The Signal, 1897-4-8, Page 7BAER WORKS.
upset/ • a....
ate .f
Yaws. Sheat Item
eta, oto..
try Cestitt(t•, ec.
s hod this. Fittings,
omens, Glob. Valeo,
bare, 1. jectors sad la.
.a Hsod at Largess
Steel Water .ad Hog
amore and others.
Ipepde.t t,.
3. CINTST•I...
R. Dos 11. (lodes -ion.
:s 1shf.
& Boas
klub et
.1 every dwriptto.
1 L Specialty.
Iii ST. E..
M Red
▪ room even.
het of the NUM.
eters sad Owiftet
✓ ow Aarsa.
lr. 5 and 6
rear. Pauaaiw
Wafts. mideseldladain
011011111111 MAID glare .Ila ADD
roaralfs WAS C0NTISCA LT 11e0al$D
yes - WAYS to wa1 a TEAT tea OtICLD rdmmmm vas fa001aaOLD
Trow The Bars. N.Ots*e.
Mr. sad Mia Robert Stew hila. Mea
,..,dant of the township el 1110wt ler a peeve..
Mat three years. himiles eat* et d in -that time
ore faded ton estaees e1 all their neigh -
ewe Fee sax years provisos t. {hie time
trey bud heed i. ule.weed Sprier. Cole-
man, hod 1t wee dung their rssid.sce
then that Mr. Si... wee attacked with at
atom' that wade bur hie auser.Wo tee
pose To • reporter who remedy ►uwr-
viewed her she told the Idlowt.a story :
•• Dania the early part of ear reside..* Ia
I natl.esd mesa Dr. Witham.' Pisk nut
lee several goetthe, end the result is that
they have ,looted • oemptot• aura and I
sr new iambic the hest of health_ 1 ons
aware yes it is • From relief le be tree
frees the •mmol* thus made my life edger -
able leer se meay yeah .ad 1 have to Walk
Dr. William' Ptak Pills for seeeedlaa
wb . dowses fails.
De. Williams' Mink Pills sot dustily up
ea the bled ad renes, bedding these
aesw, aid thus driving disease teem the
spew. There is se tremble dee is either
of them mases which Ptak Pills will mai
erre, sad in hashsds el enema they have te-
etered pouwa es health after .11 other rem-
edies bad felled. Ask for Dr. Williams'
Pisik Pt►M and take webby eget The gas -
oleo are always swelwd is hoses, the welt-
npper around obab Wars the firm's fall trade
mark, " Dr. w inhere Ptak Ms for Pale
People." May be had frees .11 dealers w.
seas postpaid ea reosa* of 600 • bon or 6
bells het 12.60. by •ddromiy the Dr. Wil-
liams' ilediche C.., Brookville. Ont.
film was dtllieg rap etrwifkt le • etwilffiti•
basked shah
Tine weasl • snarl 1a Mee Weis hely.
T. w•o't • smith es her thinly thews.
Ad M req hoe was halt of dlenea
Whim I drew ease is this shwa tele,
She seddeely rumpled bar shining heir.
Ad Cropptag towo " a • Map" .+ the
Delilysd bee veins to wall most ewe
Tern an about 1.530 theatres in Ewen*.
hely pen-rtag twee than Lay other coun-
A goes obtetus his thaximum height at
testy years of sgo, lied • *meth at Gley
Pimple wbo sell newspapers in the strews
of Mestew are compelled to •polar in uni-
O.s is every ton E.disbmes suffers with
gout, sad • dieter says it i0 because they
est tea mach meat.
The M•s.Mb Cavo in Keetucky emceed
probably deserves, the repetmUOn of bang
the largest d the world.
