The Signal, 1897-4-22, Page 9"PSIS NlQ]TAL : ammuon.
Tlfi11tSDA Y "APR. 22 1897.
AM- 87.4114LIPti -;410[.
x THE MAN Olt r11314fi-flp
It yes want the above might
A Lance Assortmeet el
to Motes at
OLDEN -AGE Package Tea.
mast' iSIDt-al BQUSR1r.
hem The Echo, Whams, Oat
The Echo promote le its readers the fol.
lowtng plain ctetemest el Lot, with the
gape comment theta ..Afebw that cat
refarm so remarkable ample amply in-
- valuable, and it te no weeder that the ag-
'iN of ice salve throegkout the eormesr
L Richard iambi make th•
f rrMtalIMM, " IMMO oda b. tea
�A n7 •ay amber 4.160. s.. u Lida
mem of toe •ss airy. I Ane been to
eutplein about eve ago. I had ober)
tads working in a Saud, and Wes
ghost the whole sed
ter_ I was than
three menthe. aiNNIt was
sod as estates b0Mcr I eagiellelleei
spats tie Ire of else idle ring February
sod oetinaed at is until the ems Jeanary
when I took • much worm attack. The
doctors proaoaaced it rheumatism and after
treating a for that disease aatil .boat the
tint of llsy, they dso.vered that my trot
b1e was diseue of the hip sad ad -
reed to to to as hospital. I weal to To-
ronto and stayed is the hospital eve weeks
and then returned hems. I, however, did
not recover, and w.s compelled dares -the
following hammer to ``o back to the bospi•
tal where I reiaaised takave months. getting
worse all the time. 1 Warr told I meld Mot
be pored std when I ldI was osly able to
walk by the aid of oratobse. I Ibis came
home and was set thore lose Were I Wen
taken to tey bed. 1 eoatianed is this Seto
- lentil January following, whoa I was ad.
wised �by_several friends to try Dr. Williams'
ok PdL. 7iook dial, idviok iiiir Wirt*
I had fihi.hed the fifth box 1 began to Dis-
prove, .ad by the time I had oemplated a
dean bows I was able to walk without
watches, and nave weer Wei them tines.
I was able to do light work is a short time.
sad in tannery Ise (1897) I commenced
working in tbe woods sod have no ,real &
from the hip unless over -exerted. Dunne
the lata three years I have meet $300.00 is
doctors' bills, and stedioia., trying every-
thing recommended Ms without w Wed
replete until 1 took Dr. Williams' Plolt Pits.
to which I owe my rmttoted setaglalea. es
tete demerit rave up all hopes of ever wing
me out of bad alive sad well I way w
that before l boon taking Ptak Pala dar-
ing my lot Meek, 1 pat in easy • sieit
so had that 1 never 'spooled to be eliye to
the magnum."
Rheumatism, sort(.., aoas*1$a, peril
parety,i, Ioeemolnr •tad•, marmot head•
so(ie, aervotle aces ratios and disrsasa de-
Pendiop upas ham= da she blase. reek .a
sorotola, ohreela eta, en t
tear before a lair MM vita Pr rl.
Mama' Pink Pah& Wei a tsslthy
glow to pals Tei e_.>
4 ell-fresTees" Meggess""r=tWriame- tie
sit bores Ise RIO W edrgummL$ tie 17r.
