the prrporrttinna of a .now tte nd-
tain. Sunburn nnrthe tacedvani.hcs as
mist trelr'esthe .idshiru' in June.
"Thc'w'e Wee lane of this: wonderful
liquid," said this vrr•acioue inform -int,
'over nn the Foist Ride. It is a mile
Wag and propo tionallj broad. Du you'
know that we are realty yet in Ignorance
in what we have in this conytgr
Local soap people when asked to &-
floe rend i.'l eabout soap slush, weretion-
ptnaaed. They gave it up. Aootber
party maid that not Wag ago he received
a enriews prodset from Walla Walla. .
kIi*1 a and mixed with ae.ap substances,
Roane whish it was thought soup 'timid
be probably made ben' to supply the
witaherwi widen of the goat comment' la
the New York suburbs.
A last efort--ta-determine aho_rltazae-
ter of temp •.lueb elicited the infonettri tt
that the ,'nnim,dity originated nt Port-
land: probably nt the horse meat can-
nery.—,Seattle Timer.
r MU Iden Maw*. Wends of Pn,u
Mem • New Tsrk 1447 for
e I would Ilk* to add my tesu,uuoy to
that e.f others who have used Ayer's
Iluls, and to soy thin I have taken thou
for Warty years, and alwsys derived the
best results from their use. For stool.
sob and liver troubles, and for the curs
of headache oansed by these dwang,
meats, lie's Pula caaaot be equaled,
The Quandoa of Oesn.
Aid awl mw bicycle riders are great-
ly lntereeted in the question of gems.
Redeem who have need a medium Rear
as.nmc thnt they teed a high genr, and
will frequently jump from eel incehee to
84 inches. This preterite is a nuletune d.
it is ogqly due, aegortliug to rxpetiaeneed
road riders, to experitn ante that • riders
brt�ene perfectly eatia&d. The ro to
ratting element and track riders want
high: negro, retive dns are
yet.enfette Anu
riifer give's him experience as follows:
'1 changed from • (q -inch gear. with
6 1-2-lnt•b crank throw, to a 7'l inch, with
a T 1.4-hrtb throw. the metes) 9u.'h4ni-
cal relationship between crank throw
and geared dlmannter of wheel toeing
about one inch to 11) inches itt sash came.
iTntil I had ridden fifty milea or no, in
short journeys, 1 found that it had a
tendency to try the nineties, of the calf
of the leg. I have now Addeo wane
IMM) er 7(0 miles end Siete the first lift%
miles notice no diffeer'nce as far as com-
fort le concerned. i'Phill there a,t•mt
to be a very distinct gain. On one point
I amt dkttppointed. My lege don't ger at
the pace they once did, and I thought
with the longer cranks and higher gear
I could get more pose on wben on the
level or down an easy slope. i do not
find this to be the eaaee. Uphill. how-
ever, I do gad a very marked improve-
ment In my going. I am able t,, pedal
gtdte as quickly. and so gain the full ad-
vantage of the higher gear. Ou n good
hard road I find I get along much fest-
er. When the roads are muddy or rough
I favor a low gear."
!Dropsy Cared with ase smile.
A greet ours and • great tea ietesy. "For
cgs ears I sufferer)rs.tly from Heart Di- Fluttermg of the Heart sad Smother.
Spoilt, made my life • tannest. I was1C -
aned to my bed. Dropsy set in. My D y-
e folaa told ma to prepare for the wore- I
.ieied Dr. Aenew's Cure for the I0eart—Ons
don gave me groes relief, one bottle mired
the Dropsy tied my heart."—Naw J•ares
Adams, Symms*, N. Y: Hold by J. IL
Railway tr•v.tlpe is obe•pmet in Hun-
gary. It is possible to go from Rada -Perth
to Cron.tadt, • distance of 600 miles for
6.. St, beteg the rate of six miles a peaty.
