The Signal, 1896-12-3, Page 8CUT OR
Duncan MCGeachie Met Death
In Horrible Form.
Me was caught b a C r. a. reale .t
westernism ant Iltaac/s4 .. Batt,
Tbsa emir Net aosgalt teems et
ggresitios Wear Dews a well is Mago
as baperstea gad Use teal\ feted la
and tees\.. alas Se real\.
Woodbridge, Oat., Nov. m. Aa the es.a-
Ing train came Into Woodbridge SilaUoa
last web'. Maness klct.eachle ut !Chisel
is la, wbt was waiting on the platform.
stepped across the track In front of the
*aglow. but. wt,esI.•ulatlna tit, distance et
the appruseblug train, be was struck and
ground to weer.. 1eueath the wheeiaw nit
eagtue and baggage car passed over him.
W lower limbs being crushed luto pulp
gad his head cut •Pen- He was carried
into the •tattoo and lir Thum was •urn -
mooed. but .medical skill could du nothing.
god the p...or (.0.. exfored •te.ut two
kt.,.ra after without bus tug uttered a word.
...u,. down 11,, Ira.! ro Wood-
bridge shout hour, betun t•• get his
S•t,uday gulp:, of gr,- elle* .111d era as,
Ib: lea• l Op 11* train lir wade a prat
liar of t..ardlmg the Irvin ou the off aide
la •erder to get on enure safely. etthuut tae-
ia: lo.r1..1 1., tb.oa• genius oft auJ was
er, sing the basel for thug polio/we. with
✓ . ung hall of perr.•le, when be wY
atru. k.
Mrklet.ea••ble was a blaekamltl, •r'• Mill.. about tbr.•.• lull.. (r.ou Woe*
wide, whru h.• air.. kepi the
and looked alter the . 1' 1t. deg stone*
He sus about . yeas et ane and leach,
• sun loot two daughter.. who lured wait
bt. wife basing died • .bon time
Mn..•. HIs aces TLot,.,4. ton down the
track luaore•d)ntelr on learning of the sal
tldrur and saw sal• (ether breathe hl. last
114 .Id. ser daughter. ilinule, was ave l: g to Iteer,,n. The trap, was. ea.w�
•d. a, ii noun! .on naturalist evenn,g.• aid
the terrible trntnty .1.11.1y affected the
pew. •n:.r- a1,4 e..t * &loom .o. -r the
ordshnet l,.aar. ..hare the Jrr.••..d wit
Well kooaa and highly r•*p••led
■.tri d Nem tits,.
Mt. Forest. Oat.. Nov. ht. A '•ad gad
1.,l..a..atient occurred today In rt,. 'rown-
.I, . of Egremoat. about three toil., (runt
this town. whereby Mr. ilesit*id Currie.
an oh1 grad highly respected resident of the
tow n*41p. lost ht. life. Atr.ot UI a u.. a
tsar whom h,• had engaged to -Iran his
well bad •tompler.d rhe work, end Mr.
Currie nlared bl••• foot to the loop of the
rete and des. ended to sew the ■ .pearance
et the well. When arrant 210 feet down
the Well caret In, precipitating the earth
sad atone curbing upon the unfortunate
Snob. Willing band* at once set to work
to remote the debris. but owing to the
large quantity of earth end stone they did
ant succeed in rea.'hing the body until late
Hole afternoon. Evidently the poor luau had
been killed Instantly. a• hist head was bad-
ly bruised.
Mr. curdle leaves a widow and grown -
0p family. Hr ars about :ed years u( age
and a native of t1. •!laud.
Blabs Mast I1.
New Hamburg. sent., Nor. neat -Albert
11 lea -mill. Ia years old. met sub a seri-
ens 1'.iident yesterday afternoon. He was
employed cutting corn stalls with a horse-
aer straw cutter on the farm of J:Itnea
Barber, itlIni t Town -top The maebine
became choked and I4..4. nnlll wit rode*
voila% to remely It. al. n the hones
started suddenly and drew his arm Into
the machine, cutting his richt band nom
plMNy of. Lr. Wilson of Platteville waa
soon In attendance.
Beawert 1. seal\.
