The Signal, 1897-4-15, Page 5CENTRE, es for faster t , ods : to Beers r J1-4ll Pricy, Curtains, Tapes. proof tht:t in it, 30N. AP ER Sale Price :tie Isle PrIee,10 -nee 13c ' (Tice 7c and tSa Price '.• BOOKSTORE e ;y are sine looking wo sets, but the cue 1nK .wo wings, tic. 3 UN fisc the pulps: tmodetloo, and the R• If this plan is t will be in circular 230 more sitting*. are very extreme,. :ting as ordinary beau .see in Ie. ave been iced for work, and it ie e • tole ague assumed he on lack of .e. lox chorea. here is • rumor go ash prtet who has ut h.dden rrea.ure I. It seem* that akin', put snch a ter. could not hew• r they would he.e a, ink sod paper :1. -a dying man here is buried trto o there to *ad lot. tartan Chemical r., .ad te now.ex Earth, and distil tient in the form t may be that the secret oleo% heard that •t had red by progressive tine for the am been r.oestly re citizen W. trust tle the matter for asten who would Ivory of the dead ,btelning a bag of IODICALS. i Jassy Lind mid Prepared by her Meade for public - Ions Journal. It unties memories is noteworthy si- r we have et her Boring daughter Ott the fact that /ramie sed oven before stagiest is it wet quits :elm . mein arrived. burttis, a seared it/rely* eester(ss with sandal sad id the (lire is n - RIS CO. THE SIGNAL : GODRRIOH ONT.- THURSDAY APR. 1h. 1897. Spring Stock of Dry Goods and Clothing Nearly Complete Never so 'many attractive lines, and prices never so low IpteIY patterns and coloring in Prints -a11 warranted fast color, (,`rum's Best Prints only 1Oc a yd. Dress Goods, all the newest thing. from 25e to $1 per yd. Ready-to-wear Clothing in Yen's sizes at the same low Cash Prices of the other line, pleasure to show goods. Jordan's block, 17th Yank 1887• we ani Boys carry. JAMES A. REID r 0110. TEA. -la (iotterirh township. o• weenie,. goy, Agri Ttk. Janie, re.L, **ted :u years. pEA1001- In Maseptos.. * rrlday. Anrit rib. SIM Gertrude. eldest daughter or Mr rad 11111..1. K'. Pestes tferteerly of 0.10114.1. al* IS) ears a.d a months. yrten,,LiwiH- In Ooderich nee Moa.i.t Il h April- Mary A. Rutherford. widow or the tate Themes McC.eiesh. aged e1 wears aid 1 teethe. SAE TALK OF TOE TOWN • A esslsaalsrs, ee whoever may te the proper et....ri%y will take seek precautions as will prevent filters cavilr in. and thus keep the upheaval of our roads viable the proper hunt. Mi --i. K.xi•. Tomorrow Friday afternoon the Minion Rand of North-Dt. Methodist church will hold an open meting to the lecture room, oommsoolag at three o'ctrck. A good prog•am bas bees ar- ranged Everyone is invited, A ouiiecttoa will be taken up. ( 11.*1.11 .i Stn LI a -,rut week (.erre Wllwo us..raigoed before Hie Honor .1 edge Masson on a cbergs of lunacy. From the Reporter's Notebook. A number of wooers.. were examined in- cluding two doctors. and at the conclusion nt the sentence Wilson wan remodel to 11"1 tell tarther order.. If lee'rr ■ Melee Ia a' ler tarty. 1 rode to test et: • c*i#ra Awg Te Ct,ri: St *MIC tun F1-.11 Today (Than Tanta Sears, u' faits tell devi, the lath, commeooes th- close .moon 1.r pickerel mid all kinds of bar, and the hest i$."-Nrwa. Bret named may not be caught until the lt.th day of May next, and bees uuttl the Ibth day of Ju0e. Speckled trout are pro Noted natal the 'god day of May ow city fathers say you .hs'I not run your b.cl i§ ea the suds walk : but then is no pro Witton .ealnet wearing 1'rtciham's artistic- ally cul sults. Yes. the i io:et ie hers again , It delights us every Spring but bahybout pewee awe). never to return. Preserve this rprisieiinte et motherhood t.y getting Sallow, to photo your cherub., and Ware them tier beton you. Ji I.u.ti DAT. -We understand that the Meet -et risk bus been swaged to: 'koncert to be eves se tie neater of Jubilee Dee. 1:i•rtm Hotura1+ -All schools u the Province will close this afternoon end res Mall) ceased until Monday, April sbtb, at , .1 N . NAM, A nice tour vert poen' se '• Easter Flowers.' we. tont to this odic.. tut on account of the absnce of the wn er's name could aot be inserted. L. -•T m HrR.iN.