The Signal, 1897-7-15, Page 88 TISOliUDAi, .l~.ly 15, 1 KA7. Clearing Sale OF ALL SUMMER GCODS We don't iltend to carry over any line of Summer Goods into the Fall, and have started thi3 SALE while you still need Summer Wear. Now is your chanoe to get a supply for the rest of the season at prices that speak for themselves. COME AND SEE OUR BARGAINS A few Ladies' Capes and Jackets left, aid to clear them out quick we offer them at 25 per cent. off oar Low Cash Price. Ladies' Black Lustre Skirts regular $3.75, Clearing Sale Price $2 50 Range of Organdie Muslines in all the new design:), regular 15c, Sale Price lac. Range of Colored Spot Mullins, also Organdies, rag. 20c, Sale Price 15c. See Our Table of 5c Prints —Reg. lOc dine if 'yon want a Wrapper. Waist, or Dress, see this line. Nice Summer Dress Goods, double width 40 in., 10c. Light Colored Fancy Dress Goods, reg. 50c for 25c Black Grenedine 40 in wide, for 15c, worth 25c Navy and Brown Moireen Skirting worth 60c for 35c Blouse Waists worth $1.25, for $1.00 Shirting worth 10c, for 8: TWEEDS, TWEEDS—See them for 25c, worth iiOc Wide Cram and Butter Colored Laef for 10c. worth 15c 1VIILLINERY.1..MILLINERY 25 PER CENT:OFF If on want . obir_ Sat retrimmed, a new Hatt or rens very, ` FII s offer ever g given yon 25 PER CENT, OFF ALL MILLINERY Bargains ill Parasols, ladies' Vests, etc. Range Veilings, plain and black, and black with col- ored spots, only 5c a yd. Visit us soon, as the choice of these bargains will be picked up at once. ' CASH AND-70NE PRICE ONLY TCSIGNAL : GODEJt,IC1H QNTARIO. HURON'S GREATEST STORE l CREAT SPECIAL SALE! OF BLACK, WHITE'and CREAM Dress Goods Ribbons Laces 200 pieces Fine Organdies; Mullins, and American Zepyhers. Only 25c for a Blouse Pattern. R_ B_ SMITH_ C. W ANDREWS, Manager. Say Farewell Forever a to the discomfort of having your clothing rip, shrink and get out of shape, by wear- ing Only Shorey's make. See that you get a signed guarantee with each gartbent to the effect that the cloth is shrunk and the workmanship guaranteed. Alts not even 1aw(ed.Att sa.Goseransent u ticw. - "jam, i'riaee Victor Dhuleep $togh. sc long_been prominent in London society, acid who is a sou of the great Indian potentate. Dhuleep Singh, who ten years alar-sbsia'-dr-stir ap- a t*eeott in India, under Russian aus tees, L engaged to marry Lady Ann Coventry. BUti1Nla*. In antieipatied of the duty proposed by the Dingley Tariff hill. Canudiau Iwe- ber is being rushed into Owego, N. in immense quantities. The New Barnes Cycle Company of Woodstock L in the hands of a ri retest and winding -up pox -trillion' have bet* instituted. Return' [unclothed to the I►eminion Department of Railways and Canals in- diente that there will be a cousiderubl.• falling off in the business ut the upper Taken this season. Mr. Felin nel E. Sheppard of Toronto has reached the city of Mexico, and :a reported to have u commission to twat with the Mexjenn Government regarding tide Canadian eouuuerr•bal interests u1 Mexico. The cunaignment of Canadian dressed beef that wn. sent to Englund in cold ton the Labrador has arrived 10 frerisal in ex,.lkut t•onrlifon, and there lire proviswts of eatahlishiug a profitably business in this line. There is may n moderate movemgnt in trade generally- throughout the Unitod Rtateca, according to the commercial ad Thew of the Don and Bradstreet sgvn- cies. The strike of over one hundred thousnnrl (VIII miners hots already hell. and will more largely have. a bud effect ou general trade. l commercial fail- ures in the United State for the what just ended amount