The Signal, 1897-7-8, Page 7O��grrg
I to
u a lecture beton a oveking school,
mooching a husband was gives this tyle:
In selecting, to market t W unoel rs
?athest )uu'll nut etas -
ye altboutih there an many, yes, galore,
Tie Vrlwe wW always be brought to Oulu
Dual think foe a moment, to bole or
hotly better tie In the kettle to b lL
use a silken cord galled comport—'twun't
break - ed duty V a1�t� to be weak,
tgut one o mete helm secure, It is well. nu doubt.
ye tor aught we know, he'd be falling
And then. top surely If your back wtre
He'd bevoure, a1as1 both crusty and burned.
la oouktug a husband you'll plalnry see,
Lltr lobsters and crabs, alive be must be.
tihould he sputter and fuse, help then Is
time husbands do It untilform utak) done.
Your rugae �.-a-the rarely misses.
tweet/. andtpepper. me one at all
sat of spice yea may. add a sprtukIIOg
Stir sennelest to the- kettle he adhere;
Thus making bis treeless. 1 greatly fear.
p•lrse not la he aide, some }usttument
For when he Is done you will know It
.tole k.
Watt proper Vr treatment and excellent care,
Iou'll uud Arnr indeed.
Kluens and ram.
I had • love, dark-haired wet slue '
tier eyes were prey ;
leo rake of her, serene the gra
I wiled away.
Death. sickness, tempest and defeat
All With years cane f:sr tees, fair and Meet.
Aad rick was I.
Aram for me the sea
Familiar abbe.
I found m 'love t Bar
tiny es her ryes.
"Alas e• she sighed. "forget me, now
Nu longer fair."
"I loved thy heart," I whispered low,
"Aad not thy kali!"
looked down
locks bad grows
llaeaealows Greatham Designed for the
infirm season.
The modern organdie gown is by no
means a wash Crock. Muslin*, dimi•ie:a
and thin stuffs of all kinds are built
most elaborately. with frills and inser-
tions, pumngs and Melting; shirring* and
tucktuga, and they are not intended tri
tar luuudered datathe u. '1'1 i
may require rend fresh
vie(. but that is a11. A
models are found cha
organdie and mull, bu
and meets -
ung the summer
ing cieutione of
t intik two or oft-
en more skirts of the same transparent
fabrics, and tlependiu50.011 no uthey fats
dation. Some of the ttudernkirtd are of
a different shade, giving a shadowy cut -
or effect. A lawn with a violet patters
Printed on a whlte ground is hulttt over
a secoad full skirt of yellow lawn. Stack;
mull will be much worn over colored and
white silk dips. A chic frock is of pais
Yellow mu*Iin. with wreaths of pink
clovers. Around the hew are six .mall
ruffles. above which is a pattern of the
lace iu.ertidu'gtit on in loops,. and armed
the design is sewed narrow black vel-
vet. • The waist is very full in the front
and in the back. and eoueiats of ent•S,
deux of insertion eutllned with uarro'e''
Meek velvet. The rash and collar are
of black velvet.. Narrow frills running
no and down a skirt are often very ef-
fective, especially K they follow the sties
of the spurn frrut to the hipm where
they turn anal encircle the skirt about
the touruur.•. The flounced skirt in me
lin is sueeeasful when four or five ruffle*
are used. rows of insertion separating
them. They curve up toward the hack
and an extra one is set abort the hero
of the back breadths: these linesore
more becoming to the figure than those
running straight around. Broad squares
or diamonds. bow knoti of lace insertion
are easily arreinged"on cheese -barred or-
rapdies. The sleeves this stumner are
to all. The shirring and th"
pulsar. not to mention the lice epau:rts
and cap riser the tots of the sleeves. all
sive the dcmireeel breadth. and at the same
time dhow the-beaute Of the arm- and
thew as well conceal defects it way ex-
Fer ga,de. panty trucks and _aur sat-.
terauon wear generally. canvas, with a
very open mesh. is very fuuhioBable. built
over glace ilk. As a rule the silk Un-
just will be of a brilliant shade. softened
and subdued by the color of the canvas.
