The Signal, 1896-9-10, Page 23
. r -
TIs else Peewee • soothe* Its,
Aad laugh ear tseeblss deem,
for ell oar hills trials wait
Oar 1•aghwr or ear frown.
Reenact tare wive el • smile
Ow doubts wall fade away,
A. melts the mow in early
Beneath" the sonny ray.
to make & wonky nurses,
• tip, ear owe ;
To Rive the owrrgat of our lives
A tris and setae lege.
'Tie nigh to ooarfort heavy Warta
Oppresed with dull despair,
Aad leave in eorrow-derkeeed lives
A 'item of brigbt•ees Iberia
TI sir to give • helping hand
o anger, earnest pooh ;
Te watch, with .11 their waywardnees
Their morass and their truth.
Te strive, with .,moth: and love,
Their ooaidenw to iia.
'Ts note to open wide the heart
had " lot the mashies se '
Ei'BEN," said my mother, as she
lay in het last clew, " there wee one thing
which your lather impressed upon ma before
be died , • lever let Routes put foot is
91mt7 ! '
Why, mother,' 1 asked.
" 1 know not, mt• en.." she -stiffed. "Hut
I .Iways v.deretood that tem• free• ionizer
awaited your tether tf he returned to Sicily,
and them were almost his last words to me."
My tether, Kubuno Viuoetti, who had
died la my very early infancy, had been of
Sicilian birth. hnt my mother was Hnelish,
and I had sawmill resided in Roamed, and
was a thorough Englishman w my habits,
• Itbouph 1 tock after my father in features,
e nd as 1 could steak Italian like • native, 1
was often taken kr one.
Fora young Ina° of three-and-twe.ty to
be told that he is not to go to • °erten' plias
is rather likely to send him there, ea it is
" daring ' him to do so, and had 1 bad tiny
desire to ro to Sicily I fear tb.t, even thea,
my mother's repetition of my father's warn-
ing would not have prevented me. How
ever, 1 had nothing to call me ft ,.n England
until, nearly four veer. afterwards, 1 visited
Italy tor the purpoes of studying palettes,
to which .rt 1 had devoted myself, end
wh.tever impree.ioo the warning had made
apes me at the time It wen spoken bad thea
faded from my mind
An English friend, Arthur Attwood, •
fellow -artist, w.. staving with me at
Naples, and he expressed • wish to see
Monet Etna, and I ooesated to •000mpany
We arrived at Messina in due Ceur1e. and
enjoyed the beauties of the Island in the or
thndnx fashion On the day of nor visit to
Etna we were prevented from returning to
our hotel at Catania as sero se we expected,
owing to a violent thunderetorm, during
whi•-h we took shelter in • Sicilian cottage.
the only oocupeote of which were en old
wrinkled, gipsy locking woman,who seemed
Le he any are between eight- and a hun-
dred, and her grand daughter, • beautiful
apeolmeo of Southern girlhreei, not more
than *event• en years of age.
The old woman, heat w oh age, her dark
boo wrinkled and remised with *rose in all
direotiooe, hot with eves almost es bright
as the girl's, looked the very picture of an
old witch, and, at my retnest, site eat
whilst 1 sketched her I rave her • email
tum of money 1n return for her shelter, and
the willingness' with which she had poised
for me, .t whioh she way highly delighted,
expressing her gratitude tip, overwhelming i
thank*. She insisted upon telling me my
serves* aid Caere Weems. rasa myself,
Wit he teemed uresg•le agitated.
Let as leave hew at eater ► Mw,"
be eras . " I dots t I lie it r'
" Khoo !' I returned. " Whoa
Mete !•e in it all ! The fold mews
heard my same, 1 eappose, and ants..
meld make op • few airmailed words
shoat • new twos sod a ismer. I"
We wore, of course, '.1ktag is Begirt.
Arthur ue4.r■'or"1 eeowgh Radian to catch
the temente, of anyone epe•kl.g it, hat he
meld s.edly utter • word oorreetly himself.
