The Signal, 1894-10-18, Page 7SPECT RL INT.EREST TO 'tfeneletenwfsoleevmeeemeimur - LADIES I - Our Fall importations of Ladies' Jackets and Fur Capes are now in Stock and open for your inspection. We might enumerate some of the different Styles here, but, instead of doing so, we urge you to visit our Cloak Department and see the magnificent range of high grade Garments at such Moderate Prices. JOHN T. ACHESON. SHE FOOLED SANDOW. The aie.sg Man tesN■'t un Ware !lire, • asset. Pitt bare lh.patcb : S•ndow tried to lift the wtaderfal Mrs- Abbott and made the greaten failure of his lila. The little wunea, who weighs Ism than 100 pentads, was a oospksts peede to t e moo who lifts over 5,000. Se dow ease to the Sturtevant house, New York, with an air of import- ance. The only prepay -sties was th• two- tiaunr of • board. it had hose •iple,ned that Mrs Aubott cannot work oscarpet, no met.. or any geed uooductor. She mast be to a measure laeuLted. That Tarnished ►P Woad is sufficient \Irs Antn.tt stood en UM carpet at Sigh nod told :ievedow to lift her up He grasped her orouad the water and u • mooed she shot up in the aur as it she had Men melt from • cameo. She thew out of W Whsle and he caught her as she man down. . ' 1 ou're like a feather," said S..dew-' Wait until I step on the board," mid Mr. Abbott, laughingly. Toes she steppes opus the board Saedow planed his beads about her Meader wwt. He beat his Mem, nod held his arms cl.re to his sides H. bean to hit e'sduafly. lits Abbott did not budge. lbs was ininievbis se en anchored enigma. Tb.. the strongest man ma earth, the min wham asperb none:elm developeneet has made ham one of the arrest mem of hie visa. exerted all ate fetes. The • *leader little 98 pound woman didn't more se iaeh Then Shadow took cif hr oust and tried it with the saw result. 1 hes they tried an etp.rtmeat with • muck. It wan part of a poie such as portieres are boar on. Mrs, .ANott held the prde psrpeadtoalarly, light- ly between her Green end toed'aadow to try '• force it down 11it did his level best, eat r. would sot to. It seemed that memo would bare strength eootyh to Into. it from Mn .Abbott's light grasp, but to wises has. apparently, far Sasdow ought to he able t•, .I„ it if anyone tats, and it wo an isl.,.a,b,lity far kiss, se be frankly melees - ed, after hie had perspired •deal in mumm- ies it !t1 sober could h• take the stick Ikea her when she held it horimetally. Saado, was amply paralyzed with wee- der. Lift rig is his point He said frankly UM en !sail as Mrs. Abbott was on the Pine of hoard hie strength was of ate avid The aim Tera Palley. Itro dbrim's letter : The trial of the in - police captains, surgeaat. teatime/1e had tardier* mull goes es, sad toe farther eight w. get lase the matter the worse it' look.. Tb. charge. .d stoney paid are dine: 1 he omlr defence mode in, that the f pe•pie making tM charge" are bad charas urs ,if course they are ked; it is the tact that they are bad that made them the roc Um .t ezbort•tloa and blackmail. The woman who kept • holm of ill fano ; The "aero►ant who esosmbered the sidewalk With his goods, sad the salons -keeper who led his busmen as the aahb•tb, were •1l ere of ib• law, and they said ta the pmltce..I you will Denali, us to break the w without molwattee we will pay you •e math mosey. It semis a meastema ..bed.M that the,. veluthful ministers of the law fixed to Mime came, but An seta idene. of their e'dence shows riot them* mast have Mins • minder la eOl emsaAmmer She t mm. emphass ad tbs vas ss, dPnN swsiee ea the prism; Mr all disreputable bosom, se ter, bars testified that as the admen sl • sew •.plain the •resat el Asir ametsmeo1 was eve Modred dleilant, and on. seams testi- hd not Awe were eight bad bosses eo ave Mask, and mash ass hands herself, is ad- dition to the lye headred &bass, had also t• by five balms te the wnrdsaa, sad arty dollars a inset -h theresftar ea long as tiny warlord is the k•eisel& still .estian son mink that he mo us W 551b mea. Alm, Dseay. his with Ina a charge of his ems, qd she weoY let telior o.mmie.hser er • physician pet a hot 1e•tde of her deer. fibs says that her berbaad's life in et twee .meuyessoe I. her "r the tipsm ei the whole 01 the poli« olemi�m miner• Mte$ifr, heend on ler the leave mew usable to bring Devery to taw. His persisomit siert :intnet of the wen and amid 4W if illa �� l w .maim r later he nisie I'm trial A he weans* this week re- Wesi m the ermMels el aware e atm Peer sed tte ee oraIy dkhmileeg fres, ethe ssrwfao, wee Mired an half pay, M ftrog shown a neva .f ever thirty yreta d� t& et a UMW New the im .f ,N l .h.ruld Y Miffed 41' "ft Alexander1q M ilkie* enderti M tea L- kw - it Hs to , all •4 Ashes' the sky .f Mew S ark, km weal& M'iatiW at s "1iny ream he weeis osseine*/ ed that telssef 'Hint itali-tailwhany Whew wet ift en' It le saidd Mere i aeon i te 110 � � Meth deinyra sh a.