The Signal, 1897-4-1, Page 2NISTO?II 6?ASVIK important Events In Few Words For Busy Readers Ilidea! Werke • Map walaga taeetaIV `OeaeNaea and rut tate Racer aad Aesreetava Mae• ter ib. headers el Meir raper -A Solid Mea►'s aatlerea.as r Areara.aM Iafarrtavea. CANALA AND INIt1AN arise El. The Governor-General will shortly annuance • date fur the . toeing of t .e national India famine fund, which hug now reached about liete(VV l:dllasa. .4\U a eleIAALi. Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling mere exee•ut.d at Nee port. 1).. un Saturday for the Murder d Peart Dayan. T. P. Slulh,len. a clerk employed by 6. Davi., & (, .. cigar :minute" turere. shortree1 use arrested on a charg! of embedlfing sleet, from the firm W►Lciac. - 1 M Y1:It1 AI.. air. Gladstone hair written a 111 -page yamph,et un the "Easters t'-►.: s." Tire I're•.ldrnt of the Nations' Liberal leedere• ton states that his ham, is Mallet t •, th • masthead • f tit Liberal Start y It 1s rumored that Gnat Hrt:yln will obtai.t freer! Italy the leland of Peatei- learis, hi miles so.uthw•st of 14k•lly. In mcangr for Hebei S1andeb, at the en= Irene.. .rf the Red rtes. TMk Lt.Ale f ivtn• Gritaaldi, the Ita1iar stater - MILS dial ea- :alan.•t Minister. Is dead dile, Watson ('rue!.)•. Patton !member of the Maairubs Legislature fir Den- nis. h dead. Mr. John Beattie. who had been Camay Clerk of Wellington fee. vigor - than fie years. died In Ferree. tint.. ea IOandsy 'night .lit. George Meller• governor of the ooanty Jail at Guelph. is dead. !•tarp ;3- B• had held tke position M goo •rttir of W fall for 27 years'. U1•' INTEItE..T 10 IAt:M rapt, JIoa. Sidney Fisher announces that the Government has made final ar- sthagemez;t- for the t•uld storage of trot- ter ani of .erperishaele fond .rmduetii whitri wt:: be shipped weekly on steeam- tlklpe• running between Montr.•al and Avonmouth. Landon and Livrrtresd. Wheat was fairly a.•live In the Chi- cago market on Saturday. and weaker; May closed 1-2c lower at ;4 l -2e. Pork and short ribs closed res to toe lower. Lard cles•ed firmer New York stocks were dun and :!regular. t'anadia.n se- curtIks wen• rather easier. KAI tato* is Kt NULi aim Mr. J. W. Munro 4.4' P.mbrok. has era esker 4 the eon t rar't t• •r 'be C.P.E. wort - shops and ruund bout.- at e••rlet•rn Junction. The Hul: I.'lectr ie Cu. has Iwrv'd the Ottawa► Eye: trio Cu. with Isotec. M a Naim ataking fur $21.IS0 dataagea of in- frLtgen mit t:pe.n tthe territory aad right. of the }dull company. Another stein in the direction rif mu telolp e. .Owns ship has been taken In Ilven a ol. when the eorporat'oli had purchu•ed rte borien". rehlrjrs and good -vial of the United Ttaa►wrys and Omni•.tur Co. 1•MILITI(•%- rciggt4l!t. The A mer.ean tariff h!11 was ',part- ed to ttc H.•nre on Friday. it 1s more glrongll protect! mist then ever. It :" tvm•..na in Pirie that Prise, Henry of (Tirane will be oR••.v.6 the position of Governer of Crete. The Cretan Committee has Issued a ananiftrlo d-nnanding autanotty stmr- iar • the s?ncme proposed for Cuba Or Calalun!a. The .alarming rumors of tae Eai gees °anger...us mental e.,ldtitrn are confirmed. and there 1e talk ht Berlin of aploigtin,r his host/ter. Prince Henry of Prrssla. reagent., with all ad- visor • cuufci1. VaC1.Attn1I'1Eb. A very serious water famine este In the eetent-al and southern portion, of Ui • Island of Jamatea. The lockout in the • nt•'in.c,ing trade of England b.•gan ,;t Friday night. and bide fair to paralyze the trade of the cc•untry. Tu' • vas -e. suppne d to he leprosy. are under the supervision of the Wln- alt,••, Health Department. Axa an forelrae•re. In i rhe• hie fight in Parson City Fitz- simmons kn'x•ked Corlett tett 'It the 14th taund. by a blow over the heart. The larges diame nd In tb•e world has arrh •-,l :n London from Klmb er- ley. it hien: d t.. be worth two mIl)lon and a hal' doUarm- .nowt. rtNt ItC V or scan. 1t to left to Canadian M;1►t w'ha_ troops Britain to Lek juhiir •. A despatch to The London Time's from attests suite" that a sari, • I.1ae k- adt of Crete began on Wt•.iri . in There mall be no binekade at tirre•k ports for aotae time to come. Secret and rapid preparations are slow beteg made at We olwieh an.1 other fnllltary estatdfshaaent, of Great ilritan, and war stores are being for- warded to Cape Town, as truablee Is earpec•ted in South Africa. Ottawa. Is divided In a .lnt..n aad to !!Nether the military solo,*athm Should take place on May 24 o.r on July Z. the diamond jut.11,•.. Sir Ri.hard Cartwreght )as promised to talk the •atter oar with Maur-elen,ral (las- .algae TER ISRLIate1ra Worat.te Rev. Dr. Potts M 1%eronto hay been elected Chairman of th.