t•olotedo, ley tutees first Cain. ea. At the
*she every two or three weeks 1 would be
otWhed with a psis a my stomach. Mer
ea it greatly increased a severity. sad •t
those woo se bad that I would soma= .load
with ton pais. A doctor was Galled a, but
the ealy bseedt I ever received from his
treataat was through the isleotim of mor-
phine Into my ars. as • result of whisk the
would grodually pass sway. The
Mils* wbioa was gores me, had net the
slightest effect. •d the deafer appeared te
be greatly perplexed, •ad thereafter the
atrially resorted to injections of uerpbae
whes.vir the •flack .hese en. These at -
Mika at botorvM until our ro-
tors to Canada. whoa they iscroaed is tre-
queen sad ate.. -ell The remit was
teat I grow very weak. sad my whole eye -
tem appeared to be giving ,gut. My oom-
ph/inn turmoil • yellowish has. mid I had
lithe e c so apatite. i.,atterly I would be
attacked with f•isu.g apalM, proceeded by
musks ks of dazzlasaa. 1 bassi utterly ea -
this to shed faeigaw and .meld ei k
the greatest difioalty perform my Man-
hold duties. A hetet was called in woo
treated me for some meads* without ben
ebbing a say. Then he gave M what 1
new know to as Dr. Williams' Ptak Pula,
wad after I bidwed two
some -
week hotter. 1 thee
Myself wed ao.ttaeed the teahouse I
found that the pais was gradually deem. -
ha. 1 held yet rest sad sleep .t sight,
width had hitherto been almost imp.esible.
'shiwa nests .. this .sees.. ]• ts.uerna
Usep1e1. sew Yost.
reale.- Jetts 11. Meant. 1r. t).. hewers►
sie nrm.ii I7. Beller.. Ho.rwtd, New
YeMI. writes : "1 bare wed •l'Reawilease
fti leenesi is sheet° this di...... eanslt
Rehash. and •Mtle.te uioerstios ai the
leg dim to MriM•itee , end ales is sappers -
live deestatiels. 1 bare Mead it m he .:
.d.wries„ sad esseedsr it • very- god
•' New. what r the atter, my pretty
maid ?"
•' Ive d moire M r. the deiefuUy mid,
" And 1'E le.m-me. as b emente as bee
seems can be,
Fee Hwpty. Despiy •ad Itiddb Ills shite
••7lan'. Little Boy Blew who tad t0 se..p
hides our layman,. and tall sheep.
H. isn't my friend lase nether dear
"Did tie" my lair in this twist se Isms
" And the Ung sail the Fiddle, Wel left
ata, tee.
Who the baby ipso • woman Row:
The 1Mah has helloe away wnb the Speen.
And the Chi ►as stayed at the back of the
Moos !
• Th. Li tele -Old- W maa0. W he. Swept-dm.
I. caught 1a bar cobwebs high and dry:
And Jam and his Bsaamtala0 1 menet Gad,
Star 1 boron to tierce's my Edell.
1t is mid that t mw can live comfortably
is Japan on L7 a year. which will pay for
beard and lodging. and that many live ea
The swiftest bird ko,wn to naturalists i0
either the vulture, which u said to make
ISG miles an hour, or the F.Oslisb kestrel.
welch can probably equal, it not excel. this
x yea watt the stove tight
• Large ♦a..rtmeat et
is theme hom call at
Teo wearing qualities of Parisian drapery
are tested with mud. Any on tat %has
cream stand the inileenee of mad beteg
thrown upon it, is imtedi•tely throws
weds as useless.
A .sates ler the esppreesica et sosodal
bee tet boss started at losterburg. in East
Primes. Eery ooaodslous story spread is
the tows .111 be traced. Out the ortgtonter
prosecuted by the society.
E.rtbworms are said Dot to poems ears
or any myths that ma be celled ,web, aid
yet ors peculiarly eeesiuve to vtbra1i0a*,
both of the air sad of any solid so5t!nme ea
wince they may he placed.
A talking watch was remedy es asb1bi-
noa to Parts. It has neither lute ser heads;
and whoa you want to learn the hoar. you
place the tirru-pioce to your ear, and the
ou is • melodi-
• minute u imparted M y
est whisper.
The latest result of pbareroeutiwlameo
sad the best modern sppli•aoes we availed
e l to oompoanding Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Howe, though half s-cs.tury in oziMeswt as
• md%e. at to make somata
of the ale he
It the a ta.dard blood -
•11 cuntt nese
• Corpotatione have no seals," M • mute
older ezpreesiOs than most people Mayas.
It originated with mar Edward Coke, the
great sixteenth °eatery Ise ee, wbo ta ow
of his treatises, says : " Cerper5tbas cannot
commit trespass, o0r be outlawed oe 5130m-
mnnlmsed, for they bee, ne soak."
1MrpOwtiss --
warm U.