Pale green canvas is charming over
bright yellow. dark bine over cerise-.
black over green and purpie. Batistes
are imported in exquisite drawn -work
effects. abo in plaids. stripes and em-
broidered designs. They are also made
up over bright linints. Plaids seem tat
be the favorite design in every style of
roods. Bands of embroidery placed
vertically umien the skirt and waist will
be a novel and effective manner of tine.
ming summer frocks. A very stylish
model of violet taffeta is trimmed will
bands of ecru open-wotkcd canes..
About eight or nine of these bands •tik
Placed around the skirt. the bodice ha-
lm/ six similar bands. three iu front ate)
three at the back. The sleeves are of
the violet taffeta. with deep lace cuff..
Tbe bek and collar are of widow grin
ytivet. Figured gauzes and greeaadine.:
n very popular. The patterns are stun-
shadowy shapes. wblto have • i
gree the effect of color. design Toe be entirely
rep to date they most have a skirt of
mute between the outside Materiel and
theoundation. A frock of dull green
geese. patterned in rod. has a red silk
foundation. and green chiffon tsetwecn.
The same color effect is carried out in
the waist. Among the pretty ties to 'tee
wotan wipe Finan collars are those in
Scutcb plaids, of soft silk, grenadine or
satin The Stuart plaid, with its bars
d yellow: the McGregor. with its gry
scarlet and touches of black: the Scotch
,alk. green sad red.and the Ferguson.
with broad blocks elf white. an very
gretty. The black satin or silk tie is
more blieOlaT'ther
it is tar more effective than any other
tie with light shirts. The correct bow tf
small and the medium width is most
desirable. Puffy Ascots anti the ever.
t high
ir.,(1r_r.. toTbey area made of blackand are worn hsatin ,
in pees' Thy and
in Diak}w—in dark etooa•s of green
blaze --and in Me new Parisian silk!. both high black satin stocks ase word
with and without a collar. and they nee
tied in necktie bone tad fuum-in-bands.
Broad stocks of white dock are warn
for telt.
This is a sews of brilliant color, in
fart mane of the combinaeant to tions
pug and reeve routines to be in evl-
de • e.d reran
,hose. and they are anal In the newt
ota.rreleoxnr ehadere. Pettit -nate are es
height in color es outside skimp. and quite
as elaborate in their dectratiinu. Many
are ruffled to the knee in fount and 1,i
the waistband in the back. Boehm
moria the hem and over than fall ebon-
ten" et ruflium, std over all ie a flounce.
of O toothed
edandfSed n*11tiwW* still
lledewith bee fet-
tles'in vogue for tticoats. Taffeta makes
the Hebrew garment gOnseottrently the
moot. eiwirabie. In these dam of brute
ant effect. a pettienet far the
ehoxtki match the dress lining Broeadeed
satins with get -lands of white flowers ate
worn with black drosses. The tww
black and wblte skirts aur veru good
Intvie and they ere neat bewitching
Vlhler teffere° are retied with.cfn.t.Kn
of Week and white silk. seed bend. eat
black insertion gree let in the duvet Sono -
ego. which nae srmpleted with a do..ah
fail or Meek and white Nee. Biaborate
India stealth neetbrewat* are worn with.
(elornd oeasc'edlo'11 and while mW4lie ..
Thor ape beftilld and befonnerd nn' i1
bot a amen. dnentity of theo - riginal rnn-
terital la ramble. Colored lawn° nod
.nttous are aim noel for i ndetriuthes.
'The tither ecalsr*. however. are very apt
to rade in the •iiflk*het
et .ti(Mnno nR d.
Petticoats are a fon gad the metre
any kit. They At
make thsthereastone out. and yet they teJ+
low the torte when in mo�veneent. Th.
obs akttth 1lttttbdati en(
neetiew toe is one mere
Dif1te that Octets will be worn mor
2n*t,Ir in the airtime. and that they wit
be relied *rel the street to dlecbass the
reface of ilk beneath them.
hotbeds of Trwteseat Tested at Various
ltaperiseat $totloee.
