The Signal, 1897-4-22, Page 6r• THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH" ON!F., TII(JRSDAY, APR. 22 L887 On Saturday *ttera000 ..d eventing nest we will have .a open►sg el oar New Bl- ois Lavery .ad S.ls.roo.s in the Nd Poet Otho. building ea West -se We invite Everybody 1• o*ll sad Coogan oar premia.@ and stook. AH new ()levelled W beets to rent at peonies pikes. Ladies Especially will fad oar wheels and trestmeat will please them. GEO. F. EMERSON NM the old P.0. building. HARBOR AND *IVER I'bo river was very kiglb S. post week. • beat honee was started ea Geed Fri- day, Th. 'chooser Craftsmen la seri* reedy for ambito.. The loIn the harbor are e jie, M.A rapidly in number. The fishing GO thio pert has improved somewhat the past week. A few boss have bees carted to the river reedy for the bo•tlag season. Captain Babb hue pet . neat rail around the platform in front of his hotel. Wm. Wallas, left per the Jones for South Bay and John Iola .r. for Tob.rmor.y. The easiness have bees pumping over 200,000 gallon.. day the past west or two. The fish brought in by the boats and the tars have so far beth of expellent quality. The fishing tun sad boats did eft lift nets oa Saturday or Monday on .000nat of the storm. The Todman is .zgared to sail about the 1st of May for oYgt el lumber for the Organ Factory.. . Contractor E. Sharman somatenoed pul- hog down the North end of the engine house this week. The Kolfage, Captain Ino. MoDoo.ld, sailed this week tor Johnston'. Harbor to load lumber for the river. the signal, ea PO.r.naXID EVERY THURSDAY MORNING all a. ■eeILLN,'Oi1IST A oargo of 400 tons of opal 1. expected daily, whioh is for the water works and Wm. Lee equally divided. _ Oise month. is advance V i I P. Mok:wan is osrttag away the slab@ as Three months, .. - le fast as made from the harbor saw mill, ..P ttiitI year, N•� ;:'w' 1 Ole, MoE. will use them for making salt. y Terse et $.tseerrptrer Leek .t nese Label. Tour label is • standing reoeipt of the date 1• whioh yon are paid up. Be. that It is not allowed to hl, into arrear. When . change of address V desired, botn the old and the new addre.s should be given Advertising Salta. and other os.oal advertisements, 100 vn 1 ne for first Insertion. end oents per line ler each subsequent insertion. Me.eured by a nonpareil *oafs. Business cards of six linea and Hader, $6 per year. Advertisement. of Lost, round Strayed Situations Vacant Situations .. anted and Besisw l'h.noes Wanted sot xesedl.g e lines oonpsr• ;, 1 per month. Houses o. sale and germs on 8.1e. not to exceed 7Itt.. s, $1 for first month, loo, per sub- sequent month. larger ad vis. In proportion. Any special notice, the object of whioh 1e to promote the pecuniary benefit of say indi- vidual or company. to be considered an ad- vertisement and charred .poor linrly. _notion In nonpareil type one oast �seeti se ism than lea Local nil's, in ordinary reading type two cents per word. No notion for less cher too. Notices for churches and other religion. and beabvolent Institutions hall rate, Subscriber who bel to reeM1► Tog BmwAr. r•eularly by mall, wW osdsa/.ver by ow eau: thsg as et the tweet • a dere es Oo Saturday and Sunday the water seem- ed rilev for over • male out, but It saw as clear as usual at the water works tap. The stir. Jones left this week with a full cargo of fishing materiel and supplies for Tobermoray and G.orgtad Bay fishing stations. Rutsoa has Rolle to Johnson's Harbor to select a ship load of lumber for his yard, and to Wtartoh to select another for the t;oderiob Organ Co. The perch were hauled out of the harbor in large no otters the past week, particular- ly oo Good Friday, on whioh day the beet points for angling were taken up before sunrise. Wm. Marlton expecte to launch the large tog about May 1st sad the smaller one shortly afterwards. The larger one will be nearly ready for ilea whop she takes the water as the msohinery.11 being now put in ere ...LOOAL NEWS Hie wow.. How .boat 3abilles Day. Ie the Huron L.