• lntcrnatlanai Sunda .• A.•hool Lemons Cammlttee. Mgr. Siert'• del Val, the ree•ently-at•- pointed Papal tidegat•• to Canada, sari std tram Liverpool her New Yat11 on Saturday A" manderntnt fre.n, Archbishop He) gin wide renal in a'i (atholfe churehrs at Quebec. de•alisae isrflcularty with the coming puss:aria% et+rtlnna. A charge of hearer) will be beluga' aeratnot pan ltisrlBMn at the Enirt►sh Presbyterian 'synod next month. Meed on oris M hi• t.rwktt 1%e• Ret . hr Lymen AhF•.tt ref Brooklyn will not be allowed to ietatm to the Y.M.0 A hall. Philadelphia. he - cattier he recently throw doubts on the story of Jonah and the whale. POLITIt'S,.CAVADtA 5. The, Tim•/ Scotia provincial elect inns take place in %pril '!S. The writ fair the• bye election le ehamplaln line been issued• Polling takes place on Anti! 7. [rhe Cabinet sat all day again dia- curslne the matter. appertaining to the spprn.ching evasion Mr. Gulte the Liberal a►ndf.lat.•, was erected to the House tat' Commons in Rosiaventure by over 1100 m:trerity. The Cwesservativeva or Last eines met at Ovl%ba and nominated Mr. Mix eanylrll, their sitting memt.eer. as their candidate for the leriedaiur, The am.ndrre.nt• to the Achtrd Act passed the ..woad reading 1■ the Mani- toba Lati.latairs, P?,enter Greenway making • •rises Opeeda in favor of • 111a 1D.Wd r//1. thiels OemlstMslow- et Cambia ha meal-. W arrived M Na Rolm m Isweir S10111>< he dlacretlon of the Department as to 1 be sent over to part In the il_tmond THR SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONT.. TRUNWAY APR. 1 1897. of latrslgrat on proel•erta In Entitled. said also direcussed the school settle metal ttwsINsw.. Mr Julia Carnegie war elected Pn.••1- dost of the Peunbon, Huard of Tradt• A fortnllkWy ateam.klp service ls•- ltreea Hualreal and Mancbewles will be tataaeamawd when navigation' opeaa. Mr. Nurse. Consul Uenerwl for Japan at Vancouver. H.C., who is at tr*eeat In Ottawa. will shortly have a twnfer- e.t'e will the Toronto Berard of Tante on trade smatter'. eumlurevlrl teller -Garble advie es Men the tallied Wettest tell 4 /fury of busi- ness depreasiun that even the faetlr Pencil of a Oe•omet•ctal editor cannot effectually gainsay Runtimes is in- cresuelag. but It 1s much brow the average orf prevkeua years. There la: w.- are told. Inereawed activity and at tutiIMrrly Increased demand fur labor. but the value yl tabor dors not appear to nae. Catle.1lone are ** art% of a` "nese .at/.11totongenerally, through- out the Staters, There are n ore mills at worse. but tariff (-hang... are serbstis- 1y interfering with the 1srrlbtlittea at trade. The commercial [allures in the United Slates for the last week tar tailed 21i, against 21I for the eviee- .pondtng week o! last Pair. YIK11.a' Ytallt.NxA1.. The retiring United Stara. Amhes.w dor. Mr. Bayard. hat left Longton for Hume. Mr J. W. Bell. M.I' was re -cheered Grand Master of the 'wane:- Uraud Lodge of Ontario East Lord Sallabury Is suffering from a mild attack of Indue•nza. and usenet leave the house at ttn•eent 1t re denied In "Mttae& that Mr. Jus- tis Taachereau intend, resigning b&e Brat in the Supreme ('curt The honorary degree •a 130. for of ('toll lis waw of nfrrr, 1 ut•era Dr. Nansstt by Oxford 1•nlver•dty. The London Lancet says that the rumor of the Hl -health of the ('ear from c.•rt.bniI symptoms are unfeunaled. The national monument eK t.`ml•erot V'illl.ls 1. of Germany w as uriv••iiir lin Berko with mash e..ntu••nr on Mon William T. Adams. better known as (>hv.r optic. the writer •.1 starter for haryw, M dyeing at his Meme in P..rehea ter. Maas. A rumor is current theta •.