The following bulletiu uu'tbis subject
is issued by the Purdue rel ural. Eli rimeutul St tiuu:}ity Agri-
A.t this sessou of the year cattle
suffering from the eersiste ill/
buts By. This fly, congregates is colon-
ies about the base of the beafro pinta
die back and sides, at t e t(
about the fluukss, suit triter. d on thy
belly. This jrAsucks Mood at cattle,
and so irriteber them as no doubt to re
tard the dayiug ou of flesh with beet
cattle, and the production of milk b7
witch cows. o been revel -
Many substances ha,'t
mended to keep away the dies.
Dftsais*lppi 1.,,xp rimeut Station reetoot-
ruend* two parts eottouserel oil or fish
oil rad one.part pine tar. This station
untitled this mixture to 350head. at 0
Meal coat for ,wateriul of ;G=.I.V. Kers,
sortie emulsion has abut been used, tspray-
it over the cattle with a knapwu-k
ger. The flies air killed by the.
emulsion it it touches them. The etnnl-
Won may be made by mixing at the rate
'of one pint of soft, soup for our -fourth
pound of hard soap .dissolrcol in bulbier
water, and one pint of kerosene iD 11
piuta of water, thoroughly whipped and
churned together.
At the Indiana Experiment Station. we
awve ay thee filesdiarreut Nopettoftasces to keen
tbeae were et
teethe over two or three days. We hate
secured satisfactory remelts by point a
Quart of bah oil. in which was mixed
about trip tablespoonfuls of orude car -
* die at -M J"bsb oil is ilu cents a gallon
1111 Lafayette. 'These liquids are upptied
ou,the body with a tlnt,paiut brush about
four inches wide. b'iah oil is especially
db*agreeable to flies, and is pmoba''le
largely used M the special preparations
j tbn toe ruing any form There tar, ow
it makes the hair sticky. which accnm"-
bites dirt. and so gives it a bud (*Peer
11-J,eelatiu Gives ea insight Into Ifo
('auss• and Desedtes.
Dr. Gilman, at Dirtroit. a specialist la
diseases of the eye and ear, turuiahed
a payer on -Earache: Its Causes and
Treatment." to a recent fame ce The
peeeciau and Surgeon. He says that of
all the part" to which we are liable
there is perhaps none coir dimvk to
ecdure than a violent earache. Pain is
the ear is a symptom of great unport-
ance, and atm gives warning 16 a seri-
our coalition, demanding prompt atten-
t:ua An itannaat*tley condition may
often be benefited by the tree applica—
tion of warm water Pr the canal by
Meana of a. fountain syringe: such in-
- dammatiteu -ave otessremsed b,'-thes
of pens, ear -picks and other •1oreiga sage,
Impacted cerumen, or w ismthe
ear. wanetanles occasions per In the
ear. if impacted on the tyvtpaetlO'. The
•yrwse should be relied upon for ks
owceeseional Foreign ca bodies l
of suffering. ea/ me
ffthering. Be -
for attempting the removal. the inset
teethe rot the object should be
tamed. and an attempt to
lete.• it by a stream _n
the nTringr.notomes and
other instruments. even by experts. is'•n aerompanld by injury to the de-
lete. membrane of the tympanum. A
kr, inert in the ear often causes ato-
tnring enracbe. If no other remedy is ate
Fatal fid the canal with warm watmt
when the insect will be Paced .out or
drowned and relief secured.
Bleat eitbe'r dry or motet, will =wit-
h' dunieich the severity or entirely''e-
lkve many tonna a earsrhe. Poultices
whaled not be need an *bee ear. they pie
dangerous. us. and apt to do great damayt
tor, the. tympanum. The usual remedies.
sweet nil and ,Iandnam. reamedmimeetc, are d Httle real nee' in relieving
ytin; -the vfrtae of the ruing clad be
militia. lesblieg in
d heat et.
Ear -drops'd
five grains each
of bydr.r'hlnretr of tootle" and carbobe
itirttd orae drM m of gene retie. are awe
tel in relievine pain. Warm two or
three dr'ps a this solution and drop
into, the Par.
