The Signal, 1894-4-19, Page 1The Sept >V the Cheapest
- ran -
le THE las8T.
I)01LAR A Y.A. I. Aiiv* int.
ie tti'
VOL. XLVI. 2461
mas.A.Drrrce N3MWiiSPJf`I.711R OF HURON OOUNTT_
IJTe items from Everywhere
1b gene.! Seward fir e eelap alibi week
haemal!, r,....Ied liner Ilea -
tem •f leas, Mauer* of
k: a.l••r. -t s reports 31 strikes now 1s
j•ro:r• u. the Sates, involving :w1,000
The annus.l nieetin1 of the National L -
o•uw Ass curies was held at Cornwall
The private bank of I. Beaker At ea.
•1t's•erh•nl. has been cloud pending an to
vee ya'1 :: into IL* affairs -
Persil I ud:.y Yield died soddenly is
New Vor1 tan rritlay. aged Mk The
laurel tie,.e place on Sunday.
Ti. "luso of Seaforth has diaprdsed el
ins rl.ctr. light pl.nt. Scott Bjfs pi
that toe ire the purchasers
The Newfoundland Ministry resigned
telneelay I erauae the I:taverw,r datelined
t, consent t• dr....dve the House.
Pun A Co report fi huffiness failures in
t•mala'the last week. as compared with
▪ is the corresn.andtn: ween last year.
Chitties Wisdom, colored, wee bengal at
• tit Lone Mo . txr Friday. for the muralist
of robbery of A. 'terrier, a Ilo4accunist.
Ti. nett presidential elect' in Fran. e
will be held on Nov. 2, Prrsid.ot Carom
will for reek re-eleetiun owing to iU health
At -t L.ui.- Mo. Henry Nehring. aged
1e, el* ulnrnI ted by his brother I:s•oriv'e,
mid ::. in a fight over • bottle of whisk).
l4ndsay Sims of the Sine Paper Box
f spanT. Montreal, committal suicide in
se inebriate savlom in that city on Wed
Iefe Lundeen and sixty fire children
from F:nglstnl arrived on lybnnday morn
Ilii IL Me:chmout Home, near Belle
The Brazilian Ministers of Foreign A-(
few. l'ubib Works and Finance. have
tanked their resignations to Presidium'
16In has not tallith for over five weeks
is Latium, France, I:ermany, Austria and
',semi' Iarm.ts are rompl4.nitlg of the
dry ;kt:
At Chatham res Wednesday 11. list Lard
sou. charged with wife omelet% was eon
tided .•f manslaughter and sentenced tr
lepriiontusnt fur lit..-
ife.lad:. Leesenl.e of tree United Stela
Court has decided that the writ of habeas
servo asked for in the case of John Y.
!Khans a til be denied.
The gray jury at Platt ('ivy M. hat
Straight ,ridge Orients against forty of the
4slirr :,,en and women of that ptue for
*Par progreseive euchre.
Seiler I miiot'utriar and other member,,
et tk. Republican group in Spain have
isr•d.d from that party, and ainunuc.r:
?Lear iature adherence to the monarchy.
.tt Fart Erse. on Thursday R t.allop. .
inudrs employe. committed .uia'ide. He
Lid,reentli failed in bnaine.s in Pitts
We.. 1'. and his wife hal deserted him.
r'bri• Moody. the Hamilton watchmaker
aestelseci Rev. E. M. bland in that
vitt on Sat ur3ay week, was oo Monday seal
t; ;ail for three months without the op
tit/1i of A'Ins.
Thomas Far, for over 11f) y ears a mei
/kat of fife ton and postmaster for the
*sae length of time, did on Friday. He
haves a widow, two daughters and one
The i•ockont of the building trades sr
(Meeh, which orotund on Thursday. wee
0.4,1% gen• ra* ao was expected, not mon
lout 10 (eon employes being thrown out of
1t nr.1 c -mss from Uganda that the Brit
hk germ .t fries Company's forces bah
3.feated Klug Webbas of Unyoro af•
ter three hours' 6shting. Fifty native
were killed.
The an who was killed on Sunday weak
at the (:T R. tunnel, Thorold, who wet
reported to be Tim Navin of Hamilton,
hisstnce been identified as Jamie Orrin
of Montreal.
The seho•ner Yate Marble ran atdksp
at the outer ban. Long Smock ICJ.. ea
Reih.ed.y and was wrecked. The craw,
which consisted of about eight meg, ten
all drowsed.
The :entree' Minors Convention In ass
aka at Colnmtom, (bio, bee atlopMd a t!
solutlnn ordering a general enepsn.ion 04
work on April 21 in all States and ter
Moe, where the organization has crow
The ler uninatiows of lawyer Joseph T.
M•gre,-rhart,-erl with the murder of Min
Martha J. Faller, wee c..nrinded In New
1'ri on Wednesday. Mages was bold,
without hail, to await the action of the
tumid Jnry.