•.d he always tidied wpm as his inter-
preter, se that •tre.gers changer be was
totally anaala•i.ted with the•go.
" Het---" be began, hes two Italia.
gwtlesnes who won Maytag .t the same
hotel pawed as. eenve sing, M they did so,
to low teams.
Arthur beat his bead wed Mimed bis
speech to . obeyer.
" But ' the two mea' ' ' be said. " 1 did
net think amythiag of it at 'he them, bet
three two fellows who ars nose ia frost
were talking lest sight. Nobody
that 1 anderet.od the Baro, and they take
no souse of me 1 saw they were throwing
dose. They bed no et.kee but the maser
mid to the Ewer : ' Theo you must do it
• I:wily I will, replied the lea., ; ' but it
sot be sate in the dy•tiute-tar. Con-
sul will are oo the track '
" Now what wen they referring t. !"
eked Arthur. " Depend aeon it, there'•
more in the old wom.n's warming than you
think. Why would they mild a Comm!!
Hewanee yeti .re • British subjId ! They
ars your enemies. Let us impose at sew
We re. ettied to the hotel, .ugaged • ow-
yey.0ee to take us to Messtna, paid oar
reckoning, and started off. .lust as we
were driving sway two Italia.. (whose
names we bad ascertained from the hotel
honk were Gui.seppe sod Guillemo Ferrari)
strolled up. It may have beim our f•aoy
but they looked surprised at se• •. ( u. going
•why, and they immedi.tele 1,,,.o to alk
end gesticulate one to the other
As we drove through the town the old for
nue teller's pretty grand -daughter •prang
out from somewhere suddenly and hailed
tie coachman, who pulled up. Runing to
the side of tee carriage. she wbiepered to
me :
Grandmother says, 'Your enemies •ie
upon you. Beware '' "
And she flew oil and disappeared se sad -
deal% and mysteriously as she had appeared
upon the scene.
" 11's an enigma, I cried. " Why should
thew people wish te do me harm' They
don't know m.."
" 1 tell you what it is," said Attwood.
" I've heard of scilian vendettas, and I'll
he money this is one,"
Several blood -curdling tales I had read on
the saloon nroarr.d to me.
mother said that some great danger
• • acted my father if he returned ben.
Perhaps he killed • relation of these fel.
Iowa at some time or other, and they .re
seeking my lite in return," I said.
" That • lust •bout it, 1 expect," h. said.
" 1 sh..l be glad when wire well out of
when we re*ohed Messina we were half
famvhed, and .t woe west to the hotel at
which we bed previously stayed, and had
wane dinner. Then we went down to the
harbor to see about getting to the tnsinlaad.
hut there was no boat that amid take us to
be had for an hour.
Leaving our portmanteaus in the care of
the o4iced at the pier, we ',relied back to-
wards rhe town. The evening was closing
n, and as we wended our way up the arr-
ow, irregular • Beet, my oompanion clutch -
me by the • res. Coming towards as
were the two Ferran. They must have
followed after u• from Cant aria, and they
fortune, and, entering into the joke as 1
thought it, 1 held out my hand for her ex•
" Signior Vinoetti,•- she began, "you-" i °
" Hold herd, old lady," 1 interrupted. ed
" How do you know my name t"
" I know who, I know," .he replied with
a cunning smile th.t gave her ancient fee- T
*area an ezpree.inn th.t eras weird in the t1
0 doubt caugbt eight of us, for they tare.
into a little wise *hop.
Acting on • common impulse wd followed
hem and took our seats at another table,
hey or -ravened under their breaths tor •
me, then 1;nieppe, whom Attwood room -
extreme. "Signor l;jooetH, you will live
long and have mach happiness and prosper-
ity if you suooeed in esoapin. • meat peril
which w111 cross your path on the eve of
the sew moon next after your twenty-
seventh birthday ' Beware of two men she
will seek your life ;"
My oarioetty was meted, but, do ail that
I oould, i was unable to obtain any more
from the old erten. She refused to utter
another syllable exoept te reveal her warn•
' Beware of the eve of the now moon
n ett after your twenty-seventh birthday !"
