The Signal, 1897-4-15, Page 111 gut . L1CT y• . , ar. " I and big and I get going down hill you're a high roller exican Dollar take an ant ' Station ' me of certain stampol regulated by the deal - d of by the malls/ac- worth. t your actual valve in ./+I?.N and eighty cents each other -fifty cent ar ' stamped shoes -a sl the Silver Dollar ; clay," etend to be pnoney at ed by the Minister the purchaser's first cignaturr, which tells of an unknown and he Slater Shoe,' which The name and price ;ale of its ra/w•, and )ngh to r•nrder:0 it and old comfort. .41 is not the dealer* value to the 'nearer. ' shoe. and the stamp dollar ' pair, even if never make gNrt mis- lllar. Hill ; " but a stitch le leather changes he ' Slater Shoe.' wing, it goes forth on Shoe stamp, price or er as imperfect goods. these faulty grades them on the credul- it)re ' Slater Shoes,' or 'fa/ dollar hill if I ance. tan the mere fact that 0. T. Slater & Sons, Mlles a dealer wanted Slater Shoe brand on in quality or price. )ple to call in, from el the brand of theta, beca!ise the wearing hrough the moisture elves. They are as aplion." a " Slater Shoe " what it is worth to OOds. offered by the lanced but not good enough 'r, with the maker's rare offered for sale at the current price R t'l,Oney--beiuii/, e Shoes 'sirs not pd in this place which Intern article. n, that store is I again. Its 04110 N, Jr. DE STIJRE ional THD LAELADING} TJ 1wspAInE : OP HURON OOTTINTTY. FIFTIETH YEAR. -2617 ONE DOLLAR • WILL PAY POM THE SIGNAL Fos Ot.a Ya.aa. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY APR. 15. 1897. D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. ,aw ADVERTISEMENTS APRIL 1' tied end Irmo P►yw--J. H. Worsen 1 y Slater Sloe.- W a Shawnee Jr croytyoat SsIf-.1. T. Ateliers a H •11 1'apor-Pester'. Beek Metre 4 gr,/sees Fitt title -Mrs. (Mtn, Cox .. Was Slowly Dyiew-Fulford S Ca Beater Rapers-Herth Bres. & Cs A dgpaty bad eel lose 81ao. tele m. that NEWS 0I' UN sleeks were fairly teabltag ever each Ifi OUR OTTAWA LETTER., e 1 What la Going on at the Capital • • M •. AlNevent Offered en the Iterate en 7 See addresi-glew the Mvleclel siert ff *lees may wa-stem. Clifford Nr - tee sad ab Utile A me Wanted. IITANTBD-EGGS 1100I THE SAL - fl •.ce of yens Dried Apples. We are S 0 ; M Ttely sot crew a .c. 0;W For Gals IDSES FOR SALE -A NUMHER OF hires of B. aro for lobe Terms res. l a►le. AVM esle Mita, a ( X. Briton ale Roadhi it sltusttiooa Vacant WANTED- GENERAL. SERVANT. Apple to Mille, A. a. ►ICRTm DOV W AXIE4)-AGOOD SMART RItY stout 16 y urd of ifs. wasted to learn aerating Apply at this ice New Maohlne troops. NBWat IMACHINEBHOPS-ALL KIND et Repair work dem at Priors Fanning l=}lemmata formate Mach- tsery. oew sad Nessa het. bought sad sold. gmrltes and Boilers get,wand --Hates Sid ets .. wa a�r}�s a and Trafalgar Streets J. sAaCTii>RL C1MAN. er-u TOD.8014all Arne to j FKITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST, e1 . Hot and cold baths n. premises. Iles foan•.ug.•hampeelag and every other require molt carefully attended to. sod none but coa- pter: hand. tsmsitwrd. %V 11 tem' old stand. M c can . new lliioode mixt door to British Ex chwiee Ilotcl tel-tf Notice to Credltore. `' OTI E TO CREDITORS. OTTAWA, April 12. --- Contrary to geoor•1 sxpeot ta•a, the debate oo the ad- dress ended t• rather • d*Hereot manage thea was anticipated whim at begets. No attempt was made by the leader of the Op• pMistoo to off.e say amendment thereto, sad is tkiag that mauve the veteran leader dteplayed • wartime§ uncommon to bum. Party exiresoies compelled him to adopt dodging tactics. The feint to attack the Government pnitioo was made principally to affect the approaching general election is (jusb.c. The attack was, however, de. liveried half h.•rtedly. and ended to • fiasco. To have forced se issue .t the point of • want of oos8deaoe motion must, of le the ewflrr of Chrome Murray. of fee I'il• trent or at. Heine. ins rt. T.'