•oros. CI.11 -_--- If you want • goof felt g siK ellen igaeq, 1).w't forget .rR1e. piasfmy" next realrtahes+a tt•tles week. J. C. Ins To.eal, -efP0oderteh, has been ap Coat ion did a big thing In bow on Good printed Lobel Travelling Agent for the town- Friday. rhire of Qoder eh. Oolborae, Ashssid and Ws waneeh. Local postmasters over the district arg Also empowered to row ve subscription* WWII 91moot. 1 ♦U communications must be addressed D MCOILL1CUDDYA.t,, relenhose Call >b TG'od.rtok"b.1. 'QODERIC8, THU$t,DAY. APRIL rr, IIIR. Pyiectiffor>3 gadriak. The 8taadard Meroactil• Agency, 60 Viotorut-.t., Tomato, le not now authorized to collect •cocoon• dna TER Swaim. office. SNAP SHOTS. -rbel editor has taken Easter holi days. Aye I -- - -Up to the hour of going to press it looks as U there wasn't enough of Green• to baste the Turkey. -That " tottering Provincial Gov- ernment t. Nova Scotia," as Sir .;HAstse Torero called it, is now fairly well sup- ported. -That political landslide in Nova Scotia Tusaday last ---36 Liberals Cseeervativee look. like the day of judg- ment for Topporir n down by the sounding see -Turkey And Greece have at last looked hors.. "lad U is to he hoped that the " Powers " will know enough to look on quietly and ss. the fight fought to a finish. HURON'S NEW SHERIFF. Clinton New Era : Mr. R. G. Reynolds has teen appointed Sheriff of Hansa. 1a place of Mr. Gibbon.. resigned. Mr. Rey - .olds has occupied the position of deputy far sevens years and is in every respect well • € gee1i6ed for the faithful disobarte of the V ditties of this oflioe, and the New Era ' hasn't a wore. to say against him. • 80forth Expodtor : Mr. Robert G. Rey- , molds has been appointed Sheriff of the 'meaty of Huron, in pleas of Mr. Sheriff Gibbous, who, mom, time ago. reing.ed. AI - *bough, from a party point ot Yam. heirs are others in the yeasty who, perhaps, have batter earned the appointment, there are mems who are better qualified to ail the pos- Misi •1Bdon tly and oreditabiy. Mr. Reynolds has bees deputy -sheriff for many yeses, and fe fast for several years be discharged the duties of sheriff. itis appoistews1, there- fore. most be regarded as • good ane. sad }m bays no hesitation ihi saying, jadgf.g teem his past retard, that he will fill tie pigtail' with dignity. ..d discharge the 4tj.s efficiently and with oosrtesy. We pelgratealo Mr. Reynelds oe his good tor - Wee, wad bops ba will M long spared to Naim ter ttrpe,t•.e eine as well as to veiny Its homers sad .molat.ww. Oer?OART.--Alii$.der Marto. died .1 the r''sliemes of his .0.-f. law, Dr. Lovett, • of Ayr. ea 1Med.y. 4th test., after as !b- eam .t %.e days. Mr. Merton mane to Ceara g years age, freethe Dossof I t settled se Greed g.tl, Q$sase. where he resided fee Sweaty- Ilteee yews. ak removed to Ayr he 1868, •=16harness makl.g b..insgt rebs • .•alai, k tally .a., ter V 131 bis dealing. Hs sgtvlv4. jegifillea•• are Ares seas .ad ea. stil•=t•N • ••d rewits g .nai .w. ler 1t11M •tag. M.e er. sad gnmelabes A- • farms, ...bar .f sw Hold on to your '.ti inter clothing a little longer. Good Friday was not • good Friday for oyolieg. The measles are leaving us and we are thankful. The Knitting factory is still running on full time. Dement shipped oonsiderable laiab t tlm past week. i`ftryst.l is egeti(as ea '1 water work. boils. Our bombers bad a very nice show of Easter meats. " Pio•fore " net Tiusdsy, Wednesday and Thursday. There was • *mita! supply of hay ea the market last week. Andrews Bros. & (.o. shipped a car load of hogs o0 Thursday. The