The Signal, 1896-8-27, Page 4•
ighc $inzl,
et ei. leeneellineffidel
Mee et Pr' -a .k. 0 hent a rest
Twos el eltw4oerlsstes s
fg•• meslba.ay.... $ fes
Gee year, ..... _. t It
Sawa ss Time Label.
Tem label le •.•attag recall" of tiro Mao
to whisk yam are staid ap- See that 1t M ao1
el=to fall late arrear.
• ohmage of address le dertred. beta
the std and the sew address should be gives.
�,�1 advents/fig Rene.
ICUae foot est nsertNacasual 1•al1 med t lbws
!at snob su scot laeertlea. Bewared by
• 1Lmsst•rell somfw
cords of al: ham sad ander. of Nr
of Lost. rouse '.eyed
N tsndsse Vaaat. ettmetloos _sled .ad
Berrie Wasted ,. eseeedtag t
wsslhama IS Gad Pares os Elate, sot tbo-
e•masd eY nor en4 moetb, lno.p^
• - •aRtmmalsl. Larger mdr•e. b pe0^Aies
any WSW nonce. tics object of which is ro
• o Ms the p•euei•ry Wesel of any
irk, 1 sr mosiesny, to be oon.ideeed •o •d -
v L�sswmt•edcharred.oconl,erly.
La•1 aofiess 1a nonpareil type one omit per
ward, sometime lam than lee.
Lased modem to ordinary reading type two
tens per word. No notice for less thee No.
Notices for ohurches and other religious end
b.•evolest institutions half rate,
flab.oribr who fait to receive Tun SIGNAL
reenlarly by mall. w1U c ...der a favor by 0o-
qu.•nUng us of the foot at a. early an date.
p Melo.
r.bllsaer's leettee.
J. C. L. Tousel. of Ooderlch, hes bees •p
gelated I ocal Travelling Agent for the town-
�raipaasserOodenoh. Colborne, Ashfield end Ws -
Leal postmasters over the district are also
smpowe ed to reo. ve eubeoriptlome to Tam
All oommualoatiooa mut be addressed to
D I1op1L !CUDDY,,f,
T'iell seheas CU. �Goeo lok. Oat
41ODie1CH THURSDAY. AUG. w 11101
NOW that a vacancy exists once
more in the Local Cabinet, the merits'
of a number of members are paraded
in the columns of some of our contem-
poraries, a:; competent to be placed at
the head of a department. Of all
those whose names have been men-
tioned we know of none better fitted
for the position than is; J. T. Gaguow,
the sitting member for West Huron.
He represents a constituency which is
situated in • part of the province
which is not now represented in the
Cabinet, and, if for geographical con-
sideration only, his selection by the
Government would be • good one.
But, apart from the location of his
constituency, we disparage no other
candidate for the office in saying that
Mr. G,AaRow stands easily hrut among',
them all in ability and knowledge c f
the duties that would devolve upon
the chief of s public department. For
a long terns of years he has been the
head of a large legal business which
be has developed and plaoed amongst
the first of Provincial practices. As
a debater he would prove a source of
strength to any Government of which
he might be a member, and as a logi-
cian and a solid reasoner upon every
question of public interest he certain-
ly has proved himself equal to the
best. His worth on tt:e floor of the
House has been recognised for years,
and from the first clay of his entry in-
to Provincial politica he has been look-
ed urea u being possessed of those
qualities that eminently fit one for a
Cabinet position. His selection at
the present juncture would not alone
give satisfaction to the riding which
be so well represent. in the Legisla-
ture, but would also be hailed with
pleasure by a range of constituencies
that comprise a large and important
part of the Provinoe, and which, while
giving • strong support to the Govern-
ment, has no representation in the
Cabinet. The Stratford Beacon has
the following pointed reference to Mr.
GAaeow in thu connection :
J. T. 0l100w, V r' , THI Mlle.
- The Fa:1 show time is at band,
(let year .Melts ea desk.
-The result in Nardi Grey has pat
Stun Joss's noes see d joint.
-Tureens claim that a reaction in
kis fewer has set is has set keen e.smlued
ap te the lime of writhe.