Mr. W. E Med/time., Ea/Wad's great
otseest•s. east : •• l believe it go • goad
reserol rale to allow each porous to jade,
f,* bteeslt whet hes palmetto (Mould be,
and whether he .hell follow thea.. Hot at
the same tame 1 esrmsetly desire the aaiw-
ten•nce and isorease of the rural reale-
ties .f t his ocsatry. cad I mimes is all ear:
wits that teed towards that teethes. 1t is
• blessed thing to Live a the •yo el adore
Kai ta ths elms light of ht. 1 hien been
• t.wnem•n mea of my life. bat I •m •
rural as, sae el the .oaotry folk sow, .•d
it ie • great esjoytaat te b• tree iron the
feel rivers, sea the memos of smoke and the
dachas= that everh•nao many of oar great
towns and to forty the sesame that le
armed se, the light tied the air God has
rives as just is the war he gave than. It
will be all the bettor for doe ..amus the
utero we o0. maintain •d iaerease the rural
lea of the land." It is to be regret
that young people who live os the farms
•d in the vitiator of Ath.nt do not do
petiolate the adesst•gee tees sappy
Mr. Giadotoo0 sad heats of others who have
boss brought is contact with the dtsadeso-
tages s• well se the adveist•aea of city ldf.
M.ey most marc from the co ads now
to the
cities for tae sides' geed. bet
In the oltim would hays boon happier and
batter off bed thy r+msissd la the oasatrr.
Your, people should seriously eeseiJer the
question before they death to leave their
oewatey horses •ad Ida --Northwesters
Cbrutita Advocate.
•'I wouldn't he scared -tot • eines mite -
1f tete Bugaboo I should soot to -eight;
The Bogey M•. 1'd be gad touse--
Bet they'll emir, ne. never rets' Oath to
" I watobed in the garde law night at
A fiery favor to fied, but -burl'
My taother is cellist -don't yes bear 1-
•• Yeses ldbs dm't sit se the Geer my
Owsg to the d.nand for " pairs" that
are well matched, the b!soking ed dyeing
of berme has become quire so art. This
artificial coloring, however, too hews it-
self, aid trequeotly therefore the harem
have to he " touched sp.' Feetan•toly the
Meow is sot in soy way hilarious to the
Aso0R the numerous sapersti aoi the
Cossacks. these 1. none stronger
belief that they will ester bears is • beater
state If they are per.oaally dime at tke time
they are killed. Ce.sogoeatly before as
expected battle they porters their toilets
wih ourepuleas oars, meelves is
abw garments, ad put on the best they
Teo M5Mbsb. with -wham we have boas
mein war is email AfriGa, are f amt 1
• raOe ledigsow to that pan
try. 851O.gleg t0 the Zeta stook, they
the dousesd.sts of • warrior mos called the
Zimbsa, won .se dews from the north is
the early pert of the .evewteeath ..story.
after the Portuguese had hem for two gen-
erations is possession of the Orae distrtote.
Hang hayo called teem the Huns of
Seethes Africa.
Apply • little 'Qaickoure to a pimple, or
A Doted puska says that the .easel of the
wtruateat is marred if the hew } left
.loos to th. wall It shoed he ae least three
hobos away.
She -Do yea always asksewledge it when
yea knew you're wrath
He -No -ails whit other people lather
After three years of successful
work we open our Bicycle Livery
again this year. aa,Iid trust we shall
have a season equally succen.sful, if
not in advance of those of the past.
In addition to the larger num-
ber of Bicycles for hire we have
this year added a Tandem, which
will no doubt be appreciated by
those who desire to go in couples.
All kinds of repairing carefully
and rapidly attended to. and a
vulcanizer has been secured fug the
rehabilitating of old tires.
The Teaching Academy will alto
be maintained with its usual effi-
Remember the old and reliable
Prised -Doss your wife • otot you try in
year work1 ohms see bee at your disk.
Hoo..ya-Y+s. she Gose ewe ell 1 write
stud hates .11 my jokes .boat wives.
Papa (ranged)- -Well Coushatta, d•ttgh-
tee. I've Meyer, is all my Life, ease as sett,
. mewl as idiet as
ymag Paddiagee-
Mame s (+phelhal1y 1-1 lap
C.wstte-W ai M there be Amor to
thy 1
Waiter (seder notice to 1e•ve)-Ob. the
mese as easel' Tough oasts, leatbsry fowls
dewy beef sod Isvutlw matte.
