The Signal, 1897-5-20, Page 7•
20 1897.
the most .hiking characteristics of orimlMi
is the •b.opoe el wisdom teeth,
trot MC JelI11ies Air meteors INA
Ily dowers are my 1rteed%
Ali oheerfel, tree sed sweet-. -.
fresh and pore .rad oharmiug they,
s° tel . W w, -t
]sir t beaus fists
&lobi beauties of • seep day, We smile whose sr we meek
They smite la oateso'lssjoy,
lieresses . preeisee tide o1 I.'I
leas Iron the o erflowed,world above,
And here, its bouodlwsese to prove.
Makes flowery weasel Itks eels,
loops blossoms brine to m•
Sweet messages of truth ;
Kw' opening bud sed blooming flower,
Assure' me that power
Still works out good as in the hour
That sew fair Edoa's ywth.
The* fragrant. lovely teaobers-
1 near them say to m.,
•• Behold what asecroy
h .e he hives I
Infer how bee
Aod see how woe ideation urn riven 1.. _
How fedtog all thine, b. !
I would be like my flowers
To gladden weeping eyes,
To sweeten man'a embittered taste
To cheer the busy eoa0e of boom,
And bless the moral desert waste
With brightness from the skte*.
Jesus, thou Site Divine
Natures great Lord above
Shine on me with transforming gram),
Impress the beauty of thy tee,
me sweet virtues lrp.raot phos,
And make me bloom in love.
- . NIM. Trees este. ,
The wooderful results whiob onion grow'
ere have obtained seem very enticing, but
so man without experl.00e can attend to an
sore of onions grown from the seed "nooses -
fully or with proflk It the fever most be
humored, it is by lar better to grow them
from the sets than from the seed. The start
them more, bet the oultivatton les. Ki-
pslry, Department Notes•
r glades and **•M, Coss. -Tatar :Yew
Wheeergmean Vbenniebeet$ the
gT..MMi -tree (*its..
west 4*1.g. v ---s
Three fltk . N May tspe.
Three kinds of hey ceps were tried at the
Mawolin.ette batch station-Symmss
paper board, oiled uotton and ootton treat-
ed with tannin. The first M held in place
by Ids weight, and the titbits are fauNeed
by pies •Hooted to the oords at the oor-
gies *wog trial the nee of .the nap was
very beae5etal, and the paper oap was eon -
Adored is more respeote superior to the
other two.
if there be moisture ie tbq atmeephere• sed
very seldom Weed when there is say move.
meat of the air. The thief predisposing
some M eximinetion from labor, sipeolnlly
atter the free use of beer er spirits. The
premonitory .ymptom1 are • s.eaalt' of
la.pitude, of staking, especially in the book
of the head, nausea, swimming of the bead,
or headache. sunstroke!
How, o, atre we to is to avoid exposure to the
The main0 pppm
sue. and this the inhabitants of
Nintim ecu Coa••ntel e* do by oeaia`ho work k
41 midday end by retariog from the
No doubt sunstroke might be is great
ure avoided to this oountry by similar pre -
muttons ; but we fear there would be great
grudge the loss ofthem. in enforoiog Leber, .co
woulde maiters
d the moo
would be toobned to laugh at taking suoh
precautions. Next to avoiding direct ex-
posure to the eua,the beet measureo for pre.
venting sunstroke are to have the bead and
bank of the nook well proteotsd by • white
oovertog from the sun ; to have the Deck
open, the action of the chest as free espas-
sihls ; to drink Do spirits ; to cease
and get into the shade whenever ehn-vs • premoni-
tory lel-
symptoms appear ;
. eekeeplsg ad Fruit Lrowl.I.
I. many sections beekeeping is oonaider-
.d a reoeeeary adjunot ot fruit growing, be-
muse of the aseistanoe of the bac in ferttl•
izing tb• blossoms. Some orchardists have
borrowed colonies during the season of
bloom, getting the use by paying the cost
from arid to home again and a trifle more.
Macy New Jersey fruit growers are sed to
have benched oolostee of bees in their or-
abards. Don't stray whoa the blossoms
are open if you have beim. _.
£grtewtt.ral Cee naltree.
