The Signal, 1897-4-22, Page 1FRONT! N', Tr. alit. Many ;e at,...t the to JAMS hate un- ited, int in just open brush anJ the things It ttAlt the •u11 .11.11r4a, -s. There 1.1.1er free I.atulne it. fit ce. resf soy' 4..;.'44 Beds I ; for the kitchen is lrathere•i from BENT OF f' I E I i ►EAN LE SEEDSMAN It • Offer R 4ondon Press. leurtng to greatly int Hat. makes the to the Ca --none and da whereby sub "res Prow will get )aper Free. am made arranite- reterinery Bedew, number of copies of .termer, tarfrwee. s $tier:. This honk Plain language the and Trrattrwnt rd and Poultry. *I." ription of Medicine t every farmer can f- • 152.00 Frees sad rum ler 1prim 31.t10i awl err l.dsie,e gorier awaited to any .d tee Tem 0Nlare. once. 12'• ea. net ogee Indeani ehr Item wild • *rs lea. 11 to &ttrwt. Re PIM ter the Pram and .r>rr Fa`dir se DFfatNe ♦ mtora Co. IIL rw. DRY ELM, SASS - ASH. A BARGAIN SA W NI LL , foe L.aber. • ELW, HUSO111ANS II 11 ye wast ea Al Five Dims Clg.r, smoke THE 1MAY- QUEEN IllaihraCTOMAP ST IIAD DOCKM A KENNEDY; UODK11&IUH. THD FI FTIErH YEAR. -1618 ,z mar LEADING NEWBPAPE1:1. Off' HURON OOVNTY. Oxo DLLs* WILL PAY VOA THE SIGNAL I Fos Ops Yeas. GODERIOH, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY APR. 22, 1897. D. MoGILLIOUDDY, EDITOR. ItoiPO Wanted. "°A= • A R -101T -A STOU 011TH r Meek. App, at uses P.O. gas 3. Ass Property M• saw - - a DDK• I R I K L K RZSIDZNCE AND .•roseds for ss'e le Oedsrieb. Mrs. pap coy eters sur sale the beme@s.sd of the ✓ te t:uu. (`i t situated ..arty eelpselee the onleatem last,tute. on Britannia Mead. The *.cuede contain seedy an mat 4 o.tiNt oe Iteinen.• Head. Kea)s et. via McIboal.r.. sod are evil laid ust. 000tatatatt chore Ar,.l. g eat tad Plum trees. Uranus faunae tl -.sets• tee,. and small trues d all kinds. , ieree Ices ►011 • itarlele' of shrubbery. Te.e Hems a a ....toe, frame. on Moue round Alga. rood atone cellar wit& eo0urotc Poor, end is need wrh outside shutters. 01010. onside*, @en doors. 1t r,steine varier. sitting room t•,sg row. tl badman.. tl upstairs and 1 Nieto. ktreueo. Mlleclose*. pantry, sem. w oo sed noel shod .tape and other oat hoodlum,. .Abundance of hard and sof, ways. nus wa,.-worts service. The piece is in Ise.% repair There *so better sttuati01. .. Uelb na for res/dsntlol property. Will be meld M reasonable berme. r.r further parttelitle spray to MRS. UKU. (10X, es the pretrial& Laval shales ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF FARM PROPERTY. It th Minter of the .Mat. or John it',lL.rw- ..ni. derroae.l There will be sold by pubtlo auction .t Mal bugh. Hotel. la the village 4)na. of ._aaauin the('ounty of Huron, by John kuuz. auction- eer o. Tl F81'Ai. THE lth DAY Or MAY. IANC. at I: u vita* avow. the followdse 1 I e West half of lot 'somber 17 in the third co,ct'sien M 1h • Townshipol Weat Wawa time ,n the County of Huron. containing 40 semi et lat.d. This int is situated within • few tulles of leusga,ann. the at.•ve property wall be told subject to a reel -rt. -4 b:d. 1• all ember re.pe.1s the eond.t,oe. of .ale will be the eta&dlog co,dttioes of the High Court of Jesters. TERNS -Tea per cent. down at the time of este. aso the balance within tar mouth .here - •f rw. Yoe further partleuiars apply to J. M. lIq'.ert.. F:..1 . Dungannon. or to time uader- CAMrRON. II 1LT t HOI•MES. Vend.•r's Salle ton. (,odrlch. JOHN KNOX. enctlo■eer. Listed this i{h day of April. IW7 Mottos Be Creditors `4Tl('F' TO CRE!IITOR'. I,. • h. owner of Williams Wilson. .ter -awed. ♦on re t. berrby .pera. pureuani tishap•er 1') 0: 'h•• Hes teed Simms* o• (►ntario and awed ne mete. 'het all creCtors and tb.•r per tone he, mg cleanse aedoer the color.' a WP Liam N dies, late of the Village of 1 rnnat.onon. in the count: o< Hero.. gent tnan..!er.-*... d w i.o do 4 o0 or &bout tae rid d.' ug dt.rcb. l?..`47 are required .o deliver to .1 M Rnheris. of the std village. 1.gaore. agent for Mary Wilson. the admtnutratr(s of the waste of the .sad dwresoed• or to her solic.tu:. Waterneo,' .n wry .ag giving their names and addre.oes with full particulars end proofs of their clams and rte nature of the security of*n). :+e:d by them. es or before the let day of June, 1417. after welch said date the said admin$• tntriz will proceed to d atrlbuce the era of the mud deceased amoesgst the ponies eotitl0.1 taereto, haviag regard only to the claims of welch the said u(mt.istntnx shut then have melee. and the said admfaiatratrix will not oe habit for the assets **distributed or any cart thereof to any perste or escrow whose elates Malt not hare been received at the time of the said diatribe? ton. I'u.d a Uolericb eh* I/tb day of April. A. DARROW t PROUDF'twiT. IS -3t Se Miters for Admmi. It. Plotloe. NJ once OF SALE l-NDKR )1lrRT- 1 OAYZ. rotate &rtaleofthe loft t'alri.