The storm baying abated, we took our
departure and retuned M C.t•aia with our
guide, who bad two sojourning in .n sot
went hovel. The was day was Friday,
and we made up our militia to return to
Messina and take lav of the island ea
h.terday. 1 could sot quite shake off the
old gip.y's words, although i tried my beet
to dismiss th.m from my mind, and in
tMeking of them • foot reourred to me
whish I had overlooked 1 was twenty-
wentyoven years old on the r/'eviooe'da, Thurs-
Thinking of my birthday led me to think
of my mother, and thinking of my moth*,
brought hack her repettlos of my father's
wanders. " t het i wan Stever to put foot is
Sicily," yet then 1 was, is direct defio.o,
el it.
I torsed to my pocket •Imanw,ssd found
that it wee • sew moon en the 1ollowie, •t *lye e'eleck, so thee, ae.wrding
M the *id canto's prophesy. that I?Pride!)
weals, woe my tame of peril. i em trot .
sermon was. bet I rust oo°ftua that whets
I pet •11 the tootdeats together I felt • b1
I bad savor tall Ahead of ney'tether's
weeds : Y fast, t had Ansi ferteeesa them
maw the tbaspbe .l ay birthday readied
them M uta new, els se mm atered deg
soar the shads d earns tress and labeled
the "whims et the greerep amass (mixed
with the make al rasa wok Italye cigare
to were p■al.p). I mimed the imideee se
Ys. and told baa thea le W bene my
flweseyemote hlttbleg yeMLiq. ..d
Sillier besfr5 was tb• .vs .t the rias mos..
IIS •wylYns. mpg Mead Amber else Ion
meed as the loser at dine, got op and name
towards us as it to leave the place. di was
eery dim inside the ahop,•od probably they
had not see es, tor se soon ae he came near
us he went heck and,efter whispering . few
words to his companion, turned again and
took his d.psi'tero.
It wen clear they had been drtaking,as be
reeled peroeptibly as he passed us. Pres-
ently (:willam° row from his obeli. sad °res-
e ed the room to the landlord, w hoar he .vi -
&wetly knew, and tbey retired to as Maar
Roth the Ferrule were wearing bleak
climbs and soft felt hate. We were similar-
ly drooped, swathe that my oleak wee rather
• stylish one. being of the blue ether, std
Attwood', q.e a brown ass, The Oboe
was new almost in darkness, se the lead -
lord, who had been prepparies to light the
lamp., had been latetrepbd by Gail -
"The villain who has teas out wilt try to
stat von, oar somethhr, as tee ge deem te
the bows," mid At•weed. " I have .. idea.
Chant steak. with axe ; the ether *el!..'s
left his sleek houghs, ever the beak of kis
ohair, and 171 swop wish him 1"
" Whet peed will that do v" * asked-
" 11 (7sie.ppe really mesas misebi.(, he
will go for • mem h • else cloak," he rs-
plied, " do you see r
" Y -. s,•' i .add. " Mid kill Int. ems
Mother, ,r whaervsv he la 11's worth try -
Ise, though it he .051.m 1t Uwe will be a
" Re could act see the diaereses la the
&rhos's, eves if he wen sober," AMweod
'steamed. " He's hetf-drmsk,amd will sewer
seise it."