-Thos. Gundry has sold ho imported shire stallion, Morning Star No 11,R'.)0, to Win. Porter. of Downie township. sed this fins animal is therefore cut to Heras. ANN1. rR•ARv.-- 1 he Weft-I:owe of I,ode- tioh will observe the ann:vereary of their Order on t i• continent by attending divine service to St t:gorge's church oa Snod•y morning the 25th inst. The brethren will meet in the lodge room et 10 .g M., from theaoe march to church led return to their room at the conclusion of the service. STu.i 1. RSA -,.,..-According to As... sor Keed'e mould vont to our homes, we are .1111 inore.Dtatt in numbers and asser- eble propertat, holding our own es regards bathe, and below the average to drat nil 1a cow.. horse and dogs we are not behind Previous Years. The taxable properly Is A50,l33 over 1897. and the pepulatioo r shown es 4,017, an lacrosse of 2.51. IT HA, BORN Slt.rNT The bell in the belfry of Koox church has been silent the pest few weeks. and its stlenoe shows the kindliest of feeling on the pastor and 000• rregatia% towards one who for • ose,ider- able period was dangerously 111. We are A,•c..vea SCALL Attend the cheep sale ogre out people will ioi0 with Tres sn•v 41. of McNaughton', bsakrspt siock of boots ie tAl hope that it may sound cm Master sod shoes. It is • nice (dean stock : • lot of worn, end while heralding • risen Saviour. Dew roads teat opened nut. Don't miss make known the glr.d tidings toot *tokens this chance, all must be sold. 1 t .e passing awy. A 11 1. A.' ii41 T Uo Mo.dev, Robert My CAN.IDIA, Ho MS -" 31y Canadian ;ohcetos, while working at the tag. now • Home " is a patriotic song written and net to buibi:og on the harbor *eland. struck his magic by our townsman Ju. .a Touz-1. foot wi•h en adze he was using and made • The words ars in E .,11ieh and French. and had -ut that will prevent hilt working for man, days IT - Rrit.LT (..nn. A short ettend•sos a: • rebesrsa of Pinafore left tbe ,sorer the air one the" will sure. y become popular, and it should be in the home of all true Canadians. The song any written many years ago, but until a few weeks sine the coo that it will Oe toe bet estertaidmsst. renter and cnmpn..r could not be Pam ever given in (:edert-•a. as the shortie u to have it published. The piece is nicely excellent, and the soloists to keeping with printed and may be oStatoed of G. W. the chorus. Thomwu's at the low price of 30 cents. A ' res Kts.trl -un Palm iaodNi Tut. Li. IV• F, .....,Tina. -last week there were large congregstiene at St. ! Victoria Opera House wan well filled, the fated s Ili. Jane W. (,,toll, a prnmtoe■t I noo•rion being the annual entertainment of Indy physician of I;ofi+lo, sang at mo. sod 1 the Soon of Scotland. The leading feature ...sten Sim hes a cnitsred sad es eland- 1 of the sienna was the appearance of Mise toc!y sweet vote*. 1 Alexandrine Kimsey. who rave a numher i, ,r Hoe.. -Tb. Lu A. ('aliens'. I ret retains. meet of which roocereed the !!(r,e. Woodl.ws, bee bops rebased by tnbsbitents and the land North of the pe Tweed. Interpersed with the readier§ 1tidr.w A. Yvan', ret 1.a hoColborne uwwhi0. I were choice vocal sod ioetrumentsl numbers and es the new °weer is a thoroegn horse oven by local tal.dt, su,ong welch Miss tone, we may expect to oto Wood's we well Str•ahan'm sweet .Notch songs were mach to the front this leasers. admired. A St -A merchant no the A TR,MI' 1)...ty.