The fountain tytinre is the hist to use
abort the ear, sad carte mist be taken
not to Ret too great forge to the *-ream
rot enter and th troll the auricle beck
and sow. which gives a bn
itter peninr
to then canal. Time stream of
water &retest to ail pante of
the cane. said the drx1Aiit1R can be kept
me for too or fifteen 'ninnies at n time,
LA ta•qui!ttly abs the care seems to de-
Thump" July 8, 1897.
Before the green wheat tur*etb yellow,
!future preen pears begin to NOHOW,
Before the green lege reddenetb,
th furor the green wires tad* Iu death
Before the glees born mimes to ear' .
Thea Is the keen time,
Then is the .ppnea jdate. the leas
Then is the green thea
lieture young tbtmbleberrles thirtieth
Before young gropes begin to gaieties.
Before young robins Rutter down,
Before young butteruuta embrowa.
Before young love has grunts too deaf.
Then are the lues dale.
Titer are the stag drys.
Then are the young days of the year.
—ptkelwya Wetkerald.
Stockmen would do well to break ftp
the manure in the pasture whenever P°*'
Bible. as tbe dire deposit their (hers in
It. from which the young are developed.
1r the manure is gatlund up. if
leto pis•ren wlthiu u dray or so, rem-
edies to
to keep ,ser the file. are ap.12 ter
the cattle. unreel werwe
'DtuN in the sensun.
Tose end Pleeme.
most cbamable _"person • i -tis"`
weed may make sad neetabes even in
giving Sowers: A yaw mother was
aorrcwing over the death of a baby and
I. yearning to contort her, packed m7
preppies tub't•pees, and carried them
over: only ter be t*,t. to my grant ao-
• tetthen Newt with, "Take them sway(
They wen. on b.b7 n coffin, and he. is
t goner' I wee bot tan glad to throw
them out of the windrow.
We must vnniwenlrcr the some DM-
tN•i1s ne.n ns rly with the brain than
other porta of them face, and a stent
- cennectod with a sorrow brings W lack
stein. .lith thin: keen bringing back d
a certain perfnme may be a mei>ag
tram as wee!. A boy wont' termfell
country Mahe to n huge
with I.a)11 pilepenions. and went down.
m•.rnity. ewe low. He slid not write.
3111 hen father and me tbet mourned hire
an .bend. Oar day, in a taar'ket. be sew'
1 p..i'•'4Isere verbena. nail know tnt 11
ren• his mother's termite piaut he'
benefit It, tarried it to his morn. and
. the 01..ot• its wi-�ceet .sent went to his
)smer. the more 11ee•tb.sapht a hes b55Ito.
Se e'.•alr he exelnitrnd. i'iI Ito and wee
tn"t'•'r:" end that wee the beginning ce
(leap alight as well have an idea Oto
"all torte and c.otdltions of nen" in
laying not n garden. etgwee•idly if there
SII itifvoy ort row'm. A "lied of r aeeme
world inhered the cur who pialncel it.
rel d" n not misalonery ewe hrslb*.
Uiehnei m:rht here le. dicnmrt*-t a9'1
.tndnew his thistle. wbik a I'rrnehmrwi
will rem- hystorienl neer m tine' k' .1*
and I"rttx w-lll i,e happy w11;h lain own-
TM.iere w,. omelet en Rene.
That it te not wise to !weekly ton motive
wets, ketttea std panes when furnishing
a kitehgl.
