The Signal, 1894-4-5, Page 3Travelling' OWE'
-O AN» reuse 1LAILWAY.
mull /imus sad Mout Soderto► ao fel•
Imre: aptvL
g lee was
gag Kai 7 y p.a
yd aid Upton aelraar.gad seal pea,
sad Ivy pees. .. ... 71ea,.
goalsadr•.•••• sees*.m.
.......................... .
,(int _.._._
Dttntlg art.
!II roan &Rosette test atlas/, Weston.,
*11 standard an 1 approval local
e jry ua tread tut pealed. wane.
ail teeth_- _ __deallr_-
Dr.. E. RICHARDSON, L D. ti„
j 1tf7rral deallat. Oae sad vitalised air
administered tui psldsn extr*atlag of web.
I •{,,.Delo* ves to too preservation
re suited �th. nate/-Up Masse,
Open Ilene. Klock. *strasoe si
West -
Mee te. ONes-Melseewee Irssk. Moot
Dat %Mkt team Gore 9riUs► YNhanae
u ly
Ptah- _
phfsiotaaa®4rrr{p�e�sr1s�. Ausow en. M.o.
t.. ('. enson - 1ts.rtdeae+e. near,
urd. J. H. sirarwow.-itetiYsas. lfortMet,
.90• Model era.
t-1lll'11aN A JOHNSTON, BARRIfS-
1 ,,,_,',;:til-exs N4Whtn., . oloderlch,
ohms - or. r Jurdaa i :Wad ,store. a. t.A M
tion y. t ., M. 0. Joemort 0„.,
( ('F"rl.` K DANCRY, BAKKl sTKit.
1/ 1.In'Iter. (1,s •e7aawr, ac., rt.•. !Whey
e e,,. 11... too'0 stock. UP
to leas at lower rat el test. roto. (la... ate .h
y,N,:e 1'oi:s•.'ar Hof
E. N
. L1s.W18. BARHISTZ1t, PROO-
lex ie Ugrian* eat
ennui Omen'
.l o. .eulh coition* Leta,.
, t,•. corayr et square and West
Wit, u-: ls0110e. e.r 1".00,1114.1/ nailer. Pri-
ed.,4-o.. to lend at luxe.• rata• of Inter-
n:. r',c•
D. r:Ner+.
/er.. •toikiten. Ae , Gods
Yet; J. T. ••/wino• 44,14.. W. Proetiluot.
IAUIsit IN, HOLT r. II1IO11,,.MEN,
-. oar.'l. 9.:Itellore la t`•luaneerr Ste.
• b. M' c. toteve o. Q.C.; P. holt ;
+ or,.
1• fl K'AS1.11r CON Yls1 AM'CKK,
tee, sed essumie0Wo• - for taking and re.
.salsa PlurA l.ttNwre air 1. 1. made,. its 01
IMnis1k*,,•us or totems' declare -
toes hoer coremairg a„i aerie& eai' or pro-
mote= 1* the Bhrh (*mart of Judie/*. the
C.gvof Appeal for (now* or to any Comet;
ra ierisluc (Mart. All trener••+loe• careful,)
and pro*L''s elm cud. Raolde•c. and P.O.
alines t,•: cemea Out. iAt -tf
teoehool' * SJ$Utl8.
uDZKiCB ![=ONAl1tQS' IN81'I-
It.» , tot. of least *treat toed lquars lop
Nieuwe 1 to 6 i . sad from 7 :o 10 r.r.
Inlet; ,••ashy, Weeny end Illustrated
Papers, .N:ryaartes, etc., on Rte,
1IZXHRitdltlp T1t;KiCI'• 4) LY
usattae free use of 1..•e*ry sad tsg-
App:k*elteea foe twooetweehigt revolved by
to room.
H. -e.;O•tc0 Yill. . HTIVN
►': wdeat. are reusry.
Otderl; h ]larch 1fpla 1N,
Knitting Factory.
lL1r KNITrINt; FACT•6I Y.- TILE brae to anaonce to Ilse pub
Bette he ht. fitted up prrna4,s with the
h ow end mart improved knitting mscbk.ry
.pick 11;11 be r e" t.y e t hon••:thoohtj experienced
0prrat0 • s {;r•p.,re•t 1 ..t. lb 1 nem omit
ef el victims? at very reasonable pryefr
fawner'. sod 061,14 briaaias In thele own
pint to he keit i:,W
seta soon/, sock*. etc., will
:eVy d ,,.m
optte dealt with. Orders
left u my st.,re..or. Victoria and Irma/.a,
• rewire prompt utast a 1. D. K.
eritACH A N.
✓ i.tata.q:t:i:NPftY, AUCTIONEY.K
ni Icsurasce direst, Uodnleh, (1*1.
004litrs1r�Mtea ( o at
*onto in say part of the 009017. 10 If
tlst,er and land vaunter. Osdertaa.
tint. Barter had considers/do eaporie es 1*
Itwe cttea.rerjonfru ,, as is M • ,erltl0• to
arbatts with *scone' •ansa tion all eons
mann manned to Ms. Orders len at
H.'tu • hotel, etb mail to bis •ddzs�,
Elim '( P.O.. ees4..Uy uuaded to. Jom
Aaettw•er. trot
IU tIiM.
Circled -Oodetioh weft
ndalof each mouth 1v tthoe ball
sailer. aglow
lerent•ee sad Hobo Is 1) CAL.' to
Leader; H. J, A Tr,•saree ;
Rienaiwalmt e.eptpre, as-Ive
Dental Mores w- ent.
..05T/IL rA0LNs.