- M. O. CArsaon, M. P., s, to all
0ppear$aos. ah•rpeeag his ase, sad neon
the Meds will roll ism the basket.
-Toupee will now claim that the
siembers for North Orly and Qsees: sad
8edbmy are seieertty repressemevea
- CLARKS WALLAcs went back to
Turn's boon. and get "licked is North
Grey. Verily, the way of the transgressor
r hard.
--The Turl•sx WALL.4cs combine -
ties were hit with • frees is North Grey
Tue.d•y last, and McLAcaaur a birth
didn't rise.
-If anything were wanting to
prove that &r ('HAkIIs Tureen watt • hack
smasher from W •ybeck, the old gentleman
supplied the evideooe a Mood•v's dotterels
the Common.
- Toronto rejoices in • baby girl,
five days old, who weighs ten poem's.
Now, there's nothing strange is test, bet
Mee we (earn that the baby's father is over
seventy and the baby's mother M ovr sixty
years of ego we certainly basin to %eke mo
interest in the young lady •0 reoeiIly ar-
rived. She is hir mother's twenty-first
child, and her eldest brother u thirty-seven
years old, Mum GiUivray, which is the
baby's same, and her mother would make
attractive features .t the Great North-
Western Fele.
-The returns from ' ' en's and
Sunbury will settle Gime t t As Reran,
. far es the Tory leadership is concerned ;
North Grey has demonstrated that
Jour" nose is not a sufficiently broad plat-
form to win on, end that CLAW.: W ALLA.-I
ien'c a drawing card ; sad pe Trrrsx is •
prehistoric polttioal relic. Snob Ming the
ease, Tee SIGNAL Mas leave to nominate
J... S. Fasusoar Y.D., L K & Q (2.P., I.,
M.C.P. k S., 0., Re.. /to , Clinton. Out. .for
the poeitios,it s fall quota of gall and a lis•
bey jilt' w nessemry qualifications.
!hates el the Last tegalar Meeting
teethes Bed,.
The regalr meeting of the tows conned
held Fnd•v 'venin. Prewar - Mayor
Shannon presiding, deputy reeve Holt sad
councillors Goode, Thompson, Colwell,
Saunders, Wilma, N lobolsos,IDnslop, Cam-
pion, Cr•igie and Catela
Minutes of Last regular meeting were read
approved and signed.
A oommantcation from Robt. Mclean.
esc'y C•ssdtsn Fire l; ndrwnters' Associ.-
twn, rysrdtng the towo's appliance' for fire
protection, was road and referred to the fin
The following oommunication suss reed,
and, on motion of E. Campion and A. Saun-
ders, referred to the public works onmmit-
To the Mayor and Conseil,
Town of Godertch :
1 beg to inform you that 1 am .bout to
close the bstineg house ; my risme' for do-
ing so areas follows : 11t I will refer you
to clause 28 of the tows by-law., which will
show you one of the reasons, parties aro
going .g.iust that clause and no ootics
takes by the council. 2ad, I will call your
attention to 1 .nes 31 of the bylaws : tan,
you Gen .•r r 'varielves, hes never been
dots, sad sc..1 0o metier taken by the ems -
( wish to inform you that I do sot feel
like reaming this •ttrsctioe-is fact, the
esly attraction we have -union toe ooanai.l
will meet me is doing.. Yours, .to.,
W n. BAIR, Captain.
:The materna referred to regulate bathisq
within the tows limits and the oartisg of
mad from the heath.)
'1•Iss Bathos oo.mmitthe reported the treas-
urer's statement for Jaly as merest, sad
reesnmtaded the paym01 of 11. toiletr-
ies; aeoemnts : Wm. Lee, $1068 66 ; Electric
Co., $27 ; Sturdy Brea, $8 56 ; Star, 37.03 ;
C. A. Humber, $13 98 ; Municipal World,
$3 75 ; Garlock (70., $11 66; John Shaw.
$1 15; Sweat, $21 20 ; The Builder. 311.50
and the M.aen.l Sheltie Co., $4 50.
The report was adopted.