Thnt It Is wisp few A y.tneg hott+e-
k/v'l1e'r tot into each rem in hoe bonne
It itlest •it. l' a dad. id be kept rfrrtn
Tlaht the idler Mould
and whitewashed at bast 0exee a year—
preferably In the *piing. emhould
That dl bills fee marketing
b• peal weekly -easel. batter still. When
the mete* Is bought. sat, motto
That "so ereollt" ls eerygp
for * rOn lypt gQe to v hi he wheeled
Thn f ne�•ewtftti'e
itefere tansy artj4tes,
Thnt it is slimy. decidedly cheaper
In the. pod be buy gond ~Peke tend gbed
Ramie 1s Dalidleg 1t First sad Will
tinppll the Irbabltaste Later
Au engineer and puma workmen hate
baro busy tot mouths near the Arctic
ocean nuking a little town. Thee have
not bothered their beads about the ha -
habitants, for the Russian Government
will ser to that The town L bailiff ual sneer ed
events'in making Instead of a loot
vventedd in this case.
oafpersona settling iu the same place turd
making a town, the town is being bttdlt
and the residents wiL conte later.
The town has Aso been provided wtth
* name before anybody lives in it. Its
name is iekateeinoecatl• • lad the moat
impooiag thing about the tow. as yet.
Invited meal WidthIllaboeb's Glee '
11 I 5
Termite, imus 17.—Tie most fashionable
weddi a of the seaaas was eelettrated res-
wedsy anorexia, whoa Miss Edith May
Unbolt, da*gttar of the poatsaster-taut-
*2, was serried to *Dwell T'hos.o., bice
is this nitre. There was nothing there
a year ago to 'show that a white man
bad ever seeeu the site. but now it he
beeieuiag to look ngb a town.
nee only inhabitants to rake It
quite a goahead place.
The town is in the bay of Kola. near
the Arctic coast of 'Moslem Lapland. a
flat and uninteresting rewlon, in a large
part of which scarcely a ,grub, much
leas a tree, will grow. In August last
year the Russian Government nsent�itoo
the site er[ had aereedY the towa civil eugi-
whim atpexialty is
harborrounQ vemcnts, and wee twenty
men under his direction were bard at
Mork, building a couple of biers out hate
the bete for the use of the teatime craft.
which will give the tonna all its is•
Last winter fitly wooden bibsM ings
were constructed at Artba.ttrce'lah, on. item
other Attie of the White See. It is prob-
able that th,r�k to the going coast of uthe
ging will be has-
Ar(tic ocean, where they
tarred together and met up for the peo-
eapie who are going to .live- in the new
town; and. se sxan se ' everything ls
ready the town of Kola. further
ndotwidereverehadff- there N.U.
ennit be abof Russia.
be transferred at the expense
and Jeketeriturgrad will be all ready to
begin business.
The thing that will make the Lowe
ie. the Arctic berries in theneighbor-
hood. which employ about 15(X) men
every et muaPr. For the pewees• oaf these
hardy toilers the new town is muck
more conveniently situated than Kola.
and that is the reason why Kola is to
be deserted and a new town has sprung
up sears the nes.
raster, of The y was Per-
formed is St. Janes' C tbedesi by Bea
Sullivan There was • tell Moral servfos.
The altar was decorated with daWes, it be.
t.g a marguerite wedding. The oherSk way
also Direly decorated.
The bridesmaids were Mimes Ethel
Saba. Mead Siagamill, Elsie CMtk. Me -
Kay and Baaies.brides. Mr. Boyd McGee
was buss ansa. soul the umbers were 3ass -
b.11 Weber, of London, J. 8. M
W. E. Berrif sad Cewthre Malock. lie..
Mr. Maleok gave the bride away.
Myo Adele Fslooubridee and Master
Cewthn Mslook, the former in white mus-
h tri.tmed with insertion sod a wreath of
chides. Ike latter in as Et.00 cult, were two
veru eitrentive page/.
1h. bride's dress was of heavy white
satin, en train with Renee. with • ba.dsome
berths of nal point boo and trimmed with
orange bloasome and bridal roses. The maid
of honer wore a skirt of white moire en•
dyne, with a bodies ot white chiffon,
trimmed with lac•, insertion, gold ribbon, •
wreath of daisies end wingt•e-- The retool,-
mails -
maids appeared in oa•seliae de sole, over
green milk, with wreaths of daisies and
white wing. They carried shower bouowts
of daisies.
Tbree thouasnd guests were invited.
Atter :he ceremony there was • reception
at the home ot Mr Mistook, 518 Jarvis -et.