0ODI2x , MY.
i It agnea/ ms 0*Ilalad h
s•tlttotlss. atter a
IK atti IsngtiOA most osaswa►
Puma to .nbeelt that ( byowssttle saltal , sad
set I'1 , right to use 1. Gat ick aha 1•Isar
wieWa 0 hurever°y. which is warranted .lei
w 0'1teeth ee mamase legetofea MattIs
"vr? aro sae, vary 1lttle pats la fee eget
T... -01=1.1..0R113111
h swag asanthatb that saver owner the
w1,. 1u the r M llama= ama= so Irma«.
Ow heat methd knows es atria M realer
~ teeth etwewsltive . Ws. Males'e
rare las it ie
r'emove', larveleen •!a Ns dbIs
Prilervuses. of the sataral
147 rntiseh reresfs iteetel Ions l sad
' ' t1r
My to Ila. t. R1CftARIJSOtf.
guy hid ff1,1 rerget.
t., abeam` tolttlela g►terl-ht'vertor
s'M If 1 414.11 b. ftig 7 /slid.
I, 4 %' a. arysa75: •cerylhieg it
, kis ` is iia hear later) Yaasie
isle* tied, 1've Ms ttsw piteb.r.
*Weed ie thus days of the Remeai 1" Day's Deism a)
P'Por nth. Arra aewspapy the world fns.
O. white M flvef Mall Id ib. far-aw•y,
And dirt) tire .all at the d.N•k;
And Waste the .:ill. scrum hhe hay
o,4 Mark Is the neer-b ru k.
T4..u,p• glitter. lh. 0114.0 ou the ysab. afar
At ..air feel it 1. only white;
Awl height Is the gleam ed Ilse 41011h1 agar
Though • lamp were %wke ase I.riihl:
The row that node beyond .ser res. 4
Is r...k1.•r then new ..f ours;
IH thought that turi.'wrt•4ytue 1014•e41'h
.aur frllo*. IN,e Kreiger ,tower..
The wet., that flow frees the hidden sprlrigs
Are swr.•Irr than llr..e i.)) our 01.11
rho we *trio. through Ilfe ter the dt'laut
And never are .atl•ard'
110 w. Mira• ab.owgh life for tl,rx• devise'
61.14 ever ilk's held their `••a..•:
7l. L
101. tlf.'. 4,.I1n and .10.11, d..U. some
.1161 '6410.4111 h•, m.a-k11eygl tarp.
A..1 the 41 two ►hin,pt erupd afar sad shoe
\rad Eesti.: They are ding? aid Kray:
F• . the ebur* ie hot whoa the Hue 6. emceed
1 wla here and fair mese
tlm hien-wen 0.1 rime 111. 110. 10 11•00ew1
-t., 1 r .•.• 011 the om they • sen•:
.\ ba 14.... that .. rl,4n 1. the salt at the dock
. I I e .4611,4! Ike ars alar:
As hr. 1 there, 44 . 1, b. a r -hl
A. tri« gleam of the du -sant
-El* /4 Ire ' )Manua
Rem. year. age i was tat a sir.N.ting trip
in Muehet atatiel, Na, teems. o! ter tate
Matabb•le war. and the 60.waiblr (entre ..f
the great :smth Africatn nimble. which
Mr t',,il Khedc+may • day foue.l.
King L.. I8-n6IILI, who out lady ruled
over Mat.a1.'l.1at:d but t,r.hd it over.
Na-1..uul:wd ala.., had Oven ole per.
141. '.11 t., r!1444,1 over his dOttt111ioa1. I
had I .t wail lair s(w.rt at smell game.
1.ut was- 4isapp,iuted at nut eowiug
aeries any of the larger slovens 1 bad
h'ear't seg Wutth of 1r -an thercfere
with uou' h /demure that 1 accept:4 MU
iuy{l:'tiuu t•. a. (•'m sent' a truest* who
to t the«t`• ,
as Mian Ibatdtit•n:nhy
tis- is
fete r l v s:dim 'country of the crane
raisin': Ilaret•.':
• our expedition eonsi.detl of a light
• vhi. Ii rev two ;•heeding hers.,
c.nde1eent,•1 1'. drat(. trey trieh4 s
wasgtiu- ,Wet sixteen , xetl bee borer. A
11t4telti•.t..iriver-.e!J W'ti- in•. a leash•
[Wait leader, a halt hr•o41 1..r root mud
Measly oars,' any o:vh 211111 bay: u
41001 rr4unai*s4nvt and plenty of ase
urmeititei aur five dour.
The burrs had warned no of the
'!anger+ of the Ii•tl reit Arid old H11lem
harped r.,util:ualiy on the:same etrtng
'there WW1 a -seem.... between him eat
lien,.. Int least on his -aide. ee he had
been ne erly 'wiz •1 by vale w bieh. a••r,r4
but -1r -Me tern.*ttiona-i. -be estiemlt
killed For two days we had been tray
riling through a temente- very •••erre of
seat' r anti been oi.l:ge-.l to make 1•011f
'tr: kali'• principally at night. The thirst
lay the oxen were getting %efr.tired.
and in the iitternises I saddled np to
ItsuieL& the haltini: plata where Mere
was • eappiy of the l•re•:ono sold. Our
nett. lay towards seem. law bill/ where
we were toll we world Hetwater and
where we erre to csuip f.'r s day or
tar• A1.1416 sundown !espied them and
(eu:. i a lamp/ very 4,r swamp eery the
further .itlt•- 1 hastened lack with the,
go.) tee we, but feur.•1 that the oxen had
?les• 'vert -'I the fact that there V. 1s water
•he•x•t, an their eiini•'kcn..t teary sleeved
It vette late 111•fe1'• WV halted to: the
night, andafter taking the (precaution
.t filling our pots tont kettle's. let the
thirsty oxen drink their fill. We heel
reef. eve 4)111.11101111..1 b1 the.W0►up,
r d th mcrntluit..••-: fell upon uv in a
-,,i1e1 masa. and thengh we, ;miler the
•agnea*. resealed pretty w,•11. enr men
hn.l s lively lime of it. 1.. juts/ ley their'
▪ n•itllmeu x10 ender the wag.wl.