Aries bawled m• hie dealt, .cad silently
slipped se the ether *sat and laid mime e
the Dallas's shad,, taking the other ens sad
putting le es learodf. When (rousse. .p.
pored with the landlord yah he teemed to
be la • homy. far he lung my seas ewer No
shoulders e.1 washed telskly. tMeg1 .m.
e ►eadty, out .f w.her. We %Sawed e
• tris wdki.g nee bohkd the mbar dews
the kill bawd. Ms beak
it wee ea dark mw that we meld .sly
4._.I* Oorlsm ', hers sleben.
sides the .mks el W dealt. hot as ate
wired • lamp watt* bas( chested heat
the deer e1 ••acme, they, we .mold tree the
Mae eater of bis sleek. se had Net patted
wader the lamp whets • area darted serer
the agrees frees • racers Is whish be bad
beer amo.aled, ..d we weld see the gifts
el steel is hie hand. Me ren hiked Ship bine
sleek sed, stylises with et t,
plumped rite ett•etto to Me hook of its wear-
er'• Berk, the men tellies *forward Ni ►a
taco without • greats, es .k11lfa11, b fes
blew been planted.
The murderer never Israel, bat, awning
she cows df.p..11y, disappeared up • dark
passage, esti w. pasted She body .ad ea to
ear heal as if nNbi.g bad bapposed.
" It's nM the bent arse that kill-
ed," said Attwed. " 134 mint have sever-
er tee spinal teed at • blow. It was me.tly
doe*, wean% tt''
o Gad blow vea. Arthur," 1 cried. "Yee
my* coved my 1de '"
1 should °ever leave herd say Me of
the matter, hat, baiag somewhat ~See to
know the rights of the thins I wrote t. the
Rritah (;crani* argilslag all I knew .boss
it, and "AMR him (privately int he had
heard anytbing as to the death of (:a111..,
He replied th.t the man had bees towed
dead --stabbed to the book, That Ouiaeppe
who was hie brother, was so °serf-atnke°
at what be had done,t)st 1'. are i i .:f op
to the authorities. H. elated before the
jade• th.t thou father bad been killed to a
dad many years ago by Rubino V isesjett,
'fast • vendetta bed baso •worn, mad that,
reoogoix og mw by my masa sad my It.,.
.5 the 100 of their father's slayer, they has
,,atermi°ed to take my life ; that Giuseppe
had hews east to wreck veegtaaoe epos a.
but that by some tomato/bleb be meld ort
•xplsin, hie brother had been wearing my
cloak, and that he had killed hem by nes
take I:0iseppe.xpr,sp.d a dewire to retire
te • monastery, so he was released, and was
'Aon a' • religious house which the Ceased
' ,d hardly add that, although there
wo, one probably he no danger i° it, 1
here Moos pard heed to my father's bre
wish, acd have never •put foot to ghat,.
Het bow .bout the old forte -teller ! you
Ah ' I cannot explain that. 811e perhaps
recognized me sea V.°oetti by my features
and may hays *new. °seethed by the brother
Ferrari before attempting my life, bot I
have stated the facts as they 000urred,•od I
know no more.
(b..e'. It. t L Pitts fore tly.geetia.
For the last eight years I have been a
sufferer from oonstip•tion and dyspepsia
-I tried dozens of different medicines,
but nothing gave me relief until I need
Dr Chase's Kidney -liver Pit1e which
cured ane datum Haan,
Woodville, Ont
Wdwaday, Jane 17
Re -Mlle Edgerton seaside mM e/ a deli-
cate pawl of Mime.
Site -Hand painted!
The wag WHkl..
It is said there is • rankling pain is every
heart, and yet that nose would •xubaage
their mita for that o.( soother. Be that as
it may, the sting erieing from the heart of •
corn is real .sough, and in this land of tieht
hoots • very moa nos oompl•iat, Glee. Put -
naffs.. Painless Cotn Extractor is $ never -
felling remedy for thea Kind of beartaohe,as
von ono dewily prove, if &Minted Cheap,
son, painless, Try :he immune and use no
People who •'VIVID themselves away " are
often touad to he dear at say prior+.
Consumerist Tray.Llers.
Wm Golding, commercial traveller, 1
Esther -.t, Toronto, ways :-For 15 yew
I suffered untold muletiee from itobin
sometimes called pin worms Many an
many weeks I had to lay off the rood from
the trouble 1 tried eight other pile oint-
ments and so -palled remedies without
perm.nettt relief to the Unease itching
and stinging, which bleed and ulcerate.
fine box of Chase's Ointment mored me
Jetties carnet • two-edged sword ; bat
mercy purposely leas maned.