The numerous beautiful presuat■ Oahe
from all over tb* Dominion. Among the
donors were Presser and Mr's. Leaner.
Premier end Mrs. Hardy. JudgeR� Ml,
Mortimer Clark, Q.C.. y.
MacDonald, Jnatio, • Fsloesbridars, the
Senate of Tornow Ueiversity, Edward
Blab, Q.C.. 8. H. Blake, Q.C., Sir Oliver
Mowat, sad other member' of De Dominion
Description of se Economical harasser
Bas for roubtry,
Where foals are kept in confinement it
will be found best to provide outdoor
runs or yards leo them
during g the heess tlumen.-
uaer lutks. tithe
these verdewhenever the weather will
Permit. The ' most economical form.
everything tu.lidered, for a ponit-y
yard is one mach lunger than wide. TN."
rods long and eight rods wide is sat5ti-
eat for fin Nay>. Whenever a pool'rt
plant of Wnahltrebie size is to be estab-
lished. it will be foetid most economical
to" at tinge tht� yards side by side, with
oust end at tLs poultry house. The
fence's which lose there poultry yard),
may be mail.e of retry setting or pick-
ets sad rase t 1�Y! seven tent
beet to have
wmetimes it
quite young
It the
as deacrit'-
w a
high. In either case it
a board at to bottuw, f
will be theiratsie to dl
chickens the tat of
poultry yarde are
ed. ttwve M millcientJratont for a row o'
fruit trees ddwn the centre of the yant
and still leave ample roomfor
f nohonor our mill
Lavation on either side,
or two he-aeen.
These yards
be sown
part mit the efts.
all fruit trees protwbly there are none
that are tomerk ruitabk for the poultry -
yard than the Mum. The droppings rot
the fowls wine:monn the trees. and the
fowl* as Marie destroyers perform a
great nfltee to protecting plume from the
erectile,. Arne the trees are unee well
estahod. a crop of Plums nbould b -
sed emit' every year. These, teas,
will reivte Rb extra enitiention. The
plum thee pe rn-Pa valuable service in
pewvidt*t tot -for the fbwIe. Where
times are not available AU • ewers may
th consid
Io kept thoroaghty
{ r beet, grain Baas
enOvation to turulsS.
ford for the fowls. Of
'that it is wiser to Mrnittll the stens
ee17 rears flirt„ lite air Or (Stase morns
lintel a more
That a •tall mon aw,uld be foid aside
"'dart, wkh veleri* a bane that be
Praha e
plant ~skit* and a tidy
rnwjtat tse
,With t aweset therms
era degree of it ac
some protwetbu moat be Riven the plants
midi they ere wveleenatsli*hed. and even
then poesy Desats will pre destroyed no-
rr ethe food *1I theR
time ural World. fowbe have an obnndance
,Blue Asbestos egos *Sties.
Canadian and Italian asbestos will find
a serious competitor in the bine ashes -
toe recently discovered in the Cape Col-
ony, mince the teeth African prodiet is
l.* than hall ea heavy and furnishes
bbree considerablySteer and longer than
any other. The uth African fibre has
been worked into webs, which are but
little i it riot to those made of vegetable
filen., and ere absolutely lire -proof.
Twine, cord and rope macde of this blue
asbestos will not ondy resist fire. but
sin. most eat the known chemicals, cow-
pony*. ve vapers and ettmoeph•ric iufuen res.
These qualities will open a new field for
the employment of asbe*tdn fdbr$css in
efennicml Iaboratore*, and for t.&
caul: -
ing o[ chentieal apparatus.
Ia entre to test titre recittance of the
sew material a blue asbestos rope of
shoot tb reeefonrtbs of an inch in diame-
ter was weighed at one end with 'LEO
pounds and exposed to a ennstent flame
frost a large gar jet, ea that the rope
for a considerable length was ss irrrtnd-
ed by line. The eord only broke after
22 Mears. Still it was a trine lighter
than a rep' of the sante diameter made
of Bawds° hemp. Compared with a
time hemp rope. the aetw*tos rope hie
two-thirds of its strength. but as the
mop(* Ret older. the proportion L altered -
in favor rot the asbestos rope*, aphis they
puffer but very dlttie from the influences
rot the atmosphere.