%a R kith is hie day es they ha« 1. the kat !kin�e.�er It wssld sem Mat ae M Ml emee�ti t�fre4.t rt 46.4moda•r—ra:W=tisideasidisse2 liver 4 IWI Ike 4114. I% IS sof all iltswm lib TWO VIEWS OF LAURIE ti. Davis and aai%s 1.n Sieve Sheet allots** er tree nab. oral amMir. la the course of • partizan article os the Lateral party sad its Isadore, the Regina tender, Mr. Llama's says : "Ayr. leerier atter one brief year of office, has new bees sixteen years is Oppoeitioa. He we• in by curly, early manhood, if sot youth when he soured tha House el ('Amnions. The hair has grown thin os his forehead, and what I remains is rrirslisg in what as called the Ioold shade, of those left benches Ilrewn was palpably meant flit action. Brown was a natural force. Laurier has no such lions, but he is • man of hoer clay. He te • anon of true literary ability. H• is al au a brilliant dvetate to court. It is no terious that hu dovotivas to politic. has kept hint poor. He would have been • great •ucome a• • literary roan, or o an ad- vocate, or as • professor, with the oomu*. tenon nod iodepssdesos which attach to these. He u • polititan, but it Daly brings in its train neglect of bassoon, anxiety, baffled odor( and daapp,iotmeet." KKsoxunna, in The t auada Yreobytenaa, writes : It roes untiring that Wilfred Laster as at the present time the most at- tractive per.ua.lay in the Iiomtaaoe. (Aber public men excel him 'u certain lines, bet t•ktag him all around, Louver is easily fret as the matter of personal popularity. Many of his political opponents admire him mach as his political friend, do. There to a type of Grit that sever a•mires anybody. The batter, jealous, fault -boding tsar thinks that his duty to his party requires him to be continually prodding amid Melina hs leader. Grits of that kind do not admire diener for the simple reams) the they never admire anybody but themselves. Nearly all the other people in the llomtmw, how- ever, do admirer and for tie time being at meat be (Maeda' most magnetic tow. The coots of hie popularity are hard to analyze. It is impossible to lay your an- ger us say one .ivality and my, "New, that is the secret of Lturtr's popularity and strength. He u not rich. So far as we know he has few, if any infuencial scones utas. He has no ahem to give. Nearly all his parliamentary his has been .,treat in Oppositoe. Acid list Wilfred Lau ier s seely the must popular man as I)osunlon polo ice. We do not pretend to state, much less to analyze, the onuses that have given Mr. Lourier his high plass at a comparatively early age. He in an honest man, bat we hops holiest men are not se scarce in ('an• dian public life that common honesty om- en dstineties_ He has • tin. an•ante, bet so has pearly every Frenchman in the Homes and several who are not Frw.kn,es. ■r English has • peculiar charm because hs learned it from books, while most of us learned part of ours on the street. Hs has no suck burner as as IYArey Mid no had, or as Sir John Macdonald had. He had no .,sob etresgth in George Brown had. Bat- ter reins than his could be counted by the dome. Hs has • tine physique, bat so have many other men. His patinae as leader explains nothing, Moause if he had not been what he is be never wooM hay.bsee leader. Besides, it is the banana of a certain typo of !:ria to belittle their awn leaders The (trim who soder various imam tries to knife Bir Oliver last Jane as • reward for his twenty years of faithful service would satarally think all the less of leerier for being Weir lender. Very likely Loarier's eseeesa visor from a o.mbiaoties of .l salines rather Irma; say este quality that mainly makes him what he is Mere are nom of that triad It i. hard to explain the power of a nave of that kind. They are men sf a inn, strong combination. and bemuse their strength arises from the oombinatioe yes chemo( mares any see quality tam makes Asa stress. SOME OF NAPOLEON'S MAXIMS. Men are led by MON. A tree era hams sin sea Power in b•sdd tips etpieiw. Yoe, in gyral, are bat great Add - rem. A ghettos wilt i0ead his food like a here Public esteem ie the reward of hoses! wow Ho who fears being eriageired is sere of defeat - it es serer win to inflame hatred, Dor to reader one's self .,diens PIMA ianreetles should bo the ern oh - *,of goyrm net. Ae meet sae water, sat oil, to gaieh shaelepisl velssewa Tres siva liberty eeo°Ms is the tmmfby d� w, he general, seams n in mar - RAM tMuwseaa.ha fa In as seminary ;tar the Man as ties hsdy M be fed. 