•1 Kelly and f° fate Ilf.rec*for* rind il•esfrr. / .e.01, and w roan H. Kelly. John KM,. .Y,-•hts.I kale.Margaret Arllr. dpi. kens. J.h. 11•. sell. John Appraw. /sera.- prom*, The AM.,(sow. Beal. The lwttulom 101* (urw- posaof enweda omit to nit others ialereaf- .a in the towels her. iwn/fev mewl i.rwed. Take attic* 11.1 default has been made is veiniest of the mortar 'reared by • certain mortgage made by Patrick Kelly lids wife he -ring her dower, to the fleglisb and !Scott - tell Investment Campeau of ! Venni& ,Limitedi belt met date the fSth day of May. A. D Dirt an v d r t he egWer*d as number :fR, t• marc P.taet of the ram of IllAri(ti and 'nterest thereon, and whir h said mor geese w&. by the said The Magian and Scottish I n r aliment (`ow Pao, of Canada ILimitedl assigned tothe ton apo and Ontario Investment rompsny 1. •.it ed. by iestrament dated the Yen day of *ov ember. Nissl. and reairlered as number fel. end 01 which said mortgage and ae'nmenl the tc;lig owi lands and promises iso otonrowed '0 the said The Leedom and Otter o investment Company Alarmed Chet certain p•rr.H of land mitigate to tie Allege of Myth. .n the County of Huron and Province of Ot.- 'ario being composed '11 • part of village let 'amber Five. Hlyth survey. particularly de scribed w fotl..wa . t omenmer e& en "fume onset l.mld village at the Nortbeest corner of said lot. thence South &lose s&Id Quee■ stmt twenty two feet. thence at right W W141 to said queen street to the lase In rear of said lot. use handfed sad tbtrty two and & fetohNhedetiswo et t1n.t said hPeane Ili: thence met along Amid line**e hand and thirty two and • half feet to the Oar* betinnlag. rentai0tsg by .dmmasaremeat one rd's, e,th tart or an acre, he the same mere or wad tut that take notice that 1" oowoegwewo• e ouch default by the terms of the said l0 deism. or I.&ad a oertaln ex•enad00 7:rMil nude ►et wens the said t'aWek levtand the said. The Losdoe ad Oatark' ss mace enbre /RN. theenrLe amount oprprlaet.•1 mad la.,..t thereby seemed has became ser sae payook, Ano' i0. Nr .este melee that the said. The London sat Outwits Investment Ossapmsy Limited hereby deme.d rayment of the "motet r` w _ceder mod y virtu of the said niertgr • 'tad externem agreement bete. the 4•'1J3 with Interest thereon. at the nate of eta'.t flier sent. hese the letb flay of March. A. D. 11117, temether with thele oases. And further take ,.ties that seises OW/ meet • t tine saga morlgt inn snos&yi.terost and w ate M made b i►* ttt►Id Thi '.cele. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. ;' 33 .y ;tk - .p.ave osl' a NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. i 6- OMistuHy &w bad y eam a, 1CI or ,. taped load thoroughly threshed oat. It is to be hoped that, although the element of What 1. Going; on atthe Capital Miriam will Pervade the t•all►st•"•• From our own ranks to a certain extent, the more level- The everThe ihswtea, ei al.perua.at i.01 -saw 101111 Hoe permit, is the bone of battle, man Here b /arra *.ast*w este ilea leases seen& to oet•weigh mood j*dgr .tit in deal• the t'**01ry Y se..tt eed end.. I tag with this ao pulitioo-moral avid 6saial basad Aaywbal e05 ae-Pews •rhe he ns t Ilea la tdamsel &apewdit.n P a problem. A. V. W. Inat7 d speaats ..■amts ,lar The :Amid. beaded ooneervetve temperswoe advocates Moe but was mot thought tearaway W IW e sew day@ before her dart*, which was tttatilwd CoPPsepOndents ' by iatlatlen of the lu.45. The deo@a@54 was an m*Baeouooats wife &0d Ionia mother sad caw mach ..teemed by all with whom she was wyuntated. A large comer* of k I sorrowing friends e000mpanied the returnee to the Colburn• cemetery on Monday .Iter - nom). The solemn obsequies were oo.