At Chieftain on Thursday in the Ban -
sister intantkiA• case, Mr Bannister was
slat to two years in Kingston Penitent
ray. Filen to the same, and MEM*.
aweh.r of the babe, te six months in the
A snhterr.n'.n grave of gv..t rotignit;
Wm leen ., 'towered el Kin T.I. near Frio
show The grave eontain.d • pair of braes
yaw's ami rendieeticks, besides some as
•''all ornament.. It is thonght to be over
IMO years 01.1.
s•+,Iht meet were drowned by the wtreeli
"1111• schemer Albert W. Smith, new
11igkland, V.J . nn WdnswlaJJ The
wan hound from Pbtledelphia tot
Al L'1�y„ George
O13 who.• ho Curtain, 25 year,
the. C, 'me was In !Amboy.fell front
et.wnnit elevator, IN , to the
111'•ncd, on Tuesday afternoon, and lied is
ere uite
T 01 t anderwater died In hli room 11
hoto cwt Thareday night 1h
T r I0mf .no H. had beasheal-4W
�ttve�nralvir end a "arra" was N
n1 t• • p►.wwre
hipe,ror Pre sion et the United MINN
IhMt has enmpleted hie Real �s em tow
Nt the Production of the U Nyle. dor
calends& yens The tole
p^'Aw(s b gives M lab
Tis newness heaver Ms bas w
Liven Into
• Gerona with the lemmata
1 entrel mud the blast Northers ltaillesys,
and a guars! atrfke began on Friday. 'the
wee demand that the eche•dale which wig
its effect prior to Aug. 1, leird, he v.••t.,red.
Howard Mould end Odious l'yler, the
actress, whose engsgetuent wee formerly
a ivouncet on March 27, are nut to be auto
vied. Huwerd tiueld stye that the wishes
of his brother lieurgri and members of the
family have been effective in cauawd the
cancelling of the .ogagrtue u t.
(mine to time grand canal at Ifuugtnial.
bating overflowed its LaoLa twice the
Guveruor l:eueral, LI Hung 1 Grog, stated
that the trouble was caused by the deny
try of • river god, who had ruhcealed Lim
self there. The bootee claim to have seen
him In various goitres A temple is do
sorted at the spot.
The Executive Board of fir Patrols of
lu duetry, which tnet in 'Toronto, has de,
termined to make repuaeht• t" itis
Government with reference to the proposed
subsidy td, an Atlantic .teaulpsbip line.
They will urge that the bonus be only
granted on couditi..0 o1 sufficient accutu
u.ollstion for freight and reasonable ratio
Elebera.0 taught Wishing le
Ca..,li•a \tater. b) Imsprat.r Kaye.
Pose (',Ll.'.i ., 11101,. April 16 -Fishery
lny.ector K. rr, of Hauldton. Stith the
rnartered htg .\Idrre•u. Capt Prteraai,
mete • rain on rotate Buffalo fishermen
engaged in fishing/ in Canadian waters,
between Fest Erie and fort _thine, near
N'inetmill Puiut, deetr..yind a number of
their nets and taktug ;mule of the Nett
found in theta. There were some tifteeri
or twenty boats etiga;ted at the- time and
there arse .suit* • statteru.g of the mem uu
the appearance of the inspector's tug. In
one Inatanee it is rrpurtei the tug Lal to
tire a gnu to order to -preterit one et the
feats from sinkurg tlie'.r net. to save it
from being doer Stoner two or three
rwl•• of Leta weret!.G.carJ urdreamy ed.
C.uadern ('.al Dealer; Notified t. Est 1.
■ Large Steck .1 heft teed.
IiAHILTON, .April 14. -Local rued dealers
h••re have been notified that a great strike
will be declared its the soft coal mimes of
tis/t'uited States ou April 21. and all
deafer" are advised to lay w .tucks of soft
cord, as tile fight may be a long and bitter
one and a ecial famine may result. The
minters' eoufe.l.r.tiou have Lo.; -fed the
owner that • strike a ill be ivat:;;rented
on the date named on account of the low
rite of wages totrsequeut ups* the rot
Fjeloym,nt of cheap foreign labor. .\!ready
300,000 then are out iu Pennsylvania and
the strike is to uecone getter/1
Prone. of Wales ens Natlowel Is.hsre.
Lttxtsox, April 16. -At the festival din
lair given at the Middlesex hospital the
Prince of Wales, who rre.bied, off. rest •
taut to the Army and Navy, the defend►n
of the empire. 11..xpressei bis
(loin at the decision of the Government to
increase the navy, which, lie Pahl, was the
bulwark of national defenc On the rib
ject his Royal Highness said "( lead forbid
that it should imply any threat to other
.tuuotries. It is just the revere, for iu
order to be at peace we must be strong.
Therefore it is the best policy to strengthen
the first line of defence -the navy. I Lope
Or motto of which our volunteer are eo
pr.nd, that of 'defence hot defiance.' may
ever be retattted by the navy ,The Prince
lovas loudly cheered.
P rises. (:aeta1'. tivit 1.dN.
Seoexeotm. April t6. -The Storthing a
fortnight ego passed a resolntiotl It. .us
o+cud the riril iiet of l'r.wn Pruice :mita%
nettl•M should deny en .xpraaton sari•
hotel to hitt in regard to an armed i01a-
si.s. of Norway by Sweden. The Crown
Msec was not of Roe country at the time
of the pae-usge of the resolution. but he
hot siaer returned and las evening he an
uunnoed that it wee unbecoming to hi•
twsdtion to deny or eren downs the alleged
repression. A dense' of the expression
might M construed as an attempt on hos
part to secure the civil list. the grant of
which be. declared lis would not now se
Tapping Tdsg,apb wlrw,
New Your, April 16. --Joe Cotton, the
racing man...10bn Sweeney, John McNally
and Frank Bland have been •rrs.ted for
wire tapping. It was learned that their
purpose was to furnish race track new. to
several moneyed men of Albany, who 1i -
tended budding the big pool moms of that
city. I cue of the Western Union officials
celled at the station and declared that the
silt of the wiretappers was the finest he
hal ever seen and meet have cost many
hnwdrud dollar it 1s believed the prison
ere are the same who reently lapped the
Western Union Company', wires in Har
Ina d Mmsry ierder..l
Benue, April 16. -Yesterday the police
found the dead ',tidy of a sister of mercy
lying by the side of b nand leafing p. the
("renewal forest on the owtetl:ts of the
city. The body wee partly souewled by
some bd•h.s. lyse tboat of the enter.
tomato moose had been cot and examine
tion dlalosel Sha fact that ah* had been
saltr.ated before she was maniere&.
