The Signal, 1897-4-29, Page 66 THE SIGNAL : GIMMICK ONT.- THURSDAY- APR. 29. 1897. NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! WPM? 01 IIE30 AYER'S PILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty gars have kepi Ate la good health, never having had a lack day in all that time. Before I wee twenty I suffered almost contlbuatly-es $ resell of 0011- stipetiou-from dyspepsia; headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. When r became oonviaced r. ^se} . • that.. 11e -truths of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use . of A,yer'. Pills, with-tbo most satisfac- tory results, never having • single attack that did neeseadily yield to this remedy. My wile, who. hod been an Invalid for years, also began to nee Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children 1 had n ticed that nearly' all their ailments were preceded 1,g constipation, and I sodn had thin pleasure of knowing that with children as with perente, Ayer's Pills, 1f taken irl season, avert all danger of sickness." -I1. Warrsessie, Bytoh. I1L_ AYEWI. nus Mlsheet 140n0rei at World's F1W - Br's Strtayta.3 Et!eatthees the fills/. CRISP AND CASUAL THE WARS. MARCO BOZZARIS. At midnight. in hhigoeaded teat, The Turk was dreaming of the hour Whin Basso*, bar hoes in suppliance bent. Should tremble at ids tower. In dreams, through camp and oourt. be bore The tropbtee of a ooeyustor : lo dreams his songs of triumph heard Then wore hie wooarok's signet ring ; Thea premed that monarchs throne -s king As wild his thoughts and gay of wog, As Eden's garden bird. At midnight, in toe forest shades, Bozzone ranged hie Suliote band. True as the shed of their tried blades, Heroes in heart and hand. Tbere bad the Persian's thousands stood, There had the clad earth drunk their blood. On old Plates"' day : And now there breathed that haunted air, The sons v sires who cot quered there, With arms to strike, and souls to dare, As gniuk, an far as they. - - Elephants .re fond of gin, but will not touch- champagne. The avenge cost of a criminal proseoutlon in Britain to at present 8160. There are 3,000 wprts ip,tbe English len- guess that are cot In tliotionary. Every shilling turned out by the F.oglisb Mint shows a profit ot nearly threepence. The lustre of morocco may be retained by apptyina the whito of an egg with a Sponge. The cat c.n See well in the dark, and. fortunately for the cat, the man with the bootjack can't. If • men tumid jump proportionally as far as • flea, he wield jump• in one leap trout Land'. End to Edinburgh. During the Let ai yeare the legal execu- tions in the United States have numbered '720, and the lyocbines 1,118. The only sure way to thoroughly cleanse a pipe ot nicotine is to allow • jet of steno to pane through the item for several minutes. An hour passed ors --the Tart awoke ; That bright dream was bis last : H. woke -to hear his tenures shriek. " To name ! they owed ! the Greek the Greek 1' Hs woke -to die mid flame and smoke, Apd shout, and groan, and eabreatroke,- And death shots felting thick and fast, A. lightninrs from the monists clouds ; Aad heard, with voice as trumpet load, Bozzsrts cheer his band ; "Stoke nil the last armed foe entree ; Strike -tor your altars and your fires ; Gael -and your Dative land !' They fought 1:ke brave men, long and well; Tben piled the ground with Molten slain They oonquered-but hozzaria tell, hleeiing at every vein. His sew surviving uomrsdes saw His smile, when rang their proud hurrah, And the red field was won ; Then saw in death his eyelids Diose Calmly, as to a night's repose, Lake flowers at set of sun. Come to to bridal chamber. Death ! Come to the mother wbeo she feels the first time her 014-borgj.breatiu.. Come when the blessed seals That aloes the peetilii!s sae broke, And crowded cities wail its stroke ; Come in ouusumptioa'a le aetly form, i'he earthquake shock, the ocean's Sturm Come when the heart beats high and warm With banquet wag and damn, end wine ; And thou art terrtbte-the tear, The groan, the knell, the pall, the bier. Aed .11 we know. or dream, or fear 01 agony, are thine. Bus to the here, when his 'word '•"-' Has won the battle for the tree, Tby voiee wends like a prophet's word ; And in its hollow tones ors herd The thanks of millions vet to be. Bozzeris ! with the 'tort rave Greece nurtured to her plor''a tune, Best thee-tbere ie no prouder grave Even in her own proud clime, t We tell thy gloom without • sigh, For thou art Freedom's, now, and Fame's One of the sew, the immortal names, That .re not born to die. -Hannck. A yew -tree at Dover, over one thouaod years old, which was mentioned in the i)oom.dey Book, was reosotly transplanted e.00esefutly. Hot water taken freely hall an hour be- fore bedtime is an •xoelleot oath•rtic in the is.. of constipation, white it has a soothing effect upon the stomach and bowels. There are 450,000 persons in England aimed Smith : 300,000 named Jots& ; 250,- 000 named Williams ; nearly 200,000 named Taylor, and 140,000 named Hrowo. During the last ten year. Eo,laad's ia- ere•s. -i.-ws6 .te aslth wee 87-per--oonl. . that of France 42 per mint., panda 71 per Dent., and Germany doubled the number of her warships. If all the bicycles in the world iters brought to • central point and reeonstruot- ed into one giant m.iihine, the result would be • bicycle ten miles long apd over six miles high, with wheels about three miles in diameter. Womeo have • better perception of color than men. An eminent authority on oolor blindness asserts that under a very te•t'the color vision of one mac in five is de - Native, while in women the average is one is thirty. A medical paper says a sneeze is tmten- manwusly dispelled by preseinq the finger upwards easiest the division of the nose at the point when the upper lie inside joins the gem. Another plea is to expire all the air possible from the lungs the moment you psroeive iodio•tiom of a sneeze. An athlete says that in walking the leg should be swung from the hip very muob as the arm is .woo. from the shoulder, not the .elbow. The hip-mnsoles are among the W s.tgeet in the body, and men who use OMB.. and walk with the leg oosiprir•t(vely S Nfl, cover the rronnd 30 per gest. fasten, th Ag _Itlyklpeo- ..- who i&Serena& Thea, se Dee Maar en seta• regisest rooms itself. These is n•eally ea* groat obese. and Shoo, with this terrible AnWf to the air,tbe charge batten Nothise eon withstood it. '• lest a. tell Lon et sae ia.iseoe. I saw this myoelt. The C.bs% torous were ebargiatr, asebeis is head. The tipasisk force, torsed loose se tats with • Krupp gas A single order was rites. The weeds body hesitated. and a cheer from to Spits' Ash foram. From the right and lett wings of the Cuban detaobiata fifty neon rode forward at a teeiho peso As they rode the men formed their arses tato • 2ytnr wedge snob M the college boys ram in foot- ball. 11 hey rode right up to the gine 01 course, moat of the wen wore killed, bet *trough Rot to to hart to out them off. ITS DN,IDLJ woatc. " 1 know 0t nothing that Dao witbstead the machete. Tb• Callan has used It from almost the day Of his birth. He does every' thing watt it. •Is times of peso* 1 hey, often had to travel through .wlions where there were no roads. 1 had to go throuih the underbrush, wblob is very heavy. Otters I have started • Mee ahead of me, mounted of ware,._ With hie maobete he would cut a path for me and my bores. He ,imply rode along evening the long blade in a d. sagely ort of fealties, tat in reality with the greatest precision sod skill. He lost so !:tete time in thin work, that, with both horses walking, it would take me for • miles to catch up to him. " Once a Isle fellow down ea my planta- tion ran •amok. We got atter him, end tracked him to a Save, ten miles oat in the mountains. I rot • donee soldiers; and we went to get him. He was armed with hie machete, and had killed four per.ow in hie wild run. The soldiers Tined up to fres/ of the mouth of the oave, int i called to to fellow to come out. The soldier, stood with their guns pointed .t the spot where this man must come one, it he came at .IL Sod- denly be emerged from the darkness, and stood o•r.l.sly looking al my mos. He did not seem to be armed. Suddenly be reached behind him sod drew from the leg of his hoot his machete. Than he sprang forward. 