The Signal, 1894-11-1, Page 7TME SIGNAL : GODBRICH, ONT•, THURSDAY, NOV. 1. 1894. S JOHN T. ACHESON. Aa -"--•t collodion of LOESS' JACKETS AND CAPES ARkosg others will be found :— Three-quarter length Nigger -head Cloth, Perfect Fitting, price $3 50. Three-quarter length Nigger -head Cloth, very large Sleeves, Ripple Collar, price $5.00. Tight. Fitting three-quarter length Coat, large Reveres, Braid - Trimmed, very Stylish, price $11.50. Three-quarter length Coat, Black Beaver Cloth, Fur Collar and Revere, very Comfortable, price $9.75. Never in the history of our business have we been able to show such a collection of Jackets and Capes at such prices. J. T. ACHESON. A POSTMASTER'S STORY. A -.MANGE ATTACK AND THK >II7�1t RESULTS THAT FOLLOWED. HZ amount IHAar, or rTAlLY•ILI.e, TSTA* rr ■s •errmuctia-user Tns VIZ es w?■ HA!tne ALSO VS= A.p %Am rosit7fl T' -Iii rr ereleltwe—TNI Tlren.T Apo• Tint Of A rmdanis 1O$$T*N THE w AT Tim gasps /ii ACTIVITY. Prom the l owrsavtUe News. Mr Robert Sharp is • well known resi- dent estdent of Starkville, Durham oouaty,wbo has been living to l'saed• for about tktrtess you.. Hes by trade a blacksmith, sad oo comma to this e.satry bested to the town- ship of 11-Yttw.sd, to the *oasts of North uiberhsd. After werkiam there for • a time he perehued • modern* and • .hap as "tarkville, when H. worked at his trade mid established • aloe bu•tnees. Bang heti courteous and *Wiring he was well liked asci was appointed postmaster for the place. He was IS the beet sol health sad with the rioeptws of a alight eethrtea tresse had esu uomplsist of say kind. Is the meath of Mersa, L8fiZ, he attended as assure sale in the setghbhoed sad came home to the evea- tar apparently all right, but during the sight sago beth -res sennet and business hours was takes with • skill asootwp•siod with • seat morning. ytoleet pus which gradually grew worse sad before moraine he west into convulsions Tb• (redli 'nut. ad scents .aooseswst A doeux woe Keying gods on credit is largely • mat- sammoad who bled himi fn•ly.wbck seam ter of baht, as every merchant knees. If of to relieve him for •tease, and the doctor people could sot obtain credit they would told hire }n would he all right in • few day. Two. however, was sot verified, and Ind some Twee of paying cash for their although ho emelt re aseead he was feat porsheese The best proof of this it found finer is health sad at times would be to ie the Galas of railroad travelling. People aa agony Of taus Ore dmat'°r raid he W hum that if they do not pay cash for their Doable was rheumatism of the wee and tickets they eaaact travel. The fact n not Teo Ten slows. Ks.iseeriag Magazin . As the .Metric road IS only six years old ted warmly any- thing has bees done as yet towards the operation of long distance railways by else - incite, it may be ooasiderwd a little early to vesture any well defied predictions on the ,abject. The indications ars, however, that witbis five years electricity will be the generally aooepted power for elevated and endergrowod roods, as well as for surface street car service ; that in tee year. numer- ous inter urban roads from too to thirty ended i■ length will be ele•'trux lly equipped: that is sweaty years some of the Imre rail- way systems eajoyiog the heaviest traffic will roomier electric pse.esger service es w ttel to their welfare ; that, beth for the oonveoisece of the public sad economy of opersuos, the cadency will he toward more frequent sad smaller trains ; that • maxi- mum speed of 150 miles, and a schedule rate of 75 miles per hour will not be osssidered remarkable and that within the life of the pretest veneration we will nes the present fang train of loosely coupled can, with their rem icted space, poor ►eaulatioa and light, imperfect facilities for v.ewing the eoesery, sad ssneyaroes from smoke sad cinders. give way to • single car of liberal dame - moos. shaped os scientific hoes to cleave the air at high speeds with minimumis,taiesos, equipped with noiseless electric motors, free Irum the disagreeable products of the steam locomotive furnace, designed to afford the ps.reten •a unrestricted view in all direr tions, perfectly ventilated, lighted by elec- traetty and capable of a speed that will cover the di.tance from New York to I'hil sciatics, sae smother told him that him that be world serer be better. He tried rewarded as • hardship. It is retarded as a many m.dictaes bat all failed to do him say good At thie time be was so weak that ho meld only bobble mooed with the assist - sacs of two Meeks aped bad to give up work. The pats costuoed night amid day and 1. 