The Signal, 1897-7-15, Page 7L l and shims, kibds 's :eft made R mei with Cake Me la 1 kaw CO. lowest, It riff ' !some /ANN t •ad with- ■ , tare SAS- legidne NMrd r D• orsi. r, also al Fe - e7 the sa AI- 1emi wti k axles. tilt as tt.a a los ars . ma - and be d sat ‚OW. ility hors - I )RE IP NI sad -....---6 THE PESSIMIST'S PLAINT. ONE MILE,ON MINUTE 'WL. CYCLISTS EVER REACH THIS RAILROAD SPE EDI - Assampts at Sloe ltewy'ds la41 1 a lomat geduoUoa as tie T1>•e 1n tee Near intoes -gutter ragtag peede0-The y„arlbtUtler of Witold Speed. Will bicycle riders ever reach the wee ut a mile III owe -minute/ asks The reee•ugu Timeeiissaid. • Wath pacesnaking, yes; without peev- e/skint, /skin[. D0' to be we way the expert That seems It oat Tbey are con- fident • atfigpts riders of a1 that II pea. le at nu very eagle wt&7 10 ti*,.l over a tulle of _duite track der and they are track ill nfidsixtsleeved', ray will ever roam oo do the that h,. aide to do the trick without pacin[, but relyeue aMngel''her au bio own re• sources. t seems to be Mutest as much a matter of peeing as of on the part cid the rider. Thep matithee creates, w its wake &WW1 & Tata ole and in that vacuum tbe litessibineles R speed have not been reached by any weans, It M beiieved. It will be remtmberete-ghat Last year a rider named Ander100, paced by • maimed locomotive. traveled a mile in 0411 minute end three seconds, act -end- ing to the mine sent out from St. Louis. where the trial was made. 01 course. that kited e4 pacing is not permitted under the rules of the League of Am- erican Wheehuuen. *tad theperformanc wanot ot se•cepted ur recognized by tbe 'lNot t.a great whle before Atrtleta'oI i ride it wbeelmau out in Montana claim- ed) to hive ridden a milk paced by a merge birecie in 1.11. but the ouudi- tee. of that trial went not in a Mkt' Meth the reels. rules. bone War not arcepteti.' Tbe mord for Ow milt' as it row stand, M 1.39 1-5, aid by Hamilton. a Deaver rider. He n ode that time in a puQUc trial and rimier MI the condition* regained by tee L.A.W. ,rsteng tegnlations. lo .entiereun'■ ride behind beeline - tee by tb- tete. etltlun1gh it is not accepted e league as a proper attempt at a biry:le treed, indicates nevertheless the speed that is pomade on a .bicycle under the right vi*d ut cutdluuaf• Tb*t Limit of .peed i. not believed to have been merit- ed by ate. means. and then -ane f ty of people who tb&nk the raring Well will mot sem clipping pieces off the reomelit until they get the figura' for the mire nee cootie T. re one pronate. Is vethe lowerryy anon. probably the records the harder they are to break. loqt that it will come lime n ,h1 of well-informed bicy ms dent et alt. t more than Ave It was though •Qt ce,ars ago that no bieyek rider would ever be abler to go a mile aider two menthe. He i. a slow Mau Hose MMust& the profewrioaaJ Thaws who make pre` to miens to [greed wbo cannot go a mil_ in considerably under two minutes. All id the fast sees do It with comparative esae. Tom Ick. the the speed the out and deYilo44d spt cele- brated Johnnie Johnson, brtle'ee that' the records trader the present emildons of pacing are not tar from stationary, bet ea rnifitient that with better methods of setting the owed Meth will be able to clip a good deaf off the present figures. "Not until new peeing devices are n - v. nteel and lieeenued by the League of -.tntrrkyn Wheeetmen, ar the body that is to have content of cycling in the futon., can ear look tor much of a clip in the existing track rewords from the i"urer-mlle_npe __ mos_ * rk. "It seems e • if goer attachments and Ellielielteeter- or proofing a lazg'e eeougb bicycle to cense a Might yaconm in tbe rear qt the meek -yen for the rider that M fel- ng have pretty nearly teethed their highest