The Signal, 1897-4-29, Page 8TAE FALL OF LARISSA Turklsh Troops Gained an Im- portant Viotory A emend Saha Tae, Ube Pewees Are Takla' Maps le Mai she highs -Wed* UM War Mad Tied Week!- Great SatL- esetleb al Ceselaat4aeple Over. lbs /ceases of ted Jttemaa Arms. Larhss, April til -The nest serious]y.. planned tattle ouent:ed to-daY. Early this morningiidhem Pasha's a vane guard, uner Generals Mato.) antt d Maerta advanced aains the Greeks in ford from Reveal, Btu hast ileal 8tcllaa. The fighting wa greatly extended and the battle rage till late tbls alte•nuou with varyln fortune. The Greeks were assisted 1.s thousands of Irregularwho haras and the Turkish outposts and wings as well as participated in rhe genera e ngagement. The Turks had an over whelming superiority in numbers. The Aad cettiatructd earthworks an trenches everywhere, and In and bese bind theawaited the attacks of th Greeks. On the whole they clung tenacious] to their defences, while the Greek, at giallotacked these giallo and again with tit meet desperate bravery. in ::plte o the furious attacks still made up" them, the Greeks continue to hold th Reveal and Neseroe Passel. At •',luck this afternoon it is practically drawn battle. rnm d- r y- e f e 3 a Is Russia is le New Berlin, April 21. -It is reported herb" to -night In well informed circles that the Russian Government hap asked per- . alsaion of the Sultan for the Russian Black Sea fleet to pass through the Dardanelles. The Raltic fleet is also ready to start under sealed orders. Ml Greets called Oat. Athena, April 21. 6 p.m. -The Turks today tried to capture tete post of the Prophet Ell on the road to Tyrnarc, but they were repulsed. - . The last series of the Greek reserve: has now been called out, and freah troops have been sent to the frontier; Melsf.cess eta called Ver. Constantinople, April 21. -The sitting of the .military.. cells haa_.bsa ccr,tititioua since yesterday at the %.l- ,._: el a Kiosk. 11 is reported that Fallela, Pasha has asked foe 40,000 reiriforee- mtnta: and that orders have been rent to /*Ioniea to hasten the despatch of ---oto- wastrels to -tib-- 2 atc.bilization of 40 additional battalions has been deckled 1111On. attd the enroll - .tteni of vulunteern-la isles. coaalderad. The sturdy resistance offered by th'l G-eeks was wholly unexpected and the tan at Janina, replacing Ahmed Hast I Pasha, who 1a recalled. The new Turkieb commanders start fur their posts this eveuing. Brats ]salsa sr► armies Althealle Aped be .The eat,t.+.rwrat 'mese 41111eRIM les to be 111001 intoner. Ad. Visplk ~rad hen- to -day from tutu ode ,hes eves the w.euirre are arming thelasedves to de beettie wish the Tutus. The Ia11 et Luvisea. Athens. April 24, 6.10 p.m.-l.attaea has been completely evacuated by the. lateeks, who spiked tbetr guns In Po- sition and carried away- all of the n.cveable cannon and •nun Akins of war. The wounded remain at Larissa under the pnotwtton of .• lied Pros• nag. -Rlccotu Garibaldi vlstted the Stu • darts' Club, where he received the Municipal Council. An atires which he made created In tense: enthusiasnL lie wets followed to bis hotel by thou- sands of people. Midutgbt --Special despatehes 're- ceived from the frontier assert that the Tures attacking Mari were repuls- ed seven times yesterday. At 6 o'clock itt tate evening the Greek forces' were obliged to give way. The Greeks re- treated -treated In good drdei' on Karaclas, where they are entnenciseaL._Front Ar- ta the Greeks occupied the heithts 1.1 Pentealgadla. It is believed that the military operations in Epirus will elon be terminated. The nad hews. Athens, April 25, 1.15 a.m.-Satur- days parpera counsel the people of .Athena to receive the bad etwa with pa Lance and sang froid considering that the army fought courageously In defence of the national honor. patytntr Etre ].rice by heavy sacrifices Will the rowers hterv.se t Lcrdon. April 24.