O(.H►nd Rifle Club did not have the multi Good Friday shoot. The past week many new bicycles were added to the town parade. Quite a number of people visited the sewer works the past week For prices in plumbing and tinsmithing call on Cattle Bras. Hamilton -et. The end of last week and the begioniag of this was not at all Span. like. Patrick Tierney will look after the bowl - wean and tional Iowa this A very large numb• of citizens took .d., vantage of the ,enole fare holiday trip. Plat of theta for " Pinafore " opens at Porter's bookstore nett Friday •t 10 A.M. The Collegiate Institute and the Public and 8ep.ratt soheols will re -open Moody. The Organ Cn. is 'hipping a large bill of their macul•otaserg to Derby. Eaglesd, this week. There was • vary large attendanoe as 8 o'olook Communion at 8►. George's oo San. day morning. Over on. hundred persous reoaves' Holy Communion at the early Mass on Easter Nam m tit. Peer's. St, Peter's altar was beautifully deoor- ated with Bowers heolediso charming Easter lilies on Easter Day. Why not take advantage of the snap given this month in .11 lines of fanny work at The Fair, MoLe•n'. block. All stamped linea goods besight at The Fair the remainder of this .doth will be stagged free of charge. As there will b. a' 're& fir sesta for " ItsPla'see." Eitel... CMok ewes.. TRITa •t Portae s 1f you want wall paper ot the latest de- sire. Gall Gad see Watson's stook, Mont- real -0t. See our 10 seat papers. It was a regular show to see the number of paper baro o0.t•isang hate that were oant.d home oe Saturday evading. Tuesday. and left per •tr. J« for Witatoe Ti.e nmol w ioar. A. J. Boyd to spe•dis/I the holiday term at tleUart. Drtrgrist Denham wee is the Queen City � Chas. Shaaooa was wbeallag In Termite this week. Wes. MoL.od, 0 Ripley, visited tows ides week. D. B. Great, oI the Collegiate, holidayed la tomato. 0. N. Davie •peat the holidays i. Forest City. Erste Evans, of 8t Catharses. epee. Easter in town. Mies Charles, B. A., is visiting in Toronto bad ether edges. Mies Bertha Rusk is spending the E•st.r variation in town. era. W. and Mise Mande Tilt spent Eater .t Fergus. Mrs. Greig and infant, of Ssaforth, were in town for Easter. Dennis O'Connor left on Monday for hie home in Wawanosh. Mr. Vsoatter, of Stratford, spent Fester with his son John W. Miss Jessie Robertson, of Exeter P. S., is home for the holidays. Gordae tleeder•o., in Godertoh this week. M. Brennan, of Hallett township, e visiting J Joseph Tighe Harry Parsons, 13.ak of l'ommeroe, .Strati: was is town Monday. Yrs Wall of Clinton was the guest of Blwkston• cis Suaaay. ot Toronto, was Mn WOO Franks is visiting at the pergola/ abode, Maple, near Toronto. Mr. sad Mrs. Thompson, of Seatortb, were en town on Feaster day. Miss Soott, ot Stratflard, was the guest of the Misty Rumen for the holidays. Capt. Denary, of the Goderleh Costume Office, was to town Mooday.-New Era. Secy. Inglis, of the Henderson Blcyol, Da, was indisposed a few days this week. Miss Mildred Campbell left for Toronto se Monday to eater on • Dour,, of music'. P. Thomas Murray, of the Chatb•m Business College, is home for the holidays. Miss Annie Campbell, of Seatortb, was at the family residenoe, Quebec et., this week, Miss Evs Smith, of Osd_ erioh. woe Aho guest of /lies W hitdt ss ittoadey.-New Kra. - W illiamo, of 1 .. k.- d 0..