•••et••naat- t;"yarn•! She kinttieb of the Narthwee: Territarlee wants to n•.agn to go Inl. gold mining in ittreadand Harry Yelveett..n Gering, a tobaceo- nail of Tamworth, has suers did to a bernnotry by the• death o'f `Air (`raven (;ening. the tenth 1 :Iron. -t M that name, Tbr Lord Mayor of Dublin has issue/ Invitations to a meeting at the Man* sl•'n house•, to start a Parnell family fund, Sirs. Parnr!1 and Mr John Par- nell being birth in nerdy rinatmeaerlCM. CAttl Al.T1as. Y'I•, ent gab! .lid great damage In Germany. Charles Curran wise .yaw injure* da the railway )'ani at Hamilton, is dead. The Hamilton and Dundem Railway teethe :vas !nte•rruleted un Saturday by a wa•hetut Mr.. Monteith. 4n old lady or Strat ford• was run over by a rasa/rag beast and killed. The Duteb t.teenaer PPtr•echt, w-kkrh 1: lawn..•`e•! to have f,underod at sea. err tied a crew of thirty-alx men. but nc pareenrers. Robert Kelliar. aged 11. of Parl;dai••. was struck by a train and killed on the ('.1. Ft. combing near Qtie.-n .t r'1. Te renter. The il*Hfax express from M n t r.a ran off the track on Thundav night at Ihaurivage, Que.. ,a flag t'tation .•n the inttreolontal Railway. The •engin- drrt.r was seriously injured. Mr Rlt'hard Hayford of W.Ie-rime eir•r, into a stream amt was tarried aw:ay. His borne wad drowned and he wad restated with i -!stat dsmculty after being in the water shunt tw'o hours. The Wilson lin dreamer Rialto was tet on flre by th • •xplos son of chemi- cal" during :t hurrte-ane Tto• Allan i4nesteame•r (•arthat;rntan same! by un- til the wt*,lh.r na,d•rated• .md rscu.d all nn t.oard.- --_ r aer10t2, damage by floods is re1.ert' cd at ilrentford and (arnwilliernr. In the United Staten vast tracts. ref c. un - try are under nater, the kers of life and property and suffering .1 the- peso! pie being appalling. The French Line steamer de S'. Naaatr . which nailed 'from New York for the neater lndirw, foundered at sea. (tf her ._ passeng.re and crew emiY four ars known b, be saved. The sur vit•ore gR1vc.1 at New York .•n the. ruh•a•ner Hilda. after a wwe•k't drifting about the Atlantic in an wtva begat, during which 34 out •4 the 3.1. occu• pante went mad or died of wearcatlore iatmslie.a Ewhareaaseneata. Ja1i, )hiked A Tau, gen. rnl steer,.Rttr leng, who •reigned 144 F. 1! Porker. w.ra• interested to tar eitent ut .!sweat how dyed Jolla,. with Mrllast.•r A • o. !tont. iuuuthe leder.. they nma4e +.•tel.•tre•-ng slit their ••r.dltore et :u• ea it, .holler. and this tows they e.eal.t trot stand Th.• bin•Ine•aw 3. a veer. old •enc. Ian hist nook 1...•n elate -tatty a +m -ow. It ant •t •roe lime r•q.,l.n9.d b) 11111.• , A Trate, u ho also failed and coatpn•tuha.l with .ro iii• ors. Tb. rotate of Yu.eag !true. k ,'o.. plumb • re, Ilamlll•Kt. M in led shat+••. aad will be wound eta (J.bltltu' aegrecate s113.:01. mud asset■ only •1i.:•I.. Th- Ilebllltl.•s to general creditors utes•unt.-Y to to flaw Merehant. Rank wee oilier 11.17. out. re.a dletouat..1 and rudorse•d by J. 1. 11.14. Iltseellr.d lee la., anatuot.•,t to 5:.445'. Thure was ala, 111t•.:ds..4 !tides, er.' patsv under d4.+mnt at the Menah:int..' stunk The pr•fern•.t elalms am,ual.vl tai /24't. Th.. -i.dlt.r,. of Raadurthwalt.• A co turuttur.' seta' Kt. Marie. met ie 11•, rim..., 4lark• nt•s regi..- .+n Katurttay T{e. •t... -turret showed 11.b111t1•. of Helga► and i,.,t..4 Gas,. Hrrl..•rt 1ae.., ',va hat. of 1-ornw aII, ha. saetgnrd 4. R. K. chin. Th. ..err .et 4k- nn th. d•eilar .Wade by E. K. lcmlth, lista..! ..111•-r 1w•114Ian, alt{ pr•dably 3..- •e.•.•ptet1 toy the e•r.11t.•r.. .te lbs offer is secured. The liabilities ■r. 1, salt, nod u,.n,ln:•I assets 517.ai Al•a nuoltng.4 13.,. .n4*turn '.1 A. 11.w sea 4 M.... dryg.•.•t.. •bls.nrg. a statement was prevented %bowing IIubtlNrs .et /Le,. au and assent of 4111.111 Th. .t...•k es reseed ' ' Q14,41**, *%tate% int**. sol look debts three • L CLaAJJ SJtOCJ1Ot'T. Rr.Iamens aimed •vale er e•ewhIM Int Om whipped turista. pare.•. Wt t 114.