Protestor Saunders, director of Experi-
mental farms, addreued the Agriculture
Commutes this morning on the use of twill-
' tzars. He stated th•1 experiments showed
Clever could be *own from yaw to year with
oereal., without lessening its fertilizing
value. Mammoth clover is the beet variety
to sow, and the yuanttty should be ten
monads of seed per cors. By the loth of
Oote5er it would be reedy to plough under.
The ekrolee to .lover thus ploaabed under
would 1'. equal to from the to twelve thus
01 ensure per sore.
IT will be well -to bear in mind that
the chew mad. is the Spring of 1897 aro
almost son to go into immediate consump-
tion. Other years makers have been unde-
oided whether to make the oboe* for early
use or make them " to be held." This year
there can be soareely any room for doubt
as to when Spring obese will be needed.
They are wasted now.
With this fact before them,makenshould
govern themselves accordingly and maks
ow of all their art in order to produce •
" quick curing article. To elite* ti*
end *verve the following palates -
1. Attempt nothing but pare. ammN atilk
L. Hest to 8b decrees and thelkmiake a
n soet test.
3 Set the milk when the rennet test is
about 18 ss000ds, or .t sufficient ripen.s se
that the cord will " dip " to about two sedi
• hall hour
4 Cee sufficient rennet to oeagolate the
milk 10 about twenty mimeos. This will
require from three to four Duo.. ot .tand-
em remoet. (Be sore that your rennet is
all right.-)
5. Do sot ant mon than three times, us -
lees the milk ie over ripe. Retain plenty
of moisture in Spring curds for en early
market. Our spring cheese are usually
too dry and harsh. •
6 Hest. slowly to 98 degree. -sot above
this temperature, as it is desirable to retain
7. D.p at the first appearance of acid, 11
the acid doss not show on the hot iron, .se
the alkali test. Do not leave the curd in
the whey mon than three hours. even 11
the iron iodiaatee "ao acid." 1f you test
with the &Ikon, you will tied plenty of acid
at the sod of three hours, provided the
temperature M keeps up to 98 degrees. The
bot Moo is not always reliable at this point.
8. Mill early -as soon as the curd be-
comes meaty and shows shout one Mob ca
the hot iron.
9 Hand -stir sufcieutly to improve
flavor, but not esongb to 1w all the mois-
10. Salt at the rate of about two peuods
to one thousand pot.ds el milk and before
he grease rune too freely. Allow the
wards to stand longer in the .elk You will
--title save butterfeesled
with " greasy ' ourds. Many are sacrific-
ing • good dm.l of butter tat for the take of
section a " arose " theses.
11. Keep the tempenthre of the ogriol
ream at •beet 70 degrees and thaw hasten
the oaring.
13. Do sot allow a cheese to go into the
curing room which is net nicely finished,
nor one to leave it until M 1. as let two
weeks old. hot a few we mo*, their re-
putation by shipping oard to their *stow
en. The writer heard 61 a owe this Spring
where whew were mads on SatordeT sed
shipped the following Tuesday. Suet •
mottos minuet be too strongly oe1demoed.
Don't do it, no matior what the provers
from salewno0, buyer" or patrons, who may
be anxious to more the advantage of the
present high prices. The reputation of
C nadisn ohes.e is .t Make. I repeat,doe't
de it,
13 lo order to ebtaia fit, meaty. q.lok-
oaring chew which will be at te eat in
about • moat after making, use plenty of
good rennet leave rffiiot.o' metatars in
the onrd ; salt lightly f keep the tempera -
taro of the eariag room up to 70 derma,.
night and day, and keep the ehelee in the
eC' wvle ww5traims at feast two wracks sch
In .eodgaton-Take • little trouble to
inform patrons se to the beet methods of
oaring for milk. Da not seed milk home
without tint -117104 10 rsmdy tis t'ronbl.-
Pay • visit to riot pewee at lease ogee •
year. Rend to the D.oartment of Agricul-
ture. Toronto, for bulletins on the Caro of
Milk and seed ego to oath patron. Keep
the factory Oban and tidy.
t0 ?Larose Owens.
P1oass see that the tamoty is ie geed re-
pair before eommeseiur the .nose's week.
