The Signal, 1894-9-27, Page 41
�hc signal,
me' m. M M11tha mmeT.
Hat of Pe ll .-4 t.
eifiertele Gamete
Terme of Mabserepl.s
1 e
w meat& is evamse
ase mmatha,
erodeMe year.
le e, •• the eras ties treat
wth be
tomb ati T..w Label -
Tose label le • ste•dl.a receipt .f t:r dole
se white you 1tre p•td sp. Sew tb•t 1t 1s eat
allowed te f•11 ets+rrear.
Irina • dieing* of address V d.drad. .tot b
the odd and the new address .boeld beanies.
uv.rtws Meese
Z...e1 sad of ear casual ad venetiamte. lee.
▪ fins ter arm famine, and 5 Gess pr line
Ise rcb subsequent Inesrttoa. Measured b
• ed.tales
ser Darla .f si• lilies aad Galva 96 per
Adwerabemeem of Lost. Peesd. Strayed.
Vacant, Situation Wasted sad
Chaaoes Wanted. sot ezosedleg
0..pseetl, 91 per .tont h.
se Hale acid farms ea Sole. •a to
Ilium $1 for end oiontb. 50c. pr sub
sequoia month. Ler.rr nitre. 1n proportion.
Any wend t1.dioe the object of which b to
pro oke the pecuniary heoeet of any iodl
widttsl or norpsay. to be nonMdered se ad
vmrtisemeet &ad charted s000rdingl7.
Local reties is .o.psrell type one eon pee
word. em settees lets thea lee.
Loma motives is 0711(0 lay reading type two
meats per word. No senor for ler Mao tea.
Mottoes for churches sod other religious and
b.seyolest intik otiose half rate.
Ceag.srrlal real ears
♦ limited number of displayed advents*
assts will be inserted et the Moline -Mg eves :
Tor loch. our Omen too. fin 10
throe months.
" el moat he
I 00
one year Sot
74o •dvertieemst ler than two Inches 1n
length will he calculated on abo.e baste e
per cwt dlecoot allowed for cash payments
an throe me•tb'cootract : 10 per est oa sit
mostba'. sad 11 per soot s a mar". Thee
.omdluonr wUl be strictly eotoroed.
Abens "'The Steri- d" D.Nirosos
Subscriber wbo tail to receive Tag 8roXAt
tenderly. either by carrier or by mall. will
conker • favor by aogn$I1 ting us of the fact at
se early $ date a. pos.lble.
Rejected manuscripts cannot be returned.
Oorreepondeuce must be written o0 one side
et paper only.
Publisher's enure.
J. C. L. Teasel. of Ooderich, has been ap
potated Local Trundling Agent for the towo
Wpm of Goderich, Colborne, Ashfield and We
Loral pommeling over the district are also
empowered to receive s•ibecriptiona to Tits
flare t.
AD oommunlstioes must he addressed te
D Mc(iI Tae themt,
Tdspka.e'Call ltl. Roderick. Out
000111RICH. THURSDAY. aster. v. ISM
IF you are one of those who received
an account halt week er during • few weeks
prsoeedlo8. and have not yet paid up, you
are requested to de to at once.
The object of sending out .ocourets is to
have them paid. .ad althou h the individu-
al dollar or two appears • smell sum to duo
for, the aggregate rues up into the thou -
' soda.
Due notice has been given to all delin-
quents ou our book., and eosta will be Unmar-
red if the •mounts are not settled at otoe.
11. 111.1:ILLI• tiro'.
Goderich, Sept 19. 1894.
CHAIRS[ NArr.L of the special
.omntittse is • 1 of bright plumage. At
the otommittes meetrai !t• took 00 sxosptien
to the dismissal of•le Ni.-.otsue
end brought ia • report recommeodtog the
di.mi...1 ; then, who the question came
before the council. chairman NoiT•1 voted
against he own report. Somebody mast
have • strum oa GLirmaa Narrr.L'a Dollar.
.i0ired to envy
the terrible leery et brumeiat e lime 4 pramiat~ooesseaa.
a collapse, ibe hie et whisk has, parkas.
sever .toyed • may we t torebly dteseed
as Teresa* M is m•ay reepaab, et bet
people .re thrifty and fall et ..era ..d•••
termites, while Nature woe spiral! moo
aMe to her ; aad .wall both 110 stere
Priaeial (lovsra5.iam havehashowered
their chases' mho os low people.
to vain, for the very N. P. that wee leaded
to the skies as the wren soot I.gieletiye
among stay wailfully be storied with be-
teg the cause d the weary sad the miter -
tans that has overtaken her sloppy
SOMIt member of the town council
oaybt to ell Mayor Arnim that the mak.-
belief giltsdrel oratory which his worship
M prow to deliver himself of. is tot wanted
at toenail meetings. The mayor s gemrsl-
lytb.lievd to,be the chairman of the council,
bet this eerrulmas old fogy, Br'TL.a, is be-
matimg • submerse by the way in which be
desires to take part in the discussion of
every question Meet comes before the man.
oip•l body. As we said before, it b high
tit.e some of w members took the inlay
old blatherskite to mak for 000upyieg se
Renee of the time that could be better takes
up by For abler moa. The ancient windbag
.koeld be
~Napa. the besotted of our Tot/ poU/l-
eteos .lout the prosperity of our oo0nlry
ander the N. P. ws challenge soy of them to
polio oat ow .Ingle prosperous city to the
provisoe,elosptOtt aws,end that catty has mot
one protected industry within her border..
