The Signal, 1897-5-6, Page 6THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH (NT., THURSDAY, NAY 6 1897 A SPECIFIC._ La Grippe, for Colds, Coughs, SAYERS PECTORAL AND LUNO TROUBL1gs, Ise' Two years ago, I had the grippe. tad it left me with • meet which gave ms no rest night or day. My family physician prescribed for me, changing tho medicine as often as be found the Ihltaga I had takcu were not helping me, but, in spite of his attendance./ got ' so better. Finally, my husband,—read- ing one day of a gentleman who bad had the grippe and was cured by taking Ayor's Cherry Pectoral,—procured, for me, a battle of this medicine, and before I had taken half of ft, I was cured. I have used the Pectoral for my children and in my family, whenever we helve needed it, and hare found tt a swill, for colds, ronchs. and lung troubles."— Elmo Wool% North St., Elkton, Md. w Ayer's Cherry Pectoral • Highest Honor* at World's Fair. titans lar Sysfea with Ayer's Smooth. :W1TII_AL.Le.HER ,When I wag but • lad, Long alto, This simple lore I had, Don't you know, Tbatssary maiden fair Was .n angel unaware, ,And 1 wondered when and when The wings would grow. - 1I. Betwiser now sin I, A good deal, Tho' I've sometimes seen Ulm*. Yet feel They are something just Ulan and angel in their Since my Heilllds 1' On her friendly esouQb newer. whoa our re1a1100* melted *ma tar. twilws•t►etr Hite i?eibe were sot wawa. rel•tlome. head .f the ,weirs sad Wooed. The ser•tehlat nomad became louder wad leader; we hard the • terfag of wood. My hear) best wild* W. shot old fool Hoa " What's the plea !" asked nos el my Qepsedes to • whlsper. woes ens wise quits sure that • door wet beteg torted. sad 1 said, " Let them enter sad seine then •• they come to the top of the Haire. I hope that valet will keep quiet." " He'll be .l1 right," said !)1r. Bell - weather, seder bis breath. sed added, ea if • thought came to him, " I'tl slip nut ea to the- talcosy window sad see what they're up to." He had left to before I could stop him. sad ie another moment 1 heard the balcony window open. '1'he ser•tobiag still woes on Omagh, and fust as a reel trash game and the window must have bees forted open. the lend voice of the Breach video was heard orytns, " Robberies, thieves," wbtl• the shrill sound of • potioem•a's whistle fell on the night air. At Ohm moment Mr. Beltwe•tber return- ed from the balooiy. ' " They're alarmed,'' he tried, "and .re running for the small garden 'reit ; attar them, for your lives." Determined not to loge Boa et stay risk, I tufted, my opmr•des tenoning me, end as we emerged we were mot by two policemen, who had teen w•tobiog oear the house. Mr. Rellweather alone seemed able to disown the whereabouts of the robbers,•nd he cried lordly. " Down there by the garden gats ! After them. go elope." The pursuit beosme general to an instant. The two polic.toeo madly blew their whistles ; my two comrades, swift runners, went their beet pace. 1 found myself last of .Q et the end of • minute, sod my com- panion ws• Mr. Bellweetpor. We were nsithe- of as good runners, and he cried, "Stop ! We're leaving the treat of the hbtue unguarded." His words were true, end worthy of • thoughtful saga. I stopped imttsntly, reap. ink for breath. sod Dried, "Come book Dome back, there may be soma of them or to the rardens." with which idea I turn round to run the other way, when an extra- ordinary thi.g happened. Somehow or', other, Mr. Bellwe•ther'e legs got pored op' with none. sad I fell heavily to the earth. At that moment • gag win shoved into my mouth god • pistol.wes at my heed. It was held there by kir. B.11weet.hee. •' !dove • motels,,' he Mooed, " and I blew Your brains oat." I endeavored 10 rise, but he streak me heavily ea bite heed with the pistol. and, half anooaooiota, I felt myself being booed. Theo I beard the sound of wheels, and knew that the robbers were too tag drives rapidly sway, sad so 'Hatt UesR soi"uenees. They- teldonmatt •boat it nevi day. —W -t Rellereatbet hod never retained from G.t- `na•7 at •11. The telegram Dolling the men William t4 --Dever wen a tales ase. The thieves