William' 1lttidlese da., ,Swat*GW. Oss
De not be p..ead.4 ne telt, mise macb-
Between twenty-adie meld shier milhaa
cakes of oh000late are e.aaamed in the
colentry every year. The sea1Mr of peso&
of ebeoolates lase year made tats sweets Wee
A Kincardine Honker wise Mind Ilsdsls-
8eapearggly Uega ar t!M=eek Is.ssW
tie dioramas 0ervlso tem mad-
Womint*fr Are : •.11 (Jailed Me Ab'
What tide 'waadesfel Timed$ ter A tame
e1 etomaool treuW aim de h Blit Wit Yi
tw.r& of Jake Som. holm gamy-
„, �' AkgrgMjl
d57 'week es
wile j ullik these /4111 v
Q d astbdil I resMlk seat 46.6 mi lalk
Re codas About sae Dllerula axed reset♦
Tryias Yea--Tfr.. Autreplillts et she
rues lake Wire Artlet A ltorreYe
=eettap7apers samotnoed -the
da hiLeutight-rope'asubuse of lexdon, the
walker, I1mW
Biondi i, why MOO • =Doe of ifTAmtvv,
bra about 1630, and whose tether w•aa
AMID a EYoull pt, awe The Boston Hato
aid. Bloadln's notoriety In this outgo -
try was achieved principally by kis
g Niagara Peels on a tight rope,
filch retnarkable feat he tires aceutn-
idished h. Wt. The next year he per-
formed the more astonishing deed of
(nu -1714g a man across un his should-
ers. This than was Mr. Harry Col -
cord, an artist, who is atitl living, sod
gives this *catmint of the perilous af'
fair :
"It was In the year 1858, and while I
was still a mere boy, that 1 became
tired of sailor life arta cam.- to loolusl
to loot fur something to do un shore.
Shortly, after my arrival in this city
I made the acquaintance of Ukindin,
the tight -rope walker, who was a mem-
ber of the Francon troupe, which
Included Martinelli and the famous
Ravels. Having surae natural artistic
talent, I became. through the Influence
of Biondi!), their scenic painter, Ad we
traveled about the txuntry with vary-
bigauere'ss until the bowman" of -Feb-
ruary. 1860, when the troupe reached
C9ecinnatf aid eisbandeh_- , __ .. O
"It was then that Blondwho
l -n, had
seen and been greatly Impressed With
the beautW of Nlapera. conceived the
Wea of crossing toe great eaters& and
s tight -rope. he asked me what 1
thought of making the journey across
the Palls on his back.
"At first I thought he was Joking,
but, on his mewing me that he was
in earnest. I consented to aro,ontpany
him, and together we started for Nt-
aSara to complete ar:angenients for
the..t feat
v e experienced no little trouble to
obtalntng the necessary permits to ex-
tent the rope. But finally we suc-
ueceeded In getting them from a roan
named Porter, ,on the Alnertc:p limo
and went to work. Blosidin )ranted,.
to carry the rope from Terfapie Towe�rf
and across to David's Hotwhtth
would cave led us over the*e
Fails. through the mut an Spray , of
the great cataract.
"These arrangement. were strong -1i
ed. because people said 'the'
spray would keep the rote damp and
Bloedln Wes sure to fall. 8o we
stretched the rope from 'White's Plea-
sure Ground' across to Clifton House.
"The pe imp 2000 feet long, It was
d e three inches in diameter.
setae in a. Wow Tort ropewalk In two
Btnndta Joined-tbem-with A
ng splice, which. when She rune was
extended, was In the centre of the
span. It took us nearly ave months
to stretch the rope and get the guy
lines in place.
The rope was 250 feet above water
at Its lowest point. There were 75.000
feet of guy lines attached to the rope.
]each guy was weighted with a 10 -
pound sandbag to drop them out or the
way of Bloedln'a baktnee pole, and in
putting them up the ropewalker teoes-
ed the +pan a score of ttmrs.
"At laat we were ready to make the
perilous journey, and, it having been.
advertibed through the newspapers'
that I was to ride on Blondin'• back.
I be same the subject of all kinds of
adverse criticism.. Indeed, T was
ready to back out alt my agreement.
when Rlondin began to taunt me to
each an extent that I finally decidod
that notbtng could deter me from mak-
ing the journey.
Meanwhile Biondin had coached me
an to what I ,Mudd de. I was to put
my weight ext bis *boulders only with
my arms, and Neap his Doty about
with my legs. But I could not put
017 weight m his legs, as that would
encumber his movements. I had to
keep all my weight on hie shoulders.
"In July, 1860. everything being
ready. I took my place on Blondln's
beck. apd_we suerted to cross the rope.
"We beaten he descent from the Cao
nadian side of the rode and by reason
re the fact that I had to bear my
weight on Blondln's shoulders and
could only use my arms to support
myself, frequent rests were necessary.