W. hove quoted Tomato as • sell-.dy.etls-
ed failure, and who will Maim that either
Marathon, London or Kugetsm are room
ahead or that wealth therein is iaoremstsg ;
Guelph .t present has too meet grass on
her streets, sad Brantford u oow about to
suffer from the removal ot the Marey -Har•
rug shops to the State, owing to the ins'n1•
uy of the l'ompasy to oops with American
maaaf•eturere under the &dyerse tang ooa-
littoos,which mite their raw materiel teas
extent little dreamed ot by she average eitt-
cen. And this, by the way, is eery ler sly
13ae to two small wooers' in Neva
Scotia who shareholders are under the
✓ ocal protobes of the Trrrsas.
To repeat aa old Liberal truism, this cities
cod towns o•an of be more prosperous thee
the .arntnge of the farmers will allow :
all prosperity must come from Mother
Furth, aad tb. well•doing o.f the farmer
must be the lease of the community' pro.
panty. Thews* policy for town and oowetry
alike is to give the farmer a chanes
►v openiag every market to him wherever
possible, and .o permit him to supply all
his seeds wherever he can buy cheapest sad
beat- when the terser or any ot our citi-
zens hese aught to ell let them sell in tie
beet rmarkee, and in like reenter whoa they
bare • dollar to sped they should be left
aloes to .peed it where they like without J.
C. PArrtawo.. or the elder or 7oamger TV r•
✓ ia preventing them.
GODKRICH is to be congratulated
woos the Met that at Mat a police magi*
trate bee been appointed, aad hereafter
open b.....Ms of the tows bylaws will not
be wi.ked at by persons in authority. Over
• year ap the agitation for the appointtaeat
Was Warted, bat as owe of the perrsmn later -
WWI la not having the appointment made
bed • pull at the town council board it was
faegbt ori. fetor • memorial to the Gov-
e rnment woe (married in the enured, sad
mom. aide by the persistant fight of T.a
StawAt., btwagkt about the appointwtest of
hlr. Saeger, who ba hem duly commiesioe
ad and installed an police magistrate in
and ter the Mwe of tked iM.
Woe of Melt wed.rwoy from the Upper
Lakes taw Sea said I1.eter• Stat ea .
There were (Aimee weal Idea. esti men
who were is favor el a Haiwa Say earl:
aim helm were gathered She Gemerrisa
Ray mealeen.a.4 the NN.•ad and ow Mesa
sheet eeestrweeker wellerways were viable•
ted, hat we may be awn that wbat.ver
.am•l eolw• is an the carpet, • lees has will
be Amok hr Ottawa where applications for
imam m •soy `os` -^e project are sure
Lobe heartily 'rebooted if they routine to in -
lassos • few asestiteeneme, sod sal earl
a meet likely to de that.
But what meat strike meet people M the
walamohdy redectioa thee w. hey no skim
to nee coals for. The polities el the Wash-
Mgtea .ad Ottawa tJovermments are to db-
oourep umrastMrt trade by pasting all
kiwis of wtriNmr on w lake earthing
trade. No (calm. vured 1011 awry freight
from Delath to bade Ger will our 'alight -
seed llevernment permit an Armenian eki.p
to carry • .ergo teem Galen.* to Kinear-
dies, and it must appear to reseeaisv.dads
time is order to give the .Gnat booming •
amass, ships mast be made free to touch sad
trade, sad every form .n1 kind of commerce
between the two c.11.lrlee mast lave the
liberty of itaomhipment to sad fro withcet
soy mamas- house amasses. Till the day
wows while o.mesos .cues will ral.,all place
and projects for enlarging our mtero•tioaz&l
waterways may as well be laid on the shelf.
W. carrot .fort a ..coed edition of the
Wdlsad causal, which takes for the raining
expenses dean fifty per coat of .11 the tolls
and des .ollected, and this after millions
have teen sport in =this( • weal that
mower can be of any utility for large craft.
