The Signal, 1897-7-8, Page 3• (GODERI C I I ONTARIO. MED ED Use gy • pariNa Oars with a ch niers' in, called a at no ay life: deed to try , after tak. " ft• the sore Your cough, like a does bark, is a sigli that there is something foreign around alouldn't be there. You can quiet the noise, but• the danger may be there just the same. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is not a couVspecc; it does not toady allay thesymptoms but it does give such strength to the body that it is able to throw off the disclose. You know the old prOV- erb of "the ounce of pre- vention?" Don't neglect your ,cough. druggist tom Scott's Entul.43e of Cod-liver Oil. Put up M ear- sod 0. ‘e woes MY general sted in this re was en. len, I use atonally as and, in. I could not -Mrs. S. 4. 3111S *R./011/1 41114sels maliatatelist Wkee 1\11\Allf Meet Marta MEATS ...tastes. Oar r hoes terry Dentistry HABIT OF NOT PAYING THIS MODERN QUALITY SEEMS TO BE SPREADING IT$ BOUNDS - 1 • Mutual .ad Understandable Mabel Treated enui.enitemany and Thereto,* trolgooly-truo ilideastne bide of • stsaieroith mod esoriesi. saifjess. The habit ot not 'paying, which emus to have beeepreadwit. say' The Now 1:urk 'rams, wee treated Of ln a toaster- ty wit hy Mr. Jamey U. Calmat La JAI; whinier vu "Individual CrrtMt* t 1•4;1. Mr lantion's gas ty the vthee day. pupae wak isnaccioni; it wee oleo amen - title anti phial/swan-el. 'ft* hetet vg eat Soria& hoe frequently been * teph: et the humorists, wad tie adaptability and avallatiiiity fur humirour treatuieut are as great as ever. In mite a We many uses to which it MU." 60 eleven,' put by Dickens and Trockeray and a hula ot others. It Miro bag ids pathetic side, which is always a little t. to "obvious"' to tempt tbe fastidious' artist: nod thole are pants of new, known W tot a Ifeer of us, roan whkh triigie are oaly too piain. liut with woo 011 these modes and ihouda had Mr. Cao.. tau to dot whoretore ltls esray erns not only almost urtique,but war aim 'emp- ire educational nave tri many more tinn the members ot the Natioual As - 'sedation off Credit Meru to wham it was addressed. - The danger to credit a Meade im- isirtant factor in commercial treatise - oars, that Ake in the atomic a the sys- tem of lodivklual credits wee never he - tore Do elearly tlatuonatisted: while the reveletione 01 tbe methods employed by creditor," eci Imre the pieuniary stand- ing ot their debtors ape 10 etartliug as anopeisie all a as and Wane not a few. For everybody is deeply inteneted hi this question and vietini of the habit a not paying ip OtW Way In' the other. The reeving tpahl end the itinerant laborer who 'hovels the same town rhe sidewalk* in winter axe as opt t•; he im- posed mein hy personas addicted to the Puthit as the retail tnerehant or the hotel keeper: .if the firsonientioned two it waist be said, however. that they are aro unfortntuitily placed aa not to he sable to relip the benefits of the systeiu pena/tiee they often fre-I wi keenty. Th. merchant and the hotel keeper. an the ttelr-appertertitien-Aft- "ret eren." While they are fleeced by "geoids" and enstorner* they eon, and frequently ho. fleece the Jobber sod the usarkettos n. M. Cannon- holdatiarie---die peewee &•- lorntgi. finninial mitendnon 4*lse4T dtic tire etraiains of :skate reedit beyond 141T)& limit. Tbez-fset is ow* coin - lea. list the raplanation 01 t Is t espy. The Aware of people and- deoly deprived at • inter Pert nt their Income po tonjw ail their semiehimod %mire, wIldie Real* foe better times, boo been ministered