ilevelopurent, and certainly hu- man endurance and speed cannot go molt further. In my estimation John - nee gnarter of twenty sernidr mad Hawthorne mile In a fraction over one :Ind ■ half minute, will not suffer mn•4i of a dorres*e ander the present arrange- ments' for ptovMing and taking pare. Nothiug to do but won, Nutblug to eat but loud. Nothing to wear but clothes. '1'y keep mutt from Wog nude. Notbtag to breathe bet sir. (!inch as a lash 'tb goer, Nowhere to fait but oA. Nowhere to stdad but on. Nothiug to ring but wogs, A4 Well! Alas! Alack! Nowhere to go but out, Nowhere to sumo but beck. Nothing to read but words, to thing o cast but votes, Nothing t hear bit sounds. Nothing u sail but boats. Nothing to tomb bit hair. Nowhere to sleep but In bed. Nothing t. weep but team, Nuthlug to bury but dead. Nothlag to see but sights. Nothing to gavach but thlnt. Notjljug to have but what we've got. Tbu. through Ills we're cursed. Nothing to strike but • gale --Everythlig moves that goes. Rendus at all bit COmmmu nesse, Qua Byer withstand these woes. -BEN LING. APPIAN WAY. M Most C 1.braud '51 the Ancient No ma& BSo.dwais. By far the most celebrated road Way, the tthe Oki World' was the Appian y,;ad e f: iaruw ltegiun, or Queen of it which nt the period of its greatest ex- tent stretched from home w Brundt:- slum, the modem Brindisi, a distance of sonar 350 mites. As this mud was be- gun in the beginning of the fouhh cru- tury, B.C.. says=-Pearwn's Weekly. and forme the great highway from Borne to the south for several centuries, it must therefore have been connected with, and ufte•u have been, the scene of met of the events of the great Romau Empire, which for n lung period would deserve to be calked the great events of the world. It would have witnessed the de- parture of the armies which set forth to conquer the donning of Alexander and the Pharaohs, firstJulius Caesar. passed ass d, along it to the which Was to -result ill his own temWr- ary congaed by the charms of Cleopatra. inter tea it to d not supersede the or _ would a fee The , too, the tritiMpohm 01 the re be this one of prepaying rel is h had led the leldus t need of this sumo bar been suggested k mr t4e over its well-worn l I,Ndon, who writes fret, there to The HISTORIC QUEI3(C• 0K074&10tth" rash we It b.aggetry •t aesaai la the Brace mea are they who posh had climb Uld World. Beyond old formulae, WDtte the piwidlui ranks Goat serve old From Quebec, Canada, 5 currespoadent Tlaw writes to The Perls Dally Messesget I Pull back for Time's old ways: "id on park traumata" 'night be writtenof Biros. amps an shsr who Dula Walt mesa 1s this Iii"lling tin tewe` I Ti t6�ewotles d�bathegoo ttbe►restatare grows on the old f m eit t easily lanty yO°rseh the false was true.epee la r upper town icing lsh but everywhere an hopeful were tura who cast their lot m tate. On the ealRl,� card lo the heart at a wlldemear. You w read "ddaiwu t haat, doer Amid -homesick -10 their toll forgot neer This bilingual necessity cameoscb Tkrn lifted their ryes to the gold little extra painting and printing. _ like And died to tker oettlug sun. U rowing•' must be mar "House t lee" ou one able die tae T uJ, bewe'r blesagurea, o ut an oodles quest "Par d'r "Nu ad rasa ssexceptto nb s - Great faith had these the other "Nu admittance except • Who mashed UII the years were done - lifted ra wort raw c 41uJ wise, averse du ebemio drter.rioted Brave men -great souls--Uud's suns -an every Omcig) uutice' Y tall- ies The b d tit tied passing /trued - shops our also in full as art"Ave..' rioted Full ll roe Ie, often curious, as when two adjoining '1'bry have taken the laud/ and are lords lir shops have their announcements one ill Mt - the and the other in English. Alois. They have chanted