Bellaboutputlo elioekto
lars.J•ma. Beed wife of
a.T 11. Engineer James Reid of this eft:.
eel ',on *hiss, le -4 , Itgb• t L.rap
• .-Ilan .- .Its. •4 lwI .•ver .log r It
4 ,pl of tb. .II,. ,.. Id.: •a1•
b rl or, t.. W ,. ,,:, n fi„ t•
1: I's • ng. of , _ h fearful
ly r set, .1.. *, a: .ed lei '4»^ rh11d•
I • \ • Irr ••uud ; . .or
mi • Hag. at . le • t, -
E tea •, a .. - ..a.d as .! at... smuatl . t..,d•
r .
Yate riser i•erbeeil t
Toronto, Noy. go.
Then la eonslderahle rnrlety as to tb•
Safety al Lawyer John 'Milton and Bur
vein.. J"1nenn. two TomnlonJJIa, who
have been out in the Seine liver dlstnct
bolting for cold. I'1.. weeks Igo they
were supposed to 4e scut In by tee In •
dlstrlct sump r,n miles north of bake Ahrs
11:*m. when about to stake some claims.
soap n time has elapsed •lose
!boors. Sb' •n and Johnson weer blo.•k.
aged ,' utile bap* b entertained or
enclitic them afire, and It b feared they
bare Leen starved or fmrea to death. or
perhaps fallen through the lee In •n ethyl
to e.eape(line ray Of bope I'es is the
fact that they nave weapon* •ad may
'hors game It might be well for the Gov-
ert.....•nt to form *soother expedition to ae-
gis/ the drat one. for the road they have
to trace! Is a hard 1111,1 d• ono.
Jobs %billow la • r.,enlher of the legal
firm of i(hlltoti k Walltrldge. anti Rurvey-
or J.,4n..•a he. • wife and fnrilty llvtng
is. W.d)h,gtou *toot west.
'0 ',Pools* Malls.
'! eta .. t,e.. O. --At.•\ fro.,. m Na.
4: asps .1 o: 1:.:• Prate oft Me, gt,.,
II. elle of a fatal arelep.t wb1e4 de-
r d err to bigot. The Earl of Elim,
IN -yaw 0. ludta. united at Bared* t41.
roiliest ..n a %lett to tkr tlstkwar, or aa.
the ruler of the State. Tile lul.aboanta
turned nail .-n tease 10 wrb-..r,.. the Ci,..
roe and to a'-.• a diaplay of fireworks la
h,>, humor. 4 be was mom In the
p:,rk of the I.ahksar. whirl' was open to
the pistils. Everything peered ..R Wilkie(
h,rld.•nl of hale ee,11 the .0.1 •4 CI • .. re-
euale.. Teen the .1,1».11 l4*.. ' * t9.h (or
tee park ire,.... ''t1a :. •• ,•r,• ...
they aeon I.eenotr famine -41' .4h 4'
Those bridal. not knoainu r .. nee ,.f
the Arley at the cu, pre... -.l 1'.,„,,,l am
111 ties crush a4 the file. w*,. Iortlee•. ,t
aeober Of persona were willeeleol es, dawlh.
while others Who 1.... Il.r,r 1...In* In 14.•
waren. masa of homanfty 1.,1 'be lir •
trampled out of tern. of '41414I iron surf••
eatloo. When the crowd use Natalie el..r
•way it woo head tel 0I prfe,.a. bre:
killed and 'G Sore or hes. se,1•,...4
a rows* a04's th-,•.
Alexandra. Ont., Nov. -, , . r
has been the seen* of a 1
during the pant tea d*,- ,
girl about IM y.'aro, nano.... 1,,,
Vann,. Crave birth to an I
t1\I1d last week. and (hero c ,
throat with an ordinary kn.'. u...i •,e
ta. souse. After committing the .tlm•-
ON pit• the little co , he ., a hen., -1
brush behind ei she.. au). went to to.
Vota.e w here *Le ((0........1-s4 ,i...
tiarttles h.. a token Ult.'. ma a er ' is
i...nd The girl 1r. ul.le, the d.w•torit
care and was so low lawn night that
b., lite was despaired of_
The gleiteeresool t -.ase lees
■alltar„ N.R.• Nov Ni. Yir Ida .stew,
r.g wows. *rho la her wedding attire
week •waited the rn-4■` of ser be.