Have all boles le the flocs made geed- Leek
over the vista, presess, hasps.rrotgliT
504 pat Ibsen in good shays for the maker.
Tidy the yards sed appgeabrs. to th. fee-
t°17- Pleat someabout the pis*.Melee the factory • where patltass
will like to Borne. ra i4an • p1•05 te tae
sheered on •serest el bad sM1b, *tidy
sarrsedrnge, tial sa 111-temperedwho asci
ak. Prise vistas M Wives
too boat sed I►agt vanity of milk will
boll) the busies*
Endeavor to supply the hrlery with
first -aloe milk. Tab. a 11ltMe f. Wireci.1
• tern quattity of the best ..i1=
that meld* dwilerechasiu
twafththe mitt I1 .Bees It M M• IMF
Wary every .tab V� 'i1vN
she Meeks to Med the after they ore Skim is • great flash-form-
ise et morelsis-forming toed ; earl
if the young pi • it gMnrod fe ibw re-
gans+t that time they cannot be developed
Into the bis•• oleos tl hogs. no matter who*
based they coy be et. Io my judgment, it
le highly important that the timidity of Gats-
admit hem, to proportion of Isom
flesh .ed ermaess, abould be maintained
sed Improved, if the IIMt anatomise for beg
prodUote ase pr000tvd and reWaed."
Caught is es the tRaptele.
Tb. &droltees@ with which' the
ladies uses his peddle is well depicted
in the illustration, which represents s party
•t voyagers that had become entangled to
•mottoes some dangerous rapids, and were
swept down • eerie* of thaw at a most fear -
fol rats Te. red man, peroelviog their
oritioal oondttiou, ordered them all to bend
low end stink to their oars, Ito that their
Draft might have • headway beyond the
speed of the current and thus enable him to
steer with mune effect. Comerehendiog
the value of this adefog, they a1 ecce
adopted it, and the result was that f fa
being several time* on the
•traction, they ultimately shot foto calmer
water. Had not the bow of the vessel been
kept steady helots the ourrent by the oars
and tho paddle of the Indian, the boat
would have been instaOtiy capsized and all
aboard it loot.-lt is • good thin/ to have
skill when one is oioght in the rapids. It
u better to have skill to keep out of rapids.
The few !ley Ciep.
Tb. New $seised aeeesse ed reports as
Farmers will devotes full ansa to hay the
Oomle4 wawa. Many of our returns treat
the vet%dle sod western .tats point to •s
Mermen ai 10 to 20 per oen4, er last year mora time this -while otbilb
supply of cold water at hend, both for
drinking sad for cold effusion, which s the
most ready ae it is the most effective of
remedies. -British Medical Journal.
Fruit Pr..peets.
Benton Harbor, Mieb.,-Tie *aspects
were Dever better than sow for a bulge,
.ad pried. crop of peaohss, pears,
and plums in this locality. The apple trop
will be lighter than last year, yet plenty
large enough. All kinds.ot berries are in
splendid condition. A leading grower e*•'
hlbitd today two peach twig• six Moho
long, o0 one of wbicb were eighteen buds
and o0 the ether tweet? -one buds. •11 per -
feet. Peaches will be in tall bloom in two
or three days. oro re•
Leasing, Mioh.,-The Michigan p
port for May shows the average cooditaoe
'of wheat m be as fellows : Soothers court -
tee, 84 ; central, 74 ; northern. 87, and the
tate, 82 per ort., oomparloan bettor with
vitality and growth of average years. Very
little wheat will be ploughed up in the
southern and nertheru eett01tee because
wbeet is killed or otherwise d..rreyd. The
proportion in the contra moantise u report-
ed at 11 per Dint. The amount o1 wheat
retorted t0•rhated by farmers in April M
829,4rad j>g eliels as *mowed with 4613, -
an serous about equal to last year and .on Wallets to April. 1896. The wet weather
to a d.or*sse. In the western states, where bas been favourable for (rase, slid the area
the prep is nearly all prairie hay, the that will be plowed up became, whited kill-
ameent card will depend to some extent ed or otherwise destroyed fe estimated at
upon mien in July. In many of the old0 only 7 per ort of 100 mt►1 area to tb.,
s.str01 .045•purn.1.tee, given over Lrgely stats. Apples premise Ise than two-thirds
t9 titaotby tied abut bap, tben will bilis and pesobes los than ops -half f ansvero4•
isaresmo aalhRia�.- res of potstmee trop. The figures are : Soothers oonettes-
ppluap64. Norther* serener
sad litres Apples, 79; peaches, 58 one year ago
apples premised 96 par ort and peach.. 84
per vent of an average crop.