1 teas taking tl6e^ ewes to pieces to
w,t.h them, whets uta friend l.ropuw.l
'a, of es *hh61.1 go end (till a bit -k. Air
6.. w net very well I vlanterm
as 1 and
testk.thr out. gnn thzt bud net been nn
shipped -a h(ivy title, r rrylug a LnIlet
.•1 eight to the (entad. It was Int kv ter
me that I did
The hills c.,al•illt d of a l..w `range of
iron etym.. with spruyte twitter ....we %1
ronhimg [rem them into the 'swamp
which was a huge one. *bout tour [Hiles
tang. and ,rem halt a mike to a Lisle in
width. covered with reeds twenty feet
high at the+ time et the year .1011.• •'I -
low and dry. and affording impolite rabies
'overt. It wits a hazy we.rt[wg. alit the
inlet 06.11 hirer about 1 t..ok a long
loot around with a p,werfitl telescope
stat at length di*.'.yend a herd sit wino.
feeling oil the further ride of a fierily
al ..rat a mile and a half distant. 1
marked them for my prey, and d,t.rnt
teed 1. stalk them by keeping close to
the swamp, and then amending the bed
.,f too sprnyt. by which means I expected
to get an easy pot shot. i told m boy
to tie ;p the dogs and saddle a horse.
ready the moment he beard the report
nr saw the smoke, to gallop up 60 follow
In ••ads of uta only wounding, or carry
back the game. lily friend, after wish
ing rat• post luck. turned 1111 ko have
another sneeze, and 1 started off at a
('onnanght trot.
Prom the junction of the.pruyt with
the ,watnp to where 1 sew the herd feed
ing I calculated to be *boat two miles.
.o after geeing over a mile. 1 v,ntnr•edoro
a 1N ell, and found the herd had moved
towards the swamp and were consider
ably nearer than 1 thonght. The sprayt
weee about thirty feet rite. with s chan•-
nel *bent four feet wide and from six to
eight feet deep in the centre. worn by
the rains. between this and the banks,
which were about seven Met high. there
was a Mite space to walk. covered with
re'. -de and high grass i was plodding on
when i heard • noise in therww's behind
me and 1 thought it was my boy follow
ing with the home having mistaken my
enter. 1 inwardly promise' him
'pickles, and kept putting any heed 1.P
hind me to stop hien lint the noise cnn•
tinning. 1 Meisel mound and saw a sight
which instinctively brought In..lown os.
one knee. with the rifle to my ahonlder
an.) my heart in my month at that same
time There. within ten yard. of me.,
stood the king of the desert. 1 bad no
time to think fnrther than to realize the
feet that a fnll grown lion ways close
nixes me. it is no use trying to detente
my feetiag•-1 simply had none. neither
fear. surprise nor any other When I
faced about he lay down and put his
heart between hie paws, eyeing me in-
tently. and I him i had now the bodof
the opproyt on my left. the camp also be-
ing on that sidle. 1 knew I would have
to are. and glane.d nn one side to see
how deep the channel was, involuntarily
f nip corking the rifle at the ysame time
Whether it was having the hnntan eye
removed from him, or the click of t
hemmer coming to fall rock, 1 know
t. hnt o• looking *gain 1 saw be
meant mushier by the flicking of his tail
and rising of his hind quarters 1 drew
she fere Right.. ane en I eemld between
nays eyes .(]sewing the trigger at the
iami time A ss.'nnd i efo rs 1 fired be
raised hie 1~1head At the report of my
istt 1 hl a �otherwl sob, or rioter
grunt. and. under corer of the smoke
which hung. threw myself lulu the lied
of the waI,•r county. and ran like a utas
till 1 tattle to a piaci where I could
eliunh out the other able
1 11"1,+1 as quickly as 1 could. sad it
watt a ticklish minuted, as the reed*
prvvoutel nae from seeing bins. He was
making a fearful row. and 1 diel not
know any woment but that he might he
on lie. 1 got ..sit of the wl.ruyt alto
geritrr. noel maw the bo'. ronung fill tilt
ten h.111 the dura. All lbw tine' the lied{
wax ',hiking • horrid din in the reds.
awl I half hup•.l the heavy hall Ion•I
(711.11..1 h:tu. The dog* went unto the
reeds un a laxly, but, with the eueptien
of kelo•I. tante out nriaretely. each
ehuu.ia4 5 dile•rwt point of the emu
pass for his exit. JJou and Jeers IIe6Pr
0topped, 1 tweed. until they got nutter
the western. Reuel kept ba) lug hint and
the 0111•11' leu dugs toot h,rott of grace
ani wentiu again and itetweeu the lot
a nee. mine WW1 flawed.
sty (nen,' now galloped up. 6,ld Wil -
ti ue: h:ai) beets wstt•biug the ite•rd with
t l.aex.{w hr toll the 114. • w•1{Pu to
start al.-.. with an eye tee the fleshpots,
dep.tndittg etn the shot. and when Resew
the s ke ear in the rweie. a hog war
(neo the Kiuur, sung out -The beam has
tir.•I tt. the ..ruyt it is a lien • fettle
ily we fri.•ue4 thought it termute and
tented sit i telt{ my 11oy es get bark.