tio Polttatill by tradespeople and others wbr, have thrill- isPi.ros hnen *wedging the eserlit aratent. Dot, apart ,froui lei prewar reiation, dins eddy dernowartment. In a tinriporery dation of financial depoterirm, the hebit of not paring is festinating to the in- onirisor wrimi. Dot for its own rake. but for the extranalimirr arnionot of Pre cecesepeniettt ft receives. The habit hater ie oatmeal sad tinder- staatisite. Rot wile men anti women, net riven to the habit. trod tirebritw me advaritaermi from h. are so ant to to *0 it. ie it prieletund poet*. Reese= broadly. einhedy ever -wogs to tale anehody. In the miaow 01 4f treed - in, tor rannier. however, nine rewire si wags body himself. ia extension a credit that 85 41) sittoidshing. In :doe tweets arreof ten a Walla who doss not pm)" ft Mit when It la due is either mensellsrap retried or' haa the first qtraltfwatine 01 ahe sw1sihw. irkiril io often polite+, 14* - firm! sa -eareipessneas money matters." Yet he is, or arena to he. the very 10P wile evert act hia reedit earendol almest indefinitely renal eon Uve on the tat of .the fatal tor a king time on nothing s year. it is cm seereclitivi axiom that a Petooq who rarely or Orri4 pays his Ma eari Pet credit /dawn On hewn* man withet mole, weakl he turned away. In Net, the habit of poring hes its perinea 4I- 41 414 it the hahit ot nnt Par• ins enflames to aperad, the other habit nutty sena heroine Obenielife!" AA NICHOLSON. L.D.s. DinfTkl 111111011014. Remo opposite the Post Orrice Gold fotniag.Crowas asd Midge Worse Specialty. 54 TesnalExpert nee. M MABEE. 1).0 4, S 1J. ta4104 ; Mbdsheall d“tal ieaton. yo;;;.,.* ot the eater& teeth • p chitty oak. imarltoo Robin* a's dry c de store, Mt of West St. WO Ito Swore. T TOR,N JLL, D It • Natal Sun ann. t with Dr. Dixon. of M tea. artilicial *sett isms bases, spWs liVnttothsnsicw't IN A NAME - '•What's la a tamer' 0 bard, go tat You delude ua to betray. We echo your sneer till the day we roe Test we greeted your witching ray. What-• in • haute? And the doubting heart Grow* gay at the autratieulua; But there foliose a gloom that dears year art. And we weep o'er We Jaw rou mug. Vor there's naught le phlloeuphy that atones For the Isotwer that coulee tumbling down Wheu beloved "hiss Smith hammer -Mrs. Jtaira." While yoar owe name ir -Mr. Itrowu." THE JESTERS' CHORUS 01. Kerry Quip* Which Teed ta the Heat alai.' YOtl remember," said the geatkonati In the bald wig, -how all the world wren to Chicago bon years' ago?" "I do." &nattered the gentleman in the_Attiogreen whiekey* ••Well, now, all the world has gone te liN'teeling.-CAuciniesti Enquirer. Teacher -Define the word "objcittively" sad give sentence ih which t a urea correctly. Boy tither several mouteute of profound cognation Roar t • et j Ili-' qua lit y at beaus( tebjectiutuible. peroows a great ,objectivity to workitig. --Cbicago Tribune. "Miss May, I have called to invite Yt.0 to attend our does day performanc(. I take part, you know. T "hank you, Mr. Beayley, but I bait'. ;pother eagagetneut.' ' 'Then. the weather tuau Was rigbt." "In what "lie add 'heavy frost to -night' -good evening. Miss Dthglebet."--Clevelaud riain Dealer. S. ad*. Set mu it yet Wee to til te call and 17 year teepee - 1. & CO. G. ckurc:Cion Vet snow ,U4� ilt. Aachen/ . , E "Eh .,tottrot. Notary Pubtle Achim.%EATON -- HBARRISTER, h.ock . West Screen 1$w -1y C"C4 :BARRISvER80L- E. AaerVtariao000. oaMedia' Rat. Meer*edri iff 0. JOHNSTON, BA RKISTER, tVI. Miro* oommlasiener. etc. Mean so lost. Unica oor.Haaatittio al 11). • adrAw's Streets aoderioh, Gin- • OFTUS F.. DANCEY, EARRIHTER, 1- Solicitor. Doeveyeaper. tc.. eta. Mean to loan at lewslit rates. liorton's Biock. Ow sane Colborne Howl. God's:hal. Oot. au-st N. 