The Signal, 1897-4-29, Page 7THE STMITAL : GODERIOH. ONT., THURSDAY APR. 2, 1 891. HOT CORN. /visas. Maga aid Priam Charles got ai;ii 00,000 in wedding Primate ; yet owe ar• those who hold that it is cheaper to sinell• Tite Emperor ot Chime has ten men to bis umbrella. It bee sever bees hoe- -010 l'ot- o c,00rge, Oen YOU elt Ile with me to- r s. My dear wilearo yea r .Wo; bet themo's to be &silk gals tomer. pp at Kerala° & Co.'s, and I meat to be in 0104" -- Illitanger-ls the submarine diver at Soo! / Tee Diver'il Wife -He's down at the ow, but 1 don't Mink you mu ses luso Ibis morning. Wenger- Why aot ! Tlie Divot's Wife -414's immersed im beams& -- Is the Surf -Hopkins (oonting up sudden w -Where did Oat wave go podmore (ooutthisg and spluttering) -I sptillwed,. it. -1101.-"yder--Wty is the ringing of a bell *as obligatory upon bicycle rider.' ge, gives their victims time to tit- ter en ejaculatory prayer. Edg.ee wee watching Mamma as she kommel the lettere of her typewriter with a erhiott she kept for that purpose. looking f* few tallow's, he said ° r Mantles, are y cleaning ins Math r Some women seem to take mere pleasure matiog the man they love miserable teen they do in being reveoged on Demerol) troy hate. - - " This is • irret town for cricket, isn't -I should say so. A fellow can't evert get off to go to her erandmother's tuueral gaunt showing • dootor's oertifloste." - - Siegleton-Well, old mast, I hope you wee t tind merriaes • failure. Younghusbaod--I smossely hope not The oourtship came near bankrupting me. Ltura-I am surprised to hear that you wears going down to the seaside this sum --sase. Moire that' Lulu -Oh, thereto no necessity for my go. *ea sums& I iun ahead, swage& • -- _ %the Audi decide whew 11171 db. • MN? " 016 the uadertaker MIS* Rerisie ix tarterthe boilist-totinothise •••••••10111mmor "1 mat • seer bet, is the very {steno eye.' " Pimps* down for • few minutes; the Whim le jilt attest to chaise." _ - — Teacher -Is IOW reenact wan &arise L to blame tor his aisfortnaate wad Johnnie ensile -He lost h s head in a critical moment As El teneive Wardrobe. --Said Moses Cobalt. ben, to Meow Coble. jun. : " Mose.. Mtn. me, dere vas nodding@ like industry. Mr. Sobwiadelteeves came to die °matey ealr J. years rege mit eel, wen skirt to his pack, and now ha toes rad - "Geed eracitous, fadder ! vat &de be do ers.lIltos 'hula In the Sarogasso Bea the weeds are se thiok that birds may walk on them. -- Husband-How di yes like the vi..! Wife (with sostase)-011. 1 mu •P•ich- len 1 Husband -Well, if that be so, think wir bed better stay here awhile. Wile -Yoe are • member of is many olube, Geoitaa Couldn't I jou one of them, too! Husband -Why, pray, my sweet Wife --Ob! I should so much like, once • while, to spend an °toning in your company ! " Why did you do it !" asked the inquis- itive visitor of tbe man who was under sea. Woos for throwing his wife into the well. " She was aryls'," the man sztleined, "s54 I oould Maud tt to me • Ira- nian ory." Groceries Groceries If you want the above right UP-TO-DATE A lame Aiwortment ot Crockery Glassware to choose from cell at 0. C. WHITELY'S CHOICE TEAS and COFFEES 80LE AGENT TOR GOLDEN AGE Package Tea. EAST SIDE OT 13QUART. • Sikes -Well, there's one thing we've all got to make up our naiads to ; we've all got (o drop out of life roomer or later. . l'wist-Oh, I don't know about that You may bave inherited that style of leav• tug the world,but most of us atm" to avoid the drop if we can. Au Irish gentleman was dieing out oole day, when eomebody insulted the Queen The gallant and loyal Iruhman was on Ina feet in an instant. "Sir," mud he to the culprit," "the duel - lo is not now in fashion : but. if you had made that remerk fifty years ago, I would oall you out tormorrow morning." Mr. :Subbiabe (proudly) -We have kept our last cook ov•r mouth now. Nexdoor (envious and amared)- Goodnese me How did you mating' 1t! Mr. Subbube--She was struck down with posumonta tour weeks ago, and oau't be moved from the bowie liTIRINU ROIL BUSINESS Pyr Mrs Wyly (proudly ertlkirg out of the sewing room) -Weil, Percy, how do you like me