The Signal, 1896-7-2, Page 5THE SIGNAL : OODERIOH. ONT. THURSDAY JULY 2, 1896. CAI ACITMSON cSt SON 118 _wand F1nor BARGAIN SALE in THIS WEEK. CA RPETR. Tepestry Carpets worth .IT English Tapestry terns and hest value 50e. Tapestry Brussels worth 65c. Extra heavy titer 50c worth 75o. new patterns Carpets new pat - colors :Ixt• regular new stack 50c Tapestry Brussels IoTH OIL CLOTH& Yard - wide door Oil Cloths 2Oc worth 25c. IExtra heavy quality in new patterns in I } and yards wide at 32}c a initiate yard, regular price else- wbere 4Oc. CURTAINS. 15 pairs Swiss Curtains 3} yards long and wide width at $2.7.5, real value $3.75. W. ACHESON & SON. MARRIED. WILLIAMB-R•VGHTON-fa gerbraid. on June nth. by ROOM, Mark Turebell. Rnet of k Georges ebur -h. Merrick ltd soft It of .•.r W j Merrick, (j MA10 ate. avenue, eldest llatghtsn nig TALK OF THE TOWN fog reoehed 'pedal attention, while the sides of the gallery and chandeliers were ..t off with hanging plants. In lir. Fudge's et aMs.ae his pulpit was 000upied by Rev. Jarhk Greene, of Fullerton He spoke to the children nn the morning and to the par - owlet to the evening. In the S.bbath school . the review of the past .ivarterl lessons was taken up, at the close of which Mr. (.reeve adtadressed Use tobolars. From the Repartees Notebook U T.a've a Mete to a' Ter re./a, 1 rode Te ten, 111 a ('Medea •eras Te Tait.' sone. se' Rath Mi'It .rent Durable Summer sold.gs, •rtls•ically .-ot sad fashionably made at moderate prieee at 1. J. PR/SHAMA Cabinets 'LW per doe. Parties wishing to secure duplicate photos from any negative will please leave their oder 'coo as i am abut to destroy the grower number to make room for others. Other foxes at as equally low: rate. It. R. SALLOW& Edge exchanged pelE%CHAN..E1. I'rLrrT . - Rev. Jeserth with Rev. Josiah Greece, of Fullerton, yet Sunday. TUFT PAs•ign 8r.rnsret.t.y- - Beeman Guest sed Archie Diokao., who wrote re - costly on seisior matriculation papers, peer. ed the exam. sucoesdnlly. THE 12TH. --Oo Monday the 131h the I Orangemen will eeyhrate in (:odeneb, oo which enemies it is expected that then will be a very Wee tethering ot the brethren. THE SALT or THE EARTH -The salt of the earth cam always be found in bury that have the North American Chemical Company's multi-ooaued labels •ttaobd. THE N. 1%. 1'AS11)k -Rev. S. Godwin the reoeatly appointed paster of Victoria -et Methodist church ptn.obed moraine .ad evening to large °e.rrePMe.s an Sunday. A Just Wsnntxo,-There was s ger in St. Peters chart* se TMesday 1•s. Mies M. Davis, at (iodation and /form:. of Stratford, being the contracting perils. S Pt. Nt. -The jaaior dames of .it. 4.eorre'e Sunday school were, e. Saturday. drivea to Piper's Dam, where they bed eit excellent aftereooe under the mprrvisjen of their teachers. Ttta K.NIrri'" FAiTORY.-A recent visit to this setabli.hsswt 'hewed teas the Meads were tully employed, and as then are orders on hand to keep the machinery running feu some time, the prospects for this iastitutlo. are first oleos. 1',• nue Satinet. Guam?". Legt.lativ, tracts to Public Seboole have not yet beem received by County Treasurers, altheagh se the authority of • circular from the Edison - non department, the Iespeoters lune iiai out the orders. • da FILwER SONDAT.