The Signal, 1896-11-12, Page 88
T- T. tl .CIE SON' . . r - - -
A Settee e-I1.M les 11/2.00 111ae
• Lara Math Iaeeeew flet 1•sN_�-
aM r..4.sse.
at Washington, Noy. 10. -TM Maras to the
Mrs. Sternamaft on Trial
Department of Agriculture lot the ti,urrtl
et November. mi to the rause of yield.
make tae &trragr of cora 11.4 build*.
which 1. atone the yield Iu.$ .ted by the
?8E F1011? FOR BER EI?RADI?ION gLdIt,lOU:j luyfOeumbat•
yidwas Ali.;.;
Ike wieragr • •o of hese., ahem la 1*7
paWele per acre. *prom M.1 bushels last
yew, .red lti.1 tut the year 1*4.
Nbak Wes aa.area M
d W.*seayieldaysThe at erase yl.per sere of potatoes
is *0.e bushels, which. though t pat►
s.rvew.etass fas� IaNMr'• aye. sesorsal, 1a urvertheless vivo.. tar seer
wIIM Weeping age fur the past two year*. '1'►•• average
Med peeress yield of hay. as Balmiest by Due prebuilt'.
WM **MIM I. ppd rah • y returns, is 1.1* toga. agalust LOS last
year. 1'h. *.s
.ag. yield o tobacco
are Aas.•IMI relw.Ias !ty puuuds seer acre. log -
laat )ear and i;td psuuds la the year 1tlIN.
Buffalo. Nov. la -The fight battle Er The European agent tete. the Lae. of trust-
w•ttly t.Uoutw at the Russian *heat
abertege. r
►Ick Is :petted
The advance to prier. wwill vis a 10 to
to be fairly molutained,
creased acreage In t;rr.t Britain. Net
weather Is October throughout t'eatnl low
rope was uatarorable fur the poi•to crop.
A Rood corn yield has been realised on tb.
loner Danube.
ilolue, presumably. to the 1'reeldential
election the returns of the Depertmeut's
evriespoodents as to the compandtte ami
prospective 71.4 ut the rot tun crop are
too meagre tar a tru.l•ortby report,
MLougb sur* reform' as beer been received
Indicate s w.0 ew bat greater yield than
was promised lu last wul tb • reports.
the Canadian officials h.i the extradh'
Bon of Mrs. Oliver Ad.•u SternmIasa
tt►t this city, charged with poisoning bar
husband, Geo. B. Sternanlan, is reach-
tng Its end. t'nited States C'nmmis-
sluner Fairchild lot week began the
hearing of the case, and this morning
resumed it. and from present indica-
tions the hearing will be continued
r1�ht along until finished. The public
Is familiar with the details of th.• :Ye.
Mrsttterna:nan's arrest was made on ,
a telegram received from the officials
of Cayuga. Canada. asking the police
11. r.• 10 arrest her on a charge of mur-
This morning Comrnlsloner Fair-
child's room in the Yustof tee building
was . rowded with witnesses and spec-
tators. Mrs. Sternaman, without IA*
shadow of a care on her face, was
brought In shortly before 10 o'clock.
She had hardly seated herself before
her sister. accompanied by an elderly
woman. who kissed Mrs. gternatnan al -
fes tionately, came in also and took
*eats beside her. They *sero shortly
afterwards followed by Mei. Stet na-
man s parents. The mother sat by bet
daughter, anu her eyes were rad from
weeping. Toe father, a medium stied
man. with iron grey" hair and side
whiskers. sat on the opposite side .f
the room.
Shortly after 10 o'clock Messrs. Duck -
woe and Thayer, attorneys for Mrs.