•• I understand you rood for • whole hoar
1h the doorway bet night teatime to the
plieees•a, Biddy."
Sham, you wealth t hem as .bread
there fee 0a hour and my smith', ma'am
I @appose you have forgotten that yea
owe me tea dollen.' said Phase, severely.
No. 1 hves's, retorted Wilber.
le lave done so, het haven't sae000ded as
yet. Give we titra old eta., sad 1 will.
Is • church in Dahlia lately the .heir was
'hided during the siegiag of the psalm by
appearance of the organ -Mower's head,
who shouted oat-
' Sing bk. blazes ; the bellows is
bated 1"
" Bog pardon, sir.,' observed the tough-
leekin, waiter, suggestively. "Gentlemen
at this table usually -se-remember me.
" I don't wonder," said the ctoemwr,
sordidly. " That mag of yours weed be
btd_to forest.'
And he picked no his bili -sad stroild lei -
sorely is the eireetiee of the cashier.
Aa Irishmen remedy brothel Were • J.
P. for being drug. was asked what s:ones
he bid tor hemming intoxicated.
' Seven thews, your hence,' replied the
• Seven names ''-
" Yes, seven. New, 1 do't mud tale's'
yo 011 about It Yoe me, I have got six
hole in my faddy. amid last nigh -it's •
rel. my lord."
GOLDEN AGE Package Tea.
Great Clearing Sala!
FOR 80 DAYS ()r
telefiS OF SPRfNti.
A !rase Ceolrtbat es Aleut se Osww•lb
r.eeteer samara
That seethe le •pgrotc9dea 111 ap-
parent in the Manama shrinkage that
is noticed in the toot bin. sed In the
oorreapondtng iacreaee in the candor
hooumulatlon to the cedar.
euburbana about this time begin to
consult the seedcase's catalogue sad
Im tethe a vain thing wlwo they hope
to duplicate in their mown garde -no the
florescence that 1. Pictured forth lea
reheat °Mom epee w pager.
Banal reline to tinkle, petticoats
are fringed with the title sail of Mother
FSrte and the weather in gmenany
favu std. to the alrleg tat ttnabredls•
and goloshes.
D octors drifte about from lsotre to
louse in brisk career and time face of
Ms apothecary is on. vast •utetwa-
Mel smile.
N enbr'd5se are turned Wattle not and
headgear le bonze unoo the wimp et
the wind.
in the oars tie talk 1s made up of
pognewtinethona or the broken hack
of winter. allegedand of fairy tales
tri which the early ilea is the pro-
minent figure.
Overcoats beats to .how a thread-
bare appe.rwene sad troubled Donee
ere directed toward ft•li,y Do.ahet-
The tome buster makes ready M
start out on his P rrvriimstions and
.Ikns of 9'o let" blossom tooth upon
every band.
in short. the giadnoe springtime.
the season of the tel validness'', le
coon us.
The one homed thing about Stolle
spring rwi1PM In the fart that It soon
not lost all the year +hound. -Rentor
any blemish of the thin, and *ever with
tela .aper, sad it will disappear in twenty -
her boars, leaving the akin .•total sad
healthy, se it destroys the genes which ent-
er the :thin sod mare pim.lee, bads, etc.,
especially if ear le unwell, or saws rip
down from Overwork.
It would be leterwetim' to know who was
the Drat person to keep en inn. Originally,
they were betlfhe
se somber. la the min
of Edward m were he
but three ms of
oon. Eves is 1562
call h the whole et Leedom.
me more than forty were legally permitted
h the metopelir, new .preatin R Out 1te
boundaries ea every side. Half • i@atury
later, these were fear bandied has in that
part of Leede Mows as the City.