Emporia, Kan., -The wnh..0orm• which
playa havoc with the apple orop last year,
has appeared hers in locreseed numbers.
Many orchards are already stripped of
leaves and buds. 'Ibis apple orop this year
1. eapeoially prosidng, with this exception,
but will soon be destroyed ante sone
method of exterminating the pests is dm-
ooverd and applied.
ear *M Pees.
Country 0O.tLmse give* this advios to •
Meer leek tarmer who wants to put in for
fwd oats sad pe mixed :
Fit your ground as early as possible. Be -
tore harrowing sew the peas broadoeet at
the rate of one bushel per sora This bar-
rette the ground thoroughly and sew oath at
the rate of from 1 to 1 j besbebi per sen and
harrow t0 lightly. After the peas are cover-
ed the oats may be sown broadcast or pat in
with the drill in the ordinary way. The
reason for sowing the pec immediately
after ploughing ,tot before harrowing Maim.
they need to be oovsred deeper time the
oats. Even if they are sorra before the
frosts w entirely over they will not be in-
jured by a slight frost. If sown in su000se•
los of about two weeks they will furnish
you with most exollent tongs during the
manor For lets sowicg, barley eboald be
sub.titated for the oats.
Took 1t ler a Tip.
The lighthouse* on the British coasts a are
periodically visited by the inspecting
Dere of the Trinity House Brethren, whets
function u to see that everything is in
proper order. tele oats 000esioa, while ex-
amining the mechantsm of one of the mon-
ster revolving lamps belonging to a light-
house, one of the gentlemen, wiabiDi' to see
bow many *tweeds would elapse tu oomplet-
in/ • revolution, took • halt -crown from his
pocket and placed it on the revolving
Watch in stand, he patiently waited for
the thin to come round again to where he
was standing ; hat Dn halt crown appeared.
The second* les hyoid into minutes -
still .o half-orown.
"Strange,' be exclaimed. "What mo
be the me*0iug f it *"
la order to •*certain the cause of ►leu
strange pbeue.ne0o0, he walked ,round to
the other side of the lamp, and, to doing
se. encountered e0* of the llghthouseenen,
who touched bit bat, and said "Thank you
sir." in an undertone.
The mac. sotto, the anis coming toward*
bins, had pocketed it, bhidking it was meant
Ugh ilp
1 wish to make a tow remarks os tiny fa-
vorite bred of swine, the Poland -Chinas.
Tbia bred originated in the Mi.soori val-
ley, in the state of Ohio, away back in the
thirties. It is • cross between several breed
of swine, the Graziers, the 'Wields, the
Berkshires, and the Big Chinas, being the
nest important. The Poland -Chinas are •
very popular bred in the United States,
and are fast gaioteg friends in Oonsda_
They are, in color, mostly blerk,with white
points, but a few wince spots on the body
.ei ti61 6bj1Afttoesble. They -e..-at-wood
length, sad deep in the body. Their books
are broad and straight. Their haeme and
shoulder* are large and full. their bead ie
short, their muzzle in flus. their serest* One
.od drooping, and their hair L flee. The
legs are abort, their feet ere very tough sod
strong. They are good breeders and feeders
sad their Wiest is of the beet quality.-
Among the many thousand
recent remarkable cures are the
Mrs. J. Oliver, Mrs. B. Stock,
Pbillipeville, Ont. Billing's Bridge,OBL
Wm.M.Church, Arch.McFadden,
Renfrew, Ont. Napanee, Oaf
Thomas Brooks, Arthur Colby,
North Bruce, -Ont. Somerset, Man.
James K. Nesbit, Charles T. Bye,
Stayner, Ont. Gasryowen, Ont.
A. M. Holman,
Toronto, Ont. 4+�
The institute year shall begin Jely 1 and
end June 30th. At •antral meeting the dir-
ectors and e.diton ,ball be elected for the
ensuing year.