Verily this "Fur Dominica" hee hal some
blunderers at the helm, •ad the nroesoitis
•f the Trent Valley ditch at • cwt a 5...y
millioos of dollars, which never oma as•
eommodate ant ttung but *moss ordugouts,
is the beat endows that the moo at Ottawa
are boned to omatiane the pokey of high
taxation and qu•.der, if the people will let
'l'HE Toronto Industrial Fair is over.
and the new.papen in that ay have begun
to discuss the yuosh& of success or failure
The News wounds that tt was • failure
Omani* there was a falling off of some 14,-
000 to the receipts: that the circus end of
the show was • eerie* of f.kse ; and that the
manager and several members of the dtrec-
torat.e were &MHisted with .welled head. The
World, the lute "commercial- one cent
"normal paper, takes the side of t he manage-
ment, and gives • defence that was evident•
ly inspired at the counter of the cou.ttog
From persoa&l knowledge Tim Sto.sei. is
prepared to state that The News' aide of
the question is cot rect. Toe Industrial Fair
hoe become • big ymoututioo --so large that
it is far in •demce of the cepaeity of the
men who are .ow reaping It. The ezzhibi-
ttoo has been built up to a large extent by
the liberality of attendance from the rural
districts, and fortuitous conditions in past
years. The trouble with the directorate o
that they think they have 'nought about
the great success that has attended it : &d
the manager if asked his candid opinion,
would reply, "I cannot tell • lie, 'twas 1
who did tt"
A. • matter o1 fact, were the preheat
manager • resident of Jericho, &ad the en.
tire directorate [aneg their tuneful emcee
in oommetano1 with that of the angele.heir,
the big Toronto Fur would be as oaoee.ful
as it was this year. The perhooel of
the mama.rnor of late years has been
• hindrance rather than a help to the
inatitatios, as many of the geotleaieo
of the Board of Management an back
numbers, in every DIMS of the term. or
several years past H. J. Hitt. leas been
the bead, tail, b.ckbor aad mouth of the
entire institution. and has rum maters se
suited his own sweet will, pra.tioally. Up
to the preset year oo.ditiofts ware favor-
able .ed the winds of somas blow gaily hie
way, making great gain@ to the association
aad • oorresp.edin* reputation for him.
Tbie year. however. • damp .f$4,000 warns
Ht& aad bis dlr.Mors shat them an
breakers alsead, and the high -ad -mighty
airs of them big. little 5..m el the Oases
City will have to be slipped 1411. eloeely.
W. oaa toll Manager Hits kid the In-
dustrial Fair directors thee tills t4eee . of
the big show in • wrest nmeeww dspmb
upon the people staid. of Thea% alto-
gether. and • gut eoatributing source has
been the aneetanos sad gratuitous dv.rtie-
ing that has bees given the institution by
Use country promo of Casted&. The manager
and the management are of opinion that to
the atter0aeeh of the city press sad the
writing ap of the fair while in pr. -wrote they
are iad.bted for the large •tte•denoh, but
it this they are unmakes.
Tito work of stirring ■p the outside pun
lio to attend the industrial Fair is does
lamely by the country newapsper-mo. who
reaping as thanks sad stet marten from
Mr HILL sad his directors. if. in any ow
year, the prswietial prams. by oosorted
seder, 5.d. w referent's to the Toronto
lair. eyespot that for wbieh they were laid,
there would bo a far greater damp h Lha
ressipte than there woe is the MOO of the
.shibleien jest oisosd, altMegh this is •
featured the tem that dam ..t appear to
have .rained the brein ld Use enmgeti.
mam.ger aad w .w direstaw.te
At the asst om etas of the Omahas
Prem A.mesatiee Lha abettor of deadhead
dvertMbmt ter the ?aceto sad mbar large
fairs, sad the Smiled .mmol.. erteaded to
w pr.1imebl prow, sold he takes op and
thoroughly ventilated.
THE growth and prosperity of our
dose was for Meg • et•ndiag eminent Is
laver el Me N. P. by our Tory friends, and
pertlwreb was Toronto quoted m an .i-
llus .f the seesaw of high miMi.o as •
pdMy su which the deprate gams mous.
ease a 1!l16.
DM se herr men Toronto be hold no ag
a " baring mad • dining NOM " of pros -
gorier if the o.lemms ed her ewe wwmpmpmm
seed *a Mary right, ter Tim World, edited
b that Torry prof mtiseist, W.V. McL.*s,
M. p.. bed, ea the 21.1 bet, es km them
aiebt pease d i5. waits Woo up by • SM el
pewter a the oily to be add ter
atm s.
De hems modem tbam eghly .edssetted
what se ammo* of bare mad mem
bow presale Oil. eayjw. of •1 THIMIM I
tbeemid eetlmeea IMO poems e..kila-
isles tl*eba theamml Saes mal. em
1 AWS' web at Torn.tgaf er mouthedviwi.g avid hewing of Mew -Mem.. •ranker
Am bet mime he ell meal a thei res M
to heti same em ossa i e 1nrMsp and •.e
mart Oleg meld evolve mai *4 ask heti
lain N•w Year's Mayor lit risahas
IotheIchairw•alhips of the waterworks
.ed electric light committee, 111. court of
revision .n1 the relief commute: now
he is ao Imager the local minister of justice,
and only the of • suicide club ap-
peen to he open to him.
Constable NIenot.trot's suuuuarydis- is approved of by every d.oeat w
and woman u town. H..hoald have
Tbe British Ship Seaegs! Weat Dewe
With A11 on Board.
/altere owl a .t.elt m.beeeer Saw mer in
way ttselred t. the 5 tereay S►-
Tne Cartels. Idle Tees Ue.4b-
ter sed Tw..ty-Siwe.