.rwakin of N . at 11'oweauas aa.! ''sear., ..i hero.. •:. semi /try/east. iA Mor. Notice is tereby given that the above aimed debtor tole madaan.esillurneut to me. under the pro% intim of -An Act re.peetlog;triltm- meats for the beneat of Crew:More. beteg .bap. I2t. R.8.O.. iferl. and smeedtneuu A meeting of the Creditors of the IAA Mete or will be held at the AJt1.. of P A. Mosconi los. sollelter. In ,.or .1;lage of I.tacktrow County of Pence. at two o'clock to the atter Donn GU Tuesday. the 13th day of April. A.11. lei:. for tbe appointment of Io.pectoreend the gnaw of lereotlose with reference to the dis posal of the este'". every perms elaio'1*R to be .1t tiled to rank 0o the estate is requested to Turn-sh to mo ash• y ouchentse S case admoved ire of, evit and Luckaow. Marchortn, tfer. Wail. CONNEL:.. Assign.. ether in his d.p•rtwleot. la several oases I know when three or even tear Wigs of ons family •re employed is the public serrine Tim r • gleriss evil watch' Delle foe • speedy remedy. A. V. W. LOCAL NEWS IPI BRIEF When wdl tike used pipe steed. What are we aellag to do on Jubilee Day We had two robes of the beautiful ea Friday. Chrystal is preparing boiler No. 3 for the pumping house. There will be the usual ices in St. Peter's. S Sloso shipped SootIeod yest.rd..* The river m low houses to be put up. Tb. sewers are sow her as Welliiagtoa-sk We shall b•vi to wait for the bog bass story. A boat owner states that freight rates are anything but cheerful. E. L Itiokeosoo, bor4ster, of Wis,hem, was is town yesterday. Th. r..idouts ot We.t-.t. ere ready for bow*log on 1M gross ('sptua A. M. Shephard left oo Saturday to ossume commend of his boat. There will be an At Home .t the Collegi- ate 1wttWm.hortly after Ebner. It you want to be commence clam at Easter, you most pay the printer. Martin tiro- , of Port Albert have com- meooed tobring fish to Goderlch Remise mediae of Huron ('hapten No. 30, R .1 M., next Tuesday evening. The manager of the Kenalnston Furni tare ('o. says they are fairly busy. 11 seems the coming Collegiate Iu.titote At Home will be worthy of the pupils. And soon the assossor will let us know how much he wile ,.k us for to the fall Town wil be morning .vine in St. I .eerie s tomorrow, Good F ti lay, morning. 1 orders are com+ng in slash'. and then is a full employee list at poi knitting faculty. Before putting up your boathouse, find out if the logs are to be boomed in the river. Toe tows laborers have been kip' busy the past few weeks tilling up • number of drain breaks. W..ley Fisher has completed his ooatrect with the Public School Board to supply 75 corals of wood. The 1:xterioh Organ 1'i. made • large shipment of their manufactures to the old Land this week. -1 he North America'. Chemical Co ship- ped .- can of Rise'. Pure Salt to various potato yesterday. Every lady westing • dress Collorne's dreg goods sale goes at cost and under. It '►semo as though there was .not pinch etaktaers among the little ones as the school attsadenca u up to the average. A carload of race horse. were .hipped by G.T.R es Monday. The .nimals go to take part at the Woodbine meet. flood Friday oerv- • car load of peas to h to &How best• open o0 West -et as just two menthe oecee§itg, have embraced the Catholic mmireot settlement to its terms of settlement in its terms of censure. The Opposition Isadore. otter thew meeting to poem' cau- cus, Cully realized the extent of the di- vision is their rook and file, to re.pect to the vexed question, sod that apart from the Quebec coctiogeet then was a serious de- (eotios upon the matter •along tbtr On- tario followers. Of the inherent weakness end discussion emoting at present in the Tory party, those outside It frequently ob tate a Femme. it ie • fact. otter& empha- sized r1 late, that hearty co-operation and united purpose does not cad cannot exist among the Conservatives of today. This asssrtirn will apply sot ooly to those is l'arli•n enc, but to the party at large. This state of offals has followed, as it usually dote, epos tbe heals of • crushing defeat, !hi it is • ooeditice which cannot be oven, Owes in . year. or perhaps to the next de- cade. To say unprejudiced observer of the present political outlook, with • fair retros- pect of its past history. the boastful word. ot Sir Charles Tupper, uttered sot 'c many mouths aro, that the new Administration could not survive the present session, fall upon the err with the empttnw of sound- ing braes. A. apt illustration of the old aewre, " whom the Gods will destroy, they first make mad," is well shown, i think, in the case of the