The Signal, 1896-12-24, Page 8a fii=142_ U tJTVa r a 1 1, TIN SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONT., THURSDAY' DEC. 24 1896. LIBERALS WON ALL Cornwall and Stormont In the RIRht Lina Awa* Slabs -.es tees of drew far. Sate - .amara t tteselie aver OM wash.6060 eras hawsa ta.a mum wan mid far. lies aw•r•. eaadldaer tarries Oran - des. Verwwtal. Dec. 20 -1'. -da>/ ■ by. - shirtless 1. at an end, and Lae resulted la a substantial victory for the Lateral eaDdtdatte Mr sbnetsIi..er. Tit, tt;hl from the day ut the bluing of tug writ bill beau a very bitter one. Nu piens or hard stark lug been sparest by .eith- er party to make their caadtdate a winner. Ruth o:ganixatenta were com- plete, and almost every .tar available was arrured and cast. From the outset the Liberal* were .unhoent of a Vic- tory, but took no ibatl.'r+.. They toiled day and nilrht In their efforts to con- vert the Veen:), of Stormont, which bas been true \to the t'ortservatwe plttttorWrfor lb y and oust to -night they have the sat action of knowtus that their efforts v.• been suave -GALL The net result of be potting to-4*y Is that a t'nrtsrrvativ majority of 425 for lir Bergin in Jun is turned onto one K 411 for Mr. 8n stngee. lloeh salla be increased :5 er 1 what the tor•, re- maining sutelivislen are heard tr.m. The maiorttit. a Cornwall town : . , etsenge-r . major- ity (ti,rnwall to ship. 202. ('sena• brnck township. h : '. *t.orl toen.hfp. TS : Flhnh township. : total. 4E Ilia jtrity •fir Saeteingrr. f.•.dl and, Bonne - vine, still to tear from. avail ls- amas- the majority t over 500. eashabliewse a 1 meads.. % ;nnlp.•g, Dr.. 2e.- t 'p••. iuI .-Twe•n- t -nine polis in easiest. .•ran gave air. lawis a mal•,nt) of 131. Thirteen pulp lire to be heard trot,. n.f well Iike:y .senses ids majority. G ever. they May not be heanl fr.. for it w.rk Mr. 1b.Xb opponent w . Mt. McPhail. both Ming Liberals. The bye -election in Nor Itran•ton on Saturday to Alt the v . y in the Manitebe Legislature ca 1 le. Mr. Bift.n's retirement nou 1-1 .n the ele.•tloa of the Greettw-ay the e-• nment candidate, Mr Fuser, over the Patent. Mr. I'ustlethwalte, by lite n 'ore). Mast Daws Owen Sound. Dee 20.-- Tewterday afternoon Mr. (• • butcher of this town, erne carie at his room to the t tral Hotel by shooting hitt head with a revolver lie drinking a good deal during and was last notelet aboutin going to hie room, when•, u. o'clock to the eventnhe wee endby some of the hotel !Kt lying across the bed with a wound in his right temple. ver, a British bulldog of 1 was tying beside hint. It is at what hour the mai deed was Shortly after the dueep body Lr. Cameron a a.: not atter a preliminary examsnation the cirrum.tances, decided quest would not be necessary. deceased was about 35 years age was unmarried.unmarried.He was wee -kiwi n around here, having the r ptttstinn t being a respectable. quiet and Mottlu se citizen, and altogether a very un n.o likely pen to entertain design against his own life. He was not uy any mean+ an habitual drinker, only. o. Indulging ustskenally and at very lona; tntprvale. N., other mime. however. 1 than this can be suggested for the act. New fork. the, 14.-- 1 ,urate 1'. }lsteadPatina .. Paton the Cuba. Junta 4 •d has read the lnterviee pubiush•to I The N. w Tore Juur.,.tl thea morning with Pr.inr Men,+taro sure sig .11.1 Caa- I atet tell , of Spain. nd • in tie ;w. dee- arteries. The is *bat Palma wys fee glinting it: -Thor, wl 1. no cutuyremiae. We n bat .• abaulu t • • n84. -roe in thepea- green; of the war. Fre d..,n for Cuba se erten Sy definite!), outen•,1 in the mind. of the men who are , ttiisg for the overthrew of tyranny. They have an established government and 46,000 w •.. e41nned men, who reoognlae and.• upho:d that govertunnt. The state- ment from the Spanish Prime Minis- ter that the revolutionists are negroeea Is ridieulous to the • sit -ere. :ie knows absolutely that the prisons In (like:. n and in the peal colony are fall of <S am of the kith.