The report of water sed light
was es follows :
To the Mayer end Costeeti :
-Year oemmime* awarded the mistreat
for intake pipe. crib, etc., to Wm. Lyse at
the nam of $4.800. this being the lowest
Year eemmtttee would reesmmend that •
light he plated ea the street is rear of the
Ndtol property. If pr.Mie.ble.
The 0etrest for the standpipe hes sot
yet been awarded.
PHILIP HOLT, Ckalrtaa.
Already epeodaties le Mom to what will
w eemed the late H.. W. D. R•lftr .
Pr•vkad•1 Sewet•rp The Seams kegs to
w/gepe the we el J. T. Gamow, Q. C. , of
(iederis► He has every medial qualifies -
Mem It keg sad faithful ,•rule• omen
for s*ythteg he is certainly entitled tore.
ey.bloa But net only hes he been •
psietent ad faithful weaker, but he is la
every rapist • p•rlmm•at•ri•a. •d would
&wham the duties of *fire with aredlt
sad •stMaseMw.
There 1r mother ooaddersttsa. There is
fir► representative ts the Ontario Gams -
mar d shim meet and important webers
easels. of Western Oaariw Had Ra
T1... tlsll•alpae beam la the Legislators
when 1lis mesas, sneered he would is all
•r•b.birty have been asked te se••ps •
portfolio. There le as queiionh•, the
that Mr. )•hentt,ya..e welsh! 1.m made •
model C•hi.05 Wever ; but it is tee 4..
te dlesues that new. Ur. ll.*MatJM for
tpo pperimesaaa*f at 1.04, le ant el psliti.s ; bet
Mr. Omer. le ae. Premier Hardy ammo
M Miter e1.a te sok Mr. Gamow te me
the portfolio. H. has every quaillealles
reireisaL iI. leas mash sadMed 5. prima. -
ties es soy ether men le t1. Healy sad he
mesh' be she r ieraen dive ef ego ri the
Meet Impart se dietreees d 11. tsevleee,
while koretdtee has been ewwMmkea.
-They are sow ..yis( that Whip
Itemise le a w klo.1.mish."
-h Is Iapenible 4. 4.11 et the
elms se whim whether M wen Soon
Aimee sem es Jolen a BIe ge egg Ione did
Hs Milk le Neplk G, y.
P.,Ttasort's ..)eriey le North Olney was
49), sad Bu/a's •vyertsy se Qeoses sad
8.abese was 1104. b.M of Mesh were high-
ly aeekwury.
Uousaltm Kxuv swa. - Borfie Repent-
er Ti. eaeare4a to Uodmine s shit ha.
idy, eerier Ohs .ghee et the Wander
Meshes solely, was a huge sasses% es ev-
erything they take Is bead is invrts*
carried forward to • seemeafal esteems.
The totsl ameba, of paawiesm carried to
the border Iowa was is the aei4bborbeed of
six h.adr.d, over two h.adxed of this num-
ber hewing bomb' their M.ksts at Water -
lea A splendid joarsey by wall, • des mem•
ear% by ear bead. the Gedertott bhpte
nee, • baseball slob between the Wafer
boo end the ebaaspeoe bail team of Horns
(is which oar boys walloped their opponents
to the tem of eight to 8.e) all west to
mike en enjoyable day's mating, sad
Ma W.$.8. ►a.. every reams to oo•tr ata -
late themselves apes 11' meow of tel es-
onmion. Giving • 3900 gaar•nim m the
G T R they figured en the p•trom0ge el 400
emermbaiste at the outride oriculatlsa i
they received the pstres•ge .f 600 moue -
seems acd the proceeds d the peroest•!ma
os their tickets will very s•Mri•lIv Morose*
the sum of golden metal is their oohs.
Everybody eosins to have been highly plana
d with as outing.
LI..HT%it I. POw Ia-During the stem
yeeterd•• morning ltgbtaieg .truck the
house of Wen. Lee, near the lighthouse It
.truck the top of the west obimiaey, almost
splitting it in two : thea divided. sae
part mating down the .Money and the
other between It and the siding. The let-
ter c urreat in Rte course broke about twenty
boards of the eidit's sad taco apparently
passed Into the earth. The other loosened
all the brinks in ita peasege. and whs■
sopped •: the bottom (the obimoey Wei
built on trusses that projected into the b.