-There is a rumor wive .ugae•ts that Me sewer, if pommels, ironed fists 15 ' called a• thea rumor inisce be awed behthe the mores to prevent Afg of a clergyman reeen•ly and &eked for • wouldu around the Slone and sham that he br skfa.t. whieh was duly /twee. The be Tidies ie peg hie share of the trump wail then shown a wood pile sad ma expense caned dM the cAang. of plan. ed to cot It, which be did. reoeivioe fe psy- litr .Irrtkrr. Rt.:tst1T.-The Rank of sent 40 0051. and a thiole. A few mote Mon•real has agreed to receive subscriptions aim; •fserwsrd. anorhor tamp called, eked to the ('anedian Jubilee Regnant fund. for Ain bre.kfaet, got it and then eked for Amount. will he transmitted in Montreal some ninny 'no money was reinsed.vehw .free of cheese) to the credit of the cam- tramp V• i. 2 said that tarp No. 1 bad mending °Doer sad second to command. been Liven Sorel Pie rev Ceotleataa Il' R `TRgar' --It will have been sottoed answered that No. 1 had done some work that on those streets where the sewer pipe' and ben paid for it. whereon the rine w sed tried to strike bile, bet ts. tease'. Ueiv*rsity *anteing was sew to the fore sed tramp No.2 was agate laid low. When he rem for the seo..d urn be made etr.i(At for the gni., egad is now .opposed te be mating hie way 9eet. telling his obsess to give Ossi►ertois the go-by. e, " COLLWO IATI 141.TITt Ta A4,10. - Tb. liedersob Collegiate loetitute bend bold its regular waling en Thursday week. Mesa. ben .11 prevent .xtopt 1)r. Urs and 1)v. Taylor. Minutes of last m«ting read and approved. Moved by J. H. Colbar... 5.o - traded by Jac. Acbeeuo, their Mar Mc(7a1- laws apt:Maai= for an increase st salary of $s a be granted. Corned. Mewed oy F. Jordan. seconded by J. H. Gibers., that ibis board ooncurs with the opinion es premed by tee W bttby board of education in disapproving of Sec. 34 of Higk t&oben Regulations regarding so lexicon ezpeedi tore for models fur drawings, etc., and fully 'adores the rebate gives by teem tee deep- proviae of It. LITIKOaY So, 7RY.-There wr an el - tallest proprani presented et the Friday ewe6156 meting of the Collegiate Io.tttota Literary Society, In tact, for variety .ad talent it hes rarely bees equalled. After rediae the initiates, and a abort address be ,'midget Fred Holme., the following new bees were given ; Piano solo. Mos Farrow : reoitstiee, H Maden ; into. Wm. Stod• dart : ('ollegiats Ins' i uta .Journal, Miss J. Dickson : election. the Mandolin Orches- tra ; rc.dtog, Mule M Straag : recitetioo, 1) K. (:rant : reading, Mir (:outte : solo, bites Mose ; recitatioe, Mir rumor : question drawer, H. I. htraag ; reading, M. Pisan : -.oft.0 . Mise Ferguson : solo, Joseph Doyle : National Anthem. Si*DL' DEATH. --nominated'', April 2 Yesterday afternoon 'Y. Goode, who lived about three miles from town. was Mickel' with paralysis. from which he died early thio moreiog. After dinner be and his son went out to the .,table to feed the ranee, and while his Doo was in the loft throwing down some bay, he beard hts father c.Il to him. eau it was with difficult s- he.000eeded in getting him to the house, where he lapsed into unconsciousness from which he never reonvered. Up to the time of bis attack he wee about in his usual health. He wee oh* of Darlington township's most respected tareten.e. d was • life -Long Conservative - Mail and Empire. The tl' Goode referred to above is father of %V C. Goode, druggist. H.•N.IRF.i• i.y FKtrsi-• Last week .1 A. "ulfivmi, of Guelph. • former 1.odenchite, we banqueted by his many friends in that city. The gentleman hes since left for lin- :ago, and it w.. his intended departure for Office not later than Saturday that city that wooed the gathering round noon. The Copy for changes the festive board. '1' be ampler was gotten sent be lett not tater than Mon up and served in the Royal hotel, end at its 5 SASSAFRAS BLOOD Amu STOMACH BITTERS THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. • W. C. GOODE, DRUGGIST. . AI:R1rT POR IYtivlNl. 