had watered the house le the after- noon and packed ill the valuables, getting them into the cart dariag the false oho of s euppo.ed thief. Mr. Bellweather was • ,ham ; his valet win Ben. And I was dons ! Yee, sir, done by • burglar ter the drat and last time Ute. • We eves ohetted, l.ugbed end inset to- gether. sad t1 wee no eatraurvilomry Donau rent* ones old Bels Briggs, the burglar. met Use en the top of • 'bas in:Kowtows bN afternoon. sad stook me heartily by the band. What ere you doing, Ben T'' I asked. When be had borrowed • pipe st, Iobsuoo he replied— " Nothing, mate ; waiting for • job.'' " Ha, he! You'd like me to take t tele a P•ris,a1. Ben's" Well, I dune* ad I would ; you ain't likely to tome in bolero's me and my twin' with all your cuteness. I tall yet what,lold hoes, I'm gei.g for Bellw.etber's, the banker's in • day or Iwo, tad 1'11 bet yer five pound yer don't oopp me." The offer was estouodla or tmpoigjeot. 1 knew that Mr. Bellweather wen with his family in Germany. We ordered to watob bio hoose *lowly, se it oent•ined • large number of trwures, tad we bed done so What ooald be the matter with Ben to •' blab" the whole thing to this way' Wee be drunk 7 Not • bit of tt—oke ecu as sober u I wee. •• Tell you whet, ben.''A rid I, after a moment's thought. ' I'll bet you five pounds, and what's mon, I'll pay squarely it 1 loos." That's • go," he cried. " 1'11 take a weak. an' if the job sia't polled off by that time, 1'11 send yer the paper." We had a drink in the Iligh Street, Ken• singtao. and we p• -ted. I was glad to get away, tor it dawned on my mind that they uugot undertake the job that very utght. Nor oottld I possibly diviee the, strange be- haviour of suoh an old band like Ban. Jacksou, who tal.ed the tub over with me, said, " Look out, my boy. 8.11 - weather's is not the house there're going fen ; they've vot some big plaht on in the neighborhood .n4 we must keep our eye. open, That Ben would deceive ell the de- tectives in ail the (*totals. let alone a be- ginner." • I said " osrtaialy." but in my own heart I tbouebt that I was. jolly clever fellow ; and in that mood 1 strolled into Palate Garden. end took • look at the hooker's mansion. It was • floe bone, carefully guarded. One moa-serv.nt remained es a w&tohmen ; and I took an opportunity of chatting with him,explaining that I tnongbt an attack would be made on the plea.) in a n ight or two. Hs laughed the ides to swore. " We're abut up like mood jpeiat*," mood be, " and yon mop just sleep easy. They won't get pinch ibis rood.' • Bet, twitting Baa. 1 thought otherwise, 1 T ebBclt itri r turn �. polios- . ion, 107121 •' You 1. your dotage.- Now, I bed settled -es a plan in my mind. I would watch Betibsather's house myself every night duiteg that week, and would take two smart fellows with ttte that we might thoroughly surround it a Tbi. plea 1 rollove4d, tvatchIng•iNgeotly in the raw January cold, for five tours every night, end eontiouirg the business for the tive d.ys of tbs slotted week. Nothing transpired, however—not • soul came near the place. there were no robberies to the district ; old had evi4eo,ly been tooling me. • L11f - She doe. not she • etc* Of it wine ; But her figure is divine, And the fling f ber ebbreeisi ed Rowa, As she dickers through tt • town, Might buy the tbrons and crown Of • king. IV. No halo of • taint Does she wear, Such as Lippo love h to pdt' Bu' her hair— - - - As when ell heaven Nrenas Theo' the lands(*pe of my dreams— In suoh glory floats end gleams Oa the air. . v. Bat not all for heaven she, • Not too good ! '---Yee she's good enough for me In any mood, And if her dashing wheel t Toot her even to the dell. h_ Tbitber w "l!