Near the .Lot where the bo 1y was found
were evi .roe. of a desperate struggle and
some too.pnua of • mar which may lead
to the arrest of the sttrd.vrr.
A naval renter
Colborne, April It --Dread Dake Ernst
',dem of HeineDarmstadt, to whom
Princes. Victoria est Sa e•Cobuotg Both•
will ti. marred this week, arrived yester-
day. The 'eke of !tax. Cubnrg (loth•
(Doke ..f F:I,nburgb) stet him at the st•-
11.a. and tie. mayor 0. the city preeintel to
him en a drews lei orison*. The lIrand
1tn-. er.:e ..assorted .,y • guard of honor to
t... Imie.-. Triumphal Greer has been
ere..••i ..v -r toe-t..ets t*rngh widish be
rowel. 510.1 tie reels wed
/.. IIT.
SusM* Ins Janes A cid
bell .b•pn.l • ' e1 einem )swedes se
Wlw• iper. •..4 n • *caw b. td1lrM•st ewe
wire lad M e - • LuaAga, 1t'•,, .
Field Night at taw Gymnasium
Tbee.d,rsh A151elk1tee LatertaleTbelr
relearn • large 1ileseaare nee YIN
I•reerain -- rrr•eals.Ms 1• the
Isstsaurter, a. w, Locate.
Periwig' one of the moat novel as well as
inienstrug eot(rtainmeots the people of
t..,denc6 have- had the privilege of attend
ug sae held su the gymnasium ot the Col•te leatitute Monday evening last. The
I.o 'reach Athletic Club, under whose auv
puce the eetertainnant was held, give an
eahtbrttou of g)nlha.tic wo%emgte, bar-
bell tee:cites, &c., a short egg which
was not very well attended, ofiieg,'wd'jtre-
surne, to our citizens not being familiar
with the Interesting display ret muscular •bel
Itt' an entertainment of this nature gars
Lem an opportunity of witnessing How.
ever, those who dad attend on that occasion
sere so much impressed with what they
saw that they began telling their neighbor
about it, and the result wee that the C. A.
1'. was relueete f to gtse another exhibition
of their agile yet gtao.fol movements, with
the promise of a better sudieoce. Aud our
townsfolk kept their word, tor on Monday
n ight the gymnasium was crusaded to the
door srh an audteooe that would du creel
1t to soy eutertatnment of the high order,
whrh that of the (,..1. 1', proved to be.
.About the Leglnning ot est November a
number of the young men of the town re
quested it %V. Ligon, snarlerer of the
North American Chemical 1'o.'s mit works
neer elm Is s graduals of L'arnji'im's cele
prated gymnasium in Montreal to form an
athletic club, w hick that wed natured gen
tleman readily accekd to, and after •r
rsngements had hese made with the ('ol•
legate Institute authontiee for the use of
the commodious new building they bad
erected for gymnastic exerct•e. in rennet,
toner with the school, the clans was formed
and began practicing, with Mr. Logan as
instructor. glow well the young men have
sueeeeded in their work in the line of inns -
cuter d(velnpmcnt needs no eulorv.og at
at our hands. The exhibition of Monday
night fully justified the undertaking.
11 1. Strs.,. B. A., principal of the In
atitute, who is hoot. -president of the'; A.('.,
acted u chairman during the evening, cud
after he had made a few introductory re
marks the prnrram was commented by the
members of the club, who, in their .lure -
less white guernseys, white knee breeches,
bb -k stockings and white shoes, presented
• htadsome aptearancer in • aeries of fancy
marching as the opening exercise, whish
was very much admired. This was follow-
ed by a calisthenic drill with Isar bells, the
performance of which is calculated to give
g race and ease of movement to the body
not otherwise c.bta.nable. The applause
with which tilts performance was greeted
lulheared Its hearty appreciation by the
audience. A number of difficult feats wen
then performed on the parallel Mrs, some
thirteen exere•:aes in all, which showed the
wood.rf,l amount of perseverance in train
It g bad been gone through by the mem-
ber*, as well a. patience on the part of the
inet.uctor. The faultless rendering of the
different movements appeared to t.e fully
appreciated by the as emblave. The front
Mod walk and front hand hop exerc.'o. by
11111. Passmore were especially rood, M
also was the line's crawl by the club,
an extremely difficult ui%ecise. The
va01tine exercise was aloe 'an' attractive
feature of the evening, awl worthy of epeeist
n ote was the slow rise veulte of Messrs.
Thompson, ifooper and Logan, the height
being shout eight feet. The vaulting of
Haydn Williams and Will Pasamspre was
also good. At this stage of the preceeding.
Marrs. Logan and Thompson drew them-
selves up with one arm, and elowly relaxing
their muacies, let themselves down again,
an exceedingly difficult performance, and
one reoiuiting great development of mance.