The method of sleotim shall be by ballot
or otherwise, se decided by the members
pnesst. Ne person shell be eltrible for .f -
hoe, or be estiWd to vote at the aneuel or
any other meeting, who has not paid his
fees in fall for the current membership
At the annual meeting members may
algesi points in the distriot where testi.
tete meeting. may be held during the sao-
_ flt� srg$Ncs. .
oediog institute year, first as m regular.
and secondly se to aapplemeotary meetings.
At the annual meeting. the executive of.
floors for the ourreot institute year, shall,
through the .eoretary, oresent to the meet-
ing to writing • oaref.11y proposed report
the preoe.dioge of the year, la which shall
be stated the number of Militant." meetings
sold. atntis.._lmat mama revs*$ ohs attead-
aloe at each mes.ioe, the total number.
canon recd and addresses delivered.
The treasurer .hall present his report tor
the current year. 8aid report shall first be
audited sod eertrfied m by the auditors.
The enema meeting shall be devoted to
the business of the institute and in oorrylor
out the " Program of the Annual Meeting,"
and is eomeidertng ways and moans,where-
by the Institute can be improved.
The 1 meeting *boll be advertised
by mailing to eaoh member, at let tan
days before the meeting, an annoaneenmet
calling the members together. Said an•
aoa0eeme.t shall specify the dam, place
slid hour of meeting, and .ball *stain a
program of said meeting. If the exeestive
deem• it in- the inters* of the institute,
posters and rew/paper advertising may el.
so be employed to make this meeting pub-
A 111pohee Idea.
Many formers hold t the mistakes eo•
tins that fertilizers must be used &lode.
Every fertilizer manufaoturor nowadays.
however. M wise a telgh to advise •cues f immureers
to .tete*e every post
tewipos% an the farm before itgyin4 tertil-
lawn. One greet advantage of oomssaraiel
fertilizers is that they ewt be need to seta
plement manures or ooe'pos. poil
and gdok acting, while the latter &re slow-
er and men uI.100 +osey oma
ignorantly distillates
fertilisers tie r..etly and unprofitable pays
two or three times what it s worth for the
etty stable hissers he prizes en highly. Tho
prise of that .tuff hes been too kith' for
years. Many market Bee -
• Nem Virile* Philadelphia 8.4t then
the mo0.y they used to pay for oity menu
will be several times as meats plant food
ade brand• of tertilizerti,
0 the higher e New Ragland Homestead.
mere lees N les making to oda Ina 1 `"
tareb dare ad. wizT a who Ie alis IIIA M
eras. .��. • de ° i.• t , , ♦ v„ Q., p . of
,.:: �{..
-- --bv.e ry,
FOURTH S6*QP4 -- --- tt
After three yearn of euoees$lnl
work we open our Bicycle Livery
again this year, and trust we shall
have a season equally successful, if
not in advance of those of the past.
In addition to the larger num-
ber of Bicycles for hire we have• `-
this year added a Tandem, which
will no doubt be appreciated by -
. use who desire to go in coopplett.-
Atl kinds of repairing carefully
and rapidly attended to, and a
vulcanizer has been secured for the
rehabilitating of old tires.
The Teaching Academy will also
be maintained with its usual effi-
cacy __ I
Rees foe o1a _feta reliable
Dodd's Kidney Pills the
only remedy that has ever cured
always on hand. The Best
and only Scraton Coal in this
market. Hard, Soffit and ' Black-
smith Coal always 'on hand. All
Coal weighed on the market scales,
so that yes orix,„uur -ot. Good
Measure. -
well=s A 1.ITT11* OF 110111 THAN VITAL
IA'11:1LLT 70 surreal/fa HMA!OTT.
At Wllberforos, Ohio, three miles north
of Canis and near Dayton and Springfield,
is located the Wilberforce University and
Payee Theological Seminary.
These two institutions of teeming leve
educated many emulators and teachers.
10 this somewhat nota educational cra-
m, resides Bishop Benjamin W. Arnett,
D.D., • divine who M of special promiuenoC
newtons of his thrilling eloquence with
wbieh be bas aerated essay audience..
