The Signal, 1897-4-29, Page 4THE SIGNAL: 3ODSR10H ONT.- THURSDAY- APR. 9. 1897.
am Westin, 1e the bounden of our new
Cleveland Bioyole Livery
where we are open to Rent, Repair or
Ball you a Wheel or teach you to ride.
On the Square
is • business prin-
ciple of ours whioh
we never knowing-
ly violate. Our ex-
perience in t h e
WHEEL business
places as in s posi-
tion to supply the
wants of the wheeling public to their
entire satisfaction, and we so-
licit a call from intending purchasers
or any person in need of our services in
the wheeling line. The reception ten-
dered us sinoe oitr opening here, as-
sures us auccest, and we have decided
to open out a Music Business as axon
as possible. For the present we solicit
orders for the latest and beet music,
whioh we can supply from our Clinton
the aid PAL >ll Wins. _ _ "
11 eummuSD
Re 1. ■. ILWCtPST
...•► ` terms of sateesllebl}. t
arlsllbPsre .,
•, •dvertbtag H•le•.
g SO
Legal aat'..+iltar oa.aal advertisements. 10,:
per line tor first ineertioo, and3mints per tins
for each subsequent insertion.. Measured by
• nonpareil eels..
Business cards jftU.lM der,11
-Aavenleemente of Lost. !bend Atwell
Itttuatioas Vaoant.48ltuatlons ...anted
-Mn-in-we Cbanoea Wanted not receding 8
Uses nonpareil, St per month.
Hotness oo Bale and Farms on Sale, not to
exoe'd 8 it n. a. 81 for ern month. DOD. per sub-
sequent month. Larger •dg's. in proportion
Any special notice. the object of which V to
promote the pecuniary benefit of any indi.
sided or eompaeyto bo oonoldered en ad-
vertisement and chanted aonordinieiy.
Local notices in nonpareil type ono oent per
word. no notices loss Chas 105o,
Local notices 1a ordinary re.dtng type two
cents per word. No soften, the lees thee Doo.
Notices for okarobo. •ad fiber religious and
benevolent instibatteas haJf rate
Subscriber who fell to receive THD Belest
reeolariy by mall. will canter a favor by ac-
quainting its of the fact at at early an date as
proal bio.
P.Nlsber's Notice.
J. C. Le ?ousel. of (loderich, has been ap
ship of Oodertointed Local oh Traveling Agent
and Ws
Local postmasters over the district are %leo
empowered to roc, ve subscriptions to TES
AU communications must be addressed
rim inewax.,
relaP*smeWISP Ooderbb Oat
YOplslqslisg T13UIlNAY. Ante. 91.111aT.
The Standard Mercantile Agency, 60
Victoria -et., Toronto, is not now anthorized
to oolleot e000unte due Till 810yAt. office.
THE new tariff, as was to be ex-
pected, does not please the leaders of
the Oyptt.itien OTi PErlttrnetTt 'full.
It was not expected that it would
please them, and their present atti-
tude is not a surprise to the Govern-
ment and. their friends.
Still,'l of to be expected that a
volte faoe complete would be made
by the loyaH3onservstives, under the
leadership of super -loyal TuPraa, as is
observable in their position it regard
to the minimum schedule in favor of
Britain. Heretofore, they posed as
being in favor of preferential trade
Imperial federation, devotion t+0 the
old flag, &e., -' keg. ad nauseam, and
now when preferential duties are giv3n
to British goods, Sir CHARLES de-
nounces the schedule as being im-
practicable and in violation of the im-
perial treaty arrangements.
.v And yet, while our Canadian Tories
IF-�e-- --4esss!" teL *Hr meat yttrg'_tlrte
a'"pro-British tariff, the Britinhers-press
and people, Liberal and Conservative
-are throwing up their hats for Can-
ada --the " (Queen of the Snows," as
KIPLING calls her in his latest poem.