1 saw the flash of his weapon to the air, and then the soldiers bred. When the smoke cleared away, the Cuban was dead, of course. He had been riddled by bullet., tout be had killed three of the soldiers. 'Each man was cut in two as clean se it the the work had been done at sawmill. Times things I have sees with my own eyes. And that are the reason, why the cry "Mo. ithMo i •...hits !' twinge *error to fah forces.' two feet. Hen the people o1 Benin bold thou hideous rites to the gods or fetish.., wbiob are reseed arospd the wall. and whiob oompries elephants' tusks end carved figures of ivory, braes and bronze, having themes& grotesque appeeraaa. Is the as - Mr of the sheltered cert was an orifios.frone the sides of - ":oh blood was streaming. I muse not ..wtt to mention the huge mud - axion trees, wide& were in the wide road leading past the oompound•. and os wbiah .the remains of victims oould still be ONO. Near those were mon pito full. of bodies. and from one moans oouId be heard. S.. of the corpses were hoisted out, and a boy who had been Gordoeis native servant was moiled. He had been for over flee days is this pit, uovered with • heap of deed and dying, who had been thrown in alta him, From another pit a woman and two tele were rescued, bat, although every iRtentloo had teen pad to them, I am afraid hello hope can be entertained of their maven,. In the king's palaver house the whole of the effects takes from the murdered whiter wee found almost untouched, their .porting guns, their helmet oases and oemeraa and the merchandise btought by the traders of the expedition. CANADA'S APPEAL TO BRITAIN. O Britain ! What has come to thee ' O woethat I should live to see Thy Narmada wiled with moth and runt, Thy glory trailing in the duet. Winne llenlesraa and Beggar Fara Alike. Berlin latter in Chicago Record : German *that is Draoonien for many urine, and 01isdemeanora„ but the prinoiple of even- handedness is, at least,. existing to a much higher degree than in the case in most other countries. The nobleman and the beggar are treated alike. A striking illustration of that was the triat,a few days ago. of • num- ber of high-born apeculatore, who (or dia- hone.t purposes had set atoot a greet, bloat- ed figanoiel scheme -the funding of the so- called Kaiser -Bazar, ty winch outsiders were mulcted to the tune of 4,543,000 marks. The defence was a cunning .sed able one in court, and the evidence was father 000fiotiog, but the Judges desoernad clearly. through the maze of tangled proof. who were the culprits, and the principal one, an ex•army ieioer, Baron von Western - haven, was sentenced to six months in jail and 6,000 mares fine, and his noble oom- peon tared hardly better. No Menace* from the outside could save them. There i. sturdy PRIleil•n jdtie. for yon - 419.500 Et4 FORTS ARE THEIR (OWE*seer r.rUareeteae with v/kte� ItMlwas- 1arns nave retied the Leland N Cabe. From -the St. Louis Globe -Democrat : The torte of the Spaniard is tort•baildimg. C.t•s is the scene of hie greatest and most varied ead.vor in that art of war. From the Our that the-enstalbe steamer passes ander the firo}tvsing front of Morro Castle at the month of`tile Havana harbor until departure from the island. one is Dever out of eight of 110011 kind of • fortification. The Spanish army bee not dobe much fighting in this war, be - MOM. perhaps, it has not been possible to being the ineoroents to battle, hot then little fellows. from the farms among the Pyrenees have fortified with amazing in. dustry. From Pinar del P.io to Santiago de Cube the defence are oonwpicnoui everywhere. Something to turn a ballet is the end in' view. With this idea the Spaniards lave given ingenuity of construction fall play. When the war is over not .the least of Cuba's attractions for the visitor will be the forts. They number not hundreds. but thouse•ds. There 11 a fort of wine kind in Cuba tor every ten iu•urgents under arms. Aod the building etiil goes on. Not many I rho ht the. areal, I deemed thea good, days ago • party of Havana people went out Wt to the euburbe of the oity to witness the 0 