-Lent Sabbath was the til day set apart in the Methodist eb rob se M Flower Suede?, and et the twemnt ander- of coos it was decided to melte this s asasal erect. Ti. church was prettily decorated with flowers, the pulpit and ober left ber- r,..wLINH ON THE GREEN. -Nearly every afternoon nod evening bowie are played on the `skating Aseooiattoa'e laws, sod so in- . termini@ le tae game to spectator., that the . West .Street fence is often bidden by those witnessing the play. l'i. 'N I. W. -Oo Thursday • baud wagon loaded with young people started for Elliott*, and an arrival went in tor a good time, and I bad it. Tbe party was tacky enough to get home without beteg drenched by the storm that came on in the evening. GARDEN PARTY -A Garden Party wil be given next Thursday evening, the 9th iaet., ea the lawn of Dr. J. R. Sbannoe Retreshme.t. will be served throughout the evennag,asd fancy goods will be sold at my era! tablets. Slam will be oronded. Ad missies. 10o. 2t ed with the eb.loe.t ef .Non's floral Oats. 1 1. ', Ib. to � "w'" �"`d `� SNAPS FOR CASH.IHIOIIDA aad eh.reh, the reneger usembsn d the nen roman= were beiceahet. bequests. ..d s. . tort, every parson present ..d demise Sewers as emblems d the day. the whey- le _Z tad fatly realised the ides d • Flower bath. Tws Cow Bytrw---8o far rhos the point/meet d • pesed keeper the cow law bee hew fairly weB endorsed, the o d the animals s essiagly *ming wttb the asshorities is its eafereement. That the n ew rules are for the geed el the town, there ass be no dispute, feu oar earthman are ww Oafs frees eight Ntaels. sad people esu pees aloeg the darkest street. atter night- fall witbo.t taking • header over • sleeping bovine. NolATH mT E L. •r C.B. - Tam semi -w. I seal eleotiw of Wheats was bald in the League at the reorder meeting last Friday e ve.inn. a.d resulted as follows : President Miss I. Sber.a. ; 'los Area, B. Oomt s Orelary. Mier Bertha Farrow; a rres.end• ing sen., Mins L Robertson ; treasurer, L. Elliott ; pianist, Mims Ethel Acheson ; ohor• niter, Miss Grahame : and the obairmes of the committees- Literat ore, M. Howell prayermeetieg, Mies Franks ; missioo•r W P.esmore. THE AA.'RAH,.NT Or THE Loalms Serres. -- The sacrament of the Lord'. Supper will he celebrated is [not churob oext Lord's Day morning. The 'envies pepseatory to the 000aeion wiU be held on Friday evening at 1 o'clock when Rev. Janes Hamilton B. A. will preach. At the oleos of the service, the new applioamM will be received sad oommuelon Dards dietrfbated to tweedier oommunioante. PARIS GREEN INSECT POWDER eab • BUY THEM O ('1 CX . ---. (Fresh sad Pare. eF 5 pieces Urea. Gingham fast colon,' 6 ends Dress Goods worth 30c for PRESCRIPT TS, owners s . worth I 5 onus Factory Cotton worth 7c for 1 5 cents. • 7. worth 10c for I 10 ends Factory Cbtto'n ;worth' tic Y. A Rr-NAwA V. in Tuesday at noon as Sturdy's hone was being drives along i'se street one of the 'hafte broke, and the severed part dropping attaint the animal's leg osue.t it to start into • two-tweety gait. The horse being beyond control the driver jumped. slighting without injury. The runaway headed for home but some- thing caused it to turn into hoth.si when runnier the wagon against the telephone pole in frost d the Huron k limos Coin - patty's office it freed itself from the vehicle and was then easily caught. Reyood the injury to the shafts there was but little Oiiiirr.tky.