Nay, they have gone farther, and that
eminent Conservative M.P., Sir
CHARLES E. R. Viw,ENT, hes given
notice in the Imperial Parliament that
he will move the following resolution :
The Roue expresses eratefel and fs
tarsal recognition to the (iev.rneaent and
people of the Dominion of Canada of the
gsoeroas heat' ohange• i• fever of British
tirade and later, annonnned on arta.v by
tba Parliament at Ottawa mad already is
force. avid hopes this flat stop towards a
mmmsreial tsd.ratinn of the empire will be
followed by Australasia, South Africa and
the other eoloni.a "
Hon. Jensen CHAHsnzLAte, the
Conservative Secretary of State for
tete Colonies, in reply said the Govern-
ment cordially appreciated the (rieed-
1 r spirit Atavan by the tariff soden of
All of which i. " a ...-- hard nue
w to chew," u 4 her Majesty's
Bo* wtrdd oy. ,.
I SING to the praise of the great
(ia dtse hen..
Did ever theme so grand claim the poet's
Amnia* pen'
She's a lays/ -
She's • stayer -
And .he hatches many • brood.
06 ! she batches,
And she soratobes,
And she irate them oholm.% food.
Yee, she pick.
For her obloke
Oily grabs and worms and grain ;
And she tends them,
And defend. them.
And then ,Carte to lay again.
When at last she's getting stale,
And her eggs begin to tail.
For the market they prepare her, gentle
reader ;
Boa every !siert WM-
She's stAhia hard as nail. -
No matter bow rli-esus sad Ind
her. 1..1 •
Then they fill her to the top;
And her throat thee, cht or chop.
And they put her on the mart
S.t if 'Mere an honest part.
Hak the man who buys the fowi
-, alters many an oath and growl ;
" 9pby, when its orop I alit,
Lm ! I found • gravel pit.
1 vow this tine spring pullet
Is an tough se leaden bullet.
How the dickens
These spring chickens
ti.a be tough seems quite absurd,
For the butcher who did save it
I!'or me made an affidavit
'Twee a young sod wader bird."
-This promisee to be a good year
for Goderich. The onward movement
-The .iremiaris- i - -
reaten the conn "' x't►mom
debate on the T&i i$ Bill: There wilt
be a great threshing out of old straw
before the month is up.
-TheCliaton News -Record informs
us that " HENRY EILege is rapidly
gaining strength.'' That'a the way we
talk about sick foil; ng this way ;
but we didn't know Hi'tav we, ill.
-Since the tariff was brought down
we haven't heard of the business men
who benefitted by the alleged " tip."
It. must have been the cigarette dudes
that got the benefit of the." tip," cad
cleaned out the cn•toms houses.
-The Mail says, " Tht Finance
Minister is a disappointment to his
friends." From the way he hes bam-
boozled the Protectionist party he
seems to have•sadly disappointed his
enemies -Mr. Foe'rsa and Sir
CHARLES for instance.
-An esteemed contemporary has a
guise heading on the tariff, in which
the statement is made, " LADRICR and
and his party have purloined the Con-
servative National Pclicy," W.21,
neighbor, the statutes covet the cage.
the. antaane
al. should be indicted for petty larceny.
-The Clinton News -Reword says :
It is rumored that J. T. GARRow,
M.PP., 'will ,,be the next Dominion
candidate for West Huron," It is
passing strange that we have to go so
far from home, and to the opposite
stripe, to get real -' reliable " news of
this kind. It will be news to Mr.
GARaow, also.
-ThePostmaster.(ieneral has called
upon Commissioner SEALER to make
finding upon the evidence given on
the 4harges against Postmaster
CAiUPHELL in the recent investigation.
The Commissioner proposes to an-
nounce his finding in the case in the
Oonrtroolm ith the Court House, Gode-
rioh. "alit .iPirlday. April 30th at 3 P.Y.