� es, would • Og the sixth night 1 win preparing to ftp out es usual, when of a sudden the whole otl'ioe was surprised bp the •ppeerenoe of Id r. f4eliweather himself. a tall, gentleman- ly men, with an aristocratic bearing, end • most polite air. 1 am sorry to have to trouble you •t this hour of the night," he laid," butt I have reoeived • letter from my man William, saying that be fears • bnrgltlry •t my ifouee. Strange men have been w•tchios &bout it duriug'the last four days ; and yesterday a man in the ucltorm of a moldier endeavored to get into oonversation with R•ilii•m. He wired to me at none, so I have left my wife i and children at Dover, end . h.ve hurried home." I said that he bad noted most wisely, and as 1 vatheted from his remetk., William expected the burglary to be attempted that night or 'perhaps the next. This caused me to be prompt in my action. •' 1'.I return .1114 you and well watch together," 1 sad : " twoocen will be enough, for they will be well armed, an? if we take more we may disturb the gang and lose lose them." •• Quite so," said Mr. Bellweather ; " it would be as we11• once for all tit rid the oeighborbood of these plats. I Isms flay French valet wltb me, and that wf11MI* five of us in all, for I have sent Willittls to Dover to look after the luggoe, and to help too 'd Help ileal— recite.,_-44-yo'e mar ea trop gtttw•tlrrte at once it would be safer." Evidently there wse not • minute to be lost. Calling two trusty men, I bade them load their revolvers, sod instruot the police on the beat to keep about the place. Then we set out, and when we arrived at the banker's house I s0= jet-iupper ecu laid in the 41u1eg-room, stall that there were lights rs the kitchen. You've trot too msob•gee .bout," 1 said: bot he remarked :— '• We asp close the shatters when we pet in, and it is • little early for them vet." This was trne,and we entered, being care- ful to close the whale plain up that met • ray of light might shine outside. Theo Mr. Rellweather invited us to sap with him, and we eat down to • good meal admirably cooked by the French valet,a silent reep.ot- ful asreant, who never opened his lips,' but seemed to anticipate our every want. Sapper owes. the wetebing began, and we made • nioe little party, drawing round a nosy fire on the great lwding,.n advantage- ous spot, as we weld hear there any noise or attempt on the house. As for myself, I knew that I was about to make a fine heal, tad. lighting a.MR oigar, I said :— " You old fool, Ren ; whenever were you A DETECTIVE'S - CONFESSION. RAVE I ever been outwitted? you sok : and I respond -01 course I have. Lives there • man who has not done some foolish things in his salad days? I should like to see him. But you want the narra- tive, sod 1 don't mind giving it to you. My triumphs have been many : why should I fear to tell the world of my few failnie.1 It was some years ago. I bad Jost enter- ed the force, bot had shown so much skill that they had quickly made me an inspec- tor in the Kensington dietriot. Young as 1 one, I knew e11 the oriminals in London, all qhs famed burglars, ell the mobemen and swindlers. They knew me, too ; and VitiniffTRoUtils cUR[O ev DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 1 have been troubled for some years with urihary tlioublt.. I could not hold my urine, - Was ooastiultly broke°;t5 any rest, as 1' lt*d to get tip six or eight tittles every -sight. I tried doc- tor lived many rems4iee ' :outgetting airy relief . nitti ..Coe of goy friends ad*ised f'n' :r -;ry Dodd', Kidney Pills. i fiat re- lieved from the first hoe sad Six boxes completely cured me. 1 cannot thank you enongh the flee lease of life end oolss- Lct vont Dodd's Kidney Atte bas given me. A. MaGRRo' ort, Corniv , Ont.. Pat thinking about to blab tit. that •" ' t 4'es tmmBMtr i; obit sA the ...,dti fn thlf lower part of the Mousse were out. The Frenoh valet slept, air pretended to sleep, for we had told him to keep his ears open In the butlers pantry by the kitoben. The teat of tae huddled round the flee. spathes' ia whispers, amoktog like ohtmaies, listoaing to every sound, to every moss of thewfatry brews. •' They'll try the library window for • certainty," whispered Me. Bel/weather to me, es the *lock strewth the quarter-p•st,bul I said, " Hardly ; the pasta y wisdom is more likely." And with that we fell to 'intoning .gain, and all was silence. As I waited end watched, 1 bse.ae eat - Wee, and still more envied"ebe*t thew lower windows, and Ieadei the ,Rain . w iso to mike snab•a ori tees tryiq the pantry : rt. 1 vas rotesars4 by the appearance* orae» vale!. who came up from below as 1 woe &boa�t� ybe� down, cad remarked in very bed �. "Veer right." He we. • f•itatal f042.