- duutad by Key. kir. Henderson, of Carlow, of which Murat the deo•a•ed was • faith- ful and oormsteat member. The deep sym- pathy is with the bereaved hu.baad and family in their bereavement. TU KNI,Av, April 20. Claude Fisher is sosnding hu Kamer va- cation at home. The fried• of our pastor were pleased to sus him able to occupy the pulpit here last Sabbath. Mrs. Newell has returo.d home from Godrioh after 501ti..g on her grandmother who was vary ill. A number of our jolly old boys took • trip down the river oa Hood Fnday and re- ported having • good time. Tom Vaastone, our enterprising miller, has moyed his saintly ben and is lieu* in t he house opposite the part idles. The rawbwale■ r►eal.rpe, BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. The Harpers will publish on April 26 )TTAWA, April 17. - -The (lpposi- "The $issiooary Sherif!," by Ootse. tau, rem w dprim to make adverse Theriot ; ' A Loyal Traitor,' by James polite:at capital oat of the showing whish" " Flowers of Field, Hilland Jw.mp," by Carollers A. (Terrey ; a caw the ottlm.tee fur the e,sutoq year reveal. m addition of •' John Heide*, (;.edema.," by Thaw handed down to Parliament lest week ' Mw Ilulock ; " Leonora of the Yawmisb," were the that of the caw Admiautratioe. t by Francis Dena. and • new oddities of Santee' Johnson's .,Alexander Pope," edit 1..st year the esti0.stes .•1 the um:going ed by K.. Strphene. Government, as prepared by them for that In Harper'. Barr of April 24 there will year, were .owpted by the Liberal Govern- be • cberaotenstio piper by Col T. W Htgpi,•oo. in his department, ., Womss and Ue.,•• on "Tbe ('hemietry of Iroebt, sod • timely .,id familiar talk by Margot hottest Bruen* on "Choosing • Home." Mrs Margaret IF. Welch will ufler interest - went oo, the money voted under thew esti- 05 l&furmsttos In bur department, "Glob mates was not ezpeoded by them when the Wornea sad Club work," and shwa will be Government sew a was not actuallyn- otheroowtnbwtiow in prose and verso from .cared, and, as • result, • considerable ear, wait -k tug laexpeadltan was effected. Hsrp.r.s Roared writer.r. r's T.hle of April 20 will The estimates lust submitted to the 'fOntalo • story by H Ruler Haggard, en House &r. sck.awldged by the more fair- ent.ded of Torres as appearing very favorable when ecruuuized. They admit that it is everywhere apparent that the meet rigid economy has tees prmortaed Is making them up. The frnjusnt complus: has been raised Munroe, and " the Backwoods Boy Afloat,' by the Tory press that aupersowuatione mad by Johnn K. `Speen, and the *ones depart- . dismissals were a subtertuge, made simply to .Hord vsca0cis@ In the a.tl sarvlo5, of meats. both Inside and outside breaches, for Gov- Hsrper's Weekly of April 20. wail Mes,tn .roment supporters. If Hurt aocusaties bon o, ma Noe the essential element, then it would be difficult for Ltoerals to deny the oat retested staten.sot that the spoils S. St•rett, and to an article on the An*.r. system was...beteg introduced into Comedian can Jeboel for Clmmio.l .tudiw at Athens. arum. by 10. penneat (:overneneat. But it ea tranapiree, ..d .11 the facts which are brought out and Mow which remain to be s/.Ne..f 10. 1 teeter 1e.Mt*a of produced plainly testify. that the offices M. Georg. lb.rrb. .tpe11 Verb. vacated have hese rendered vacant ib the TO. minutes of the three previous meet- iatereste of economy -the luod&mental principle of Liberal polite*. There have inns wen read, and on motu0 of Messrs. been 42 superannustlo,s and 14 retiring Holt and Dowding were confirmed. 51.101mes made already with more to fol- The- Pamela' report. showing • astisfec- low. The Finance Mutter Informed the tory state of affairs, was thee read by Mr. Homan that this 00ul'w n•d effected • latae Heaton. and on mottos of Messrs. Holt and sans* to the country. And why' ire- Radcliffe was sdop•ed. cease, eft -hough to s few isolated ease, The rector appointed E. Heaton as rec- ve.•.ac... made by odictala, who were tor's warden for the ensuing year. Moved by Mr Heaton, seconded by Mr. Pato, and carried unanimously, that Mr. Holt be people,.. warden. The followteg sidelines, were .t pointed : T. We•ther.ld, F. F. Lawrence, E. N !Aerie, F. ,lord.., .1. S Platt, S. Malmo - son, 1'. Seeger, D Nimbus. R. Radcliff., .1. M. Shepherd, Joe. Salkeld, and Mr. Hinton O.'atotio0 of Meagre. Heaton and Platt, R. Radcliffe and Mr. Eliot were appointed auditor@ for the enemata year. Moved by K Radcliffe, seconded by E. Heaton, that the thanks of the vestry be tendered to Mrs. Holt and M. Davis and & leo to the ladies of the Guild for their valu- able and untiring services to the church. ('iniad. \loved by P Holt, seconded by R'. An• drew*, that • hearty vote of thinks be give, to the members of the . boir for the very satisfactory manner in winch the musical part of the services 0,1 been rendered dur- ing the past year. ('iniad. The meeting was then resolved into a meeting of registered voters for the