P. AO1RIr11rOLT -yw of claims to
be an authority on the, log and
ber trade of Canada, in another ^col-
umn has an interesthtg letter on tba,
expert duty, from his.taedpeint The
Finance Minister, up to the present,
has not seen fit to adopt Mr. MoRlt
INGSTAIt'S idea, and, u Tns SiGNAL
cannot change our esteemed correspon-
rhgtt's opinions any more than it can
eradicate a leopard's "pots, we 'limply
print the letter so that our readers
may get Ir. MOHxntaarAR's views of
the (mention.
more popular appointment, nor one
that would be atom in a000rd with the
spirit of the age, could not possibly
be made. The Ontario Government
OM make a good appointment when
they go about it in • right spirit.
AU putties s ittle, tbdr .ala Mills primed at
Otis u4iu. will have • fres mottos uiagl%ed
to ads list up to the time of sales.
MONDAY, May 104-Comm.00iag at 1 r.
H., there wall be • big mile of farm .took
and implemests es lot 14. ova. 5, West
Waw.nosh. Mrs. J. W. McLean, owner;
John Kaci. •schooner.
The harbor is stall full of herring try.
A echooner. ooal laden. is expected in
pori today.
A boathouse has been erected nut the
Another shoe of Sqnaw Inlaid disappear.
ed to the river o. Sunday.
The &arbor lumber mill out •oonsider.j
Dumber of logs the past week.
The ooatraotore tor the breakwater will
likely start the work on May let.
Angling is still • profitable pasttms,peroh
being caught in targe quantities.
It is said that the Kolfage passed this
port yesterday on her oourm to the River.
Commercial fishing slightly improved the
past week. ihoapl! 006 to the except one
000ld wish.
1 he oontraotbr for the addition to the
waterworks engine house has takes out the
end and got in the feundatioe.
The schr. Corie•Dde, Capt. Setherlated,
sailed on Saturday ter Tessalon to load
lumber tor N. Dybtent, this port.
'I'he Bohr. Craftsman has not had her re-
pairs completed yet, the want of skilled
tneobaslos having caused the delay.
The neer was very- high otter the rain on
Saturday night and Sunday, and the im-
molates quantity of water discharged tato the
lake disoolored it for • mile from eller..
Copt. Baxter has repaired his bridge, and
bas placed • notice thereon. warning boys
and others against damaging it.
*1. week.
,ipira Horton left on his retail, 10 Replan
ae Monday. '
Mies N. Mcleod, of Clinton, spent Sun-
day in town.
B. V. Elliott, of Yater, wee in Goderich
the past week.
Bet. L B. wagers. eI Iiusb..sw. was to
teiswam jnesday. - s
L W.'3raat It1$ M' . lijw
kis :twesm •tress - - •
P. Malcom.&o, berrimeley ill IMkM.wa.
In town this week.
Mau•ger Saanders, pf the Or Co.. sass
in 'Toronto this week.
Mise Lade Rob.rtees left tot her Bohol
near Exeter on Mooday.
Peroy Chilton left oe Saturday on his
tutors to New York oily.
Mies Mary Sharman oomplstled her visit
to her relatives on Saturday
Mies Mionie Payne, of Detroit, arrived
is town on Saturday for a short visit
Mrs. Cayley Hamilton and children left
for their home in Regina on Monday.
Mrs. K. C. Remelt. of Welkerville, is the
gum of bee sister, Mrs, M. C. Swaaaeon.
Mies Charles, B A , returned oe Saturday
from a holiday visit to Toronto and other
Mw A. Winnitrede Ball left on Monday
to resume her duties in the Crediton Public
Dive Macpherson lett oo Monday for
Ashtabula to take • position oo the sir.
Mies Wat.o0, of S.atorth, after • visit to
Dr, and Ms. Shantou, returned home on
Mies Jessli.TR kt ewes retturned to ewer
`ii iso public school of
that hprr on Msmday.