Alter Two Tears .1 0Iery nsdered Week -
sees awefobs t. Wears I .1da.y
Manor' (Specie/) Awg. 31st- Is • place
lake this, people safer and sympaabiss,bo e
sad Mears with arab ether. Sat her moay
friends here. as elsewhere. who bate long
bees limn of the preo.rieue health and
lesv-eoferisg .1 lira .1. Ferguson will b.
pleased M leans that her oleate* sufferings
have embed of Me% and that isetead of be-
ing ..abler as she says, ' ea tars herself in
bed," thele herself otos mete as the result
et stir • few boxes et Decd'. KWh t
Pills. She further rays that from Me thud
day after es me these pills. she
was free Dem all ; sad. that sow she
feels as well as ever Mire la her Ids
The Ytseserd smashed.
Dr. Robertson. of Rtrstford, is manta to
the front is ea Attempt to diethvu5h Mae-
salf, and te establish a new 94 hoar Iosg.
dbtasm regard for O&aada. His has eta
signed fairly well.
O. Tuesday sight at eight o'olook ahe e° -
t esisstte moist started from 81t.tlerd ea
►tip reseed -breaking jesrsmy. He severed
the lest 60 miles In ter bears end Giese
mdsetrs, arrives( M IoM at 12 16 r o.
Leaving immdiatielp, he mode the trip w
Sarnia by 410. .sd, rashes( there for ea
►ser. he eam bask m Lobe, rsa.biog there
at 910, asd .t 10 eels* tit fee Ware**,
90 muss frees Marsha, and arrived at leeks
es she retss Niamey at 3100. from there
be .st poor/ Mw mass by SLewes's'
F. lew,s,
Leases, msktm4 the diesiss egg OM -
atm. This Is egsrdmed oxwlsst Ohne.
Dr. Rebl1•M mashed Snail rd altar
$415 961 miss N 7:30 Wednesday wren -
km. 1. order to •em,SW the ag
Mil laser, be reds tree mass est a• the
Me read. and reseed is BbMthrd M 8
Vale , ugh'', oak til ones a fit hams
This bear W teemrr (,.rade. 14-h.m
reused by 3111 mega F.riy.8ve mass el
the dfine.o was Aliso e s wb.4 as/ rats
Mum, end although Cha ready v• -es heavy.
Dr. Rates,... sewer saes almereetted fres
Mb met.
The .keel Adam was a New and
.bead the ems m
The lyMam Shea Net Bees foe ilatlsfassery
1. 4mpteyors s. $aweoe.4,
Prom *stettWve correspondence with
all the firms and corporations known
to hare tried profit sharing in the
United Mates, Paul Monroe leas made
an Important resume of results up to
date The reports given. chiefly ho tine
language of the concerns themselves.
are sununartsed as follows, Of the fltty
arms which have adopted the syeteat
twelve continue it. five have abandon-
ed It indefinitely and thirty-three
have abandoned it permanently. Those
which continue the plan have an ea -
pertains. extending on an average
through seven years. The second clams
average but one year, and, recognizing
the Insufficiency of such a trial, have
not decided 1t a failure. Thr third
class vary In length of trial from a
maximum of eight years to a minimum
of els months; the tualority hate treed
1t for • period of from two to three
years. In oomparton with European
experience. one to struck vita, the
brevity of the trial. As to a fund*.
mental principal, the large najurlt)
are of the opinion that such a plan re-
sults In a tnanclal loss to the em-
ployer, be being recouped. If at ail. In
nonco.mputable ways. Those which
oontlnue the plan do so. not as a mat-
ter of philanthropy, but as a matter
of justice, If not of business. They
are about equally di. acrd In their
opinion as to the direct financial bene. -
at of the plan to the firm While It L
true with any Much Question one suc-
cess w111 prove that It can 1,r done
with profit, and any number of fall.
urns not prove the contrary. yet It Is.
as a general type, not as an Individual
variation that such a system haa so-
cial oignlfleance. A further study w111
of justice 'two genre! conclusions : (1)
That such a system will succeed only i
with a select few of .employers, those
with whom social motives have an ex-
traordinary Influence, and with a grade
of skilled or intelligent labor. I.) Such
a system is of some Importance to so-
ciety from a statical L.rint of view.
but tittle, If any at ail, from that "t
social progre.s.-American Journal of
Nome's Who Me•1,1ne Mew.
