The Signal, 1896-4-9, Page 44
;ke $qna1,
s ros
if m. meWaaaslMf.
of Publication -8 and � NA�
term. of Nbe,Apmeis t
r a, n b. IP 641 ranee .. . .. ... p t6114�a
-ea owethil.
tri •i a1 Vane cobalt.
• o -.. iwarl to • eca•dsit nusiot d Iku dale
1i et. • • ••n. tens that U Is met
▪ ... ... •Bell .,,..'. TM.
Wpm • UM new ..' .A. loop to 4e111ted, roar
V - out al -1 Ito; Lea ....liege ,b,7u..1 l,e: g' -rho.
epml nod et toe oa.w.. a I v. ',lees me. s. baa
• line ter t:r.t i..-, r 'Int. w:.,: 1 ,r. , per "se
1 r Seth .u1ery u. 1 (7 -• r,-^. M.nnnwt b
a "seaeo' o- ssr.1. ef e,. Bader. Id par
y Bala
tdvertlretee-s er lost. Pees& too -eyed
• •e.,isn. Vacant. 01. •". 1 ... .X.1 •"d .sta
m wines. C ••.ee• W.1 -•e4 not e.• ...ling t
s -• merer ail. h peal reeetb.
',qr.,* On Nyi. w' •' ln•.n• or eat, air t*
• •••••d 1I •••«.11 t,r andm••u:b..Yc.p•:r s.►
• twist mnn•h. U•r•tre adc•.h pR7Mr,Ins.
t1.y spe.•1.I nola. e. ths object of which 7. to
p ..moa the p...ntery of say .o41 -
✓ anal er seespeey. to he een.•d.ted an sd-
♦ ,alinement aed Mineral seeor"'n++r.
Leal settees I. sespa n type em. Best per
as hoie
settee+ es thee Pe.
t.ncal asthma Is ordinary readied t two
e ass pie wend. No settee for less tZ.: Me.
N Moms for eboeehee mood ether r0Ugises gad
Revoked lestio doss kalif rate.
Mime "Tis .t...r Mltve'y
oeheeriher wbe fel to rerelve Teen Stanek
e retort) by wll will a neer a favor by air
gwtenty as of the feet at • early a deteor
r meanie.
&t0eeted ta.stteerlps cosset be retoreed.
Oormepadwee most he written en vee side
O leper only.
IrebIS.ber'. M.esee,
I. C. L. Tomah, of (od.rlek• Me hest ape
t ,rated local Travelling Anent for the tows-
* we of Ooderteb. Oolborse, A.kAeld said W.
e 1reek.
Local po*tmonere over the Moult* ars also
e op.wand ts r.otMve •eb*eriptloas ta Tae
Afi es.esenka nese must be addressed me
Ti. Sweet.
7 •Iepbes• call N. Gabriel. Oat.
s VDiRIOR. T1<UaeDAT. APRIL 1, bm11.
SNAP Set0111
-Kr. Wart/gni is sow tie leader
et the thasereauves is Itbe Osteosis Leib-
istaea He hes get the Marten's Brews, s
be speak.
-If Sir CRAaLaa doew't tasks his
sabers, awe • move es at Ottawa the whole
hes tad dine et them may M arrested foe
kahuna time. _
--it is now generally i.neratOOd
that the Detniafs. •Loaves will be had
Aeries the lest week le May The braves
are ratios es the werylet.
-The question that is now &Rust
Mg the peldie motel ie wee will repressor
Moe distrait whim Hares (best y Canal) is
s*mvritsted miler doe w seediness.
I N another column we publish an er-
a /title from The Farmer's Sin on the
" Appointment of Members." In it
e JI be found a flattering reference to
attain senti'enh szpreaed by T •
FineAL in ata article 01 two weeks ago,
under caption of " The Parliamentary
('•ncer "--which we beg to acknow
I.dge with becoming modesty, and
t.onder thanks to our esteemed con
There ie, however, one point in the
article, with which we desire to take
ivme, and that is in ref••renoe to the
cause which, it avers, led to Mr.