*.tas•i yalst, sad he wstebed wall - W hien the hear of two.'eiseb esmtw we ware nearly ail asleep Thea N to soy. the rest of them were stadia' ff nil* soil. sed Mr. 11►1loss%Nt wen absolute: suit - hie. 1 ►Ions wen geared of say foil aka - tel powers, •&e es the tried Wed for h sas- most, .JA die deep MB of the INN desk Omsk the tali peas. I sista Maar s foist f or•teh nab *waft tree beim. "111 t. waste *Mi The tdrw.n was ,�t s u • gala& am Marr JI�'whgltarrrt�E7F'a°t �•-" a tr Vy port nim:. E in my Misgee _for Y Par. The spirit el SuMae..y V deatin•ai b ♦berdeea. A 1WMie while before the cloy Mottle* s masdidats thought he would call ea • few el the leading tatty oounutllers, He bailed a c4, tad told the robins" to' drive him to Councillor iii sett, the treasurer. The oeandillar wee loud 1. • bleoksmitb chop shoeing a horse. ,.1'U see somebody better tb•n this," said the ,aadid•t . •'Drive use to Councillor M•ttlead'a." The cabmen trsreupoo drove him to the p•wiebreksr'L "• Drive me to Coiuigillor Grey's." " I'm Councillor Grey. ear, replied the cabman. Vale tare el Besot Worked. Little Evelyn Joggle went with her mother the other day to mks a call upon • neigh- bor whose little nista bad resennly deed. In Zoffenng her condolence, Mrs. Joao said, among other things, that " the good die young," and that it :seemed se if the had and useless people lived on indrtisieely, while those who wen a real use in the world were the firse to be taken. That night, *ken Evelio win saving her preyers,her mother win somewhat surprised to hear her depsfft from the usual form, and la oonolusion sapplirte : "Will you please make me a bed end use - Feu girl, and minium and paps .nd little brother, too, so we coo go on living for ever and mew. Amen." a.dktee G1Asees. One of the smallest things desirable on eoc•sioos to know L how to prevent ocean- sioo in medicine glens/ where homeopathic medicines are Deed. A trained unripe give. • simple rule, easily remembered : Always cal the just given medicine farthest sway from the Matteotti patient ; the• no patios% ; thea: no matter whet • the arrangement of fla. it te the forward and owroet gloss y q* he lobes hem next. ' IRaagerout ■1u1es. wattindld tun seeing the proeotti�ir said Billy to Sammy, who didn't re. Thar were either together on the fends. " Y e,w '" drew& Sammy. " Yes. E'epb•ots and camels, ea' heroes For lull particular, .es : dvenisem.aweraglihM tin' wagons tell el Iodises, sod Romsa war- riors. .a' *keys as hones. ask pd,„, o' -Put RM. SAL. Sit Soon Sr.. - f • IN BICYCLES Awl WATCHES poi% uN�Wr+ sow .+..w.a GODZIU08 STEAM BOILER WORKS. A..S. CHRYSTAL, aswesaf f Carpets: A Blade, Hanunisturer of •11 kinds of BOILERS. Smoke Stacks, Balt Pans, Sheet Iron Works, ate., eba., And Deader in— Ba11nd, M•chlnery Castings, hr. ell lime of Pipe, sod Pipe Fittings, Steam end Water Gamow, Globe Valve., Check Valyw, Isapir tors. ISjeoters and Io. ilea Constantly oa Head at Lowest • A special line of Ousel Water and Hog Troughs for ues of fernier, end others. Repairing promptly attended, to. A. S. CE3T5' .A. , 1.. o. Bok if, Gadsden. llf1/1-ly During the Year 1897. things." - " Yea' Billy wee determined to arease his stupid companion. "An' • terrible crowd of mos sad boys rushing atter end tbrowfag things at the Indians and Roman warriors." "Gr•oioua !" exclaimed Sammy. "What aid they throw, Hill 9" Lots of things," replied !fill "Mod an' tumstare sad one fellow . promotions." - . ,y " Yen don't say 1. (in t'1i* of •car): 1 sever saw them. Wan saybrIfy killed w 1 COAL;. slight Olweresee. . An amndng I►ttl. story is Meted by my - great sent. Oa nue oeossieo, daring h.et mum .ea Mind. lne JOwsla early life, whoa people did not eo end to-, - - trt>,/4w•Qr4r� taro from India.fwlth snob fagilities and Beraton Coal :n this t,.. ,. d Soft fig Black- �j�QQ- And --ill a:wsy M •c d!rsN:116.14466.10,,_,ha•hawAwars on hand. AFL - ttter• e" as: pp the ff e[ alt