purpose of electing lay delegates to the Synod. Oe motion of Masers. Dowding and Platt, E. Heaton and 1'. Holt were elected to *p- ressen this 000grev.tlon at the forthcoming Synod. R.,. M. T.raboll then pronounced the benediotioo, ..d the meting adjourned. • meat l0 • matter of ne0meslt* smote, at the Into date of their accession to ...thee, they were for that reason precluded arum .vilssti- 011,og and revising them. But as time titled " le the Tr•n.v.4I of 1877," an *r title oo " 13•sebal1 Batting,' by Norman Mc('lintock, and a humorous cootrihuuon on " Sandboye," by John Kendrick Brom.. There will also be installments of the two serial, "The Painted 1).ert," by Kirk addition to its use&1 features, • sully illsv bated supplement devoted to a review 08 the present muss in Greece, by Prot. J. R ST. GEORGE'S VESTRY. superannuated on •000u.t of age or tnbrm- itv. had been filled, nevertheless the great mectrity of the Aims w vacated were abed - tithed. to the. det•emmetton te e0000mrr, Without prejudicing the sthoieocy of the service the (:ovoroment have had to tr.a a deaf ser to the clamours of their friends for °thee, end resolutely shun the *inductive and ,yell beaten path travelled by their rory prai•oe rors when satisfying the dem.ads •.1 their fellow**. The country ought thea to be wired with • iselin" of comfortable *assurance of the honest intentions of the epi government as indicated by the esti- .-mates just brought down to Parlament. As the matter now stands the estimated cwt of running the t:overnmwt of the country for the next year u toe end • belt mulioas lees than what the late Govern- ment required to do the work for the fisted year now drawing to a clow. It **ems somewhat etnrolar that • covert threat is given out by the Opposition that, by the aid of their fr,enda in the Senate, they may make an attempt to defeat the endeavor of the Government to repeal ti•• Franchise Act. All the more strange when It is coa- sidered what • great sivent•ge this same act gas, them over the Liberals In days gone by ; and sew that tt has passed into poeeesetoa of the Liberal majority, why they should wish their opponents to haus and use this potent machinery which would afford Liberal the esme partisan advant- ages is • matter to be wondered at. There v 'we elemen t In u an overwhelming ('came. •u the members 000stitating the Sem*. The Hetero■ are b3 Co.eervauves to 16 Lit eras. It is the aim of the Government reestablish • 1raoohtss that will be tsar and just to •11. and toe would naturally suppose that the party to be the most interested in the pas sage of such a law ought surely to be the party that bas lost control of the elastics machinery which so long furthered their schemes for retention of power. it seems *widest Mist it would be • wild oars to Pursue in obstructing repeal, or in blocking the Damen of a proper Franohaw bill in the Senate, yet if followed to that end the party are deserving of • goad does of their own medicine at the hands of Liberal of6• *isle. It may be injudicious te adopt the various provimiel franchises es a base of federal representation ; but in the absence of nay better method being submitted, the most feasible plan that reoommende itself as • fair .ad •0000mic one sbosld be .c- c, pled. it is understood that the plebiscite bill will sem be introdeced by the Hoa Mr. Frame into the Hones. Then .r. already certain ream rumors nostmq sheet se te the provisios ooatained in the ■+•assn. It is o•rtaia. however, that apart from ma• a- las the n.oss.ary m.oblaery ter testing the seatim•at of Canada en the adoi@ability of adopting` • prohibitory liquor law, it will be esmplste is ell lta parte mad will give. if earned M the polls, the mesas 4e muds dm desired sod of the abolition of the liquor teethe. Leek*/ be the fates in the possi- bility .f pr'ehibities heosesiv en 0505e- plkahod fees. game 310.10 ee mast be em - in the bill to make op the direst lose a the Deeahi- eoohequer of about IN. 000.000 of reran.• reecived yearly from Boger. It be es sa11 problem le be solved. Iodise% tumbles has been pushed to its lass Kmitn.sd cam other memo moat be Welted to ter Thy the dedett that wield arta bythe of • prohibiter, Orme law. he prat me. s .eeemmris• of life will set eni'4 may greeter •raoMese, mad the ries sass's I.amehs already burdened been s- tent that stsuggliag r •ppsreatly ea the iseresse. The *it e( direst 41043•.. P is bigoted, may have to be r...rW:N 1s the sept of prohibitions Wag as esiarilebsi sad 1 .eerie Investment roams, Llmlbel. 