I told Moodie when I wanted to rest
and then dropped down on the rope
with one foot and waited until my
arms were relieved, when I would
••ti=slatn....yslag,.aty more _m llft.
and hold rnyWf in Plater.
There. was a grease crowd present,
but I did not see 1t at first. Prom my
Place on Biondin's back I could look
out to the Ame.can side and see be-
low the stunted pine, thrusting their
G arp points up from the edge of the
foaming, ro.rtng waters, ready to moat
its in two 1f we fel. I remember that
1 was aaztous to get over, and I re-
eai., too. that the great rope before us
swung siermingly troin side to aide.
We afterward ascertained that the cops
bad bees swinging 40 feet at (he ctes-
The swing Was cannel by there be-
fog a length of 40 fret between the
Sulfa an one olds end those an the eth-
er. It was the middle span. Below
lis. 1116 feet. raged the river. and aver
tt we swung from side to side. Still
asstring on steadily. Hlondla never
"woes he bad gene about taeto feet
this middle span svrne one eta trate
lie pulled the outer guy
See. We afterward found out that 1t
was etMte Isteetaenaily, and the rape
was Mapped In Its swing.
'Raclin stepp.L and btu pek►Went
*Miss eifip to side Is -a vain offreg to
inen(eWore .... .t.,,.-.. +ammov--
"es. time his tais was up and down
els ryes right slide, at another up said
l�wa oa the lett, and I remelt now
wlttq weeder that I wage MGT= to
Wow wber tbhe would su.aiaed In
30ttng alrrteri of himself or not,
rained tall get hie balance, he start-
ed is rlln acres the horrible mann, Sad
Is eeletT ~had d the point whore the
gay mete came e American
1r steady Rars Mlebnaett. Bloc
repothis bast res tits guy ripe and
Wal is glop, but the g T sm•tiped: and
with it daub et speed De rant Swiftly
twenty-five or thirty fed furthew, and
said ' 'Lss.andes vans r ,
on now Stood omit ell
k1a sMk lshs>adern en wreak bads
awl roux twee oat t ht
Tresarl 71' pp ae1Q. 'Alt
fllsad . L, tit talc MOP
and we went eesff wanly tb
y aid wf-
iecldes.t toward the Thora
t wea Dot. bowsrer, enUl we Iwne-
• OW .�6t.( what had been
damn Sadie 1t esearvee to gee that
the .tan sew Ma pries the gay Mae
vas .ort et Om. Who bad bet the the
Sot Setts maw be accomplaaked, tai
If het.
ecag ta••rrm[ ra
s+d aim
Me,11 ie. Ydmlil sl.
ki rilla
al= «►!' Istaimt ma -
..And sr lisp Melt f Sill it eV Ilk W • _ _7S ONLY ONE.
aa waamtg/s �
ofd Mrr
lw.s neral. r'
Gs toe tundena sg u boDa's CURE '�''� eatlsttast
s 18/11
ato• m �i.d .[�•+ sew tam A1.4.O� IU�tJ�ICtl
LO�td vs. one lie
tr1Fmi• me* stab
maculationBar mM'A,
•••••1A =y n.
• auk* run we Mar ato Ids sol
dg _ tF.a
rope aid WNW, to the wd-
rr tutee ser them west U. �
-ran u eetade is Wm craw it a arms � twr•a
yy��ed nae toils qp 1. abs air', t
'TEa•It 424344 Ma ttrrib& los.
Moor t
"Would leu blow Groomed tsgekt r
4.1 doss ed again. twto.. UM Wm them
ander the patronage of the ?'tea ca[
Witham. He oomi'atdaaad us, and owes
its each a pert'.. tit $100. I would not
make the acme journey now tor 515 Uue
Wealth to the wort&.”
Be la too goaag to know it now.
Bus reals day he will kraew.
-engem Fled
Above the lune aulrrer'a bed,
With all a mother's grace,
She stroked the curly, throbbing head.