-41ae mindset left /mark from app Fflenlmatues us the pat of J im Corbett's stumaca wood the putdlle tic aea.ywelgtt staaplusaklp ed tae world teas afternoon after 14 weeds or fast and help! lgattug. Caftan dal pep bear • mark oo his ea- tlw holy_ Ile bad dress *treetop of blade /tam rstaalmmris' split 11tH and .erre ooee, but he could not platy IM bkrw be came - kited oa W win the fight. In the f,urteeatb tumid. Vitalist WOW after resent wltd leads. Lot Ms left t■ ua Jim's atemaet wltb terrific fuer*. Jim doubled up sad came forward tato • amend left oa tae paw, mud the battle wait ov.-r. Curbett fell to his knee*. cowled toward the r.,p..w, with hie rtgI band scrum hid brwet and Ala lora stretched oat en 1i to trap the Iswer rope tor support. Haface wore as agg..m10d exproseloa. pitiable to beau*. Fttzslantwrts stepped quickly back to Ws •urnrr, where be stood .urrumndsd by TEE WIN\tL bid seconds. Referee filler steed over Corbett wltt both hands mu -lifted and slowly and be a Mud .e1•e counted the st.•onds. At ►even. J,1u made ■ d.speraie and convulsive *Chet to rat.. himself to his feet. 11 was of uo user. and his bead dropped down until the referee had reached the fatal went. Stier tl.n•w hie lauds up at t.a and made ela say quickly out of the ring. A rem- of the must ttat.u•rtbable opera slue f•dlowrd. Fate was quickly sur oosd- eat by a crowd, who burnt through the reopen and the Aastrallan danced sheat fur a fan ir•euuda. Corbett wait assisted to h1. feet by tbl'e. sad N kite. Ty, slept was crowded In an Instant, and it at imp.ssibae to elear It. Wild runson end crie..1 -Foul." were beard tor s few mtastes, but they quietly did out when 1t bream.: knows that }limiest/nom had woe ■ talr light. Tie crowd ..o the plat- form latforam was brand par tlally by the guards. sat l'urtt•tt, seeing Firearm mous brouiO tin break in the e rowd, made a wild lash at the Austra- lian and led for his head with bath band,. I'lttatmmons dropped lila bands by h11 side, sod aa ('ord•R came In the Austra- lian twisted tis head ar.wad. u.,.r raising Ala bands. ata Jim eau pulled away. Am nob ea. the find to reach the •rrea. w also alas the first to leave. Rut hie re repel.'" ua hid arrlr al and that wt. his departure. were very different . The erowd quietly !trade . trines for the trtu pleant .bamp(oa and lint ashlar wife, .tad cheer• d thew loud aid long. Rub tired his 'are in acicsowl.-dgn..nt of the ■p- tolover. and Mr* I'Itrslmsr.•aa shifted the reins from her n4kt band to her MN wig, &aced • tiny camorlc /asdkercblcf. Tb,rtt minutes tater YItaalmmoaa sat down to hie dlan.r at rook's 1.5.11 se though nothing had happened. A swollen lip and a red n••.e were alt the marks of a struggle whr.1, ..u14 be observed about his tare. Corbett was a pitiful sight. H. cried Site a baby aad raved 11ke a wild man. FITZ WON WITH :4 Ri.VWS. Corbett 'andel{ 41 .bean blow: to 24 for ta.• e•.•rnlshma.. The differrn.e wet all In the nest Mavis rounds. when Jim put In 31 to Rob's 14, laving 10 for ears In the last tart ,t the battle. Her. is the •• ea Ltry THE LOSER AM Sava aueb.ed. St. Louts. Tsareh 24. -Tier• warning sent out by the Government Signal tier vire yesterday that the Misslssip•p i and all Its tributaries w,.uld een- tlnwe in Ase haw been fulfilled to, the letter. Communication with the flooded 'melon has become difficult but deo patches r./aped frier widely separetdd points show that all have • suffered alike. It is eetimaled that a section M country with an area equal to that of the Pilate of Mfr.. [Irl is nos under water and that the worst 1e not neer. Advice. frc m Capra. Pa•Iu: ah. Mcmphl■ and Helena Show that the !'pion 1.e. glnnier rack .t New 1ladrld. Mo., west ;a and lneludlny low .•alleys ne the Rt Penne*, the White and the Arkansas Rlverr,, to Arkanaaw, Het In K.•nturky and Tennessee_ off the val- ley. of the Tennessee the Cache. the ()1.dnn and th. Yate,. Rivera, and eolith to the Head River• are umber wa- ter. The intervening ranges of hilts and hlth ground are :he only place.. M refuge The deo vetches tee'elv0d here tell but ole Prot, live* peter. •int# drowned and • .