Hilton Holmes, of the Bank of Commeroe,
Toronto is spending a holiday vacation at
CM family residence, Colborne -et.
story window, boldin; oe to the .ill with
its little band.. The lady who aeMoed it,
with Rest of mind retransmit from
. peaking, and walking qutNhy sad gvlakly
to the window, greened the little bands th.I
meld not have bold on moot 10...,.
AS then as some veru intpertsat bselame
to he brought up .t 16. wit regular meet-
ing of Eureka (lounotl, No. 103, E.T. et T..
n eat Monday evening, • fall *mesdames of
tee mm bars ie requested.
Mrs. Wm. McLean will soil by •notion in
her house ba the corner of Waterloo and
Se. Patrick streets, all her household fungi.
tare, carets, eta , on Wednesday. May
12th. Joan Knox..uotioa•er.
Last week Chas. Blackstone, jr., had the
talefortuw to rue • eau tato his foot, and
at flet it was Moughe it would be serious.
Charles has been unfortunate this Spring, •e
be had just recovered from • tumhle off
the roof when the mooed aeotdent took
THIS MAY CA'ADIAN.-A new and is -
Proved form markt the opwmr was of the
The Canadian Maga: ne. Thu (May) num.
bur N exceedingly bi get from every point
of view, and shows that the progres, of our
mtgoael peblication •till continue.. The
Illn•tratsO articles are - " The Premien of
Nova Sootia Slum 1867," a most opportune
article as tha present moment ; "A Visit to
the BirtoPta . of James Wolfe, the Om -
cower of Quebec," whioh ie most profusely
illustrated from •peoial photographs and
rare pelntiope ; " Dreams of • Genian," •
atrong story by Stansbury R. Tarr ; a
Freneb-Canadi•u poem by F. Clifford
Smith, etc. Dr. Drummopd, of Montreal,
bo bat made • gnat repetition as • writer
of schen in the dialects of the Quebec it -
habitant. contrib.: s • story in verse fatitl-
ed "'Polson Dore." Professor Coffin dr
feeds his book on the Quebec Act .saute
recent attack• by Dr. Bourfnot and Prefer
ear Sborit. David Christie Murray writes
very severely of the books written by
Thomas Hardy and George Moore. and
shows whereto they are worse than Zola'•.
P. •T. McOratb, of The Herald, of Bt.
John's. has • very bright article on the
d.00nt national sohoola of Newfoundland.
Kathleen Sullivan 000tribate•I most amus-
ing story. TM whole number ie an exceed-
ingly brilliant one, and will repay tbe.eek-
er after either knowledge or pleasure,
Chas. K. Cobb, of West Bey City. leaves
this week for Deliver. Colo., for the benefit
of his health. Mrs. Orabb and children will
spend the mummer fa Goderiob, and are ex-
pected In tewo this week.
At the time of writing, Mies Lae who bee
been dangerously ill and reported to be be-
yond recovery is stili alive. and if wishes
were of any avail,would soon be restored
t0 her termer health.
The water 0.rt was out last week.
The currant sed gooseberry bashes are is
full leaf.
The pest weak was • fairly reed sae far
farm woe*. -
Second deputy reeve Helium has rveevered
from a month's illness.
Rain and sunshine on Seod.y, 101 tI
first maimed held the fort.
Wall aro being sold at greet Mum.
Ido*. ae Peruse'. bookstore.
-The last iesne of the Ontario
Gazette, dated 13atarday, April 24th,
Contains the announcement that
Ronawr G. ltwreoi.ns, of Goderioh,hae
been appointed Sheriff of Huron, in
the room of Roeser °mmeows, resigned
The readers of THIS SIGNAL have heap
made •wale of the fact that snoh was
the intention of the Government, bat
it gives the many friends of Mr.
R. -v oaoe Mira to rejoice that
the ' as1f'rouuted. d
Will lb. BMW! .t toastspl..t a pia
a1iWes dawn Eirboi$flt -
fVtMs they last, 41.00 ter
sad 35e., at Porter's bookstore.