'AWLS, BA1l1*ISTE11, PROC. tor tn Maritime Goitres of Ontazi .tite•-dantli Oolberse togs. 1011 0. HAYS, BatiVISTKIt, SO CIT.. lb. on, pe. odlas North -et.. waif toot IhniaL Oillaa. POW* !arida ts Iced at I. west rases �f15S- •Poe fl_ARHOW a ItROTJDFOOT, BAR- ut naafi. alheraliya,Aolioitore mt. .1 T. Germs, GC.. W. Proudest& t1litE1t3N, HOLT & HOMES, 41.-1 &initial% Solicitors la Otaaesay._ to. Otelerioh. 14. 0, C*�srOL ‘10.: P. Holt Dudley Holmes. _I 0. WARD, 00NTSIANu t, • to., mod ocasiisair tow taking and 41 miring resestawanew of hail. smarms ditiltaltiOSo or aims deelaro V▪ oss lo ore any seams. milt wr Pro - Miles la Glows et Jessica. the thane 10040,10.tra=sesta7 Opener Nadas Caen. sa" carattl eat en:anode eueelieeel. Rasideloo and P. . sadrese-Dimaigures Oat. 3106-tf WORK& rrAL, LB, Sheet bee as. do Minn, noillo nen sad Is. a, Lowest itor and Hog others. o. METAL. . esilarieb. Loans and Insuranee. _ Wayworn Watecia--Firerything ie Nit- t'n' to be door by machinery thew clayis- h is wonethIng awful. Perry l'ate4ie-1 don't we no call for you. uer me, thither, to gk excited about it. I ituess no inuehine won't never take up our trade ami ruin it. "That boy ot rota is a credit to M*father. W ins. "I masa admit that he is. I think it was all the wstem I pat Pn the- aria fifteen year* bringing him up, and the Imo oh calling him down."--Ciacinn.iti Kim n rer ilierffertaresbieweeit-oue- et those [doh fal girle who can never aft ittftl or decide what to do with her heads. He assay/crud lar petting an embracer,* arm about bee waist sad, taking both t.f tter little heaths au ilia.sa-lefrelit Free Press. A liEMINifICENCE. This attathoon by chime* 1 sheet • (*dad Wow= from • book. And crud -bled with my clumsy feet The thing that was au fair and 'Welk Some twenty hum* $110. One magiunee evetelog by Ib. sea My little sweetheart waited with me. And frost • bending brier vine Stoke off Ws biereau as a din - Some twenty Janes ago. Sweet wens the &Ada lu fading light With rases theta; foe the And overt tbe promise made to . That eutalleer tweeting by the sea. Some treaty June/Dago. Alt-well-akias 1 sw air var., Carotene gad Aunt altd Itelttlulf The light' o' love tor we died down. The rude A' lore for me earned brows'. dome tweaty ;sore ago. ••And did she dier' Alr--no-not sbe-- Me married Jona* and lilted tue. She's loud and fat, and "tn tbe wrtni." and Jotter -poor dog -1 pity him He leads • Me. you know. THUMSDAY, Jell e, 1897. s MONEY TO LOAN. - IMO 000 00 Priela. �. N Horton's Moo* 1"1- st rei4Eg.e as 64 per osmat. ate e poorite Colborne Godertch an-tt PRIVATE MEM - -1. strewutSeisney on tun amngs 1 war °a" SeesawSe" riIna ti, A.mAG= Room lit ee- cld auihsTorosto, wittips ocaeriakfitzsursaosEAGER„aiLONenceiNBYte.ANmarth.CING.,BotelAND. ONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE 4"1 " twatioPlates diecounted, O. Mom, same _ HOWL Gods. F J. T. NATTIL, vnts, LIFli AND bedlam laaareaga meat at lowest *11* 011ee-Car.lfeetiret. sad Miser* OA - &rich, 74- MONEY TO LEND. -A I. A ROI 43-1I- amines of Private Shade ter layeatinee eaRRAbeeitaht%str.FOgliwt."... try• ly lowest p RADOLIVII, GENERAL 114 "L'• flaws. god Ione aed MOW 14using Aguas. 