The Signal, 1896-12-17, Page 6ORK —IJDI71:1MD— ervous Prostration Oomylelo Seerreeeybthe vord Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Some years ago, as a result of too sloe* attention to business. my health failed. 1 became weak, nervous. was enable to look after my interests. and manifested all the symptoms of a de- cline. I took three bottles a Ayer's Sarespsrilla, began to improve at ma, and gradually Increased my weight from one hundred and twenty-five to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine whoa needed, and we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil- dren would have been fathrrleae to•u.y had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 4 which preparation I cannot say too much."—H. 0. Hnr.ox, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard'., 8. C. Ayer'sSarsaparilla RECEIYIND MEDAL AT «01101 FAIR. AYER'S PRls Save Doctor's R111a. TOMMY S DILEMMA I want so much for t'hratmas, And want it wtth••.,t fall ; I want • roeker• DV With • really mane .ad tail ; 1 want • sword and pi.toi, A cap, and coat of red ; 1 want • little wagon, And • double runner sled, 1 want • pair of mittens, For this ono r lost • tnumb ; I want • book of pictures, A trumpet, and a drum ; And with the nuts and pop -gun, And sugar plume and all, Ism just afraid our rbimney Is 'boar a un too small. NEWSPAPER STORIES. Failure 1-p.se$Ne Wb.a N.r;.ime—nerve mon our.—ie .p- pb.,►, It ,utters not .-f 1.. long .tending. tis pea.trati-ip .•..•l pais subdu,og power 1, mob that ••11.1 almost ...ont.o«os.*. Nervdine to a ner.'e part i•urs. Thi. state inset e t press- all. Ts y it and be convinced. I$mseet Old d Seal 1 A Hort time are an old lady went oo beard Nefsoe's ti mishit., the Victory. The different *Newt sot Intel net were duly shown M her, and oo reaching the spot where the great naval oommander was wounded,whiob is marked by • raised brim plate, the of. Deer remarked to her : " Here Nelson fell '" Aod no wonder !" .*schemed the old lady. " 1 meshy f.11 time myself "' Which was !Yoe. A good story to told e1 the ready wit of a member of that numb used fraternity the professional bora.-dealer. A stranger was inapeoi its ao stuns! with • vow to psroha. , and finding aro good Mstne--like °Mention to make, at lyes haz- arded the optntoo that "the horse bad • rather heavy head. ' Well. t won't say hue wot 'e 'aye not, a rather 'easy '.d," replied the oammy old dealer ; " bet then, los' blew yes., air, 'e'11 'eve to 0.117 it 'weed " The taut pane. Among the advertieemeot. in • German paper there recently appeared the billow- iest "The wnrleman who found • mom with swam 1s. the Biumentraese is reit m sled ta forward it to the .d trees of the loser, as he was reoom.s.e 1 " A few days afterwards this reply was im- mersed "Th. reooq.ix.d yen,l.•tttan who peeked up a pares in the Blomeasttrsase ragtieste Meer to oalI at Ate bonne " DODDS KIDNEY PILLS Any PO1n Nth. 0 blood is sure to do havoc some- where. The only ptt1E>1UIE is sound kidneys, the only V44e, kidney med- icine, the only 'edict'. is Dodd'S Kidney Pills, d • THE SIGNAL : OODERICH. ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC. 1 1696. Wit Wtt.es M. One night whoa the Glasgow Fir, Brytde were Mugs their weal ball. the alone - hell at the statism saddaaly raga tsrieeely. The brigade tree set esti) all poesible speed. Mt mold dad see miss et a fire. e Inman 6oan whit seam to pmt la the emir glees hothead, however, • dreeksn NNW lem- ma am•ims% the .harm-,est Dtd you rtap the belt "' be asked. " I did that,' replied tie worthy. "1 want you to bring me mi oestber quart o1 beer." weeth /hvtr weight in WNW C%osaldmri.g that otto of roses is worth sere than ita wetcht a void, 11 way *seem reaesoIDK to say that ore large soap firm la England ores .bout 5,000 vaso.s of this precious itgald. Roughly 'peat's', they oaoaume about 5,000 meow of ibis golden hold : it her • ttroa0 room .11 by itself, wherein it ro- c:hoes m curiously looking terooa swathed in (taboo. These demons .re undoubtedly the most valuable in the world. Although lees than twelve rumbas la length and only about MI inches in diameter, each e1 them memo* E80 worth of hyoid. The same sized Sam- osa, if