fool ! With l urope.' grasping brood, dedication of a new fort, as a similar party Thou w•tohest (standing idly t,' ) The unequal 'trite for liberty. One thought of thine, one word from thee, And Tuckey would have bowed the keel, ; Hat's best before the power unseen ; llan hoed the knee to Rritaik s Queen. DROPSY CURED SY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS I have been tgpubled for three years with Dropsy. Could not get any relief. My limbs vete swollen to a size I could not rest. I was advised to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have only used two boxes and I am completely cure°. I have no objection in allowing you to publish this to as to help others. I remain, yours, ARTHUR 1nNRS, Ottawa, CV, 1. • s Kidasyy PUM -64 mivnt have gone from an American tidy to celebrate the formal Installation of some new irdostrv. The new tort was finished in a style befitting ire proximity to the cap- ital of the island. It was given • name. The cesemon.ies of the formal opening of the fort for bulimia were duly reported in the When Abdul, the -accursed, earns, pares. And ,wept the land with two -d and llama. The torose of the revolution number 50,• Armun:a looked for her release 1 000 by the claims of the leaders. and 30,000 ToaMoss a 4 -tt-4ittl.-6weeeo, - • _- --- it br the admiadoa,uf, the. Spanishesw- Whose warrior blond. for ages past, Rushed down is tcrrwts bot and fast, As dwelt her wek'niog soul upon Miltiades and Marathon. And bounds her pulse at thought of thee, Toon gory -dyed Thermopylae, Whose crimson tanneries yet. bespeak Unfeeling lustre for the Greek. She saw *gain the narrow pees Where fell her brave Leonidas : And in her old-time strength arose With fiery force to meet her toes. She heard the Cretans' ory for aid ; She faced the powers nedismayed ; Her war cry ran from shore to shore, " And Greece was living Greco." same mon. AWN. Slimed an every hand. Aisne, she made a glorious stead Alone, to stem the devil's work Alone, to feos the insatiate Turk. Alone! Alone ' 0 shame to those Who swell the number of sur fore' Well, Britain ! might thou Mash to see The climax of thy infamy. moot. The supply of ammunition is so empty that the aweral instruction to the soldiers is, " Not • Bindle cartridge m.y be w •ted." Against such an eoemy, the Spaniards have dotted the island with these I houe•nds of forts Mitch of thin fortdyiag is voluntary work. The Spanish soldier eeeme to have an inborn liking for ti. 11. will fight in the open if he must. Tare is no doubt of the 8 surd'. valor. Bat hav- ing bunted in vain for the enemy, and being given the duty of defending some particular Place against the hidden f , 4bs Spanish soldier, without being told; proceeds to make himself as ate from possible harm as oorvwient material will permit Be is natural fortifier. " Warted Els Ticket." Soldiers stationed in India very often d. - vise means whereby they one exchange the monotony of that country for the gaiety and pleasure of Lome. Among other ways ot 'working bis ticket' (i.e. diacharre►, is the practice of shamming some infirmity. Ooe of oar noble (Menders in the Blank - .hire lie&& reported himself ill at the meal inspeetion boor, and was detained in bee- pital for deafness. He oarried out his deceit almost too well, for at last the suspicions of the prescribing medical officer were aroused, sod he determined to try him. 3oinp into the ward one morning while Tommy's back was turned to the door, busi- ly engaged in am armament with a oomrede. who was smoking be walked quietly behind him and raised a revolver. But Tommy saw the..reflection in s window oppodte and guessed his intention. So when the revolver was filed, observing the puff of smoke, he turned to his chum and said hastily- "Put out veer pipe, you fool, the doctor will be round in a minute." Needless to say, Tommy was home before many months bed pasted. is BICYCLES A»o WATCHES Polk During the Year 1897. For tall perdculr. ,w advertisemeate, or aipplyte Val /NOR, LTA. 23 Soon Si., TINMTS THEIR DEADLY WEAPON. ifs Msebste Y tae Main Releasee •f the Cabe. irearegine*. " Papl.In ins 000ntry," said so Ameri- can who had spat many years to Cuba, •'oanoot *mainland why to Spanish Jocose a000mplisb so little in Cuba, and why .l - most nothing L being dos.. And yob the explanaioo L very simple to see trio know the Calmat It Spain could take Cuba sol.... _..