0,14 arst-elaw eswgaidli Nun, at the lowest rate al betanstome.1.111 "Drummed, Massy to hand as 57 war to rods the sarrewer. ad U. goo, trool giggly. West etre* God*. lea 10ES4f al Co. ndle &g- loboid Et- reamorikble des of !IL Ming nd dolly Wier so - ineenaniSer InatItuteb. • The Miniater-Little Isoy„ aren't yen &tram} that annething will hat n hi yea 11' 7o6 tern on siduw Sundays! • • Little Boor -Oh. I ain't aistiesst!__ Yee 4 17 tomtit. aunt in use Dean.- and Leader. "Oh. I woulfin't be a exelainied. as lobe t.aittl dictum. . "Yon wouldn't?" "'WeG. 1'bosh1 any not. Why. whet 'mitst* do wfth a bieyeter e dead. .Deuce that followed showed that 44414174491441 00* the• Pan.. "Thiel, is no exciters." acclaimed thr theatre_pstrcitt, "On- hewing the wsita be -- tweet Trete so long." "That's preartly whist I said to the Wet cainapany that played heregrit very danwrims w let an ondiettee pi to sleep soil take chances on being aide to w•L'e it up acitin."-Wasbington Sta.r. "My wife." said Use young man, in earnest Innen, Iterelf± *They all sat that." said the elderly man, speaking *plena* to the wall. "But I know, ot yoo won't be- lieve it. but the saber me take MY bicycle all to pieces without offering' a singfe• ouggestion."-Indianapolis Journ- al. "Thme young Alen Mee practising for their college 544d dap. Do yon see that to -lookine feaow over there? lie ip entered for the mile rut*, and I think he'll win it." "Wh• sot" "Ile's a Oreek."-(;letreland Plain limi- er. A Standing Offer. BUT DO NOT MISS IT ' "LUDELLA" CEYLON TEA A splendid CO yinIA biet.nd tea at 25, 40, 50 and 60c. Its natural flavor retained tyl_Sealed WEI packages. For sale here, theroancrevetywhere. The Neer Cure for ituake 111fiee. The teak a artiffeially reoderiog ani- mals imsouse team snake poison was not an eaay one, tor ethe process dewed, upon traiuing the animal to gradually withatand larger sod largier &ma of the yvtiotil: and °unladen's( the iutepeely toxic character. of the substance wit:eh had to be handle& the danger was Peer parvieut at tbe animal sun:um:thing to email truism betore its serum had etc - grayed the requieite pitch ot protective potter to sender it ol eerviee aa an antitocho Dr. Oitimette tells ua that he carried out a very barge number a experiments tiefore met with taccese. hut it is not necessary, here to deems • •arinnis efforts; suiftee it to attiy that at length his labors were rowarderi and the following extract froin one of his memoir% deenitos the methods which he now adopts for this purpoge: "The beet nuobod of procedure for 'tbe pur- woe _a :vaccinating large animals der ottani W proclaim eati-venonsons seem consists In injecting them front the out- set with gradually incnounag quantities of the v "that ot fhe •oolvra mixed with daniniehlne quantifies of a 1 in 00 pota- tion a hypoohlorite of time. The con- dition and the variations' 'in the weights of the animals are carefully followed, in (mho that the injections may be made lees tvecosently the animals do not thrive well. Quantities 01 etronger and 'stronger venom me hi turn injected. fora considerably diluted, and thee niore iseieentrated; and when the animals haw already arquired a nifileiently p41' tet immanky. ti wrong, danced WW1 so knee a narabec of different apeeies ett maim. se missal& Ore IlljeCtOd. Tbe aeration it the treatment a of oonaider- Ago ieneth- -at beset Stereo monthre- bohire the serrint it audleenttyactive to be owed for the pneriosee of treatment" ,Tauring the oast thee years en kn. _IFIPOlo. member of animals have been weerinared hy thin method at the -Peg or InetiterOs LAM\ where Dv. Oil- mette mew dhreentr: and in • paper pualisised few works ago we are soli dig they bege banns titere which have yielded for the past eighteen months wean] everenvegy settee against venom. now homes ?recent in a Swingle In-' ortilation. without eiRteriox the bast In- rionovitgemete. doses of row= sufficient Ir. kill fifty horned treat to rho tPoo4- rnent.