'aa.yms•Niee of • tenerieg mein. ens Ws* .trtarth M es Way. There is a rmYmrhey of padWn as re g rde raps!** gad kimie- m eh may be de- pp�� �.�rltg�r S1, d Mil hill It iilesrihaleis asthma. x «aM/, sm Issas! ship .M THE 1410/0 : GODKR1OH, ONT.. TH (TRSD A Y. OCT. IR, 1894. 7 1Is hoer* 5brsmeo. (leg gnat wort el good discipline se requite ftsp seat. Assail hew the se---'--sts were to eeredree I we were 1iMM. Kesterober what sorry plegMa We IleireetiaM were to oui sad be puniest to these racoon of oars (logos by principles, sot laws. 1 poarble, keep your heads at. bettor pr'eat f eedera time too little. Give a loophole for di•obedieewe. When daughter Rees to spend the afternoon w friend, don't oestiea the precise matt her te rrtsra. The constant fear lest 'MM. Say, be i.. minutes Isis will mar Shy, rather, „ Be at hese in trate meet papa with bands and taw washed hair brushed," or, Re.••m►er your music lemon at S." Theo, should the little girl be a few mtsutes late, it is not lruhsite___, •ed puntshssat need not darken a sn atteraoon. " Better not " will mount obedti e*, w oat punishment, when " must not " " shall not," attached to • threat, will o fail. I'alee self goveratnent in taught, canal dienpliM te imperfect. Let ohiliren feel that they are may W nod mamma as helpers, oo panioe. • ceaidante,. If you have a growing boy, take his when you walk with him and make mac I hie strength, l's.shi,h lore cannot be wide- ly severed from obediese.. And, finally, you mai- be interested in all that interests your children. Never be too busy to lawn to long tales of happen. tags at school. Try to be radiant over the good times nosing. Balt • child's happ- ses oonsigt. in anticipation. A promised treat omit weak will keep up • pleeeurable excitsrneot that will color with rosy hues the ordinary humdrum life of every day. - ■hyper'. Nair. rennin* Is Mrataa, Mn. Mortimer Steppes, in travelling the east in search of subjects, came opus curious form of courtship. Sketching • day in Auritah, he noticed • man a lit diatoms off glaring fiercely ahead of hi at some •b)ect he could not see from h position. The man mit with the some fix glare the whole of the attention and was it again the next morning. Mr. Mwpes h lis curiosity to ask an English visitor w ft meant. The reply was, ".)h, he is lore." Aad it was explanted that this w their manner of courtship. The object the man's attentive glare was a girl in netghborine bazar. When a man falls love, he has to meat himself at • certain d tones from his adored one and wait. for to do the rest. If she looks in his directs once or twice on the tint or second day, he is wildly encouraged, and if on the third day she *odds at him and smiles it is time to go t• the pitman' with reference to the marriage settlement.. =v' lit„ 1)43..1. Ii, iiouttNYir2t, 15_r'uHie Ate., Santa ( ruf, (':.1., write;,; " When s girl at scho.,l, in It»a.ling, Ohio, I had a severe air*, It of bruin lever. On mt recuvrrc, f Lund myself perfectly bald, and, f..r a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friends urged me to use Ayer's Halt t'ig'er, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now hate an fine a head of Nitres one could wish for, being rhaog,-d, how- ever, from blonde to dark brown." " Aft. -r a fit of sickness, my hair tante out in comblulls, 1 used two butt!,'., of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair L over a yard long and very hall and heavy. I have recotnm, mended this preparation to others with like %o,.d t-ff.-ct."—Mr,. Sida.y Carr. liu0 hegira at., Harrisburg, Pa. "I have tine,) %y.r's Hair vigor los several years at. always obtained satis- factory results. I kn.,w it Is the beat prepration for the hair that is made." •-C. T.,efsttit.*ii ootb Spring, Anka._. Ayers Hair Vigor Papered by Dr. J -C. Aycr t Co., ;,owe GETTING "STALE.