-Tbe following, taken from The Stratford Daily Herald of the feet., refers to the mother of .iobn W atter, of Go•ieriob : Hannah Ellen V I ter, wile of Jobb \-•natter, died last of heart failure superinduced by drops which she bad been • great sufferer worth Ilk for 5c. 5c. per yd. ! -� Lsp� A SrOit%1TY. • 20 ioces Crums' best Prints l2}c for 9c per yd. 6 pieces Flanttaliette 5c per yd. Fine for 6c. Ready to Wear Clothing. 10 Men's Suits worth fl 50 for #2.90. 10 Boys' Suits worth y:i.aN) for '?2.50. Slany other lines etittelly as cherp. HIGHEST PRICE FOR GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS. Goderich, 3rd June, 1r96. .Ink \[ES A. HEID. Bit 1 CLI: OIL 100. PARIS GREEN INSECT POWDER We have them pure sad frsmb, TASOLEFOOT STICKY FLY PAPER. Try Oar Own ['MSON FLY PAPER C !1 piecesfor3 Deets. IA1ide>t IiIWMCs4 uW' I• CUSDm. i ` brL'YCdiYa�r. around oar bosses. The whole thiamine was a welcome addition to society sermons, and will long be rem. red by the bretb- ree of the Mystic Tie present in Si. George's. The musical portion of the servioe reflects credit on the organist, lira. Cuff, and the members of the large and able ohoir be leads. The service opened with • hems e nth and closed with the National Anthem, • Van. fitting ending to • Masonic serfdom, on the anat. week y. of for the .bore 11010• ilc of mourn itbtul The t 2:30 Avon: the . A have bat - 1,.s 1 be r the the t en- past n- past nine month.. lire. Vanatter, - maiden name was }'snob, was married • thirty-eight years .go and leaves • dam six children, besides her husband, to her deoe•se. ►Ira �-anattmr was • fa member of the Evangelical church." toners' took place on Sunday, 28th, • o'clock, the interment taking pl.oe at dale cemetery. SI NOOL ExrVR.tog TO Goo, Rlrii, rssgoneate are nearly completed for school excursion to Goderich on July 9 Rr•nderberg.r and D. R. MoPhereoo it in ',barge and are determined at w ever obit to make the day es pleesan possible for the little folk. Men w11 engaged to guard the wharf stud pier fo safety ot the little ones, thus enabling trustees and teachers an opportunity o Joyleg themsaivse uneeounbered with ' possibilities. A program of .ports wi furnished and pries" awarded to the en ful competitors. The tickets will be emus for adults and 40 omits for child Posters and program next weak. strut Deily Herald. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.- The regn monthly meting of the pnblio eobool wee held on Monday evening. the ohalrm Jas. Buchanan, sr., presiding- trrsteee W. Acheson, W. H. Ball, A. Chrystal, J. H. t olborne, Robt. Mo M. Nfoboion and Jas. A. Reid ; ' d public schools, J. R. Tom, sod Prince Halls were also present. Minutes of regular meeting were read, approved sod signed. The is'peot.r'e report was read rmoo.msndiag alterations and repairs and the ponies' of new 'eats fag the junior di Amiens of the ward sol te& The (meting - gent gees' were ordered be premed with the repairs find obtain .aesman and prisms of Beate ler the subsea. The severed abode N the Central auheol were ordered to be re paired, and the manor woe len is the band. of the contingent committee. The July salaries of teaohers