(;•aRow'v vote in support of Mr.
d'Neat tea motion, and against the
l:overnment The Hun te in error in
its conjecture that Mr. GARROW wee
ct.ated by other than an honest de -
hire to give a conscientious vote on
the question at issue on that occasion.
Tns titnNAL has a full knowledge of
Mr. G A &Row's personel views on the
policy of appointing sitting members
to offices that become vacant during
their term, and we make no breach of
confidence when we say that the mem-
ber for West Huron has time and
again expressed himself stn opposed to
the appointment of m•+mbers of Par-
liament to offices which hare become
vacant while they were sitting mem-
hers. There are points in the poli
tical situation that Mr. GARROw and
Tea SIGNAL may not he agreed upon,
but on the issue under discussion we
can *mom our agricultural contem-
porary that it ie estray when it et
t-ibutea any but honest motivrn to the
Note of the member for West Huron
o t Wednesday of last week.
We remember reading, when at
school, of one of the Boman generals
whose custom it woe, after • battle is
which victory had perched upon his
. agles,to o.lehrate the victory by put-
t ing
utting to death those of the enemy who
lied Grossed the lines and helped him
to win the battle. The action of the
Roman general struck us at the time
a•c being very absurd, but it was no
snore almtrri than is the action of The
Permei s Sun when it endeavors to
stab one of the Liberal' who, from
conscientious motives, were the mesas
of aiding the Patrons in bringing the
(government majority to the lowest
notch that was reached during the 'ni-
Me. it isn't good policy for The Run
to take a stand on that line. Rather
'should it welcome the men who broke
through party trammel.,for conscience
.take ; else how doer it expect to have
meritorious Patron measures receive
aid from those outside of the Patron
ramp on tutor+ oeossio.s.
The Farmer', Run, to be tree to it -
Ralf, should retract the insinuation
which it has east on se honest sappers,
Aar of a policy which it empower'. it
.rheeld maim the anomie honorable.
-h N Mit loudly dM'idsd that
Rae Ottawa SION, Fawns will mead far
Klatt. u QommR et Teel, K.B. The hes.
.thele... Meth/ se by the misdate .1 the
Ln•s•ry arses. orbital says. "Mr. Feiss
ORR its Gbesmter."
-The work on the Remedial Bill,
al Ottawa 1s preere.enig very *lowly,
,0111 is is sow on.$4 c'Iv believed shit
Stack Rd will heat i1 to • sss.d.Nll es
Apel Stub.
-The Dost of the abortive trip of
He. M suisan Dieser awl Ihar.&.txs
will geese out of the talc tats of the Canadian
tax payers. The piper has to be pail so
matter who ds.'o.
-Why doesn't Si. S. Rrca.i,,
N P , the Sodomy ('ire tans, try his in-
valuable remedy on Sir Cumin -an Turret,
dart.' Tn. (711 Nan ***0111 M be *ogee
what ran down el Lte_
-The Winnipeg c.lnference result-
esulted, as .v.ryoo. ite.itin.d It wosld, 1a .,m-
phita harmless,. To have hew • saee ms-
lul meatier the 00111M116810041111111•12011111 hate
had power to arh•tr•te.
SAN HlloHan, M.P., proprietor of
The Lindsay Warder, who need to write
Roman with a email " r " and Catholic' with
• small '• c ' ie now is fiver of phsimp the
Coercion hill. What about his "asp•
eaoe '
- Sven the strongest Conservatives
have muse to the machismo that Sir
('.•alis Torras is •ltog11thec toe goy
for • man of his year. The r.geryitutiaau
of bis obis dense the past week have bees
something awful
-The Mail and Rmpire poling as
the delwder of Christianity on this North-
ern belt, from Halifax to Vsaesaysr, is
esestb to mate Saves enieker ted carry W
forked tail soder hie " otter " with oe.aeal
graoetuloae• ad els.
-Why doesn't Old Tore= get
Twig Teresa to explain W remedial bill
- or, rather, the remedial bill whish UMW
was eoppoeed to have drafted' Ken Tei
D)A1.7 III walla, to 40 ha best •.d has the
mouth, but is shorten braise.