A heeds Loudon hotel .sea • hashel of
potatoes • year for peawlpara e ea notables
is the writih1-roa00- Evert al •
large pout" M pot is • s. p.itwwt
pee bOx.•nd atter twisty -for h nsthr
tato to removed, and •.orb pot
le too -bol ten are steak tete the potato.
hell a deur, at a aim.. thing It the appear`
•.o. of • per'o°.i.0. it in denied •teat •
potato emwip•r ie the best pr.ryativ°
.gains rest sad esJdsw that es M emend
fee the pas-_
Trunks. Valises, Olnb-Bags
of all lives, Damage Rugs,
Robes, Whips, Brushes, Fur
The Harness Stook is largest Wed
of Toronto. And the entire stock will
be cleared out at leas than cost of
manufacture. I sat retaining no stock
or interest, so cost or value of goods
will be disregarded in this sola A
rare ebm.os for Farmers and Horse-
men aa
mens efeary set of Harness i. guar-
(warenteral hmd assts sad the bed of
Union Oak Leather, while the Mount-
iseg-mbar, brass or robber- are of
All book sees ab two be metaled
Utah or Nobs at nae►
TWO (1•watwAli PACIFIC` p..,IWAT d.•
7tis.atsapm bee tam .e..bM15 ed to she the
poled, a 4051-1•1e• .mien whit fair sad path
mitre., ewmpetitlea.
it to . rosined on bosisw irl.01015s that I
the I.1ereee of Ina 'stress.
Is deesrves the moiceet of every person Wilk
believes Is competition.
Per ,etch Ae.p.ee0 weo thin e'eeep.*YS
Mice. ooancestom with .11 Il.e* ud c M.•
is Vetted M.W. Canada sad ttwrep•.
iMreet thrr.aah wires 10 all pniste 1w the
" 1.11141lDeate ' C.W babe Poeta)(. 01
row esters& see emir. la 0 positive cure for
aaupireaall Dissass. Him. Back, Lumbago. Sees
These•tis 'Weak isms
Threat, ett1 Joints.Rnv
uae Bruillell.
dominw tsre and all hied -
rod d
Them •Chooses t0 horses. towel •cure for
Nese sem eine wit bout savior t he trade Meek
oe habits and wrappers and " R. A. Mels
veal•LWm..t. (iodic ick. Ont." stamped on
wax owl of each bottle. Manufactured
er tM. s
apleresta A. .1r.eolu
aid ieo.rietr*M. Seemliest Ged.dfb. 0.1.
Lumber for Salo!
V N -LI VFt.
Loe•IMaatget .e do deb
The Goderteb Lumber Co. (Ltd) has for sal
at tae Harbor and at the .yard on the li.T.R
track. Lieu. Asti. and yyeawoo'1 and Lew,
Hemlock and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and
sod PoetaCederince for tsale of quantity.
As uptown 6 Millwood.
(Saha, eta.t has been eetaDlbhed at the .tore
d HARPER & I.sI , who are empowerel to
accept orders and receive Delineate ibr our
esteem wads in that lea
TM Growth e.t:Leadew
[.sedan's population continued -it to tn-
cre me raptdiy, but regent (*.nous fig-
ures reveal a change In the character
of this growth which has both sur-
prised and puzzled the Hoek* nalls-
tilarr.. Up to thaw comptr*.tivedy- re-
cent the clty's increase. was rll.ay at
the. azpenee of the country dlr.ricgs<
and or other landsthe number of
births Htbtn the metrototttan Itmllzi.
when not Ian( than the number of
deaths. being not neatly t•oourrh in ex-
cess of It to account far the annual
Increment. Thur. to the period of
117140, the Increase in Penalatbn wean
more than 100.000 In esteem of the
birtbm (.t-er the deaths. In the yearn
1401-10. however. the halance was the
other way. the additives to the popula-
tion being nearly 11Ap00 leas than the
natural In`mune. In the derived (if
1001 -OE., the exeetst of births ( ver death(
was 1x6.005, t.ut the anted increase In
the population was wiifbtly less than
200.000. tbesr tierces It appears
either that London -horn children are
the vt^tlms of Ari Picea/tee death rate,
or rise that the,bpportu rides to the
found In the great en4iltal are no Icrig-
t! attrae-ttve enough to satisfy its rta•-
titre Inhabitants. large number. of
wham, therefore. have Leen 1.4 to week
their fortunes elsewhere. The Prob-
lem 1s • rather Mecum meflowing
long enousrlt to make any a determina-
tion or its direetttm, extent. and Matte.
-New Twit Times.
Pedlar -Please. mase. I'm melba' • pettish
to clean silver."