to 200, ns compared with 215 for the esrremponding week of last year. CRIME AND eat I I N %I.M John Kellner. a Hnnaiiton tailor• ed himself to a bed t t i ,r • 1e ■lapsed, m —ulrOtrer of (inldenenippe. at Nework, still maintains his eomposnre sad 4ol,ests h innocence, • At Bryson Judge Gill senteseed Louie t to imprisonment fro life for shr.,t- ina with intent to kill Joseph Oirwin. Xavier Charbonneaa. ngwl 211. shot and killed }Insane Therrien, aged 40, in a disrepntnhle house in the end end of Montreal. Ile then put a bullet Into his own brain. District Attorney Ifs,pkens of Lack• port, N.Y., has revived a letter from the Itritiah Comm! at New Yorkk, aayintr that he roes received instnietlon. from his Onverument to enquire into the case of Robert .1. Powley, who was recently elect II PI at Anhhrn prison for wife leo refer Robinson and Clark. two men earthed In Strome County jail at Barry charges of hurglary . mnde a desppprate attempt to escape by enacting Joel4i r Simons' and Turnkey Csilda-ell with the legs of a Inrge stool who'h they bad broken int for the pnspoae• In the 'strug- gle which took place Turnkey Caldwell shot Robinson in the leg. THE IIEAI,. 'Mr. Mei Motown .f Montreal is dead. kers. Jane Nal died at Queenstoa, in her 99th year. fsvnator Iaham G.:Harris of Teanes- see, died at Washington. e Judge Joseph Amabke Berthelot, cue of the oldest Judges of Montreal, L dead. Dike Lgto.eilla Rover, ii dead. He Swta_c_sopad. desceolaat of: Pope Joints the Ttie Bev. Father Quigley of :Rt An- guattee, Ont, died [roses ter.ai hem- orrhage. A Quebec traveler naMil It A. Gar- roehe was found dead in..* hotel at Gimes, Oat , Mr. Henri Metlhac the i'reteb dram- atic wrfter, U d..4. He Wes born In Paris in Pm. Mr' Sutherland Makelmay, Master InChancery for Mae Ooenty at Huron. died at (ipderieb Mr. Owen Mefarvey, one o( the brat - known and most reeapeetea Onsets of Moment!. died ip that tits. At Montreal Rev. A. I niipitenit, Ad- minlatratnr of the Arehdk.e.se of Igen- revel ober the death of Arehhiahop IiIM, r dead. aged 711 rrears. Mr. Jnaepk Jnhe fanning. assistant to the General Mana(ePr of the Grand Trnnk RI wayewhen )i r. A *rgeaat wee Deepest Manager. diad at Montreal. U 1rrLA*SI1/i110. The CamMtse Power Oempany has begun wort toe its prepaid power Banal at Niagara Falk. -. An Melt mill haw tern selee1 In Qu.- bee. with a t m.*tltte P a/aMlty of lee t...1)1111111.10 sa . pert eteerfata parte ie SMiTH BROS. &CO. A MoLEN'8 BLOCK. P.S.—We will keen' open tie eight o'olock every seeaiag to give Farmers is the vieintsy of Ooderiob • ohasoe to trade in the oonl ot the eremitic NEWSTOPERFAN The r ATAI. E11&E8. Fire Hall and Town Hall at lo of a er apparatus. - A t three-year-olse and diloii of Mr. Alfred Dutton of Niamari Townwas burn- ed to death iu the fire shift destroyed his(ietiter'e barn. Michel Pin and his daughter Maria bot their fires in • fire which destroyed their dwelling in St. Hoch. Qtuebie. 'Kite father was trying to save his furniture and the duughter went back to get her wearing apparel. POLITICA—IMPERIAL. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. in ern I view, said he knew ot no reason why 8 Don - .14 Smith, as a per„ cannot' an agent -general, and he knew of do w$ b or thought displeasing to the preeeet agent -genu 1. In the House of Commons en Vridey Mr. Timothy Healy made.