- ..t.. —•4,.-,� . F "r ..'•�Ii a' �.' �.�. ••�- Tinted arm nte't e r phot ansi.tiell maiGg. �--• -�� T F Lege by sew iillkt.g. Dr. Bab000k tornd in some experiments he tried regarding this matter that slow milking had a very dandled effect in rodeo - here bolo an in/ the batter fit is milk, t g averare decline ot over 11 per Dent. in his trials as a result of slow milking, while also there was a decided dimtnn$tion in the quantity, though Inc prolonged trial with Down naturally going dry the difereaoe tend ed to disappear. The total result over a mwoe, however, is be.ef5oial to the milk pi id-1a.th....aas-nf.gni k- .matins. -not tO... weak of the aving of time. We do not kaow all about the secretion of milk in the odder but we are getting on that user. 8TUM BOIL$R WORK& ..COAL.. A. S. CH RYSTAL, 8weesss.r Ohre toe & Biocb saanatsotew of all kinds at BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Yana, Sheet Imo Works, eto., eta, And Dealer in- Ewgas.a, M•ohinery Caattags, be. All sizes of Pipes and Pipe Fittings. Steam tend Weber Gomm, Globe Velvet, Check Valves, Isepiratoes. Ej.oters and I. looters Constantly on Hated at Lowed Prices. A .peoi•l line of steel Wafer and ii Troughs for use of farmers and otters. Repetrtng prompW attended tr, A. s. CRItTSTAL, =rely P. ti. Box re tt.deyloe, always on hand. The Blest tsalr-'Sesstou' ()owl in • .•' - market. Hard, Soft an Black- smith Ccal always on hand. A11 Coal weighed .on the market scales, so that you are sure of Good - WM. LEE. e, Harbor Quay. HASPIB Et LEVU Store. EPPS'S COCOA I Gold is King leant Your home claim a:te Steele, Briggs -high Grade' deeds. sold by leei:leg d.etirs. Mk f• r them. • bele investment. GOLDEN RETURNS OATALOQUte PRIL The Steele, Briggs SeedCo. TosoeTO, ON'.. w 0014111"..°41°°0 ertIwho a s slnr t Ch pw•d yet. ,. Worg•, ow you mei,., .•No; bet rices' »„ at tlerga` S,Rsr•s-L the home' Tee Dived a Wif 10T, to :ay' dos'$ t - morning. 9tragee--' se -VV set' The I1;vet'a WO L the Surf -Sep 111—R h°t° did t tai w re••diatoN� tit uahiag Yn. RPd`a-Wry :odas obltp$i0r :•D he Mr. R" -It gives en slaculato►Y gra Edward was watch brained the lettere of ,,soh sob ob else hop Afar looking ft* I" •• ldamina, are y 50010 women Seem t tin making the man to they do in being revile lute. PL. N G MILL. EST*IUSHEO1166. ' Biichauais & BVp13S ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA stusttrreg trasne DOO.B and BLIND _--Dialog-issi t glade et LUMBER. EATI 111. ES *el i else. aatertal « ivory fletase Pommies the trimming irstinctivo Natte Delicacy of Flavor, Supenonty in Quality, Grateful and Comforting, to the nervous or Dyspeptic. Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled 1n tinarter-eonnd Tins o'tly. UFA arra t f.., ltd.. Mesnw.MVle theaters Lewder. aagtasd- am Howe'.?, unwillingly, through thee, "Thegtlen the whole 1Qae6. Wit► They hurled their dart. 'garnet liberty. NMI Ike Caber aro ie . It IS too, is time hot days et the oiatun to see war waged on brat -De yeti retts.atber to smut with _'el aged when • lad of the wonder - fel "wee of the Sorsa in their border we when, olsymore in head, they swept Ries 1 frames 1 rise ! and early doom With droopidg bead I lowly stand, In shame for thee, the " Mother land," =forth thy fere by land and sea, If from thy trammels. add be free! e The bloody Abdel to the tomb, i "New, before Neaten of iaveetioos, Though ell the powers arc for pesos ; i1 whim warfare the bees velssod Mantua an To area I to arms t fat lista. Grease. Ys sue, wbe love her .lassie lore, Ia every land, on every shore. Hetes l isles l year b sssru 1 lee them fly. Aad .heat for Oreeoe and obiv lay. -para H. Idoaatcastl•. Clinton Oat. In amts. The fellers is freer as a,tiole by ewe of the fora else out by Britain to punish natives lilts iaawred ase two t.ndrsd people of . Pesmdei mediae terse ii t • Baals, kedged, le a city of blood. IYe.as- mestpeeed