6TOclI1--ROS*L.t!iD Div. Co., lie ; AND HOLD HILLS CO. I:JC, SPICIALLY RECOMMENDED. FOR A GOOD SPRING MEDICINE OR TONIC - USX{ - - - DUNHAM'S COMVOUND EXTR%.'T SARSAPAR.ILLA WITH J()D!DES NOTHING BEITt:R : LARGE BOTTLES ;ydic. l''.M. D1'NHAM Chemist and Druggist. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORtr.i For yto or To Rant. sioossce. April t... ter. . Fan Wheat told*. u 73 to 015 i Flour. family. par cwt Mour, paten. per cwt Bras. 0 ton Short... ton 2neto 251, 22:.to2S 11 00 tor! e0 14 M tpl2 000 Oats. n hash 1: to 0 1' Plies. s bomb.. ........... fl t to 15 /1 O 1ito0V Old Hay, ton Potatoes. •.boob ............ Y Pi••• % Ratter. ---••• Rees Irene thwacked• dec. Wood........_ .............. Hides. Pelts Lae) b. elk ins uve Hoes , Dressed Hide Bacon.. FARM FOR SALE_ 1 am Instructed to otter for sale one of the heel IW acre fame in the County of Huron situated within 7 miles of Ooderich The farm has not • foot M. waste land on it sad the roll u • rich clay loam true from all obnoxious weeds. The buildings ars first clad, .-cos:atlog of a O 12 to 0 12 frame home with prose foundation and (te11•r. 0 - to 0 • kitchen. woodshed and ail necessary outbuild 00 to a Sn Imre. A frame barn, 2.1z34. and cedar tarn. 30 a m ea 5 co x50. all in good repair. sate .'o there are two acres nf orchard. 1 he farm • 030 to n , . 4M•ton50 ('bees NW lh has been in grass for the past twelve years. and is situated witlin a toile of post -Melee, 5 ass to 5 lW school and church. 0 t9 to o l0 11 is fenced by an almost new hoard fence 0 10 to o It around the trout and side. and the balance by U ro 0 11 rails. A spring creek and wells supply •bund brances now on the property. mice of water. No enrmm TO ADVIll1FiTISICRIS. Price II 1100- - For terms and further partienlars al+ply to Notice of changes mast be left at this conch:woo ail .diourned to the parlor when lay noon. Csanal Advertasennents for severe! hours toast and sentiment pre accepted en to noon Wodnesday of wiled. Among those present to bid J. A S. each w5ak. f.rewell we. M. E:., one of our townsman. Michael Cray. Mt. Sullivan made a net respeoaS to the toast of hie health and con - eluded by saying that since his advent in t.nelph be lid always tried to do his duty. }*.fore his departure het reoeived • nicely worded address from the members of the choir nf the church of ( tar Lady and accom- panying it was • yen handsopie locket. A TREAT FOR rut PI 1',1.1.. - It u 0011/ Dome tea years ,*nog an opera was pre- seoted in t,nderiob, and on that mantes it sae given by proferioo•la. fs "'1he Mi- kado. We are goon to have. for the first tame is the taws s history, an entire Performed b0 lodel talent only. " Pinafore, which has delighted th mon it wee first written, will be given 'on 1.1 )tee meet to dote the estate. Tuesday. Wmdne.day aid Thursday eves• MUItRl ON. Saldtor for the getate. . teat _ Inge, April 27. 28 sad 29. by • cast that is-eGODLrR1(H L RLING AND SEAT - Acheson AT• eludes most of our beet t taloa•. Eva ISO AQSO(•IATiON. Acheson will be " Josepbire : Miss M. The annual nwstieg of the shareholder/ of li 11 " Buttercup \lir )1 Wtikineos the Ooderich Curling and Skating A.sa•iatinn Ji d has been prat is there're Sway place where the teen* is tee or twelve feet wide and the observer will have gees that the wide gip§ were caved by the earth o•visg 10. Ws .all attanti.s to this Oaplearat feature i0 the bent thee e.seoil. ..aglow or end be had not teen geoid id the wok minister saying le had W was worth tramp No. 2 exiled him • liar, but before the veer of the .heirs l.0105ge knew where he wee he wee knocked down. He •iuiokly jammed ap, reeked at the trestle