Lot. 1•• :all lits 10ti,u. he wee a .. sate
uteri at bran. and l(se.feel to le alluw•eel
6., .tee antt me. tits tun ...It A+ the
de,<: lent lahyiug 111 one piece we 1•.,n-
(il6. ,d
Ow I6..,, wee crippled. - . w•.• .10-
E1.1-.1 "n the tether r:•iiy i.ntrso. of
knee ire to give hint the rein•, de grecs.
slid beat the try frith horse.. The up
t•u1r tt:sit tree going on was a "robe',
And ori gleinu ve we fennel the lieu :ear
able t.. nee hu front ].talo --bre h•.w
eificientiy a rent in Rebel's side showwl.
(ha Use dea,'s seeing ne they rn.ble11 du
with teeth viper. anti it was 47eript little•'
tiu:e i,.•fere l .,,n1d fire -4W etandttyr
Ly to ,me.' tlte'hrn I the hr' �
• ..I,Artu,xiie• effort mei n-AI..I ever into
th.• I;eilh' uu 111., Lack stems deed whit a
bullet .'a lar head, The rest et the I'oy.;
het • •n.•• sop And ranti,meh a1,pr'•a(hed
t.. !settee hew.. trills the rtre�ptit•u at
11'tlh w
wig.. sio:NI sit resile •teb61 dos
new'pr. t•-oting Ag.4iasot"ant stn• Ruing
ewer fer ballan hone, ,riot spinning e.
testa alseat A lieu amusingly 41, 44
isteeiterine .q1 dud 1.66161461 twee 111.44
Nv fir shut hnd entered joist lander
the fetter jaw. rit.m the lien rai..el his.
head n';,;sib%rly raking him Mel teet'h-
iug his seine hear the kid,.".. Heel he
net been time rriL,lil.•) none s.f the .104.4
neigh' hate• yet e:t as they , diet, if net
weir.• darnels- hal hetes done. II, wan-
e fill f'r••wn nal, in splendid,•..,diti..u.
with A *61141: • ,., 111.. k 1144 tn6ht um! teen,
awl • law. ver)' rngw-'tive of eel
den (reale \W -e c..rt'ln4o1 he fleet been
stalking t)he .slue hent 1 wee ,Rrr. arta
i'•Il•-..4 see- tt+•f-eetiitirtt. ltte'r.' the
anything rine, it... lied he meant nat.-
..lalef at lint. be ,vend hat.- wiped rue
out with .t stroke of his ,sew when 1
passed hint. as 1 w,,a key, 'l i... and
at a eleser 'ii.taac" than 1 like to think
.et. 1 (owe to Mar that he hail 'it)!.•r
sjj.-noi( 11t tL. smoke e.r been in the. net
of ep,ringinlr when I Hrsl mere ix.'t.alela•
the latter. from the ttit.wtt'.n the telt
took. ,. this meek,. .It his paw.. and
behest -in fact, wiser., t killedhien- were
ot. where 1 wee when I tired the
t .-
We went Back to the wagem. to ehei'tor
Rebel an.1 left elm len•1 to get fie lies
dint of the *pray* t and to take his skim-
••ff. When i raw • t:, sit eleew•n, after
tiling u1. K,l.•I a wonted. I fount 11yw1f
perfectly nn..lrung. and wai. seized with
* sir..,:g r:(Tire to cry and to roue about
eh:intim:. " l ' triter to write leu sc-
reen? of we adventnre i11 mr diary. but
fall,' 06.81:J1%. au'l this is alae first tile
,, bat wntl u 111y ahrntnrrill full
I I ti , APRIL .Sr 1894.
-Thi friend .111 eons, to Ih..• nn..0 0.1,
66'.411 'mulling can 11. 1..... I.• tvws,tlot.
Hts rail akin own will knew 11 s441.
Nlth him thy heart ••.n •1+•s1 .wtrlebl.
direct hien MOW t. Io,.. hlr. will,
,.how 1.Ins alter* s ser best 11 gl•1s 4..11.
Trust lane 011,01) wail for a:.
A true friend rom••s 1,111 0...-r )oar way. -
1/12.S I It E
1►1'.SIItE .11.11Y.
When Desire Almy t.o.k upptluit vr1�w.
m)rtrnotw phase of te•cultwm whleb
`x.iui$4% iu deyrhq. a Math hells* she
aid already littered throng.) several inc•
t•t•ssiv,• stage., of delirium 111 her perm -
vertu': attempts tea pierce the veil of fu
tarity. Like another rharocter we have
all need about. else had me:tritrst titter
the nnreays,u*ble, hitt finlike her. she
did pay c3..11 It KAP 11 1.'7111ttatte thing
for Desire flat au 1•141 •1.• who foresaw
a :1t future for lase had h L brit aitw
greet •. 1
• respectable income. is. that she ionl.1
afford to be intependtut .1 'her fatuity.