1 within one month teem the Wetter el MI6 reties the acid. The Leedom sad Oster% Is "'taint 1 aa„pany Limited. will M the expiry se •s•* her or se sees thereafter se they • hall 'Mak At,' proceed without any further moues 80 7e11 sed with r wltheet Gni 0owoa ow enseurr.nee ea your • ' to enter In 0 pee .sera rt of the m..y.sr'ntanlrre sed re re .Wve end late the rents tad moths thereof. and whether la car Out et te stoke ••7 I e o sad es Mesmer the pia as alb M.11 fossil and .0..4 04y abeam` of tItooti we he muse either by *mattes et Private Oe Part 1weeksby A weeks sad perils W ptii Prt ' 11"d ortor maw d• saes preper,ead either essr 0 0ea tonne of seven. as Ahs/ Milan* wsol N eenvey sad same Weimer, Mid Amb the ebla 16. se as M erase eW lllast or leselat MC e m* Tere.ee. fhb 1 ;day ne A.". A.D.Yews $s'Mspr Ar Ms s.K OLLee M sof Girt. tta.L(es.Oa ii14. A CHURCH'S SYMPATHY. The following 1e1ter of ■empathy .eat to Mrs. Gee. Cox and family last March was mislaid, hence its publication at this late date. and is that sees the direst ted weeld set fan ler short d SI SO /s. b. .o,., 1740 pr badly sesea y average et Ave p remes to • Is. Uy. At li..emed meek of the ~rant ese.men$ ea To mica. 1.0.0411 eta AND WAVILY. At the request of the Quarterly Official Beard of North •t. Methodist church, Gode. riob, we desire to ooavey to you their heart- fe sympathy for you in your late bereave. e nest. The Board feel that they, by the removal by the Med of death of your beloved bus - band and (atter, have lest • faithful sad efficient member, bet they. with you, sor- row net as those who have no hope, beams* they know that their loss is the departed's Wish* gain. Is George Cox Roderick Methodism had • Debts spectate, of preened)! ohriou&nity, one who would ed. what he meld to lead others to Cerist, one who did not shun to take ep his cream, one always fai.)'fal to the prayer sod elms meetings whish he high ly prised. et* whom rioh esperiesoe was al- ways helpful to others, one who tartest prayers as they winged their way to the mercy meat always feend a torose is the Mame of his felfew-envelMn M the hotter world. and see who. *tore ovorytrim!. Head by maniple the We be profe@ood. Trus, a fen.datioa stone has been re- eieVad-..01st, and almost the lee, link e1 (mamba's, ye.,H.res'• pioneer Methodism whist henmd the past to the present -one who entered foto all the ptsese of'n•lntialve Me.hedistie work with a spirit ire i neo with MAN Or are, has gess to the •l• eo land, but we knew that trestle se s• maw his familiar form. his pore sp,r • t. .rjoy{eg .ssa*►M raptures in the beet.. Ised The prayer of the beard i. *t• • • roe may be divinely east&isod in your .fS •'e. that H.&v riehe.4 bigamist maw re.' pee you till you shall mast the l.,od n... jn.t rase heteses le that lead when tie Asa.% 4w.11 sed the Kai in hie beauty o •a Servant el Oed. well dens Tby Owlets* warfare's pace ; The h&•tts's fought. the rase r wee. And thea art erewnel at lest" Mewed for and en behalf d the 1eerd. Josses Snook Paster. f3 P Rum'. Yi.wesd. Osderimh, M•rah UM. WU Oirwhsi oh4ied s melte •4.M to s O.merse 1&y ea sfg. tee... SHEPPAROTON- TcmeuAt, April, 20. ila Wednesday after the marriage of J. K. t(rtadley sod Mins Kole Gerd, the toasts to tae number of fifty sat down to • sumptuous spread, to which all present did Cusum. The company did not separate till neer midnight, all agreeing that they had spinal • moat pleusa.s Lima. NILE. TutY[1AV April, 20. The following 1s the steadies of t*e seater dtviuow of Nile Publiu school : Fifth clam -Minnie Douglas, Lizzie Matthew.. .Jus 1'Uiott . fourth class -- John Elliott, (:entre t.rummett, Ernest Gtrvtn ; Third class -Ruth Guns, Percy McIllwain, Tom Ryan. 011•-• K. J. Kt ,.i., te.4n01. LEEBURN• T. a.,tAI, April 20. School adjourned for the holidays, the teacher, Mise Mcl:osnel, spending her vacation with has parents in Ashtield. Mrs. Jas. Glenn, of Carlow, and 1. J. Wright, 01 the Point 'Farm, 'pent Easter- tide in Hamilton, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T C. Wright. Grip is rather tired out in this section and has got • partner is 0..a els, the latter hav tog several patients simony the Little folks and young people oa Butternut Row. DUNLOP. Tt e-t,.t, April 20. Henry ',build, of fort Albert, is rioting is onr busy burg. S. Kennedy, from near Carlow, has Dome to bye in Gerbra* l H. Black, of the circular town, is spend- ing his Faster holiday hen. Shag Maggie Armes nog, of «'awanosb,u the guest of her sister Mrs. Philips. Miss \-roman, ot Shpp•rdton, ei the guest of her cousin Moe Frances Quaid. Mum Mary Tobin &ad 34ise Jeanie Green. nt the Unclench Collegiate institute, are spending their holidays at their homes here. I:efore Faster of 1896 the weather was rough mod stormy, and cos- It 1s rough and stormy after Easter of 18. March must hese come back agate to collect ump•ed bill to keep him going till his tarn cones again. The annual Easter holidays with ote new addition of dote for rural sections as well as town school was welcomed with great jny by :he scholars hen on Thursday last. 