* bitter annfk npoo Mr. Gerald Balfour, the Itiah Chfef Secretary, when the Nationalists, oar atter the other. effusively than -kers Kr. Balfour for his broad and geoernus Irish policy. Mr. C. H. Reid. Premier of DietlNloh Wales, say that any attt x to Whig the co nivel hack into • j{ eeiitetten M vela - tire insignificance, by RufenI[ them _e acoswe indefinite minor representation at Weelt- minster, would never be accepted in Aus- tralia. POLlTICa_ FLARE iret. By a vote of 98 ayes to 2R' was tat. United States Serails peeled $Jt"6 tare" hill atter six peeks of diaensagsr*f , The St. Peterohurg Novoe'4tem eu;- horta the Tnrklah 1]overament to 1k an - don ads farrt her re.istaner to tbe,ppe eve male the negotiations for al e between Tnekey and theism i)r. Chauncey M. D e% in an inter- view in London. •y that unless tlgr Dingle/ tariff bill beige In n•myi erniVcrity. Rrya oe of nit 6 anise curnalL a.. recta* In the nest Preside e The appeal of this Nnkaan t4 the OS: peror of Austria, and the nattiest fact that that telt of the battles Tett* aea pptthllahed. indicate that Atlttel chum be peeking a pretest to arable him to cceaTurkith , ally regal the dominde of the et:auger etteow* Sir WSMd and IAdiuLastris are to wit Mr. Gladstone at important Events In Few Words For Busy Readers UM M M Warld's Mapaoaters Carefaiar O ptI 4 sad ?aa tats Needy and Attraettas Masao For tee teadon of aer "neer —A Mile •eer's tt eeemeas ha Para.'..\ea Information. DIAMOND iVBILEt ZCHOE8. The colonial Premien are tired of be - fag feted, and are preparing to leave London. Owing to a slight tndisposition Sir Wilfrid Leerier was onablee to attend the London Chamber of Commerce bas- DMUwieteas. Joseph Coate, a deck hand on the steamer Carmona, slid into tie water al Windsor ad was drowned. Ronald John McDougall, aged 18, from Dalkeith, Ont., was drowrreu in the Na- tion River. near Plantagenet, Ont. THE RhtL1O1011a WORLD. It is said that one of tete chlet features of Mgr. •Sainbuc.tti s apsvial report to • t Pope ou the growth et Catholicism In lingfand is the astonishing eneniusion that thbee decrease of Methoslsuo is Joe ,, to the ttanefer of membership in that `gypsy to membership in the 1 lurch of ` THE A%VVVE HEAT. Mr. Peter F.gl e.oe of Ottawa is dead as the result of a sunstroke. Three cases of sunstroke were report- ed sarong Or soldiers in camp on Carl- ing', Heights, LAwtdun, Oat, Mr. John Counter, on of the beat - known citlrenn of Stratford. Ont., was M►*rcome by the beat on Saturday, and died. aged M. re►LtTtismsda f aims. Mr. Fahr, 11[111rieudtnre, who senterpfid to ,ails a Ileo the west mire SWIM tiring the latter part of Jely, -postponed his trip fors month. Mgr. Pei Val has Witten % Inter t* visit yw.arfien Mwjor(3.nen1 /Is of Judgment until the c►pe hu ghee Some fmprwvement M tbe rntwlitirra of his decWoa. Ihleet-Governor Air lieoree Kirkpetrlek Mr. M. t. Mortis, for qtr t Eye The teenagers of the great miner"' iewes ('hili*n oonted at Vaocn Peat tine strike In the United States, teetas tete atrior p oonaeenfticee*wbich tatty onsee fr'oei a ng strnggle, are ppree pared to await t r grievances to arbitration. The Ent effects; of the greet cos I`Isen' strikearebeim` telt In.tire Unite 1 States. At CY h.d a. big Tres works hag * Gama for want el Lora sad Veal Isis vosrll *EU be rile railways are mg saaalug Archbishop Iaangeevin, is which he calls troop for a oessatfos of agttatlos oa the M s r- et pigee as tuna school *restless distill a *oapenaioe li}Pw or for l9nglntwi go Jsly ?Ht LAROR WOULD. reported. •.. 