Or rather. they cute,ffer.I tet lie hidet-
p'uteet of her. since she 'supplied an lir.
pr •ziwat. value to them, by ' lug leer
own expellee a. a mewl. r of the 1.11V
410111,41 ie. lint she never twisted then/
,ill any way: kept her own resell like a
slrat.g.•r..niut \yds,•,. Jir:.un•ulshle sn lir•
t 1 r.•lative•- n.itally urn te their legs
fortitt:xte rrhiteen..'• Ia•t .i:art••d oat to be it tuari
. visit and (*iia»1. else l►a.i taken tt'Ra sin
every art and prr.ft•.e,.ot- that is, she
laud db)d,r.l sit them. :wet fatted elle
had Writt,n u hovel with 11 le•1. spirit
11311 turJlang whish r..6,6.1 hot lie .11s
evilest w ith a uak'rwieo '• ly an ordinary
-utintlr.uu,] unsettle to 1.1..) rh pt1liehe r,
h:ol linbh.he.l it hers-.-lt. It failed lir in-
tersest the tenblie for th.• r. meet than .he
held her 1:*)- t••. Ingle f•.r her •Jtee•p--
TI1Is the- w ,tieu1Nnsa
H. r brother hapie lith t•, enter • her
Y.c call ntlaeu<intu•e• i, to•111.1 lair sitting
1 ngi.1. like a ensi ire. her Jamie
leer eye/ li..el en laot hblrr
-Whet the --- t Ir.: yen«. t rnl'.n,
'IkeaIno what is the hit. .t feel, '
//lie Htnd.. • peiteel e. (se, 1.,•ue
don't eat %swat' t snake, )varNelt
bent esti. Lis ipline a I4olt•, kept, it in
abje4 tier.. end tl:m •duh• high cud
leelr thonnht.. enol yen trill ..e-y.nt
will see -
"spooks' No thank sem eiste•r mite.
- ,lrmnele prefer lawman le ; !.• like toy
"Bnt yon will veneer.. wean slit els.
:-.• 660 .•a61 60.11 11141 'w an
angel uarr•If. tint G •s. ie it tate that
roa'ty this«:t Detre' ewtt•. nduter'
Thrown hint ever: 1 u. t•ee_tillched`
'.1))t vett knew what 1 mean 1 v
Met ehereitt.•li - pruueieed 60 be a
t ,blast"
n ' That is Ily_:•uslie *r
• Thank "vett (letting near tis. an;t(Is
,!e/Pani seem te .sur'. manners.
Wed!, d* as you plat«•, trot von v.• feet
silt opportunity e1 marrying a gt..l mats
'. ho Ivy(. ion: Aat !us. 1evod ren sine,'
van w."r. n lift!•• a irl 6 ,.. 4 Joa,txtn•'(
41.116 ,,•row. on ,v. rt• 1,11511.' and when a
iri;101'rolier 1..11 h• r a 11:911 is worth
u:9rrying ire knew•. whet Ile'0 talking
al*1411 111 the• -r .liee dare.
'Lutru`� , rat i):'..rr' •n4detlly. "ice,.
Ladle. 111114 r. Ase u. seeded, to her bro-
"It will lighten his *f111ctiun, she
said. to knew that he I:a.., frieze" who
]s congenial If he Ili•... 1 ran approach
t., ihr . rry 'wile, .1 the unseen world
with hie'. :fly soul mate,'
Anetie•r phaco .4 ,Irlosi.ea' Her
brother. hewevrr. t•utrrel into the spirit
of 11 and .earns 1.-1tere t.. an.1 fro. bat
weiulp 13.1* (•*6.rnt to IUAkiug known the
house in which thea rick *34x16 Iiv*'J.
••Hr's dein( splrndtdl}," )w said: "his
other (nrud bears Ilia %bar' of releases.
Joel between you two he'. lil'ing In
cl•.t.•r. a
' Rut will Ise lives uh. breth.r in he
not .6,,towt todies le he nut "AO of
those whom :he gods. love'''.
"Why .64s you think sir'asked the
brother enrie,u•ly.
"He write/ Mark 1.•anttful h-tter+. his
must lar: Lovely /plat. Ile w, thorough-
ly w e�,•yM
nn tendsser--is h c r ts,u •••ui:hl in,plit 3*ut r(premieer' that 1 co;Ll 134,1
Lear to have hie elle *sow when 1 Levu
jn.t found him, )..•wnel, what a t1e141
''No thing' 1'141 arouse to rte •eyes -
cbew a chew rltew, ' gargle.' Lem, mm, .,tine
tag hie huyaker itief inlet hie month
"1 'I-- p.iul Gl"t writ, any wort. now if
1 were yen :44. IA -cause lir tui really
letter --i weett t"t, ill to *It4W.•r runt
leases "
I:1111.1,0111'A manner *thiel the /Trate.•
saint .4 Deere 10 itnmr.11ate aetiotl.
Wit raying a weed . t4, her brother
she- Jeri:lwl to see her ",.nail anal, fur
herself. Ili.. Mute 114, )..164) 7 ..,•est forth
ooteeet Melodies It had been.. .il••nt for
a week. She deter:able' t.. g', 'el per
.••:t mall hook nista the Oink mute.
It toother some timeio (il:.t hittp be
461:1+.' ►u' em.• knew hi* 114t11e. Ki rho
:4,.,ith. but J. a Ilene player Jaid a *11.1111
n r' 1 heat lav, niteleNI
the two 7 0 1 1•' ell w `tt.'h.1n•• 114•.•.: Ther',
A little Wehlan with 061011141164 1 Lu':: ryes
eoufreshel her.
"1. 31r. Smith to -J wean leen'' . •
"No. What t v.• Want?
tri. IS 1. 1, lt.:•rr . to
ser.* hie'
N••..'••1 .1.•30. :! •' hiLtaie! i.*.n t
anytetir:ei., u+Ir-. of yell' 0..r. ' H••
hair.. t
any r rirtel.' Int.. moue paint 411111
tlfa s •a• 1= . n - , ,,.y reel t..: had
letter h 1.,'..' . :.K r:tt+r 6o1- I've heti
et. .,t el. t• • !,, .u -
.';?r t ::y • .vis sees, apund
.••t$2. the . iMein ' Mr. Town.eud. lar
Desire tarutd quickly at tied name.