• it forced the brick• and entered the
✓ .toni apparently (tom two points From
one it ran along the will te • bed stead, •
side piety of which it split in two and then
paved sway. The other carnet Sew
straight across the room to • bureau which
it dammed considerably, then coursed
through the hall. antis( • rung ales* oat
of • chair. The fiery part of the lightning
made • passage right doves the studs till it
came to the parlor, then entered o.•t the
ceiling, scorching sad meninx the plasia,.
It then •o�p�t•ratly spread all around the
room, 0s paw,. were .00roked or damaged
on each of the four wallo,a.d the ornaments
a the piano were on fire. Some five mia-
tiesnw before the lightning entered Mie Lee
was sitting is the bed room where the light.
sing entered. when, as s000unt of the sever-
ity of the .torm.4t1e wee called down by Mt
mother ; • most timely o•11, for from the
damage done to the room, it is evident she
oould not bare 'soaped severe injury.
AT DIVINE Service. --On Sauday morn-
ing the Ancient Order d Foresters assem-
bled is the lodes room and then .•robed to
the Victoria -'t. ohuroh. There were near•
ly eighty is the procession, members tree
Wiagbate Clinton Zurich Seafrth, Mia
ohell and Bremen being present with their
Goderich brethren. The line, as it moved
along to Moroi' was m.ob admired, the sten
.11 bang decorated with emblem. d the
Order. Jest after the members were seated
the choral service aommenoed, and Ws part
of the ceremony was all that Goold be desired.
Rev. Mr. Godwin took for his text the 6th
ver. of the 8th ob.pter of Micah, sail teen
the words preached a moonset melee"
sermon. The pr..eber said the writer of
this book floarisbed .boat 750 B. C. His
prediouoa. are net numerous, bat ere ex -
prebend is la of wonderfal inpr.a
dv.....nd sublimity. This ..pier le •
kind of delouse 11.e.. God .ad the peo-
ple. The people are shown their issr.tited•
and rebel boo and are samm000d to repeat -
:mos. Conscious of their guilt they seek
0masment. God adAn..s them Ia the
language of the text and makes hem Si.
requirement when is :-That we should do
justly. That we should ant •mesdiag to
the prime*. et risbW..m one. We should
do justly be our rd•ti.aship toward God
We should reader Hie the love. faith,
warship and reverence %bat are due to Him
Belief in God lays the foundation for faith
in the bretherheed .f man. Destroy this
end yen 0adere tae every fraternal
Ratios in the world. By maims
to worship God .sen order then les treb-
odlit e:peeseien of faith in We mistimes. Ws
are to do )011y in Matins to ear fellow
era We am M see lean h..e1t, upright
newer- To Meares the /olden no is our
mobil .ad liminess ems est with .there We
are required to rep.M Ms eights d other
eitimaas-iksir Ifablks mf )fa d tib aad
el liberty. Meng AMIN ere te 1. d4.h•rged
it we are be 4. Menti, toward our flow
We meet reword. hie phyimal ...4.-.. li
able is animism mad desek. This A.0 ff
=gdfleaami•I sewper% .ad kindly .ie
for times.1.Alistt.n and life lam :se m
thr.unh fee benmeaary feud. la sem of
death. Ns erre ere do Medi toward them
dep0iene open him ache den see make
prevision aphat the aseimmaise el this
lib. Many ones speed as mash apes their
Mess le • eight se wssM pay the masa o
se --1 le s frstnw.l cedes. We have •
peeper aloe boauas we have a dhdpred
Mese. This ornmaiatimn re a mases era's
.e1.1 ninthgni previa.. Ma with friends.
mid by fill oblippieme prays.. him for
1menb p It desk.. Mrs le 1. temporater
fadnelskies and maenaehai .ad le femme.
ebb team" L..Lps W ms.bood by laying
eel Ms esmdsese the ohMplfens el Me
Mme le eat sally le de )aauy bat le Mee
away end unik humbly with Oed. Mer.,
mashes dews to the use and .edeserv4.4
and tssehee we W be Seal., -band. war
palisade sod IerMvfrlm
The kralbheed
el man} wider Oben wpmae Rados, mid we
ars yaberbb ea htennt l ovary mamba
d o0 ream 1 deiM. the spears" gave
the IdtewleF mtdrefn wheiwe is the stea&
yet rhe es• i M...bme MrouR1.wt she
.ed&, ,1041 members h u. Demesne.