Cooasev.tive party se at pre -int organ,zed sod led. Two provincial re..ra1 elections are now in progress one is Nova Scotia, and the other 1n cors°. The former will take piaos em the 20th inst., and the latter three weeks later. I: u geoer•lly telt hen List Quebec will moo strain return the Reform pert' to powers and tbat Nov Scotia will decide to retain her Liberal .duTrhtration for another term. I tbink • predietion may to made along these lines with every osp.'esoe,end the final results will show to t . world that Mr Laurier is Premier in- ,: • ed of Liberal Canada. The election re- turns trete the recent contest in Champlain county. plainly reveal tbe trend of political resets in t jaebec Province. es strews show how the wind blows A Tory majority of 376 only nine short months ago, cut down to within one third of that number no Wednesday ,set, is significant of the Md.- pendwoe of the eleotor•te of t; uebeo in spite of prieetly interference or influence. A victory in • juebec would deal • death- blow to the food aspirations of Tory leaden Coe thisg is plain, however. that Liberals erre sinteber': magnanimous to the felleo, but reredos' foe. Then m no usdue exults - tits over the oostinied successes that have added their weight and lustre to the 'egrets gained os the 23rd of June. Having wao- med.d °bringing about • pesoetol revoletios of afl.its in the government of the country, and lowing ushered in •'sew we e1 so much promise in oar national well-being. Liberals can afford to be grsoiess to their treatment of the fallen foe In Wm trait of our t.nliti- cal character lies the enviable contrast. Our opponents km by it. Our prestige gamin. Oar success as an united party waging an homer warfare os behalfof ib. fanner, end the artisan sad the laborer, ls Moo grasp of asmbise and monopoly relaxes its hold epos the country with the wase of Tory power. Yet with all tbe forbearance displayed by tin Liberals. goat eateries am heard, on all ddems, wiles • Tory oivil servant u supersaturated or dratrmed. The fall of the little axe produces m•lediotions and an abuader* of or000dfle tears. Spookier st • bsegaet gives by the Re- form A.seelaties of Ottawa oo Thursday w eeder last, Hoa Cliffordh to°.ie mister d the laterite, s.lice 4. had isill*tod ertios toof is •dmhtdat+OMslf the affairs o1 bb depart- ment. He was set to be dastard by threats of 'future rewrite. or dismayed by imprsmetems from the Tory reeks, bet would de his utmost to pleas him depart- ment 'Soros amid stemerie bosla drlle�ped�� capacity sod fem. eight in him weep of political sffair5,l•sd bin txerative ability marks his es me of the empest mars of Ike those. The little axe in his deprtepnt has fangs to aha =best of as reseal etdm/ te the oewetey of messy thorn& r1 dollars. and be her reamed the .Nggth et hie el.gie.t etas. The re - dirties dirties liar net be.. made for politled rea- .ese for, strange to ..y. some e1 the few Literals baro hoes retired where these wee fossil so west fes ties= be do. Whoa the Liberal party wee Mrdeemed eafremerewee Is st et of 1872. e missal expend Civil Sewire salaries was, is reed figures. o4.1 edhe Mee rseof -trrf forma the egpeadtteere hod bees 1.w+nd to 11.- 4(;0,000-sesrly d.sbbd. im it to bo woo - gored at thus that • sharp bve1ltNle• d this .isms d the eseaal forartesats was sad., sed the owlet of the Mtge axe is board la the? rho past elghterk yews days ban boss salols sed �bamgess-rs *06 bon nisi WornWorn NAM* boots ed Tory sed .,,.i owed way brash d ahs doll aerobe. The hardest work. whin 1wa111• Midas of tba bad a prime. wog he bow Mar hrbes andeet Me dephowaial .s.r.�se No vista* I♦l Shpts mai day. Propertp 11110 sale. • ► ' E ANI) D '; BLE R 't' 1 F. UF. IR! l•roanM for ..`e tin Galericb.--Mn. Out ('•• % often for sale the homestead the We fir,,. ('ON. situated twee, opposite the Collegiate ioetI'Ule. on Britanala hood The N contain ?rowing awl are wcii 1ai4 out. containing choice Apple. Pest ai.d Plum frees. (Magee crane 11 varie ties anti small fruits of all hied*, a large lawr variety of shrubbery. Ins House .0 • two story frame, on irons found.11oo. Rood stone sellar with naivete flaw. and is need with outside shutters. etotm windows ane doors. It enetains minor. sitting room dance room. 6 bedrooms Ii upstairs and dewn•. lacoem. hails. closets. weary. sta. woad and coal shed. stable avid other out Welding,. Abundance of hard and soft water elm waterworks service. The place is in wool repair There is so better situationwill b sold Gods - rich for residential proper t- 011 reasonable term*. For further particulars apply To MR8. OF:O. (XXX. ea the premises. 