Some very pretty club swinging was done
by a clam of young ladies from the Col -
leg ate Institute. Tbe wrist movements
wt re exceedingly well done. Miss Aiken,
of the teaching atatof the school, hes charge
of this class. e
The agility with which the boys
"walked" up and down the climbing
rope. would almost lead one to believe that
there was some truth in the 1)srwiaian
theory. From an athletic point of view the
high jumping was perhaps Outmost interest-
ing item on the program. Anywhere from
five feet to five feet, three inches, has bees
considered good lade work in the leading
universities and colleges of the country, bot
when McKeon, f.oc ie cod Hooper began
destine five lest three and four inches, and
Rohs Morton Adel stop toll he went over
the five feet five rise, the enthusiasm knew
so hounds. This in a nrowd.d building,
with limited running apace wee eoeeidersd
reenarkabe work Tbe ladder exerresse
ware well performed, especially the rung
walk, which is a difficult exerciee.
The conclusion of the ladder .xeroses
wowed up the part of the program gives by
the young mea of the club, but • ladies'
class it eo•s.etion with tire O. A. C., and
also under the direction of Mr. Logan, Yaw
made their appearance. attired in a oestame
of blue material trimmed with white braid.
The young holies who orenprive this class
have been pr noting only a abort time, bat
their marching m.•..•evree aed her bell
exercises were performed with wonderful
eewrsey, and reflect credit upon bath
themselves nail their ieeter:4er.
At the a neoiusie. of the program Mr.
Strang made • few common/lately remarks
with reformer' to the straienueet of the
evsing, alter which he sidled apse Mr.
Iona to Deme forward, whet R. K. Hoop-
er, on hehalf of the Club, read the follow,
Ong address, and T. Nairn presented Mr.
ioigaa with a silver tobacco ares earl pipe,
n ot se • reward Inc hi. earrins, Mt as a
Laken 01 friewdehip and good will :
Unnneete, April 16,
R W. Lnnan, ieatrnctnr G. A. C.
ilea. stn, -it is with • great .{.gree e/
,.lewd and *•ti.taetine that now, u its
"dor, we review the hiti•I rear's history .f
'he (lrvi.riih A.hI.tle Glob,
Th. scheme IPSO • hew see, lad te may
-*.heal a Ninthl waters. as ft leeks/ t1s
geaa.isl sappers end tl.Nl_lhem sin*
mainline the athlete: Oslo of kteRsr
At your the arsociet ion we•
formed. by your nal and retervy it lived
and thrived, and rt is Jaei to you. skill and
petie0ce that the year hew Pram • sue.eesful
cos. We have 1.1111011010105W1 no making this
etarement, for wt.o is l.-tt.i •'•.e to measure
the rapid !advances ti en the meatier* them
plies, who have *.o,. wile -let front lime t4
time to roar's the signs .oemprove'ueut.
Your duties, though a 'e tabor of love "
egad ill the interests of 1010r •or al the same'
time combine no•. toady • lh•.rouyh know-
ledge of, and skill to gymeasticesercise,but
wisdom and patience an 1eeceine awl super-
visiog them
The value of the teepee. cep hardly be
e ver estunste.l. It .luutude• nor nenreiy •
physical loud., 1.' ibet whwii is more last
frig, nte,tlal and morel development No
one for • moment will es. tempt to deny the I
tnterd.•peu.leee - ..f menial strength on the.
physical vigor. Phe ml••otal and moral faced.
t'es blend the ••m- tutu rhe other, ant the
best trainin.; includ-e the !torso .orous de-
oeloprnlent of sour* eo•1 n•rl (7
In.tttu'lone 11L. the 1 '1 C. A. Moog•
nu, this 1.. the fallen dense, as they strive
so eagerly .o ••.t..ip • gysa.tum to ad
them to their work.
We cane.• ad oiaareiy eters.' the profit
awl pleasure ler ..r. m•tehtnl to you for
haying received during the rear. • e, how•
ever,tru.• that you will ••.spa thisewvevtr
as • ehght token of our .imp"mt, gratautle
for your untiring effort ami wills it our' •in
.•erect good %c ones for your welfare.
While we h •pe'het the memnnes of the
past year may he as plosion. to you, as the
enjoyment. of the• anther ste:n in your mo-
menta of ease, we trust that they will he
•either as transient w.r feeh'e es the -rising
rings which curl from toe exotic plant.
Signed, on behalf of the e!eh,
IL F:. Hones'
Mr Eosin was a snpletely taken by sur-
prise, for up to the 'women• of the reading
of the address he had not the slightest. ink-
tlor that the program was to be cr'uclude"1
in •nch a manner. and it was no wonder he
was at a lose for the moment to find words
to suitably .spree hie appre.oatem of the
address and the handsome gift of the club
The f.11owiug is about what Yr. Logan
said :
My 'Mar Freud, 1 thamk ycu one and
all for your kind and Ilattersg wurd., and
for this evidemee•of your k•nMeas I do not
thank the less of your kin-insea because of
the fact that 1 know I do not deserve it
e ra:that 1 am not worthy of your favor.
Nei 1 do not deserve this geatlem•e, for
many reasons. Why, the pleasure 1 have
hat on helping, lit what I here dune can be
called helpiug) is b.g mtereet on the capital
i for time they say is moue)) 1 have invest -
.d, but the kno'I.•lee that you ap-
preciate it it indeed a bonus sad a hie one,
and es le itself • big fat reward. Tbe good
tellowship which is so eviele.a will, I hope,
he•Iways cuttivatet, Inc I am sure it has
been a greet help to success in our o'ui.
You may be sure that your handsome gift
will be always most highly veined by me
became it is an assurance of your friendship
anti great kindness I ones more, gentle
men, most sincerely thank you.