16,4M 1 yew* Inane $6,004000 1 -mgpl0
hmis. $1111t$M.000 mad yap out fes dak end
L_-. hew $nips-. I$ emery =Wei.
Os motion d the Meknes sad Dr.
Relishes, the repeat was adopted _
T1. dee.ty - reeve Iah.sM the
seensil that 8. F. Halle had reopened the
privilege el therein set the arses in tient
of ►M sew reidemes. After seem dimes -
. la, the reeve eeie& ee..d•d by M.
Rebeloss. ;that the q.piise of tomevleg
say trees a N.rt4-t ear Mr. Halls' prop-
erty 1. referred te the psbfie works sew
miles, to report. Canted.
The Cold 8terye Usesp�ayy's castor oemma�
ply was takes up sad
Issrd oeeddoraulo
ina md-u, the esteems being the prig d
the MovedhyCam�psa, seesai.d by Craig.%
that by law be. 13 of 1806 be. sell Me semi
le ..e.add by adding atter t1. Wel
hthe ISM line 55*. 5.1 p..s01
said y -low. the weeds ---es the ertone
10,000 galleon per day apse ad day Mali
py require water M proper
Mood by DDepsly-reev. Hd% ween did
by M N leheinn. that the mayor he anther -
Mad is iga en agr.eeent Irbil*. Danes -
lea Odd 8Sermpe Oampav is saordesa
with by -laws e. 13 and 14. mei Neat 1he
toes and 140t ast.iMes 4 she ,sib per
1000 gleam ler wafer aged b0 esM aes-
peny L Irma. of 10,000 w day. and dim
.attic mho 1. fussed le IP. ,,ween►
Several seminal. wine read Ind mord
I Me flees • emm..IMme
CamidM garade nsee ext Oat M
met meed.,, 1. .s.N eneaw les mess/ b1
law Ne, U ef llMl 1 le Leonines ata the
mow mos te we..,py.
Nene/ M
CanadIan Stott mot • Doir.g a
BIS Buslnss•.
tineas iaaassW of Ir state setae IMS/ Nt
by 1M 111. Laweemee Loa. sNa0ablP
Nen tsars, el0enass naN. are 5401
s0m«aans nes abe.w Nape 11se Rud•
nem me. and Beerybsde leas Ilam
ninon,. r ' a
Moiitrral. Aug. 01.- d
4Hpeal.)-Titin le Mir
mot active sad profitable shlpplrg seems
Boum AI hal kiwwu for many years past.
u d those who have been cruaklag about
the dr.11ue of the at. Laeirrurc export
trade will hate to modify t.elr tbeurlra to
t wonderful extent Last year the various
slrawsh,p men had t• go about with their
ells le their bands brggiug fur freight.
but tits wears tees same gentlemen bare
oat, to alt Iu their eats,. sod freight by
the tbouaaud Woe comes ruuiug amugslde
their ships. To glee •n idea of what 0
Wtsegg none hen by the %arloua otrrao hors
It w111 he well to clouts Mr. John Torrrucr's
Words yesterday to your correspon-
dent. es the agent for our lwmlulo• Ito(
rrjuard over the caauged a.peet of again
•1 could go oat.' be said, • and ell tot
. te.ttu.blps per week from uuw 5.11 the sur.
of uarigatlou.- sad all the hues have obs
maw soil to tell.