" Yon. Dave
"Yon. I6•.'in•:
And then Desire tell her ell lever
that..hc had made a inietalate and whet'
him to take Ler to lbw hams Of the ante
But flu* ill his home dear. and this
ie his wife, and UI. poor Wren is Better
11.06 elle has :11)11• t•. rehearsal. But
lees laid'..Al know abpnt him. Desire.'
-Take We hone':" she reel fuintl$',
and it reelected ver: inch to Dare ad if
shy had said .• Take ser t.. h••a6rn."
Th• tiro pereel they enconntere;i was
who, at encu' remarked. with a
e reel Min
., 11111 . at dr ont of the leg.'
Yes. and von needn't try to rreewd
it 'in again, wicked. ;nnatnral brother.
Net deabt you think it. fine .port to trifle
with my feelings."
•'Dos., I larrn't d eneanything sobad.
1 t!r•at,Pub 'owe that ted; would resew -thee
my handwriting. Why, white are your
clairvoyant powers if a tyro like me can
inlN.•e.41 )on ,w
.aril(1 *lend (eery
rip s
tt . f .etre money to relieve that poor
J l
family, why owe their tiling this winter
6.. you end Deer, there. he bring tin'
ether friend New. ale. you've dun. e
good work in • dt, r.f yonroelf. lint
its. goodness. is the --rattle. 1; on ice meth
el the naked anti fed the hungry --phew!
I've i,*.1 uhy hawk full 4104 your stet(
•Brat the letters thekttere-"
"Veal' find theta all in my desk, 1
:weer read one tater tie• first one, Litt I
l'xnght the style. didn't I in answering
t heti q,.
"1 think can r.• horrid. and I hate
rots... ••ri"d 111e glst.•r angrily.
-New, now, thee that's like your old
Self. when we to .1 to hare fraternal rows.
.tel mike nisei I'm gt*d you're jnet A
dear. little human woman after all, and
not A Ilindiw, fetish, If you and Dare
are friends again I'm as near heaven 90
i ever expert to get in this world."
It was a net.awakestieg. but Dewier
came down fret the lofty mountain
peaks whe•rr her eon) ha., been striving
after the imi.tst.lble. and Again t.N.up
(ifs en the ger.len land0caik
w' at her Amt.
Anil the 61,14es that call her new are
th.r..•,d her household, among whit•h
her hoe her ba by no vomits silent And
she sacs that she is willing to wait math
thio newt span of life with its inflexible
Antis-. is finishes' before she take,. np
that other. for which a special disp.nt.a
*Ion is rwfnire'el lint somehow Rhe has
a permanent antipathy to any ;stage
gal ithsirnun rat that resembles a flute.
►-.U*el leeteser..
Axe. alt.. in the g.rrlogieal time
known t.. the .. ientist, as the trianxir
e .sl .• (', ,, ''
n the to , tl sit iter
p It r Vsller,
alt'.perhaps.. the whole eastern portion
of what is now the North American
t'" was inhabited Lv a gig*nhc
.islei of two and fuer faded rwptlle•t.
.et P.rrtland. it. the f*stens brown
%tune quarries, metes of tracks ..f these
creatures have Leen found and there err
prol.ably hnndr•ela of them left in that
remarkable 1.'.ige that will lir unearthed
by the ge•,logi.te ..f the tntnre. At that
thee track.% were attributed to a an
gentle epeeieee of extinct birds. bet e
well known writer "sem geology pre
mounted them the trecka .of s0nri*ne
That they were emphibioays e11 writer/
agree. er to their bide end height there
is muse eliferplhre of op.i niun moan/ .4
the treelike are twenty inches front heel
to tee anti almost ea broad. clearly
proving that the animal or reptile war
no dwarfish 'n edge' of the vertebrates.
Then t•4' they are frons three to five
feet apart. whi••h ie proof positive that
the er•eatnre wax net less than twelve•
feet highs. )het be peel -Wing les was a
Lipel, am everything indicates
Dew -co .61 raper.
A eimeipany for the mannfs,titre , f
pipe from the ;..nt.►ttsof the stomach•
elf daughtered rattle is ]being forme) in
Chicago, aye the Jeurn*l ..f t eatimerre,•
a that city. Mr 11 .( Bird has patent
eel a pewee' for the .onvprwion of the.
material int". .1rawlxr*rd Veit gnat.
tinea of ,hex sant/ new go to want. at the
"tuck yenta The entirely. in the epinien
of Mr. Bin). front the Chicago stork
tripe ahem is seefi. tent to keep • large
fatten, in operation The plant. which
will coat in the neighborhood of {Hina.**.,
will be tx'dt*d veer the cele. Monti
I Hud 1t A1et1•0t s` dittivelt a jet, else t.1 4
annul fart :In'1 a wnuh longer me. to
bout. I:rnt•.tsn Erviet aI-tn.
hew Itoau(itrl Area..
To make eau• perfect pair .4 arms for
his Aphrodite. air (.enrge Wale. the
English se•aloe:yr h*d fire tntelel.. and
he pwlert.'l thebeet printe in the arms tot
each to snake his rotul.oate. Ile knows
tame d ietd.urea/ltlg t hinge about w.ueeu's
antis. thiuge that may make the ronng
pewees' who le*41 seerenely uncovered hen.
tet the grate of the multit lute wonder if
she wive waw after all He stakes hi.
artistic r••pntatien on the statement that
itis meet difficult to find a woman with
merely g1.01 *nus. to eat' nothing et
''It 64 in the wrist mainly. he semi
"that we have difficulty when we are
looking ler pserfe•tieu. In meet wewene
nun. the bone i+t too (onepi.•1h0ILe at the
wrist and elbow. But a will rerereel
arse is net necessarily a seal shaped erne.