Dlslnfect Your hostels, out -houses and premises genemilIy and keep away Dttr*Ass.....It w111 only cost 2-ic to '0h• for each householder.... Butchers ahoul.l have the ^owner for their .hv. and .laughter houses ....It will also destroy all moths sad other hoose vermin in Carnet, Fars, etc. NEW GOODS • Ta every line -just received --at prices to snit ovarybsdy. • • Everything New Everything Modern A. McD. ALLAN. s Oatds. D ?DUNS LtAb1.WAT. Mixed Pall And Express Nixed Man and &sprees a.smrtrg, L9S Res• 7.t0 p.m. 10.30 p.m. Mail cod digress Mail and t.prsn 34 x••.1 0alAiT. 5.m 7t p.m 4.t, o. m 1Ptttslte Nottos. + L L ICTSrANDIXG AGCIJL NT$ C1 due Ih late John Stewart. s Nurserymen. of IIo.mUMr. must be settled on or beton the a . • Hob. : lame. Thompson. "sir .1er.pb wnl be held In the l'•+urt House en t ■y .venlwa. ApHI 12tb. at o'clock. L. A- HL 51 Porter " : ('. R Edward,. " Ralph ' : E. A. 1t; cee.eerr.•. les Fens, Koarswatn ' - (' K. `bare, " Dick Derds'.s ; .1. 1- Le Tours), "Carpenter's Marr -. ; and a large chorus of ladies and gentlemen, with . splendid orchestra. Reaotitul new scenery and-pf.odid new oostumes Imre bees procured, and the ',eb- be will see the entire production ei.veo in erepa3ran•ms oa hand. a complete maonrr Ire Fmid Tan ' ;c gas taking Met altogether, and this makes It est klw Willoe's Iron Pill. for the bei t the largest undertaking of the kind lesion and Browns Ba! SPRING MEDICINES Now is the time to start to take your Spring Me ticiee. *larrap.rillas of every noreable make and all Mood and system Some forty reon..re I Tr Witch Ha,si cream for • u 4amp . ever given here. *am fee COlde and Grippe - -- - _- -- - Rinse your docto'• preacriettone and Tuve M .o.nbaruaTinTt. IliittPla!'• itot'nlaee. ISS ANNA 1.. •HAW. TEAM= s. ('•t1a bat reared Inc adjoin• i them properly dispensed. _ - ---- - ---• MISS • Steele and MOM -.. _ _---- - deed leg farm of 7' scree from Mrs. Lamoat ter - WILSON'S LANK. Issu OF iIARRIAOK Corner Elgin •04 R"e the urs of ow Fest. pR) CRIPT)r) STORE. V• i.leeesee. Ged.slrlt40nt. %tf 17 ooh tlssliy Ifxesets. !a LOrres k. RANI Y. , Mar 1. 107. tiodrrlcb. Ont. "VOR SALE OR TO RENT -FOR SALE I` or to erne. the dwelling on Nelson et. at Present occupied by F. tlma•th. 1t ountains F. rooms. Including drawing room. dining room. parlor and kitchen. and hap • libraryy a onmbrr of closets. pantries and a goal cellar There is half an acro of Lod tastefully planted with shrub, and fruit trees, and en excellent lawn. Apply to F. BIIKETH, e• the pre- aiiesa. 10 -lm VOR SALE -LOTS by AND 70 C' Hutchinson's Survey In the Town of Ooderich• epos which ie erected a nice dwell- lrg b.a.e. Alec lots numbers IS and 19ltichti Surrey Ooderich. .ontaining 2 acres. upon which 1. situated a comfortable house. and there ionise a goad orchard. Also the Gat belt of the North half of lot 2.1. Lake Raogo Concession of the Township of Aet,ttcld. western division. Dated nth Aep'emh'r. 1Xrt1. Apply to l'ASALMON. H4)LT A BOWIES. OoderIeh tib t t VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE -situated in the nest businewi centro in Ooderich. The property eoinpriees two dwellings. One well-equipped grocery ^tore, One up -to -isle machine and blacksmitt, shop. Reasons for selling. lark of railway aconin modatien. filar tit!. can D.