tilled with wine of the rarest .lid moot costly vintage, would riot be worth o.e-tontb of their prment value. rat wet lb• Wets* !Ma. A few minutes before the night impress eat off on Ire Fast ('oast tourney, • maths - man walked up to the Kneed, and giving him the usual up, tubed him to waken him at York. " My !maltase is most ureeot,•' he added, " and remember that, no stutter how muob I abuse you for waking me, 1 must be put out at 1 ork. Understand, too, I am most ditioult to •roma." Th• guard, however, said he would pat him down .1 York sitbout tail. Nest murntag the gentleman •woke u F.duburgb, and used language to the guard more forcible than polite. " Ay., you nen swear a bit," said the 'nerd, " but you oouldn•t held • caedle to the fellow we put out at York. --London Tid- Bite. Three and rear Stake acres, Poor .lack sometimes has a bad time of it oo the smaller clam of merchant •nip.. 1f be falls ill be must practically get better ea best be oars. `chim of this kind do not carry • doctor, but have • medietna-chest, in which the bottles are numbered, not named. This chest is under the care of the ceptaia or the tar ate rine day • sailor was taken i11, and the mate went to see poor Jack. to question him era ha aches and pause. He thee went to the:medical book and saw that Jock needed medicine from No. 7 bottle. But No. 7 was empty. The bewildered mate hardly knew what to do. At last an idea struck him. , Well," be thought to himself. "as three add fear make seven, why not me the coo - toots ••••• (t was door, and the sailor recovered, and the mate prid m himself on being a .kill"! doctor. THE 52N0 ANNIVERSAHY. densest Sevaseas b, .... Je.uN attme..1 s:ederWI. In the ■ethedies 4 h.rrt. Sunday haat will long be remembered as am000 the most ..00eeelal anal veteenes ever held in the Methodist church here. Rev. loespb Edge, who is universally esteemed as one of the moot popular piston who ever ministered to • 000gregatieo to Acton, was the preacher n1 the day. Atter an abeence of nearly three {'ears toe suture community seemed Saaiooe to hear this favorite pastor again and as * ninth the conic, egat coos were very larva, The church was never crowded fuller this at the evening service, when the service at Koos Church was withdrewn and numbers from the ether churches were pres- ent. Between 800 and 400 were in attend- ance and many were obliged to stand. The sermoes were able and eloquent ex- positions of divine truth and were delivered with • cls rnese and force of utterance ohanoteristic of this energetic preacher. The subject -matter manifested careful at ody, critical research ud was fresh and lite -like in thought and envirooment. Through both discourage there breathed front beginning to end an en -phases ot the wonderful pro'iuten by our Heavenly father of a salvation and higber life for which to stave, and the oon- sequeat responsibilities sad blessings sar- roaddieg the poesy-iou of the glorious yes psi in the tte•rt. For the moraisg sermon the tett : " For I am sot ashamed of the gospel of (,'briar, for it is the power of (hod mato salvation to every one that beheveth." Rom. 1: 10, was the basis. In the i.trodnotioa bomso- ity. with eta wonderful genius, was spokes of ; ita greatness, eta tumidity end its wick - edema pointed out. Notwith.tuaditic his aenine men mods a power to modity him natural proolivitlea. The gaup.! is needed. Rltoaliem with .11 to beauty and power will not supply the need. Something doe is craved. The merit 1. seeded sad it meta he gives freely. No market produces it. It is bestowed with • freedom, illustrated in Joh 3 : 16. It is • onmmodlty, • newer whim% only the Heavealy Father out rive. . tad it Dever „rows old. We've o.tgrewe the respires hooks. the tallow mortise sad the stage ceao►w. We oetetrow away things, but we never outgrow the compel. W• Dead it always. We egad it in its simplicity. Give the bogy, tired mea and women the pore, simple,unadultersted gospel when they o.mq to the Hoose of trod on Sunday morning fond they will he beet and encouraged sod strengthened. The gospel ie a power. It ds the sitsplidty o1 Jesus Christ. It is the arwaing spirit, the awakening inflames from the slumber of sig whit* 0ed