leaving town for their homes were ordered to be paid. Applies - hefts were read for positions on the teach - hog staff, and after seats disesmis. Mies M. Kush wee appointed emitnant prhtlpal,MM Mlpnie Campbell to Mks Mae Renk'. peel. tiondarlsg the Fa11 tares, sad Mie S. He - abeam le the paths in St. Parka's ward mooted by Mae Skates. Amman, G. Pori er, 111 50:3. H. Worsen & Ca. M.10 : H Watew,el 60 : ea metres, all •eeerests were ordered te be paid. The clerk wee, ea me Men, dkr.Md to apply to the Iowa amassed der the min et M,700 her ..i., papaws t.r 1996. fid.. RAW t AIN% -Rig bargains •t Jolla MoN•oghtoo'e shoe store during the month of July. Men's, women. and children's tan oboes at poet Instead of carrying them over to 1897. The whole of the 1erre stock car- ried by McNaughton will be sold at • very alight •dvaeoe on amt. BASE BALL -Oo Friday afternoon • tem frees Stratford eta the home team on the Agricultural Park @rounds and played • rather exciting genie. From the first it was evident that the oh•noes were in favor of Godsrieb, and at the oo.olusion the soore Meed 19 b 14 is favor ot our boy. DorINIo!t DAT. -As i omiaion Day fella w a Wednesday, the day Tits Sui N A I asu- ally gees to prune, we are oblind to publish ea Tuesday evening. 00 aneesat of the e arly publication thin week the details of Demiatoo Day sport& and amusements will trot appear till next lone, when tbey will be filly described. THE KE!ial\t;Tod FuaNlyi-R,. Co, -This sew Oederiob industry may Dow be said to bare started on its way, se all the furniture and pleat has arrived from London. Tbe fvdtare its placed in the sample rooms ad the mashiaery ie being fitted in its proper place, sad as trot es the boiler are in peer Mao then will be more bumming is Godo- riok. A REAL. Roe. --Last week a somber of yenta mea were obarred beton the P. M. with being disorderly. Tb charge was preferred by the Mites Card, bet ea the de- fendants cleated the Marge, the P.M., atter v and a babe trial, adjourned the mss 1 today (Thursday). Daring the sass rpdS Sellee eger Ion. ly w the gee.tte. Kant CXrSCH.-Teo 213th of Jen was Flower Sabbath is Knox eburo►, ea which worsen the edifice was beautifully dmoerut- Potato -Buz h' .'-n4��l bum' dein injure the planta and is chtepernot than any otLer reined]. .n 1:t, Tb and other Ilencing �,Yte in an gnutit;, $ties_ ii pie of fencing to. judge ( Mae a d See. $atrvestiag ImD1ements -heat rr a tk vi etyLowest Pr" ^"' FORKS. SCY'T'HES, RAKES, • She _n.Wih5a1 as' Faint CM.er. Dost, looks hx'"t economical, full ssssesre. beef, .Mrs �g`et' Something Nnr is SCYTHE STONES ! %rater �, a spsatlly flee lsf+ Cheap. i• LAWN MOWERS, TABLE CULTTRY, ALABABTINE, and WHITING. IUD. A.LhLA2Te re. 11 be core - 75 ford lar board ea S. Presets Inas, uspeotor Pal lairs 59th anniversary of Her Majesty's reign. At the oo.olosion of the commemoration the brethren reformed and marched back to their hall, whereon the W. M., Bro. A. 8. Chrystal, resumed the chair. Votes of thanks were pored to the Rev. Mark Turnbull to his able sermon, to the choir for the excellent mastoid program, and the churchwardens for the ample and comfort- able accommodation provided. It was ex• pected that there would bare been a larrer atteodanoe, but the storm of the morning and the threatening weather kept away many who bad intended to take pert in the proceedings. Goon WORK. -The G. N. W. did g�n000dd work in vetting in the returns, partion a(riy the local report. Fifty minutes atter the poll closed the indefatigable old time operator, Harry Armstrong, was is • posi- tion to pl•oe the full report for the riding before the chairman of the returns com- mittee. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT g0DaIOS. June 3Oth.70 6 Fa Wheat, crew) standard... .. 0 00 0 00 Mall Wheat (014) 0 t3 . Oda Flour. family. per cwt.... 2 00 to 2 35 Flour. Fall per owt ..........toot 3 10 to 2 i/ Flour, palest, per ewt 3 10 tot 1p Brea, II aorta • o. 11 00 1012 00 New bat., p e • I01e to 000 130 toll 00 03 t.O 23 to New Ilay.•ten 1/5to0 t6 tor. Rip N 10 0015 fft oil • 0 1 16100le inti rush unpacked, i dos,11 o 0 10 wend • 10 3 Os Hldsr. 3300 101.300 Pane Ib 10 0 M Latab-8kles 13 to 030 Lye Host _. is to 350 Urumed Ilam ss t (11qso Deem.. 2 to 01 Ram, per lb.. ,. 10 10 e 11 chase. Der ID.......... 1r 10 0 I1 TO ADVsRTISSRS. • Nodes alt ehanres must be left at this ORos not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes meet be left not Ister than Mon day nosh, Q.maal Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each weak. AT Litwin $twee, -The Mamas of Oederw essenemsr.Md the tssMval of St. Joao the %past by shoaling Divas Sera be at a °emeses us fleaday wrialag. The than heap .t as Meal ledge ammseeMed In she Mamma Hag a 110..30, and N 1041 to the .e.. her.f 61 es.ratsd be the akerek� the resew, Bra Rev. Mark Tomball, tew dusted the armies The tons„ ranee 22 soil 26, alma. h. el Mark, s&4.1 the preach- er NU crepe ler a Mea..% emrmgma, replete with h�a 'Ile uotation latmattai to the breams e w�y orad.a the Malmo ea .b a at bbe war- der end k`edl, and after a short dhf emeses en tads pant. drew al1.SMmn le the lase0.. the Har Mesa ▪ leteria. that dap d the Seth year el hat we rssor4, the peach. sr said. la the hiebeey of the wadi, Thea lL_a thaw tau? db. einsed the rantlen if eeorets. essweetd wen she hsaunig, w dlrw adtswas le the end are the lrwak..hc et toady hew gime was the ___ ss letebd t• sad liked MWelllaand Emmen Manned Express Man expreee lMaU aaaad iE Trseeilat Guise- e1RAI1D TRUIit RAILWAY. seaIT. Isis a.as. LSI Rm. PAL TAO es.. Itho Mp~.es~. 1Pnblle Nodes BRING YOUR DRY LUMBER TO he =en es Furniture 0e (Ltd,), sed _eke rse uralt.re 1e ex mew. . !■m. 0ss1MMd P wea0. Mote. M. 72-1y NOTICE lis HZRZEY OIVEN THAT be W 2100/0. law■ tpriakt, to amen will, ss rues M wean from tappe eor elle Ia.bydr..l. wq1 M_ }b..eotd soesidleg to by bow. W. H. BMITR lows @sgissmr. 71.10 p.BLIC NOTICE We. tiemaderrim.sd DryHeedsMereba.b, herebytv• Owes of beatos Aa la thgreee Iowa a Ued Huse a aim Fear jeb, hemJay la 1■ the evenktp, eepq lag 8.eurdye ad at teasels evwtrgm beton bl JA RO SON, A.dr'owe May.) IAL x, HERR V& �W/GOOIRT. 7ledore .fE `newts/ Lreeve later tbthan 13 losiackarZI. the A. sslabs a Vie~ el SSwSweatyeaty et>enMr1 ws s�l obt ey � wilthe WI I& IMP meshed her the ply _}slsetete reachtiaseukeed ams le be Itvgaram Loral Sates. JUDICIAL SALE OF FARM PRO PXRT Y . 