their deeds its mug; the duo of Atte, rant right hto b in They have told their tale with a sounding Plains of A o nlia u might be tongue, Bru••ela or Paris, onl t ('Niton Ter. u. Have printed their Doers and fears race" seems to recallto you p I is too �d r- Yet. when hath a word or a note been r0n1 'travelers for whom Europe it too Of the bravest pioneers! tont are odvised to go to Quebec. there to find a bit of the medieval Oki World How strong were there on the wear) rtxd- transplantede to the new, but still eat_ How brava 1n the dlrnt laud! baluntd in its ancient religious senttmen What smiles bestowed to lighten the Wad Whim upon which the rush and roll/ of That could newer • tear -drops stood: modern unset produce as little effect Pe What hopes saw they tbroigtt drought ane tbe Atlantic breakers op the cliffs re flood'? Cape Breton. b'rettch eoatinues upper - Did they Wok In the future wide, most until you pass Moutreal, but from When their throats were paithedand their Ottawa and Kingston to the Pacific the fevered blood legend of the nearly universal tongue is fibbed last .with the final tldeT like that of tbe I'aris shopkeepers, inneunced "Englieb spoken.' " le Moat I,ba did they -yea? these anent uaea- of the best schools English it taught The women of the west' cawl a onversant large ithruberroth I ftuagt people of the iii tit Lord! let that heart beat In their son• indispensable fur commerce. Wblcb counted patleuct' brot- heing Wen God give them courage measureless, From heaven came tbeir faith: _ An lnternatioaal Postage atss►. 'White was their hope In the wired dela, If you write a letter to a correspo°dent And their great love congite you can ewiclose -HENRY wALARN' is the United litotes, But suppose you ' a ata [dor 00411 e.bnw4, .write two vomeres' and wish to CHURCHGOING IN 1Citi,ANO• prepay the answer' How are you to du 1• 1V atnnitto° this month, endsession s a Folk Who Trivet Mans The Intervatiautl Postal Union 1s in ss!B-a� nett Mime o. l- to w ttstnl i d Towalthlee Oat., a llfast ,.Yd rstege. esti- ranted at 514.000. to terming progeny in that WOW sem' dpoltttaa «.. este d . t�ytaats eft Ga- lati, t sainseet avis. lits. ie Moldavia. w the Isle bank of W Daaube, are Menelaus as the result of remelt Scuds. The destitute are camped on the streets. sad are being ted by the military. A near aid col/Woe took place sear C,hk,sit0 between two trains��� delegaela to theCbrbtian (',mention at San Francisco. There persons were kited and 36 lujured They went messy ail from Wisconsin. N DLr1N Wosrliip. it is d e a .he it is deserted that t shall anthodse Jerrie Ackerman, i, the fourth of her Issue of a" isteesatiessi Seeta[e rtAOSP articles ud "Three R onion ID Icehtn which Will eery thio purJmI' of pre9aY' in The Woman's Home Companion, tells ill[ the reply w a biter v a :maim cis` how the attended a country church n reapiedent. Such a stamp should genii the northern part of tboti•.irlaud. u, carry a Latter from any one of ' eo "The Sabbath dad wars foil of interest, had not attend* c tate Po•t•ol i'uioc to otic �vutt:e* 1" for we service in the other. It should be her sale 1n MI cotta rural districts In the early morning ]lark Antony traverWU tries, but tient !d lose the world f the samewoman• it' denary etamiwt cu, its chief use turning genera who ao of Ami the quest of halt the t fore 410'1 a1 American resident n known world, a pavements tate unhappy Zenobia, perhaps Eve•eins Feat about the matter, tells of the Most pathetic figure in history. was the queer little detail thrt has heretofore led to grace the triumph of her conquer- p1 fw•ted its inane. It ethane that of du, Aurelian. Hut the gagt0IRe 0t which present the rnriotta stamps w'bicb Berry theAfttsirhae been the scene letters betwei n the cQnntries .1 the Postel' might be -multiplied almost indefinitely, i are nee 01 prece el. -thee �h and it 1s certain that there is no road 1u a akne. 1'b a„1le11pt .,f Rind 1e an -L7,-- fm,„ ancient modern world to compare veru ton w40 buy 98 stamps for fol 15n the '1 can are old '?horses' now. with his side Making. let tthougbt his Star was the fattest-M•tntae is tbe work!. text to a 'locomotive, and would have de. mended a race with steam before I cane nutting 'sea that more speedy. or o with it in this respect. ��pp�nmmAnldand. 