There are maty puttees to be taken into
consideration. whi.•b may leenmmsd rap
ex renews The arm should 1N• fully
two head, long from its ineertien at the
shonlder to the wrist The upper *nn
large Kut round A ditlaph.I elbow. the
for -arm net tows ttait : the whole dinrin
i<htlag in long. s;r*crfnl emirs to a well
1.9111'1••4 wrist
Then 3Ir Wale peel eu le say that
the pnaseanion of A pretty fare by no
means implies the poese.ysiett of pretty
Anne, *no that generally the n•rer,r is
tone. and plain women have the newt
ravishing struts lar adds emlkiedly that
workingwon:en have much more gene
fully reunited arcus than their idle air
ten. in s.•iety The reason. of connote
is more Jail- .exercise .and o13, cannot
hope 10 attain heel.- *nun by A spas
anodic devetien to athletics. it ie the
constant. gentle huneehohI sort of ex
erciae whi.•h gives a wemau swine fit to
1e modelle-el fur a 'Gibe. Hut violent
*thleti.•s only d&velo tl the mn0(lee. and
at the suggestion of a tnnsenlar develop-
ment in a woman Mr. Wade holds up his
hands in homer. • The slightest ens.
pinion of mw,.1e. hP wars. ".pnis all
the beautiful enrt-es, an.l .nggests on
womanlinere •
it isn't a cheerful prospect when no
exercise leasers the arms aluapelew. and
too snitch exercise• ire*keg them that
bideme thing unwomanly lint there
are big *leer. -e for which 1.. thank
IT, 0.,...r tram Twrrad Nltl.g.
Bali.e who 410 * great deal of mewing
frequently anger a great deal from more -
nem of the month *eel lips and are often
at * tem b• ascertain the ranee of the
tronhle Half the time it is ,imply the
moult of biting off thread interned or
wing A pair of Ishtar" for entting. In
the case of silk thread the danger is quite
marked. because it ie neral to sleek the
thread in acetate of Mad. pertly to
harden it and give it a gond low stele and
also, perhaps, to mese/r it* weight
somewhat. if this praetioe ia followed
rognl.tiy soul very mach *11k thread is
nerd, the resultstuay be gns
lt. serious'
sett even lewd to -pniertning. -New
York notore.r.
ion h(::r beantiful tn.i4••'•`
' Can't t sac 'lett I .h. " answered her
brother carelessly.
t L.•.r,' 1 4. m keel t. be. air
Y1d 1 Al1Re
045:'1r•semi attuned to tips laareemv.d
thecelestial choir Ail the gee -teepee of
huroauity has 'lopped (rein use at, a
(kaki. 1 can hear --stem. •' .11, 1 /hail
1104' ' /11.6 1manli1f11. 1••.10ti •' •
the 01a1,(a•.l her Ensile end Teemed
the ri,fied peahen. in'el MI hrha.l fount
her. and tier br.!it.'r. tnm•h chagrined.
went ,ineetn•1 slammed the sheer.
Brit .mrd' /seethed/ he pewee -Tafel iietrtt-
e.1 Theirs wa..t.•.• ail 1)10•. o1.61.u-e..
unti�.•non* to 1:11 cities --A relit. of ton-
in prr.s(.t•nty In A ►aright,rh..o.1 fn)1.n
into decay. It Led A cupids. en it. while
all ite neighbor+ haat 41or1:;agr.. The
family tired (owtertahty and even ele-
gantly in a style thee lied always Neel
armee rrn.'4 to. lent nee.. knew nothing
of families treeing in and out of Yen
tignotie heal51"..
Now when Hewer/ s brother stopped to
the hall it Was ter rather a eurione rm
stat. lie ha.) heart. weile talking to
her, a faint..1Vet•t a,tma I.f tamely.- 11
was tows far and faint to be mustered,
lent lie ltearl it, at) it was nulike *p6
thing lie had . ser heard hetet.. With
his ear strained he waited. and at last it
ealne again. and juel as tear. and far,
and raga/. re, that before he ..oiI.t test
it tete sotm.l had reseed. H( then ev en -
ed a W11141061' Kut lea*.- I ant. The reed's
of the Leila-•• were below, fee I*.ire
hat taken the• tep floor ter get utero?
Lein liateite d and waited. and at la..t
he tangle -el. ant ells •.1 the Window
•'Mn+i. of the spheres- Yew. if the
celestial tmnlic (lne,i.te of a medley of
topular sire. if i .,en1d 36.06 coniine.`
hat (111 that she can never he a llinelon.
er a ranee. or any other kind of
fanatic_-] shall be doing miesinnary
work. ami rhe w,nld make thin. A goal
wife if ihr wemL1 •,.ane down fmtn her
The very next day leen f ifit.,l line
"sister to lell her of a .11..•ev.•ry he had
in MA'
I. re 1onn•I '-11l all a1N.tit v.n{r termite
Wee.- to said with a menhir ('heist,,
,her 1 ,,1nmbns air "les a fInte p1Ate1
by a voting fellow in a hoose ecru's" the
''mare. 11, s )10.1, And ri. 11, am; it.. he
main*' himself in that wet. bent a
Ir*11 pl*yer either. s• he was employed
in an ereh.•0tra 1 laid elf
iteeire wee at once anter. -tel
"Young. did you eat '• Is he hand
Noble- -
• Yes ea sick chops r'. Kind of hale
and 1.611.• al.,nt the 8111. Ne wander,
seeing he would have start -ed if it b.ln't
Lein ter one Kesel friend who lea• paid
his rent end kept 1 ' •eessfortahle
..lint he nm.t hare a ?nether soon.
one belonging to hirer!.