111 THE 9305 ('OURT OF JCOTICI, CHANCERY UIVIF1ON. Iu lir matter of Joss H"illiomtaoa, of lar (ow. .Ain of Wirtttvr.oalr, i. tar Cooa(p of /taros, a 1emotic. Pursuant to the report of the master of this . court •1 Un tench asd the order made herein dented the ('n day of Juno. A Il. 1206. there .111 he sold. with the •poroba!Iee of the said Mao) r. on SAiCii.LAI'. T 'Ko'1elho(ttktnoon,Y I,F JULY. ISOs: ,t 1• at - ilot I in the v•l.a.r- rel 11•••ag.n non. .n ti.. ('..arty of Hume. by J. hn Korr, A• •..,n•. -r trte follnwiag hods, named, ; •Ne west Ito It .dlot nt.mhor *everyone..a the i1.:r.I cuneee.tmn .•1 11., Ines. e' ir. • f t' ,.t .Vasa hued. to rhe Cma••! of Hurur. e�nteit.in one hundred acres of lard. This Int i, situated within a Lw cf Dungannon. The ehn• a property will be void e•Ibo act to a urs -rand bid. 1r a'1 other rr.o.-,•t sip. con di tions of ..le will t.- 'he mandingooadsUote of the High Court of Ju.ti•-e. TERMS - Ten p -r cent d•.wn at the tune of sale and the balance within one month there - .f1.,. M'or. further Marti. ware spits- 1e y, .au.. Darrow t Proudfoot. Barriticre. Ooderich, or tae ende oigne•, • 6. MA1.•'tiMS(N. Master at rloderi••h. CAMERON. H•)/.T3 HOL3Ei. Vendors' 8"l1citon,fsudcrich, Duan this Irk da; of iota. t.n 1111. 74-31 Far Rile op To Rent. flOCdh AND LOT FOR SALE -A with arquuaartteer re lot.oa Term. `r'er roomy, resosouble For particulars abyiy to iiox 113, Guelph. :1.21 (NIOOU HOUSE AND LUT FOR SALE. vhf On Ugh, house -sr. eon%ent.ni to Pgave. Post -Ogle . Haro„r. tr. 1.0.. 1 acre : "holm heariag geed frame. e 1. coempletend srepair. storeyII fruits. meiHowie. half : 8 rooms end Hummer kitchen, hall., clsaet& buttery, cellar. wood and ones: shed; taiicnlssta ape. Wiji sey to lto aT IW. mumYOU. roa re Light- house et.. order1 e8-11 FINE DWELLING HOUSE FOK SALE. meted -TTathoose, lar ledtuatedast comen modiopa brio& Wel- van. EI in stn, Dear lesley, within seer reach of Like trout, and at pee.eet occupied by the owner. It eoataine eaves rooms, with large reception hall. and batand hd water. The p room mews ug' with commies two tquarter !acre lots. one of whi-h Is in lawn with fine ornamental trees. and the other is laid out in • good garden with excellent mleetlon ofemall bilis. the u e a11. uPENC partleulan • ply 10 E godrefob, P.0,OStf 1SELL OR LET. -A BRICK HOUSE corner of Elgin and Stanley streets• eon tenting $eleven rotme, hard and soft water. ODed Oellar. Holme heated with hot air. For further particnlareapply to Mre, 0'. 8MEETH. dpit VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTti- FOR BALE -The brick rssMet:a overlook lag the river and lake formerly occupid by the tate A. M.cllermett egg., Master le ('baseery. One of the most valuable and desirable pro parties In town. 2. The two-mtorey frame dwelling horn on South street Imatdtately adjolnlag the Brit - 41b axehaege Hotel. at prase -at occupied by 10,. Andrew Waddell 3. The dwellinghouse and ad Veining irronnde as setbs 0. T. station. formerly 0000$.4 the late Judge Tors. Ply to oT • t RRnOtones w �rPaest tor ablg..o Solicitor, Oederfoh. Rzeentore Notion IN THZ WATTF,R OF THw 111TATE et Jame Melte,. late m>< the eouty b •,,,,, _ hitNotice r hereby o�trun'�'j �i N UM7, °heater 115, somas 3f1, that all havlaf[ elalan. y.�t the moat. of 0M Yto Jaesee McKV. r. D., wbodled oa or abort the 17th day of February. IOM, at the mid sena by Matt, of Uaupw an, are required to prepaid. er delivered 10 Job . ate of the mid Jaime Me I . ts ' 0. ea or before the 11th day of Jul,. A.0. 