women ! Mr. Wyly -Oh, they do very well ; bat, dear is., how much older thau meal they make you look. On the following day • neat peckers, ta tended for tbe far -away heathen, was for- warded from the Wit'shome. The- -prevalent feediarlawse-reed many households lust now is one of noomfessed regret at giving up the sore comfort. of • inburban home for the dubious pleaeureeraf a seaside, mountaisq_pe country sojourn. e_tete- " Why did Who. lieglisw ibicharla_ Frmela maid • "Incivility." ".What! She struck me as tbe •onas of civility." "it., tee but I believe see couldn't un derstand Mrs Ltarlow's Itresch." FOR 80 DAYS OF DOUBLE and SINGLE Harness WHERE RI4EUMAT ISM IS UNKNOWN SPRAYING FRUIT TREES. Treeing, 411 ter Emesemperag is tweets That Emelt Tree,. Apple-Firee splaying; Bordeaux mix- ture and Paris grecs (4 oz 19 the barrel al the mixture)) whoa the beds are melbas. bsooad speuyieg Bordeaux mixteige and Perla green before the blossoms opea. Third Spraying : Bordeaux mixture and Paris green whin the blowout have tallest. Fourth and fifth sprayine : Beason: mixture and Peri& grime at latzrvals ten to fifteen days, if necessary. Pear-L.1a• blight, scab and *Willa moth, the same treatment as for the apple Ploce-Curcnlio, brow° rot and leaf bliebt. First spraying : Bordeaux mixture be- fot• the flower buds epee. Scoond spraying • Bordeaux mixture and Paris rem as mum ea the petals have fallen Third spr.ylng Bordeaux and Paris green in seven re ten days alter. Fourth spraying : Bordeaux mixture in tea to fifteen days atter. ?mob-I:Crown fruit rot, leaf blight and plant ooroulio. Fire, and second spraylogs : Seine as for treatemat of the plum. Third eprayieg Bordeaux mixture in two to three weeks. Fouth Spraying : Ammoniebel copper carbooate it aoy danger of disfiguring the fruit with Bordeaux mixture. Cherry -Aphis, elite, brown rofi and leaf blight. First Spraying Bordeaux mixture as the buds are breaking: if the aphis appears use kerotene emulsion alone. Second sprayieg : Bordeaux &store and Pat is green, as soon se the blossoms tall. Third spraying : Bordeaux mixture sod Paris green tea to fifteen days after. Grapes -Mildew, black rot and ft - beetle. First .preying : Bordmux mixture and Paris green when leaves one inch in dia- meter. Second sprsying : Bordeaux mixture aad Paris green when dowers have fallen. Thud and fourth sprayings : Bordeaux mixture at intervals of teo to flfteee Perm green alone when the beside is m- ucking the buds in the Spring. /leapt:terry : Anthrecnoeir and leaf blight. First sort/leg; Bordeaux mixture mat before growth begins. Second Spraying Bordeaux ;axial* about when first bloseoms optic. - Third spraying : Bordeaux mixtues WWI the fruit -re gathered. Carreat and opeserry Itersordi mildew. Fula irprayine:,iterdeaux Pails green as sotta-en the Immemorial& -- Seemed spraying : The same tea to fifteen No Matter Etre Iatease the Pala South AntericabeatitrOurci will Remove It Quickly -A Lady ot Highgate Tells What it Did ter Her -Permanent Care of a Cm* of Years' Steading. It hsa been declared by scientists that every dimes. has a remedy. In rheumatism South American Rheumatic Cure haa been found • iodinate antidode for chi" tasteful diagram It is always effective. Mrs. N. Ferris. wife a a well-known manufaciturer of Ilighgate. Oat says: " I was seriously affected with- rheumatic pates in my ankles, and at times wad &latest disabled. I tried everything, os I thought, and doctored for years without much besefit. I woe induced to nee South Atnerioan Rheumatic Cure. To my delight, the first dose gave me more retort than I bad had for years, and two bottles have completely cured me." Sold by J. E. Davis. ltapreindieed Advice. A Western senator tells the story of • man, travelling in a parlor oar between Omaha mad Deaver, who fell asleep and, se Pasch would say, " Snored profusely from the nose," so that everyone in them:each was dEllitME-Minoymi. Promo?, says the St. Paul Dispatoia. an old gent eaten approsoli- ed the sleeper, and shaking him oat of bis slumber with • start. •• What's the matter?" he exclaimed. " Why, your anoriog is annoying