Mea Drowned.
5.. Iitamo-uo, Sept. tri. -The trig Brit-
ish ship ;loll. -g.,1 M at the batons of rue
Pacific somewhere in let 30 17 o , lung.
119.00, foe K was about that locality that
4.. Olsen, • sailor on the schooner Mary
Russ, saw her red light go out one stormy
night at ass
The Senegal was bond fur San Diego to
Tacoma with loose sand fur ballast. She
wee • large iron ship of the latest design
and wee considered one of the best iu the
English marine service The captain wee
socumpani.d by hie young daughter awl
the crew co aitioted of 27 moo. it wee early
to March when the amid sailed and the
orly tidings wee when Captain Thompson,
of the schooner Eery C. Rae, wrote from
Man Diego, a few week. ago. saying that be
was i0 compauy with her ou the 'light of
March 18.
Olsen was on the deok ot the scbtzousr
during the whole of that night at Gee and
he says that the storm that tossed the little
ship about was the wont that he bad ex-
perienced in Lbs soon of yeses that he had
spent on tb. mean. The Senegal. he says.
was sigt ed just as darkness was slowing
in, beating ap against a freeheuing north
oast gale. By midnight the gale was at
i5. height
Oleo said he soon began to watch for
the glom of the's light. 11 seemed
to him, in Ilia dread of a death at sea, like
• ray of Rope. Sometimes sbe missed the
light when. fib vessel rode the creat of a
wave: beelike Senegal was then down is
the trot o4 tho seas. and the next um -
meat it would appear. The deng.r in-
creased, and every man ht:-og on fur :Mar
Just before daylight the red light of the
big ship appeared for the last time. Tb.
Senegal rose on the crest of a wove, as a
squall more severe than its predecessors
came down upon them. TW red light
gleamed. then went int for au instant. It
appeared fur a moment, tlten wee hot
altogether. In veto the crew of the
schooner wombed for it 1t had guam out
torever and with it went the lives of all
her crew. When day broke about an hour
afterwards the big ship wad nowhere in
been appointed, a•1 it is to be hoped that The Los Mepr..eatative el Carlste•-
his permanent e•oeemr will hats qusbtioe 1'epatar 1. Political Melee.
of head sad heart of • far .uparior tali- O TAWA, Sept. 20 -John Rochester, ex -
bre MP. died at his residence here yesterday.
He had been ill for a couple of weeks past
Mr. Rochester was born at Rouse's Point
in 1822 and came to Bytown with hit
father and fam:ly in 1927. the period no-
table for the commencement of the Rideau
eaud. He war then but six years of age,
and has therefore lived 89 years in Ottawa
and its vicirelty. The family was English,
Mr. Rochester, the eider. h•viug conte to
America in 1818, settling at Rouse's Point,
where lie remained for two years, than
sooting to Canada The deceased sat in
the town council as early se 195:3 shortly
after the oreanization o[ the municipal
government, and in all served eleven years
as councillor and alderman. being selected
by his follow aldermen in 19:0 and 1871 as
mayor u1 t he city.
In 1SEi Mr. Rochester appearedoecandi-
date for the Commas In Carleton butt wee
unsuccessful and ltd not seek the suffrages
of the electors until 1372, whey he um
elected. He continued to represent Carle
esu daring three consecutive p.rhameut..
Fur the last few years deceased has spent
much of id. time in philanthropic and
charitable work, the interests of the Pro-
testant hospital and the home for the aged
being hie particular care. He has ail
along been noted for Ilia warm-hearted
Impulses, and has been known to go to
the recur of many • friend and family
when they were known to be sorely wooed.
In politica Mr Rochester was • Conserva-
The Free Press editorially says in regard
to Mr. Rochester. "We have last a tried
and trusted personal friend, one moat Intl -
mate and esteemed and knowing him so
well as we did. we am the better Mile to
fully appreciate the lose the public bas
sustained by his departure from the midst
of those among whom he has labored so
long and wall. It may not be amine to
note, and perhaps it will interest our
- rulers to learn, that Mr. Rochester aided
in the establishment of the Free Prone in
the year 1880, aad the friendship which
thou 0omm.uced between tit. deceased and
its proprietor has continued unabated and
■ obrok.n ever ,bucca"
. When the new nightwatchmau is
appointed he ought to be told his duty is •
stringent but easily understood bylaw, sed
it be fails to do be duty to the letter to
should be tumid down at the first opptr.
t unity.
ed to dismiss
eAbr it hal been decid-
e, the Star dimwits: -
ed he was altdgoehar moat for the parities.
Our esteemed saniempory is gifted with
marvellous head -eight.
The next pightwatchman tray have
Lha cense to kgow that to bold • good job it
will be .sysuui y to let beer alone aad do
he duty faithfully. Otherwise, off pm
he head-
BUTnow ea Ldead se Municipal "Buehler,"
"Sip's" seg ... der
some of bis Maids Alibi to tell the old
corpse to keep gbtet
We don't hear much about the pro-
tasis in Baron of late. One of these dare
totoeone will ring • obetm.t Esti. on the
The appointment of a police magis-
trate and 111• di.anmeI of the night watchman
has caused • nattering of the "wild doves,"
and several bay. already Bows from nitro.