00111 11111111* en Omsk rid► taw, M Caaa•ippulated Oaleal-(?e rees1 for'Cils The Dake of Maneheat.r &miss the statement that h• li engaged to be mot 14ed OtogdMMIs. Mary 1}oeiet, da ter of Ur. 8t! den ti T ptit met Meer Y *g kn est, y1 Seetronns its Preparation! are already toil f la Dublin for the Parnell anniversary da- mansteetlhn in October, and it is ba> ►- ed will be larger than ever this year. A Dickens tete was opened at Bread- *letv. ,Kent In the a'•s•t...,e lll..t Howie. where Dickens 'peat many mine meta and wrote much of Yea beat wort. At the annual meeting of the Ontario Ale•tlical Council. Toronto. Dr. Thor• here, sr., of 'Toronto, was elected meal - dent for the ensuing year. The lntenutionel Congress of Naval Arehitveete and Marine Rng:neer. haw opened in i.nndon. The Prince of Wales weleorned the delegates In the name of 4h. Qinen. The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Piationat Confpreeee of Charitiies and Corrw•tinn nneried in Toronto last week. About Mal Aeteg,sfeo from ail parts of Canada and the United States are present. VOW 1t1t1R OF WAR. The Tk,minlon Gavernmeht has decid- ed npon the Roekcliffe site for the new Dominion rifle range. Au expedition of Cuban filibnaters firm Florids is reported to have landed on Sunder in Narann Province. The Queen Relent of Spain has par- dnned 1(18 Cuban prisoner' who are in penal servitude, and permits theta to return to Cuba. The Behan has decided to defy the tw.wera• and unless lis terms of peaeo are assented to In n few dere he will resume hostilities in The.sa'ly, with a view M cintnrint Atheene. The London Deily Chronicle say' there 1. a mevPmpnt afoot to make the Duke of ('.innaeght Adintent-Gen• sial -ef the British Anne, which wool! neve the way to the poet of Commander - in Ch k4. The militia genets! erd.rs announce that Li'et-Cel. Hamilton of the Queen'a ' Own is trasafer•re4 to the infantry re- serve of otseene. and that Major. Deela- tae meet. The Canadian rifle team which will sheet through the Risley meeting had a friendly msMh at Rtaine. neve London. wkh the London Seottiah Rifles, the Canadians winning by 32 peipta. Terrl Genre* Hamilttsn. the lieeretaer of Siete for India. tasted in the Honer of Commons that ani` seven persona were killed In the Cnieutte riot*. and tfnt 15410 an reefed le theenetere rerwla. A beefy of troone in the' empiny M Me Rritkab Niger Cnmpenv repdrt havtnr Ai.,.iyr.'pl and nnranM the ftgfMve King of Renin. During the pnranii ghee- ' towns ser. eoptnrprt he the tenons, with APver ions to the natives. Tb. King nec- e eePde(e la escaping. CAa0ALT1IUa. u eleetire car ran the brW creating the Saginaw neat City, Web. A number ser. pasnge vier. drowned. Terrible *unclehalbMosmn, and shoed-Dursta burs devasteted lame djstrlcb of Germany, ytestropeig the 8t,Felicienng , aind CbIcon pecgtNP. F icier CChhfi if 1 Co wase vis- ited joy a terrible cyo nia which kilted ca e [ntbr cbehildsmnrb en, dademtaroyge. hi,g• o&i bkm. asa Mt. George Moffatt >~ farmer living neat Wingham, while chasing the (1 Pig bridge on Friday night; wars erne* e* an8 instantly killed byantlam towels. Jamey-Cat/elano, a I,npodpd fruit clea1- er wait ening hp n hljtet dMt'ptptt It was thought at first that (b[ "tine would prove fatal. hut clip matm,L Alp re- covering. Mr. i)nnean Christie, tersest 'lfvirtg at Patteraon'a Corneempty y font„ wyw' rr•- tumble from KemptvilliPillwlt straek ay an 'times train at C gs . with and blatantly killed. Dr. W. W. Boucher ye el Ottawa. WAS opening bis media cant- amyls a' he eld an a six-onncw bet of eppmanin eirpioaed, Slllag bis dfa, eases and mta th with pure amr -{ L, file fsre EMI !prettily burned. Dnrlag a thunderal tlfAi, River. rear Chatham. Ont. Aif terser, wag etr•ymk by tie thin d.ti. steady 1lHi.iI. Miawait .1 strnokfand L now in.. y . 