The Alt.... the l)omislou, the 1)o sid•O..
the lti-wp.ter, the Hamburg sot other cum -
ponies dolt burleys' et the port of Mout-
h& are fairly staggering under the dusu.
trey of freight teat 1s coming to this port
for export to Britain sod the CuotloeOL
This, howeter, Is out a11. as the lucre.. -4
freight rater ■ e Moo a very pleaalug tea
tore i0 the present sessuu'a trade. sod nus
that river the utmost .at*0lactlou to the
steamship oleo, who, Iu toe port. hate had a
good deal to t•0mpial■ of. out ouly with
rewsard 10 rates but the Quandt) of tr.-teat
omeug as well. This time lest year the
rteatoerr trout fhb pun were carrying
grew at one sh Wag a Quarter, while thir
year they ate getting two shilling. for all
they cru stow away !n their bolds. Last
summer deals were being carried for 3'b.
M., while this year the rat, Is 4:s. Ltd
The Americana are also *hippieg moth
more esteu.rely from this port tbau for
many year. put. rod. apart from
and Duluth. ■ ``nod atauy New York people
are .ulpl,lug Western products bete. Is-
sued ..t from tbrlr own port and Roston.
Ure rigutb of a crus {{err bushel In groin
w111 rause the New Yorkers to give the
prefereure to Yoalnel. A large shipper
elite said that the egurea were even lu ad-
vance of those Quoted above. Stensen.
be .1J, ...•:e e.klb{ 2s. 3d. to Liverpool,
W to Rnotol. r. Gd. (0 L0u4o11 sad
Glasse. b. 64. paid and 3s asked for
lfan.uurg• adding that all of the Ileptrmber
spare bad Dern taken and • good part of
tictol.rr, as well. '• Should freight rates
advaure to 3'. on grain," be concluded, "It
will then pry ships to come over la bei
lam. mud if that rate be reached ao doubt
plenty of touusge would be found coming
to the St. Lawrence."
Nese the give erewald.
Quebec, Aug. 22. -On the 18th Inst.
five men of Berthler, County of Mont-
magny. left In a small boat for a fish-
ing trip around the Quarantine Sta-
tion, Grosse Isle:. Nothing of them hos
been heard until this afternoon, wh
the body of one of the men, name.
Lesperance, was found by J. B. Tur-
cotte and A. Dancause of this place.
The whereabouts of the boat and
the other four men L unknown.
1t 1s supposed the boat waif smashed
to atoms on the rocks and all her oc-
cupants drowned. The names of the
four missing men are Joseph Ltsper-
ance, brother of the man who. boll
was found. Bolesonneault and CoUlard
of St. Pierre, Montmagny. and young
Fortin of St Thomas village. They
were all married men except young
Fortin. Lesperance was a widower
and leaves three young children.
Dying 11 abl. Ms Stan.
Findlay, 0., Aug. 22. -Oscar Warn -
mock met his death In a horrible man-
ner last night near Bluffton. He was
drilling In an oil well. when the wen
unexpectedly began spurting o1L Wam-
mock'. clothing was completely satur-
ated with the oil. and as be started
to run from the derrick. the gas from
the well ignited from the fire corder
the boiler enveloped the driller In a
sheet of flame. He continued to run
until his clothing was nearly all burn-
ed off him. when he fell. He died a
short time later. His home was at
Fairview. Penn. The derrick and sur-
rounding buildings we -e all consumed.
The well. which 1s still Rowing oil
above the tree tope, makes a plilar of
fire visible for miles around.
5;•re1 nes a n.mua.
Buffalo, Aug. 22. -Fire started in the
Exposition building and In the cover-
ed halt -mile track at the Buffalo Defy -
Ins Park simultaneously about 16 min-
utes atter the last of the spectators
who witnessed the Grand Circuit races
this afternoon had lett the track. The
Exposition building and neM ed tel
covered track was bsi� One mai
named Martin. a hostler. who was tak-
en into the covered track In an intoxi-
cated condition just before the fire
Marled. L thought to have been burn-
ed to death. The horses in the stables
surrounding the track were rescued
wltb much dJMculty.
Mer II)- 12617MMLR
75c, went. $1.35
s1s-rs - - _
7;ic, .tare... x1.00 to 1.25
25c, were
100, were
40c, were
111e, were .111
1 Sc, were .... 25e to 1.25
Wen's S..mmer
75c, suit were 1.25
All samter goods must be aoid to
make room for fall good. which we are
recd wing.