* f soclety levee -eat.)- .• Jones. Hied *ut- Cen- ( in the been the day tielo k t 1.11 dtacov dents ballet lent bullet The revul- aexe c ihrv. as own • on.•. mwry d the notified. , .1. nb. that an in - e of STATE RAILWAYS 114 AUSTRALIA lwMesa aa.a seemly stiv.d Ta... altb Advea$s.. M Alt O.wc.raad. Tata ambient et •taae r%Mwye 010 - pears to have become ruawass[tnW melee Mas Now South Waive *here the as- Dalal report et the railway outantialas- ert•-'eiuws that the total trade sego - Sags frusn the OoIus al railways sod ttasswaye amounted to sAIM.ir, and abs Mpaiditure to 61.T11t.171. leav- 1p a latae°. atter paying working espresso K t1.li21.4Tl. Tabs. use uses- inf•bssare .Rate• maker an aoontstulet- od Ino re se of £1,121.411 paid Iota the Clwawtry during the past eight years to .wort the interest on capital. Fovea that men, however, there bad to be deducted £375.0110, installment, In r•e- payment of the vote of t 1.060.000 trade to the department for the reronsttwn- tie& and tmi•revement ,it the perman- ent way. the balani.•. £.2.1117 413. being the increasr.1 net earnings shire the ea.txtelatronem took (Ake The year flee beam one of tweratderable difficulty. the contlnoanne of the ormnerelal do preseken. the drought (which has caus- ed the kw of 11.000.000 .sheep) and the Naw•eareel,• , .af sulks having. serinus- IY affeot•d the teethe Nevertheless. the revenue for the railway, alma. during the past year was t! iI20 411. and tet- working extenem% L1.53i.4$3. or Mae per rent re the trews revenue. and a return of £ 1 ate. 10d. per cent upon the tete! iaaltal coat. F,sttmat- Inir the sinew, • snort wh.•11 the rail- way department bas ie. pay Interest at salt per eent. the department would hare t., pumae rattle et0 to meet its with attsns and aJt••r t;,ainr the w•.rk- tng expenses it lad provided the whole 01 that num except 121041. which had to be truffle ftp out K the general re- venue if however. to the end of L34 tea M won• added L2.102.214. pens• rifled ur of the ern olldster revenue. and tt••• d.benter.e repeld. on which there wee no Internee rhttrt••. the dee- Oelenee In Inteeeet would he e1145 The revenue for the year de -reeved L57.707. white the wnr'kln4- .spenees were reduced he 1[15.701. The actual decrease was £1$1.O10. In the carriage of wont rrain and finue. hide.. Maws and tall •.. hue the hn•resa.► in ether Maelhes. *rein. .wet of the improved inwtd'tlon of the marry lr•.ene.d It to the amount .fated. At the tame temp OP work ef Improving the ..trir.ue tinea morl'f.•tee era/Herd. RYA ewers. etc.. ha, teal sy,te m. "star .earrled en. the rai•..•.w nn. bolnc ami t to any 1" the we'd dtnw•erg what siuili- ful rranairvreent r,a.- achieve under severer. rare-unwtanr.s. They are, b••w•ev.•r. numerous trwtltatlnns of Im- prevwrwnt and the ewnmtswl.tnere look forward to a lereety ineeptua4 revert,. awing the present year - John Pkimmeeee Australian Lettere 4 Woes. Nave tw.otete 4eisedeare. un the WWlaad. Liss airy as 4•Ntaaeae. Colborne. Ont.. Dec. 20. -About 4 o'clock this morning Are broke out In J. 8. Yeoman/ block. occupied by J. M. McDonald as a general store. and Yeomans as dwelling above. The ere agreed to the Chase Bros.' Co. block adjoining to the went. This building was occupied by Clause Broa Co. (Jas. McUlennos. mattagor). nurserymen. and the Miseries Printing (o. Zbtal loss d buildings and contents. Cause of Are not town, property all In•ared- About 10 o'clock the morning a num- bs of men were at work tatting out a Nene from the ruins belonging to Chase Bina, whets the gilt wall fel/ in. bury- ing five men in the ruins. via., Thoma• Connor,. Wm. McCroe:kt., Thus. (.gunk. Harry Paisley and 0ed. Fowler. .%II were taken out alive• but very badly bort 1)•etors veer. Immediately call, d and drowsed the wound► The pard.w are doing nicely and will likely recover Thawed tannage*. Dunnville. Ont., leer. 211.