- orth, .0 to teas for the holi- day., R. W. Logan. manager North Ameriowa Chs�eal works, was in the (,)seen otty this lie &ad Mrs. Theodore Brough were this week vomiting Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald, Wellington-Gt. Mr.. E. Bi.Rkq, Godersob, wee the o0es1 et Mrs T.. Cattle for • law day. last reek.. -New Fra. - Mies Lizzie Robertson. of Sodom publio school, ',spending the vacation at the family re.idenoe, Seat street_ Colin A. Winnitnde Ball, of Crediton public school, 1. •peodiag the holiday term at the parental abode. Mies Maggie McCln.key, of the 0. C. I., i. ,tending the Enter vacation .t her home i0 Goderiob township. Mr.'114 sites. Adam 'l tioai now, ,pent Easter at the raid gentleman's brother, our dbpaty Drawn to Clinton Is,t Monday, by i'i i• nese, pleasure and a 2 40 pooy was Sid. Maloomson, of tint minty town. -New Era. D. McGillicuddy ■nd W. W. Mobioar represented the Huron Bicycle Club at the meeting of the Canadian Wbeelmen last week. AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their rale bills printed at thes o0loe will have • tree nuticestns•rted in this list uo to the time of velem. MONDAY. May lOth-Commeooipgr at 1 P. >r, there will he • big rale of tam stook Gad implements on lot 14, con. 5, (Vest Wawanosh. Mrs. J. W. 1100sen, owner John $sox, .aotione•r.-_._ -. Ga. Saturday, April 24th, there will be sold by publio emotion at Gundrv's Anatole Rooms. Hamilton -.t, Iota 196. 127, 138, and Wrleou w -server-- $thee.-Hvedry, seto- tioaeer. Oo Saturday, 24th'April, at Koos'. Auc- tion Rooms, Newpata-at., • lame quantity of hoaeebold farrttore, term impsmenta deo. Jou KNot..uotioa•er. The expre..Aloe Will be moved from the armee of West-st. to the ofties la Meleaa'e North -.t Methodist church ILL d C.E.. bleak reeoatly escaped by Lit. Ranter. Fraley eventing at 8 deleek. Oa Apel 113rd, " SYimisR Lights." by Mie Mary 8•lkold. Esse OHM* Y.P.B.C.Z., Tuesday even- ing at 8 dde M eok. Topr April 27th. , White a* i tram Liberty .mol feast la Is wen r by Nies Mar Wright elitist.. topic- " Hinds., Mies Mime Yslver. This .id ha she mob: ..neer. e.. ,.vetting of the fleaaty, whoa the monthly *Eating will he takes. • Vlete,is,.t. Nobodies abttrab R. L el 0. It.. bridsy evening as 8 o'ole•k. Oa April Vied. Sethi eytming. "The adder and the MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. casLow, April. 4. Th. Colborne ame@u me• in the township hall. .embers all p• .est Minutes of previous m.etf.g reed and adopted. A pe - titian was presentee by Joseph Book and J T. Goldthorpe, .hoed by the ratepayers of Saltford village a►kleg for • now road divido., bo oomm•sos •t Riobard Fritsley's and end at brewery and Artie. end. Mov.fl by A. J. Morris, &sco.ded by Nathan Johns, that said petition he granted, Car- ried. J. T. Goldthorpe we. •ppdeted patbmogies. "Damsel Marrs applied to the ooanotl for damages to his horse ceased by going through a defective culvert. Or mo- ths, of Jas. Taylor and A. Millie', the matter was 1.1tlevee for fartbe eo.aWertt-• Use. J. T. Goldthorpe 'prs•• •a se - coast of tib 96 fee lumber w was p04._ WSi'ij4ttiii d ti 9•te'e at ince F7 se 10 0'e1o1, A M. as . wart of revision o.d other bosluoes. F. W. McDowioe, clerk. C F.A.. U. The following are the Sophia for the di/ - tenni yoaag people's amiantus whisk west daring next week : Don't torose that Her ,)dej.ty Q.rea Victoria will celebrate the Thamoad anni- versary of Her Qas.nsbip an Jus 22nd. Thos. Geadry has puri•sed the import- ed Clyde Oldham Dalmatr, mod hes him now .tabled s► lab $amittoa n , Oodrrl•h. This is a psi by stomp pf the faverhe ('t*a..d.l.., and Is a greed individual. threw* Takla/ Steak -New I wish es 414..E ed it. Tkorefere the meet three .140the w1U be your time for harems& 1 anon. benisons. 0. N. DA•is. 5l.ahess.s has added the mare ..s►.4 hf. sap." (Tbsq.em•.). by W. Raliadr%. 414,,tee to his eet•blshm.at and had the All ere •ssdiaUT invited to *need thew wbp. sleety Bated .p. 0. 11. wash% he do * essediaggi saki are heed fa the he.easos lsttt-efse. Midas= this sea•ss. I% w111 lea of the Amus. M.mbses from feign he hams se the " VlolAa Renew- ether .'.swan wow IaviW t q. he pees.t, 8* wait in =.