100 in France. 101 Qaet aodt i la wi tee tewtaitted 1)tates. This &Moak of Menace. wday ttrrvay tido iperpnnlit y trona making trouble la An eruption of the Meese voictvuo on toe of time Philievipe Weeds lled 120 of the lapabit ti of the the bo' Mem village I.e sod vicekalao ham been Ailee9 mo cscr oP• d one 1617. Tbe recent trotecal taroado and hail- storm in Essex County did w mach damage that Partimbent will be *eked to grant a vote for the .ii'_eriat farm- ers. mad the Lord Mayor of Landoll will open a Napalm House fiend for their relief. • u N eLAUUI1IED. The absence Of rain is cambia anx- iety throughout lndia. There are two canes a i alCloz is the Montreal Homrtttal. Fifteen of the Frees LR! a J; lith esnnetiee have been syndicate. Sir Charles 'roams. bas arrived in 'London. but was note present at the Dominion banquet Oven by ><orNI•- coe. A retention was liat, Oxford Uset- veraity, and the colonial among, the recipients of Innovate de- fine/. • _ Foster Bros.. ofK inistee n eon Lawrence line of steamer* between Montreal and Clayton. com- mencing July 7. A number of the French *Mennen of Montreal ere making a determined ef- fort in theCity Hall. llthe lah sP,akinR lo 'fewtII& Pasha has announced W the "eft nieslrader.0f, the Dowers *bit the Cingnet maintains the indefeasible right of 'htrkry to retain Theme's by virtue �/i ls-r TO OitD�JR Tavli.AT, Jai] 16, 1897. 7 119.500 API AY w we betook ourselves to the front of the house to watch the country folk assem- bIn the distance we saw them f..rd- IiIthe rivet inseado 1 Um. a+M•-ut the oer direction mete, women and children rode slowly over the'moeutltins down to the harm. 'What the Sabbath day means to these people few can realize. Some of them never see a face besides those of the members of the family from 00. etch day -until the other. What fh„ss_ t t hetero toel aaeeatble fully culler form of salutation tnevaile his ear out- side of the cities. hail not yet been made familiar. and our as- tonishment can well he imagined w hen br and } 'yen the world a shuck. It is ort that 1i deal li a 'lathe more for the inter-, kiss wsaw the men dk*rnedt, later hoe natinwal stamp than for ordinary etarnps kiss each other. I learned ltethat this Tbe suicide or Barney Barnato has he was a great p et a .peeciaUy sd be Mr 14oree t oe-MJ R trate in lit. seems o have the %'eordi ary sort t , enlist'''. Instead a[ 5. +rd tree ID ,.cress to herr been an ordinary sort -f . !England 'instead 0f 2 pence OMI pound lig m, endowed with a genius f r mak- { But whether this pr•eecention tx nee.let -- money ae.1 blessed, with Inc! pf ex- 1 or not. demo mode to be an rh e lable ceptiotal opportunity. let whim this stamp by which the reek to a foreign Wino, known only. by reason of his 5P0r letter may be prepaid. Thin is "elenrly ones wealth. plunges into the sea to his a matter 0f b°wioeta eonvenlenoe that death, mankind feeling a lar. (;.mtiLiouNy the International Pomta.L Union shonl.t or uneonseiotaly, that jar is due to tbe I provide for. It Is said. but wears s al- reflection 1- n erges that it One hid the mono frost intend/bin the American au - nolo so tragically relinquished life conk) ' tb:nritlM npgosea the interuatirrrtal %ramp, be mode a joeone boiklsi. There is woo- )eeeanwe it woteld krterfere with a rvxn- der that }man with power to cornmeal foyt•I►le Mute they now get from the all the good tkiags which !honey Wil' 1. chub). postage reelected on totviiii let - bile should voluntarily cast this powb tors lasutile4cim ly prt grid. -Hatter's nml awN tClRet Weekly. her Ye wealth, w Stitttata, beerese of previous poverty. 