-T1trew bro- thers named Hees were ertgar,d in taking Set stumps on the. farm of Mr. Jamey's Waves M Wainfleet. Some one told them If they used altre-gly,xrin.- it would make the wont lighter. and straightway they procured some .ar- tridera et St. Catharines. They said the stuff was frosen, sad tool' Mx Far triages Into Mr (Stave•• hoarse, And put them un the aatltstove to t.kaw. Mr. ()levee waw engaged to the kltchew. and the twee. brothers sat by the neva. Owe of thetas shortly afterwards remarked The emus le rewnlag ort,.. and peoeeeded to sh,n• them off the sae%*, when 1h. nttrn-rly.wrine ex plod.d The hour waw completely wrecked Mn► (ilavoea warn thrown threat% a doorway and is badly eat by pieces of the flying stear•. taw w111 recover Two of the Hiles brothers were fearfully manete d, and weal ale The other escaped alines( uaknrt. Mat rasa a weenies ,t ingsion, ile.• In This .venlat aemu•1 Www. •n4 elf. of Roll weir &riving bit... sad wall. •sneelr, the Oraad Trust Itallw., at the •*t aver (' 111.. bay a w.•.r bsignora ra thea, wrecking 94.• wag... Whet the berme aM as lt.N t Injuries Mr tial Mrs. waw that i 4, iv see d. •peered at Tae newt sg b ser M throe 4enindsme saws M Ude saafea sed ttae .M •gala r•4iet has bras thea bt, bet r flit .. laerw•elesafs bete bra tare lee. ewers/die a'7raaa eagai dist.. Dee- llrlo� A a EZ:faa"J.M�eteatt tense lata bea.ai0ha alvefgarrel wee g `eeteteja�t la a disk. was ......t...,.•, 1d44. A large -hearted old man. who loves children. M sure, no mat ter how mos- tertul be may be, to be need by some cl,Ild. Mr. Gladstone is no exception. Hie sunny little granddaughter. Doro- thy Drew. rules her llhatrtous grand- father as t nerl.,rt.ty as he ruled his party In the day. of his political leadership. The Grand Old Man And' pies ere in her compaaaionahtp, and wen when p•wed f•e a picture allowe her to claw. Ina band tightly as H to tome him to keep quiet. Never was a family more truly unit- ed than that of the Gladstone,. They e.vtst4tute the meet wholesome type of the British ew.untry fatnily. whole - In mind and w•holerorne In body, !, n•• breath of dt.ernalon ,.r scandal ever disturber' the w-rtmty of their 1 tad relations. n•is aryl daughter..ast well as those w ha.• • entreat' the family by mar - tee with one an.vher In re- . •ee and devotion ter the owe who has one en muwh to reader the name whir they bear t11u•tri ,i' . a synonym few it .ter••. piety and generrsjty. Rut .ip•eMr to them at' on that were the •rdrand Old Woman," an the • b'. MT!.. Otadstrnte, the once farnrnae beauty, Catharine (Wynn. is affection ply described throughout the lett 1Titu1ldtarn. No wit 1. more watchful and voted tha she. and Mr Otadetnn. has made few Meal .peee•hew In Parlia- ment when the has not sat In the gallery In . ring him with the know- ledge elf her pt+wgtre, and few public adder's's. no the wail. M Went- min.ter when new has not sat by fids side. whether , Me plattbrm or .eft the /met tares 'indeed. nn ertradon. when. about fifteen yews . 1w• wea netted upon to •emit In the , air at flreefnwket to tat sates molly le sndience. the wen the day for him by Marden. 'Swingboat at iMe tide. holding an werr1we4la t s dyM h4, slivered looks tram the glare of �Ite wart-Acottlah E7srwlcats. Th. Porth Perm\ ..fusee. *bare i. the north polar continent that mice figured on a maps' It 1e sot so long ago that the renowned geo- grapher. Petermann. wed he had good mason for faith In its existence. The pole was probably thln coati- rtest, and he thought towering known rocks near Raring 8tralt to be tut Wood. might be apse of the termini of the great lead ,• Faith in this theory has gTadoally - ened the farther men penetrated nth the "White North." and taw N . ham thrown a flood of light upon t ques- tion. The ocean depths he ha+ found to the north of Frans Jess^ph Lar . and Snit thergen, the dieapptar.ate•e ••4 ani- mal life in that region, the etre( of the 1.-.•, which 1. plainly formed rt and not ..n lan.t n td the free mo mast of the k-.