Women may he charming, wholly
devoted to their home, and their hus-
bands, and yet be so tactless. theught-
1e.s and aggravating as to drive hum,
bands to the extreme of misery. "Any
observant bachelor,• says a writer nn
London Woman- "could recall numbers
of instances of women who, from
mere want of tact and Intelligence, are
almost driving their husbands mod by
grating on their nerves. They forget
that busy men require abeolut' brain
rest. change of scene, mange of gob
jet. They forget that. however wor-
rying the little affairs of a household
may be, the anxieties of a great busi-
ness upon which the whole fam14's
prreent and future depends are far
greater. A friend of mine, who Is now
nearly a millionaire, told me In con-
fidence that while he was sitting one
night over his smoking -room fire won.
daring *hether he could nett day prn.-
mlbly survive a terrible crime wnleb
wee hanging over his head and might
lead to a disastrous bankruptcy, with
debts to the extent of E.00.Ooo or mo,
h3* wife came whining Into the room
to ray the butcher must be paid the
.text day --and the amount of -1h let
c -
chin's bill was under £;,e)
"It Is on such net...Mons as this that
a marl wants a helpful wife -one who
tell him about or rtml aloud the
Iriet good novel. who will saki'. "Conle.
1et us go to the theatre to -night; You
need cbange of seene,' ant above all,
one who knows Just when her husband
requires nothing more than to be left
alone. It in women eau aet on their
litabauld'e nerves that drive them to
take bachelor holiday wheal t hey
ought to be Netting more enjoyment
from the wife's companionship
"Of course. that* are men who are
always out of sorts. PI oilt dyspeptic
30 beans who require strong minds to
manage them. but there are very many
others who only want judicious. sYrri-
14 Pathetic treatment to be the best hue-
d touids in the world. Avoid being silly
avoid saying silly things or trying to
make conveneation, or commenting on
SOM* remark your husband has made
Read and think in order to cultivate
intelligence arid resourcefulness, with
the objeet in view of being hia couneel-
or and hie friend, and above all 'chuni'
-that word means much."
Nerwer'. %trent.. Kwok
The moot independent and arlstocra•
tic hanjf in the world is the Norge..
or Natiorel Bank of Norway. Social.
ly the hank is of considerable import -
knee. The directors meet twice a week
and the friendly gatherings are said to
toe moat enjoyable affairs. Loans and
dlr4'nunts form the chief subjects of
roe ve. Ration. No loan or discount can
he rade without the •pprovtl of three
of the dt rctnre. The directors are to
holes a ,rreth:g one day, and you want
to herrn* A1t1(el o{t Monday. Ton *pply
tr Nom s honk and are IoM the.. the
n.r tier will be taken under eonr ldere-
*Ion at the director,' meeting on Wed -
!wedgy, end y'ni may look for an an-
swer to your application on Thursday.
It doe. not matter In the least that
you want the Steno wildly and not
Thursday; you simply have to wait,
gays the New Torii journal.
The oHsln of this Inetltu•len to nit
peculiar as ltu management 11% unu•'•121
Soon after the nominal union of ':, •
way and Sweden. In 1114. the leiter
country began t.. feel the nerd of
greater money f.rnitles to meet the
demands of the rapidly Iner..aelor
eommeree The problem' of scoring
the necessary eapltal for a great n).
t*,i.s1 in.titutlon was a very atm: I.
one for the Norwegian Government to
raised stockholders for the bank just
as It related 'oldie?. for Ito armlet.