every one in the oar," raid the old gentleman. kindly. " How do yoe know I'm snoring'" " Why we owlet help but bear it." " Well, don't believe all yes hear,' re- plied the etriteger, tat weal to sleep &rain. 10 YEARS A SUFFERER. From Rides" biome -Gravel and Stricture -An Absolute Care Found in South • American Kidney Cure -A Remedy That Never Fails in the Moat Douses - leg Came. Tbe solid evidence a expertise* is be - Whine hellehor• (kW) Med South Ame(ia's Kide•y Cure. Mr. Wilber Goff. of Chippewa, Oni. is shingt. _Water daCia aloes, hell•boom-10 famio Moo - - Totsedo-Rot end blight Spray with Bordeaux mixture se soon es rot or blurbt appears, ter three times, tf ecru emery, at intervals of from tem to fifteen days. Potato -Blight sod beetles. First spraying : Pans green the I *miss appear -Hine poured Ions water). Second spraying : Bordeaux mixture and Paris green, when plants six incites hiela. Third and fourth sprayings: Bordeaux mixture at intervals of ten to fifteen days if neesseary. CAMARO—Pyrethrum applied in solution (one ounce to lour gallons ot water) or dust- ed on (one part pyrethrum to seven parts flour) fi.r the cabbage worm. Strawberry -The rust or leal.blight Bordeaux mixture when it can he applied without disfiguring the fruit will control this disease. Apply at intervals of two or three weeke on new beds after they begin to maks runners - testi Um op with a iseibmg I meld berdly sumust ter 1..j heart. " Twice I tries to put UM keit, tato his throes, foad Micas he shaded am • on the third attempt, just as the knife resiMhed seek, I gamed halo ste eyes, sad :maw them nob • reproachful look that Vie kills deep - ped from us bend to the nosed. There wee no so soulful sad hums iu that look thee it seemed like murder. "It was *sly by dint of the grease' de- termination that I succeeded at Last in kill- ing him, sod I have giver ItIt like the same mini Amos." And the enema oott and all declined to be partioipanta la the mune, and the dinner proceeded as obeeslessly as a funeral. as soon as to 100 gal - BOUPPA x mIXTuni. nee nest Remedy ter (eras is Putaana's PeiolessCOrn Extraotor. Rapid painless, its &otter' is a marvel to ali who have tried it. Fancy getting rid of painful corns in twenty-four hours. " Petition's " does it. amok en the Errifeiser.1 Tim late Prefemor Bleckie used to relai• with great misty the following story riga:nit himself, mid I do Dot thick (winters the oor- respondent) ttat it bee ever been ehronicled in Gold, print. As everyone knows, the genial old pro - lessor used to to • piot unique risid striking figure in the streete of modern Athens. A wiry framed old patriarch, 'Fah striktogly handsome features and loog hair, that foil in ripests shout his shoulders, no one once having seen him oould forget him. Foaming along one of the principal Edin- burgh streets, he was socosted one day by very dirty little street gamin with- " Shine your boota, sir'' 'The urchin wee very importunate, sod the' protemeor, tenor impressed by theex- (5105 filthiness of the boy's tows, remsek• ed- " I don't went • shine, my led, but if you go and wash your face 111 give you • .ix - 'p0000. " A richt, sir." was the lad'. reply ; and going over to an adjgoent drinking fountain he made his ablution. Returniag, he held out Me hand for the money. Well. my led." mid the profeerior, "you've earned your money ; here it is." "1 diem want it, auld chap," returned the gamin with • lordly air, "y. mu keep it and get yew hair_ont." Copper sulphate 4 pounds Lime (fresh) 4 " Water . 40 gallons Suspend the ooppec sulphate in five gal- lons of water. This may be done by pet- tier in a bag of mares material, and hang- ing it, so as to be covered.* the water. Then'mix the two and and the remainder oft the 40 gallons of water. Warm water will dissolve the copper gni- phat• more.readily titan cold water. If the lime is at aU dirty strain the lime solution. Annarit-caL oar= CAATIVIAIL-99.1..X2P". • metw tett. . The famous Hungarian, Count Z Doh y, w h lived on a princely inoome in Vieona, was in bis younger days, well known all over Europe on amount at *4. 