---1•otion8*nto Magazine. mermaid:0r she away trots grevertna grelrientes. "hkbetifth 441 its-Wrkiii.itirlibitt lbw • suirkets give ea ablantilinee of vegetables. it a regretted diet there le no country where thee ore so tittle amsflatret,," writes Mrs. S. T. Borer in Ladles" Horne JourriaL "To Ws -nay he traced much diecomfort *mow the ptAirer clamors. The leguntinolui seed. pees, beans and lentils, yield almost double the Remount of nrescle-making food to be found lin beef. One rewind ot Deana misting iive cents will give a food value equal to two potiods of beet at 50 rent., th heat at sernhomy worthy or thought" I an, in this considering eM pew sad beam; these green or unripe cootain a terve amount ot water and mOrrs Mum, and iesn albuminous matter, but ou the other hand they ant more emsill &seate4. conemtratal vegetable foods -re- quire long. slow cooking to render than woitohle for we. A little boking iota added to the water fe whieh old peas mad benne ftre milked removes the drone flavor. making them much mortodelleate. All vegetables should washed well cold water. Green veretable. Emil- e& spinach. cauliflower, cabbage, Brun - age sprout*roeurnhers. kale. onion*. leeks, amperage*, turnip rope. beet' tope, theism shard. TODD', Pew, and string brans. Angle! he (-onkel in boiltng salt- ed water, and boiled slowly anti] tondo.; not a moment Linger or the gav4* will le loot." 110DERION MOBORANIOW INBTI- .•-s 717111 AND MAMMY wipold ear ot Peas gran sad Stain MP maim ' • ABOUT TOL's II LIBRARY. Noe femme nu., ese trots Ito 11 0.111. rAnattif/ , Woo* mid Molested .01fLYClus l'apers,AlVet ryes., en Ale. t'uung tree use V_ sad Apt =NNW !oohed by utt.efek. RIAMLIairts • gloat* -nregatente 01044 to IS stitY JOHN 1010X, 011121113LL 0 - lead 11' AUCTIONS' WOW. Wallaae-ilargreav—t7: pondering whe MeMliuy. • dos o. dkl you advise him to set,' "I didn't advise hiro. He will be inqt ay. big • bore about the one as be wookl about ,the other."--ekieinnati Enonirer. "Whenever I make a new acquaintance instinetively else him up." "Weil, I hope that roil don't orerloak the fact thit the new acquaintance in- stinctively sizes you •p." --Chicago Ite cord. Morn Ottawa. inter ---i Stwcial.)—Sapple- inentary estimates for next year were nrought down at 1.30 thre aerates. The te, an.ount voted is $1.300,2Li. Fire thossand damn will be paid as grand - Les to penitentiary officials to be reart•.1: rind $'40.000 mnre encourage doityng; 11.1).000 to prevent the spread 9f tuive-- ruler& la cattle; $25.000 MOW fOr migrotion ;$53,000 to the teilliii;.inelad- ill/1:19,000 Pm the Itatridoetitingent, 000 to pun -law rolling the I C. 11.: 149114W5 , p. tonatran tAe Wen 41) snAr other publk far the Behriag Ournutisstes: woo Ala** heastisty; Vudeer Bay • mown; ere thatrillatthertsat Laarier's e WORT* As Good as Gold • Is the friend that stands oy us In six emergency. " Quica.C.USA" is The Creat Emergency Remedy many of the best known people in the land testify to its etticiency. It promptly cures Toothache and all pain. Quickly allays intone mation. Wherever the skin is cut, bruised, burned, ineammed or cUseased 411 iny 'form " QUICktair• " wi» do Its wonderful work. .' Dr. Z. B. Ibbotson, btajor Royal Scota, atcatreid. sad Com- mandant of Bigey Team