That nightwatchnan'i alarm clock
did the business as Olean as a trap Weald
cateb • ret
Old Stynoors is now a sort of •
bob -tailed rooster, without • tomb.
etoeruseosaine.s r tar 0.051•* C_
Illealeowe to T.e1us Ide.rda
Logan. Sept. L't. -At Om Methodist
('.alone.e ou rlaleaday the various oua-
[ereuew spurted their repreU.utstivie to
Use Bari.,.. boar&.:
Tomato Cuufere.oe-Superaao.atlu•
board. Bev. Dr. Garman, 11. J. Bishop,
Dr. Willuutt Dr. Ogden, Host H. 1 -
Lovering; rlattday school board. Bev. J.
K Latweley, J. T. Moore, Epworth League,
N. W Rowell
London Cunf.rene-Saperluteadeat's
feud. lbw. W. 11McDuuus and Mr. J.
F. Fersu.on ; bo.krou.n, Bev. J. L.areyd
and J H. Holmes; Sunday schoule, Bae.
W. J. Ford and Mr. E P. Powell , Sp-
wortti League, Bev. J. W. Annie, M.A.
Niagara t'o( termer -Se utendemt'S
fund, Iter. W. Kettle/well, Dr. Mills, Dr.
Rulensun. book sod publishing house,
Dr. W. Henderson and J. Wakefield,
Messrs. J. (libe.0 and f1. 1'. Moore, Sun-
umd.y school. Rev. Dr. Wuudawurtb, J. S
Dvacoi, Epworth Longue, W. si Smith.
lisy of ljuz„te Confect -non `(upertuten
lout'. food. Rev. S. J. Shorey, T. H.
1'ami ell, Mr. Jubu Hull, buukrouw. Bev.
11.. J. 1'nghers, W. 1(. Young and Mr. IL
W. Clarke; Sabbath eultiedr, Rev. E R.
Bake:, W. J .buwi , Kpwurth League,
Hew. C. W. Waal
Slotted Coufereoce-Supainmudsnt'.
rand, Rev. J. E Mellor and W. E Lamb -
ley lawkruom, W. Jackwu, J. K Mavety,
Laymou Dr. Lavelle. W. T. Ter.
ebuuls, J. B. Saunders, M F. Myers,
Epworth League, De. Gnash.
Manitoba and Northwest Conference--
Supenctendeui s tad, Bey. A. W. Boss,
book and pubiublug, S. R. Parsons, E. H.
British Columbia Conf•rw.te-"tnday
school board. Bev. R Mattlaud, 1L IL
Welton; Epworth I ,l01ne, Bev. B. W.
Nova Scotia Conference -Eastern book
room, Revs. Dr. Hearts and J. Struthard,
Dr. H. W oudb.rg, 11. J. Sweet, mud J. F.
Gr.hazn; Sunday school board, ley. Dr.
Juhnaun ad Dr. Woodbury. Epworth
League, Prof. W. W. Audrewa
Newfoundland Coutersoce - Saporia-
teudot'. fund. Rey. Dr. Milligan, Hon. J.
J. Rogerson; Suudar school committee and
Epworth League, Bary W. Swan and W.
Martin; bookcommitte, Rev. T. W. Atkin -
esu, Hon. J. J. Rogerson, C. P. Ayre
New Brunswek and Priuo Edward L -
laud Conference -Book committee, Rey.
T. Marshall aid J. Steel, J. Clerkly, M. A ,
J. L. Black. W. E Demon; Sabbath
.cowl, Rev. Dr. Chapman, Mr. M. Lemont;
Epworth League, Rev. J. Reed.
The matter of Japan tuimtuna was re-
ferred to a committee which is to meet in
Toronto on Wednesday next at 2 o'clock.
Rev. Jame. Wou,leworth was elected es
wpenuteudeut of miwuw in the North-
west and Bntteh Columbia
Om account of the cool wen/1w the meet -
inn mil he held in the barracks issued of
in :he park.
Capt. Mackenzie/sod Liao Brnsgbt•e are
doing their beat to prepare for • mater
eamp.irn of seals.
The m.tiage on Saturday and Snaky
were well attended .ad atm weary weed.rm
came book a the fold. Ilrigltdsr Mar -
gotta took fall ehsrgs ci *. westings
Oo Temerity, Chit Sad, We Rripdar
Marmot will give ea htreM4.( lemurs oa
tee years of reel, solid warfare is Regimnd.
The lemurs M noted for I5. ►.teles *might
hed wen. sera Mermen•, as • very talent-
ed sad ee-eeadd leseor.e en,
eelvatlee and belinses,he. the gift of head -
erg her M the eMhfestle. of 614
This Imo.. will he a Meat M the peep . of
GoderM.. Silver curl./ M the doer.