-A despat;h to The observer from Rotne says that thy. Cabtuet to of- the °pintan their alter the first pitched battle between the Greeks and Tints tn which large force are engaged the toowers will intervene and secure an armistice. a Greeks will tegkI 11 Est. Athena, April 25, 5 tem. -The Greek Government has decided to persevere in the struggle, and to resist the fur- thee urthen advance of the Turks with treaters, energy than baa hitherto been die - played. It is officially declared that the new line ofdefence is far strong- er than the frontier where the Turks ,._garnet their advantage in consequence..... - of the superiority of their poslt!on LEARING OUT .. SALE . . Carpets Linoleums Oil Cloths Japan Matting are now selling fast because we are selling Superior Goods cheaper than any other dealer in town. If you wish to save money, call and buy from us. If you fail to do so, it will be our loss' We are giving up the Carpet business. and selling then below value. J. T. ACHESON. . idea that the forces of Edhem Pasha would have a military promenade 1.e Laramie has already been abandone1 ' . A Greek Stitsery. Headgtartera of the Greek Artny, Lerltea, April 22. -The latest advices as to the situation at Damaal enu-.t- tbat on Sunday the Turk, made a snrtle from the town and attacked th.• Greek position at Boughasl Pass and Sidervpolukl. After severe fighting. I1g the Greeks drove the Turks back acrota the frontier, with a' los of five gums.Greese m.s4 a Mise.. to tb. t'ar°desert. April 22.-A meets.] mLgnion ttom the Greek Government passed through the city yesterday ' en route to Bt. Petersburg. i - t• Greece Melds lis Ow.. London, Apra 22.-A despatch to The Daily (!hest t•hr from Athens eats that the a 1'n-eks have held their own �po.klo-ts and destroyed the Turkish asrvalry at Mati. German officers were seen ftgtrtlng with tete Turks ii Ger- sraan unktorm. " creek Cativo 0asseeresd. Lopdon. April °2. -According to a special derpatch from Athena massa- cres of Greek citizens have oceurped near fret eta, the Turkish town at the entrance of the Gulf of Arta. The Greek treeps, It 1s added, have storm- ed tormed the villages oecupled by the Turks. •*ansa m ht.rfrres ILS Pett 2'S.- spin ret `odebsa to egrap sat Gee ria-ceseary measures have been tak- en at Sebaatopol for the eventual In- tervention of Russia in the war be- tween Turkey and Greece• Where tlla 16avt ls. =London, April Ili. -The '1mss' cor- respondent at Cornea mem that to -day the insurgents are attacking Fort Is - media, which is occupied by the inter• natloftal troops In addlthm to the Turk- ish garrison. Three war ship, have left Suda and anchored opposite the tort. The admirals have gone to recon- noitre In a torpedo boat. Col. Vassos has written to the admirals to ask ' whether the towers are in alliance with, Turkey. The object of this In- qutry fp obvious. The Chronicle's correspondent eat `t AAthiene sayer: 'The Talks ere greatly 1ltmtayed by ‘..-.4.beetifargeigetion of their stores at Ka- terirta rind ret IAtochotlon. Colnnto- dnre Sarhtourls destroyed the storms from the tn the foot of Mount r _ Olympus. No reataatn,, therefnre, far F.dtrem Pttvha to curry away hot hisser. The toast toad being barred, the only remaining road from Salenlrta the Verria toad, eight days from er The eporte of the Injury .......,_.. 