When Sir AiOLpus CARoN and
Hes Joax H•asA.T .zbibis religiose zeal
on the reteedi•1 bill it is little weeder that
the *misses *cetera et/Amman from Pis -
'IV -Bosse betakes himself to the Semite bar.
Such an exhihitios by the cherubs° pair ie
.sough to drive thyme to drink.
-H. H. Houma, the Philadelphia
Geed is Sid to have confessed to the per
partition of some twenty murders, and
mast bays bows 'Mooted with stroma book
sidal Leadsmen if he had been trued in
Coad• the wholesale nature of hie atroci-
ties would probably have .,eared for biro
eg*outi,• olemr..v. • l• QUSOTtm.
-That solid old Conservative stand-
by, The Hamilton Spectator, has this to my
et Sir C.Aa en Tweraa's foolrb.em et
Sir Cherie. .'upper meld epecd a week
of what is lel i .f the ssusiee very prolt•hly
is tar.., • little tour throat► Ootario He
might afterwards 1» not gait* so ready to
cry "traitor" to on.wi Cmoirvtives.
--The C. W. A is now the largest
and emeegee association is O•esd•. a.d it
i• is the i.t*rwet of every Canadian Wheel -
sea to M &jlisIed with the isetststios.
The H. B C. of (loderiob is in satiation
with the great miemehle of wbeelasee, .d
the vets from this eeouom went in favor of
having the next mou•1 meet bald as the
Aseimet Capital.
-Mr. MoNuiu, the hos. member
for North Bruce, has proved oosolesi.say
that eo far as Teresa the First is eea-
oersed. be is able to take • fall eat et tae
frothy old hareem 'awry ties. 11 he lived
is the South Mr McNuu. would be looked
epee as • lineal de•oendeet of she grans
fighters of ante-h•llm.n days, of .bees it wee
said : „They are half horse, hall alligator,
with a large *freak el enappleg tmrtle."
Fto. the Confide 's
de r•er'm en..
A great deal has bees raid reeoaty by
Donates Liberals about the bribery of semi -
bees of Parliament to mattes' their vesper%
te the Government in return fey appointment
to some nines waiting to he filled er s be
hereafter crested for them.
Thesompl•ist h se honest one if the emm-
plaaiaa were smear,. Amt they ars .et.
Dominion Liberals are also wspperte a of
the Ontario Liberal Gerverntswt wbiek up-
Pheld Ms prliettell they eon dens .t Ottawa.
Liberal papers and erasers are peeeeeaesd
is their deel.r.tisoe el eesdes..tlon get e
~rem system at Ottawa, which is likewise
Warr . b by them .. Tomas. No hours
.tan ender melt wage he •
sepperter of a Deminion wad • Prevtsoisl
party et sue and the anise fief.
Ose el the last vow la the Legislature
was that upon the resting' et appointment
M sass from the floor et the House, an --
meet of the onetiee..ed dhesmise eppeer-
I.g eteewlhre is this thee. Re...Ttrsats
from • loser writes by ••A M.k.11ep Poo-
re.," is To (epear.n lrwia list web.
she appear le this WWeee, mel tae reply of
Tee toss as. • utsseek Wawa paper, isth-
mus Nae there ars •mn.g Llber•b sow
who rias .have the pasty sbaederd when
diesmesl.r .getters el patsy sad priest -
pie R•ely1es be the eervospmsde•t. Tian
RRksWAL.ays r
'Otis wset sod wbebasse d Me .ta*
wash is mots se she Meerut AAmhiM•tees
apposes be eM at she l oakesede..- d Poe
felly .•palmed by k►
lassoald w in*memhew
m of
Perinea.% std Bpsome Minima
era bane buss appointed te Innenos peal -
Nr loves Me Mr d tae issw: she that
membe.e have W italme ee pleeed to ei1M.
whit is
het .veld hah
bow bean •eiet.i s,.4
Ono bees M seasengainiq here/lee the sp-
pdsees sad the member. T. the flew phase
.f sppelntmea5 we est treWwlly may, Tam
e tawu. wader its peeing menegumem b..
slimy, been .ppon& The priswpb is
bees Asfsaded er emadsned le Mese eel -
"We be....'er denied that the piseiN.