Bternaman, appeared. They were close-
ly followed by Charles Thomas. who
1* attorney for the Canadian Govern-
ment, and J. Wilson Murray. the Ca-
nadian 4 hief Inspector 4 Immigration, The tz.estive Held a tweetlas Is Goethe I
who to the offlclai representative of , sled Amassed s rregram.
thet'anadlan government at Una trial. Guelph. Nor. 10.-41tpeelali. A meeting of
Mea Sternaman manifested a keen and the Executive Committee of the P.ovlw.•I•I
Lively interest in the case•, and fre-
fluently smiled upon her relatives and Fat Stock Club was held st the Bnyal
friends. Whatever her guilt may tie Hotel porters this attrniooU to make Gaul
she has splendid nerve. and apposite arrangements for the boldlug ut the show.
to be very confident of ultimate art President Hutment occupied the chair. end
amongst tboee prroeut were: President
umoh- Mills, U.A.C.: Mears. J. t'- Bretbour. Bur -
Commissioner Fairchild heard four ford. president Swipe Breeden' Asaoe.45-
w•itne'saes this morning. They were Uos; James Tolton. Walkerton: A. Elliott.
William Ralph Leltlry, agent of the gait: t'rof. J. E. Day, J. )1. Duff. Major
John Hancock Insurance Co. ; Charles Hood W.
Bodood for a mire Guelph. ■t pro -
A. Meedl1oott, resident claim agent of gramwad Eras
the Metropolitan Insurance Co. ; DT. the it u. John Dr rde w deliver
i set
Wm. Langley, examiner for the In*or- M er LAIonie and Dr. Mis will reply. le:l-
ance CO. ; and Frederica Dodswoeth Au address will also be delivered by the
of the Hancock Insurance Co. All Hoa xydsef Haber, be delivered
of Agncul-
ere formal witnesses, simply identlf7- 1 •ler, tharlr. E Thom of eke Atrieul-
gtagar. Falls cad • a1S
Tbrllll.g nese 1. ram
woad NNrsat.
Kur►'s Fulls, Ont.. Nov. 10. -Word bas
lust re. led Dere that the IJawpDeld
party of 'lagan Falls. Out.. cawplug on
Duck Lake. Parry Bound District. had a
t*rtlltug experience with • huge black
bear I rsok Jeffries, John Itampeeld and
'.1 L. Lundy tracked the bear to Its lair
IS Due swamp. where Jeffries, with a well-
drr.eted shut. sue.•rwled lu waruudlug it.
"1'ueulug suddeuly, the bear attacked lir.
Lundy. who. at close range. *eat a bullet
Into it. but uotwlthataudlug this. there was
.1111 lou of tight is bruit". In Iran time
than It takes to tell 1t the brute had al -
moot closed on Mr. Lundy. who wasre-
I from trine a seyyd time for Fear
of shooting his eumradesrbut dnuing b4*
hurting knife be was preparing for the
worst. when a ball from Mr. Charles Dor-
a,'• rifle pierced the bear In a vitas spot.
(rid settlrrw say that the bear Is one of
the largest aero 1n this section for years.
at 5.00, 6.75, 7.50 and 9.00
nit $10, 15, 520, and 525
52.50. 53, 55, and 56
40c., 75c., $1, and 51.50
The above represents our SpecialBeaver' The above are all New Goods, dust
Juckrta itsMae* or brown. Price 57.50 received. lnnpection invited
Ladles' Coats
st $9.75, 14.85, 16.00, 57.25, 57.75, 58.16, $9.76. These
Coats are et hand -time prioes, bought direct from the Manufacturer.
Ladies' Coatings in great variety in colors and black from 50c to 1115
6 quarters wide. This is the Fall
SAD At:EMSrr. -0o Messd•y weeks s M• -That doe bid fought his way through
tram. at Stratford hooked tato h •idiot loud 11 f..
crashed to d.stb an 'employ ea who was r0 •' Row so !'
patting a Gar M tb. track. •' Hes beset awned four tastes. -
luring purchased the Godorioh Foundry and all ia_Pattetnn for Ceetlags,
is prepared to eePPI,
tug the policies and other papers, and Dural It:zperltueutrl sutlon. Wooster. tibio;
testifying to itternatnan's good health and Mrs. Iloudl••.s. Hamilton. president of
when examined for the Insurance. ,the Lrumiu/ou'.t;.A-• will viva deliver
Mr. Thomas. attorney for the Cana- stddro le*.
d{gn Government attempted In his
examination of these witnesses to show astraltLD Br I WILD ESAIT
the fabrications resorted to by Mrs
Hternaman in order to cover her guilty
Me.a.MW faulMer smiled 1* the
deeds and obtain her husband's in- A geese Studs .t ieienta 0sta•a.