'holed have beep par eeelarey fit to enjoy, brought elm at Inst either despair or madness only. It is the old. old story. Possession din• appoint} and no than really' is to himself what he ap ear to be to can truly only human beings who t happy are persons to whom nature ,has given no nerves, no imagination end a solemnly good opinion of themselves. They enjoy calm satisfaction with there. ,eelve*. and serious pledgers in an oxen peen. existence. Barents) tried to de too much: he worked and worried hi self to death. There is no contentment 111 the struggle's of the ambitious, no mat- ter what material themes may be se ed. Better, far better, to be Victoria lbaa to win all the dceeicng triumph end ib i'i 't11`tt -N -Yolk Joar°aI. un the mteq, Y It waa then e04Ill. e mark, i sve, bang something Yke 2.114. This wade the low bicycle the acknowledged mount of the league, sad scaled the doom of the high h •what West an ewe* lot d comment when great Wean or 1100b1 wan rake Jollities, a little later. almost at the start of his carter oe the track, follow- . .et gorses around the mile gonein am 3-5. alive "How records have gonear the Jr s Mils is 1.42 rase ck•tl► of the 'ilii season. and Gardiner Mont two wrest aim better good redwetion over TTl- ee, p was s go°° the y� berme, but W- ee, eye[semapor ofto appteciete the fymlltag world sear were almost the fact that the m r*-aehing their 'bait. Hamilton erase est ire the spring with his 1.31). a.°d there the mark remake to -day. I went John - win for the 'word tour times in one day. and every Mk was alder 1.42. pet he reed not in a single in.tance de the effort of the Devvef rider. "Followers of path have atrrnt made the tarn on the track a. fast as cat p0 lade he made, end tee first man nn for gss.i has i dak'd as fast am lois hint Will travel. We w Ul bare td have n miniature lricomot105 on tbe dtctet lifter the fmmhi0n of the Anderaov i ds methirmethis "then anywhere near hien' of s r•'1e n minute. It is all a rittestinii u1 Cic.tfut, na r think the rider in the calm am elm go almost as fast na anything 1#•i,.1k•tl by stem power. "When i 'meek of immorebinee 0d a mitteb faster male on a track than the mirk ieognieed at ,rcient, I confine nay predktlnn to the cir'tnlnr track. (I lee me Monmouth Park with it Mirk pave - meat or an asehatt siirfnee. preside fel' with forte tetittone ofth it° leo ines all on remota. Olid sea 1 will guarantee a mile nearer ese rn .15 eine 1.'2(e. it I enn't get the pitvo n e with a tet+rldc wind sad�o proper Ml*era. and i will prtwtae mark." Eck's hope's for }lettering the theorem. 'theorem.term w be, t:*. �entlspeed. whits keens of . Cbta•s. Obotaelew• 1f a home ie to he repaired. wonder - tat forethought is necessary. The evil spirits which are supposed to occupy each dwelling that mortals brier inhabited cause the carpenter no end of trouble end no trifling eapenae. First, an astro- loger must be consulted with regard to the moat lucky day for beeginninw th<. work: then a square suspended from the ridge -beam is a notification to the spirits of dark_ nets that tbeir dwelling place ix be ilixtnrted, wherefore the semen•thing for them to do 4s to move out rtniet- ly and peacahly. Next,the carteniers litter-Ito make offerings to these unseen residentsThese gins seem to say, "It you pleas. s merits of darkness. accept this bribe and trl)I,e ou�Alght." Next. the eneil influences are about en be turned tooth, perhaps to seek shelter under n Mew as Me greet. neigbb0riwg roof. Every house on that 1. Make a rule to keep the hack of street receives a 110110 that upon a the the neck close to the back of the cellar. talo day and hour repairs are to begin 2- Roll the sbouldera backward anal nn the dwelling of Ab Sin. Ench house- downward.