'teet. •hs rat alt. asd ape rptaap.
tor late the bead• at e.trlra•a, with
tk t, is -gay .e*Otasoa(W a milt for bro eh d
wawa, mem damages The do
t is duet.. Veen*. Wel he b e -
N Is •• •reseal water tsetse. ?beer
eros•• .t soother Ural Mac'` .t pew
era.. Is widen • hely wen Wows t.
Wax sweaty ryreles weak he the plats
The seas -aaaMa.t is tit peasant is
The gist..! the AssMN tees Not !otiose*
t\. .4. asst.....
George Redmond brought • .Granger
settle to dinner with him oho Wahl
lea Wet*, and the family were gaits
delighted with h.. appearance. He was
* young eastern man, full of Its and
emeriti, and though he talked trade a
good deal. he did It In such an easy
Way that it wasn't at all offensive.
Suatneas was so dull la the emit. he
said, that he 114 ought h.- .vuuld take a
IIIUe tun UU\,ugh the nom and look
uy 00488.. of his customers. Hr woo
quite shrewd Brough. huwever, 10 avold
being drawn wt.o any ananctal coo-
trtrter.y with Papa Iteallnund, and
warted much better pi--as,d to take
part is a general conversation with lb.
shins, family, with a .ugh: Conne.eMxm,
t«rrbapw, to favor of Gra. rite a .Istat.
"This ha. been a great a¢s.on fur
the flag Mossiest." he ca• retrsarit-
est, as he dextrously steered Ps.p. Red-
mond from the crime of 13. ''illy Uncle
Jur writes me that there has been a
wuoderftit denim/DI f,r penny guards.
Uncle sells flags. you know."
.'What, pros) on.,*'.. said July la $ tintlehment
•etch, all kinds. He's president o[ aha
t'uhrumet stunting (10."
There 04o sil••floe for a moment of
two, and Julia ooticealed a portion ut
Iter flushed fay.- behind a teacup.
'There must navelwort a lively bust -
woe In campaign buttons," said lis wje.
'' W'onderful," cried the young ea•l-
erne-r•. • til Assn s wag In New York law
week brother Jim said they wore sail
going like hot cakes. I've forgotten
'Wow many greats of street outfits he
said he'd sold. -
)..0 brother sell buttons
ed: the 'trees' :.-k..1 Julia.
• :Not exactly. J.m is manager of the
1arele Novelty Co., up at Springville."
Again Slim Julia was forced to hide
her blusher.
" 1'nfnrtunatety," said the guest. "we
are not all In butt*.lust now. Gauadn
Charley Stow was down fnrmt Master.,
lust before I lett. and said that tooth.
po•ks were a drug on the market.'.
"I shouldn't thi.►k that there was
Any profit in toothpicks when you ran
get so tetany for a nickel." commented
Mrs. R. dmond.
"Oh. Charley's factory at Plum Lake
has paid handsome dtvldends up to
the present year. H. turns 'sem out in
billions, and makes ap...Is. tt,opoo you
know. But I'm afraid Cou0in Joe
ll,x.ker is going to suffer more than any
.1 the rest ort us, poor chap."
"What does he sell'." Inquired
. Is" .rge.
"Slate penclta."
Slate pencils?" echoed Julia. and
blushed again.
"Yrs, he's got a mill of his own up
In Goshen with ail the Improved nita-
chln.'ry, hut with so many public
schools shutting down on slates. I'm
afraid he'll have to add something to
•e.• plant. He's talking of making
lamp cirar »rs."
"Any money to that"- inquired
r :e'onre.
"Oh, yes, indeed ---and he may add
mouse traps."
]Iles Julia almost echoed the "mouse
traps," but she retrained lust in time.
"Are you ala.. In a manufacturing
buskin -es?' she aw.eetly Inquired.
"Yrs," 14., answered. "ti). paper
-Fly paper...
"Ye:+, and *hiewtrtnga.'
•'Wloestrings?" oh. softly repeated.