RoEml•r monthly me.tior of the pabli.
INTI board oo Monday evening.
11 the Greeks had used Rim'. Pure Balt
Ike }arks scold sot have salted them.
We are pleased to be able to reoerd Ste
fees that Mies Chat= L still improving.
Ladles' blesses, 78 sad Bee. Rood., se
Saturday 50 eta. sub at J. T. Abke..a's.
Compatu oar 4o. w.0 psparswiththous
sold .Is*k.W •t 6a P.Mse'. b.ekstor.
eating of Ogden& Connell N.,
157 . O. G F. ha Moolas's tab this .res.
der mete .0i4 IIetlg terve( mp
part week by etas d1g Ike saver os
W t -et
Th. Oedsrteb Orman Oe. this weak
shipped a bili hill of goods 5. 8iatety,
A very pretty .red .ebstsstfal tense bas
hem hu4t wooed the h..k of tis (lutdia.
Bea* .f 0.mmer.. Mildtlg.
Don't raise the epeeist .ale blame so
Srtsrtflay s1 J. T. 't, MTN. mods.
wurtb 7b a.d 86 eta fan 60 da
Mea Wei. Melees. will eta hp.u.sMea
bee M..•.h.t4 et.4.. fardtNs }e
all saw lest .assaser. ea Wednesday,
1111b. Jit. Koos, seedeee.e.
,Arils; ass h)* yolk* lid t81lk d lleameed
the soles ding hitaglmg ••tall s seetted
PgakgD.-Albert Roberts•.., wM bale
attending the Dental Colitis, btu each
Deeded in peiag hie .xamlaNtas.
Taint pt. -Today. tbarday, atbers000, at
4:30, .11 tatereeted f toasts iIre requested
to meet is the rooms of FAS Base Bail Cleb
to organize tor the season' -
TH■ Forenarios -Tb. foundation tor
the stand pipe is at last completed and
emma • solid structure. It is expected that
the oontreetere will start plaiting the trop
in a few days and t hat the work will be
finished before Jubilee Div.
Te. Btu Eno. -J. J. Hived, of this town,
has a black Spanish end silver Wyandotte
mixed ben whioh ley. eggs revelerly nearly
as large as the Tyerman egg, ot Sealortb.
Ow was brought in Saturday lase whioh
measured 711104 Next.
BAYganrr STOCK -The McNeil -ad ton
Bankrupt Stook of Boots and Simi/elm been
removed to the store ontoo Street,
three doors from Colborne iSroe Goods
Store. Attend tbeebeep sale. big bargain. 0
Job Iota of boots only 50 cess per pair. J.
W. Broderick. I.
AN EARLY I)sATu -On Wedgy, Alex-
ander. son of Swami red tlizsbeth Grier-
son, died at the early age of lour years mut
eight mootbe. Dsatb was reseed by'.s..tu.
tepee atter an attack of mercies, .ad-wae a
neat surprise to the femily'i many friends
Mr. and Mrs. Grierson have general sym•
pathv in their bereavement.
Tian New t1i tact SUBTLE)-delonesome 1
es the 15th lost , Knox -cherish will be eon
eiderabty enlarged by tie addition ot two
wing. and .1start was made on the improve
menu n yesterday when Buobanan
and Rhyne. commenced digging for the
foundation. The •Iteratioes oontemel•t.d
are most extensive, almost equivalent to •
n ew church, and will cwt nearly $9,000-
Coctrot. have JIr.t1 11k- sig
lows,�iu�i w an�yoe, oarpeatering
and heiokwark. J. H. Morsel), heating. •ed
the Valley Seating Ce., of Dundas, .saw,
etc.. •
Bid Sale Blatt and Cold SILKS
e CS' it iill Par��ols
If you believe in down -right economy
get our prices in Lace, Tapestry, Che-
nille and Muslin Curtains.