The net proceeds will be devoted to-
wards wiping off the remuiniog debt on the
Collegiate Institute piano.
EASTI )N. -Mrs. Easton, an old resident
.f the 4th concession of McKillop, passed
away on Sunday last, after a0 iMne-s of
Holy • few days Mrs. "'oaten was •
daughter of the late (.00rgs Henderson, of
McKillop, and sister of Wm. Henderson, of
the same concession. She was a native of
Rothr.rongbebire, Scotland, an f came to
1'•aaeia with her p•renta and other friends
52 years avo. She had resided in McKillop
for upwards of 34 years. She was twice
married and she had • family of five, four of
whom are still living. William Pluto°, now
of Walkerton, is the only eon in these parts,
and he was in atteoelance no her Junta; her
lasttlltss.. She was a con tient member
of the Presbyterian church, and although of
• ooiet, retiriov disposition, was greatly es-
teemed in the neighborhood where she had
bred se loos
DI('K.SON Last Sunday morning Isa-
bella Loekie Turnbull, beloved wife of A
G. Dickson, Bank of Convertor, Toronto,
paved away to her reward after • brief bot
severe struggle of 24 hours' duration with
ooevnlsions. She had been visiting with
Mr. i)icksoo's parent for several weeks anti
was able to be about the hones after the
birth of her daughter on March 21st, when
she was suddenly 'Median down. Despite
the constant attention of two doctors, a
professional eaves and the willing servioe of
relatives the end speedily came. It was •
sad surprise to the oommusity at large
whee the announcement was made on Sue -
day. Mrs. Dickens was • daughter of the
late lasses Turnbull, of F'orderi s,Roxbero'-
shin, Se etlsad, and was united is marriage
to her now bereft hothead at the residers
of John Mattie, Todsh•wh•agk Farm,Soot-
land, on•t 16th, 1517. Theyretsrsed
to Caned* and resided fee 3 years in Walk-
e rton and thea removed to Toronto, where
Mr. Diskette had beets promoeed. The de-
oea•ed was et a mild, lovable dispo.itioe
sad sieved the esteem of all who keens
her. or many years she had beets • eon -
W rest weather of the Presbyterian church.
Two daughters, sired 5 years rid 4 weeks,
respectively, are left to thekiedly attention
of tether and Maeda. Mr i iekson had so
relatives in this oosetry. Mn Wm.
hear Wrangler, who knew the
fami y ie the old Mod, wee with her ant
was unremitting in her attends. Mr.
1►iek.oe was telegraphed for on Saturday
and at (leelph ran to the telephone office to
get word frons Reamer and in so dein,
missed hie trete. He ought • special to
Painterste., from whish pant three rail-
road heeds enev.yed him hem ole • lead
ear, mahi.r the ran in a little over two
bean. The funeral on Wednesday after-
noon was lamely attended. It.?. 1). Millar
•aisles! Iry Reeds. Mara. Jones and Ross,
ewds.tmd the service. Mr. Dinkier and
Mathes are deeply symp•eesed with is
their sadden b re•veseat -Peet.
• VaaUy ■us'ss.My•
Rory will regulated faint!y should keep
es bead • few good, reliable household
needidao. le this se we ere.ld mem
need R.ehey's Laver , which are
the hestgas I "mum that tee
he rat we head at 1 dreg stereo at
15 wets • bs se 5 hetes ler &dense
Responsibility of the Pulpit.
is. weer •11he rreeraer N le rrearb th.
weed -Tae wa.leirs Ms•age sh•sld
be arllvrred 411 wreea Ise -
leg should be alreenered.
A large and appreciative aggregation
Lst.etted to the p..w.rtul 'armee' which war
delivered to North st church last .anday
nhxntng by it ft/ .1 t%' Holmea,ofl'dotuo. He
took our his text 2nd 7' thy is 2.
mimes its taws,. 1t 1ii the prerogative of
the pulpits to create epitomes ou all more
emotions, nut to eoter lute speculations ..r
conj.oturse,but to debv.r a message- "Thus
with the Lord." A sermon reeky la very
ek.lueet, faultless to its literary compost
✓ , very clase,c aid captivating In its
tyle and faultless an delivery, and yet as •
message to unsaved tone and women, very
feebly, because ulscriptural, and,if utscril.
'tura! it must be a i-seriptural, for the
i preacher is onmm•ndud to preach the %Vord
l and he fate to do tog. How far was the
London pulpit respnesibe for such a c swil-
1 lino of unrestrained iniquity, the revelation
of which by a fearless editor shook front
centre to circumference the Bratah metro
pubs an 1 male the beams of all right think
tog people throughout the world beat fast•
ler • No doubt the wickedness ens' hard
o eae of heart were prevalent long before,
but their extent aid unbridled excesses are
a modern development 1s there no 0v•
planation demotes,' from the pulpits for
this awful sum of depravity' If faith to the
Bible to the subject of eternal puaiehtneut is
shaken by courtlydoans w'hote.ach our Deimos;
if mealy mouthed bishops and canons are
teaching the upper tee tboltsanel : if popular
mission preaohrrand degenerate descendant e
ot the sons of the l'untaa are telling the
wealthy middle clamor that there Os noeter•
n al hell, is it to be wondered at that men in
each of these ranks of meaty should
take their religious teachers at their
Preach the word ; b., instant 11 waw, out of
Sanson . r.prsv.•, ieouk., exhort w.ta .41 long-
.uf•riog and doctrine.