1• ' is one business will sot work satisfactorily IT he loot thew 05 beth foot sad Mads in another • Why should it be more of • sod longed for death to relieve him of his lardship to pay cash for groceries than to esfenog. About this time lira pay mesh for railroad tickets' All that the wrote • latter for him to a charge from credit to oash means is simply fries- for whom he had worked wham he • matter of laying low for • week or two but mass oat to the country, sad the and catching apo. It u loot as that and • tneed seat him • e,epis of boxes of Dr. good duel cheaper and certainly more sats Williams' Ptak Pills, areas him to give t•ctory to pay for goods wane you buy them • fair Irma. Before tho mooed bot them as it is to pay for them a weak after - matter of coarse. And when rich or poor want to go say plane the money for the trip is;prompt ly forthcoming. How is it that • rule which works all right d he felt bat hotter and pour words Mr. Sl•rp •entiased tit w of the Piak tato porchemag things they san Rot along Pills until he the takes Worthen boxes, by ' Very well without a this way they keep which u he hod piet it recovered on mertg•ring their futures The money lest all the asthmatrouble well Her of ysstowesy, while the purchases of today was ow • sorrow t'sopl. who buy goods os endit are led chased soother "apply.To borne. theater', r ate eoms tofor the purchases sad is now as well as ever he was, sad h.a earned todN goes pay Pe now able to debard days work, and IS are a charge against the earrings of tomor- rowle this way life besomes nothing but • bout wearying attempt to climb to the top of tie awustan that rises proportionately higher with ivory stop up it. side. The credit habit is bad for everybody and ought to be dseorded. Tse Sias et th. les. A gallon of water ',verbs tan pounds, so load in hispegs. of Dr. h illi•mm' wonder- ful Pisk Pills. As the reporter was leaving Mr. Stark, a intelligent farmer who lives dem by, called sed verified all that Mr. Seth had said ..d referred the reporter to when in the astabberkood who kegs the cmresmstasen as well. Ons who W sever uta fir Sharpe bolero would set think, leakier at hies tdy that he hes cm a• s threh the ordeal he has, ns ho seems the •w► picture of health, end bath he and Mrs Sharpe attribute the whole cure te Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, strike at the root e the diames, advise it frees the system Md reatertag the patient to health and re d wing the health and strength. ties of t So tremble•. loeo- rbr ataxia, esiestea, Animosities. ery- iteuw, westeIems tseshies. ate., them w o Owio, to all other treatment They are ere • soeaific for the troubles which make the lives of so marry wanes • harden. sod gpdily restore the Mob stew of health to idles cheeks. Mee bombes dews by oyer- wrk, worry er eteemmes, will dad is Piak Hilt a agnate mare. g.id tty ell deal• u er .1"111 et ti mail, Po" ld be 1,936 yards. or rather over • mile: . •t b0 comb • K els beau let the P•oife would be b aide the D�e.� Mamma. ewer • mile • id thre►searten soros. Yet N.v. 'i (1•twpaa', bme•or S'kusS•--7• ties disuses se the ma is so great that, as 1. Revere je YsimmMesm mad ehstitmts a hes Foisted out, if • aid were bora vMM to be ••jutet se g••d.e wish s am Mag �h to reach W sea it would sot live long esaugh to know that it W soothed It, ter action passes olds( emr aeries at the rale of 100 feet a g� sad to travel from the ams to the earth s shot sash � l Whist so salads she Sasso N Ir Ittw * -- yw ess sheppa i— Ob, I saw just the eweMaA. peetlMM bah! twwisMsr MArieai, .the sold the number of gallons to the Pasific u over 900,000,000,000,000, an amount which would take ever • million years to pais over the falls of Niagara. Yet, pot Tato • sphere the whole of the Psosic would only measure 796 miles .mese. The Atkastio could be eostaised bodily is the Poodle Dearly thaw times. The nein her of eubie fest se 117 followed by saves - i00. ciphers ; • .amber that would be tick- ed off by ens mass clocks is 3.0,000 yearn its weight I. 326.000.000.000 to.s, sad the member of Ruses in it u 73,000,- 000,000a00. A sphere to hold the Atlantis mem have to he 5334 miles in Mester. R it were made to III • eireular ppe resch- ber free tie earth to the sus • di.Mao. of 000,000 