surance. Mr. Thayer. her attorney. on Nov. Burst. •
the contrary, tried to prove the Troy• Mont.,
Chi -
genuineness of the policies and the young Methodist minister from Chl-
enterdttY of the supposition that she cago„ who has been preaching On a
entertained the death any schemes at the time thrall in the Flathead Mountains.
for the of her first and second started out through the hills with a
ethusbands. hunting patty st Thursday. On Sat-
Lced on Pestray of Toronto wastlaurday he sought adventure alone. That
testified thatheand
the he c author- night he did net return. and when
morning came a relief party was or -
teed detective In the 'iterna csete.x- unused. Several miles from the camp
pr that he had obtained alll the the searching party found blood on the
pert medlral evidence read at the Brat
Dns. W C. Phelps and Edward L.
snow, and later came to • place where
examination. a struggle had taken place. The trail Frust, who attended tttrrnaman and in the snow to the point where the
Mrs. Sternaman's first husband during animal had dragged the body was tot -
their illness, was called to testify this bowed, and what was left 4 It and was
morning. Both were formai witness- found mangled,
m tracks In shredded
ded the
es, testifying to the condition of the
man when they were called, etc. , tight must have been a tea,fui one.
One important statement was made The body had been partly devoured by
by I)r. Frost In response to a question the animal.
put by Attorney Duckwlts. Dr. Foist--�f, f2MA /mgrs.
said that in his opinion. a man might I
suffer from chronic poisoning months
after taking a dose of arsenic. and p{nnr-Tke m.r*et Is strong. Is sympathy
that death might come a month fig ar►tb wheal. titrilgbt rollers are bell at
More afterwards from the same dose. 114.0• to $4.1S, but no sales reported.
This evidence. while interesting, is Bran -Trade quiet and prices steady :
not relevant to the points at Issue. sad d..Icrs asking quiet west. Shorts, =0 to
was not contradicted by the attorneys dello
sad the officials Mho are U'ytng to Est
the eztrlodltion warrant
at short notice, as the Moulding Shop is always, open and work goisg M.
Mill, Stove, F.rsoce and all other repairing conzeeted with woo work
dome pr.anpi.y• F.rlbws, lease as your crden sad ten will be pleased
with our we. k 4cr.p iron bought u say gnasttty. We make the Com -
mea Same Bicycle. Mr. Wilson Salkeld is in charge of the r•potr shop.
desoot. 6..dol.rb.
Beason when many changes in Boor oovering are made. We never
were in so good a position at this time of the year to meet the wants
of Housekeepers. Everything from a, 10e Hemp to a first-class Brus-
sels can be found in our Carpet Room. Our stock, u usual, is the
largest in the County, and we are sure our perms are right. if you
want to bay Carpets right, come here. Oil Clothe. in 4/4, 51*, 6/4 and
S'4, in three qualities.
The Gres/ Carpd Warehouse of the l.oserety.
66 Eye -
Openers "
Misses' Sizes (11 to 2) Oil Tan grain leather, button
NGS or laced boot, solid leather in -sole, pegged or rivitted
bottoms, only $1.00.
Ladiels' fine Kid buttoned Boots, made on the new
lasts, patent leather tips, made by The J. D King Co.,
only $1.50.
Quality the Best.
N. B. ---Our Christmas
in a few Days -
A recess was taken until *M, but It
When --Thu mrrool .1 vet firm.
gime112 Liverpool
lad to -day
n to est more momry. rad
The Cheap Grocers on
was 3 o'clock before the proceedings , white cannot be bad under H5 . at Mario
tits No. 1 Manitoba bard sold early at
began. 7)r. Frost was revelled. Dr. 1 , wh11,' roles were made this •fternoo*
Frost attended• Sternaman while he re- •t ia.r, '1 -„,onto freight.
added at 'i Flerle-pin•.•. Ituffalo, H. Bucks*eat The market Is dull. and eke
first vi.41.•d him on June 24. He urged pri,. nominal •1 300 west.