- ' hold can then pay the imps not tq cut"t A. Try to sgbeese the shoulder blades. their doorway, but to go to the next together maty times a day.I mei_ ghbor. 4. Stand erect at short intervals during Evea the farmer cannot begin his work the day -"head up, chin in, chest out, in the sprier until after the national festivals are celebrated in honor of the epeeist gods who are oupposed to make it their particular business to look atter the welfare cot tbooe who till the noir. in a land where more than one Minden, million week are s°pporteed hy agricul- ture. where many farms have been in cultivation fotetirree or even four mil- k'nninms, we naturally expect to And skill In that lino of work. In deo we awe 'sot diAppppoointed, for the Chinese farming is wientille handwork. -Dors hi. W. 8pratt, in Lippincott's. is the only form of salutation among men in the inland districts. The hour with the preacher, who woreia ompany high ha n loose, flowing gown buttoned from chin w hem. and a great white Elisabeth ruff around his neck, we en- tered the church. From the. back !eat we had full view of the congregation. and, not being familiar with tbe lan- guage, the time was passed in medita- tion on the situation. "In the pulpit the pastor was sweated into a long, white robe, which fell over the black one and down his back hung a large smrplce of brigh( velvet. upon which a [oldden cross was wrought. On alter etwa peat candles, about a pard long and three inches thick- shed- (A- light. ` tdtii��ti light. These were the especial clarge of an *initial who gave ont the hymns and between times snuffed the f einnf- fere. Aftenes can �hurhctheme pairworshipper; dis- persed and many of them did not reach their homes until night." shn°Mers back. 5. Walk or stand with the hands clasp- ed behind the bead and the elbows wid? a rt. lei. Walk about, or even 1) pi.teatrs, with from ten to forty W of the basad. of your high 7. Try to look at tbe top y cut vest or your necktie. $. Practice ' the arm movements of bre'akt stroke swimming while standing or walking. 9 Hold the arms behind the hack. 10. Carry's cane or umbrella behind the small of the hack or behind the neck.1 lavas Abets! tremae. enhnxon is not the fastest rider 1n the btcyiie• blanket. Three *re p1R4te of ram. who think be.1s be- lt ot. iter u.;t a all wane t oat of the hundreds of Wiwi amnio fences who ..fes ad with dResia one .r mare M7l 11. Put tbe hands on the dpa, elbows back end Angers tr 12. Walk with the thumbs in the arm- holes of the Teat. 13. 111 'ben walims ng awing the arm and shoulders Armagh backward., .he day 14. Qtttsd now tend est ports 411' tine Newby. with a11 the'�Ible, toucbide a vertical so tar u»° j5 , Look upward as you walk on the sissy side of the street. . 11015 aptttd t r�I:w P spw. meaaeee t0 eat �wra Areal feek* O itil!t It nee be right to await it.iutatls 1a' paiale dials against e. coned iRale NOM tluclbil _soh se.? .? 