'Tea. I have a quarter lntt+reat in
Brattier T,.m's fly pater factory over
,rt }fob t ricd a • ear - father art
r up . •.t :c .'roe -:ri r I'.nt 1h Aa -
' rid • 1 . *'... . • .,g pay -and -fly
I •t- r'." :ugh M - J
' two
yes. s. -r, . sly. : -lied the
nest. "1'ly Ir$L 4al.'-• n a 1' per
.nt •11't•'en.l kr; y..n, • rd 1 have
•-igh' y- n••_a• _wa k in a a .. r. l buss
our shoe.uing output wlil , rs.,h pret t y-
elcwe to a couple of hundred rhouvand
try Derember."
Miss Julia looked at h!m with dilated
Then they all Went hark In the
.1raw-ins-mons-Cleveland Plain Deal-
.1 lions 112 6.rrnawy.
Generally speaking. the position of
literary and Journall•-.tic fru:ernity
In 1eernnany is not so gond nor so re-
munerative in *lemony as In either
Franc... 1•:nitla'ld or the i'nited States,
and the deerptte the fact that the copy-
right law is strictly enforced here.
There are tetany instances occurring
all the time of more or lees gifted writ-
ers dying of starvation or virtually
that. Thr reasons for thin are quite
apparent. Too many book*. pamph-
let. and nowapapers appear here In
.mpart.on with the number of those
., ho buy them. Circulating Inirsties
are a perfect ruese to the literary
laborer In Germany, for they prevent
his book+ from being purr, hawed In
i:,rre number,. There Is. pe•rhapw. but
of., purchaser of h..oks, to ten readers
of the cirrulatlner libraries Thus,
then, the death In Dresden of Dr.
F:ul.'nbur•g, brother of the Berlin pro-
f.essor, and author of a nurnber of
good books and eeverat Ane plays, Is
somewhat typical. He did not earn
enough to support his family, and after
a prolonged struggle against thou/
• Ads. he au.'t.uml.ed. H. 14(14 4 his
whole family with prtuiwi: ail4 and
then himself A few years ago he had
a fortune at his own amounting to
100.000 marks. which AN parents had
left him, but h. lost It Iry tis.' failure.
of a bank. On the name day another
writer of reputation In Hamburg com-
mitted suicide for similar reasons.. SOU.
11-ee17 week atxrtit 1000 new books, se-
ethes lnmtm.rablp pamphlets. etc., are
put on the market in Germany -Bertin
tier. Chicago >.
Thew N.M De. Jlanote .,
Here unpopular a Aran M.Jamewon, ha
of the Transvaal raid. still 1., In
many was was curiously Illustrated last
week In Laminae There were rarest
there and the city M1 tee/p.1c stakes
were won by a antes whore hoe's. hoer
the hien. of Dr Jameson. The city
fathers. however, rrfte-ed to deliver sip
the stakes until the 00 ner had agreed
to chance the name of the twilit Into
•rwnethtng teas likely to hurt the ••ta-
ewptlhllNly lithe esthetic burgher*.
tit course. the owner agreed, for the
stakes were Helen marks
Japer. gad the twat wont'. Weir.
Mr. 'Tato. the *.•.rotary wt the Jad-
sna.e Legation In Paria, bit fowl heels
appointed (4wnmietlldesr-General e[
Japan at the 1<ttpo.Hetl of 1000. b
neweeemtewt. which by already witted
Meld for the oeeassos. wt11 undeubtad-
ly vis elite Dammam MtJou* eve the
mend dad eteentailleeetee of tib ealdlitto
Remnants t
After oar tea days Clearing bale we are naturally loft with
a lot of ends In each department This week we will give our
customers annity Of seounng Douse Bargains at halt the
regular pt ice. We have
Watch our Remnant Table on Fritisy and Saturday of this week
all suitable for Christmas Gifts, will be sold the next two
weeks at a discount of 20 to 40 per cent. As our stock is
large and well lilected, this will be a favorable opening
for Cash Buyers.
Prices - - - -
If you are going to purchase a new
Cutter this season, and want to se-
lect from the largest stock carried by
any firm in the county come and ex
amine ours. We are not confined to
any one manufacturer, but buy only
what we consider the best value. We
buy for Cash, and can sell much closer
than any one buying in the old-fashion-
ed way. Our Cash Price is marked on
every Cutter, and you will find a Good
Piano Box for $20.25, s Better one
for $23.35, and a Splendid Portland
for $30, $34, and $35.