And smoothed' tee fevered lana
"lie does not know my love, my !sere
My toll of heart and band:
Bat some day In the alter yams.
Mouse day he'll daderstaud;
Home day he'll know
I loved him so,
eotne day hell understand.'"
A wild Ind plays his t ougbtles pert-
Aa gra his chadhood'a lot,
And tramples on bio mother's Mese
ufttlwe. and knows It not
Be plays sarong late coley mates
Nor knows his truest friend;
His mother aloha, IS 28111 she waits.
"Some day he'll comprehend; -
The day will be
Wheat we will see
Hae dem
r he'll copreh
Moose end."
Thr strong youth plays hl etnsaass wet
His mother waits aloof, '-"
And soon he rids another butt
The mate unto his own.
Mlle glues him up Is joy and w.k
lie takes his young bride's haat,
BL mother ruusmar,, "Will he know
-and Ker understand?
When will he know
- I lore him so;
Wh.a wilt he understand?'
The strong man fights his battling days.
The fight la hard sod grim.
HL mother's plalq, old-tashlonM ways
Have little charm for his:.
Tile dimness falls aroaad her years,
The shadows round her stand,
elm mourns lu lorellaesr and tears,
"He'll never understand.
He'll' sever know
I loved him so;
iIRV serer understand."
A beare.4 assn et ..4.. years
Beads down above the dead,
And Salo Ida tribute of bis lead*
Over an old, grey ;med.
He stands the open grave abo,e,
Amid the moaratug battle:
And now ha knows hie mothers lore
And now he understands,
Now doth Sit time
ebe loved nim s•,•
Aad now he understaads-
-emit Wager Pols.
Te. Drink hair.
The tea -drinking habit that only a
few years ago wvaa suppessd to be an
lnfaMlble tarn of an Bald maid now sura -
berm among Its votarlea mealy then
who, for one mason or another, think
tea better then more potent drtuklA
Nearly every big dub 1n New Tort
counts Its tea -drinkers by the more.
They order tea when. others around
them order whisky. Five o'clock V
the tea -drinkers' time, and 1n support
at their habit they say 1t does not in-
o-terfere with their appetite for dlaner.
and is as plestant an aid to a social
chat as whisky or beer. One at the
regulation; tit the navy says that notate
ing stronger then sherry ,ball be
served to the wardroom, but this
doesn't prevent any pricer who chooses
from keeping whisky 'Th his room. As
a matter of fact. however. there is
comparatively Intle beery drinking
don. by naval &Boers ID the sesvloe.
A visitor to one of the boats In the
navy yard was talkin[ with several
officers In the wardrooth ane afternoon
last week when the senior lieutenant.
Who had been on deck for four hours
superintending the shipping alt several
small boats. came below, looking thole.
. moll&
the Japanese boy who was on duty
the wardroom to bring him a pot of;
tea. The oaptaln joined hien in his
drink, and when the visitor expressed
his surprise at tn. mildness of the
beverage on a Mold des both goers
declared that It wen better than
whisky when a rasa was Mold.
ssiola't'b W4XAAli NOT INCURABLE
It and to b. saki. "11 yea kava Bgight'd
threw, u west it Io.g hafere prude are
walk sig stow biLrtl yea.
Brigbt'e Llsew.s aflame beefily mels pol-
tioalaaty. the brata:ar and mer. Soares •
cars, Oa more lt.ble he 1t to Bright's Dia-
tom. $r141 t . Disease is a theism of the
Kamm. It la the name fttven W tiro fatty
degeneration of tow drifts It is °•used
by excessive use of elottbulIn drinks. 11 ss
caused by ex.e.aiv• tattoo of rich toed. 1t
may be oauaed by tspoaart to mold and
moisture. It may be eland by improper
But it's not with the muse we have to
dens'. 1t is wtth the cure.
It used to be thought that Bright's Die
ease sem laourable. We know better now.
Restore the kidneys to health, and you may
est what you like, and drink what you like,
work as hard or b• a. active as you like,
and bid dehtwce to deatb-dealin* Bright's
But woe to the man who doesn't take oars
of his Kidneys ! When they mom to filter
the blood, the blood reeks with potion.