'a rklihae 7tsC Tutriir ari 6oiilf`r+eri- ft Is reverted hetet (Aitken') that the Turkish troops will be withdrawn drone 'Crete. Mere Wooled«. Greeks Boasted. Athena, April 23. -Among the wound- ed who arrived here ere several who Mate that a numttwr of the Greek wovnled at Grttsovall, citable to Yee- -Alt the creek retreat, were shut up in email church by the ,lusts. who set -Abe to ,red be idings area burned then, - to death. • • Geseral Bt1111. Called eat. threw Apsiill 211. -it rata been derid- es nail tett .,,veral ellwuwa of ttse w.4tr, or mania. Tn (beer., alt bodied n.1liw from 21 'ram of ante newearde ane 1tubi, tin be railed um - tor msi:tsfiy servboa 94Mi w TA Kra COMMA RD. ge Pasha Ihegiotualiall W the 0111 Ilene et Pearn.. Qonstsntdnople, April M. enemata. - Alt additional force of Rear or anny miseries has been called out to rata tbr•oe the Tttrklah troops opesattng ass'e't sire fires te. rt 10 now definitely anneesaesft that (stens ?Ube.. e- . the hero of !ysV1a, b .n a Oi t�yC0flt1st/ aa act r i, having Hi IOetve a ' had �wse tea Ath- ens, April 25, noon. -11 15 useless to deny that a very gloomy view of -war prtr>t la taken. steep - ter Informed. There are _however, no signs of a park. The txhlbita-SnL__ �ttttude-ref .dtgadaset se itssawe..• many still show an unabated enthket- aam for fight. This symptom is parTI, cviarty noticeable among the wounded-) now In Athena_- Their one desire satins to be to be healed In order that tfii'y'' ma r..leyuln the. eutore. Natuzally tali Is mtactt !entered by the contlrmattor of the reports that the Turks have burned the Greek wounded In a church at Knrtziovall. The Turks !ighird flrea on the bodies of the woundee'. Many of` the Greek wounded ftnplotlrd their comrades to kill them: othl4w committed suicide. Although it H said that the Greeks carried off all of their puna from Tyrnavo and Larissa, and also destroyed all the provisions at both places, they centid not 'transport the guns to Pbarwlla. Membardeneot et hei.tealees Tema. Cotatantinople, Apra 24. -The bom- bardment of defenceless towns like Sant' 6tuar-aata has excited n.tkch aa - verse comment here. Sitn$al• (reicher) 1taa been madt concerning tae ban, bordment o1 Preemie, whish was the etrcyed, although the fire on the Greae Peet was from the forts. An extra session of to Cabinet to be!t-•g hied at .rhe Ylldiz 1 -.leek. The French military attache hag gone to the /road for the purpose of reporttng he progress of the war to his Govern- ment. Latest ream Arta. Athens. April 2:,.-A despatch from Arta reports tbat the Gree•& have cap- tured Plaket. Anoiher despatch says that Plaket and Pentepigadta have been occupied by the Greeks after be- ing abandon by the Turks, who haste also abandoned Kaletzla. (oil Manus in force hits advanced ney_ondPeotep!- t.de. a ----- - - at Arta that a rising has occurred to the interior of Epirus. Keay del raps Resort Montreal, April 2L-(Speclat.)--Peo- tee who appear to know what they Talking &boot lienar• that Mgr. Mer' Del Val's report will be as follows: - 1. That the Governments of Canada and Manitoba did not invite hint to come here and settle the school ques- tion, - 2. That Protestants completely Ig- nore his minion to Canada. 3. Tba,t the bishops dill not interfere and are not Interfering In political questions where religion has no role to play. - 4. That it Is the duty of the bishops to look after and protect the m9rsJ and religious education of Catholic children.. 6. That the so-called settlement of the Manitoba school question Is not ac- ceptable to the Catholic conscience: 6. That the delegate strongl), • re - commands that the episcopacy and the Catholic clergy abstain from making a luslons to mea or purely political q tions In the pulpit. , , Melees Medal Berra, glia. April 111.-ntn.eaat.L•rt.. eirew+eew -re ertnt,re: .„e- reertrIRl eri nein; Bed River, between there and winnlg, Is now reported to be very setiou.. The Red hirer hes risen to ., b•gber (Int 'him in 30 yearn, and tie wl e,e tnwe of Morris Is tinder water. The water -ll np to the tops of desks In the scheme en.) to the tops of store counters. Perptir ■se firing In bern. and upper storeys ooff their trona«s, and can only mote :moat l■ rowboat.. 