sends. It ie the power to .nagger, be erose oat last sad segedlia..11 from t.. Mart Ind lite. It is she.. the ementaiee a gramme* and more pleatifol than the sora When it pees.ua.e all this power and loftiness why o beeld aaynne he ashamed of it' Thee is f it reason of being asbemed of Its anther the enar.ne=ol hie early followers ; Hue lit- erature the gospel bee predeeed ; the ef- feet of the gesoel apes ►mems Merle and lives ; it* revolts " it is the power .f 0.d mato salvatteei se everyone that belifo..sh " Tie ev.sine .erwtns was a meet.rt7 .f - fort The tett woe !Mises 128! i5, "Ops. Tlive Kim eyes that I easy behold weed - me thisgs eat .1 thY law.' An laterseeleg aaalmis of the tett was erne given, them f elite ed masted refereeing to the let/wlemee .f the weederfal in the history s1 iter r51a 1 it meets see of Ames ity of the best.■ MIN. 2. le mewls with what aisle all messed us. 3. h is a reprover a Mae denessie dkteestlee whish abarh•tor• lose many pimple. e. Mas, .1 the weeder• fel tibiae 1• spiritual, Ordeal mad ether magna are bifid...g..rnw ttemeedses bas to iho wonderful le God's law t het tied yyfll esaidd boars dp tm t*SUs who gm M Him. ig.arrt gvelntllw M ▪ the bat w�wh �Whir `abs Sada, seam' sad (Utopias !;.dears, se- gasustisee, the eessd..ti..i walls have ewe large! beeline dews. We ars very trego.Uy largely balers ere de set love ties habit, The wade... Wiese of Oed'e law are ant nay bidden Mt the Divine Bo- is. se lie eel► revealer. Awa the wea- idross Mi.so to be te.sd ea this law, whim revealed by the Holy Spirit, are rte heasU- fsl psalms and poetry ; its aaoterly hisi.rp; eta trismphe ; its bes.distisse ; its ear - prime ; is werderfal mysteries. nod its be. aerteltty. Tho smphes.Meo et the rarities divisk.us d tae sabje)t was rarest iaterestgeg and impressive sad beteg delivered in the wellkown .earnest add tweetsl mossier which shanotedam Mr. Edge Mho * memo asdiesw manifested em attention whish wits nudivided sad Mame daring the fifty - eve minutes o1 the delivery of lkedio:wares. Rev H. A. Maepbseeme tied Rev. W. linters warted to the esteem The lecture se Holiday .Stamm was at - needed by a mach larger audience than sneers l► greets those who mature apse the pour* platform. The .,Mems " Men for the .me," was • most bellyful one mod was calculated to Jospin the hearers, portico lady those toot eateries epee the duties of Itt., with a dorm to aehi.v.moms, sad be u seful to the ge.eratics with wblott they are Identified. The qualifications acquired by ideal stea for the sge are : 1, Men of ebereoeer ; 2, Men peseesatd of geed pby- * Nue ; 3, Mee with proper ideas of msnsyf 4, Men o1 good temper ; 5, Married men ; 6, Mem of mange ; 7, Mea who are tree int item 1 he loot ure abounded m intereei- ing and well -told aneodote., and Him - Whitlow, bristled with flashes of wit and eloquent ported*, and was orameeed hill of rich thonitbt sad aspirations. At the oleos of the Motors the hearts thanks of the ooegregation for his mervioes during the aaaiveraary were moved by Masers. H. P. More and W. H. Storey sed onanimouely supported by tee audience. Dr. .ren presided during the meatus. The ann+vereary (services were • gratify. tag •corse** ID every emptier. The presses of Rev. Mr. Edge was enjoyed by all aid his sermons and lectures were •000rded the heartiest appreciation. The visit of Rey. Mr. Ed,. se the Sal': bath School was also much enjoyed. H. 1. • thorough ,Roins Sunday School enthusiast, irk's be areas to address the school the scholars greeted bin with Cbaata.gua salute. which was emend a pretty and ap- pr.oi^teed welcome. —Aotee Free rr.es. I Prolog Gcreao Pastor After 30 years of Rheumatism is com- pletely cured by RYCKMAN'S KOOTENAY CORE The medicine is universally acknowledged to be THE BLESSING OF THE mac. Hamilton, Aug. 10, 1896. Mr. & S. R okmau, l�tito., ( hit Dear Sir,—I take great pleasure in giving you • statement regarding mar mese of rheu- matism with which I woe .tfliceed foe over thirty years. The pain had vraduelly ap- preached my breast, and .fdfeotsd me oo that 1 could not sleep oar my left aide. Another troahle 1 had was • kind of Dyspepsia known as gastric Igdige.tio., from which I suffer- ed