- Clsse •pplieation to business is the price of emcees : but Isere u a possibility of the success being attained at teo high a omit, lust as the merchant sometimes pays too much for his goods. All bus's... and no relazaties stakes merchant. dad and prematurely old, we well as all work and no play makes Jack o dull buy. Then art men who move, live and have their being to their business... They get up in the morning and go to the shop, and leave their shop and go to bed, year an and year out They close their stores sundap., Wertbew nands are el) day in bsaineatp. The athlete who is ever trainingets use "stale" to e a aporttng term, and so Joe. the merchant who doss not occasionally take a rest from business. The summer is nearly gone, and there are storekeeper. who bare Dever sniffed a lake breeze ler taken a drive into the country moss it set in. They know by the tired and hatless feel- ing they have that such close application is doing them harm, but they ooerole them- selves with the idea that they are only men - plying with the imperative demands of their bn.i.em Never was there • bigger matake. limi- ness demands attention, not slavery. Relaxation 'Maid be taken regularly just as much as sleep and meals. And one is as much conducive to health as the other. The man who, tired and weary with the cans of business, takes a respite therefrom, comes back more viperous is body and is mad, feeling well repaid for the hours or days he has snatched from his ordinary pur- suits. CRISP AND CASUAL. E.•etport, Me., has fifty -sine sardise- packing establishments. A Bohemian monk, in 1754, invented the first lightning conductor. Biliousness and liver complaint, headache etc , are cured by Burdock ('ills. lm Chicago gaming houses are now espho o" lowly designated as " speculation parlors. Some of the spiders in the Fast Indies are so large that they devour small birds. There are one haadred and forty-seven Indian reservations in the United States. Hagyard'. Pectoral Balsam cures coughs, sold", asthma, bronchitis end all throat sed lung troubles. lm People who are trou►led with sleepless- ness Amid drink mem instead of tea or calm, at thin evening meaa. Sines of worms are variable appetite, itching at the naw, ate. Dr. i.ow's Worm Syrup I. the best worm expeller. lm The oowumpties of wine in Nimes, Francs, averages • bottle • day for ovary otan, wetaaa and child is the eery. A man in Franklis. Me., pays loaner dollar a [math to kis diseased wile, lied Mr An arm she aim as ►i. hoseekse "r. Dein Sika- i have used Yellow (Ml for two or three years, sad thiek it baa no equal for creep. Mrs J S. (YBri s,Hants- ville, Oats The healthiest o•crpatios in the world semis to be that of drawing • David McCoy, of flan Ben ardino, ( is • peasieser d tie war of 11112, aid haw jam oeatpleted his 104th year. Over 115.000,000 people speak the Eng- lish lesg.ags. Thew banded years ago. in the days .t teams Itliaebeth, it was spok- en by may about 5,000,000 people, and early all of the. dwelt is the British Liss Shasta of ,spur, armored like a Mott*, pd, are atuohed 1. the mouthpieme et some telephones, ee that sash speaker will silk over • aims sheet. This is to prrveot she enmsaestie•ties el discos fest is. speaker M weather. I -,.,_ • amus dissisees, keaioshe,ese- sHpatiee., vsriabie *riming •sed sesr- IaR of feed, )lelpitem(ns el the benrsrdistnr slur eating. Berdesk Meed Dittos kis gmseated se ears dyspepsia le faithfully seed .st.reise to direesMma la the United Reams there are Ms mess of railroad Mash thea in all the ether eess- Isis ef the world eemk8nd. is the Milted Slakes Mine w 17E000 mesa ha dia. Atrkta, %seek, Os t.nl and Alaeefah. sad Australia. 167,000 As • Nowa' is BL Jeesph,lit Ohs s isgpmssma a ed s Weft lie rime l domes, bet he s pidly •rNMii m Mer time et W WMrsw s► ided him by a day ed pMsis, then a f..hd tape sea the pater siisndgs ger • $ net HOLD ON. f'lOYSt frh`e Hold on to virtu* it r above all pries to wish you, in all usage and plans. lPh" Held w to year good character, for it is, l turd ever wt4 ha, your bast wealth. elierm.I Hold as to your Mad whip lieu lie s set to strike, steal or do an improper �' ber'o I len I It`f you well, sad du you good throughout Ica a eternity. ta ler skis the to sad doe Hold os to the !rusk, for it will ssrv. HOW os to your tongue when you are just ready to