Another novel (triplication of thin mn-
-enrie .-..ia-.tlaa--a uckita¢ uL .r'em
(thee into mettlesome for hasp .
ore gooier in summer bpd wit in
wirier. than these snob (ether of nni-
mud hair rr yegete.hie fibre. and no ver-
er,min fan live ill this mattress. Expert-
eniefrte aye now dyeing made of working
this nee into cloth for firemen's apparel.
Of rushee the long fibre blue ambe'ttes
rem also be employed for all the uses
to wideh whir asbestos has been put
heeeto4ore. Whiletrifle more expen-
se*, Ste superiorgn�ities make it well
worth the difference.
After Desolation Day cameo the Great
North Wester* Psbibitie., *tad to -enjoy it
prepares good exhibit and carry off tam*
�1�t13Y TO Ob21D1013,
use £U.
During the Year 1897.
Por hilt particular see ad,erui ements, or apply to
LEIER BROS.. Its.. 23 herr IT_ TORONTO
J eanit H. S•ru.l, President,
JOHN CAYPBILL, Vtoe-President,
D. E. OALB&AITH. Secretary,
P. M. HaAsma. Managing Director,
HEAD (IF FICB, 8t. Thomas, Ont
Lowest Rates. Cp to date Polley oontraota
Energetic. sellable local scents wantedd
dress the saorsrr
_ caiaiis & Rhyll pstmcssrF-tl�.gar.aaaalg
Dealers 1n all etude of
Aad bau,s, . muerte' of every duserlption
School Furniture a Specialty.
Summer is _her
0o oe prepared ed to meet it with a
good Hat or Cap , when it comes.
We have put do stock all the Latest
Styles of Spring
Alt Amend the trams.
in a sandy will deep planting is beet
for potable's.
If the hal M dusty, dampen it for
feeding� in away from the borates'
eboakless wh they ate renting.
Ashes may he eonskbercd an a Ap eeinl
fertiHtee for peatpaa, impreeiug the yield
and quality.
Generally with Sower seed.' large or
coarse seed. Mould be planted munch
�rep� than sae seed.
T'h. most steseeenf ls. k season,ratherf it r
M dole nes.sdliag
than h an
y other met tale.
It «92 be an exceptional came when
crop cannot by need to a
mule advantage during the summer.
the cabbage, tomatoes, or sweet
p ee grown long and npincf-
tog wee them late the soil; .town
to the first leafusually a pond p1&)i.
If tits Lyall ts.mber of stock to kNrt
that the puot+Mw will carry daring tie
beet part of the growing meson, Mime
outline erne truant be grown to help out
when the patures tail.
pee ilaoettilit (seems.
For the Y mer are *ere °pini -frame
►ait ae
Rhin has
'white ab
reit. ineot It
net! silks w
with reerme bah er
stbbe ageautde With
strives WWI afiewer
t'p sprintMkb
devices. nevi
t bars. vine
rvalo.s Hetenae ea the Reed.
Tho stionorth of the dynnebt horse en-
obtP, hien fb sake good time for a short
eprdat, thethe• excess of weight he
corNest maims nee sin dirt roods
of drieugbt houses should neat
be attempted, bemuse the exerea of
weight mathps the poueadinm of the horses
feet on the hoed *urtate ail the twee
�y-It b wetl knew. that bees/
ro= mill*4411. apt to[save defective
feet Ts W
t bed,'" to be the masse.
Rept to *g4 sppropelate pose ea
rord'seAfe7ms farm draught horses will
Sysie9 le Pad service years atter WV
est 9I0 (Mea-Ai�tR�_eL_ ,�M1. olt le si' vena son'
that shertew lite ria ung to lti
e mater tail both Move
amen,.—Jda•vmail of . g&,-wltnr •.
which for . uatity and price snot be
equalled. In stock are numerous as
sortmenta ot the latest in
C. R. SHANE & Co.
The reliable Hat and Furnishing Emporium
Wasaed AY In the Reseed.