17-tf THE oa Methodist caterer ou the weenie of UISTR1C1 • tal• Ire 7tb cert. He inhibited • large somber ail skies mad ether our•cetttes sad amused the large • idteroe with • another of inter mum storms. From our own Correspondents Mere 1. Iefermaas5. Sere Tha* Cosset be gonad Asewbere glee -gem. of the typy mgr rlal s Sepereed M The weal. BLUEVALE. Tcn.DAT, April 13th. Rev. Mr. West has socepted the call given him by the liluevale end Eadie megrim/s- lims. The Lade:ties wail wake place oo April 20th. Mus Miser Abram. of Wawanosb, is visiting her sant, Mn. Joke Msodon•ld, of ;he Koyl betel. F. Proctor, of Kinburn, bas bees engaged for tie Swimmer by Geo. Mol)onaid, to week to the cheese factory. DUNLOP. Ti L.DAT, April 12. Mus Aline Cummings returned to Chi- cago Saturday last. 1/r. Hush Hyodman, of Exeter, was • tranateet visitor here Tuesday of last week. Oo Friday last Horses made tbises lively for residesu outside the imam. While here he was collared in the close grip of two windmills winch he kept Io motion all der and was completely tired out as he did not blow Saturday or Sunday, taking his rest more cheerfully than the teachers or shelters their weekly boi►deys. Stolen. I • iKSE, HARNR�i9 AND BUGGY 1 sm:M from Keithh church shed. Ho meevi►h, on BuuPay, April Iltb. A good- looking Hal Mare about 10 years old, bind ankles wla e, tall had been rubbed not 'set year end grown 1n best.,since : was shod all aruu,d . would weigh &ot 1(:• power, bed Moe lot of hair on n lege. or kernels &ad had blinds and aide check. 1h- •addle strap ea right heed side was 1. ellen and tied up with tie strap. Bloodier s rap from traces was ales broken.. t tied with tending twin.. The hujry war a nide bar top. made 1-- Sohn Leslie. Clime... had name aisle o ed spring. leering painted eta- sad t.od% a. sod was purobseed sew Iasi :Mummer. •re wail also la rig 1 Goa( iikla robe 1 Wo. • dined Ilufklorobe.l rubber mase rug. bad en tore and mended with black Ihr 1 old horse blanket twooes lmilt mbaake) d bees Mrs la frost and seeded wl.b pave of rein bag. I whip. bakes sear top and mended wile goose 4x111 and was end. t he Wei is cap osed to be a slight bullt. smooth shaves teas .heat S) poorly years ; : age. dreamed. and tela, alert teat bas a encase dare way of t*lkl*e yon would think be was as Amert•as• A reward will he paid so &aroma Weiss Isformstlm tear will rad to armee of thief ee recovery el Prayers Wire Lay leetrsotieue to THOS. U(SloKY, Ooderloh. 148_111 81a1ee ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF FARM PROPERTY. Ica Ike ]f fir of fks estate of Joke tk'dliate- see. derriere Tore will hs seN rablh •.Odom a1 MLI • anon, is the toasty ares, y ora Kam. section err. • gs SAT. TER ith DAT Of MAT, M . at lin ores trees. the 8.81111.: Masada v is 1 he West half of 1st Dealer 17 ts tar third e tosonss d the Termebip el iWest Waim- e a*. is the Chase, of Hume. contaleine 1R sores ef lard. This lot M dt.serd within • low miles d loess • Hm.L Ie the vp.ea. d Denga should go to Everything Mr. Carr, who has leased the Hoicks homestead, 4th moa., has moved thereon sod prepared for Spneg work. MOvap.-David Prowse has moved from sear Hayfield to the farm which he has leased ea the Hitros road from James Whitely. Welter Carpenter, of Dublin, formerly ot this township, has moved back to bis form firmecly knows as the Dugan property and lately vacated by the leseee..lobo Hood. i,NuTa ER Otho ResIUENT Goss. --Ito t1'edt.e.d.y, April 7th, at the resideooe .l his nephew, Joseph MoClnsky. Mips passed away to peace and .t • good old age an old end respected resident of this township. The deoessed, Jamie Tens. was • Presley testae, and • quiet sod Inoffensive man. The fuesrwl took place on Friday and wee followed to Matt/and cemetery by a number of friend. sad seigbbefs, NILE. Tt s_ DAs. April, b. on Thursday evening, March lltL, the home of Joseph Hetberiogton, Colborne, was