eld..erwtswltt��w..appossaoft the market ac paieat• tree" with great advantage R►' iDat j are .time of self. She bad Not rives orders fR the ssr�sati - bites PLAITING MILL. ESTABUSSUP J. A tlsktbeew whit as Lentw- Tne most exuaordisary of ell light -- house. is to be found in the Hebrides,- Boot- lind, on Armisb Rook, Stornoway Bey—a rock which is aspirated from the island of Lewis by • channel over 500 feet wide. On tine rock • oonical besooa i. erected, sod oe its summit • lantern is fixed, from whioh, night after night, shines • light which is seen by the fishermen far and wide. Yet there is no burning lamp in tlbc lantern asd en attasdent seldom coag to it for the gimpy, remelt nal theft'Wins Tibip is �Tfac7! to. no wick to tris and me oil well to re. plenish. The way in whioh this peculiar lighthouse ie illuminated is this : On the island of Lewis, 500 feet or so away, is s iightheuw, earl from • window in the tower a sire.m of light is projected on a mirror in the 1•o• tern on the pnmmta of Armish rook. Thews revs ars refleot.d to an &mingemeat of Priem., sod by their motion are converged Ica • foras outside the lantern from where they diverge in the oeosesary dinettes. Dells Carried by Lsd1ee. Delta we associate with children sod the nursery, net with problems of eivil.aatfon and national customs. Rut the doll hes much more of • history, sad plays • more important pert in the world then ie general- ly suspected. hot only hos the use of dolls bees In vogue from the remotest ages, but it i. com- mon in .11 barbarous nations as well u among oiviltsed peoples. Neither Is it t. children alone that the fondling of dolls w 000flned, for among tauy 5soultnred tribes females ere known to awry dolls long after 'hem """irt-e.'.a iefio - , -.._ �j[Tea...• The weaken of the Richness. carry these queer toys twill they give birth ;to • ohlld that live*, and the Basten women have • efaiil•r prsottoe. Io many sections of Africa twine ere re- tarded with unspeakable horror. There is, in feet, • vadat/se among the savages that it both obildres are sltoved to live they most be either thest.11y w yby.e•lly .0- ovend.:as Ikea would bays t ons spirt* hotness theta. ' Assardlegly. whenever BMW bre born, the yeomen le s.ltruys elided by as wears. As tbeesh is some t11•a.ure to skew she did met win► to 1» wall to the *ordered eff- eprieg, the mother takes attest oath her the doll and bestow* ea it • owe sepal to that whioh she *mid have bestowed aeon the dead chili. Amen the Ws wrvl it le esNom•ry foe Ms parols le kill es. of the tidos sad Lien to wrest a greed or oeleba.14 in skin*, M plow* it to sleep Is seine had with the eurviving oktlld. albaeves to pal hood toils UHL Thew dolls e1 the savage* ere M an meet part eat sae .t plebe weed, theegb in • Pew geese on e$e*h•nt's te»k is ennead far the arse paMus•• Tb sawn •*p•s•I" 4.411 are tee the meet pot mods in Eaglul. while she obeyer era sss.11y made is Btmaese I.6110IP# 4k• Mies. b p sious/sRt WA tar.plr+l Qs taloa aso bks. rata Oda • a�a LUIMBE�te LATH. MINGLES &M bsM.% anile lot st awdrtAiw+Mesa respecting the arrangement of the room for al -q the earningbookend guest, end dismissed her. when ---- = -agnis School ai t. her hu.bann said, jestingly " You bad beth order • good tire; these Indians ere very chilly. with very peppery or temper,, and he'll. let es know i1 hie, not warm Amiss awe. comfortable. " To her utter setimishrnent, about two hours afterwards, all the ser,aste gave notioe in • body. Wbsa a teases was in- sisted noon. tar seek. otl a!fi_ we'i o awsp to hove yes. but we can't stay 1n the house nohow with a Ked Indian and be tummy -hawked in our beds tf things dea't please bhp.' An explanation en.oed,aod they remained to face the " old Iodise." who was, atter ell, very quiet. Harbor Quay. ■ere MastM0 IMrf•lsed wee. The greet fair at N— was in full swing ; switch -banks, merry-go-round►. and show-bootbs of all de•criptioss occupied the fair grounds. Coespicuous among the latter was a wax- work show, the entrance to which wee be- seiged by • gaping crowd from noon till late .t night. The decoy duck o1 the