Urine actually flows in the votes. You die
.lingering death. The .pins and eztr.mi•
ties first; the brain last Dying et the
bottom while hviag at the top '
Rrfabs't Diagram ay be cured by I)ODD'S
KIDNEY PILLS. which restore the /Wi-
ser, mauls Mem Altar the blood properly.
DOmaulsDDIS KIDNEY PILLS are the only
epecifiu tor Bright's Diesm. They were
compounded just ter that purpo... They
have curd huadredo of oases. They will
Dore year jj11nutetry them. Fifty Moats
a box. For .ale at ail druggists.
Wm. (3. Wad., 940 Qoean East, Toronto,
says :-" I have wad thirty-six bozo. of
Maid'. Kjdo m PAIS mid am oared of
Bright'. Dis.ase after all .Ise had failed. '
T. E. Craig, 769 Queen East, Termite,
seri :-" Nevar expecting . oar. of Bright's
Dogmas, 1-kays boas agrumblT
by a few hazes of Dodd's Kinny P ."
Mies Maud. Cotterell, Belvills; Ost,
..y. -•--*A1 have teed two boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills and h.'.. been Msec. of what
so. doctor said was Bright'."
Mr. Jaime West. Orillia, Ont-, esya :-
" I began to tub Dodd'. Kidney PiUu about
s s wovks ago, have tak.n three boxes which
have cured me perfectly of Bright's Dlaeus.
A r.o•oeu French Dowd.
One day the fstatoas dwell*, Pierer*
d'Lsac went to see his Diesel,/Ike
Marquis Merle de galrstrsilarie. It
eftouM be explained tial In Pk'erah
parrot means "s..s.ow' wog merle
nevem `Mads herd." Ma nclums, said
«Isaac, "I am a Motleys:t e. mud you
are • ro'yatlst. Ifor'eover, I Ass the
�attvw tad you are the OiaakbtttL
ft strike ems that tame an am
laird q[ t1. Too rsaewr• "It pradtsrtli7
Nes,' cold the 'Kampala. -ate auk: is
phots, and as is app04t to the
Map' of our speaker, fee as Lids 1m flue
tte�l'e�s.¢ ss As if ft Panam r• sweetener
thing that obs ami shstYA
deYenge another bemuse his testae
anti Sparrow and the eaters fileillse
WA the dteel were sctaalljs Amain
t 1 f w' 6 -th.. wau
eatde stint0t
fireat-the slsrtal.Tbeme wets a ruo-
11IrA *menti the ureses st one of gm
chestnut t It was Biereot &Isaac
wen. brounde4 Se telly in SRA leg, mail
tumbling to the ground. Al this rrelrlt
the ]Ifsrq' s., beam "s to cadre t.innepe
aptly, tfnttatfstuf the smog of a bleck-
Mid. This was a fresh Mania to Pe
atoned tor in only one wiry, and
limbo waited for hit Wetted to re -
dyer to ehallextge MONS -Maris tor gt�ftra!
',chirp 'this tkns the dad wee r+ttras
with swords, and, flallsteil rte was
badly wounded: lite nparrow3044
avenged hknsoif en the --lla
Illrattclaco Argonaut
Tete Ftresaria's stneresers.
" It'■ ethane• bow different people 'hi
danger from a fire behave," seed a London
ere brigade min to the writer. " Woates
are often quite 000l and oollect .,
ally they'll cake • dash to lave mom erVtlir
of prep rty. O: a old Lady ono. Masi m
• cage ooettiaing • parrot, imploring me
tel. ' Polly ' Ant.
" My_lelserOIW► teeo.r.s panic-stricken
sad 1'.• known ogee where mw u • born -
mg hoose have gone ,vddesly otm :._ edit Igo I Ara became afflicted
mad. About four years ago. ea ..sstirg��r1_�k Ittisegatlth
ns aid Gout, and during e
to a window of an East End home wbiob '6..6 Feb! bee itsen treated by several
Phrddtgntluu emir all advised me that it was
tmpadfepdasure am here, and that the only
remedy feral Was to go to a warmer climate.