•'6th. 1 ,lure nay' There was an ...Wer -
•y woman Ln•t shoot him. Hnt nese
that yon know hie unnmic is earthly 1
snp1.we von sniff want to hear it.
t )6, veer Ansi lent. you might give
Llai this.
Delver• opened her poe'kettsa.k and took
.int a 1411 11 was the stat menet- she
had given in .Lorna fey a long time.
'•I will at.. with the greenest pleas
nn. and *del stem. -thing t.. it And 111
tell him yen eau hear hint. end ask him
to Slay often.'
The next day there came a note to iie
sire. very well written and thanking her
in very pretty philters for her b/nee
"1 have emu that writing before -hat
where' .he asked herself a0 she premed
the written 111100 to her forehead ami
tried to pit herald( enwith the
writer. lash. had awe do
Lerel111141 lraeliel k w Ataswr ihe
• Ls•seertaaa's s usesp re 11*508
elataWr •sp4M w a I..*.
11u:*Tt:aat,N•rch 19. A thrilling 06017
mews free 1 humbly, •.ma11 country plate
tsar Montreal. Yesterday • report ass
circulated to the eallige that • man nitrite••
to run the t'hambly liap•da on • log, about
• nide. The shore. ou both sides of the
river were soon lin.., sub people. Shortly
after 3 r.u, • nun nosed Itomphou.e was
sees oomiag down the stream, standing on
a keg and raiding himself with a pole.
11e cavae down the ('Lute at. I'uwe•u, •
rush oI wattets, spkmdidl$ arum this
point he .mooed to ernes the stream nod pais
betweeu the first and wooed pieta of the
railroad bridge Here tin', water was rouse,
sad although the cd.rn...srcus leg delete
mete ;teat /!(alts to pats between the tern
pat. he was unable to do ee and man and l
s. gshotdue of the .01016.1 peer.
ltumphousec sae still etaudirg en Itis lug.
A rltott dl.taree twins, ti•c p:.r the log ap
{.eared to strike a scaker' IPt. k, anti, to t' e
horror of the epeclator., the men was ,wept
.nio tllw.irnter. Ho Jiuppeatal, but n •
lex reeenda neo main al•.pgsidr tine log,
wtarh he gr:..p.-d. 11e Veiled bis I.sly
partly up un O. The !ted wee now on tee
wr'ug 11.1e of the river and shooting
straight for the roughest parties of the rap-
Is • few .woods man and log were as the
surging waters, where both disappeared,
'fo the aatoo,shtneut of all, however, t) e
two appeared safely ma the eller side,
lbmphousss still grasping the log They
passed under the uett iron bridge together
lotto the smooth seater, where, huweve-,
there u still • very swift current, which
here strikes •cross to the other .,f the
rarer. .apparently l)on,phousse hast now
become benumbed with the ice cold water,
for he was uo lunger able to make any effort
to guide his toe.
Hr Hosted helplessly along into Ile mate
channel, the current taking hum along to
the firm ice at the foot of the rapids. A
few minutes afterward he was seen to lose
hes hold on the lug and throw up hie arm,
WIth • cry he mink tett. the waters iu lull
view of all the owlet., a. Ile was seen len
ware. Ibmplwusse was "bell, 3d years of
s e. He had spent 11111643 rears 111 leneser-
ing •t Three !firers.
0011.0.'. 1 isallser.
!Jn. 1. '- Hawkins, 1 ', Tena..
saes : •` Sinloh's t'delirer ' saved my life.'
1,:.uaider it the best remedy fora debilitated
system 1 ever seal.'' Fur dyspepsia, liver
or kidney tremble it e..eels. Price 75 meta.
'uI l by all druggist.. e w
Ouris now cotopleto iia_ .1111LkIkantlese
particniarly • *o in
If }-oil contemplateLoil.litl, or rep:te en - It w'i't pay jou
to inxp(ct our Good, 111.41 brie('..
011'4 t..eoa. To K. 1•. N ItJLeaN11.
The Best in the Market and the Most
Reaonable Prices at
1.r. w.alreal Street sad eels*/.
acv ; G- .I Es
When some people have the agency of
a .ertein article,. then it is the beset in the
market, but *hen UM` agency is token
away from them awl given t.. Another (al-
though they wrote awl telegraphed to keep
it) than it h('conles the worst artii to in. that
Market. itis A pretty clear ease of the old
fable of the fox And the grapes. Sueh is the
cam with the 'Iowan' furnaces. .1. Ii.Wor-
sell Jr ('o. are the only agents .tel the only
Sinn in (:a]Privhthat ran got 'the Ilow:ard
Furn*cea direct from the Huwatvl Furnace
" We eonsi.le•r .I. II. Worsell the hest
man to handle our Furnace in (Indere h. -
Howard Furnace
The reason why nearly everyone buys their Shoes at
is be,cauae, being a thoroughly practical Shoemaker, he
knows a Shoe when he sees it, and is not dependent on
the manufacturer or bobber for pointers, which very often
point in the wrong direction for the consumer's benefit.
Nearly all my Goods are made expressly to my or-
der, and not bought throughobbera or middle men,
herefore, I can Sell goods at about the price others Pay
who buy through jobbers.
As usual a large stock of the Newest and Best Goods
made in Canada, at prices that will defy the keenest com-
7Repairing promptly and well done.