•mentry desolated At Cairo 111* . [cede, the river needs d it1.1 het. aid fishes slowly. wkl.h le het MS toot off the high reenrd of tilt. A the eoostry south at there t. Me12, * 11MMOMOISL Ntz%Imtaosi. ('ovbett. i• ... _.... _.., . • ........• ... • 7 TO TEST FAIT 001,011*. 11•w M ..1.et the CNtk M • Wow Spring wee When selevttrg the cloth fur your arm sprang suit [met of ties first quer Ikea you will bo likely to ask It, "Le it hast eater?' You ac rel the amour- e use of the tailor that 11 lo, although he may know aotuaity nothing about It. but bas taken his information from the wholesale house where ha bought the gouda. They cony be guaranteed fast color and all wool. and it 1a not pleasant to end ye.aI coat growing rusty after a tow .ninths' weer and there is no nerd a it 1f you w111 try the follow•tne easy tests y'airself. They are prsc•tically the same as are tried by any dealer In woollen fabrics, and for all practical purposes will be eros= n The finer thins to kook at in the ef- fect atf ezpoen re. Take the sample a the cloth given you by the taller to rumpne or shoat' to your wife and cover one-half ut It with some heavy dark fabric to exclude the light, and ' then rot ext a second cover of oiled paper, silk or other substance that will protect It from the elements, and then hang it out to the open air, where the ex prated piece of cloth «Sl get the b. - 'sett of ail the min, wind and rain that is In the vicMuy and let It stand there two weeks or longer. an summer a ilwrter time will he enough, but In two weeks the color should not abuw the slightest change when yeas have re- moved the covering. The warfare of the cloth may •stow .sane dlffere kee, but the color must be eete.aeedingly pour not to stand two weeks At this sea- son of the year it would he better in g ive It a little longer titre, to make sure. Whenchemists are preparing their colors they send samples til the dyed cloth to Florida to be exposed for two months and in this way get the most severe test dmorwn. Some dyes are that It only exposed to ltg♦tt. but will nut stand up ultder moisture. and so of the aador Ia %war- ranted to stand any amount of light s=putter, It /learns nothing: the test must be mach as the goods will re- cede. In actual use, but In a avtbswhe tasted form If you merely 'tam so test the oosr- par•ativr merits of two or more dyes. prepare samples of eaatt as throated above and expose them until aU but one whew some change•, and. of course. that one has the superior color. The nest test 1s. also a wiry tmporte ant one. You may have not iced that your collars and cuffs are eeudde•etly becoming ladled very quickly. aid have been puzzled to know the cause. The chant, s are that your rtes twit is to Mame. Thr dye used. metered .4 being incorporated in and a part of the fibre *4 wool, has merely been depo34tevd of the surfma% or a part of It may have been left crag the surface and not re- moved rmored as should have been the caw. Thee trot . slmitle. Cover the end of your finger with your white linen handk.-•thref and rub the surface of the cloth in question vigorously. and If there is any stain whatever en /sour handkerriadef, there w111 be trouble with your clothes. A third test which will apply par- ticularly to drone goods for the flair .ex• is to determine whether the [.,tor will be affected by perspiration. which in particularly annoying under the arms in warm weather. If the dye Is fast in t h M respect It will refuse to move when you put a drop of diluted manatee sold (LO per cent. solution, on the sample. When looking Over the various goods offend by the repair. try the- rubbing or smutting teat, and if the earths ).,u like stand up under that. take sampler home and try thorn an the other ways auggeatt-d aleuve. 4 suss. a ............... d •.....,/.-_ • 3 _._suss:: 2 tai... ..... ....••••• ..... I ...... `. •.. .1 1V.. . Y ... _ ... l 12 1 ' ' . ......_. .. s 1.3.