!:very well-to-do citizen was romp,'
led to take so meek etoet H. wear
always at liberty to take more If he.
chows, but Went", to amounts Ali -Wide
by lave.
Tsui national bank Is ale.. • national
pawnshop. 11 le authorized by law to
sad mower os any nes-perishpble
gouda. provided they rsr,elt deposited
M the bank .ad kelt tinder lock and
boy. let thl. asrstee 1t charges rather
bas MIS t4* umoal pa can Anker'. he-
ttweak which saw. perhaps, se*nent
tike the mite of private pawnshops f•
What ?ems, Aeb1.. ,tweet es. •
Of Nil tsarists ,.Meet at the W .
f Ruler ..r**o.rk 1b41..d. I. MGM
es omit i were menu )sgl
Sheave/ger is Awsrtd by aim
AYER'S "mum
"Nearly forty years ago, atter
some weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray and began falling out
so rapidly that 1 was threatened
with immediate boldness. Hearing
Acer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of
1 cowmtiiced using this prepare.
tion, and ens foe well satisfied with
the wank that I nave never tried
wish of wt : of ilressil,g. It stop -
3' •:...e la. :out tallutg out, etimu-
leusd a 1 north of hair, and kept
IL: ,.ra' .' frotu dandruff. Only
Pu 00( application is now
uttwlr.t to krt•p wy hair of good,
ust.trai .•..,,.r. 1 never hesitate to
rr.-A.uu..v.4 MliV Of Ayer's medicines .. NYM.o'.-ills.11.51. ILsioiI're
t air• -1s uft'r Vigor
rw►r.RPi, for
P.! r. l!Yf4 t ni., ttlft1, MASS., U. S. A.
✓ A1h.LTa*e cTYRp-sweat $TATYtYla
Il. ,.pre McMartin. 17 w0.ohun• e•,
Ona., s -.s.. ,het R►eYnwey "Kootenay Cu,." ere%
...Of 1• .\'.. :.-.ars: O4.0 1..1. of bee beep
then way wshams
e. . ever rew.Kh,_ tn. mi. .a tear $ . Yaps
damned Ger. b•. mo+ta.• ,t.e ,...Ikin. woad
► herds now 1..)• a‘10111.11,o
•• h twa Cote'kW
bit Iib .ad happily... S.,,m t", Jot. W. Mk
Wore J. w. bier tooter .uetr., Notary Puna..
swami rwramta7 40P A GRATA/1Z
1110/1111t 11.
Lana Mato. oboe rr.f. ale, tyke oBesred elle
atasaa•siw Aar best". W ..ten wn.uelI cared see
bey previa system 4 1• spa M 1' , ekes,. • -Leeway
Oats.' The abw, feet. sr. r,... rn a ...can Mese.
mom mono by tzar metber. IIr.. (4eneve www. 1115
511asee k, );endrin.. .r,,.., da..d Joey 14 1114
Ware J. r N.sek, Nsory PIM/.
• consix TNa Mal: L31.1 - aortic
eta't4ML.1T NASA.
Okartr fi N.wne.., ns ttarl'weirti M., %M
for., d • mows. ....ram 1440u41 wombs Ohm,
Sherr... .war• 1: • i,.. • r net a a:.l
car hett'•n4y (beim-tied u eirk& t..,' Me MAO.
god wee • ...rry rw• t..oa. Ma \.m. %. are woo=
eardlitee, I'b appetite rend, sleep
we.woW,•.. wrnd; show will olatt
Kootenay C•.r.." No aria NOM
ebnm-at to w above taw Wow J w rymtir
y. Nis M Ula
NlitdtES11E _ PE TAI.