'neve le ao reasei sal Ws PO' Mt new tsars? is 7riltareed. }y In which cigar is made per - Ms brund out in a curious itt. Al ben that had gone in ovirinae a wet,. a clay mad puddle went with her muddy feet Into a sugar home. It was 0served hy some one that r-- the tracks were the auger woo whitened. Tbwcen is ledto some experiments. The tenon was that lbs wet clay tease to lee used is reining els are • It Is noel le this w•t t�- The 0tapr is pat into earthen jar. trkp'1!S M Yee elle the saga• WITCO are. ''l�A��!!ee ads The moaner Virltnve a are tpwant.h,The jet M filled with swear, the clay then.Out over the top and kept we et. Themoister, gone dem dethrotigb wthe bole 1n tae a gnome and drn(jpN fr0rrn 1 Nutt• Otdeat Mack in tI4 World. It would probably surprise a good ms&iy people to karst tnat the uldeet bank n existettce is the Bank of Navies, which has lately been pluming thr'.wgh sscb trouWons times. Tne Bntleh Goo- sed at Naples, is his report tor last year, furnishes some details of the foundation of the bank..ih the sixteenth century, whit•. l *eo Mancbeater (kegned) Guar- diapp nsentsons, dtid ptiw3 11li tkss1 eits- earller banks. the Monte \ ecdiih of Venice and the Banco San Giorgio Ge- noa, establinihed in the twetftb cen- tury, and the .Bank .d Barcelona, emtab- tidied in the fourteenth century, have all ceaseed bi exist. The reeport fixes tbe h;undation orf the Bank of anktht; at 1f.39, and the institution is e. far older thari the Bank of England. which woo ewtabliahetl in 1(IB4. Icttceis in tine nnigo position of having sidender rttp eat to which no d Lips s any claim. For the ezpiaaatioa clarions state of affairs one has to go trick ' to the tine when the Neapolitans, in order to ret ere` Charles V. with gra polup and anagNAceence, obtained loan* froau the• Jews agninet valuable pledgees. The ditfen(ties of repayment Wert- so lcol in right royal emblou by the Khoo haniahi ng the Jews. but the Jew'. centered before leerier( to &stew* of their "e.•ntities to two Neapolitan% oa eery en%i• tenet'. Thee hotel% Offered the pledges' to the origtnnl owners et n vMaotahte profit on the trensertbon end ahem oRcr 1 further loans without in- ben•et 011 the 014 security. rhilanthrntric gifts Weer then matte- to. the inatitntien nn emelt/en that it advanced loans without htterent. nivel in the* way the bank stnrted prectirafle is a charit•thle pawnbroker. Graeuerlly, however. it develeoptd into a teak. doing oldluare cemower-lel bnsinese. and tp to tw•itty the rod of the seventeenth century proet- pertd oven tly. Nekton wan born Sept. 29,. 175x► at Burnham Thorpe. a village in Norfoth. of which his father wail rector. At the siege of Calvi Nelson 10et the miseht •f an eye. a %hot striking tiro ground nese bun driving some sand andl gravel violently into otic of them. Nelson commented lib see lifre at the tarty age of twelve, going at his own de- tbe abLe, a obi of 6.4 pmeg, 0which was e6nomanded pby his mete. When still a young man he volunteered his services for an expedition Which w•as twine fitted out for a voyage of djtaea.- ery toward the North Pole. rind through hie Uncle's In6bence he was admttted as coxswain. 1t was when 'storming S•nta Crnr that NAOMI loot hs arm. lie was bending the' attack. and wan nn the pent of stele ing out on to the shore when he wwa and fen. Merl `to %dement o to teal above- the Ids rotten to 'Sneer* he wait grant d'X a penolon.df f1(i)O pp� rear. The lendeh coffin in which leNelsen's bod!t was brought home after thee bete • of Tratalmtr was end in pkeea, wh'eh ere dlat,fbsted mm rv4ign ref Ft. 'Melon.. to the runner M the Victory railed nla- and when at his Interwient blm flag wag nhmtt to ate l0reee0d into the gree.. t e milers who asserted at the eleretwnttT err It ane accord rent 1 le piece. in order emelt ' Ntight'/fe teres • jrea rat while be !h ell. 