After three years of successful
work we open our Bicycle Livery
again this year, and trust we shall
have a soma equally successful, if
opt is advance of those of the past.
• In addition to the larger num-
ber of Bicycles for hire we have
this year added a Tandem, which
will no doubt be appreciated by
those who desire to go in couples.
A 1 kinds of repairing carefully
and rapidly attended to, and a
vulcanizer has been secured for the
rehabilitating of old tires.
The Teaching Academy will also
be maintained with its usual effi-
Remember the old and reliable
Kingston -$t.
ratr eji
Tata ClairAss NACrie gA Resat t
T�1rt,s�,tgrt kMi�er psem estaadialed to give
• �tst�rktas parva,s wtt6. fair sad Des'
orgat rit
eo tneatpw pslselplee sad le
tM[t w aware
= eke +t event mown wise
epsalep� nee
tins tad cables
_ }fp as 'opiate la Ne
alma and Paet00 Coast
de Wm. 'et,
arm u
:Ls- .cUttft. .
Local ¥scatter Gtiderteh
1887... .
A'ri o ncetaent.
For external use only, is • positive cure for
Spinal D►ss•se, Hip Disease, 1.fhammatory
Rheumatism. Lance Back. Lumbago. bore
Throat, West and Sore Lumpy. Bruises,
Sprain, 8atd Joints, Rupture and all kind-
red diseases. It has been also fond • curs for
Tbru.t effect ons 1n horse.
None Rename without h•vtne Ibe trade mark
on labels and wrapper. and " ht. A, MsIea-
B101 dolmeat Goderioh, Ont," stamped os
twat seal of each bottle. Manufactured only
by gwpkeaasa A. liciaaaas. sole patentee
and proprietress. Fewesteost, Gederleb. Oat.
tounber for Sail�
The Goderich Lumber Co. ILtdl hal for :sal
at the Harbor and at the ,Yard on the G.T.R.
track, Y:m. Asn. and Rsswood and Ptne,
Hemlock and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and
and Cedar Poem. Allo slabs in any qQ. tity.
An uptown office tor the sale ct Mllwood,
Raabe, • to.,) Das been established at the store
.< HARPRIt R IJt& who aro empowers. to
11411M1O orders and receive payments for our
- lsw. feeds in that no&
lrMeka.s • a 61. Manager.
was on Aro, . mah, who had been screaming
for help, cava me • vim that nearly threw
me tff the ladder declaring 1 had come to
rob him. He refined to come out, and ea
my eateries. fought and straggled so viol
e ntly that I had to (tun him in order to
get rim our alive.
" Oooe I had a tether tragical experience.
A large reeideaee was all alight, and we had
great difficulty is golfing into it The fam-
ily, we wore kid, were .way, but on searoh-
iae cam bedroom I discovered • man lying
on the floor insensible. As I carried him
down the ladder • ptitol droppted from his
fitters. I had saved • dead man : he had
abet himself through the bead, despairing, 1
.appose, of rescue."
A numbs alt elver drawing's were recent
1, gest to the Empower of Austria. 1 oey
Were the works of his grandchild, the Arch-
aiI b .r of ilii Celan
Mess= Stephanie. The Emperor notioed,
however, that the portraits of children pre-
sented by the youthful artist were .11 shoo
wiM theirs mouths wide okra. Princess
Elizabeth wrote, by way cf explenatits!
" The children Duly remain still when I
promise them sweet., and then they open
their months wide.,'
"I wDit." nays a physician, " that people
'morally u deretnd hew important it is to
their physical welfare that they should go
up and down steps se little as practicable,
wed that they e6eatd do it properly when
at all, By properly I mew slowly. never
faster than a walk. and plaa4sc the keel
firmly on each step."
rt riel
titre bast VS
1 was ow$.*t 60 my house last December
owing to this disease, and was unable to do
any work whatever.