Housekeeper (0bsrply)-Dea't wast noes.
Pedlar -Cary well. sauna ; kat I sea the
s•ighbots was tight. They said didn'te was
ao use Galla' hero. 'mats you
so silver."
Housekeeper (wildly( -Gimme six boxes.
•• Sometimes." remarked Metbmlah to
gr favorite lel " I .4.51 had
died you eet wy in my sixth or mvestk
cent ivy."
Why, (medpep •"
" Well, it is particularly ahnyoing to me
to hear my d.eey-fo.rtb wife say. se the
doe. every day or two. • Yea are certainly
old enough to knew trauma.' "
.ed.'t Lind tem Ont.
" Wife," he called. •' where. en em-
irdb •" Why, it M sot taini5R. JO►.-•mr are
.f a shower."
there ray idicatimaa
• I keeper it, het the mn to fairly eeereh-
fat-+\ttb.r tee het to walk two Moths
M the rites withewt the pe,tesiia.0f u
A emote of Mere later he wit a Whim( es
blemberlea "
t mem o Mli. ed fee two hews he was
hashed is • good of ee..Yae thee sent the
ohareesamter .p be 109.
Tde.he.s No. 61.
Fair Shopper (te wmsiw• t, who has
sheen her every piece of geode Is .50.k) -
Well. I doe's ser anetiisg hese flat mita
ma. ru ,. to Yard L Sen/'s sad see what
they have"
..I_as (cogerle)--Mit'e's the card of
one of their swinish Will yea kindly
Ret him to wait ea Toe .
Fair Shopper (,act.sath)-Ah 1 • friend
of yymot., 1 mes
8.1... *-No, my greigest enemy.'
"Mane Head Fess is smart."
" Why, ON Mies, his rich .sole died M
the young Mtn to him sad told him
he land Molded to lean 0isl set►keg bet his
N tegfapb
" Abd Charts say - ' A11 right.' and them
drew op • Asgwr fee $6,000 sod told the
.id Rmwmaa ie pat his 0ut.grapk ea it.
Is *sod the gid mp *e epee teas be
made it $10,200."
mss earars reser
Oe Sesday. was rat.refse as5_oinie tt Sistine s womb tuubd
b, se eon wemas. w0• eaM
Oka mfr. weU d. I ills the div trona tow
TyNsr etwe •ww Ihew
s he ass
any ghmo
at I o. I •me an hi idea s *ST M
boar N.
There an i n t hpeaa r
7t« M w•w 1 4 N elms yea plea
1 gM • Ips. MI6 '
A.etiew. 1n .tapas.
11*.11e la 11211e ehan(r for friud or
atwrrplalrrt in the matter of rvinductlrK
suction warn 41 Japan. Alt tempts
them are not w arty so. many teal^`
held an in ChM country. officials of the
(Stipa have a way or conducting thr.n
much similar to our method of voting.
When an anrtbn is to take place the
goods or property Ir advertised f,•r two
weebe ahead. ()n the day or the tale
wadi bidder Brite. Aim ream* and ad-
dress and the amount of tree IAA for
earl Int on a stip of paper, which he
earetdy peter. In a box. When all
the tilde are In 11►e auctioneer ,.Wirt
the Mx In the ptya.nce of the specta-
tor/1 and. atter exarnInkng. all the
goods are declared he property of the
highest bidder. Ry this system the,
American modem of owwere t.iddinf In
premerty or grs,det wptl.l almtwt en"
Welly dlasstpe•ar -clew 'York Journal
Ns." mid the eM .hmpheepr, a5orawt177.
I will
by lab. Knee Newer
std I will
eeatt sew.
For • mtheet he wee dhset. sad the dark
wbo masa ashore atm meld sea Met ton
.ejgod mime
a the dfl ~ s
••11e.the old one oriel wag. ow
a* de,
Itissekd.lrpads dshoe,
mid I will weer pain K et/ ss gayMier ban
ire. e lir &Qom; sad
geSle bry 'mow • Qom amass
Wel W As nal wtasdeS.e
New Goods and Beet ValMs
in the Tailoring line at the
old -established anti reliable
Wert -..t Emporium. Satisfac-
tion gualanteed In Quality
Style and Price.