'file Manitoba Gorerament sent a 'tamer from Wlenlpez to relieve any distress that might pi Int, but tae people were ell friend well snpptled with pravl4l ns though, of entree, suliaring many diewenforla. Tire web water may Iset a eonpee M daps lunger, Wthen Winnipeg will t It. However, Iwsapeg'a get kteatton Is blgh, and beynne the geodes( or rte electric power houses and pantie the elty in Idsrtsese, 11 can do 00ades'e lame wttb isms.► imndon. April 24.--A sudden roseva) of interest in tete Transvast is mete. - able hare. ]Lord Roiernead, the ret4r- tut to•MOor alt Cape tlotony and Nlgh (1newwrt6io0er in Brats* Routh Africa has Hitt O►M Town' for 'England, areal Cecil Whot101.1s taking full adventure et his eflrae00e. Tosterday to a speech =rad 10 get Wildness welcoming him tooaf ,`_ Mr. Rhoda de- e /wiled his with PreeldootjCCru- M,r of the hartsvaal 'Republic as a giatwlyds that had bce0 gait* talrt d. nape� 80� DOOM. OOM. OE 'reek wasLondon. taltliitj d▪ uller estte of swain er et Tait ( t- leea, lii.+ttrteelt mal► -et Me titch asfez can,+-Otoiot er and at tela shut . t: cti-iitiii, i.i to t.d. . 1•a ea toe eh tea • .1 1 1 itrii;;"r. THINK OP THE' LITTLE THINGS T' I c •�'• r i about the house that would beim. ' t ._ proved uted Painting r !! isnot the hard work used to be. You can I' ={ get just the calor you want, mixed, ready to use, and no mat=hi ng of colors, no fuming, no trouble. Open the can, stir the paint, dip in thebraah, and go to painting. Is annum it took to mix lints, by the old methods, you can now have der walk well finished One kind of paint will not do for a house, table, baggy, and a bath tio any more than one kind of cloth would answer far ail eate fclothing.-, THE SKERI!'IY-Wi(uAe1j PAINTS are made fee ailpurposes.- Nat one paint for all surfaces. but a different paint for each surface. THE SNERIVIII-NK_ LAIIIS FAMIL Y PAINT is made for ea des, basehoarcls, rte. It bas an oil finish that can be wash • It /ands in twenty-one colors. Our booklet,-"PelutMite is agood thing for you to haus.-- elis many -interesting things about paints -good and bad paints. uteri what to paint, and how to paint It It is free. A postal will bring it. Foe booklet. address 1q St. tataine Street, Montreal THE SMERNIN-NriLU,IIS CO. a'tEYELANO CHf OABO NEW 1051 tlol7I IAL 11 1474, 1 1 3 1 1 4 f. Be wants to Tax Fere and To the Editor cf Tor Sn.rat.. IV your last law there appears the fol- lowing paragraph : " Some of our Tory cool fares would like to shut op the business interests of this coun- try. In eighteen years they eudeavo-ed to paralyze the import trade by abnormal tax• anon, and bow they are trying to injure our output in some lines by howling tor an ez• port duty." Now, Mr. Editor, I am along thorn who advocate import duties ea all •rtiolee,whiob oaa be produced in this country, and I alio very strongly advocate not merely an ex port dozy on loge buil se export duty on Woe lumina and prohibition of the exporta- tion of logs. And I do not. as you any, want to shut op the business interests of this ooantry," but do It beosaae l know that such a policy L tor the best interests of dna oonntry. I am quite satisfied that the duty on ar- ticles which can be manufactured in this eaaatry are paid by the manufacturer who made than hare, and we are haat that mesh ~#e remente wheels eMnrerie weaid hove to be made up by direct . taxattoin whiob seems to be your Grit polioy. Oar pint timber -we need every foot of it to Mild up our country, and if its exports - tion is not speedily prohibited we shall woo he under the neasoity of importing coarse - trainee, inferior, Southern lumber to re- pltoa that whfoh is at present being shipped out of the nenntry, and then pay ten dol- lars for every one dollar whisk we are now receiving for our tine timber that is being an reoklaasly destroyed to order that lb. for- eign monopolists may become millioaairea Yon muse be aware, dr, that if as export duty were placed upon lumber sad exporta- tion of log's prohibited, lumber would be mash ebeaper. You are also aware that farmers as well as townspeople are ooslmn- ally ooatemplatine Improvements alld erste Mos of saw buildings, some of whisk re- quire many thousand feat of lumber. As • Tory, therefore, I adyoeate savior eur pine timber aid reducing the price et )amber. 