I cos_=/ taking the Zooteaay Care which
Mr. 8. 1` Ryckman. M. P., gave me about the
middle of April teat, and •tteraboutone week's
using this medicine I was
sutddteutly cured to De
able to start driving a
breed wagon, which work
required ase oonsta.nUy getting on and off my
The pains which I always lied in my sides
are now completely gone, and I am now able to
work without any pain whatever.
lame past I have suffered almoet.lndeeelb.
able agony from this disease. My general
health has wohdednlls hageasedaiaeytaking
this medicine. Sworn to by MICHAEL H.
DWYER, d teeming Street, H+Enilton.
Send for pamphlet to 8. 8. RTCoul( Mums -
Cora Co., Hamilton, Ont.
�! R
-1.860 `ray lkb ague tlays+r CbA
rwrtn* wee sw�p+tp ash ter. is t!.
Meweat her met
Alm !" She murdered, its dim add
en her husband's tremens M Aber. '1Ga
think 1 came --
Ohs peered*naug t Ilse y
stow at the ttretserpair the lativellhig aewe
—too tate t'e
, new Immisres le Yaete.
Mot swish robs Ialsmgh r is to be - a
selimul odeoll
isdders at *t • _-�„
dos alt lib .14s s WWI& 10m,
flea and its tributary silvers..
fish average lsranty hist to �g�,
it fo .5 the dogsear et ma er ab -
Mon f/ssatls
Trunks, Valises, O1ub-Bags
of all vises. Carriage Rugs,
Robe . Whips, Brushes, Fur
The Harness Stook la largest West
Torantoc and the teethe stook wilt
bs Bleared ort, at - leu than Bost of
re. f os retsisiag me stook
interest, rtes Most or vales a goods
will be disregarded in this sale. A
naw ehsnoe for Imams s rtad Rom-
ani as every set of Flamm is atae-
s11ltsed load suds sad the lest . d
Ilaisma Oak Leather, while the ¥.est-
, Z beams er nbrar-are d
book seemed mast be settled
4 Osla or Nets yet Ates.
8NiW111.1 - _ RETAIL
Pomp & Fannias fill Works
out. 1/JARrelairt e
A Legs stook of very choice Pumps, mann-
ered from selected Muskoka quartered
tw with hearts mit eat
Thane Pumps are ss•aafatetsred in • number
of styles to wilt everybody and every place.
Very easy worlds,/ pimps ter deep wall.
hreoo.hoses se
ld tee mune. for school -
pares, pamys, We.
mmletlMs• .
Illena T5>•T1 for teeming trees
e est watering imi ri, extb-
hems w}1tugAUiitZ.
a & seedtv.horn wan is dsemr+wtp
1141. AOfdB:bll 1=
nu 4 col
New Goods and Best Valles
- in the Tailoring line at the
old -established and 'reliable
West-st Emporium. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed in Quality
Style and Price.
ag;Filatie e•
_At OATrLs Bao*. Now is the
time to,:esquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves. Who have theme—
bea -
all kinds and sizes -at iowu.*"pOlsu-
ble cost prices. Also leave your:
orders for repairing and setting up
of Stoves. We handle the best
Canadian and American Coal Qtl.
Hamilton -at
Plumbers and Tinners.
Cakes, Pies, Tarts.
Ready for the Rush.
Call at D. CA/TALON * the leading
bakery, for you Party Cakes and
Puff Paste Talks, Oyster Patties,
Mince Pies, Short Bread. All kinds
of Cakes kept on hand. Orders cleft
by ten in the morning will be made
and delivered the same day. '
Wedding Cake.—Ornamenting and
.00e.tiag of -the- latest design -with -
a fancy assortment of Wedding Oaks
Almond Acing a specialty.
=0. Ce.sZte1Ora._
are nesemslary to mankind, theft thew
ketch =ore so aro they to the batter
part --woman 1 Alm they are s0 neces-
epersary yak should see that what you Ret
are good, thus saving in caah and
health. Tinware or Graniteware
bought from ns is always good, and as
the latest inveatione are always
added to oar stook a better mslectiot•
esanot be toed in Canada.
adttiplete line of Stools sad Pus -
sees in the bounty.