the scene of • very pleasant ;tethering when shout forty of the members of Nile Sunday school took possession ot it for the purpose of spending • few hours watt till family sed expressing their opprect•ttos of their bast's earnest labors to the pert and regret that he had touod 11 neoessery to re- sign his position in the school. For teeny years Mr. Hetherington has been • promo), rot tactor in the school's prueperoty, onto• pytoy the position of supsrtouodeot end. latterly, teacher of an important Bible clam.. But (settee the weight of veers be - e motes to press heavily, end having onerous dunes to looel preacher and • lass leader in the church, he telt ,t necessary to retire from motive and constant labor in the Sab- bath school. This fact' led to the gather- ing above referred to. After the last guest had arrived the pastor, Key. .1. W. Prow. was called to the chair, .od an excellent program was placed in his hand. After e legise and prayer, the chairman called up on R. Melte•io, secretary ot the school, to read the address, sod il:ss Vella McW hie - my and Mrs. .lames I'Irvin presented Mr. Hetherington with Matthew Henry's Com- mentary in six volumes. To the address Mr. Hetherington made a suitable end 1..1- .1g y the s reply. plw- A ss ddrs•e were temp h superintendent of the school, .folio 'Mates, the juotor ex superintendent, Wm. Baib,e, and Mr. Hethenngtoo's successor in 000nac- lion beth the class, Richard Morrow, jr. Readings by Miss Potts and Wm. Watson, and recitations by Miss Rusk and A. P. Sheppard, the whole interspersed with musical selections. made an interesting and profitable program. This was followed by. refreshments, after which the company spent two or Zeros hours in soca) espy - moot, as d left in the early hours, wishing their host sod host"' many years yet of comfort and prosperity. Below is a Dopy of THE AI l Ates. To Mr. Joseph Hetherington. DEAR Sin AND B►.rrHKR -IV., the oth ono, teachers sad members of your Bible class, regret exceedingly the cat:anists/cgs tbet have necessitated :he severance of your coonmotion with asses our fellow -worker and t her is the school, end embrace this early op ortunity of expressing our esteem of you as • man and our appreciation of the many ex ellen' qualities of head and heart that have distinguished your intercourse w:th us in the past. As a friend. we have always felt you true under all circumstances, • men whose coun- sels were wise and thoroughly reliable. to whom we could speak our minds freely and receive your warm-hearted sympathy and ready wmtaoce. As our teacher. you have always shown • deep Interest in .ver•thine that tended to our moral. intelleotaal and spiritual well- being, inculcating the truths of the lesson with such earnestness sod kindness as to show us the importance of a I'bristles lite. and give as • greater appreciation of the bleeped Book. which is the fosedstion ot all our hopes. As • Christian you hart shown yourself thereegbly ossmsorated to God. Veer blameless life. sanest lobar, liberality and Christ -like demeroor all modiste to increase in es all rovuwos sod love for the religim of our Saviour. We have always telt your example to be • safe one, turd the hfluence you exerted snob as must prove tee r.aiity of at' Holy Chrbtimity. We ask you td accept this Bible Com- mentary as a .tight token of our friendship, eaters and gratitude. We do not regard it sS is &a7 moose commensurate with weer de sorts or our appnoimtro et them, bet simp- ly se • small mem.eto of pass att.ebmests and • pledge of that freeedshie biter's us that shall sever die. We pray our Heavenly Father to Walde your footsteps through all your fumes life, epee up year way to Iaere•eed sssfal.se§ in His service. sad make ror life bright with, the shining of His ewe Divisor pretense, so that when life's eases. triumphs, sad 'show are over, yo` may bear Him say: " Well dem, geed mid faithful servant, outer thou lora no hey el the Lord." helped se behalf of the OSesrs, Tanbark sed year foram Bibb slew Join Deaow, 8ye§i*twdout• R. Meh.w.ns. tie=gary. OOOEN,cH TOWNSHIP. Taar*ay. April 13. P. Glee abal, te.rbrr, 8. 