•Amongst the forces, mid the preacher,
which have always been brought low opera -
floe ter fire elevation au I salvation of MAW
kind oust has hod a more pro i hent platy
t hen the puip.t,ru4 its potency end efli•deney
have iraea governed by its own ti lelity to
God awl trutn. 1' 1• only steatite what is
bistorivally true wove se say It his always
lora the leader In the van of civil and reli-
gious, and there h no nue tl.0 g of
*hick at can be sed w Indaenre is so Ian -
portant and its results so aldd.n;;, than
whsr a well understood aspuhh•'preaching.
'rite ptesumiatic cry of the pulpit's waning
p over goes tor very lit,le,•n.! sewn are fortood
to ackuowlelge, ou the cunrrary,thepit:pit's
resigning tower. 'Vitt has always berm the
r •generator of stoat most cnn•l .u•• to Le,
and woo the kswo of h -story before us we
e ek w het hu hero the only factor in the
overthr .w of wickerlueae, in loth the die-
peneation. ` The waver is the declaration
of the law in the old and proatautatiou of
the gospel in the hew. These are facts of
historio record and while it most he admit
ted that the:e have been times when the
pulpit seemed to fail in its mission and to
loa its hold en the onoscienno and conduct
.( society It has only been when ita occu-
pants lapsed into automaton., grinding out
the ceremonies rf a soulless anal lifeless
ritual. Even thea
Tilt rtl.l'IT i11 5.1 Till Vel I'R Or Tilt
PCI l'1T,
and from the ranks of • worldly and godless
ministry, and as by a resurrection from ti e
dead. (Ma raised up a class of living preach•
ere 'Tho lifts 1 up their voice. and called
beck from a lapsed and (ellen 000dition those
who had the form, but 11,01.1 the power of
godliness. The ;work of the preacher is to
preach the word and its application to the
various forams ot ynignity, and to seek their
o verthrow: Inc while sin is m some sort like
the gospel, the saute yesterday, to -day and
forever, unchangeable, yet it has many ltd
tics and is marvellously adaptive to verylag
circamstancee of society. Tbe gespel,wbile
unchangeable in character, meet adapt its
methods in order to checkmate evil, acid
seek to overturn iniquity in high and low
places. I' may be said the preacher hot
to deal with .in in it; citadel, and capture
the stronghold the sinner's heart Mit
whale this is conceded, it is not c?nced.d
that he is not to assail evil -doing in its
multiplied forms and create • strong moral
eentimeut against the practices of the
waked. in order to do the work of the
TIIt. i'RIACIttlt !11'4T 11A, is
First. The strongest convictions of the
divinity of his commission. This takes for
granted that he has • commission. Tbe
man who has adopted the ottlae es • pro-
fession, as he might choose paw, or medicine
or any of the sciences and goes through the
routine of hu duties "with the coldness of
a mere official. fills the pulpit as the ghastly
form of a skeleton, that in its cold and bony
finger holds a burning lamp.` He must
not enter upon his work with • half apolo-
getic air, as if there could be any rival
agency for the world's salvation. To say
the gospel is the best is to use a compara-
tive term and therefore do it infinite dis-
honor. It is the only remedy and, there•
fore, will sot suffer itself to be coma
with any of the Inventions of men. here
is a torwt if infidelity to -day the church has
most to feet. Yes, mon than the rankest
atheism. 1t is a certain form of pantheist ;
not • system that says nothing is true, but
that which says everything is true: not
that there is no Saviour, bet that there are
many Saviours ; • system that is so liberal
that it dare not say anything is fabe,and so
charitable that it will allow everything to
1e true, especially what is sot in the Rook ;
a system that smiles on all systems of re-
ligion and all creeds, and admits of nose to
be denounoed as false. The is sacrificing
truth on the altar of • caricature of charity.
and would rather that men be ruined by
error than incur their displeasure by tell-
ing them the truth.
HAS Ton Ilan vrnsty t NT., n .
0o ties Bible or bis He sot' Has Hearowa
us the way of salvation plainly or has He
not • Hu He declared the dangerous sate
of all out of that way or has He not' We
must look Maes questions .entirely in the
fes and find aa.s•wr. Is there some other
Umpired book hinnies the Bible or is there
n ot • The preacher mast settle these quie-
tism and have intense oosviction• es to
their importance and value. To the strong
oosvictioss must be added, .e000dly, self -
surrendering sbaodonstst to the work be-
fore him. To acquaint men wit the assur-
ance from (cod that the receptiolof ilia gos-
pel will secure the pretence and work, is-
. tantaa.00s and progressive, of the Holy
Spirit in his heart, and .uhjeciios to Him
his eras! salvation. Again He must
Claob the word in the spirit of the word.
e.s a joyous message aid his work
most add to his own joy, and he the child
factor in praldedlbg it. He must love his
hearers, some of them may be hu enemies.
but all were the .sanies of his Maar. and
yet for them he gave his life, sad if the
preacher has any friends to receive he mes-
sage, that le more than his Master had.