1014 their came. addressee ..a eurwripeleee sad a tell par - Miele et limb, etateta mind she asters M the eeeMb of say)held by these. and lad w 1*. itoeetihr will 'preempt tto the prase aoudad ba et tawls.damssd ►eatos It le MeW Maims of whish shall be thee 4I ray hale settee. HOLT It ROLMaB, eelelton ten the Exeeater. Dosed 414t %der/eh 1014 1 aday et Jose. A. AML 7 MOND l[BA L `V -�. asst r w est p.ek,ogaw 1131.h Hear Cream WI1lsw.e iree P111, !a a baa. T ear baking Pm/4w Ile a paned. Ildehlns Crowe find begins Loam Weems% Ream raw lee ttttisbies d sailma. UMW* maw diet. JE. anise d ear. Palos passe. ens 1treesr iris Inflow oyes �7 >•a RMi mak r geode w mrd J eIV het Slot. cepW ILAMS, Pb m. H. tlgte Ykd."et.LIWt..' .stag Ch emist. (SET ON OLARSE.4. It your Ni,;l.t failing. Surely '-'scow.- 11lni1. attention mat, It 1. w-i•e to them. No Charge for the examination and hest lenses supplie.I at r'ason:00e prises. 1 .r. E. DAVIS, Plum. B. i)ruggist and l )ptician. .ho r. Sigh.: 44 you would not A little timely save your eyes. kat us examine TO OST THE GENERAL. EFFECT 1i Take a general look at our FURNITURE It will Interest you . many things .Ill especial - 17 attract lour attention. Aad our prices .ur- pri a you : our parlor suits at IJ.,J sad better ones on up to /at. a❑ eyualty good Yalu,. Also our bed wonderful alusum torith c ebmot mirror, tor 39 in style. Quality and low Wee. 1'Te1.RiAltltfm: Proasptly atteeded to at all boars. night and day. 83iT118 FURNiTURE AND UNIKRTAK- - ING EIIPtrRiVM. victoria Block. New Ilaellidne Shope. 1N MEWS! ACHI NE SHOPS -ALL KIND WS!ACHINESHOPS-ALLK1NDS Repair Work doat Reawasable Prime. of Farming mplem n,s for Inery. new and se000d band. bought�- Manh- Roglnes and Boilers for sale. and Bold. old w dined -Ratan' d Streets. RAXTRR RUNCiMictoria AN.Tra u F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL -AR.- SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, i take tbla opportunity to Inform the pubite that i am still In the boldness notwlthstandlag all rumors to the contrary, and am prepared to do every class of work In my line from makl.g a window frame to erecting • 2stoey building with mansard root. Tattmatee furnished sad oompetition Invited. The furnishing of building material, snob all lath, shingles and Intoner • epetdalIy, F. SMESTH. Godsrinh, July Ith 1801. Hotels- MRSCoLBORNB HCTEL EL IWINO tawsgi,ly refitted sad refurnlsaed easel t , af- fords eaccommodation to the trave- ling pablle, and the farming ooesmunit)) the Colborne everything w111 b. fottnd t et pertains to • finite �� Otic. EuXTON. �'to�'twDDrrifetor, Loan did R1tyllia MOIINete. TT le NOT WHAT YOU BARN, BUI WHAT YOU 8A VE, MAKE/ YOU Ri('H, TUE HURON AND BRUCE LOAN iNVNOT KENT COM PAICY amierroes. Reit and Holmes mamba a per mat ppDrsNnnrs�nslds.,.every oar nime iare t 10 their adveram dollar w se he by e sdad Beaty ori tMar df atippea' dei t gatid Tr s b eh ot" rilt.a w lhtrta Hume 8a.waL 1loraro to HORAOa HOE 3. H. (7Oi,BO allitnewer. 1. Mosta UM ANNA L SHAW, Ems ia "d Maas Lost. Nina- APAIR OF GOLD MINED ED rewarded ea ttmaretuH saes leT.MmweMwsN MPOIN-Ti'ARM-AHASON-07-111111 elir `eillerme Mak testWirmrhe^� la nits emltt %