8 Ns. 2, spat ttaeoed*y sad Moniss last es the essmt7 tows. Teem Assn•. -G. H. 9o4.d, the Obri. Ii.. ssldlur ton lima Mein, braret7 bressnbeser d Mesa Dania, Msegd lo A GOOD APPOINTMENT. R.O. Reynolds Sherif of Huron • ren rep.lnr Apt»tatme■t l'..Id net Vlore area lade The eeleet4a e1 ■r, aet..ld. 5. la the t■ terms .1 the ream. FOR some tine back, owing to the tadrmtttls of are, Sheriff Gibbous, one of the few remaining penmen of the Hares Tract. bad felt like retiring from the, re- I.ponstble position which be has ocuupted for over a more of years, but had not •culte de - oaided to do se, until the death of the late DUNOANNON. Nvrtca.-The moat agency In Dusewa0oe for Tug Mee et h at the aloe of .1 (1. Ward. J.1'. oo0Tgaeoer, an.. who will norive of den for nbeoripdoea advertising and Job - work. and 1e authorised to rive recomte for amounts paid for the sante TrEM,Al. April 13. James Goodfellow left here last week on • proepeotive tour to the Northwest. Subject for Epworth League meeting on Meeday next will be Emilia Lemmas. C•,,%AI.L' •I' -11-. are pleased to be able to state that lip. t'. Wilton. formerly me'Imer, who has been ill, to grndu•Ily 1.- ooeenng. NEAKL.% 01,11 LETS!•. -The buiidiol which is being erected by Thomas Smiley for. drug store and doctor's office is rapid- ly drawing to completion. The contractor is G. Bigley. Cos t'AL*"CIN••.-t1• are pleased to be able to state that Mrs. Wiggins, Mrs. F, (;leo and David Sproul, all of whom have been very Ill, are through means of skilful medical treatment an(' good attendance of friends, gradually reouvertng. Several men were enraged a. the organ factory this week, and the staff, iocludine the office hands, now number sixty. M II. Johnston is putt -ig a new froot in his .ton on H•miltno-ai. and so that Doe may nos it be has pulled down the verandah. Notwithstanding the reports of sickness wooer the children, the school attendance for Mareb was 525. almost the normal aver- age- Oo Saturday. 24th April. at Knox's Auc- tion Rooms. New/ate-et.. a targe quantity of household femur*, farm implements &c. JOHN Kroh, am -Simmer. The Henderson Ricycie Co is daily re - olivine 000entelatieee on the excellency et their wheels, Common Sense. and Harm, trees all parte of the Dominion. Nhome s suer o In tows for Colborne sew,, up-to-date dress Brea. are showing. Nothing above poet asked wad mom• sold under cost. The contractors, Mol..res and (;old - therm. are placing the maternal for the Meneestung Park pier on tie Bach and in • people of weeks they expert to Wein its emetics. While dogs% statute labor with • carpet beater babied theaters en Wednesday oven - Mr of last week Chas. Blackstom 1.11 is some unaccountable way and se he leaded on the hard ride of some brinks Mose by he received • severe shaking rip. However, atter • maple el days om8m•r est, he is again able to take his place m THE Sem AL stag eons the worse for his experieses. Chaim News -Record : The report ie ear - rest, and from ear idermation we have rea- ms to believe it true. that Deputy Sheriff R. Reynolds bas hoes appointed sheriff of Herne. No more popular appeintreent amid have bqe made. True, Mr Rey- nolds has twee • Grit pattiean, fret he is well 141give ul b. qualified ler It� sad we be - While Hoye will give ,oumr The News -Reeled does sat like to part with mob • worthy faiZs•er Grit (levera- mest official se hat speak is the at the sans thin ex Rolando wi11 pees • weeny seemeenr. [lasma�mi. Ica •bore Mewegep wil bVold estelet M a la ali whir r.opsets Ib eoedltkose of nh will es the sssadlart oosdlttoes d tb HUM Onrt d Justin TZRMS-Tia per root. down M the tlm• d sale, an *be Wean within los tam•sk Mega e mir. For farther goeeeW��ea�1•es apply to J. M. Roberts.req,. Degressisce, or m e the usher men* OAirStA011. HOLT t MOO. tR. ♦miaeflr isbotans, Ordetrw. n t▪ xilIi =ti w ea aim UR- Off w Smola 1 *owl Rabb/ Is seed waded I! WI cleans.. Jwh. (Mere boo heft mos 110 fetes. d win 11uRI. AI.l InoN .,t1W ATOS -tin Fri- day last in COM( gumbos of a• cold cap amused by • f.11 of snow and seven frost, fun cad .now shovels were brought into requisition, it being the third lime since apparent Spring weather set in. however, the snow did not remain long nod Spring- like weather Pow oinvaile. Wm. Yowls, who bad been one of his sureties, tipsily determined hie tonne of mottos. 