- given. A splen did chance err the right man. Apply to I'. K. r*TRA('HAN ea the premier. SI-tf \011 1S THE TIME Tc I ',ink of a SPRING TONIC. VALI,'ABLE TOWN PROPERTYFOR BALI -The brick re.idenee overlooking this river and lake formerly occupied by the late A. MacIlerniett req.. Master In Cheaoery One of tee most valuable and deairablepro- pertiee in town. 2. The two-storey frame dwelling house on (4uth street immediately adjoining the Itrit i.h Ezeb•nge Hoed...1 present occupied by Mr..todrew tt-,d.trll. :4. The dwelling house and 2,1 Inin:ng grounds near the O. T. R. station. formerly occupied by the late Judge Toms. Prices sod terms of Dal ment reset noble. ap 5l; to OAILKOW S PROF UFow"- 70.11 iohc,iors, Ooderich. There ere mea) good ones. but nose .i0110 et good as Our 11101 TONIC BITTERS The Season for Colds le ✓ ot over qct. We expect to el; tao,. CHERRY PIILMONZC7• during MAKI H sad AYnll. than in all the rest of the Winter. J. E. DAVIS t 1'hm. B. \de.lical Hall. Agents Wanted. 1('AN EMPL(►1- FIVE: 3d EN AND Idlee to work at home. A goal thing, with geed salary tot pokes. T. 11. LINi- Z Termite. Out. _.-___ wE way to haedie reteb/Mbse trade 1 this county. l &sadism stock guaranteed t0 live. 1 armee- est paate.. Whole or part time. Liberal tertns. i cu ran make ten .collars • week or better with tea for ricry N••rk you work. No ex assigner ::,,wear'. sabW)T =MOMS coxre1TY. Coat:neumal Nur...ru». I Oi;UNTO. (INT 1 -:cm o - IANVAl3SE;RS-"QUE:KN VICTORIA : Her Life and rt.ian. has cvptured the British I' metre. Kstasordioary testimonials Isom the great men : rend for copy free. Mar- yut. of Lorne sa)s : " )he test popular Life of the wtero 1 have seen. Her Mennit wends a 0*4 letter of apytrectaticn. nenlog by thous- ands : gives enthulastie statists. tine. Canvas- sers making $15 to gnu weekly. Prospectus free to siresic 'rev Bit. u.I.Rt•OAwatt'T ON Co.. L 111• Toronto. UOt. ISBITS F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL - AND - SASH, DOOR ANI) RLIm) FACTORY, 1 take this opportunity to Inform the public, that 1 &metlll in the business not withstanding •11 rumors to the contrary. and am prepared to do even cls of work homy Inc'from m•klog a window frame to erecting a Satan bundling with mansard roof. )etttuatos furnished sad eontp•tition iuyited. The furnishing of building material, such as shingles and intoner •.t.cialty• F. SMEETH Qoderieb, July ith 1$97 Loan and Ravinirs *o•littfi(I. Tr Di NOT WHA'*• TOO EARN, HUII WHAT YOU SAVE, MAfiL4 YOUst4'B. THE HURON AND RP"'CR LOAN INYKST*E5*TC( MPANY BoLtriromm.-Cameron. Holt and Holmes Dtwanyx. -Internet Compound every es months at four per cep•, per annum, on some from nee collar upwards. , Depositors *111 find it to their advantage to a*mo and see us. 1.OAN0--May he secure) at may time without delay on the security of approved desirable property. Katmai n n.oderste. Applications received by the Manager or whetters. The Company's oetne are located on North Street and. Court House .S.luere-opposite ilt,Ro! Snavat. ()dere, HORACE HORTON. J. IL COLBORNE. Manager. Presides*. -- - Milasl<o. COLBORNE BROTHERS GREAT SALE OF' SS GOODS COMM EN CI1ST G3- ON . Thursday Morning, April Ist 9 AT 9 O'CLOCK, AND WILL CONTINUE POR FOUR WEEKS.; Everything in the store in the shsay of Dress Goods will be put:stgiale Prices -nothing either new or old till be reserved. We must raise $1,500.00 by the first of May, and take this means of doing it. Remember, this it a genuine Cash Sale, and nothing above actual cost will be asked fqLpur best New Dress Goods, both plain and fancy, is coloredtand black. We have a lot of good, plain goods that wlWbe offered at about half price, and 6 robed Dress Plecej, silk embroidered Trimmings, at hsaw his sale, as these goods mast be sold. ice. You will be sure to get Big Bargain OARPIETS... CARPETS •• Nn ,ucstock eyedtern isGOderich, 3-Pl! tt Janne; ante•gty ynaltl+it Stock.Ri-l ,Tat-y, SPIyAll ps,'l-1'lyAweek: akes std s ops. 8'read •ttbnntion i. r alIseI to the new Arminste*r makes the finest ever pat on tie Canadian market. Carpets made ailed laid W. wsfa car (largest hada, std if .laality, quantity end price go for aaythim*. we ought to gtit2lt. COI.,BORNF BROS. rimsJ_ S. 00:-.80R.14311,, Tlie (ince Cope Wareham of are .,