Tr4eeaT, Sept. 261.
A. T. Some is en the ink Met.
Mashie (Jaw le gem se Owen Nosed.
J. Jarviewill move his Meek into theaters
Neely eMt>fd by J. A. Mdmto*.
lees F. Fotherin.haw Mit for Watford
this vior.ieg to same* • situation as mi11-
Os Friday fist w Hesa•11 mriok.t club
ybtM4 ser village sett played • isms with
neer here'. The Lame Mew wM. vtntnrlee.
by 6 ram. sad 1 'tesla. i. view d this
Maar le r the ease it steGeld that Remall
played well and • eters geottomenly same
.meld ass as played. RT this Mowry, faith
1e the geed material of car team hag ye,��
ly 1dmesed. Tbt.rrow, if acylase
terns up, deg go te Mitchell w *am
We web demi 'Were.
we U* emeara issuer.
Thrive. es geed lead and ....kine, with
plenty el ..raise le the epee air. Hr term
with tad* ekiri lass hos Neems with
its hwq. U ler emeen made w elan..
keg atom el a I0.Mlee reed►, she ems w
pats and plesmat Squid Isusel et Syn.
A ro.brok. nerglar $e.te.eed.
Ptta•srxr. Ont, Sept. 2f1. -The three
Bruton brwtbers, Joseph. Stephen and John,
whose arrest on charges of being the
authors of numerous burglaries. which
have been occurring in the town and
neighborhood for • long time poet, were
brought before Polies Magistrate Mitchell
for trial John. who is • young man of
shoat 2.1 unmarried, pleaded guilty- Joe
kid Stephen. who are married, pleaded
not guilty. John was sentenced to • term
of tunnteen years in penitentiary. The
preliminary trial of the others has been
rompleted and fitephett and Joseph have
bees sent down for till at the forthcom-
ing meh•a
Mewed by • herd rte.
Hat.naz. Sept 22. -Th. Steamer El-
liott, which hr been p17111g between
Charlottetown and Horton, hos boon leak -
Ing of late. Every effort was made to find
the leek bat without eueasea ft wag do
aided to place the vowel on the merino
railway et Ileum sad hats Captain BW
hold • surrey. This was done, and what
looked Ilke the top of a bolt wag ems pros
oradins from the Steamer's aide below the
water Ilea The ship bed been etre* by
• Sword 6.11 and nine inches of the Sword
wag Imbedded In the side. A piece of the
. word wont through Eva tn.5.a of .prase
piesk and three hobos of bite.
r1alNeee reiio.ed by eerie.
HAmvoa, lows, Sopa fL-Tremendons
auseement prevails ben o e•ee.nt of tile
of 11 reboot eb(Ilr.a. One of
jjh�. ne►oiars bought two or throe pm.. i. of
oii..p ..mdy, part of whit* was mimed
Welk email dietrlbeted it te w.LSlime.
The demon think the mode poison* She
@ bedew while ether. Naim Y wee enMmd
toy droklug weer. Needy 'beamall obs 'beam
Good Clothes
You can dress better to -day
on a limited incoma than at any
time in the history of' Canada. By
judicious use of your money an
outfit -from Shoes to Hat -can be
procured at about half the cost
that similar furniture would cost
ten years ago.
This is largely due to the im-
proved system of retailing that is
everywhere supplanting the old
methods. The old easy going long
creciit, long profit plan is giving
way to the quicker and more eco-
nomical SPOT CASH and CLOSE
PRICE system.
To see this modern system ex-
emplified visit our Store. Here
everything is marked on the
new plan at quick selling figures.
No extra profit to pay for bad accounts and other nn
necessary expenses. No Second price. No "Jew" busi-
ness. Everyone treated alike. Here you get the full
benefit of your Cash.
Th. Hatt Hoaae. a T.rt oe..tey, Horned
M the rirousrd.
1'0*7 STANLEY, ()ret., Sept 2A. -Tb.
Batt hcuee cangut fire yesterday. The
firequickly spread throughout the house,
the inmate of which ad escaped in their
night clothes with the exception of the
porter, a young lad named John Dinueby.
of Detroit. He appear* w have been our
4oeatrd with smoke, as the trunk of the
body was found wrapped in the blankets
of his bad.
The fire soon spread to the barns and
stables, and two hones were burned be-
fore they could be rescued. Alexander
Brown's new barn, an the north, and M.
Payne's frame house. on the south sods of
tne hotel, were also burned to tbe'ground.
An inquest will be held by Coroner
Cowin, of St. Thomas.
U1.mppearee Iron Montreal.
MoNMula,, Supt 24.-A small sized asn-
sation has leen eau.ed amongst • number
of leading business people by the mys-
terious dlpaptearauce of E A. Benjamin,
• well-known Lummox' man and social
favorite A couple of weeks .goo Mr.