1 would give to the Canadian laborer the privilege of sawing out logs into lumber,and 1 would redacts the ewe of an ordinary farm how by about $100 by givias the lumber be 'het ,stmt cheaper. Now. My. 8diter. air a ...41 link tasliov would. of ewes ha Wes --Teawoarn sena cite narotarwrr ver osasairy witbeat say restftetiei., and thug enrich the lumber mo eps)i.ts - meet cf *hem are Yaakw. Bee Ibis would rakes the Mine of lumber 10 tea. - Thea yeti Weald import the hardware required fes building duty t4.. whish wetald ,heap= that art)ole --say by $10. Tian you would add $100 to lbs price of lember-aa$ save $10 es bard - ware, for oar ordiiery-ifsd realdwes, gad ted Yankees would have lbs twafaetir1ae of both lumber sad hardware. ])below Brit *ley ! Alt. Eitmoodville : About five years ago Mise Maggie May, aldose daughter of James Sproat, ran • lead pencil dato hoe bili ares - leg a painful woaad, which soon, however, healed. From time to Sines ever eine. else hag suffered from pain in the region of the injury, and lately swelling and ab -scion set in. Go Tuesday Dn. S'oott and McKay performed an operation, and were rmoon.- lul in removing • point of lead and • sliver of wood about an inch lona. CLTPLE BROS Plumbers Steam -Fitters s ► Tiutrieiiii hS 8. Mdatratuueaa • Asia of a west et. reddest behead tth head dentate, the bead et a eampsaiw w ether day and rained a lama as large es Y ranee 1is bad offsets are aptioiOaled. Lucknow Stage ADAM THOMPBOI WALL PAPER SALE We have only a small bat dean stock of Wall Paper left, and ss ere are going out of this lime, we wish to ,lone the balance oat by the end of this month, '- Yoe ears►, says Tenney by buying of es All grades from k up. T9B FAQ. Goderlchw April 28th, 1807. EVERY OXY BARGAIN DAY 1 Our prises always the same --not downlfor today, and up, away up, tommorrow. We have some Special Bargains WFJEK. Parasols You should see our Ladies' Black Silk Parasols, Fancy Silver and Ivory ]Handles, worth $3.00, for $1.89. Black Gloria Silk Parasols, Fancy Handles, worth 31.75, for $1.15. Light color Summer Parasols, worth 31 01), coat yon 69e. Black Parasol, paragon frame dies, worth 31.25, to you 83c. Now is the time if you want a Good Parasol for little money! Fancy Han - Hosiery YOUR CHANCE FOR THE SUMMER Ladies' Hermsdorf dye, Black Hose, two Thread Mace, Double Sole, worth 25c, now 15c. Ladies' Lisle Thread, Black Hose, Herms. dorf Dye, worth 35c, for 19e. - Millinery! MiUine'Ty:I _. We ]last's a71w •prkec li !eh from our O'pesung. as we had made up too large a naana-we are now wt injl to gine you the benefit of our mistake. Trimmed Hats, now marked 36.50, cost you $4.75. Trimmed Hata, now marked 36.00, cost you 34.50. Trimmed Hats, now marked 35.50, cost yon 34.00. Trimmed Hats, now marked 34.75, cost you $3.50. Your chance to get a High-class article for Small Price. Dress Goods All -wool Crepons, Light Colors, 42 inches, worth 50c, for 20c. MI -wool ;,Crepons, Light Colors, Mohair • Stripe, worth 75c, for 25c. A range of Fancy Dress Goods in the New Shades, regular 50c, to you 35c. Organdie Muslins just received, In new pat- terns, to you 15 ,1. Parks' Heavy Shirting, a full ranged Pat- -• ieTro-' uulylte A few Ladies' Capes Left -Prises away down. - All New Goods, and they won't remain here long. VISIT US SOON. Cash and One Price only SMITH BROS. & CO. J. P. BROWN ' AGENT rFQR- THE MASSEY - HARRIS CO. Wide-open Madera, Mowers, - row•. Diamond H a r r o w',s, Ploughs, Acis®era, Carriages, Buggies, Wagcna, !Carts. A/so, Agent for Bradley's Fertiliser. A Fall Line of Repairs for the above Machines. Points- alwayys on band. Remember the stand -next Stables, It&MILTON•ST., QODERICa and Plough to Buxton's CI O T O STURDY BROS. . . . . 