DIlM I. CA3ADA WAS O.TEx 0215 O/
7f.tilfi mow HR/m'm m; - -
be lb early deli of l .m fn One
Ma•. tibp Nspel was trews abroad is the
lead by tee active at rtieas et the Dimwit
rider. 11 required • moo ot no ordinary
health and atrosgth ; an iraa ooestituttoe
end mimes; determta•ttes to Mibi the
ardacua ditties mount beet on one wit* ea-
dertook to preach s•lvetioe to kin tallow -
men. It was ao easy teak that these area
mit thaaseslves to, but they ware autos is
tic t.i1h sad bops of ultimata reward.
Many fell by the wayside, wktle ethers
straggled on and prospered, sad • few ore
today esjoytng • ripe old age happy i• the
knowledae that a leaner reward will seen
be tears. Most of these old timers are sot
n ow engaged in active church work, bet
have beam placed on the enperanaasted lase,
and are new living • quiet We 1* town or
on • farm tree from the owes of the world,
they •wait tbe call to Dome up higher.
Rev. David Wtlli•me,wbo lives two idles
southwest ot Nixon, Oat., in the 1Mraabtp
f Windham, Norfolk Conaty, was one of
them early day .trouts riders. He was • man
1 vigorous health ..d although without
many advantages in the way of early edam -
Moo besuooseded by dint ot hardead aoostant
etedy in beteg admitted to the ministry.
He was the first bora is thy first home bunt
ia Glen Wtlliame, war Georgetown, Mr.
Dee. Kennedy, the launder of Georgetown,
being a brother of his mother. Today he is
70 yews old nod for the past 26 years bas
hied in this county. For many yeas he
hod been • sufferer from kidney sad kin•
1 dad dias•eee. He moo all kinds of reme-
dies, and although eesnetimes temporarily
relieved he gradually grew worse until to
Ootobor,1896,b. was strikeo with paralysis.
From this he partially recovered and re -
oersted his powers of speech bet kis mind
was badly wrecked. and hie memory was se
poor that be mold net remember the name
at.too- ookoot •1i'WBoe mime to *Mt
Without thinking Mem* for several min -
atm. (He day driviagto eldirob he wished
to speak of • neirhbor who bad lived oast
so him for is enty years, but he could not
recall tbe same tor uta hoar or more. 1a
addition to tau meatal trouble, he had to-
tems bodily suffering ; pain. in the bead,
across the tor.bed, to the samples and be-
-hind the sore, across the lower part of the
skull sod in tee joint of the meek. He had
• great weakness and pains is the baok,hepe
and legs. Ia fact, so much did he suffer
that sloop was almost an imperdbility.•ed
he tell sway It weight until be weirhed on
ly 145 pounds. By this time. Deo. 1896. be
b.olmo despcsd.nt seat telt that if M did
not sera obtain relief. be would .nes bid
adieu to the things of Hug world. On the.
00th of December ha reed of • one in The
Reformer by Dr. Williams.' Pink Pills, and
being oases with • sudden inspiration at
O.T.R. AIAONATI" -Os Toosd•y an of-
oial oar eeotaing F. H. MoGuiran, Operal
.apt.. P H Fitzhugh, *opt. middle division,
Mr. Former, train wester, P. W. Maras,
locomotive saps., Mr. Robb, asst. l000mo-
tive soot.," their ..vent eeoreteriee and a
number et miser officials arrived at the
depot. The merest.. were on an inapee,-
ing tour ot the Zine and station property
and examined everything in ooaoeotton with
the station, hat jest whet lookers of
expeoted the train to rut down to the bar.
bor an order was given to start So far
se the examination was roneerned every-
thing was setisteotory and it may have bees
this piwiog feature that provested the trip
down the hill.