'Che teacher. Mise Andrews, is spending her vacation *t her home in I;od.rtch township. GCDEHICH TOWNSHIP. 1ta toy, Apnl 20. Walter Hick has been eeriouely iodi.poeed the poet week. The cold poop has seriously interfered with farming operetou.s. Peter Campbell is spending his Easter vacation at hie home in Stanley township. John \larquie hue sold his farm on the Huron road to T. Jenkins and is moving orr, to hu farm 0t the out line. E\i'HAN..E of Ptu,i-o rr. -Arthur Wilson has disposed of hie farm on the 6th conces- sion for the corner property in Holmssville, belonging to T. 8'. Pickard, inoludIng store, dwelling and hall, and intends keeping a public boom to connection with the store It is • good situation and no doubt he will soake it a .u00..s. Hoanc STOLC!t.-O. Sunday evening, April llth, .Dine thief or thieves entered the shed of St. John's church while service was being held and rock therefrom • horse •t►d buggy, the property of Hart Hioks and a robe belonging to James Kicbard.on. This is one of the boldest robbenes ever perpet retied in this part of the omentr7, and al- though no olue to the missing property has yet been found, it is hoped there soon will be, and also the p&rWs who took them and that they may be severely punished. DUNGANNON. Nomas -The local •genoy V D non 4I fir Tnc .x*L t c at the arks. a J. G. In' sea. J.1' , 000007anoe1, to.. who will remelts 01 .fere for eubsorlptlo,•, advertising cad job - work. and la authorized to give receipts for amounts paid for the same Trssi,A*. April 20. The annual vestry meeting was held ben on Monday emoie% in the Epieoop.li&n church. . Mrs. Wm. Morrow has been in (:odorich for enure days past in attendance upon • .sok relative. The electric rm.lw&y which was proposed to be to operation ere this, is to ell apple/ - amiss a myth. Epworth League subject on Monday twenties next, Temperance, Literary. Base - nem meeting_ l). page 8 of this issue will be found •s interesting &seoun0ement from our genial mKO0.nt, John Hiles. EAf•T1cio --Easter Monday, in consequence of • return of Winter weather, will be held long In remembrance by men* ?enema. Ie consequence of 510(17 weather tasm• inn in spring work and seeding as &leo gar- dening aro being brought to • standstill. F'mu t c.•rn.. -Ileus Rumor has a that g0ite • number of young men in this vicin- ity are intending to visit Rainy River Set- tlement in the near future. \\ a regret to state that our bierk.mitb, Willman McNally, who has been suffering from la grippe for some time. u not re- covering as we would wish him to be. CO4IAt.x.'. t\.;. -The many friends of Mr. Holman, who has been suffering from the effects o(• severe cold, will be pleased to know that he is gradually reooverlor. Nonny YRHtg.,:. --Our popular and genial victualer, Joseph O'Censor, has secured • very attr&otitre rig for use this season in sapplytnr his numerous customers with meets. Cola*ATrt.Tlo!.-We congratulate Il. G. Reynolds en his appointment to the Shrievalty of the County of Huron. We presume a better selection for the high offioe oould not have been made. He is the right man in the right place. We win's him the best of *nooses in the appointment. ('..NIYo. •!.t Gotat;.-Donn. the illness of Mrs. M. Wiggings, relict of the late Robert N iggins, her recovery was doubtful Her sons and daughters, William Robert, postmaster at Denville. Perry Sound I &strict, and also inspector of fisher- ies m the inland lakes ea that drtrict, it be- ing some nineteen years since be left ben for that 1oo01117, Mrs. Willam McCabe, of the same plum, James, of Pickford, Michi- gan, • farmer, John, who is an overseer of the tunnel yard at Port Huron, also his wife, alio Matthew, East Wwannh, • member of the municipal council of that township, left here for their respective bones recently, all of whom word in atten- dance during the serious illness of their mother. Pewterer, we are pleased to state that el* is gradually recovering although hopes of her re0overy were unanticipated. We bops she will oontinue w improve In health. AUBURN. Ttrstw**, April 20th. J. Young shipped a oar load of rollers this week A. E. Cudis slanted for Fibre, Miobigan, o. Wed.