10*.. he made and .ren. Onoe, wimp there wao neavy ditty imposed on (motley head at cattle ing the Austrian capital, be nude • bet that he would mere a lamb through the gate of %less& or.d that the este-keeper who was acting am imperial offioer,ediustieg sod remiving the duty, would be glad to les him pair. Next morales, the mon% disguised as • butober, his botcher knife to hie hand, his shirt sleeves rolled attend oarrying • beevy sack on his shoulder, made his way to One of the fashionable gates of Vann& ifeh'ilt• watchful offioer sees espied him. -west saw. yea bi that away fellow r " A dog, sir.' - " A dog ! Dog yourself ! Do wn with that seek ! I know fellows like you some- times oarry dogs in woke through the gates and sell them for mutton in. tows. Down with your sack !" " But its *outing but • thia. ma • bad dog, too. I will—" "Never mind whet you will. Down with your sack !" The offioer pulled the seek from the sup- posed butcher's 'boulder, out the stringtind sure enough, out jumped one of the biggest doge in Vienna. The dog rushed at the faithful ;government servant, landed him several steps away in the gutter, and then left for parts =known. After him went the ysnag butcher, shaking his knife before the *yes of the frightened offiaer and ex• claiming : " settle you after 1 oatch that dog !" About two hours afterwards t'his faits of the botcher ..sin appeared before the raised window of the goutoffioer. " I have just caught that dog again. Would you like to look at him "list sway! Get out, you and your in- terne' dog And with • orseh the vrindow went down, and the limiting butcher entered Vienna. - But no dog 'wee thet time in the seck but the tatted Iamb that eould be found in the subuiSs.OF capita Copper bertionekbe 1 ounces Ammonia sufficient to disoolve the copper earboaste. Water 10 gaUeos This solution is sob much used, and is re- commended ooly in teigell when the fruit is so for ativeneed that it await be disilgared by using the Bordeaux mixtsre. PARIS oasts. Paris green I pound Water 1100 to 303 minims. Use 200 rations of water la a mixture tor apple trees. 250 tor plum trine, and 300 for peach trees. When Paris trees is added to Bordeaux mixture, so as to form • oombined insecticide, add four neater to every 40 ratio as of theBorderinx mixture. HILLIBORZ one of the Ineadrerle who bare' eindkiiiisa equally moose terms. He .aye: "Attar felting six bottles of South American Kid - Cor. I am completety cured of stricture and gravel, hevinceuffered from these own - ;debate for over ten years. 1105.4 peas relied after takinr ens bottle. hut oestoneed tha embody mail 1.. ttarfteoile altred. and 1104:40;estsTisli NT best td health." Trunks, VaUas, Olub-Sags ot all sizes,. Oarrizfte Rqrs, Robes, Whips, Brushes, Fur Ooats. 4 The Harness Stook is largest West , of Tomnto. and the entire sleek will he cleared out at less thse ant of manufacture. I am retaining no stook or interest, so oOst Or vats of geode will be disregarded in tab ode. A rare chance far FSITISSIS sod Hate rneneaevsry set of Harems is gear- 4ntead h.5A made and the bust of Union Oak Leather, while the Mount - lug -silver, braes or rubbse---are hot quality. - " Nook terceints must be settled Eel Osse or itsts ems. WM, ACHESON leunce. 5 gals. IPTILITIIR VW. ?tee, trees powder if reth Water Adeatatstestises 1 Apropos .4 (8. recast visit ef the King a Portugal to Great Brits* a traveller who h es sees the Portugues oolosiste at work, give' a piques* ;gators of the adthisistre• tics is am eettleness. He wee Molted 00 050 eocesion to dinner by the Oevermor. His table rempasioa warmed him agates* that; ellisial. ** What's haw matter wish him r seated the traveller. • "Walter with Mr ? Why, be wim gas - mama te *Mesa months' teeprlessineee 1.1 robbery, amid rove, marvel ate taloa' ' • Artm disseir. the Governor task the trav- eler aside sad esbiesnly warned Ma &gaunt aim ern latrineses. .. Wh000s las manse with him V' " lirefelt whit him t Why. he wake sea- lemettli he Adios ndstk's uspiessmeat for sesossidest, sod erne served Ids Oboe" TY, 4111.410 dee west ttailtillbrIls, maslest sewas very dallsk..."Wiatitt soil Os