A lob lot of
ata Bargain. A lot of
at a B&Poia.
A few
WHITE PARASOLS at Half price
The Efhpres. of Japan and her ladies g
have taken to the steel horse, and cycle
on a mase of walks made on purpose
for them In a secluded part of the Im-
perial gardens.
Hampton Court's great goldfish is
dead. It lived Ito the central fountain.
weighed four pounds, and was prob-
ably the largest and oldest specimen
of Its kind in England.
Professor Stewart accounts for the
dingy and Inconspicuous hue of the
plumage of female birds by the state-
tatement that were It otherwise It would
fall an easy victim to enemies during
the nesting season.
Governor Richards of Wyoming has
received numerous applications from
Eastern people for a permit to
hunt game in Wyoming. In rack case
the Governor malls the applicants a
copy at the game lama
"But I am so unworthy. darling," be
murmured as he held the dear girl's
hand in his. "Oh. Harry." she sighed,
"If you and papa agree on every other
point as you do on that how happy
we could be:" -London Tit.Blta.
On the hind leers of the bee there is
a fringe of Mia hairs on the surface.
he hair, approaching each other at
• tips so as to form a sort of cage.
1 an Is the bee', basket, and Into it,
atter a auct'esatul journey, he wilt
cram enough pollen to last him for
two or three days.
A Belgian Journalist thinks that a
good way of increasing the revenue
would be to lay a Sas upon mustaches.
He calculates that there are two mil-
Ilon Belgian who would not part with
their mustaches for a paltry 10 trance
and that the revenue would thus be
augmented by 20.000.000 francs a year.
"Cut off both my less if only my
Emperor William wins the battle."
These words were spoken In the bat-
tle of Y lllejutf. 1570, by a wounded
soldier, who 1s, now living In great
poverty in a German village. The
Emperor, heating recently of hie
straits and his patriotic utterance, sent
him a present of 150 marks.
The Greeks were so much afraid of
lightning that they worshiped it They
endeavored to avert Its malignant in -
Buenos by hissing and whistling at It
In places which had suffered by it
altar's were erected and oblations
made to avert the anger of the gods,
after which no one dared to touch or
approach them.
It is mid that cigarette smoking is
on the increase in London. The num-
ber of cigarettes which one may see
being smoked in the London streets,
and espectaily during the lunch hour,
is more than ever conspicuous. At the
present time there are several manu-
facturers in England turning oat 500.-
eM cigarettes a der.
ml.wned Oa t1be ge11 mea.
Hespeler, Ont., Aug. 22. -Yesterday
afternoon a young unmarried than
named Ambrose Whiter was drowned
m the milldam at Fisher's mill about
two miles from this place. The unfor-
tunate victim was fishing and to be-
lieved to have fallen Into the water
while in a fit. Some Tears ago met
wltb a serious accident and been
subject to fits ever since. ' .eturn.
Ins home. a search was 1n ted and
his body was soon rect. .ed quite
near Rice shore. He was the son of
Mr. Pountaln Winter and was one of
a large and Marbly respected family.
Teasel's Maras M tae 7.Yw
Nlagata Fella Oat. Aug. 25.-A mor ter
rifle .itlltradentor'.. stromptt Led by • smen
cyTclone nod heavy dowoyoar. 9.mra
561. tow* •bout 1 u cl):k tY s ..rotas
T1s. * b .IngS w. sharp •ad $nota .d
Omelet. tweeted with t,•isle •..roe. th.t
aLael •be bulldlmp 11ke ea ea.tbeeske aced
•reused the tows. Only oee p1.50 •• •sr
hard fn S wee struck h • • it ••tolls •
Dist he 'he spire of t1. res. •by•'aa
(Areeh. rhe •Ieetrie alibi mains,' at tel
top 0t the Wm. r.ypl.g ouhMe troth stela
te•rtsg Lh. Isrge Umbers 1 late spelt
ten lad ripping es • portion or tel carmen
AA it 'bet hew. to the greed. Damage
to W oshoarch about ei00. blight ammo
la tel h1 .r, to the Lett beteg whipped
sem n.ce tarp.