•aday. William Sturdy left on Friday for Parry Soled. His family will follow him in about • mo.tb. A. Askwitb has sold • small lot off the property be lately bought to Mrs. J. -ieak- big. She Intends to build on it shortly. J. Stevens, late of this place, paid the village • visit this week. Mrs. John Wilson rat prwsat seriously ill with but .lipbt hopes of recovery MOMS. Mane.. t 0014•ha.•r, tie simp- ers, lave .rale get to work They are sow batty Emilia' better tabs. 1,. Wetabaterand A. Veanghsot were 'a the Forest elty en wtard.y beim b.•iewse. O Weasel ham taken the metre* of fie - bobby the Lutheran sheds whom it we be- gun lest P a11: M Y osagblut will assist hiss. Miss L Spruse. of the base lis., who ben been seri•sely gal far the past menet, has es tar reoevered as to be able to be oat •g*h. Gen. Yenaghlmr, the bestehen, bought • 6r driver from .1. Rreeks, of I►o•sybrsek, Iasi week. J. gilder. of Kisea nth., it at grommet visiting hie d•sghtse. Mea iSsbort Askwhb BENMILLER. A!l,rfuex Pi.,.rao D,I'AnTob T111. 111r. -Ws sincerely regret to have to chronicle the decease of William John Hall, • highly respected resident of the township of Ashfield, which took place on last Sunday, the 1810 inst. His remains were ieternd on Tuesday. the 20th, in Deer..non cense- teary, being escorted from bis late residence, lot 10, eon. 9. E. D.. Ash6.Id . by • very large oortere ot •orrowieg relatives, friends, and sympathizing neighbors and soqumtnt' OVER THE HURON TRACK The Ortat from the Local Mill • Weasel laegs.i •f (••.nay Dew. nerved me M Mate e*erybsdy - Plar and Poise t $pp•d nod Cosily limed pas lvery seep**. I{ IT LLETT : Fred Cook mita family nave moved to the .1oho Kitty property 'led cos. of Hallett. Varela : M. Diehl reports having made snarly fifty tattoos of maple syrup tate yaw. Heima11: Rohl. Bell, of London, for 55 Years • resident of this section, passed away 0s Saturday at the age ot 73 years. Brussel . Lounallur Lestherdale's Jersey cow rave birth to two heifer calves this week, but mien unetely both died. Seatorth - Robert Livingstone, a former Seafurth boy, has just graduated .. s 1).11. S. from the Chicago IJenta1 College. Wingbam A. M. Robinson has sold his foundry to Wm. Re.dsll A Co., of Crier more, W,'010(r : A change of proprietors has taken place in the mitmeal mills here. K. tabeoa, loth of the Furdwich Hour milts, Is the purchaser. Grey : iso Wednesday afternoon of this week John Holmes and Slim Rachel, daughter of John Ktahop, uth line, were united 1n marriage at the Manse, Brume's. Clinton : The Carter term on the Huron road, owned by Mr. tet/leapt., of Michigan, his been rented by John Runout. .gent, to Gilbert M1cMtobsel, of Hellen, tor one year. Brussels : Addie Vetoes, who had his left band amputated four weeks ago owing to an .00tdent m s cutting boa, was to Brus- sel this week. He a reooyering nosily end the wounded member is almost healed. (:orris : The (50 worth of new books re• oently purchased for the (:orris public Itbrary 'lave been pl.o.d oo the shelves. The hosed of manmement have decided to purobw 315 more worth of new books. Brussels John Ritchie, who is at Kee- watin, writes that there are scores of people through that Rat Pyritic' ouu0try without money or much chance to earn it. Every- body seems to Mon the lookout for gold. Kgnioudville Mrs. Casey, an old lady who has lived alone for several years, in a house belonging to Airs. Collie, moved to S sforth let week, where she will reside in future with bet son -in law, John Murphy. Exeter: James O'Brien, of Hay town- ship, delivered • monster gobbler to D. Davis the other day. weighing over 33 pounds. The bird was far from Ming fat one doubtless could have been made weigh near 50 pounds. McKillop : A bad accident befell .las. Davidson on Monday last. He had none up on a .ostTold in the barn and by some mean. foil to the floor below. • distance o ten or twelve feet. He es likely to km his bed for some time. Holmesnlle : T. C. Pickard has disposed of the ooroer pro; arty, including store, restaurant and h.11, to Arthur \\ Ilion for • farm on the uth con. Mr. Nilson has taken noeseseios cad will carry on • ',ebbe house 10 0000ecttp0 .1th the store. Seetorth :.Iosiah Tverman left with as the mammoth egg of the season. it meas- ures 7 by inches cad true laid by a Black Minorca pullet of tender age. It anyone can rival this pr"duouon Mr. Tyermen would like to hese from them. Wrozeter - While Robt. Murray, jr , and Geo. McEvers were heeding logs in the bush • venous accident befell the latter. He was endeavoring to roll o log, when the cant - hook slipping. its whole weight 1e11 on his loot and breaking the leg • short distance above the ankle. Brussels : Wm. Kneohtel received • tele- gram on Wednesday, from Hanover, intim- atire that hiss tax brother, Daniel, had passed away, aged 75 year.. The femoral took piece on t eidoy afternoon. 3.1r. Kneobt.l is the only survivor of • family of sixteen children. Hayfield : Several of our young men have left home for the Summer : John Erwin and -John Ferguson, to Cleeland :.lames and Alex. Ferguson. Albert 'Pension* and Wm. W hiddos, te Owen Sound, to take positions on the I;overement survey boat, Reynold; Wm. Ferguson, H. Colloday, F. and Wm Baker, to (.oderioh. Chaim : For some time L•wrenss Cottle, aged .boat 19 year*, son of Geo. Cottle, has hese all inmate of the Urillia Rovi talks - moss. The deosoeed was • mos pommelled •ry, cad this week Mr. Pottle reoeived • of • .main.*.*. of ohareoter, his word be- letter from the superintendent stating the* jog as good as d, 1 booand hod s greet die. t the boy sae i11 and an&ble to attend te his buten...like to se falseness in buten... transom -!..heel dune.. M.. Cottle had no idea that dor, as & in moral statue He was an erssptioo•lly kind husband, en affectionate tether, sod, when to good h, mltb, a regular attendant .t the Prembyt'ri.e church. e( whin0 he Yens . ,•n.,etetea1 member. 10 Gm, be w.• est exswpta• v nitils.. and in the bore...trete. the ohnrcb .°d the locality M wh•-•h he Iired hie I:.ss will he sadly felt Hsi eget was 72 year. mod 11 months The eh@F,..Ies ware om,.tuoted by Rev. K. Fair bo'r,. The Nino.. '4 endow -end f.n..ly have the eympaIhe °i thee mid .urrounding .eig0'arhoed. The dammed was fee seine time troubled with in3rmittes of, and wbieh are sus rindoeed by. mdvwneemeat in years. A Canine SALE -An aaetimi sale of farwm- itM implements. furniture, eta , was held M Tuesday. the 20tb, at the resideoss of James Helloed, Ashisid. 'J'.•edy, April 13. Miss Maggie Boddie spins S5.d&y at home. Rev. Mr. Olivet was usable te 05.1.10 divine @envies en fl.hh•th se •@eeeot et he- isg i8. His Mem was filled at Ra.milVe 11V Albert A. Osmium -It r ear s•is/sl dety M r. - seed the death .t Mn. Madero. who WInshoes : 11r. Tone. MoCaIlam, 5.11 henna is Whghes', it new praoneleg at ('rwli••. (Norio. Beele,40 : Dr. Man and family have sew get essalsrtehly Mooted' is their new hems es Markel Nese Reeler : F. J. Knight. grease, b... hes aag wrier weighs ten eases& Mr. Knight mate to tamer who ma beet this. it@&tertO : Ks&Mr4k was visited by so- other ere early Tssdy mentieg, when Themes Di.ksea'@ .imams Meter!. slimmed le the earth sad of the Mea. was harmed le the ground. the bey e,. eertorly 111. as the letter du not se imil,'•ta, and was shocked on T day to receive word of his death. . ('ai- de left 0i-at'.•.9 1nr (0 1fa* to bring body hems for inti -men'. Cain'°n : The other morning Mei, Maimed &weir.. with a (.rrttliar feeling of illness, and en attempting to make her was to the T4.01111411 of NOM of the boarders she fell n. te•Iloor with week nese. it wee mime time before oho reoevere.l, and then she found that all the memh•rm of the hems wen mf - lowing likewise. Media.: .esief.nee was procured. when it was Ie•rn.d that they mer• suffering from the eff•et. 01 coal gas, and 6v wnwntes mon of dumber would have resulted in the death of every oleo of them ('Fiat•.: i),. Turnbull had oneasioa to me te Toronto last week Ie ennneetion with • p•e.Iiar and I•mentalae sooldest, aid as • w.roiaa te others w0. ablish the etream- st..e•s of the affair. $atria• of hie, timid lag wear Lu'ewel, was sweepi.q . reeen.ated dame .cress • unrest steel lying ea the Seer. Instead of sweeping is eat she poked it cap, and se • person mitht satersll7 de, the bent it between her thumb 0.04 +.got M give it a .rviag from her, bet N low ■p,snd the point 'slightly eat see .f bar .reh&Ifa. This neeessit.tad • ef.lt te as ercalbt h Termite, wbe Need it neves ary to tome.* the eye entir.Iy, mud he stated ;thee this was the third ems he had *meal wfthis two inesehs from sweetly the mine cease.