• Y 1 14 - ...r. 1 fowl 24 41 tea eierswn% fess. Buffalo, March 19. --Wallace Thayer, attorney for Yrs. Olive Aternaman. vtbu is confined in the Erie County Jail nn a 'harp. .1 murdering her hus- band. and. who, the Canadian authori- ties ars esdeavoring to extradite, yesterday afternoon procured from Justice Lambert In Spettal Term an order appointing A. T. Thompson, a barrister of Cayuga. lent., commission- er to take tesUmaony of Important w•Mreeteetees 1n the case for use in the actlon brought by Mn. 4ternaman against the Metropolitan life Insur- anne Company for the recovery M 41400 em a policy of insurance on her husband'. life. If the staements made to the court by Attorney Thayer are true. the evi- dence secured from these witnesses ought to have an important bearing on the nave of murder ahleh the (briar dian Government ie trying to make against Mrs. Sternaman. The treaty between the United States and England provide* that ex- tradition cannot be effected unless a prima facie case is made out against the defendant. lir. Thayer etaims that thus far the Canadian [authorities have made out nothing hut suapleion. "Mr.. Bternamap is not guilty of the crime," irritated Mr. Thayer. what Dem t heist St. John'.. Nftd., March L'(-rSecre- tary of the Colonies Chamberlain. rorr.spnnding wrth the Colon•rt Min- ister torr, hoe arked the else and ca- pacity of the dryd.K•k at Rt. John's. the amount ..f nhierfas•• ett.d .'.rage avaHaide• ter th • use •,t war: i':,s, t1 what extent work la poaalble in the machine shops attd foundries ani the coal supply usually r• +t td•• 1 at Rt. John's. He has al,n asked a adntt. t of other qur.atlnns with a view to the Imperial Ministry making' this t naval station and maintateing a equ.airan .' war.hlpshere all the y+fir -tun. 1. T1.c a•orne•poltdent intimates the further probit Iilty of garrisoning Pt. forma and r<snoring the fort llh-alions for merly exWtir.►t. Tklo course Is taken with a view to the otrategiral import- ance of the new railroad serum. New foundland. which Is now nearly r►m- plelr. Pteparattons for the Metal's - Hon of troops are likely to be taken donna th. 'inning Summer. Ilia Maim wwY aweased fou Maass I Tia•rlll.g from Denim to I!t A..dreir.. 1 met We a first epeee dealer. the oa17.M opeol..1 wht.i were • middle-.arl alaep- mes aid an elderly .eas.maa. net over w5U-dre.tred. They sass hsmme very febtpol7, sastrenlag ea mimetic s.bjee ut Jw Marie stltaeioea he Amines, the mss mid te 0t. meepa•re..: "I have e4 7eur miggpsay very mash. mid Mee bomi Kelighted it I would haus Melted .e to dins with a a -47t het m7 wee met permit %ayes. who is am drop - mil for to sit at her team, ..d shk is ens pis es witch she is most parwoslar. " Brims pewee, they e*sbe.g.d arch t'b. la.odptlei ea We elusym•.'a w..: "Rm. A. L 0 Boyd. 0.D. ; " mid ►m• ammo be Amboy' «bee he midi his oewpas• Win le ,eters. sod foetid W wirehair omit a [rid : 11. Duke el Argyll. K.T." Net Ko treaty as He c4.med At Bloomingdale Asylum they have !MOM the aamankled Lorena many who are not too violent or tow m1s- cle cos ie Ji. elierwed.Ue roam ale ut the grounds. Recently the superinten- dent haw given occupation to aurae of these "trusties." by utilising thugs in carrying nn the lrrepro\ewtenta about th. asylum gruurtia Some of them have been set to trundling I.(eka In wheelies' rruwa. A few days age. one of the attend- ants saw a gray -bearded wheelbarrow man pr.,menading evolemnly through a side path, pushing before him a wheel- barrow turned unmade dawn. "Here you." cried the attendant, hole cm." T'.•e tonsils. stopped with a weary Met Meth-"Well." he said, "what la !t'" '.What are you doing with that et heel W rrnw '" Friend." replied the crazy man, with patient eowrteuy. "Lt you had watched ate carefully you would have e n what I was doing with tht wheel- barrow. i waw pushing it. friend. I w111 now push 1t some /lore." He started oa. ..Hold up a minute," protested the attendant. 