trineller ine d the ewe was .5* renewed sod euebirol. "04, as," add tee Oorseem °net aim alseif t hob est et all a buil !slim. At pae- an lie le SaSeirgriteg eiteensesisat ter re - 500 sod ..by riessivoi twos* bum a as" as taw goal. os 1 pie Wma a lob illittlewel eat that the lilliaat MOM Matt SOW SW pi issols Ss rod* ilk *am 1 ounce 4 pls. K !Metairie EMrLlI0, Hard map. potted, or soft soap 1 quart Bei wate r•teref t 1 gallon Co.1 oil 2 galloue Atter diesel the sine is the water, " "- ininutua. Wm, limberly mired. "at -''''-"Essicemesiesr eg semse-seree Ill'artiprorker.7f vier but Yule's Bicycle Livery. FOURTH SEASON After three years of successful work we open our Bicycle Livery again this year, and trust we shall have a season equally successful, if not in advance of these of the past.. In addition to the larger num- ber of Bicycles for hire we have this year added a Tandem, whicb will no doubt be appreciated Vf those who desire t.) go in couples. Al kinds of repairing carefully and rapidly attended to, and a vulcanizer has been secured for the rehabilitating of old tires. The Teaching Academy will also be maintained with its usual effi- cacy. &member the old and reliable place Kingston -at. YULE'S BICYCLE LIVERY The Kellsilligoll Figlliture Co. Ltd. u ODIC VC& ARE IN WANT OF DRY ELM, BASS- WOOD, BLACK ASH. Pacific Teiegraph Canadian • Patronise True .Competition. Tun CArtglet•Ili PACIrio RAILWAT Oo • TeListio•rn has been established to give the public s tlnit-olses settle' with falr and PON Masan% ootnuetition. It is managed on buslang trinciples sad la the interest of lue patrons. It deserves the suppoet of every perms whit In competition. Maim °ow:eating wtth all limes sod �bia� ease* despatch nee this Cems iniclited Mates, fund& and learepe. through wires to all potato in Um NorthweetHritish Columbia and Pacific Come Oe.-94rth Bids Weatin. ItAlerulf/S. Loo" Manager Gc leech 1897 . . . . hanouticement. New Goods and Best Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable Weet•st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guazantad in Quality Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP FOE SALE AT A BARGAIN Otrrrir FOR SAWMILL Cash or Exchange for Lumber. -Zak The Goderich Lumber co. (L(d) has for sal et the Harbor and at the . Yard on the G.T.R. track. lam. Ain. and Homewood and Plait, Hemlock and Cedar Lumber in all lengths aad and Cedar Posts. Also Slabs In any quantity. Lu uptowe *Moe for the sale of Millwood, (Slate. e ) has been established at the store of IR ARDIBR & LBW, who are empowere.1 to accept orders and receive payments for our uptown trade in that line. 6 tt THE GODERICH LUMBER CO The vitality of sick people is elways low- er between the hours of midnight and six o'oloak in the morning ; consequently the greatent amount ot stimulant is needed !lur- ing that time. Dynamite, controry to gamma belief, is comparatively harmless so loos all it le kept & pert from the materials whiob en seed to explode it Gunpowder is far mesa danger- ous in transportation than dynamite. ivith the aesimanoe of the latest mach- ine& a pleas of leather can he traindenned bite a pair of boots in thirty-four inmates, la which time it pasties through the beads of silty three people and through fifteen marshiest N'ery yarns ehileren are not s•rigitive to Milt to •ny great tx test. A medioel &nth mite states the'. searittlItT it telilittti sbowtt in lees than four or fire weeks after birth, sod before that time laterite do not shed tears. The autograph lettere testifying to oar's made by Ayei's 8arreparille, and other pre- Pesten.- ar• kept on file at the J. C. Ayer Co.'s office, Lowell, Man. They are from all °Car Obs world, ant ars cheerfully skews ilMiseue of seeing them. GEO. THOMPSON, Telephone No. 6l. 1 Manager, ROO TENNI' .About ten years ago I first became afflicted with Rheumatic= and Gout. and during the laet ten years I haye been treated by several playsicians, sod they all advised me that it was impossible to care me here, and that the only remedy for me was to go to a warmer climate. 