Jiitrdwood, as expressed le a recent ad-
dress -before the imperial Iwtttnte, the
rt.e of tobacco has changed en�I the
ehavaeter of the Tutk, lie saial : y "In
ancient timate the Arians were a
ceaseelee• aconrge to the iteighboring nae
tinea. They were • referred to by the
prophet Jeremiah as a 'seething caldron'
ever toiling over in fierce and cruel erup
Hone from the mirth. Where are they
now? 'liter have, become the modern
Turks; and tete maleic which 4hanged
them from restless, destructive nontada
int9q the quiet and only too eon.ervatire
srdeotary Tnrka, Von Moltke tells n. in
Id. 'Lettere from Tnrkey.war none
other than the acquired habit of .smoking
tobacco." . There may be some ,Benet'
as to this inference, but it might be well
for the Peace Society to inquire Pato
the matter. and if the claim that the
nee of Upheave le a promoter of pence
la well fonaded, the societymight final
it a most eeeient agent in fart oring
the enhatitntion of srhitratioo for war
la the settlement of international dirt
' ltelleg. =aratrt. Creeping.
trrawline. or Stinging Sitio bimom Relieved
is a Few Minutes by Dr. Age»w'a Dist -
meat —Price 36 Cate.
De. Agaew's Jistes of relieves instantly
and earn atter, salt rheum. amid bead,
•aesalta, alarm, Mooing and ail orepttose es
Write -
this skis. It is .seining nd gnome( •sal
este arke mate is .11 tt•by haws,•, trHt.-
ties et the erdp or rses• deriag teething
time. 35 oasts. boa, Sold ev J. E- bavte- I
A New Yeek genet wee stung is tied
tow. by • sniff isseot. The Mjory wee 1
se ..Mane tines ..,Rees was eogs►.I led t•
eat the mem', wages eat is clads to noel
hie lira
Tow scedldess have hold their grease es
eaooasarnily as Aye's Cberry PntsraL Der.
hag the past Shy leen. It hes hon Hemmen
}ander et all mak snares sad the Aneeed
for it to -day is greater thee ever before. 1
Preempt to ala admire topers.
As Abases sisegyeas et repelled te beet
end, tae alba eco , •t too Myles e1 the
es10 neasat►swweIag-beset: ' If
boys red Ode la dolt operkise Ile *bomb-
es 1 sae aim tom It. I bees a daughter
wham I engin ea the •pile Ilf el erjoi
When eco r a asNehla • e, I 'testa raters
tflN bad lona esertd tat tM been all Old
Vim le • *Mule t
The Nerd ?rade .f . Med.
Turning first soda; laying foundation
stones; opening Widen, hoajitnls,
libraries, museums, and other public
buildings; christening and limonite'
Alpe: asmistiek It bazaar.; presiding st
public meetings and dimmers; organising
fends for besevolont purposes and at-
tending to the prop!, administratloo of
them; patronising a aultitede of leatitn-
tione nod enterprises, and Wring active
hnterest in' their ma.{emcwt and de-
velopment; preparing end delivering ben-
elrteeta of trpereebee; receiving addreaso e.
and replyinr .to theta miewing trn)pe
and Seth: vie tieg bo.g►it.l.: reprreeent•
Mg the nation alp 1hlq+wrtent °remittent
thrnsrbont anomie entertaininrr foreign
royal visitor*: bearing in mind the birth'
flay at every royal permeate'. in (hent
Britain and on the continent, and 'le -
rematching suitable congrntulatious: at-
teading, officially aril nsotllcially, hath,
cements and innumerable tether enter-
ntretainmebnts; performing them mann Beal
varied dullce with minute dirretioh, se
so never to be aaenetsted with a fail-
ure. 'never to Intirfere, directly or ih-
d1rP1'tly with any of the myriads of
pshiie aid private. interests. and never
to •eases friction or en creole aslnimity
—1f this by no means oomprehenalvs
Fetalog°e nt royal (Intim Is not anfecient
rt PFMtf pity, wiste+st wine—Loaetnn
Owgrlaw est Moor is a Jar tow a wbesa
Mims Harriet Lemont raa the s�ec-
tesotsl rummer nn *heel which Al-
bert Hansen esve for the !weft
Ot the Take Wtuhl path. tiles
Lamont tensed that the }ar M tint
eo,Mined 1A.4(IA Mille woe 'not
ten more tbas the r t'l.It> a neltilaN,
n h » 'a
RPM 47:1:7111"91‘.11:
M rviwn tb. mark. !'