0o the death of Mr. 1 cuor, the Sheriff made up his mind that he would not mousse longer to othoe, and within the lim11 prescribed by law for subtitutiaS • surety, be forwarded his resiguettoo to the Governmeo t As coon es it was known that Sheriff l;ibboos had resumed, .1.T. •:arrow, M. PP., pommeled the Ileputy Sheriff, 1:. 1:. Rey- nolds, for the position. believing that the public would be beet served by the appoint - meet of a man who, from a thorough train- ing, had acquired • knowledge of the duties of the office not simpered by that of env public official in Outarto. io this action he received the hearty endoreation of one of the other members for Huron in the Legislature, and as • result kir. grey• sold, received ponce from the Provinoml Secretary's Deportment Monday last that the I;overoment had been pleased to appoint him to the °Moe of sheriff of thu County. Tile SI.%.ti takes this opportunity to congratulate the Liberal Government on the wisdom of their choice. No other name that could have heen submitted in eonnec tion wttb the ethos would have been as grwosfully reossved by the public at large se that of Mr. Reyiolde. Ho is well mod fav- orably known throughout the county. sad hes the confidence end respect of everyos who knows him : he his worked up from the foot of the ladder, mod hu woo his way by integrity of action and business ability : and his selection is looked upon as • eonces- sloo by the Government to the independent opinion, as voiced by the Patrons in their platform during the last election, that effic- iency and knowledge to perform the duties should be the critenon in the tilling of pub- lic office. and not the political " pull." Mr. (:arrow, kl.l'l'., on Olin point de• serves the thanks of all independent men in deeliog with the question. He hes been al- ways s firm believer in thl polic} that the public service should be ti ed by men best qualified for the various positions, and bin pours,. in taking • bold stead io favor of that principle when occasion arose, by this appointment of the`tnan whom he believed to be the most cap.bte, i. deserving of nom • mendatioo. We, with ch. !Deny friends ot Mr. Rey- nolds, congratulate bins on his well-deserved promotion, and hope that he will live long to enjoy • position which he isso well fitted to 611, and to give • serve* to the people of hie county which will be second to that of 0o other county in the Province. , EAT ATTKA..TI%1:.-Mr.. Anderson, awe canoe to Mrs. C. W11soo, has • very excel- lent stock of the very latest styles ot mal- ►tonery to suit the most fastidious of the tats sex. Mise Mountjoy, of London, is o aslant in the establishment and comes highly recommended. The millinery shop looks quite nohby and attractive sed we presume that all who havoc Mrs. A. by their patronage will be well satisfied. Cosl'WSSer. -At a meeting of the mem- bers ot the district i.. i1, L. the following relotioe of condctence was unanimously carried To ram . Wm. WIIB. art. DEAR MADAM, -11 IS with feelings of deepest regret that we are called upon to offer you our most sincere sympathy in your sad bereavement, the more so, as m tour lou we aro hags lost „a worthy brother, no. who was long • leading and medal member of our society. Hs was just to all men, and by his well known goodness of beset endeared himself to all with whom he became a sociated. By ittdu.try,honesty and perseverance, he amassed ample means, and we r.joioe in testifying that his liberality was characterized by unusual discernment and justice. He never turned a deaf ear to those in difficulty and distress, the outer - tenets/ mendicant from his door woe never turned empty away. and now our esteemed brother is gone where we hope and believe he will receive his reward. We now pray that the Irvine Giver of all good will com- fort you by menacing your ens( and in as arttog yeti to become reconciled to the be- hest of a great and .11 wise Providence. Signed oo b.h.lf of Dungannon district L. O. L. No. 317, by ('HARLL4 i1t'RNIs, I). M. Wit M.INn'as, W. M. Jos% Boo -we: J..uss JOHNSTON. i/Me., we misses teems of him, and the bops that Mr. C. 1. U. '1'b. k1l.wleo an the tople§ far the eli1- ferret yawed people's eseis1os which asset during wit weak : Nosib•et Methodist shorn R L at C F , Fr.day were' at 8 dank O•. Apr)1 16n, "Polity of t4. Methediet ehwreb," by Rey. Joseph Rdt -. QttteeWu ilr.w.r- 1� Marsh Y.P. R. C. R., Tonder - vas - bag M $ dried. T.p4. taw Apr'l 70M. •• DIRweN blade e1 Deat4. awl 5L. (Jes- qualm of Wm,"b Rita Bak w VberM-et. MM.dIN amen R I. +/ C. R., leldey .,acus w e dries!. 