1 was confined to my house last December owing to this disease, and was unable to do any work whetever. I oonunenced taking the Kootenay Cure which Mr. 8. 8. Ityckman, M. P, gave me about the middle of April laat, and attar aboutonerweek's using this medicine I was seildently cured to be able to snort driving a bread wagon, which work required me constantly getting an &adrift my W54011. Tbe pains which I always bad bi sides are now completely gone, and I ant neer ale to work Without &ay phis whohreet. •--MU Pert! lefiliderramerseraerm. able weeny from' this disease. My general health ha. wonderfully impaired wince taking this medicine. Sworn to by MICHALL 0. DWYER, OS Icendng Street, Hamilton. Send for pamphlet to IL 8. Mammy Mrs* CUM CO. Handllom. Ont. CURES U1SM For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THISeciatiE•taig•ND bore 10 15. wittiest oilmen. A syrbig• 50 pomp will ald much In this work. la eft", dilute with from sine to fifteen pule et water. Emcees* ernalnion may be prepared with soar milk (1 gallon). sad coat (2 gal- lon). no soap being required. Tide will net keep tong. rbeesent. "Yee," mkt the host.-legpiag the wing frost the turkey sad pew epos the me estsbied oompeey with imitable madame. "I wrest felt eo intioh regret be ill soy Ids as rhos I killed this WM." The parses isquired tbe reams. "Weil matiased the best. "*10* turkey wee bred by is, led beessae remarkably tame ha. ewe of ids kb& He would food etuost vet bawds. sod Mamma a.:hod Ire the *Widens thee he would fellow these 114. estumieg.. Well. patimmes, *hes the real et hiblossie. op dm Weis fat the Rickel MA le a amain ease ever him ; be sedialk Is divnebragellsek ihse kte eves 1.. onsoL No espeaset hewed her *Ls leobb sad le eatemythims v:i4,43,01,41,7.,,..61 wheedle him eat *kW csgi bile Retest trims be 5.50411150 555- htewollat Is with , aisesesi. ass sa She WWU has, see I bay • semetiesse ;f..thas before the le that the exerobe el mastioeUon tediums • temporary waste of morale times, sad also as oprodable 19.1 04 moieber• mad *thes- is as“ me. Prima begentor-OhM as ever there seems peettlesly to eelay the treadmill. Werder-Yee, IAN WO MOW te the hee Wm. was a bioyele thief. Yew Leveler -1 bays come te ask you, ▪ to *use to permit your daughter to *Marry late t an Pother -to refuse ? Why yeta—" ** Yes, str. If yeas will °sly be so litsd,I know I sem ret bet seseeat at ossa." PILliANTHROPY Or phileathrepy le give yen pod health ter 20 esate---tbe met of Dr. sew'. Laver Pills. Same, safe, quisk esti pleasant to at No go* wriphae. Tat deb hsislie. sr Memel. Mete sat- ing. be tee owed tse VA6171e. SW, OIL Wall Paper iitilponad-Ont 1 -- ANEW TOC( "WALL PAPER LATEST DESIGNS ! Thanking siik-inistomers for past raver% I beg to announce Unit I now emery • stock ot Walldeoett sad hope to give satisfaction in this line, GEO. WATSON PAINTIllt AND DECORATOR. Montreal st. near the Market. Cakes, Pio, Tarts. • Ready for the Rush. Call at D. Cranston's, the leading bakery„for, your Party Cakes and Puff Polite Tarte, Oyster Patties, Minos Pies, Short Bread. All kinds of Cakes kept on hand. Orders left by ten in the morniug will be made and delivered the same day. 'Wedding 'Calm. decorating of the latest designs' with a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake Ornaments. Almond icing a _siecia_lty. Ce.man.atelors... Tinware G _ 11. •-1=-1'1- vide!. ARMSTRONG BIM Pump & Fanning Ell Works 0•01131ORIOMEIC , ozqT TM? aisraorravarr, slink a very egieble _lPeseps. mans- = wesleosed /MUM* quarter,' oft out. are *factored is a *MAW Aid Meirele 1st to oferestow PUMPS PIIIIPS for =tag erstering me. esteattea styes to &swiss wri sat estria imelos•"eie laLT. maws: sod MUD SERVOS I Awl= toMall AMMO= BROW, 1 are necessary to mankind, then Law much more so are they to the better part--woulan 1 As they are so neces- sary you should see that what you get are good, thus saving in cash and health. Tinware or Graniteware bought from us la always good, and as the latest inventions are always added to our stock a better seilectior. cannot be found In Canada, STOVES AXD FURNACES Wtbee meths" complete lies of Stoves and Zorn - ease in Abe deenty. ligtOlt 6 LIM