Amoog the high officials of the oburok,se
one is more diatieguuhed than hos
President's report.
Dissnssion thereon.
Report et the executive presented la
writtiap by the seminary.
Tten(e'e report presented in writing.
Auditor's revert pre ested to writing.
e.tioa of pointe at which to held re-
gular meetings.
Suggestion of pinta at which to hold
supplementary meeting..
Eleotioa of direseers. elestloes f and'.
Reports indicate that the wheat step b
Tex.. this year will be esermea•.
Sprint wheat N doing well to Kase,
sod lows M to lacrosse her &Deng* in this
The area neear harvest i f New
896 South
Wal.s this year exceeds tf+at
per oast.
Whoa cileeetyshou
d leave
tarsi is some form tak � plla*olet bags
•ad worms they ret dollar the Winter.
A SesttMh farmer dieoeverd the ether
Isy Ibib ane of b» chinless h.4 jour lege.
1'h. bort sutorttiiamly did 1. ;its (.fanny.
Owtsr to the shortage d lambs In New
Z.almed the number e1pertsd frost that
alai this year M eepSNsd M be 200.008
1seu than 1806.
TM Urate k ensue ee tbe Dake d Sab-
ana . e.a YKd.., win as wn.lwl Se
beak ilii tlbtail, ea ova !80,000 sass la
Wm%OSA Aberdese barters opssal•
tie /pa tR T aluhl&
Harbor Quay.
RASPD=, de yzz's Store.
New Goode and Best Values
in the Tailoring line at the
old -established and reliable
Went-st Emporium. Satfgfae-
tion guaranteed in Quality
Style and Price.
!41!111/11' 1 +•. *KNOTT.
bo'ore being elected bishop he was •
Isadlnt sinister in Iso oheron and also •
meat Republican. He represent.
b comely erThis Ubio-Tweislitan r:
several year..
Having rotten this sketch of the bishop,
the lollowtag teetimo sal from him will be
tonal very Interesting reading, and tally
explains itself
To whom it may concern
" In April, 1894, while on my way home
from Pbt1delpbia I caught, • very seven
oold, which goon developed into rheams-
term. It was impossible for me to net by
day er sleep by eight. About the first of
Jung I was compelled to take to my bed,
where I remained for some time. When 1
was ahs! to get up I 000ld only rat about
with the .td of (tratchee.
The Fall Dame tin and the rbetrnatism
grew worse. laving all through the Winter
of 94 and '95 I suffered as I sever suffer-
ed before. 1 thowghI that the Sprig' would
bring me relief, but it did not, ooseem:moily
I wee toroed to oa0oe1 a number ot 504.4*
meow to speak.
One day in June, 1895, my wife sold :
" Bishop, 1 read so me* about Dr. Wil-
lman's' Pink Pills, suppose yoq try thea and
ewe if they will not help von r
I said, " Ne, there le se nee of getting
them for we have tried almost everythia4
that bgrtiesdWill dime.ded to us, and
of the remedies suggested IMOD to help
She said no more, Dal west to S ani•, O ,
and bought • box of the tills On her re-
turn she gave me a doge .t aeon and another
at night. She was only called one time to
&thole to me derieg that night.
For months previous she had been called
three to (oar times darimm the night m sit-
toad to ma The nett day i trek three
dote or the pills, and the .mooed night I
was not disturbed. My wife. for the fine
Mw is more than tea months, had • good
1'4htr sleep.
I have not lost a sight's sleep 'Moe that
time res .sorest of the these et*sm. I tarry
a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in my
gasket whatever I 4e.
I thestfnlly bear testimony and bops that
others say find relief es I did. I have ren•
oasssded i r. Wiliam' Pink Pills to sever•
al steeple.
Y1.ars ter tied and Man.
SssJA1t tee W. AlitrTr."
A Weed of worsens Tee= Peers..* Mete
The sus meetly Published • weed of
"worst* trees the bead of the firm of D.