yet (len• M • .IUtary anis •
��to bNgw ell .frost abet I
When my tries& telt as. what is the
best remedj for disorders of the stom-
ach. Meer, or bowels, my invariable
answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken iu sea-
son, they will break np a cold, prev,-nt
la grippe, check fever, and regulate the
digestive organs. They are easy to
take, and are, Indeed, tbP best all-round
tangly medicine I have ever known.
Mn. MAT Jouusotr, MIS Rider Avenue,
New York City.
HIsliiost Honors et We1Nes Fah.
Apes 1lrapa,*a Gra d Need .Ulfdtf_
Even U the skunk were the size of •
elephant, b. would prove • p.ym
mate -snow attraction.
1897 • • le a
Proverbs Df t►. tteoreber.
Bidosmers are mica, it matter a felon
--awns more so than others.
The bicycle that goes torr often to the
repair shop will break a savings bank
account at lot.
The beat lib$e•nt for a bleyele is a
molt of well-d.veleped legs and plenty
of lane ea fatity.
It is eu14r oto catch a barn mellow
with salt this to catch the pedalo of :-
rnnaw•ay b:eycle ea a hill.
It fs rot t w'at prope.itton to loon
116 to the man who .aym be keslgrd to
ride a bicycle without faRMg.
The rider who persistently passes pro
pie on the wrong sok w seeking to
nae on hie neridint insurance policy.
Wrwnaee Haupt realise go thnrosghly
tete battdeap of miens 'em when en-
&ovrried to ride against a gale os a
Mao cle.
1`►- .iri who ride a tandem riperi-
eneem, nn imrnenae armee of superiority
In believing that the man couldn't get
siopg without her.
leeseteal *ouvea.
Last whit,, when Ye Indian foOthell
tests froth Q&riI* Pa cone to Ch1 -
ca to Ripe ftp ItP gridironwith their
pa air hero from Wiseetnsin lint-
, the art+ 'into*
ed • great diem of *Unities at the bands
of the yO��atb� womae stadenti of lir.
HA peep et the mute sarronsded nee
of the serenity athletes, ant, batleft
taken him Dritoser, betas to rrbrs-queea-
11 nee," remarked sae gashing. raAi-
eeemtwret, 'bbl Ab yen red
year tante what you go rm V„
..m two T preamwe, lbit
foam atm,
In rwlctot!"
Now Goods and Best Value
in the Tailoring line at th
old -established and reliab
West -at Emporium. Satisfac
titin guaranteed in Qtialit
Stele and Price.
Successor ObatafMl111sefo,
manufacturer of all Moline
Smoke Stacks, Salt Yaos, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc..
And Dealer In—
E.gless, Machinery Comings, to.
` All lbs. of Pipes sod Pipe Finials
flttast sad Water Own, Glebe Valves
Oboe Vallee. Inspirator., Einem' gad In
jeelMs Constantly on Had •t Lewes
Aspit. al Ilse of Steel Water ad Ho
Tr nigh. for nee of farmers end others.
Repairing prompter ate adsd to.
0II.le P. A nee !t. Ooderieh.
Cartage &Fuel Co
are prepared to handle Bag
gaga Fre' ht and Household Ef
foam withteh at reagonabli
rates. Dealers mall grades of
sort i '
and 8mithini 0 *1
Wood mut �
tilt, to seua4o find delle
d[!d wait peOto�aMa �K` ,o'
TttMplt 8o81.uit Al
CI. ift F. Co.
J, 8l. Purr, D. p d!! 1