• Torose. Aug. 2A
ter.rssgay n .bout s.50 John Ban-
a helskasalAr thing on Orwwwood
d,vaaa, while waling on the 0.T.1t
costes esteem Iletin Tont and the
Den eledelbe was vas down by •
fr.igbe trete. Beth bis legs were
wadi'- strove the saki*. 0. wee
takes te the ,neral lltspital and
tootle hemp were amputated abdve the
kneek. * 0o4 recover.
WINN M er.eigmw.
Ont. Aer. f111. -Merits I4*10 ,
a a tel e.r.1.. Ire at his re -
,TM le
»4Mfie . Ma `' ' ,pry
teeplfsw, ww.was trial aoL1181itt
la bel Irma between the thimab
r .res he
war. wet two we01'
IOW !Iw aaetala at Mam
-*-pother eoenpta(nM to a London
magistrate that a board echoed teacher
required a necklace to be removed
from her daughters' neck. The child
had worn the necklace, since she was
three weeks old, and would catch
cold if It were removed. The magis-
trate thought the teacher's a
reasonable one, but the mother could
send her child to another school.
The paper for printing Bank of
England notes 1s dampened with water
in the exhausti receiver of an air
pump. The Mk need In the plate print-
ing L made of Frankfort black. which
Is composed of the charcoal of the
tendrils and busks 01 the German
grape, ground with linseed on. The
Ink Vee a peculiar and deep shade of
flack, common black Inks being tinted
either with blue or brown.
HAaysr Tarrfvll_ -Tidwell at the 8.1-
..tisa Army b.rrmoke leek )ase at premet
e s though Cepa. Slate had epe s& trade
drp'rlesst ea his ewe 'beak' NW was hero
ism hie ateen*n to live sleek. farm pp -
dam. leaks, .le.,-e0d se he is, We Aims
bang to reins ever $40 be egee.d the Red
•d aside week of$ eets1lealeg reams
Imam for the talks sad shelters ter ea
Need for I&Udraa. T1. ehjoes 1s a Medal
nae sad MI are %vited te .mtr1Mte their
stare. This (Thursday) irreales the satin
fires a soldiers .x11 be ea seed le dnceale
the b.nseks sled arrange she traits sed
vegetables.. 451 will In said ea Monday
e ight amt. The Captain will be glad m em
Bee his 300 -pyo Map Scribbler ; k
is a good oma Omosia4. Steck d
has occurred between our
rices and Competition.
Prices are uninjured but
Competition is laid up for
repairs. Our LINEN
FANCY GOODS are going
like hot cakes -secure some
before it's too late. Drop in
and me our SEA M088, the
prettiest thing out for De-
corative purposes. We keep
everything to help you
NICELY -Pads, Rolls,
Crimping and Waving Pins,
also Kid Curlers.
A. Careful Super
Will .nisei his Reeds earutdly, have his
Doth. auk right, end pay the right kind
of • price for then. Yes may rete nested
when yes p1••• year ardor wish 0 year in-
tereste will be e.rddly pretesied.
Ne ems phew. as ea extensive a lime as we
de, bsosilf.l toed...ea mold at . dawn lent
will ambo you to .ve meaty.
To the Public.
As I am on the last year of my
lease, it is my intention to dispose 01
my stook of
eta., eta, and I think it will be to
your advantage if you are wanting
anything in my lite to give me a era
I shall require a settlement of all
notes and accounts at an early date.
Thanking you for past favors, believe
me, years respectfully,
0. ir. DAVIS.
The Balmer Ode
714 pest/met '.w1 hat-fes*illisd
At The illdeslnl may be ~MI
IO= a
�1apmsteste�MenlnMls►k1.o i sod hi
be thea reset m
sc=Stn duo Pedis. rev" 'd
00711113111 mai LUNCHES
sorvM at fie Mea. �I
wtbw'1srer tui ter_ a -
gustily .Iwi• le slosh.