=stl y -•an el the Q..sa'• Jab.: and will he warmly wwln.iL COMING AND 001st(. Ln: Ly.. is Hanka is Lembo. *Ys Melwlt.. i yMNi.g la Swathed. abat lleagar. P. M., .pmt Eset•nU. fa Cltato. Mr. Wine eard.s.r. has kis ea ae. Mol amend Ms era.m, 1e' 15 Clinton 1 We mmd.na.d that the wife .t lien 0.i•. wbo bee bass la &woe heath ler s... %i.., waviest* g. In Dear fee Joe. fate reamed tree )fecals eft wavelet. Her aloe.Kmclivi, M and Dr. Ona wW swutpsy bar, • e ADDITIt7NAL LOCAL NEWS. 8t. Paas'. -The Easter SN aadar ssre4O ss St. Peter's were largely attended. sad the mask was exoelleat Prof. Jones sad su4 the -Chutes stir were Gad *bar manias wee meoh edea pardoalar. ly the bake of Mee. Wall.w Is tee Hammon. Susdsy after000. • youth wa..k.wt.g hi. ohmic, who were sitttag &mood the harbor abets thee should have been et 14 8., how to woes Ito the tL land on the logs, slipped and toll between two receiving • okrieSsaiag. amid It Is eo -It is said that if we oid al- mey, obtain pure water and onsdultsrated food there would be but little sickness 1. the world. Snob Doing be oasts make sore that you have on• no.dnit•redod commodity a least, by using Rio•'• Pure 80t, Tns Nsw Pesoratrlol4-Adam Thomp- son, the sew proprbtor of the Laeknow stage, will, before the 9.ee.'. Birthday, have • new vehicle on the road. 1t will seat nine person., be cosy to ride l sad have good horses rutty harnessed t• it. a Ft.'x AP; 111• -U0 `4aturday then were a mambo.. of veru fin• horsey la the .tables of the Etohe.g. hotel. Esquire,* of ansa r•ve...ed the feet that they were the property of Robt. MoLeen, end were about to he shipped to the Mother - lead. A Scum= Visl'ros -Mrs, Herman Detroit, ot •troit, ie lo town aolecting • lot at Mentes; nag Park, and ia making sr- raugemenr. for the erection of a summer cottage. Sbe has already altered t 1 large bills of goods from our local mar- obsata. Ngw BAse,E SHOP -Hoot. Ross lima•p.oen • borne -.shop on Wast -at, (Knight's old stand) wherI"he will he pleased to r,• odvt the patronage .1 the people of (lode - ries and vteioity. Everything kept clean, and • quiet and orderly scop will always welcome you., CORDWOOD. -II person recently bought • bad of abort wood tor 43.50 aad was given to noderstend it was half maple and • gond sample After beinp unloaded he found there was lust f of a cord of 20 inch wood, that net nne•fittb of it was maple, and that •1 Inst oo•-third of it oould not be split for porpoise'. porpo•. The gentleman would like to know if there is soy resume why the authorities should snow people to be robbed is this manner. Orft)o,:a -A wolf-knownw resident ants to know why the 0000011 allow. doge to roam the town without tagging them. He says a. a rule they aro a n sad do more to prevent Summer vQto.. coming le town than tate cows •v.rr.dtd, es tote strangers sojourn bog in Gal/rehabwhims*w being frightened by the.. H. aye stave that h• believes that •oone-third these.nimaie are liosa.ed. CARLOW. Tr?rroay, April 20 Jack Frost has again appeared in oar vicinity. J. Keened, acd family have moved to Saltford. Mies A. Tyndall, of Westfield, is home os • holtdsv. Mho Jousts MoHardy le spending her Easter holidays in Godenoh, Mr. and Mrs. Gowans, of Exeter, are visiting at Mrs. W Young's, sr. Mise Alexander, of Clinton, is visiting bar friend, Miss A. Greta, Rosedale Tera. Mins Mery kftneerte+k,,.e Wit spending her holidays ander the parade! roof. Was Mabel V•rooe, of Alma Collgro, St. Thomas, is sp•ndi.g her Raster holidays With her parrnte. Mr. Johnston and family, of Amberl•y, have moved on to the farm lately occupied by lire. R. Sallow*. Oo Monday seeming last, T. Sallow. bad the pleasant surprise on ouurine his stable before retiring to find two famous dnvers. While attending to his stook last Sunday evening Mr. Barkwell had the