'Don't you know that It le foolish to putt a arbeelbarsow that to wrong side tor' "Foolish" maid the lunatic. "Not on your life 1a it foolish! I am net so crazy .s 1 look, friend. Yesterday I kept my wheelbarrow right side up and a ple -faced Irishman came along and filled It full of bricks. I know better, now." the 1gie.d Marriages I .in reminded of a meet •Intdreeting conversmtlon I had w•1th Dr. They'll. the Tacttu. of Mouth Africa, spm this subject. "It be a d(sstrous mistake." said he to nos, "'for people fn IZhgland to art as though blcand white people ya cn ever mix. Th wo racersannot intermarry w ithout arm 14, one or bosh. The half -breeder webs marry half- breeds craw. to be proltfir and they become prolbfie only in the a vent of shear marrying blacks or whlt•s. There le no doubt that the negrn hes multi- plied with great rapidity where he has been protected by white+•. fie a•annot quarrel as he was wont to: he to not allowed 10 wage scar: he is not allowed to kill witches.. and when famines arise the Gese.rnrnent fresh him at the et - mauve a the white taxpayer.. Eves dOwawe to not ellawel to •w••• -t, him away as it on. s• .11.1at least, the fire ernmedt dors alt la Ito lower t,e cheek omallpn* and ether Int..:e•ous ital."- Poultncv Itig.lea, in flarp.r's Staga- zine. news webgaC! Sow, mons! Add r. Yews in WilIlamatoan reside tis•o young mid of a srtentific turn at mind. They' have leen dineussing whether a man The palls► so dale -110110, w.{ahe More aper eating then before. karts/, 11■nrh 11 -Th. batgar.tlne Her and Mire decided that .sating adds bort r.11.r, ne hoard .t which wan easel nothing to the aright, while seining ed the horrible gingerly In Jane lam. «111 makes itself known to avolr4upito. Men two h, I.y rhe• tieeereseeat au day they weighed themerive. jural hea- vies etiwes vaporise, pa■dfag twins epos tbs. es , [new going to dinner. lar. Pewter seism■. filed ler lid "00",.l rift Thm.a. weighed 111 pound. and Mr. Wheld.rt Ryas Isidore the sep,.s.• Covert The es la, They aim, w.Ig4wead wast they ate pone, may net he con.Mer..I .■til next kir dianyr. and the experiment .tlowed fall, he wai•-t ...at Rns will be r.prl.vei that the smaller man waw th. heft". shill th. hearing The tentl.r, «kb. h Ms feeder. for. •tww.1t11g to the Wilkie. he keen is New York sir•. ►'eb Z, has bees e•Itavv.led to toad n earg•. Ur Port Elsa- got away with three and • hall bounds heta tips of e;..ad Hope. •err whip son ,((t eatables, white hid reonpintogi'a from New Tork to about twee weeks. As 'teapactty waw oily tw'e pounds. The oaths, saw erew w111 be Nipped. Cyt. teen weft/heal tkemendven aealn dlrertle 1Nleaghlin, r e.sseaad sof Obs '1m., after dinner. and both dollen. that When eh. Beet le to Rallies. w►t1 tw mem- aaser w.4abt was wet..bnom cid al AR 4 1. g►sr.e y1ag14 • C all ? r r. 1 Got r every milkiest lettere that page Nreesh the post dime. it is e.i..lated tat eel, ode gm* away. w. Aimaalsti w . Harpies Wekf7: 01 De. Nesse'• w1L. whose prtnit is gives ie tido amnion e tine Weekly, aot puch ialorm.tles ties heed its way sate prism She seer to bore a very imperfectly developed tete far p•ibeity, but what is knows of bar ie le- (dreetlog, sad tadld tea that sae is .i 1*- eMssesss weemos heti is Went ..d Mimeo al. 11 Ie ,sa e4.d h7 Dr. Naa.aa't hie- grupigea, &wowand Ruiter. tat W w11h drat mettles wji his future wife wee tis weeds ahem Frames Sates. whams** day, observing the some of two feet Weide( .D .at at the .sew. he approached Wen. with sataral curiosity, lo time M ens the head ell lir. Sara emerge free.. glow -beak. Dr. Names stem t•.vwd ei 11389, alter his retails from his .aoommlul..apedi*.....ime Greseleed. Whoa he .carted jp the From is 1883, his wife, left .t hams at Ly.ahsr. mar Chrietiaia, with ow child, t.r..d for .00apstloa to the devslepem.it and sen at tier gift. as • .lager, and with notable sac - mem. K edt ()s.., of Swedes'. is ase of bur admosca. amid e.peoially hot singing, a blob he has often hoed, and sins .31. hes lima is Korliod tM oomplrmat has ham paid her of seting ler to tag Vetere Ike Qom.. She is • .tears hacker of her advesturom aaaba.d, whose departure on hu perilous *mead eget her •azieties sod misgivings as to whkrh As said Intla at th. time Risco her b.shead's return she 31....m limes spokes in oo.vu.astion of her tow!., aad 4.. said that eardal oomp•r1.oa of Dr. N..g..'a diary with her mooed or rsmemberace of her .we -.ssaiioes hears her out is the Oa lien taut the times when she wail the meet eene.rra.d •bas him were th...ossa'..5 3r greater* peril. That impbes • tele- pathic os.Waais.tlee hers .1 :muses sym- pathy ..d solicitude, the possibility of which seised .soar. no lessor disposed to deny. Mr.. N...s.'