'loo 1ea0dMl5Ot. "Wiggins bad to bare his tebphi e MWkiT" ' • - "'prrl--be had told hie wife _ they, Molt Own rcpt ase+l, eo she celled in atteraaa4- *o see whether t M b be:6 CEYLON TEA. RT ALL 1.004 Ella -toe. 4sc. and Ms. IN BICYCLES AND ,,tin WATCt10 FOR u m m e r- i s ire. Vt4U4N So�P tAppE During the Year en. For tall particulars eve advertisements, or apply to Una UR0&. Ln.. 23 Ikon Si.. TORONTO FARMERS & TRADERS (LI1ID AND ACCIDENT) too oe prepared to meet it with a good Hat or Cap when it comes. We have put in stock all. the Latest Styles of Spring HATS ASSURANCE COMPANY, ltd. Jahn H. Sahel., President, J Oldr Gee rszee, Vice -President, 111. (iAL.1.ATTH. barometry, eowr, P. Y. FiumeYanagteR HEAD OFFICE, St. Thorne, Ont. Lowest Rates. Up to dote Policy contracts Energetic. reliable local agents wanted. dress the seoretarr. PLAITING MILL. Ei*Ri1$!O Mb. _ which for d uality and price annot be equalled. In stock are numerous as sortments of the latest in ithot through the 1 He wowld have aha: .w r�i� 4►tl r:_ '^wongda' ie of tbe or. ')'his makes the msll ct� sugar p&er Iy gyetara trots arab gaalea . A revs ltel� iltid "Pore lid schen! went Parte. _ est the Net w the stale which ease' alar, that the bread GLOVES COLLARS. SHIRTS. HOSIERY. bUITS, CUFFS APS NECKWEAR. C. R. SHANE & Co. BARB$; DOOR. and BLIND NGLES las .lar. to alt kin LUMBER, LATH/ SHI r-asertat tet *veer The tellable Hat and Furnishing Emporium 1..010.4 *1.tw1.01s $ermine The tmrsr'wt estate In the Dieted King- ltShe lantohip of Nutherleal. thea property the Duke of Netherland. The estate no km than 7110.20R USW if extent. The eotete of Reay. in the same part of Peotiand. le Alen 0007 Wren OA - tending Owed a10 mile% M knttlt and 15 to 20 meth In breadth. Tres. ro- tates far exceed in extent any contine- ntal 'sin5M ransom 1a Rowland. One rot the largest M eke latter country ie who Aileebnrr, nr Rabertlahe. estate. In Wibt- aMre. it comprises. besides the pork in whtr'h the wnefolon) Mtaaaio° is altnateri. at least thirteen parishes. the whole es- tate r•num4wvttI5 tit about )16M00 sere*. one ext.n4it►g for a distance of more than 12 miles. Canadian Telegraph Patronise True School Fi1PIlltue b. GMT. Competition. .coag.. always oia hand. The Beet and only Scraton Coal in this market. Hard, Soft and Black- smith Coal always on hand. All Coal weighed on the market scales, so that you are sure of Good Measure. TRs OaSADIel PActrl0 hertwee Co 'ra�gss�tAr Wm loan .steblltded to give the a nsiseiarM�isrvtes wttk air nasi per mu i 01 w patrons. ;third en sad la the , .rest ether peraob who 4 yetionada whir is all pyao�(nt• Is the p aadPaelfio (least green. �e Al,e�g eamas •r (i sdarloh Aliaae so the O.ea4... A teaciaer ogre stmt one of her mho - tars, who was a baif'wttted boy, to her hone with a bottle. When the Tony are'ved hack at school the thatcher tcher sr to ke d •'Weir. Acne lr, dM yes tate that bottle to our hoots . ' George (atter hesitating) -- Please, ieseher, 1 let the bottle 5011 lad basis it ha be the ta•east wallhe 111I•f m iglu bhlit Atwllr J:14-1.44 .r. eta A►riR.s,. ._4•' • 3 STM. LEE. or Harbor Quay. $1123e8, b LIM'S Stove. DIABETES cu50D sY DODD'S IIDIBY PILLS Among the many tltlpssand t out remarkable cures ars the Mrs. J. .Oliver, Mrs. B. Stock, Ptd11pylle, Ont. Ba'T11tg's 13ridge,Ont. Wm.41.Cbnrch, Arch.McFaddeln, Renfrew, Oat. Napus•, Oat. Thomas Brooks, Arthur Colby, )beth Herds, Osd. Soberest, Man. James K. Nesbit, Charles T. Bye, Staynar. Oat. Gortyowen. Ont A. M. Holman, Taboo, Oat. WR Sewer and Culvert Pipes AU bees from t d. se ea No. ala Una teesreas. yours POR PRIOES. THE ONTARIO SEWER PtPE CO SotF ADeLAIDI 11. .ONTO Monogr AT arterio _ The IIREOLIBE Medicines le n Tru ONLY AleeOYtTT1LT1 paa7311• 01000 00 Tw* 1t1.R*tt*L1**LI'P. r..- . Peal rtha 14,414 tirril. Cif Lr RI 1 I , rim sad /Nlalitat p,sroataed t0 este Rlleow abaM Mantle 1H 1 PHUIQLIBB Sebum. Lamhago, Gout and Neuralgia. A sore ear* ..e lltsadaebe, Dissipate Csoatipatieo, Jodi- . Ise. WMreesess. PO `, biases, tis� Oeneelst0*., '$Saki • 1 Dhow. ba.. me. enbeellsonnwe r Mee a Ned seri airs esti la %brisk (Ealy by LlIMiibsis \-M