sad miefor- tune to have one of his cows kink and break his leg just above the ankle. Mrs. F. C.mpbell his' returned home .leer a three-mootbs' vi.tt to her sod 1. Ban Francisco, :al. Her many friends are pleased to see her safe home •rain. Mr.. T. Sallow,, Mrs. R. Young and children, Florence and .Rath, .re upending their Easter holidays to Hermine.. the gneet tl M1a..A..Falfard _.. att•ad the 21st anneal ,.ass .R of the W. F. M. S. AGENTS "The Best Popular Life of Her Majesty I bay. ever seen," writes Lord Lorne, .boat " Queen Victorls." sales unprecedented. Eaav to make five dollars daily. Big oommisno.. Outfit free to owveasere. TSZ HitADLRY-BARKLTBON 00.Tevonte. Goderich� + Bargain Centre . riday, April 23 DRESS GOODS Cashmere, 75c , for . Serge'', 75c.; for Cashmere, 50c., for Serge., 50c., for..... Tweed Effects. 25c., for " 20c., for 58c. 58c. 40c. 40c. 20c. 15c. SHIRT WAISTS. 50c., for .....1... �,. . $1.00, for 75e., job, for 43c. 70c. .' 25c. LADIES' VESTS. 5c., 3 for lgor 15c., 3 for 25p, FLANNELETTE. iT ELETTaEi. 30 -in., for 50: LADIES' COTTON HOSE- 20e., for , t _ 150. 25c-, for ......." ........... filer 30c. Cashmere Hose for 20e. TABLE LINEN. . 40c. per yd., for 50c. per yd., for 75c. per yd., for 25c. per yd., for....... (.... 25 c. 37ia 55 c. 20 c. MEN'S SHIRTS 750., for , Unlaundered, 50c., for.... , , , , '25s. Flannelette Shirt, 200, Black Sateen, 50c., for 400, Overalls,...... from 25c. to !1 00 A job lot.of hien'Caps, 75c., for :15c. TOWELS 24x49 -in., 16c., for 16x30 -in., 8e., for 21x39 -in., 25c., for 38s187in., 25c , for ... TO WELLII 1%e., for 70., ter 4c. 5c. 8e., for 6c. COs., for 8a ART MUSLIN de, per ytLrd, for ... 5c: ;44k.jer rildt.f9r_ a.araaa.-JQta.. 3 LADIES' HHEM QS STITCH H1D'K 5c.,for 8c., for.. l Child's Handkerchiefs lc. liVaJi\G,G 124*., for SHIRTIZI, 25e., tor... ... e•r • .. 10c., for : , for... • .44-4T.. .... • • 15". 8a, for 15c., for - Ins. 10e. 81C- 60. SHEETING 2 yards with, 25c:, for 1f1e. 2 yarns with, 20c., for " 15*. PILLOW COTTON. 42-incb, plain, 15c., for 40 -inch, plain, 12ic., for 46 -inch, plain, 18c., for...: 10c. 7c. 10c. TABLE OIL CLOTH. 11 Oil Cloth, 25c., for 19c 11 Oil Oloth, 30c., for... .. a 2' LACE CURTAINS 50c., for 371c., for 75c., for $1.00, for $1.35, for 440c. 25c 65c. • 85c. $1 00 SWISS CHECK MUSLIN 1Oc., for .,i - - Sc., for WANTED -Ileo and women who tea work hard Wkit and writing six hours daily, 25c for fee six day, • week, and will he content ' with tea dollars weekly. Address, 20c. for NSW IDHAI 00.. Brsatf•rd, Out, l.rtc., for WAb TED-Ld.•hi..s persona of either ser milk good ea.raMsr sad os.t.00 school .oleosus.. eta .bolts •.pl.y..at for two months is this oommeefty. 8. M. FRY, Tweets. 00. hit =4•r WHITE QUILTS. $1.00, for .................... 75c. $1.25,' for . 95c. COTTONADE. ALL PAPER r We are selling Wall Pepe? lit the following prices : 1e, Oak Prise Ifie 1 tine p• It1e Mibiiarlati w'e10.M FORTIES BOOKBTORE 20 c. 15 0. 124e. TWEEDS. 75c. Tweed for . 50c. 50c. Tweed for 25c. 25c. Tweed for....... 20c. DOUBLI FOLD SCOTCH 1'1i.D 4t' . 52.50, for `� $1 75 20pow 80. EMBROIDERY SILK S ein, 2 roe lc. skein, 7 for. 10c. Milk spools for c. 5c. TABLE NAPKINS 500per doz., for . 400. 85c. per doz., for 65*. $I.00 per doz., for 75c. $1.75 per dos, for $1 25 $2.25 per dog , for 1 99x - MEN'S TIES 25c., 2 for.... . 25c. MEN'S BRAC Remember the date e . • Friday, April 23rd. JAS. ROBINSON. J. P. BROWN AGENT FOR THE MASSEY - HARRIS 00. Wide-open Blnderaj Mowers. Oultivators, Rake, Disk Har- rows, Diamond Harrow Mouths, ticufers, Oerriages, Boggles, Wagons, {Carts. Also, Agent for Bradley's Fertiliser. A Full Line of Repairs for the above Machines, and Plough Pointe always on band Remember the stand --nest to Ftlxton's Stables, H&kJLTC I -ST., GODIMICH.