Gunn k Co , plashes to the deeper 1s the
use of verb ler hot teed. Profane Robert-
son sow empberis s that waning he the
t811owi5R letter t " 1 do sot ooaaider Wien
cep M be a ouit.hlo wppbswtsry feel M
*led with 'whey," he says. '' "The diet
els Meg ititarial b easy M the oda, *ger
whisk it *osteine. Iadi•. ears M an ex*sl-
leattler. M bed wall skis stalk : bat for
feedbag MIN Oaf, bt.asr restate to M. lo-
ans* d wwlgl sad In the gaality of oho
booms will be •btol.ed by algae • mixt*
of seek ortolan et pe. seta. bvl*y *d
eons. or by Was a minors d p.a..'.sen
and besa. tbs. by .dy .sr. does. Ikon.
toad Ma bet Moeda *he .btaioed from
nay rest swims grand `% and .maks&
for erre tis. May bear 0...0 May woes
M. I Walt hogs show be ken m se to
posisdbt mid seat he same them to tabs a
p d ..melt.. non tiny nigh mem
6. freer Milds and able �. ,st* IP Moot h s Mit. WS, �tlhhM FrtIIN.g of
=.141146 W �s� its.h �
• rip Os sew 1rr 1wM�.
About ten years ago I first became sM'eted
with Rheumatism and bout, and Miring oral
last ten years I have been treate4, 1�"se
physicians. and they all advised dI6 that it was
impossible to oant me hero, and that the only
remedy for me was to go W a warmer climate
1 was moaned to my house last December
owing to this disease, and setts unable to de
any work whatever.
I eommesced taking the Kootenay tare which
Mr. S. 8. Ryekman, M. P., gave me about the
middle of April Let, and after aboutone week's
using this medicine I was
sufficiently cured to be
able to start driving a
bread wagon, which work
required me oonstant•li getting on and Oft lb
wagon. - -
'Fhe pain. Stich i always fir? f5 MT
are now completely gone, and I am now able 11•
-walk without any pain whatever. -
i the past I have suffered almost Imilesoribi
obis .Sony from this disease. My general
health*, wosderfhhy improved .Ince taking
this medicine. Swore to by MICHAIZL
DWYZR, 6t Leeming Street Hamilton.
fie.dfarpamphlet to 8. 8. Rrcx .*Z Mrd
OHM QQ., Hamilton, Ont.
Tin and
Iron and�ittin�,
Sinks, Retial*,
for Wet& Swims
Tweeters has been .stabliehsd to give the
public • arse -oleos service with fob and pow
manes* competition,
It is managed on bugloss ;rinelples sad to
tie lowest of its patrons. who
it d the support
port of every person
believe' In oompstalon.
Par WM* lispaseh use m
tads Cepaay''.
Ilse., 00.neet1114 with all Laos set .osell0
la Balliol 5001... c.sads sae lar p..
Direst through wise to 111 points 1n the
l'�neekier tteh Oo1u nt bsandCosalfio Ooa
t,N *t Loco Kenager Oederteb
Dr. Wilhelm' Pi.k Pais ogre by golne b
the root of the disown. They renew and
build .p the bleed .ad strengthen the
sere. thea driving darns boa tabei mi-
te.. **id *diadem by meletins that
woey box yea pnebass is slelosed is a
timelatb 1W Made mirk, De.
LES sl .TRAP3 - r
for TILE Drains.
All Water Services
and Tile Drains
carefully put in.
lee Lea, -r .
Pats Sad ON
Next tie Whoa's a Store. ..
If yea west the above right
A Large department of
to ohoose from, oall of
801.1s AFIXI T FOS
�'"bi'Ols '"'�' Pas 1 GOLDEN
c».,. yseUJr^• I • titre •t ./ '
411.7« tem "AV , _ FART 01DE
AGE Package Tea.
1*1 011.T AneOL17TILY a1LtAH1I Ta1PA1A.
110i1e Ow T11 1A1x17.
P'Iewes, Pure and Ke4014,11
PHBBg001 ! °°'
Rheumatic 801a1510ret►
1 1
1 I I
$pd.abo, Dizzies=
Co0.tlpttl.s, Iedi-
gzetlee, Blllonze nes,
jprigkM DMoase,
'bakttss. Poral.,
Danubian, n, 'wart
Dl a en, ata , .t1..
Mounei risa•ed os. never . said e■ ISMS
Solt in &derloh only by F.Y. Dunham....