7'OR . . . . INE GROCERIES Vessel Supplies a Spe:ialty. sant Qa OCI --Tors 1;QUAeRK STURDY BROIL 3I Hftf , SUItbNld 11 L0youwaatu Cast Cigar.THE MA Ypy QU idAUDOCKSek KE] arlctivitio GODBRICH. FIFTIETH `Y THE CAMPBELL FtndtnV of the Oa Tae stalk M Use Charge Brea rrevea-Mall to les la the Cane Cemmlesle FOLLOWING le the toe finding by Commies charges preferred &armee, bell at the ream11avntla Pursuant to ittstfieric from the Honorable. the 1 far the Dominion of C.o. senate oharree preferree em,pbell, Postmaster • rioted the 4th day of Ft as 10 o'clock in the form Souse in the Town of Gc web the investigation of e el at the time and plat fired before me the Hr. Bishop and Mr. Dc Otboe Department ; Mr. Mr. Hays for Mr. Camps The "wed tnvestirsttoo oeeded with and the et o wes, together with the documents filed thereon, by me to the Post Office And for theisformatia tte,.Pas•master Geser&1 to ,sport as follows : In regard to the obi clause 1 of the partied _ asidaacg was gimes 1. -Teta !lap.. ; Men Hays and Miss. the Fan of 10944hifirwi Model School, t; Goderioh post offs to as towards sesame and doled. Mr. Campbell o lobby and took the para les them who they were, " Yuu ere awe model f says he then; onempte around her, but was peel per out of his way. kir otos quo, and says that 1 mtly attempted to put 1 Heys end that she, supped back. They 1 Camphell'a conduce made a them stab* time that infio.soe of liquor and • boat it lifter shay west as unpleasant aapneo were atsuyed and effete and resented 1t. They e psctable and ittellfg. They say that they did time, nor do they now tl insult tbem, but that piece of familiarity ; th had no right to tosoh th aaoo;-ed and resented it at it, at the tune. Mr. Campbell, at par young ladies, being air with them, and tbta t were Model School girls, est him being Mies Hay on her, or offered to do remark they stateHe much in the habit in 1 putting hie band os the linuiIly, but iota' The facts in this ogee disputed, and the state roans women ere enthral I find their ste�t sats - i lit fir. -i,•' mp6a1T i ebi able familiarity towards end that naturally they annoyed at it, sad that them was offensive to th n, -?Ht aaman i Mrs. MoBrloa eayel (pt five years ago she was Cadet -nib, that she wen and handed Mr, Ca through the wicket to while she wee doing oro his hand on her hand ; accident ; that she does It was o jest ar not ; b Int sad spok. N It bo bit that osis the he i feel badly it shoatwry it. In Groes ezam 1 said that you ibly dant: that she Post offloe se trial W baplxtad. M r. CasapbaJ sty t (a hu no rano IesNM et tb heard asytblsg of No ■ before the soqurry span ices� e�ap"b.Mp.itw enw u iyierg is io neeoot boys at the time offended ut did : bat the s4oimtta that it i■ ponibis is olo dmf disposes et tte�l as acotdeet. 115 -team Lea lar.. Etbtll I.Rlls h ote wrnia4 Iasi{ Sisal Mn. Armstrong M tit o'olook oa pest e/llee 6a ball .towed tote ,hero Mrr. ]sell. being • tts� and. as they tsar• ,]clan lobby from lbs refoteta ArmDheII War fa d t+nroM)1 tte ender her eloak, ase ptl her waN p!eesd bit is no outery M chalet erne an remark M Yr. d taken uMwafee. chat Mro.a went etM e1 /he eh* mwMtae/ errs esa *roue and elan told le r•selose bona a� yt eM t l tat ►la isiaa I! 141 vary ftetsiN �twUS1 ut used o.ti..ty lis gip w� a�tMit ��lf 'lett baa i Nes el