At CATTLE BRos. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves. Who have them -
all kinds and sizes at lowest possi-
ble cost pricer. Also leave your
orders for repairing and setting up
of Stoves. We handle tho best
Canadian and American Coal Oil.
Mr. I. I. M. JaNam. Proprietor Rmssell
hems. Sesser.. Cored ee
etaas et eon t14Ws.
Among snivelling it, ..Pmiwrs d Pap
ea is better knowwed \abeam of orthan Mrr.F..`St.
J H•.eethr.Otthlee popular Woprtoer dsufferedtt a Ru
ndy trout
• dMe•I•ble tr; bebee, hemorrhage of the
hallows. 1. the hope of wAsii0 • etre he
but without su°sna
Deert.s the -es d 137edsanr
Sr4 77 Oats 2. he week been were Hs t
0.17 heed weeds in lei was W W entirety s[
the medicines b..$ km owe aims am few eta
wry moue. He says:
QITawi. Ades* TM. hila.
• d RTtSW.AX Sew. I[ -r•
DIRAII_Rte.- I will gladly ad Gtrsalt' ream.
mend inse m•7 Care to my friends after the
good molt It W dew me 1•wn1 hor111
n es
Wishing u wm
every eew
'...ryes I sem, dour sir. 77•
F. It BC. J ACllil>:
Plumbers and Tinners.
Cakes, Pies, Tarts.
Ready for the Rush.
Call at D. CA1rTIIA11'6, the leading
bakery, for your Party Cakes and
Puff Paste Tarts, Oyster Psttie..
Mince Pies, Short Bread. All kind as,
of Cakes kept on hand. Orders !aft
by ten in the morning will be wade
and delivered the same day.
Wedding Cake. ---Ornamenting and
decorating of the latest designs with
a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake
Almond long a specialty.
Qnllt - TAI.
A Silted W.mea's Talents
lglle. Melai a 4e faM(gw•4 a Mind
'MT un. mentioned at exiWld.r'alie
length by 1Mdere$. wan able to tee, by
the Inrprs.toa et the sir, whether K
wow an- or .lmsdy. whether' eine was
In an etl'tin plan or a street. end whe-
ther the street was open at the end.
gays an exnhang0. Having once gone
over • haus. d*e became eo well sD-
gttalnt.d water the different harts r
to he &hie to warn others of soy da4/Ov
they were exposed to M the eitistAthe
vet a step or the lowlifes of • doer. she
(meld thread 15. wnalloot needle with
great dexterity ares could ezoeute eVlir
Nest Of needlework. Rh undo reelmod
musk% peostrapby, ge n eelrT and yeah
with a pis. by picking a shies at piper
etrettebe•d en s trainee. and read. what
ere W wdtiie by fra4ing tLo rue
pTh1r ea OM strew Bels et ow oatrw.
Ile-This eres M.. mmer't». i tt se
Pump & Fauniag Lill Works
00IDICRI021. O2'OT-
Cox .telor1
raft Mar AIt? & 1T 1
♦ Woo stook of very choice Pumps. mass
tontsre l tress sslse't d M..koks quartered
One with hearts out Ont.
These Romps are manufactured Is • number
of Ptyt*e to Putt everlb0d1 and weer/. ponce.
Very easy warning pumps for deep well.
Ifeaoa son Alma hep pumps for sehozl-
75045. liousa sumes.
sraair mere Ow maths
maws woo& mamma aardeea. e
tw=ersa sea
anwssios grist to Stewing minor
/Ile w*. • enwediatoed M s ammo& bon oh
1.I• bete • 11•11111•011Melee •a7
Mem1,11111 wood s newest t'tagQ105
ea= nes, C5* Twee Renu►
saws r*ua1ae, .tel. 50.
FF4atw1 0 wtwg W AA*N1 MAT.
Imo*` .CU ma 54115...
-a times.
£RIIST1101E4 BROS & Co
are neceware to mankind, then how
much more so are they to the bettor
part woman 1 As they are so neces-
sary you should see that what you net
ars good, thus Saving in catch and
healtS Tinware or Granit ware0
bou*hb from ns ie &levers good, and as
the latest inventions are always
added to our dock a better selectee&
cannot be found in O.nsda.
We have
eemplete Has of Stores and Fore-
sees in the County.