Benjamin left-ou a business trip to Que-
bec whence be went to Now York. There
be met with his brother with whom he
dined ou the 11th, and then left fur the
station to return to Montreal. Since then
not • word Itis been beard of him, and his
whereabouts it $ complete mystery. His
friends expecting him beck in Montreal
and heanng nothing about him became
alarmed, and btve put the case in the
handl of the detective& His friends
claim there M no resew why he should
rave town se they say he was doing well.
Highway Mobb.ry near C1•tbe5..
Commas, Out, Sept. 24. - While •
farmer named Bevins was returning Lome
to his farm In Raleigh, he was stopped by
two colored men who choked him into in-
sensibility and robbed him of 114 and
some provisions On regaining Isis moms
be returned to Chatham and laid infor-
mation which resulted In the arrest of
Jew Freeman, • cousin of the Freeman
brothers new in the peuitentiary for the
runrder of Polleemar' Rankin, over a year
ago The polies are after the other man,
said to be Duncan Fitment.
Abeaham 01.11 D5.berged.
Ifarrt.Toa. Ont, sept ft -Abraham
Weil, the alleged embezzler of Cincinnati,
was brought before the eooaty judge on
Satardav and charged with stealing 11,222
from Mrs. Gottfried in Cincinnati on
October 27. Crown Attoxu.y Crorar said
he had no evidence to offer, se the private
prosecutor bad received bar money back
and ref need to come hen to testify. Weil
was d4ohertred, and left for the went
yesterday a000mpani.d by W wife.
A t atee.p1I I. TMek.
MorTmz*L, Sept 24.-A private letter
resolved from Rom. In the city) states that
somebody has played • seandalous joke on
the Roman authorities by sending a forged
eabh.gram from Canada annoan.lng the
Beeth of Cardinal Tamboreaa. As the
eardln•1 was well known in Rome • wervtos
was bold to bb memory. at which the
Pope war pr000t. Hit holle..e also Meet
bra mmdoames to Canada whoa the truth
l..e•me known.
$save ►•e.ry and °wellies Mermen.
Funeus0, Cott, Sept St -Fin broke
oat yesterday at Stewart. • village about
tour miles .oath of bore, noise m •
stave and hoop mW owed by Solidi Area.
and • house oomptd by Joe Sorer. Fur
altar* was moot lass le estimated at
N.000, with N,000I.enr.a.a
rave's' Med, te..a
Wartime. Sept 14. -The body of Philip
Powers "Meows. drowned by the apeettl.g
of • beat eon aliahg himself and . mase
sewed M.tawthy Inst Sunday •etrboo• la
the Donna river two villas below Wind-
er, was found Amhrstberg on
armase r n *aetgg arapaker ftid.►
White oat. IM -A
seusled slimed V�. tits
by • =Ma bets w an
lq. b • Gel be sea seeao %
Lavin, W will open this week •
Special Department for Jackets, Nuri,
Wraps, Shawls, J:c., one store being
devoted exclusively to these goods -
We'll be pleased to have you look
in Dread Goods, Gloves, Hosiery,
Corset., and all lines of ladies' Fur-
nishing we are constantly improving.
We think we can serve you more
reitisfactorily in these lines than any
other Store in the section.
Special agents for Perrin's Kid
Gloves, the best in the world.
llgar7L511101,-We've got the largest
iariety of NEW Suitt and Overcoats
in Goderich. From the lowest price to
the hest every garment is a money
saver. (live us a look anyway. It'll
surprise you how such weii made, well
trimmed, good fitting, tashionable
(lothing can be bought for so little
money. We tit you out with every
thing needed to wear. Shoes, Hat,
Shirt Collar, Tie, Underwear, kc., all
on the close price plan.
From this date we will give • good pair
of ...peadrire free with every salt costar
over 16 00.
Further Details 1K the FIRbt Off tie
Mouth of the Yalu River.
Hi. Fleet Hr e'Irt.elly Obtainment reseek
sten or tito tion of reehuu cblm•
May now to ('•5.pau.d to
Ask ter Term. From
Lo!tuur, Sept 21. -The corresponds's
of the Central News at T1eu-Teiu tele-
graphs further details of the naval bank
off the mouth of the Yalu river as follows:
The work of transferring troops and
stores from the Cbineee transports to the
shore wee proceeding rapidly when the
Japanese deet was sighted. Admiral nag
signalled to his fleet to weigh anchor and
form In line of battle. In obedience to
this order the flet wm formed in a single
line with the exoeptlon of the cruiser
Kwang-Kai and Kwang-Ting and four tor-
pedo boats, whioh were tormed in • awed
line at the month of the river. The Japan-
ese fleet dvmtoed at roll sped while the
Chines columns were forming in line
until they came within range, when the
warships formed in line of battle, nine of
them in the ant column and three gun-
boats and Ave torpedo boats In the second
column. The firing at the outset of the
engagement was of an indifferent order,
but the Japanese were creeping gradually
closer to the Chinese ships and their gun-
ners veers improving their aim by practice,.