bath* 1is p11 fell el deed and dyieg : hosted me.rl8.se were semen .hese of mery head. lewdly a than was without a rd steins and 'ewe rood was Meed es mesh lade with Isle Maas este fMNMs►Imesde !ha Mty Ze 'S s11elbse el eemend. sea et me& Ilp - imam edsnN, we Sad .o is. Mie - •rayed .11 shoe modern eeieose has demo ter war w the ether seihiee that le aliaesatb. We nes h aelltieds .1 tbosesrde et oldies sewed Meek tae masse ispeow•i implements of wee hell la Amok by rely half • angered thossesd non attend with .sly a single wee pen -the whets. • soy rows IITIMIysatio. •• People is till, mestry earth soder- stood We eesdftlea .f affairs. They are .arery 1. hypes• of the roRtaele Merest time •MMh•e1. • sesta* of this sort, hot Ise ase PIs hat Ret lams a Cates .heed with bus kr.HH*e swipes oas sadette1rad *With. ts•sM*e .settee •• Haye yes ever men a path .f doge b.14 in Led y Tact le wham • t)sbes reriseet tewrsblet mere Man esealse else to the wig{, The uses lilt erevety es.evb wise 1-- *1 tkeBdlsthi fele erases limy peeler«1:ui+.ltmbie bah LL BAB A PULL L12rs Or Lead and I Sad I k ittinzs, Sinks, hydrants, end Brass Ta pi for Water Berried TILES and TRAPS for TILE Drains. All Water Services and Tile Drains WestEll Mel Mret WEST-8T- -Ttte wneerstgaed'tiarep -.'hew in the store on west .t between Cantelon'e Bakery and the Post Once. where • Choke 1 1 *selection d of Bleats sreg parPoultry llleed for. in and no- liveries made prompts;. OFLeavela trial order Mama Sobel Furniture a #. 717111E0 AL mmellr". Seera,n Culvert Pipes AU -Wm freeetrt Sottas fa. AIIN 1 WRITE FOR PRIDES. THE ONTARIO SEWER PiPE CO. OOi ADELAIDE t TOROfYTC •UQlage her aiu'co W. W. -GREEN. NiONaaaNNN�Ha� GiveThe only food the that will build Baby. up a weak cons- • titution gradn- Chiance ally but surely is • Martin's Cardi`naTFoo a simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. II[R1re MATSON • CO., ,,....,,,....t. • .wv.u4 "This ie a e11e•t it , I should say so. yet off to go to hie a wttbout'bowing • deo Siegleton-Well, of woes tied marriage • younehusbaod--1 The oourtship came a Lara -I am surpri it. Det going down to How'. that (fig. -Oh, thereto *VMS summer. 1 -- *Vibe shall the Mt�aallss 1M► "I west • Sew « sit down tafite a jest about -- Taker-In meat to bls.se'ter his nal Johnnie Chatbe- critical moment. Aa Eztensire W Cobes, ren., to Mow '' Nome, Mine see tike industry. Mr. Groceri G roceri n yen want t UPI -TO A lame C roc Glas to choose OIcIw CHO1C and CO 801! A GOLDEN AG BAST ME RefrigeratoWhite Lead. Paints and Oils -. T- WORSELtL'S ]Rist to vneo i'i first hors. TSS FARMERS is TRADE8d 11111n AND A0011111W11 ASSURANCE COMPANY, ltd. Ji1J:fs H. Strut, Proems , Josh Campeau'', VN►.Peemema, D. t GAUISA vs. liedripeari P. M. iaasta. biesalled Dirubtyt. HIAI) OJFICI, 8t. rims, 0n4. Authoring a gM eau Oa the see IliL11 m t1 . HV);e�s+e► U 4 W need ha . gtwrogt +� end d"M'� t Mrbsme/ aatre.,e or tee d thees THOMPBON Maio has in simed the amnia for the above Bloyole. and also that of the-NUI0N The to N NSEbus bs. it: t UV: to to m.k. it Ste prelsten ped s ts" Wh.. of o.tiegat, .sd ebo Htnow w� bas oleos nlatioo of 4h. Ootrxarr 8att.s. MY OPENING DAYS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb, 26 and 27, and Mar. 5 and 6 when 1 here to secure a large there of the patronage of Godariob and eurrowwd(�iOn� oonntry 1 will ti*1s gays*. K .tb.r lookers N awl I can nett all Senegas HOlallle'r Patr.as a1" a Hoeft runnels is soy mall.. No chemo far &wing in repair for se mar. bons* tadoetry.; THOMPSON'S MUBIO DEPOT West ode of taesmee. aedrtt b.Out. L's SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURiFII$ and STRiNOTIVIM$ Tu $s.oOQ% Iegiiletss the Attlee Of tlrs beer sled wuliyll. aN old be heed hldh.wa.M. 10 saass_d1/ refsiNIMPIdellilas "lest. M ultra MIPS IR Mama le 1118161111818011 hitIPINIWNerfe «t.a...b .w --•srrdr'srseorv► . e ,,..- ,- BiETIMNU Fj bat� FOR 8( DOUBLE Hai Trunks, Va ot ally Robes, Demise The Harness I of Toronto• and bit cleared out mannf•ctnrs. I or interest, mo a will be dimlfe1 rare chaaoe foe menus M unteed head e Union Oak Ler bed quality. Alhookad hQs* orIt, WM