Pump & Fanning till Woke$
rt res W4P*4Tra1T1
A large stook of ray choice Primo.. mane
featured from eele.ted )lu.koltn quartered
piae with hearts out out
Theme Damps aro ineaufact tired In • number
of Kyles to salt everybed, and cowry piece
Very easy worrier' pumpn for deep wells.
trono.pped closed top pumps for school -
yards, boom essays. ala
$IR.1 PE>•ra for wpenthg tram
melees beaver. water/., pard..., solo.
welshing area etc.
Special attendee given to drawling water
from well • disuse* from pomp.. 11on .ad
wood pitting: woe, lots sereei•is-h.ed or
braes r'ycluders ; Drainage Paring aay pore;
11,1110 VIOLAS weed or cement e'NI0s.
5/g4& BAT/ me.. ct0T*p YI4he,
LAWN PR11tN1s5, eta, ate,
a0,5. WAatitw5 5447.
:1111 JL 1Na. cUisallat,. *Acoli
elate .4•%114* .111.0.
5cett411 and RI(T0S
-a11 tied&
Ali .took warasted. Ka orders promptly
and o•refully attended to.
Ask your Druggist fe
A bi.IItTY now-£IT1lACt ' •� Rt AllIa1 Te d�� >•Ae
PoMe10t. illy,.
o.o, Moro oats spent* •Konnos te its
Job Prising len *hick are sneer
peered °staid* she Mies ler Ms primps
5.d proper eaasa" .. el all °Masai of
Freitag. • perusal al this .sooans..
meat nim suggest something yes may
he in seed ol, and in ....h °ass we wel-
ds your patresys feeling *8dutt
that star snorts to plows se
anes will meet with
the opprovsi of oar sutrasa
ittAt tieadls
This useful sins i. kept in the all
rttlEe mt gaa'itaes lama se letter
headn Wtu e
Memo . %%cad.*
are not so generally used, they
an important place in oommerci.
correspondence. Bee what we've
got ander the above heads,
Levier iieuttls
In this line we have a very large
casco of fine writing papers suit
able for every class of business
represented in this locality, ops
prising laid and wove, lines.,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unrule'l, ss may be required.
11�\� i%eadts
1 t the " pay-as-you-go " plan wart
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great ; but there are some men
who get .o many Banners that
they wonder it the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is mom
plate in this line with four shwa,
(food paper said neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and Dents columns. They Dome
cheaper than bill beads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinqueut once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round ---
Now, it would be hard to get
&Song without envelopes, and as
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large .tri. k o1►
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 75c. to
$2.00 per M. We handle own
mercial and legal sizes exclusively.
C°multercla\ 4ituA:1h$
has already ►.ten partially main
ers'r+i in tome of the head. above.
TE, re is, However, a vest amoan
of work under this herd tl et te
eats ottr'ate would more then take
up the entire space occupied by
r.hia wlv't, but we do it all .t Tun
I 'INV; 0,0X10Alt
tip, an "At Home" or a wedding
,'quint oonbiderable taste in mien
tion sometimes, but we make b
en 'easy matter by keeping is
.locl the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and foe
V r tiortAn
of entertains a nth and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elvtat
with cord and pencil attached.
C1re skarn
We aim to excel in .11 the differ
ant kinds of work we tarn oat,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
Card.% nidi► TuAtets
This )read cover. a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a nest calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to a tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
Y otters
Oar facdlittfes for turning oat this
class of work are evidenoed by the
fact that the great bulk of it 1.
done by us.. This line also in
Dod►gr ars
• which our three feat -running job
preoes are able to tarn oat in
surprisingly short time.
1543.‘e $1\\t
belong to the paster devareatest
also, and we make a specialty of
them --promptness being our site
in this r ape0t A notioe of sale
will appear in TYa SIGNAL Mee of
charge when bills for MAW ere get
W o* .
in the typographical printing lis.
15* basod s io this setablisbsssot
an tions and art's*
tasaa4ar and
Oar V.1ses Nv1\A. lot jOthin11
Ws tetrad asr thanks for past toy
esti, slid ssin4ft a tientilnsanee of t11
Per Pluieerrirdsliet Terse ilei !rte