swear, Ii., or spook harshly, er use an improper word. Hold oa to your temper when you are aagtry, sainted, or impound upon, or others angry with you. Hold oo to your heart when evil pervune seek year company, sad invite you to join any their games, mirth and revelry. Hold Ai to your good name at all limes, ith- for it ie much more valuable to you than and gold, high place, or f•ehonabla at tt i tire. per. Hold up year hand and give your pledge l to t,od that you will never take stint drink nes of intoxicant* of any kind. POINTERS FOR US ALL• arsl h d '♦4 ever did goy harm, eh Well, neither did a rotten egg. The plow would not go deep if the team had aaythiag to say about it. Love never turas back because it sees • mountain or hays a lion roar. The man who is coe.tantly thinking evil finds • thousand ways to speak it. Nobody ever trade life any brighter for another by vrowlmg and grumbling. If you would sleep well •t nicht, be wide awake when • stranger seeks your coo - Neoax. When yin ge to war with a snake, the in ' battle ought to be at the end where the bend • la. or The sun will keep right on shining so tie matter how much we talk about its spots. • IIt is right for charity to begin at home, but she has net done her duty unless she j has pose all over the world. Ram's Horn. at I HISTORICAL, sell bet The Arland lamp was the Invention of in Argand in 178. se Canaria were invented in 1330; were aced of { by the Turks at Ardisorple in 1453, and • i were made in England in 1547. in' President Lincoln was asessioated at s' h'ord'e theatre, Washington at 10 oc'leck, Is i i.. r , April the 14th, 1865, by .1 .1. Wilkes on ; Booth. Brass pine were first made hi the Sara- cen in Spain,a A.I).,800,and were brought to England ley Catherine of Arragon, wife of Henry VIII. The Boston tire in 1872 was the scene of s oon9•g•etion so terrible that it burn- ed ever 60 acres of massive stone, brick had Iron buildings in the very business heart of the community, and destroyed $70,000,000of property before its awful fury a was starved.!__- _-_. !esker'• !lake. It is never wise *to censure people until you fully understood what you fare talking about. Here is a subject to the point 'What is the meaning of this' said minister mining into a house and Akin up a tattered copy of part of the Scriptures "11 dont like to ase god's word used so" for, indeed, the book had been tare right in two. Oh, sir," said the owner of the half Bible, "do not scold natal you hear how it Carte to he them' That was my mother's Bible. When she died I could not part with it, and my brother could not part with it, and we just cut it in two; and his half has been the power of (Sad unto salvation to his soul, and my half has be the power of God unto salvation unto mite." What • change came over the good man's countenance after this more than satisfactory explanation' And he left, more than ever convinced that there le amighty transforming power in God's The Creasers Trader la the World. PhilipO.Armour, ('hicn.o's richest citi- zeh, u perhaps the greatest trader in the world. He is also one of the greatest nano, Iactnrere in this or any other country. In this capacity alone he employs 12,000 per- sons. pays $6,000.000 or $7,000 000 yearly is wages, owns 4,000 railway cars whieb are used in transporting his goods. and has 700 or 800 hors's to haul his wagons. Fifty or sixty thousand person" receive direst sup- port from the wages paid in his meat -pack- ing business alone, if we estimate families on the census basis. He is a larger owner of grain elevator" than hay other individual in either hemisphere ; be is the proprietor of a trine factory which tarn' out • product of 7,000,000 tow • year, he is actively inter- ested in an important railway enterprise. • Isalrue Trustee. The Wilmington (Del.) Star tells of a trustee unique for his honesty sad disinter- estedaaas. He was appointed trustee in 1872, at which time the estate was valued at abort $190,000. His final settlement shows, as a result of his indictees manipule- tnon, an estate valued at between $800,000 and $900,000. Is the Donne of the settle- allemed this masterly finaneier the registerent the $11,000 for his senior, but he would not aoo.pt a peony. " let my allowance go to the heirs," he saki : sad thea he added modestly, i didn't do as well with the estate as L alight have dose." S.bseribs for Tug nissat. Only $l • year. tabes Nor tier, bat). A prplletmat, esak has an eye to variety and suitability. Even in tBe matter of sake abs is carshilMilentit all tastes. Thus : For farmbh—bee-cake, fruit -cake and seed-ct ljtq, For pugilists and carpenters--pound- mike. For reporter -spice-cake and iambics. For messenger bey. i•inger• snaps For politicians --election cake and plum - sake. For idlers and ne'er-do-wells losf•c*ke and fritters. For tramps- sponge -cake. For greedy children—stoasaeh ache. Ma wAw �11�n �lIO� r TRY ww%TSZ'cr COMFORT ow' WASH DAY THE NEW STOVE'AND TiN SHOP. !Inc'• you seen those ties designs in Heating and Cook lig St„ at WORSELL'S Those four -holed Pear, tae! ranges were the hest at Toronto Exliil,itioa, The Wor;d'e Fair is also a beauty. The Favorite Parlor .'gal Heater, with or without oven, is (:sarantee"l the most Powerful as well as the Chau est coal stove yet proeluoe.l. We hate also before ug entirely new in a double heater, wood parlor stove. Nee' our stock ,'re baying. WORSELL & CO The l'rootioal Tin and Stove man. II FIBREWARE =5 WOODEN. One of E. B. EDDY'S Indurated Fibre - ware Tubs and Pails will last the life of 5 hoopbound wooden ones. Besides, they areamuch more conven- ient and save a world of annoyance. Ask your grocer for E. B. EDDY'S INDUF BREWARE. HUGH DUNLOP, I THE CLOTHIER, i 'CYCLING PROVERBS. 1 has just returner) from the cities where lie has been selecting Grit makes a man, but man a hearing. Neither men nor bicycles steer well with tight heads. Like • friend in need, the handle -bar is only appreciated when the road is rough. The world, like • bicycle, would soon come to a stop were it not for the cranks. Ambition te like a bicycle saddle ---though much set upon, A generally manages to be on top Politeness is like •'pneumatic tire there isn't much in it, but it eases many a jolt in the journey of lifer A pleasant disposition, like oil in • bear- ing, reduces friction and prevents a world of wear and tear. • sew lee Many. 'She'n a great favorite with the male sex. 'l'os. ' Why doesn't she sarry'' 'Her num- erous engagements prevent her.' • ima M<r.racr. 'Call him • veteran joke writer Why he is not more than twenty years old.' 'That ie so : but his iiikas aro veterans all the same.' Pair eaestb. " Look here," said the proprietor of the Inseh eat•nlishment, "this coin has a hole in it " " Well," replied Maaodertn¢ Mike, had"so the doughnut ye weld me.And he strode haughtily on. Some people laugh to show their pretty teeth. The use of ivory White Tooth I'ow der makes people laugh more than ever. It's so aloe. i'rioe 25 omni. Sold by drag- gles NE SPRING GOODS, He has now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest Gioodi lin the Market and is prepared to turn - out work in the Best Style possible, and at Prices to suit the times. H. DUNLOP. T QODWOR Stti am Boiler . Works. BBTASLIPIFIRn'150,1 A. S. CHRYSTAL, 'Sony$ or to t kr-lista! a Markt Jlanufae•turrrs of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright A Tul,ulnr MCIisd= , Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers in Upright andHorirental Slide Value Knelt... AMarna, ie l'ut tM Rneinew a peciatty. All sires of pl n and pipe titling momently on hand. )t.tituate• furnished on Wort ea ice. Repairing promptly attended to 1ee1-1y I'. 0. Box Ji, (loderich.Out. Works-Opooalte U. T. It. Batioa, soderiea. ITHE FAIRI has come come and gone, but COAL AND WOOD LOW PRICES remain the same as ever at the Furniture Emporium of (EO. J . BARRY, Hamilton -'stn Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. in all branches, attended to at Headquarters for all grades of all hours with neatness and HARD, SOFT & BUCRSMITH COAL. Y'A UNDERTAKING dispatch. l Embalming Fluid always on hand. Picture framing a speciality. GEO. BARRY, JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. 5*M5LTa11.ST. MM-ls, Col weighed on either market or stie stale. Ont my Prices beton soles elsewhere. Tt5*a CASs. Telepnme reeseettea. HOW TO ORDER "THE SIGNAL " CUT THIS OUT, DMCG1LLICUDY r " THE SIGNAL," Goderich,Ont. I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly THE SIGNAL to the following address for months. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months - Bix Months - Twelve Months - iSample Qopie. Fres.] Name, P. O., Co?urn , Prov., — Dalt, l P. 8.—Remit by money order, if possible, or by registered letter.