Another question,
Mow (AR et Si THC I•I'1.►IT na.rl.Tat*let
AN 1. 115 1. 5, 11 11117:i: 55 kGL N. IIIR) U
of endless pnnuhment and no "great assiie
at which they must answer for the deeds
done in the body. 1f there he no hellfire
for the mar kbo boasts of having pertioc*lly
ruined two thousand youog English' women
can we continue to believe that there is a
trod that judgeth in the a trth Lut, verily,
there to a 1:1x1 that jdd,ieth in th:' earth,
and there is an awful reckoning for workers
of toiletry, such as that which mace the
ears of Englishmen to tiu,le. And wiut
shall we my of the judgment that court fall
upon the men, blind leaders of the blind,
who occupy positions •s teachers ot eterual
verities, who are outing doubt upon the
plain and positive teaching of Him who is
" The Truth," who are thus upeulug fete
doodrates for this tide of immorality and
reckless latrine ; who have beeu appointed o.
have aseumel the olfi/e of relig.ous (etch
ere to tweed an alarm in the ea:s
of sinners, but who are betraying
their trust. It is not genteel now to
utter the word damnation. Ifell tire is
hecomtug obsolete in the language of the
sacred desk, and has Mho quenched by the
doth sweat of the pulpit. ltible phraseology
has been dtscatded by • large proportion of
the rising ruinutry lie ao insult to the inlet
ligeoce ot moderu chnrchgoers, an ort -ave
upon the proprieties -eof Christian culture,
.\ tilted. eN THS C - emit sir' 111r. 1100 1/1
Such an argument is too grating a'td too
harsh for the average wonhipn'r and Is is
chewed by pulpit dandies of to -day, but,
thank heaven, not by preachers of "'Flie
Word.- The representative of Jesus
Christ must have such an estimate of his
work that he cannot, fcr gain of any kind of
popularity, of honor Iso celled.. of friends,
of ecclesiastical office or distinction or
financial advantage, held an opinion or
enunciate a doctrine that is not io harmony
with the spirit end te•cling of the word of
God That part of the preacher's prepara-
tion for his work, secured in our edu03
Lionel institutions, the matter and
methods of study, the sources of income and
apportionment of the education fund in aid-
ing csofereoce students were also presentee)
in • clear and convincing manner, and
the sermon closed with an appeal on behalf
of the fund
This least ••t.•wtog Dews Ibe T•wu."
To the Nwlitor of Ton Htunat_
Di Ix Srst. As the "Police Magistrate"
excitement teems to hare somewhat sob
sided and peace and quietaeus reign in ever
m.dst once more, allow nm to tall your at-
teuuoo to one of the evils to be found Moue
beautiful town. If you will go down to our
harbor between twelve and one o'clock at
night, you well be surprised at the number
of buys raegiar from seven to fourteen
years of age to he found thee*. Tb. quee-
tion neutrally armee, what object have they
in view that they should he there at so late
ao hour ' 1 am sorry to say they are there
for no rood They are there to steal any,
thing they eon sell, and with the mosey
bay tobsoco or something worse. But these
boy. are not quiet while loafing •resod the
harbor at the time mustiooel. Ib no, the
coning and swearing as well as talkies
shoat beteg "so drunk they couldn't ea'
would wake the worst mar in I:oderieh
Mush with shame to think that he was
hutesisg to the rising generation of his
own tows. How ma this be remedied'
Allow me to make a suggstioe. !M our
tows fathers pan • by-law tout all children
under tourtees years of are found roaming
abroad after 9 r. H., be locked op for the
e ight. World this sot remedy the evil
that is growing is our midst ' Kindly give
this yosr "moat serious esusider•t*on" sed
after making any imperialist en the above
mestc.ed snapstina yes way think of, be
good eaesgh to .peak te Ike roomed about
it, And oblige. Uso't.a Tom.
(ioonsoeH, April lush, 1194.
far the views of .metal morality sad the sea
entente sad practices of the wren' its time'
fat the pulpit lift its vires aed ossa out in
d meeelatiee of the aloha senditisen of the
day ail bee ear wits/ will Whiniest be
Tar 41011th* Meters eve Pasted Ae.•s
this kelMra.bte care They t•esld bat
4'.ee ibis t'wee M kidney Nee.*e. bet
e.dd'. Klde.y P1115 sa.. Na. se., April 16 The doctors of this
city are showing great interest in • remark•
able care reported from Port ('olhorse.
Harvey H Nell, of the latter town, had ae
aggravated form of kidney disease, cone, -
ripest cm as stroll of typhoid fever. Phy•
sioiaa could not mire the kidney disorder,
bet Mr Neff has regained his health after
taking five berm of Rodd'. Kidney Pile.
1)edd's was the first kidney remedy re pill
feria .ase offered the public. Its woods'',
!al wooer in eerie' all forme of kids.,
theses, has ked to the introduction of
w owrow cheap and worthless Imitations., ler their nos safety, should in
asst onretie( Dodd'. EMw.y Pills. Retro
is large home : pries, 60 oma or eft bores
isr St 60. Ts, he had .l all dasl.ra
The Grist from the Looal 1K111.
A Weekly Mae el el Cease, New• nerved
•e a nett Lver,bear - r/tb sad
Point Clipped and 4 eadea,ed
Wreak tier, nrr11•..
Grey • bliss Agues Wortley has leased
her farm t . Ale'. Thwart lr. at an annual
rental et sill.
\lurri. Nellie, daughter of Willisas
%%'11snn, 5th lin., had her shoulder igjured
by a fall front a bay mow the other day,
Mons . On Thursday mnrniag of this
week (:•„rve Skelton, an rid resident of
Morris, parsed sway to hu tag hone, seed
beyears atd3months.
(!!inion Mrs. (lamer. ink o 7011.
Cleo ler, who died 011 Moaday, cart el as
insutan.e of $1000 in the T'esnperecce Ins.
('.,.: she leaves I ch t lien.