of • member beim • -muse std eillem•.e-
toe to weans, amid we ham .ever ...1. ted
.• sppeieme.t made from the leer ell Per-
itonea& ; sae Tits fllts5AL is willies se
ham is, Glee examined to ea pl peeet,
ear otoepeede.t be es iodised. N. Ilr
a.utvery. we have CRUD DOWN THS
PRAGTIC( se *Wiry a•ee*i••. tied WILL
(x)NTINUS ToOD SO Ue the ..d ; eget
sbeeld ear's prophets, d the
.ppoiutaest d Mr. Gnome to the vasa t
reRutranktp Goose tree, mock Y neo world
like M Sas the detii.1g years el oar oi.1
Mead made mew. Tisa will act
MitNT and hold the Oeversmest and the
lora) me.mbcem reepeseible fee the goo. It is
TIME TO CRY A HALT es this lies es
w ise. lied the Sesser the Adosinletr.ties
takes the groomed that .. sttt.iaa meetheit
. MU he appsisted te • pGdtion whist' the
beemme vastest darks' kr tern of .esher-
ship the better is wfll be ler them whoa the
•000eet is bela.eed es polite,/ day. The
fact that • sae has eat is Parliament, shoe' d
not debar hue fres being to *t.
60e, whoam he is no leaser a vitas( mem-
ber, it the'semew, has not occurred &trine
haters) el *Goo, hitt neither should that
rive Ma a 'pair .
"A Meltillop Palmas," having oharped
that wawa Oben who are •pplioaate for
the roams ngistrsraip in Heron is the ed-
itor of Tse Snow. the following reply Or
Rives, which further Galore. • policy that
is oommesd&ble sad jest
"Mr MaGtllionddy ie not as applicant.
He withdrew his application from the
of the loo.l member in this oo0Mitsesol
awash@ aro. He 4....'t ear* ewe straws
who the semis., be the vssa.t regi• s, u• b p
may be, s lour es Moe pomaoe is gores to
one of the lay workers et the party. who,
year is and veer est, i. .,.,bias or mi., in
Prosperity or adversity. baa fought the bat
See of the party without fee or reward. sal-
ary er indemnity, prestige er p•tteeade ..
in the interest solely •.d *sly et she good
gevsram*nt of the pavane► --she only r• thaw that to pewees the gtealia-
0.11..e, is p•esenally perform ta.
ditties, se that the greatest Wasik will re
salt te the 'ebbe whom vervain be "
That is straight est .rad heart. Nei one
weld objets to the existent., of " phrase "
and the pablieseies of " party )o.r.ale" if
priseiples governed their amiss. The
power of as independent pr. -er tree of
ea i.depesdemt « party " press --is geese?
than moot p.*ph eemprehed. Woes Ta.
SI.WIL editor oba.piou.d the gees. of .
Liberal oa.didab for the LegaUture two
years ago in West Hares, the oaedtd•to
called himself as iadoptd'* bemuse he
was opposed by a Petrw,w.d itis set as .I1
likely that he world have begs elegised eves
by the dander majority of 76 if it s.dd
have begs knew' that ..til Dearly the slot.
of the emend .vestsn of the Legislators. Mr
Osrrow would have gives • slavish support
to the Oo.erosest. T. kin ho.., be i
said, however. -and to the seed** of Ts.
Sweat be is r.esrded-that Mr. G.rrow'.
vote was one el two Liberal velem lest week
that .eedomsed the policy of the clovers
meat to matinee the appointment d mem-
bers to office from the 800r of the How 1.
would destroy our argument is favor of woo
s little is1eefo* coming from en Oder/a...-
dot " party " preys, if on told that Mr.
(;.move's itemises for the registrarship 11.s
beam • lay worker in the Liberal ranks and
sot Mr. Gibr's, the tether d the Legisla-
ture, whe is hopi.s to remit* the •ppoist-
awet as mhos as the Dominion el.cMos h
over, eo that 1ahr.. tion will be withheld.