"]Rewe. your honor," wetted the at-
ntn 7 in the nowt of Justice n of
Mehta Roan, "I more dienbsearothis
cats m the ground that the coTpua be-
lted h.. IDOL been established."
Retire Brown rubbed hie' chin in a
way, fixed kis gate qn the
for a moment and then, clearing
his t said:
"Of course, It is an old prioripie er�
law the e probator t mos '1
with ape anigator. and in this ease I
e�tlw belief that the corpus is as
but I don't know about the &-
"Tow bonne i went that to go into
the weed," demanded opposing came
oak "I went the record to show duet
yomr homer said fhw,eortess is al rioNti
belt do not know about the &lied.
Brawn lvaifltd that be lied
bi_ndsed. and eat staring at the of
toimry lora momept. Then palling him -
MR together he said:
let tbet go Into the re-
knew da.
w I was kt itg /when I said art.
.ad that will pro into the record, tette—
at s—
Sea Waanci eo Peet
wssease Meeeteee Plea.
The teed gt'm to young pipe after
wasuling sbasi d . be nub as to yroinoW'
the larappet growth of base awl musclo
and moth food should be ted that is
cowipveed isegel7 eat nitrogenous erbarse-
ed% Poet. 4Pty . we may hate an
sh.wwletnee of t' anal of considerable ve
empty. Skimmed milk *farce, perhnpw
At till' Dead. to *tett the Tonne Mir•
and may he centinttcel tette ade.ntiere
to the and. Regal. Whet. 014 of pique
sbermmld raeyer •tee e..nbned to peas IR natew
alt. het
t� t��� tfs
slllyd��a'bt wag.
g. at
Canadian .
Deet sg.Nted by Rue's bays.
tet ignition ofeco!
Surface Works of the
wear Prie0le.
to *N �Mererthe ! bp�ogf
des aid b the piping .at sad Sato the ilfh
in a nMyer rote era inch
.•On a *whiten Manthe•
.. CDAI..
always on bans. The. Bait
and only Scraton Coal in Ms
market.. Hard, Soft and Black-
smith Coal 'always on hand. All
Coal weighed on the market scales,
so that you are sure 9f Good
'!!t* C*M*/sA* es P*Ctrso w T �s
hY le
jaka sea w
g a nlriee
a 1t rarmlet eft beth es erttlNNas and Is
�t tis pt every pemos ate
is endow at data
etouth the
strewed that t4beam Ineamel the
the wed.sod
_ peoportioa
tot h
the mho' phew
rheai , the
•g as
b pawl duet May.
wry'. LEE:
or Herber Qua,.
EAZ7111 LAWS 8tore.
wwwithh dsail *Nos
jM�t)alumNetlsa�Rello Ossa
ee'► e.4ee. e
Rf I.... Manager Aodertab
neons PUB
WE MAKEaamm._.
Sewer and,
Culvert Pipes
6 .1111.2101.11
I have been troubled with Rheu-
matism for several months. I
could scarcely get around. I
had tried several remedies. but
of no use. I read of the won-
de;fnl cures Dodd's Kidney
Pills had done, and, purchased
one bon. From the drat box I
liar= to get relief. I bave used
4 bons and I am cured.
1 rsanils. pea. Mees
W. ID tniese.,
Lindsay, Ont.
All gloss trent a ta. s* tet, Rae
•aeap.v rev maws TORONTO
Tai ONLY AIMOLv'rIL, ttal.1Aal.a PLttrAAA.
1 I I
1 1
!Moran-. run Mee *unbar l to ears
1. natioI headers. L. bs ff r
(scat mrd
A sere ear* ..r
leieheites, Paralyse,
C0.vslekaa, 'Barret
Deeaw, sits. pew
Dodd's Kidner Pills ..•.11amr..e. e. wisn*t. sod shwa
Atwrttsli Cysts Rbeunisttisinarta isecalite tiller b itglikeiss