Wrv:star - Peter MoEwe), well knows
as " bit Pet.," tad the points of two tinier.
amputated with • tannic, pulper one day
Brussels - The Rev. S. Allan has gone to
London for treatment by his former medical
Chino : Tem Remballi et ,tie freight
wigboot s
e a:
endogen Craft saes Joon sacsaq pt
Mtn an aktoreftlon eft Berry's *ay, os
the Consent, Mestere* and Parry Ronna&
I tahway, Whoa Itatamp `itiruok Crum oe
fast, bead with • apakdon, uir fe
ramptsktall. He new Ikea fn the Ottawa
_nal dletns. Haaasll boa been ar
Prvvtaetal raab.efttvs Campeau and
Mahaney followed a ooasp* of tramps.
wYo had robbed MdboneU't_.trrooery
noire e ba Chathamto Hitt 'Bever. The
sna sets were in a ninon., car, and
Orb= )Ifs. Mahoney wont ran to anise.
them Charles Brown. eokmM, .hot hkn
with • revolver, fatally wounding tis.
saw. Detective Clzt'ipeen Area and
11$011s4.d Bros.. sad the. two primmer*
WM*e taken to Chatham, where Ma -
borne]/• ants -mortem statement was
aanseseea Msas/.s
AD1t1M.--;tgk d•uo o[ '
iasaa1S�b=meeting at th7
el um% •ooloutoort loom ow et 1110
westlslp. stenos •touted the *Mir aa$
a. $lead ant Lard Aba.a..imr
Disela tom/ A/.i
osoolooi weir oboe ego
`fort aware* into est two
.+tato rltataib meted mime 1a t(kaigribu
Feed moon eon, Alerawes to HewF_ut1t. Yb..SM.
aswrtal Aewxo.i_Rasimproved wonderfully daring the post per.
eter to
He has reoovered his bodily health end
streasth, se °emp•nelvsa fres from pain
and his memory M Dearly as good as it ever
was, and as the improvement oontinues the
prospects aro very bright for complete re
&ivory. He has poised 20 pounds in wawa
eines beginning the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pill. kir. W1tli•ms says : " I c•s
heartily eoder.* the many good things and
of them pills in the papers, and strongly
roowmecd than to anyone suffering as 1
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills are • blood
bonder and nerve Waterer. They sappy
tee bloe. ,wteh its life and health -gigs(
properties. Shan drivu.g disease from this
systems. 'her. ere numerous pink ooleest`--_
imitation., against which the pubito it
warned. The Reoalse Pink Pine ono be
bad only in boxes tae wrapper aroaad which
bean the tall trade work. "Dr. William.'
Pink _Pills filer _Pais-> " *Jls.. .11
ocbtess� ---•*
Wtuset r : BoK tetra.... flint
sad Geo. Mair left for Rat Psedeme as �lon-
da�m� last, where they will look for
. Weare._
Still to the Front !
.otetthetaadtng the feet that them
are thousands of cheap wheels sold
without. guarantee.
We gRe.ran•.e for one eeleeds• year our
our Otderich timid* Spiky Wheelie.
Prim of Huron, 465; Medal 8 telot.mee
8.a4s1118; lfed.l A tfomrnea Beet 11188.
mos writes ke Brookville ler • supply ae 91hi1 Henderson Bicycle
that marvellous remedy. Immedl• ,=�assa•v
good results followed their use sad he tan LTD.
all. Paper Sale
1,200 rolls Wall:Pape while
they last, 4c per roll. Borders Ito
match, I and 2c per yard.
Special large shipment of new
Wall Papers, with Ceilings and
Borders to match. Sale Price Se
per roll.
Several thousand rolls with Bor-
dere and Ceilings to match, to be
gold at 7 and fit per roll. •
Speciallime, all new, regular 1
and Ilk. Bale Price 10s pe* -s11.
Beautiful designs In BID.R00M, S1T!'ING-ROO111.,..DINIM-
RpOi[, BALL and PARLOR PAUBB8-All marked at Bale Nista
'mess prieas are Ririe* peek,
.Porter's Soo ksto rte
. .�_�aYfL•t1liplas�rafausitaid+,�.w►