Mrs Aternaman to have her husband
remot.d to a hoopital. but she abso-
lutely r.'funeel to du this.
to LW e' Phelps was railed In eon -
imitation. and agreed with T1r. Frost 1n l pries are .toady.
t 70c
a I' St rnarnan's removal to a hos adzes n ' quiet aw
t oo
petal. Ate•rnaman, when he saw that Deere -rlag sal.'* outside at M..
his wife objected to such a procedure. RT„•lladr quiet. with .al's outside at
anld that he would remain rat home. S., east.
where he could receive herr at'ention. .'Orn --Market Anll, with pekoe firmer at
T)r. From treated Alernamnn for ar-
senical poisoning.
The Blearing was, at 4 adjourn-
ed till 10 o'clock tri -morrow morning
Harley Trade quiet. with No 1 quoted et
Bie. No. it at 31c to 32c. and No. 3
extra 27r to tau' outside.
iliumuff.nnts moderate and prices
tit White sold outside ■1 21c. and
ger. Men's heavy No. 1uality Granby Robbers with
heavy full shaped Sox for $1.65 per sett.
Our Prices are very Reasonable.
Fruits will leave the Mediterranean
The Square
'04.• to Jet outside.
looniest The market 1s uucb•nged, with
ear lots quoted at :3.15 to $.1.1O5.
The receipts of live .tock wore small to-
day. there being only about 20 loads on IM
_ market. 1Meea tbroughowt sbow DO MS-
b•rlal aliases. Cattily p.
ttle ...ill, with ezvviers
SOS ONO dared o flermN•.tM soil •1111 uurkanged. the nage being Stec to 3%e per
sell ref TIb. Choice bulls Sr to 31yr. Then wren
11.111...11.111... N.N, Nur. to The
e Rrltl.h war few choler. hoteliers' Battle and they would
hrlag 3r to 31bc per Ib.: medium Mi ehrra'
ship Indefatigable. a sister ship of h.• la ai liyr to 2'h.'. and taferbr at :r to Jthr-
Ports bee been plowed In commis Lon rat 11114* aro*■ .rue banged at illi in 340 M.b.
Tortamnuth. and I11 14 $e to R.'rmnda t. .aerm at 34 to 37 per brad. wits
take the place of 11 ll M Mohawk uw .his ",„"",,,......,-7',...."' nuuA
.tat lo.. t 1• ettlnuted that It could take gni lamb. In moderate .apply sad
eta.b week■ to Sao mouth. t,. a ;• ,, the dl. are zp.ert vowep mold at 3r per ib., sad
vola steamer 7)rlfr ■t Ib•n'n,t. 'r1r• barks .1 2'.c t. Air: hang* an str*dY.
voyage for Banta. from Ila1. lou• '/ 4n there bring rtes •t Sr to 3tti4 por Ib.
mode to f end .the.arg. f ■n• 1. ..41 Hoe. n. mnelrnte demawd end etoady•
made in losti n for e Ty from tM ,' tads Tim best "old at genie to 3%c Ib., welgbed of
5 its dno Is n. The Tumors 1 toot tun. can. 'hock fats at :'•4 to 33..,re''. llgbt
puma no b ayn■g.r7 In New York. weights at :Pete to 3ely'. sows at L'1ie to Si
sad sags at Se per Ib.
ete.e.este Man crops w ed. BRITISH ed ARK mit. ,
De►ronto. Nov. 10. Thoma. tl
pad dead In his own boom- ''..e, f ,p smcb.
tog. H4 bed bee■ suffering it lung
tremble dories the past 'est 1••.s...+1.
44 yran 4 age, came here from t'ots.orrs
• ■ombor of Ten age, .n.l sub. .•onnr.•ted
telt* the maehtoe shops lie wslr.nt
In Matarder and bad made. .11 arrange
low rats for darting to Alberta. '1 W T.. to
day, thinking that tbo eb.'g•' would bene
ft hie health. Tbe req•lu. w III he con-
veyed to t'oiswrg t. -day for Intrrrreervt
He is snreiree•A by 1145 second site sag
tires e•IIAn'w a
r'NNf of MaeT ..w.
n doethed
by ,tom l
rertb tht Item h•ffirst Boy-
sartplikin to the new para11 off Meat
«.ce use pGta
.*a, h
d aeon -day. *halt be limited to Be. -
NI pesetos. the rtrnaind r of tM
oia llewwtIOg to 11M.DN IIS peseta& to
sotpswad. as tlw t:nvern,n.nt W
Jr Brea --t used •t w owes.