.'fatber we. Professor S.rs, a well•k..we a rologt.t. • %oology, it will he rw.ssb.red, is • breach .f meow .f which Dr. Naosm hos mad. • gimbal .t.dy. CHERRY'S TROUBLES. Were of the Heart -Homme Skill was Al- most Detoatod when i),. Aat.•w's Caro for thee Ha.rs fell tato the Breach. aad in • few minutes Attot (Me 1)a.. Re Found Gress Rdid, and Five Betties Made • lied Heart • Good Ono. Win. Cherry. of Owen Setiad, Get., write •' For the past two yeses I have hoes greatly troubled with weakness of the heart and tainting spells I tried several remedies, and ooa■alted best phy.iciaae wtimt any •operant relict. I noticed te•tis-ri•!s of groat cares made by 1►r. 1gaissrs Care tor the Heart. 1 precured • batik sad the flet doe pre me groat re- lied. The fust bottle did wonders for ere. Aft•_Rehr Ave battles theirs ars oto:.. of the symptom* semmisdeg wh•teeer. 1 Wei tt is a grist boss to Ism 1. ed." Bold by J. 1' Dana. Nosi Eud loat Iarot WEST -ST_ Tb• wderairned bee specs • Meat Market Ia the store oa Wont at between eansmio.'a Bakery aad the Poet Oaks, where a (''hake tieleetbi a Meat/ and Penitry will always be found. Orden regularly called for. and 4. liveries made prempelr. alas►. • trial order please. W. W. GREEN. Vt amQ a �OOkb . • . We carry a large .ad semeted @toes in the shove Ilseand are ready to .how made to Moodiest parchment as any time. Call and see goods and you will find t*.e sew, op tat -dao sad at prime in harmony with this haat Re- member our Brand -next to Ilarlaoa'a Hard wars Stem -on TM Square. A•.. 4.1 Victim Of what ? Rheuma- tism' N o. A rail road accident? No. A cy- clone ? No, he is the vic- tim of a poor BICY:,LE. which was represented to him as being just as good as ours. JAS. YATES. 0CT311 Nand Yale heols are made by a firm who under- stand their business and give the customer the beat value for Ma mon! ever} time. Roy a Wel- land Vale, and save s repair bili this season. DAVISON & Oa OVERWORK _IXDUU- Nerv�o�'u�sProstration ` �•�wwissarwy b ohm IIs. d Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Some Tears ago, as a result of toe .lops •ttsatiom to business. my health flailed. I became weak, nervous• was finable to look after my lute:eata• sad tsaaltested all the symptuau of a de. ohne. I took three bottles of Ayres aaraipa'ul., began to improve at .asci aad gradually int-reammd my weight how one hundred and twenty • five to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when needed, and we ars all in the best of b.altb, • fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I beliers my chil- dren would have been fatherless to.etsy had It not been .'or Ayer's Sarsaparilla. of which preparation I cannot say too much." -H. O. Hume. Postmaster and Planter, Ylnud's, S. C. Ayer's at Sarsaparilla IECEItlI=C MEDAL AT WORLO'f FMK AFAR'S Pills Save )octet's Resp.. o Soak 'W a3V< $ometha:t,n j. Wvee, �I'oT 1IN»ref `. 1t you do. go to the City Meat Market, aad you will [lad that WE LEAD 11 CIOICE ■EATS!_ We c.n satiety the most fastidious tames. and our prime suit ever)body. We have evert taime in the Meat Inn.. Fresh Meats Spiced Meats Cooked Meats Curer' Meats Smoked Meats Prepared Meats. aad even- kind of [temente made. See on' Special Linea If eon bare not rot bon to the City Meat Market. do not fad to earl and give our etpecinl 8aurdav dishier your inap.c SOM. ANDREWS MO& & Co. BIITY ON TEAS.. Prr (Black, Hymn, Japau) We have bought heavily in an- ticipatioi}, of a duty being placed on Teas, and are recommending our friends to lay in a stock. Our values are the beat we e. 'r of- fered. Get a sample and be ct.n- vtnCed• 0. A NAIRN, Cartage &Fuel Co. . ate prepared to handle Bag- gage Freight and Household Ef- f cts with Dispatch at reasonable rates. Deslera in all armies of HARD coA SOFT ant r '- --- Obi 1 Wood and Kindling Colt to suit customers and delle eyed with peoaoptnesa Ordeal lea 1rl■I s 010 dk W. Co 4iism%� A4a