show, if we mus so torte it, was the representation of the bust of a y000g female idiot termed Re head and rolled its eyes up and down --a marvellous plow of meeltlrM 1 -and stood onside near the big often. But suddenly the bust �ihppeared, and thin is how it happened : • Oce evicting when the o.lrtain was draws aside from .be bust, whioh stood on a kith if I E m .1 pedestal claimed : Ann, our servant Rid, whom we sent away tras en :ae e d has st need • HR anHarke 33 Nursery_ The llutlnes heretofore carried on by the toe Jobe et wart et the above ..toed Nursery, village of Benrelll•r, will be married on as meal by Die oasts Wig ace •KEt LP `PEAR, PLUM `mower and CulvertPIMOa CHERRY TREES ' ,1 mea item a as. /s se s /Mia , tcassertlw. . WR/Ts FOR PAlOti. The stook I. complete. and lnteeidtw5 THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO purohawrs will end it to their admire, e04 ADfflLA10a1 •T. R.. yrs to ht . home-grown trees In- - TORONTii stead of Ordering from • distance. tawsaa'r e.1 saaloo Evergreen Trees 6 Specrelty ! A Fine Assortment of Hot -Houle Plants, Hanging Baskets, and Bedding Plants in Beason. orders by Mail promptly attended to J01111 STEWART ESTATE RENIIILLER NURSERY. to the r, • portly mattes pee r w y es n ea ar V to the tenet. and ttequ te.zamtoe the tsee ll in • critical manner. Soddenly she ex• 'K( fieTonll o&T3's.i * T1 t .t 7 u't airy — ��'8'Iv=l3 i et a momeat'e notice for pilfering !" sed,ad. dressiog hue, added. " Hart' ADD. Tau &demote of ;este end Ponitry wfil stways miet ! aren t you esbensed of yourself ' be found. Orders regularly calla for, end de - The effeot of these words, uttered in liveries ntado vitontitit• wrathful tones, was startling, to gay tbe ///Leave • trial order pleas least The lovely " oar " feces Owned oalaso.----W end then red. The bust looked at tf 41. wanted badly to sink down through the redestel, which now began to shake. The proprietreis of the booth horriod up to the rums, sad drew the curtain. Asd now that best is so Imager ea view. BUTCHERED OR BURNED y We rand with horror of eh. aredtv sod # kutobeiries of Gel Weller in the fair Woad ot Cube, but little rook we of the irsiragee of that mont direful King of Orsys-Fittesre, Kidney Disease*, bare in our midst. People of high and low dosses drop into graves eti EA Woe of as duty boo Lissy omerage it. We do •4oryllidnififi dew fat Yet there is • our*. Phassas Ow morning. Sure se flee. Infallible se heno iitry. Befog, the wonderful remedy. the aeoniiing tortures of 'tides, 111s vanish lie. a snowflake in a fiery .hoitace. The ours of which we sowed Mee prelim is DODD'S KIDIIET FILLS. Yet est allow ire, hut everry ease who hes irked them. One hundred per *eat et Dural we peened. Here are mistrepies W. F. Smith, 18 Cerrol-et. Termite, ears —"'I have taken eight bases of Dedst's Kidney Pill; erldeb beers oared see of Trooble, Pale is the Boob sod Digit tor other neasseente had feilooll" D. J. Keliesdp,Quees`s Hotel, blessratifor ventesese, hat information us as the elfeete be see them with Mee roma all f toeis Hoessisit. 874 Meal 10•▪ 01. Ds' map, esti "Had loos treabled fie err- eral airseed wise pain le ray Rea aged KM - earl Irabh sosoiated noi fob/ober is lib eyele orabia. bin in the Wag otter watt Mose boxes al thearaelisablael • Ilk. Sepses Rooker, Deserenta Goa ewe —Peas Ida Ins box tell et nr4r. a• dwisa Isfe Ow tit pia Moos paw*, spot midi he rat ors 4 Ineaskike Indiosit risishas Aftwol0000mmosooloog kay's SFS cghiotildss,, trrliSore SPGrull: throat, etc. Nammescadi )4 foie Dealtr.b • • eaphi=it the wiser for the above Riegel*, end siso thst of the litill011 a MIMI UM Nil _snob Imnrn/ed ma fai make it On nreetjoet sag settee MY OPENING DAy8 - FliliAY.AQd SATURDAY, Feb, 26 and 27, and_Mar. 5 and 6 rtaTi'llAW ttltre,:liiii.1.,Atrrzintvi.r."''..1.“1` .6"ff=t8022 =Lira% Is my motto. sharpie for Meow/ rowstr kft ems tent THOMPRON'S NUM DEPOT - 115 19113 SWIM Ant TOO Wit" ligpsailas the &Nom of ere laserigi vie forad ifoltiposeable fa woes et loofilholea sod marolloyoub 40 011011. 11112.4"ib 1111110611 141191111161111111111% 41111111114111111