No Need to Muffle Up
when your clothing is taterllaed
with Fibro Chamois. It effete an
_�� 'I .�p1 r.- 'iN • i ti
all protection that cap't be
equalled. Neither wind,frost,
rain or sleet will penetrate it when
,rr • ••V you use the Rigby Waterproofed
line and yet it is se light that it
\� r% adds no noticeable weight to a slit
II/ .• 'f be non -conducting qualities maks
it the most perfect and healthful
warmth giver that can be had and
• �+ 1
sw - ,every ens should ensure thstr win-
. 611eY' :� her comfort by sesiag that it is put
is ail Mdessd stotling or by finding the Fibre Chamois label pa
MITIMIfill4e west suits they may purchase.
Selling now for as as; a yard.
Hu•baad--tt'*•p, bat my wif•:alw•y
waste me to ,.member bet birthday. bet N
forget her •r t"
•' Are hobble's prospects floe'"
"Yas;sedee bemit see iM ."
II it wee* oily M easy to supporta wife
as it is M tall is lova, bow moot happier
yews* mss would be I
lb is a .osttnoet tidos ea the renege of Ids
to &stoke, like Siabed, • whale's book M
n* Weed.
Liverpool Nov. 10.-8pring wheat, 7e tM
to 7. 1d So 1 Cal., 1544.14.77'I.5 eons.
la ad peak M 114; pork, ane; lard, Zit
3d; heroe Le.. b••ry• 3Ue M. do.. light. Jes
gd. do.. ..c. Wavy. Ms. tallow. `los ed;
elseo.o, white sad colored. 51..
Landau ()reales- Wheat of coast oath -
Ism doing. on Maaats firm F.wglt.b eine-
try market. steady 11,115 on p.aG•p
Quiet and steady
Liverpool epnt wheat arm twerps ▪ fa Dyfed for Nov. god Dec awl es 11
for Jas , Fob. wad March Mals* Sem •t
Be 3•.d for Nov. so Dec and 1s 211d M
Ian . reb end Mereb. Flour. 21a 1MN
Parts Wheat. 1!f lie for Poe Goer. OM
31r for Lee
i•ondon (foes waist of eew., .rad M
passage armee •*d Is M Mtgber Mats
we toseestrens
new riser Meq •1 oaf 10.' for Iiee
Liverpool -Wheat *no et 7s OStd for Nov.,
Dee. Jaw flab .wit 0.4 11. March •f.od•
>rTal M11
!M r ,. M e*d nor pro "ns
et lie fu
fns .
Fall is at Hand
So be p. epared to meet it with a
ee�od Hat or Fur Cap when it comes.
e have pat in stack all the Latest
Styles of Flop and Winter
which for quality and prioe Cannot be
equalled. in stock are numerous • '
sorfesent$ of the latest in
" They are Money -Savers."
The Low Priced Shoe House.
'Undertaker - .and - Embalmer.
Beautiful Black and White Hearses For Low Prices
in Undertaking go to A. B. Cornell. Don't pay big
prices. Mrs. Cornell attends to all female essea
at prices lower than the lowest A fine lot of Window
Shades on band. •
Good 8 -room House for Sale or to Rent on South -et.
Apply to
Hamilton -et, Uoderich.
nib reliable Has Dred )fltasbldeg ifm*artr
of Leatherhouse
Being a molest little book which recounts the discovery, by ".Ic:-�:... Foot i�d;
and Proudfoot, of a certain party who lives in a fine house but is much in
need of a bath.
Mr. Fnotfriend has left us a few copies free for
quick distribution, to folks who are too poor to pay
$6.00 for a pair of 03.00
If you are qualified, J
please call, or write, and get l
one from -
The rom-
41/41;beess 1-44(aelb.` I
Agent, WM. SHARMAN Jr.