miles—tis diameter of the NM hen, ,rhie pipe to amain A We am■'. Wase., �r woman weals the earth f., else's. Ms waits the thy Mr hat ; fibs else want. • kawthele wigs Ills eras • smogs *fiat. Mae oasts but Mus f1R. bdrw, Aad feta is Rte oar; ht reuses sake ler owes Ms -- Ms soy welds • tmaa A asap esowL• Hoer ilttee._ii) lei degmr teernhie td.., s mw mtmmm■. t... a DU R!alet,L sad sass ttetlftt; de* Ne Dm tie• ,mesa te t.n mlmptd .mrtlm hr to mag my Uta. decd g old seed de" se that P' V•AnMo es CL___peM. meg be sen teeny prevent. et _ ..eL the sat flee • M •s Wry Callmiles,tAfhMing fa A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing reek, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. RICHARD Diaxs, the well-known Druggist, 907 Mctaill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Mediator for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ams in particular bring that of a 11ttis -daughter of a Church of England minis- ter. The child was literally covered Tama bead to toot with a rod and un- smilingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, In spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was In great distress about the case, and, at my rcc"mu,endati.�n, at last began to ad- minister Ayer'i Ssrwaparilla, two bot- tles of wllh-h etre, t.-.1 a complete cure, nth. h to I rr r Ii. -f and her father's del. ata. I r,m sii',•, were he here today, he woe!d testi fy in the strongest terms :14 to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla t'r-;ved les l,r. .1 l'..1)er Y t,., Low.11,N,ess, CUies others, will out'eyou MAWS HORN 'LASTS.I sveremerd as sees w the Laws. A loafer is smog satid.d with kis Harper. Yew People ., bay, ' mud druahasd'e threat W se bottoms two its lb. Laws Mow°, to the Laws Keller, Whoa poeCM heem only • little religion they are apt M be ashamed of it. Th. mos pit he bed tired whe speeds the day la l•akM hr as may pine. The "seta* Alm" ler • feel to do is to tell how Bale ho lames A. Wog as Wee ileitis" gays so much !� the devil will feel that a .till holds the earth. Some fiddlers osoy • two os ane ,bring, but it sever es anybody west to dose.. A mist•he is apt to attract more atteatios tae than • ranee The twee who leans on hs Meewnggs osn• n ot walk straight. Mas of the aims that shine the brightest w.11 kill the gsie►esL The devil sues roma from the man who in sot afraid of • lion's den. With all his practice the devil has never improved on the first hypocrite. Good forte e,motimee comes te the us is • very shabby-leokiav carriage. Norway Na. Syrup cures coughs, colds, hearsesses, sore threat, asthma, `roscbitia, oes. lm A hypocrite feels better 'snarled with himself every time he saes a good w make • min step CRISP AND CASUAL. Burdock Pule do nut gripe or althea. They sore constipation and sick seed. sobs l m Western New fork farmers state that Poles " beat the world " as workers in the field. To destroy worms and expel them from children or •dolt. use le. Low s Worm Syrup. 1 m folia authorities of Munich order all persona to close the windows when playing on pathos. The statemett is made that during the last 100 years France has lost 6,000,000 soldier" in war. A Gerson evangelical deaconess hospital is to be built at Jerusalem at • cost of 300,- 000 trance. [ho skin gives off • thirtieth tea sixtieth part of the carbonic acid no gives out by the lungs. A Kerman surgeon charged • wealthy family of Odessa $6,000 for opening an ab reel of the hip. Lonaarda de Vinci was made miserable by his amours, and was finally poisoned by ons of his mistresses - The municipal council of Paris has offered prizes for the beet essays ea smoke -abate - meet ted the purification of water. Coughs, colds, sore throat, asthma, bran. chutes, and all long troubles are gwckly cu- ed by Hagysrd's Pectoral balsam. lm A distinguished Freach specialist is now olaimug that • hypodermic injection of nitrate of strychnine will cure alcoholism. The laws of ('hies count getting Gut of temper is public as an offense, the punish• mint for it being ire dela' imprisonment. The nawab of Rempur, Indict, paid $250,- 00$ for occasional visite of as Kaghsh army surgeon during • period of three months. The largest artificial stone in the world forms the base of B•rtholdi's statue of liber- ty, iber ty, Kedloe island, Now York harbor. Philadelphia has as orlsaired charity which supplies to the poor at actual cost sten lized milk end prepared infanta' food. The sense of taste is most acute in the bac, tip sad wires of the toupee, sod is almost wholly lacking on its interior sur- fses. Arnica is being taken to turn over the Liaeols monument at Springfield, Ill., to the State. Admidoa to it will then be made tree Then is $300,000 acclaimed mosey in the treasury at Washington to the credit of Afro -Americas "oldier" who served in the civil war. A cough whish day after day should sot be m• ooMd say longer. it ,ase something mese the. • mere local ir- ritatiou, sod the nesse it is relieved the better. Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It prompt to set nod sere to are. t#M—eelds. kemasklels 5Im live. A gestleman who hos dye little boys took them to the country fes • few weeks last Summer. (hoe day, while out for a walk, they stopped at an old farmhew sad ask- ed a mild -looking old faster who was tilted book in his chair against s apple tree, if theymight have a drisk of water from tho well is the deoryard. • lataialy, martaisly," he said, " drink all yr meat., an' welcome." He watched the sturdy little boys oloeeh while they were dri.kieg, sad when they wan about to depart be said to tkejr father : " Is all them little fellers yours ? ' " Yeo, sir," said the father, proudly. " A dee little bead they air, replied the old mos, his Pass ming with pleasure as ho leaked at them. "A Owe little esmP soy, sir, i you'll be able to keep 'em. I W gee like them saes. " They west he a great eemfert to you stew." "The eemry d them ie. I wows 'rte. goggle le tee 'etw grew up he he me mat en of tem, dr. Ds you man that hit. grave- yard ever themes the baWe • Yes . Lad ye kis see. tae, them M M1 tmmhskmmm all is • mew over these is W Seething* meow My'o wee aS pet bwe eanie say el WI +.m gat to he mn Tears old, M make the et 'ea speed Mus bele h d Oen tee serest thin vii e M EVit tr.= sell have Mteeelgivery Viot IMeMy�7imaged dirM spored se f� ,M's I truly kips ea" raiser soba', eight With . tact Kowa. City Times . Jobe Rohn, • I.er- •sao farmer who lives three miles south of here, was most dangerously batten by • savage bur to do He was trying to drive the bog bes's, w� it tamed upon him and • fight between them followed. The farmer had so weapon of defence and the hog knocked him down, seed his right head in its jaw sad fearfully lacerated that member. Mr. Robs who I. quite as old man, man- aged to gals his feet sad by kicking the bog std backing away reached • small tree. He started to climb the tree, ted had grab- bed • friendly limb the hog seized his leg. Mr Rohn held onto the limb for dear life sod the bots hold eventually broke, het sot before it had inflicted • dangerous wound. Finding its victim out of reach the bog soon left, and Mr. Rohn although weak from lees of blood managed to reach assist- aSC.. Meet aememerefve Peas Is the wertd. All thins considered. the position will probably be the Archbishopric of ('anter - bury, with £15,000 • year, provided the Roman t'ontificau be held a a kingly office, which it would hardly seem to be since the extinction of the temporal power of the papacy. The total income of the I'ope ie about £286,000 • year, when the amounts whish his Hobson is compelled by the traditions of the chureh to disburse are takes late account, only about 120,000 • year is left for his private use, and even of this only • small proportion u actually ex- pended on his owe want". The Presidency of the French Republic is too nearly allied to the kingly office to be included in the scope of the question, or else it would some easily first with its £40,000 • year. For net profit, independent of on:weary odiced expenses, it is quite possible that the most remunerative official post in the world would be the Lord High Chancellorship of England with its salary of £10.000 • year A "rummer's t,baemntmre. A rather good joke is going the rounds is St, John as the expense of therepresenta- tive of • sager refinery, says theMaritime Grocer. calling on a merchant he found the latter examining • sample of what he (the new newer i took to be • granulated sugar sample. S.entiag competition from • new article he assumed • critical air and sniffed at the sample, took some of it in his Gagen, and with the air of • connoisseur snared the merchant there were no con. trilogals in it and that it was net worth over three cents. He was quite sere his compeny could duplicate it at • very low figure. When be finally offered to take a sample