in c894, writes " ' Quickenre' is a bessure, and data just what you aay for it ; when it is kifown every hotuseliakl '*111 have it. It is worth its wereoit in gold to -parents, who should ••••• keep it in the house for emergencies such aa toothache, burns, cuts, atc. CI- T - STURDY BROS. FoiR. TiiNz CERIE8 I Vessel Supplies a Specialty. • ' STURDY BROS. FAMILL_OROCEB8,-THIC *WARM Gees% Hiserhooiriacs. At Jena, in 1806. the Prussisua lose was 21,000 out of a total of 105.000, and the French 19.000 oat' 01 41 total of 90,000 -that is to ray, 40,000 casnaitke est ot 195,000 engaged, er, sought/ ane in five. At Bylaw, In Vf. tit; Binations iota I:S.000 men out 01 73,000: the French 10,000 oat at 85,- 000 -that its, for Reith skleis the appal- ling gropnetion et one hi three! At Wag - rata. la DM. the Anistriess yeas 000 oat- nit if10,0130: the Freseeb =CO out ot-the Nome mamba. At Aspee-i. where Napoierin antlered hal flea de- feat on die =at and 22nd a May. LSO. the carnage was still greeter. tor the lout 35,000 men out ot 10,000- nellalf their number-ond the Airs - trams 20,000 out oc 80.000. But even this awful butchery pales before thnt of Boeotian inj the Ilitnecow mormaign. for on that field the French lett 50,000 bead and woonded int a moon en- gaged, aad the Busselana 45.000 out qf the mime nomber--05,000 coon Shan or rnotnnted oat ot 264.000. It la avrtni to think at! And Wit bleeds' work weA done In a thsge 'September day with the oil flint -kit* meekest and smooth - Milani, aided by bayonet and *44)41'. Now the nutty bottle In the latter halt of the nineteenth eentury which can orenoare with Amodio° in daughter is that of Einaiggrats, rwRadowa. 41, 18611. .addeh eodei the Anskro-Proasian war. "Out of 400,000 men eastioged 50,000 were Wird or womi44ed-40.000 Amnions and 10.000 Prmeinna--one eight rei against one in thtee.-(lhatoberi• Journal. "I'm one of the few pereons who don't ride wheels." "Indeed!" "Yee; I'm just leartang."-Chicago Re- cord. "What." exclaimed the legitimete hero, drawing her greatly nearer to the footlights: "if our love is but • three, after ell!" "Ali. what!" the legitimate heroine sighed with a shiver. There was alttelk to auggest the ter- rible thought; for the box °thee wee ac- tually sellicur out the house.-Detroli J partial. Soxey-Wby do MO many young men carrY their ambrellas under their asensi Knoxey--4)h. I ampere its becatio- they litte to have their arm' around win kind ot riba-Pittaberg News. "Her husband Ii7.iTt rribly hard Men to,..tet lalonwetith." similitude of nen to biey tiresk one 4-lowerer, still probgeolit withilete ermid hardly be rue au wi any Metre of facility unless he wage blown up quite a bit. —1. "Oirte mike no oliftetion to being hog- ged in the woks. a,pilitty perfect Oran - [ere." of matigaThal- merely ptietical "Of Wits set. ng tbe poetry Go. ismotair, awicapary - siavt,r2 r/* mom. 01.0.00311/011MMKISS "AA& rof ?mak 55 1044' Jeer tbe WM* Mbar* ▪ Go ogre asa at Mot ia Illtp-' Mod Moo aisolesd oda* 1.! el Weir viosorioseirost faa9! sad sill feettasan tar Todredisedaa %seas blows u too ru "She save use a bead tat nickel -plated tomil etchanetar the last I called," he wild joyfully. "What do oil suppose elle asseat by that?" "Keep swine." woe tie hearties n- ehmen:eh. Alai marrptits ortui Irma. do treelpield oft=ttid Mitiria:;:t,hati "am proorw, la Post: AT MUNRO'S EXTRA VALUE in Nottingham and Swig Nett Curtains, 3', and 4 yards long, New and Elegant Dbsigns. Swiss, Spot, Spray and Sprig. mew --44-MUSUNS---A large range to choose from. immerow--, Art !Qualms, Art Sateen Draperies, Crepe Cretonnes, High Art, Crepe Reversible Cretonnes suitabe for Por- tierres, etc. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED A. 111111111110, Draper 4111.8*1S V leterill arwl the Ingot.. Daring the receot royal visit to Shef- field Queen Victoria witnewed the roll -- log ot a piece ot. annoy plate for .II.M.B. Ocean. law London Graphic's corre- spondent says: AU being now ready, the tureen* doors were slowly lifted like thgairon curtain og a theatre. Hope seis- sore were threat into the gulf, and forth came a most siorioue object. an idertl *vek akov/Ing and bursting with a ra- diance wk*' ralide tho00 near It veil their eyes piously with their hats. as though thorr had entered an old-faabion- ad church. The ingot was 'like a lump el 'rkierh *Wight in shape, but it with 42 Weber' in Sikh:mai and weighed ne row. Thu Monona, gigantic ran. In- dasiertbably lovely, with Ita lambent firei end seeking criones of refulgent splendor. was rotted derma tn the great forIcine r"1whieh took the glowing ewe into 1111.ps lik., on much separagne and treated It muds as a printing maehlne treat@ the paper trubjected to its Inform- ing preatinire. The Queen watched the with manifest toreweot, slhieldigg th a little head &Men Of eOlerea front the intokentde tra devisee a whieti Princes" Chris - iad army Awhile the Duke ot (ann- uals* elm ensiled thenseivam. gikeed&evintoecihouwat hblet. Zootti,r7ti old ape on the erne hand, the grade fonts ot an armor piste Ow one at bar battleships ou the *bar. "Stift art beract be whispers. attar 4t 5. roe:Xs:Ma abXit ortta the emits skirt be le treatise. Bet they ear trotidap.--Detrolt Jolt, - sal. • east ~St Mem Is lidtirbilomeal• " wife"' de dile el414tra of die teem this take to the tilis et anntrIkasdas .tiew rellimith.."6.0111Y404.6.11041604.1111r "iisaaesw, 4.44 ratite le ate ober oway/" Illefiettaii *ghee se& Is nee - stie irrittA sa• me et wirrobse obi WOW sesemee The terther amtatearizideff gee, lei II 111, 44.111011 00 mei% - esaillut the Clow waggle! TrIbuos. Holsehold Necessities ToE EDDY Boots that are Boots Shoes that are Shoes! wee. so ;riga troopo. llos elects predased by the (Mukha" at water vary with the Salines in which it is &reek. sari Xbe Sanitarium. If. rrils=see, a phdt og eold Water he o as a large draught, ft k it he taken in two pallets wtth a short thaw- val botween-effeets *Melt differ frail thew "thigh would have resulted frost -the awne quantity taken by dripitirtep- ping la • powerful stisattbutt to eir. ealatiodkos. thing whieh ordinary ink- ing tg not. ,During dheida of gooiest the .4416* et the * the heats of the bearinv'ithicesaiselebta. mid es a consequence that arse* enntivietell =kly.and thy eirenistiose In • wage rapidly, the balmier satof the 5047 fa levernaved. ,1431 to *Ma we &Ivo Intl that the Vosdhfilae tele& the hitt le .01.5'41 is a by the alltrineur narawas estrearea. thinner. skimmed' tqwetS0elernty tast:141:4:tXri:a*ter.0:/:04 are sold by WM. SHAMAN, JR„ 1010 has one of the lArgest Stocks sweet a Toronto The goods on the shelve* are from the best nflinufacturers on the Continent, and include THE SLAIER SHOE one di the eseiest-fitting, beet -made and longest -wearing pieces of footwear worn by Inas since the day when the MONK ST. CRISPIN niviarreD Boos% All sold are selected width the and Om Harovuorma ov ma AND WORKMANSHIP &TABUS Us Te Osooss tax River Sow co Wu& Wood work a epeeialty, and repairs neatly executed. V;777i4Z., 7111. liteLEANS BLOCK. 00141CRICK 41 41