1 inwdi- t ire. At the incin.st held f 'iii trttttn ttp entre tote the ranee M the (3 `tardoeh. the jars foosid tl{pt death r .ted Prom an tteeidetn wb h- tont, mace (curing a Meed}y tenaing match. the point lit' Ma ("poee.e's umbrella plemfat by brain. rw.e Hoods., of Sealer, Y!1Iowa1 .s F. dir,ete ataet A slis.eridaya ies Ilse ie dsw- WWas ea tib. Frosts sad Oslo .t u a dbureee .444 .,nate,.,. . . COLBORNE BROS. BAGAINS IN THE FOLLOWING LINES Colored Dress 'Goods ' —LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES Shirt Waists . „ ar AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Prints 12Ic for 10c, 12c for 9c, and 10c for Sc.' CThe Lariat. Best and Cheapest Stock a in town in Bruta+elsAantinsters,Tapea- tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply AIL -wools, Unions and Hemps. Twine and Japanese Matting. Oil Cloth.y in three qualties direct faow the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 6-9, and 8-ei widths, The balance of our stock at Rock-Botton Prices. C01.3301EN= 13ROS. PER J. S- QOLHOR e . The Great Gaspe: Warehouse of the County ttttiiiiiititit IT IS FREE par booklet. solidi Palsh,' win help yon your deciding lathepaint sshelves, Goocsi bugg' smogs, boas, farm implements, barns, cos Ehairs, houses—la fact, any- thing n, thing that can be painted. There are great differences in paints. Some gine • bright, glossy finish, others an oil finish that can be washed. The secret of paint$se b to know the right paint for your parpoaa. - then use it. The old trine bath tub Lan_ sore. You can make it look like porcelain. and wear lilts porcelain if you use THE SYYERWFN-IILUAIS BATH ENAMEL "Peist Foists" tells what you want to know sheet paint, Tena the good and the bad points about good and bad paint. Tells about the bombes to use, and how to take care of them. Teta Staatyllt-WJLOLAW PAINTS are made for every tat one paint for all purposes. Seed fer•tlse booklet to -day --it L free. - For booklet, address y St. Antoine Street, Montreal THE SNERI/A-WIWiIS CO. CLEVELAND OSCAR° MEN' VORA MONTREAL 0 .' Tho 'chooser Y- L. Brook left Friday for The organ facies). shipped a bill of orgess tee Grindstone to load lumber for Detroit. to Aberdeen, Momiend, on Tuesday, and Whale the the lake water keeps its we. I with it were included a case of cheese, barns, dip. seas umperatar. everybodc amid takes and Eve diSerest k'oda of Imola for tssntdM• SpecialJubilee Bargains 1 Refrigerators largo Size. e10, a 'nap Oil Stoves thesis -_•_ Gasoline Stoves 1. 1, 11, i ldletssr& Tamdem Stoves Lawn Mowers Daisy Churns Nos. L3.4 HARPER & LEE. s BINDER... ...TWINE. Now is the time Ib order your BINDER TWINE, wit VOlt't cwt you any more to order tarty, and ft 'Ire tui an idea of the qune. iFy required. As usual, we bare t!te LOWEST PRICES and BUST BRANDS en the market. 11° t•s t•tnt i atl vkiea16414 fowl1 DAVISON & 00 se *turaw*t r with the bsaup. iiM Mamie ea eels 3 bp alfasted silk 00000 It =MI "steers to w pnry 61"11111/4 a' TOt IM4O-OITE MMIC*AOE COMMON SENSE ..a HURON BICYCLES ars towhee where* obey are sold. Ask anyone who rids a Colston SENsa or Helios and they will recommend it. Our Sulky Wheels are also favorites with horsemen and others. All kinds of repairing done' •t the foundry. 4. - Henderson Bicycle Go, (It GODS RIOH. 1Sum.mer Goods i ..- atCostI AT W ORSELL'S. NOW 113 THR TIME TO OST REFR1GATURS GASOLINE and 011 STOVES WHOLBSALg PRIM at WORMILilft We have a breed new stook el Granite Peseerving Ke ties Ant: PcOs which I am calling very *heap, Gall and me I SIIt. Nis* Ire* Pel melt IIIN'o MA thief */ NI*