oote.ider•bly. I M.1 to be very guarded as to what I ata, otkerwlee 1 had to pay the penalty. At prawn, once taktes year val- uable remedy known as "Kootemty Core," I am able to eat my meals withvat may bad affect and sleep all eight without any pato or had feeling. In sddi'inn let tot acid that my Rheuma- tism v..e n• had at 1im0 that 1 could not move myw if. 1 am new like • different nun, owl stsct.ntii my r.uommend your mrdiein., " Kootenay (;urn" t* anyene sue- eri's trop. Rheumatism or Stomach Trouble I am glad to he.. found the Remedy sad willingly furnish yeti with this informatics that it may help ethers who are amilarly afflier ed. Wishing colt •acorea, I remain, Years trely, signed) (;ensu:. BRAC•', F..tnr, 01 the F eangeltcal Association. Reside/too, 146 Market -et. Between forty and fifty women, mostly Americana, have registered at the Univer- nty of Berlin this Summer. At Zoriob, where there are 15U of them, tits womea students are demanding equal rights with the me.. safe YOV TAITZD [ADA" t:wi '-‘141 TEA. It is the Mese I)sioi..s lot all Teas. iN/i MLT mag LIgAO PAMIRS .T "u""' Bf`°B' 1 Charles A. Nairn The Bicycle Season of 1896. is new o.er, and if you want to Store YourWh Eel for the Winter, I have the •ecoomodation, and will take them on reasonable terms. I would remind cycliata that Winter is the proper time to overhaul Wheels and repair if necessary. Kverytbi.g i. the Repair Lille kepi on hand. end sone bet tsk:.►ed ban 1s employed. J. YULE, Lv i .i ycle Livery Kbassem PLAITING MILL. EfiTfIBL1t11Eg Itis. BllchailaDs & Boas ra>.rv.vrvasis BABE, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1a W ktad. of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And batld]s's materiel ot evert tlaeortptios School Furniture a Specialty. Pallas.. Announcement. New Goods and Best Values in the Tailoring lane at the old -established and reliable Went-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guatanteed in Quality, Style and Price HUGH DUNLOP. GET YOUR OYSTERS 1llwaro Graiiileare are necessary to mankind, then how mach more no are they to the better part -- woman 1 As thwy are so neces- sary you should ter that what you get are goad, thea saving in °nail and health. Tinware or Graniteware bought from as is always good, and as the latest inventions are always added to our .tock a better •elsetson cannot be found in (ands. STOVES .1.,) FURNACES theWe hen most complete line of Stoves end Fern - Mae in the (lonnty $ARPE S LEI. HAS,THEM STAN DARDS and SELECTS FINNAN HADDIE First of the Season Cakes, Pies, Tarts. Ready fbr the Rusk. ('all at D. Camas ell'., the leading bakery, for your Christmas (cakes and Puff Pass. Tarte, Oyster Patties., Millen Pies, Short Bread. All kinds at Cake. kept on hand. Orders lett by ten in the morning will be made and deliveered the same day. Wedding (eke.—Ornamenting and decorating d the latest designs with a fancy assortment of Wedding Cabe Ornaments Almond icing a specialty. ?.�. Ceza.t610r.l.. SOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS TVS 01r000, Regulates the *ed.'s et the Lifter sell RIi+W alar 'AU be temmd Iwdi.pr 's.rls r .rag at Fatah and Wow 011s.MM. as lar awe. • .n1p dmos iia Sae LMRM • .>•1•aela mR1A "THE SIGNAL" "GLOBE" FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY Ist, 1898 FOR $1.60 (ONE DOLLAR ANO SIXTY GENTS) Subscribe at Once! AND GET THE FULL BENEFT OF THIS BIG OFFER. Call on or address "THE SIGNAL," Goderich, Ont. Mom Paddling a an • Ts ewer • pselb45.,. Mew day him nit terries for the wasbar+ssaen. EDDT'S Itdtrseed Pihrew.re Trig and Pails isms. work, --save time 111 grocers. The IL IL OM O.tll. >Mau, - Owns& FOR FALL and WINTER. A. MUNRO, Jest M band --e large tisA varied 'Meat DemeNie aid Imported HOSIERY, Black stud Colored IIIANTLE and JACKET OLOTHB Slagle and Dwbig BRAWLS, Ower fai.ess demise ware, last black; LII8TRE8 ars preaseissad extra vats. Oar OORBE S are messed to sere, hisp.etiee kiadlp 'Weed A. MUNRO. Dmnr. i 10;400 Sipple Barrels ForSale - - - At Lowest Markel Aries Wholesale ov EMSIL l[aZW AN'8 COOPERAGE 0stldbtd. derah. bray's Syrup of Red Por Conghs, Spruce Colds, Urotle c1 itis, Lo -:e fon throat, ear. anat. atlas!.. eo ..oreitemmt me.en•et.