The Chinese ship ng -Yuan
was the first to Buffer any .ever. Injury, •
Japanese shell bursting in her battery. A
cowlss cannonade woe kept ap on bot.
sides for an hoar and • half, when the
Japanese ship Saikb woe rendered help -
lets, anti, according to the ..rtloa of •
C'titnes*, sank nem afterwards, Two of
the big guns d the battle ship Cbea-Tese
were disabled, but ale mentioned to ase
her smaller pia The vomits of both
fleets worked very sadly under stem and
the Japanese wen constantly manoeuvring,
but tits Chine held their original paid -
lion. Soddenly two Japanese cruisers, he-
lleved to have Rain the Akiteohhl . sad
'oshlno, endeavored to break the Chimes
line. They were followed by three tor-
pedo boats As the Jap•naoe wpm ad
ranted at fan aped the Chine ships
C.122 -Yuen and Chao Yung basked fall
astern to avoid • disaster. The
apsnew torpedo boats fired, bot their
projectile were stopped by DMs. The
gens of the other Chinese ships were quiet-
ly trained oft the Jamad
they retired .iter • .haul toms .re help-
less The Cbinene sal they wean soak
The Ching -Teem was several limes
*reed by .hells. Th. Limo -Yung ren
ashore while retreating and seesaw • tea -
get for the Jarmo, puns ..til she wee
set on lira The Chfug Tien eras la •
terrible plight A shell beret through
bar (leeks and she slowly foamdered, while
haw harm from ail pawls of her. The
TM Esse withdrew fn,m the ares into the
seeped .4500. The (stns.. torpedo
WM. manly •ts.Repwd to pet the Jamis-
ase en the detseslv., hat the Japeates m-
at stod the aegt.eere throughout,.1
th..g11 two or three awt.peo wase tede
le beet the Masse Mee Inst wise tau
pala.h the wraass YeerW0 vent
abate •s.n taaaasg clad mei • Y. de&
lar to that of the Chao- Tung After tit•
Ent three Mum of the eogng.ment the
firing was intermittent
The captain of the cruiser Ching -Yuen
fought bravely when his ship was little
better than • wallowing wreck, until the
.raiser WS/ sunk by • torpedo and her
crew engulfed. The atones at this 1 Oink
are deeerib•d as appalling. Many guns
on both aides were disabled, the battered
Mope roiled heavily and their steam
pismire were kept constantly at work to
keep them afloat During the last hour of
the battle some of the Chinese ships ran
oat of ammunition and WOW of the Japan
sae ships threatened to founder. At dusk
ins Japanese ships mowed slowly south-
ward to double line.
It seems Impossible that the surviving
Chinese ships can be repaired before
The Central News has repaired from
Tokio additional details of the navel fight
Y follows
When the Japanese sighted the Chinese
flet the latter skips were steaming toward
the Yalu river, in which direetlon they
proceeded. appearing indisposed to fight
The Japanese obwd thorn for an best
when the Cblyoda, getting within range
drew the fire of the Chinese flagship
A running fight of two boon duration
preceded the main .mgagenteut In the bay.
during which the ttwports entered the
Yalu river safely
The ('hronbole says the Japanese are
now virtually in command of the ase and
will be for • e,ttsiderable time. If the
war eontinn.sM the present rate 11 rennet
be long before China will be reduced to
the resurvey el asking terms.
A North May Drowsed.
Nrerrn BAT, Ont.. Slept 21. -Mr. W. ('
Caverblll, general utereha01, of this town,
aocumpanled by as Indian guide, while on
his way to Lake Tanregumimgee In a canoe
by way of Trout Lake. Pins fake, Lake
Tallon, Manaus river and the Ottawa
river. woe drowned fu Lake Tallai. The
Indian guide got mbar' and reported the
end occarrene..
m111 Mare r t.veetignttoa.
MONTREAL. Sept. 20. -The Montreal
city council has at last decided to meet the
paar•Fi.w.Md of the cities.. fur an in-
waallpttse We the workings of the polio'
depNts.M aad have *granted a eommit-
ho base tie wembem u5 °ousell to bald s•
inftethigniksa All parties having charges
epfao1 the polio* will he naked to twee
lelmtlti r
no. le J.s1.n. 14 --al
JoMra*Sept.Oat , 811 10. -The Tandem"
k t, Jordan dation, woe
totaRtilliriroyed by Are, the members of
the family escaping only with their lives.
Quite a largo own of stony was also berthed
Mr. Overholt, after Laving his room, not
being able to enter it again. Isco os
Wilding mad sons.. , 19,000 • lasered for
Atte. Lobe nes M comm..
BaLTrwo.a, Md., Sept fl. -A New
York ars of railroad en As
Gat nut tett .Meemhre hen m 000..7 300
meld. .ad ito Now to Nova
Sesela. 4o work e. the Smith Shore 1Odl-
wq 1'n5.pen7's railroad frees Terwoelk
to Shot bums
£Shad br n F.dsbt Teaks.
168015.11.1, Rept fl. -Rima Per, s0*
e1e1 inershaa5 .( 44.iari, tem wtlm trim
this dry, was ria woo gad MAN W ala
L C. R betel* Md. stale wandeg se the
Week SL war shoal N raw el eau