If it new told, it would appear that Mr
(narrow'• vete was gives se help a Heed,
oke het helped hum, or, is other word*.
that the epode system is believed by him to
he .11 right. Mr. (lithos, who expecte the
osoe, voted that tae °overawing should be
allowed to gore it to him. The isdep.o
dee., et Parliament ie a fussy thug wigs
The Hamilton Herald belie.., abet the
appoiet.est d members to cage is die-
greo.feL It • ud lams woes :
"The •ppeistseat of mrmhers of L4.-
7.4.,.. •ed Perliam*.te to publics poetttoae
me of the mese digeuedul features of
Felons life is Canada, soil 18 will be • good
day far the senate, whits it is pot • stop
to. Ramat developments eh Ottawa have
gives u all • dbew of the prsetio*."
And legkisg N 0Maws, we Gad smother
Muer, she Journal. publishing tie fellow.
bag .depeadent =peemh.. ea she sahj.m
" The toll M not maimed M the D-mi.isa
Parliament. It has hams quits se palatally
*widest h the Legislature. Te members e of the 9.t.rh Lssidao're who
wen faithful followers, Sir Oliver Menai
has diseribeted *Sosl p.sitl..s as 'wieldy
is properties as tae Deosinie. Oeteenewat
has doss M Its be.ebosa The moral assume
to be that pdrietie mos Is bath Parliament
..d the ln,/bt tare , mea who dein te see
"Mho onshore handled a its writs and
voted ea fa.arlemly, atoll hie their lode -
owe M the punka d 'teen@ to prohibit
wa.'e'.mmets from appebtintt any weather
of Parliament e of • Legislature te psltits
Ages er to eppdst any ex mamba/ within •
year .f tin retirement et re 1psMha This,
with a law regale'sr .wt.smoste to W
piddle positions within hoe then s year of
weld deprive prose in power ef
a wane et polities' -.'pigs whish is he-
mming wee e1 the worts embers is public
Itfe, avis lej.rhss b.17 to the dmaMar el
e ar r.prstoaative petits gees sad the am.
blase and odieleevy of the maths earwigs"
Bled to M., Marling.
Qty people den's bogie te knew all the
ihe.m/rta a lane winter brings to people
le the ..entry Thera is a* lordship is
lowing s warm Mese merely to step Woe •
heated Mora saw sad be rapidly movged is
wsodlrt to wherever m u hsdsser bakes
ata Dot who ens must go right set
and fine the N•moaba Other w•Ikd,/ er
dybtsg era* no proeee7...,asps what
sees edeNisa garde. N h QISwwt lf.
ens iamb be .0gbed dews with the bur -
des e/1Prss, sad yet wars*
awe he wasp
j ewe mown &d thus the
Idea of win • Rase Onions lsawiteI.g
ra all alalias, has Weems
'e'ar. Lei wuretii, with rle weight np�wind red wairproef quellidis Me*apnroolated by all who require to be amob
Mr. Dickey Won't Talk About
thaw Negotiations
anal ase tamgsrs le that. •Gree ean eee-
maaos... flew .s. Irmega ms... tame
55 r nada ratan we rea.hrree
.eweu tea hot sawn • ti.mpr.mra
Ottawa, April 1.-{tiyedaU--I'1e
eras Communicators. B1r lwoald Smith
and Messrs. Unto and Daayard,na re-
ttrned Crum W wolves Gus morning.
twpanntly in rood Omit -1i and 47lrus.
atter their trio to the r rovwcwl CAW'
'1 bey tante Moue by way of St.
Paul, weer. Obey spent a very Seca -
55181 day on t nomy. y our otuivaloOs-
dent had a frtrudiy halt h.Hir a .1At
with ler. Dickey to noon. 8701 Itte bis
omit -agues. be had Battus to say for
publu-atw.. In the ouwsr Ol 00111,trr
artl's, Mr. 1.1ckey salad : " Loth such
time as we have reported to tar ti0v-
ernment. It win not be yoasibI. Our u.
W say anything, and Melt . expect
you will get alt ibe Intornottion yuan
want 7m the mortal of the prw.-'diugs
1n the house of Commons, as l sup-
pose we shall be asked for it. l un-
derstand that alma- we left Winnipeg
alae written Wdttnuateatloas whM:h
pawed between the members of the
Manitoba Government and ~selves
have been given W the prep, ...thous!.
whether all or only a porton of taw
documents have been W Styes out 1
have not yet bad time to v.rlfy. 1 may
say that before we left Winnipeg it
was arranged with the Manitoba. Gov-
ernment that the de.+rOaailed memoranda
would nus be published until we had
reported 10 the Dominion Government.