0•• %POI 16th. Coed Frisky. " The Cease," M' Ibv. Was. fledwks AQ w eoedWly Wild 8knee.+ 'ben •pati•$-, whin w bdfi h the b rads Of Mr different .belies, 84*5.i • from Ohre assiaMs w ls.Mad to Ica prom* sed will be warmly wolsond. COMING AND GOING. D. Mid/omelet left oe Teesdav for Bufelo. Mn. Attrill •rri-•ed home the past week. Will Gusdry see away Fiat the past Robert 1: Reynolds, the new sheriff, was horn in (:oderich forty-one years the. his father, the late Robert It. Reynolds,h•v- ing been s prominent business n.ao and town clerk. He received his education at the Public and 1:nmmar •ehools and enter- ed the Sheriff's office in 187P, as iumier bail- iff. By 1882 he had gone through the vari- ous wages of promotion until ne was io• stetted es Deputy Sheriff, • position which Ise has held with credit to himself and bene• fit to the county tor the last fifteen years. Mr Reynolds is married to the second daughter of Ther. Hood, one of the pima. ren of East York, who settled teem to 1829, and has resided for 68 years upon the present homestead, within five miles from Toronto. The new Sheriff is • pro- minent member of • number of societies, and is addition to that has taken an active • interest in the various athletic circle.. Ar is a devoted adherent of the Epiecop•lian uhuroh,taed • good typo of apt'ight Coa•diao oitizeeship. week. A. S. Chrystal was in Baden the past week. Gos. Core, of Heamsll, was in town ea Friday. Rd. C. Attrill Igoe returned from Lee Asgsw, Cal. M. C. Cameros, M.P., is is town for the grater vacuities. Mrs. and Mime Nellie Garrow have re- turned to tows. W. M. Sinclair, of Rreesels, was is Goole. rich the past week. C. Pennington and ('hes. Harbor were io (Medea on Monday. Jae. Wilford, ot Blyth, was ie the ooaety tows the past Friday. Israel Taylor. ot Clinton. sower! town 00 Friday. Mr. and Mrs Coleman, o1 Sealer h. were .t the Co.iialam the past week. Percy Chilton arrived at the parental r'e.idenos. K.et-.t , ce Friday. Mrs. Seiteley Hays and 'Madre, of Sea - forth, were is town the plot week. Mr., Mn. sad Miss Msleewmou bave ro- taesed from their Wait to Florida. Phil Mertes. of Resins, N. W. T. , ar- rived boss. e • holiday visit IAN Friday. Mrs. R. Wilds loft tow's on Saturday far Dadph to visit ler seek relative, Mn. Pal=er. Remy Naftal lels last weak fee KIs.sr- dine to take a wraiths lo bmkke.p.r to while he was reeentlt appaened. Rrssdm Harry The lose heed the A. R. Roberson fares. 1} nine Woe of Oros ads, mid will normo J.e.. Mr This will reals bum ' peeet ios as baker at (bmaslast ''b.enue•s bakery hat will Aron Me ma h carps for sad working no inn was in the HARBOR AND RIVER The sunken are making their wa% up the river. It will soon be is order to fix the, bathing hoses. Sees big strings of perch were made roe week. The Cambria and Caroms will run hen We memo. The boiler was planed in the new dredg- ing tag last week. A new roast ham bees placed in Lee's ' chooser. the Craftsmen. Cat.tain .len. MoOosold, of the Kollar., W ill drawee his vessel is green. Contractor K. Sherrn•s started the .lean• Moe to the power house last week As yet there are oo signs of work bets, eommeseeel on the breakwater pier. The God.rioh harbor saw mill is cutting op the logs left over from last emeriti (;apt. Beater *smote to hove his hosts in radioman for the ammo's roe 1ng •c • week erect The large leanly of herring fry is the harbor has brought un the animal influx of sea pierces. Tie boats owned by R flask sod D. M•rwiok are Iho only sailing otos finking from Ibis port. The Salons ftp (loose. Rea Gall and See Quota left last Thursday for theta ,tate., es the Georgian Ray. The fiaiist beg beds built by Mathes, kedged by its lises,will be cas shapely • erste as these ke es the lak... Tb. tans Evelyn, Soo King .ad Seibold date nolo sews ICBM no wane, but se tar the snob is hal.. *..'seas Whelan : Kabinet, the Ntslo ela.*5tw el Dec. r. Daws, all dens sone .fain at ire beak pa of the maw, os Saturday, y onSaffer tad srtebiaa assth.. es the 1018 b..L