and seed it to his people for that purpose, the owner of the sample, who was also preesat, observed that that would hardly be •eoeee•ry, as this particular art- icle came from the Windsor Salt Works. There wan • sodden and awful silence for • minute. it was broken by the merchant who had bees laboriously holding hie sides as lone as he could. as beegry as • bear. Give roe • roll, won't you 9" •• Cast do it," said the Roller. "They're too heavy to eat The Rake tried to eat Gee the other day, and broke two of his teeth eft short. Why dos t you ask the Sickletoe • pear I'd rather go the Axe. any frail" What can the Axe give you"' •' A chop of course." •• That's so didn't think of that. If be fails you might go down to the aeries and get • steak. By, the -way. what's the matter between you sad the Weeds • They toll me you oat them whenever you pais" •Ido. I dost like the Weide. They insrd,d themselves tato • lawn party I wee at ret Kummer and spoilt the whole this'. Didyou get off to the mMin oa,m this Sum- mar" " Ne ; I west dose to the w More so see my relatives." _ " Relatives • l dids't haws you hail soy dawn there" •• Oh yes, the rollers are famous all along the Jersey meat You got away "No ; I've baso right Len, atueaiag to hawthorn I didn't feel that I could afford to ge off this Summer. I've been pretty poor,sad I had to do a great deal of cutting dowto pull through the hard times as it ISM I hear that Hoe. IS going to be married..' • Yee ; he met one of the Faucets at • watering place up here, and they got much attacked to one another. It's • good Match." " I think so myself : but for ligb�v cigar I think I would rather have • P match " '• Ha ha ' Hew cutting you are '• 1•e•- -that's my business..' And then as the hired men had hsished their luncheon, the Roller and Mower had to return to work. Mew 1. Get ea In lee World. Most of our euceeesful men began life without • dollar. They have won success by hard work and strict hose ty. You can do the same. Here are a dozen rules for getting oe in the world. 1. E. honest. Dishonesty seldom makes one rich, and when it does riches are • curse. There is no such thing as diahooest success. a Work. The world to not going to pay you for nothing. Ninety per coot of what men call genius is only talent fur hard work. 3. Enter into that humiliate or trade which you like best, and for which Nature seoas to have tilted you, provided it is honorable. 4. Be independent Do not lean on others to do your thinking er to conquer your difficulties 5. Se coo.cientious in the discharge of every duty. Do your work thoroughly. No bey gas rise who slights his work. 6. Don't try to begs at the top. Begin at tie bottom and you will have • chance to rise, sad will be surer of reaching the top sometime. 7. Trust to nothing but t hod and hard work. Inscribe on your banner, "luck is a fool ; pluck u • hero." 8. Be punctual. Keep your appoint - meats. Be there • minute before time if you have to lose dinner to do it. 9. Be polite. Every smile, every gentle bow is money in your pocket. 10. Re generous. Meanness makes enemies sed breeds distrust. 11. Spend less than you earn. Do not run into debt. %Teach the little leaks and you man live on your salary. 12. Make all the money you can honest- ly, do all the good one can with it while you live and be your owe executor. 1 don't west The Prefeesei • Alehems. Ibis may not be new, not it was to the reporter who overheard it on an Feast Pro - :lithos oar, so it is likely that there are others who have never heard it. The young man who told it was evidently • collegian, as was his companion. " I heard • good one on Prof. of Adever," he said • What was it' " queried the other. " Well you know, be was married doming the Winter mad went housekeeping jut outside the tows. This Spring he thought he would add • few hens to his stock ; he already bad • deg. He set • oouple of of bens sad is time had two large broods of chickens. He was very proud of them, but in a week or two the chickens beaus to die. He called is • neighbor to look at the chickens sad offer advice. They were oem- tainly • pretty ecaly lot of caiokams that the s.ighbor viewed. 'Miry were skinny- kakiiasgg sad sgparestly without ambit:on. " What de you feed them •" asked the neighbor, attar a brief whey. Feed them?" remolded the pr'ohesor,as though be didn't hoar aright. " Why, i dent feed them myth's,. I thought the old hes bed milk enough for them." SUNLIGHT SOAP Has proved by its enormous sale that it is The best value for the Consumer of any soap in the market. Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as it is they who have proved its value. It brings them less labor, greater comfort. THE NEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. Have you seen those new designs in Heating anti looking Stniee at WORSELL'S Those. four -holed Pear, coal ranges were the heat at Toronto Exhibition. a The Wor:d's Fair is also a beauty. The Favorite Parlor coal heater, With or without oven, is (itgasas*sstl the most Powerful as well no the Clean- est coal stove yet produced. We have also something entirely new in a double heater, wool parlor stove. See our stock before buying. Foudmee• ser Amissala. There are numerous aaoedotes about noted people who were food of animals, sod we are pretty sure that they were found of them when they were boys and girls I)uiel Webster loved his calves dearly, and used to get his son Fletcher out of bed before daylight to hold the lantern while ho fed the cows. 'Fletcher;' he would say "you don't seem to take any interest n this. I like to look into the kind fames of the cows, and smell their breath." Whea Choate was his guest he used to rap at the door of his room where he was reading, and call to the great Jurist, "1)h, come aloes, Choate ; let's go and have • look at the pigs." Webster ordered his farm hands to drive the otos past the library window, so that be could "tell them good-bye before he died." It was said of Edmund Burke thea he bad gooe crazy, because he went about in hie park liming his 'owe and horses. The story •roes from the fact that • favorite horse heloswing to his dead mos came up to Mr. Burke in the field, lad his head upon his broamt, and looked into his face, as if to say, "I have lost him too." OTerosme by his memories, Burke clamped the neck of the iatelligeat creature and kissed it. The only permasset cure for chronic satarrh is to thoroughly expel the pesos from the system by the faithful and persist- ent ns. of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This wo.- dertel remedy prove* successful when all other treatment has failed to relieve the sufferer. Angels weep on the day a young mon be. gess to speed mese mosey them he eon minks WORSELL & CO The Prsetkal TM and Stere man. • EWARE = 5 WOODEN. One of E. B EDDY'S Indurated Fibre - ware Tubs and Pails will last the life of 5 hoopbound wooden ones. Besides, they are:much more conven- ient and save a world of annoyance. Ask your grocer for E. B. EDDY'S INDURATED FIBREWARE. HUGH DUNLOP THE CLOTHIER, has just returned from the cities where he has been selecting NEW SPBII HODS, He has now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest Goods in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Best Style possible, and at Prices to suit the times. H. DUNLOP. THE FAIR has come and gone, but LOW PRICES remain the saute as ever at the Furniture Emporium of GEO. BARRY. Hamilton-st. UNDERTAKING in all branches, attended to at all hours with neatness and dispatch. Embalming Fluid always on hand. Picture framing a speciality. GEO. BARRY ■ • ■1LT'el.ST. • e.0 ERIOH Ste am Poiler Works. "STA RUSHED lien.I A. S. C H RY STA L Baereeeocte f'trys4GI d Bl.ckJ Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright Jt Tubular 3210ii—I=RS Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers In Upright and Nortzoolal Slide Valve goatees. .Autumale cut Off Karim • pe•felty. Ail Maws of pl a and pipe -Ott it e.amlmmtil es band. tts,ima•ee furnished es Mast settee. Repairing promptly encoded te, gat Il P. O. Hos 37, (todencb. Ont. Werk. Opposite (I. T. K. Station. Uuderica. —CZTY— COAL AND WOOD YARD. Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT A BUCASMITH COAL. Coal weighed on either market or myScales, (tet my Prices beton gulag else were. TERMS CAS/. Te•epbese r'osaeee .s. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. MN Ir. HOW TO ORDER "THE SIGNAL'—CUT THIS OUT D. MCGILLICUDDY, " THE SIGNAL," Goderich, Ont. I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly THE SIGNAL to the following address for months. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months - Six Months - Twelve Months - [Saepis Oopiea Free.) • - 30c. - 156C. - $1.00. Name, . P.O., County, _._...........»..._ Pov., ».....y ....._»........»._»_ .. Dale, , 189 P. 8.—Remit by money order, if possible, or by regiatl letter. e e