Attar our departure. Mr. Ewart. coun-
sel for the minority, made a state-
ment to the press on his own respun-
ibility, which was of such a cbaraa.•ter
that Attorney -General 81170. thought
w justice 70 his own Government that
be should publish the whole Wrrts-
poDdence at uncr, and tekgiapbed me
to that effect. 1 $mmedlately replk-d
to him that he was quite right in tak-
Ing that course, u he thought It ne-
alcessary in the interests of his own
Government, and tbla I understand
bas been done. As 1 have remarked, 1
am to -day not in a position to make any
public statement regarding the nego-
Gatloos until we have submitted our
report to the Government You .&y
say, however, that we were received
by the members of the Iilanitob. Gov-
ernment Messrs. Hilton and Camerom.
la the mast friendly possible mpirltand
that those relations existed to the
very dose of the conference. Theme
gentlemen diseased with us the merits
of the question only. and we united in
going thoroughly Into every aspect ot
It with a view of reaching a settle-
ment The method of the conte eooe
was that the 000veraatiotos were to bar
absolutely eonldeetW. W that sup
communications which' were Mended
for publication afterwards should be
put In writing. This was done. and
these are the documents 1 suppowe.
which have Drawo telegraphed from
Winelpeg. It la a matter of gratiAoa-
tion. I am sure, to all of us that no
unpleasantness occurred, nor any MIS-
!atuities, except these inherent in the
nature of the question."
During the day many of Mr.Diatey's
colleagues called upon him at W ra d -
Bir Mackenzie Bowen replied to your
correspondent's enquiry to -night that
be had not yet seen the delegate• and
until their report bad been received he
could add Lttle, if anything, to the 1.-
formatton already published upon the
subject of the oonference.
The Premier did not. however. seem
to be quite consumed with dl.rppoint-
mens at the barren result of the nego-
egetiatiots. His guarded relines to sev-
eral questlona left It to be inferred
that be had scarcely hoped for a set-
tlement at the best. For himself, Die
Mackenzie seems to incline 10 the opin-
ion that political Wna,derations are
largely responsible for the refusal at
the Manitoba Government to ar:cept
the proposals of the Dominion delega-
Sir Mackenzie, ask ••d for his opinloes
of the concessions ot.tllned In the
81017* reply, mid that he did not con-
eraaider them as even In • slight degree
removing th.- disabilities of the minority
as defined by for decision of the Ju-
llclal Committee of the Privy Council.
An order-in-councU has been peeved
snowing a refund of duties oo ootto•
twine entering into the manufacture of
Sabine Dei.
Mr. Daly gives notloe of a bill res-
pecting grants of land to members of
the militia force on active service in
the Northwest. The object of the bill ai
to provide for an issue of scrip to cer-
tain men who acted as snouts during
the rebellion a 'bb on proof being pro-
duced that they are entitled to It Wi-
der the act of 11116.
J. 8. Swart, counsel for the Catholic
minority, bas arrived here. He de-
aicanes to discuss the school situation.
Mr. M.X;arthy ba/ a series of ques-
tions on the order paper .relating to the
Seherlen overseer for Pt. Arthur dis-
trict He Implies that six licenses were
paid for by a man named Nuttall and
that only three lionises were morticed
b him. Mr. McCarthy wants to know
what became of the difference in the
Mr. Costigas has extended the time
tar fishing tor bullhe.da sucker., et�,in
lake Gmtarlo until May 1 This coo-
endo. is being granted owing to the
lateness of the season.
The other day Mr. Oirouard, a Coo-
servative member, asked fur informs -
Mae regarding the Fort Francis locks.
)feebing Hotel purcbaae and other n.e-
meatoes of the Mackenzie regime. Ds.
Lsaderkln now proposes to get even 117
asklag a Dumber of queries relating
le the Carran bridge. Tay mal, et..