We are going to sell them quick, so
don't wait long if you want to have a
large number to select from.
Ilf amiltoo-st.
or Overcoat
If you need a Winter Over-
coat or Suit, call upon PIJDHA >r
The Tailor. If you islsne your
order with him you may depend on
getting goods that will suit in
every way -in fit, workmanship,
and pronlptneas in delivery.
Is Marg.e thee. we shalt haw ear ga-
uss& Me ism hells/ O rism•a
The Coderich Luenla.'r Company' (Lt.i)
has for sale at the Harbor anti at the
yard on the G. T. R. track, Elm, Alb
and Basswood, and Pine, Hemlock
and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and
sizes, and Cedar Posta. Also Slabs
in any quantity.
At CATTLE BROS. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves. Whe have them -
all kinds and sizes at lowest possi-
ble toot prices. Also leave your
orders for repairing and setting up
of Stoves. We handle the best
Canadian and American Coal OiL
Plumbers and'Finners,
10.000 X44)
Apple Barrels
For Bale - - -
At Lowest Market Prices
Wholesale or Retail.
Mag tis- tow OODIOUGII TAlrlrilY
and set the
ilalBar PR1014. SPOT (1.1111.
W. F. & A. SIQTa
Ladies' Coats
at $8.75, 34.85, 35.00, $5.50$6.00, $7.25. $7.75, 38.25, $9.75. These
Coate are at hard -time prices, lught direct from the Manufacturer.
Ladies' Coatings in great variety in colors, and black from 50c to $2.25
6 quarters wide. is in the Fall
Season when many changes in floor covering are made. We never
were in so good a position at this time of the year to meet the wants
of Housekeepers. Everything from a 10c Hemp to a first-class Brus-
eels can be found in our Carpet Room. Our stock, as usual, is the
largest in the County, and we are sure our prices are right. If you
want to buy Carpets right, come here. Oil Clothe, in 4,14. 5/4, 6 4 and
N. 4, in three qualities.
The Great Carpet WareAo. se of the (busts,.
Quality the :Best. Our Prices ;are very Reasonable.
N. B.. ---Our Christman Fruits well ieave the Mediterranean
in a few Dayb_
The Cheap Grocers on The Souere
To be
Proud of ...
in these days is a Shoe that fits, is made in correct
shape and pleases the eye as well as the pocketbook. It
is one of the things of which a child can be proud. Don't
waste money buying inferior
became the v are cheap, for they will in the end be the
most expensive.
Repairing neatly and promptly done.
You'll_ enjoy the
though ail all its vsg7bg me igal
rookery yourcinehteginterRood
withRb saggimg11i. This watla-
dedill fabric la eta light that pan
newer notice its pungency in a
ammeot tin you get oat into the
tuilai and cold, then woe resales
thud yes are cosily wens mon
theflightlyclad. Plin eCbBealdl
is a asimpista bM-cosictle d
beet and *x , not the strong
winery bile* can penultimate it, nor
J'' s^ •�41#t 11
am the natural warm& d i
- � body ape through
erphunitien and the hat that*
stns forlitaa.3mard Rives the winise cry, and eaaiypnnrsiBtlt
Meat's and a rt's sate yeeta et do vibe* it.
And see the qualite of our
Goods. We keep oi.:y A 1
Stock and eau please the
most fastidious. At the pre-
sent time we are actually
rushed with Low orders.
Photo, Kerchief More and
Tiff Cages are in great d•
wand. Embroidered Needle
Cases, Tea Pot Hawn's hc.
kc. make o.eiul and appre-
ciative gifts We have a
pretty idea in Match -Hold-
ers. New lot of THE vip
A IttiaRRitleent
of Body Dolls frog,
1100. up Coors early sad
maks year choirs
in Trimmed
and IInt insured
Felt Sailor, newest shape. I.4i.. ed
45e. Pelt Bailors, untrimmed, 36e.
Remember the Special Sale of Harp
trimmed ts year order --98s, 3114
and 31.50. Ona ease d 'Merl
Ribbons and
Vahan. at hal[ pa4ss.
R. B.
a W. ANNUM. Maebyer.