(Tinton .lndrew I ono, of town, has
rented his farm, beiur west half of lot 17,
ins coo., of Hullett, to .Sohn Ktggm, for a
term of ha years at a good rental.
('lintoo : Master .lobo Joy, for time past
three ysara • faithful employee of the New
Err, left on Satunley fur Niagara Falls,
where he takes • situation on the I;eview of
that place.
Clinton • 1f. Flimsies! has purchased
the Moore ewtate, c'enpratng 'l7 acres ad-
jotunog his ferns on the Landon Road. The
price was h1,100, • very gond figure cun-
. i going laud e*Ium.
!Musset, Frank Se Al, of Itiuevale,
n ephew of Ilr. Scott, of Se•forth, secured a
scholarship at Trinity 1lcdioal School in
Toronto •' the recent first year's etamtna-
tton, being titer 1 on the honor hat.
limbo . .John Tedford has goo. to Tor-
onto to take instructiyun io bicycle repatr-
iog, preparatory to opening an eltet•lve re-
-oar shop and factory hero, in ampany with
1:. F:menoo : he well be at Hyslop, ('aal-
field & 1','s factory while In the city.
- Myth : limb, Munn met with a tenon
accident on Tuesday last, while working at
the Muuu biros. portable mw mill. He art
stsndio& on the boiler, tieing the reef of the
teni:orary Melling when a heavy board,
',leen fro n Its place by the terrific gale
struck him across lite hoed, crushing in the
bone. Isis condition at time of writing is
considered serious.
Seafurth : .1. W. Living tone, of this
town, has passel hs lint year's damnation
at the Tnoity Medical Sohool, 'Toronto, .e -
curing tint class honors to three subject.,
and .sued class honors on the whole. He
is to be congrat dated ou this. ss he was
very late In starting, and filled his peonies
in 1). 1). Wilson's office up to the tune of
his ensu to Torootu,having little opportun-
ity for reedy.
Brussels : Mrs. A 4;. lhokson, of Tor
onto, died very suddenly at the residence
of Kobt. I)tckaon, on Sunday, the itch mut ,
after a iwiet but sever.• illness of about 44
hours. She leave, a huslsnd, a daughter
about five years of age, and nor Infant three
or tour weeks old. The funeral was o0
1Vednesday, the I lih. Mr. ihckson is em-
ployed in the (',median Kaiak of t 'rmmerce
en '/ eronto.
lilytb Mr. Tarter was in town on Moo -
day, 91h inst., attending the fuuerel of Mrs,
Crick trelict of the late Thos ('rich• who
was • muter of Mr. g'arter's deceased wife.
Mr. 1'arter can iustly claim to be one of the
oldest setters in the e.wuty, be having
come here over sixty years a;o. Shortly
after his arrival he settled on the 3rd era•
cession of Tuckersmith, where he resoled
for nearly forty yearn. He is now living,
retired, with his eons at Blyth, and a ac-
tive and hearty for a man nearly eighty
,sats of gs.
Exeterc. l:eorge P . . • old resident
of this place, diel an Ile rasa, on Monday,
last weak. He was alt,. t i 3 years of age,
and had been in delicate. health fur several
years. Th. remains were brought here for
interment. %Villa was at r'0e time ow of
the Trading businom men of Ale viltaMe, and
wee exteam Tel y engaged in the grate busi-
ness. He owned the fariii on which • con
sid.rable portion of the village now monde
ile represented reborn, in the County
Comm!! for some years, and afterwards,
when Enter was made into • municipality
he was the first reeve.
t'Itoton : Several of the business men of
tows, together with members of the town
consent, met Thursday evening, April 5, to
oo. idler what steps should be taken to se-
cure the erection of • new p et office hen.
All were unanimous that the protest office
is too small for the busmen@ of the place,
and • committee 000.isuns of G. 1). McTag-
gart and W. Jackass, with power to ap-
point . third person, was selected to to t.
1)taw• and lay the matter before, the Coy
eromset, the awn to bear the espe0.s of
the delegation. The committee left on
Tuesday, 10th hest., Mr. Todd aon.mpany
tag them as • third delegate.
Clinton : Yrs Ano ('rich, rebut el the
late Tomas Criok, of the 2nd concession
of Tsokersmith, died at the resideem of
Jos. Townsend in town, on Saturday after
n no.. April 7, at the ars of 7S 'ears lbs -
ceased was • pioneer settler of T�ock.ramitb,
and posted through all the hardship. enci-
d•ut thereto. She a sister of .I.e•ph
Townsend, of T.cker.mlth, and glen of
Mrs. W Itatteabcry, of town. A woman
of very kindly d.peaitnon and vestal
n ature, .he was beloved by all Sh• had
no faintly. A seemlier of Turner'. church,
Tockersinith, Inc many years, her romaine
were interred there .m Monday. She had
Men • resident of togs Inc seven or eight
Hrn'etield i) M.•lionald, who re
sides on the Leaden Road, • shat detance
eerie of this Tdiege e. probably, One of the
smartest mon of his years, tkai can he toned
is the 005.17. H. Is now `10 vend ret see,
aed 0ers day gut week he amused himself
helping to tarry sap Iron the an Mash,
and meld trip nem ewith a pailful of the
talee of the maple as blithelyenemy men
n ot half hi. or. He is .til u em
in the 'silo?
Sweat ort all hie termites* ands Mewed with
the hest of health. H. sae yet pet te
Mame son. d esu mesa roes by kis ability
h hawdtiag the ax. w. Mw he will be
spared many rapt ret to am ply M t►a
boom sad ass be bis nwnwum Imes].