• malts driven. as arr. in any direct -it h - he pr.valllh e. ht,ht, point I;.evflabi), 1 , th•' c.-nclu anon that the man whew reaches the north pie will ptnhal ly fin I no )and there, but a deep spa Inet.,ad. covered by cktaely packed and drtttfig Ice.-Mc- (lure' e it agents a ..ares In• sellas. Among the tragtsaert. K )l ypti•a papyri at Dabble frights haws or parts K hors of Hnabares -Wad" Wavy bees ideatftled from boors 4. 1 M. n and 12 est of . saanweriipt et the taint ears - eery berme (rest. faders i8es.wr had beam put into strape by tie ornate et Alexandria. In the MOAT Saes air - tam ,db sot es4.t 1n the ••deed^ as we be,, It. Protomer MaML7 anmela that the Al saeiewne gest great Mbar. Ifaw with tae test* and that Has MAT .dadals at the'Iliad" earn up la Mispn .. them will be as smith.• fr emeatiaty et mem gar east. M stent tare haws se.._Abseil t ."Tear gime hi ..water et tart Ler hei • nemisse nem-sgmenlisnA-edfi eat bar eimmanli Remnants cI After our tea days Cksering aisle we are natardly left with a lot of e ads in each department. This week we will give oar customers an t>pyortunity of securing sone Bargains at half the regular price. e have REMNANTS OF TWEED REMNANTS OF FLANNELS /elitANTS OF TOWELLING gINANTS OF DRESS GOODS REMNANTS OF FLANNELETTES REMNANTS OF TABLE LINENS. Watch our Remnant Table on Friday and Saturday of this week J. T. ACHESON. RIGHT THINS IN CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT HUMBER at SON RED HOT BARGA.NS IN STIRLING NOVELTIES, DIA- MOND, OPAL and GEM RINGS. ALSO CALL AND SUB ODS N1/1 ABB' CRAB CLOCg C. A. HUMBER & SON Jewelers, Goderici . OOLBORNNB BROS LAWNS COATS we will mill the b.. On and after Molina!, t 4tb d this 'month,j,l►61e� of our stock of Ladies* Coats at the fol owtag redactions : Loss MUSS* ASV BMWS Coes.- 1, 1110.60 for $7.60 ; 1, $'f,H for $6.00 ; 'J. $4.86 for $3.50 , 1. 17.60 for $2.72 ; S. 16.00 for $4.50 ; 1. $5.00 for $3.75. , .. L�►nt>,.' BROST BItavIIS ASD th11 W1 Gun,- 1, $8.50 for $6.60 , I, $7.:10 fee $6.61: 2, $2.76 for $9.76 j 1, $7.75 for $6.00 ; 4. $6 00 for 11.76. Don't fail to manila* thaw Coate if you want to buy. CARPETS AT COST 6 ends Brussel. 10 rails Tapestry 3 erste All -wool i ends l'nioa ALL -WOOL TWEEDS 8 pieces of the best All KEN'S FUR COATS 6 Mea'. Wombat Fur Coats at a barga$t. COLBORNE BROS. The Groat Carpet Warehouse of the Comity. Carpet at Cost Carpet .t Cod Carpet at Cost Carpet at Cost wool .'.0c Tweeds ever shown in (3oti.rieh 30 DAYS CLEARING SALE BOOTSS HOES (Summer and Winter Goods) AT COST 1 to make room for Spring Goods and to enlarge premises Repairing neatly and promptly attended to J. M°NAUCHTON FRESH THIS WEEK ! Candies Chocolates Bon -Bons Oranges Grapes Nuts, etc., at NAIRN'S HELLO, HURONIANS! have yon .sen them 1 Seen what Tl Whir, th. MAY QUEEN ... CIGARS They are the Best 1 Smoke them end patronise Rao IfdnMry. DANVPACPOIS D DT 111BiiOCKS & IBIIIDT OODZRICH r HIDE Silas bees he. ATTRITION WANTED OMR J011 TAII1I T sat W -y Pf1iMIR SPOT CASK W. i d SMITH. eeas.al a Math ...pt,s sad rave was Sib hem as blai•7 hes„ ea Isirslsi d the death ted Ails 0. Hadimin. of Shia isd. and IusaI,1 Ws Mira WHOLESALE PRICES TO ALL A. P. ]VIcL1EAN'S GROAT CLEARING SALE OF $13,000 WORTH OF HATS CAPS GENTS' FURNISHINGS ORDERED TAILORING READY -TO -W EAR CLOTHING will still continue until the 1st January. This great i Sale gives the people of Goderich and vicinity a chance to buy Winter Warmth at unheard of Low Prices. Get protection now while the tax on your purse is light. Last week's business was something phenomenal : we inend to make this one still greater by far, as we have Cut the Prices so very low every- body can afford to buy. It will pay you to buy your SPRING SUITS FOR BOYS as we are offering Special Inducements before Stocktaking. Don't fail to look over our whole stock --Great Bargains all through : it is well known to be the largest and best of its kind in the County. r A. P. M°LEAN MERCHANT TAILOR 't) • 1