Washington. April d -Mr. Fry bee
glvea metier that be will call up the
Ballon of the Fur Beals bill.
The proposed treaty with Great 5.') -
Ws for the appointment of a cemmlL
idem for lbs consideration ed damages
growing out of the seizure a[ Caadlan
sealing yeoman still remains to be
finally acted upon In executive sessloa,
the state Impartment urging the Rea -
a4 to &bmadam V. Intention of &mend•
tog the text of the cameral/on as 0.5-
5.55.1. Web really.
Cbk.go, April 1 - Edward P'srldfng,
brigadier-geser&l 1n esumand d
tali Nortbwast division of the Salva.
tlss Army. and wllb the exception of
Oommissloser Rooth Tucker the meat
prominent efiloer In the forme to Aro-
*rias. bas resigned his eommhalon •ad
will loin the form of Beaman=
>•tstk's vedunteera The majority er
bile staff odeas will go with b1m.
A yes* n.... Sp
Apra 1. -.The bollen et the
Aral sy plying bets»n cheat
v warp, espbxded whea
the yams, was tear Twines The
metals snaps& bot the crew er toy
sten ways Mot The implosloa sassed
Me* htt.,at. s.1 tate Owns -
reProms Ns were sagas*
The Latest and
The Best
Every purchase made of us is a stepping atone nearer the goal
Every transaction is a bargain. therefore a money saving investment.
Low Prices coupled with Big Valuer is the combination that wins
your trade in uur elegant assortment of Spring and Summer navelbine.
consisting of
Staph and Fancy Dry Goods,
There is s telling something about our goods that places Assur-
ance uppermost is your mind. You know yell have the quality, you
know Loa have the style. you know two haw the right pries Thi,
is what we strive to give you; this is what we die dive you. W• try to
make the fair and rg are deal that briag•+ you to us the second time.
We have just received our new Kid Gloves , we expect the quality
and price will scatter these gloves quickly among a prudent people.
Oorner Square and Went St. Oath Store
You have seen the above words so often that they
are engraved on your mind. It's a good healthy thought ;
leave it there.
Send in your order for a " COMMON SENSE " now
so that there will be no delay when the riding season
We intend to have a BIG BICYCLE OPENING
on APRIL 1st. A liner display never before seen in
Goderich. All are invited.
A number of 000D second-hand wheels for sale.
may be aseemary. bat wawa it oomss M speak -
Jog of the slimy choice things to be hosed la
our stook of
Fancy Goods & Wall Paper
so talk at all is nees.sary. The goods speak
for tbeemelves in se eseerts10 meaner.
Quality and Price aro points we pay especial
ammo to.
We have jest received anet1r supply M
gad manyotber fast eaters la thle line.
hal* ear
onatieses to p'ehs• .•d are dMmg
Dries year Hoge 7. - w.71 paper It yen
W. Wire . full nosh et all kinds d
whist' ere nee SWIM
An kindle of
Fall merles. heaps mo tad rendes ever
dm+ sell w m at
LiWORSELL s co..
lh. itifw 11. (halve std 1..m w g,
Season of 1896.
If you w est, yon ought te he, fir the
e*m1.d seems Y *Mo to be • greater ewe=
ter bhycrosa la O.dertsh than any of Ns p e-
tor toe ',swag d Wbedmes ted Wbeei-
womW 17.. been established Is Wd.ehh, ale
the ~my that.ttemd.d N last year marrows
me la esatineleg tae week. Padget mmsllea.
ties. Terms eoes•sable.
f A tell the sf 1Uet-eM.. LL.peles ter
New is tae thio te Ms( roar wbrN• mise
reels aur tae..saws. tory Meg le the repair
Yae kept ea bead, ale nese bat abided Male
ane Mierd* Livery. r' -g---- t.
" Fine idolises do sot make a tlbam,"
bat they go a long way toward. kap
lag a assn's rawest for bird aged
that of others far Ns.. ie doom% sort
any more to dots toady than it doss
M ger •resod with an ill Statim Boat er
baggy fmu.eera All yogi bare to ds
r to sisal with a irst.elam home Ike
whose yes will gat bolt qe•M /a goad
ills sad at a fair pawl a