The Signal, 1894-3-29, Page 1VOL. XLVI. 2468 ouut T FI E 1,33JLDI2sT131. N31WSP.J`P331% OP iron SON COUNTY. ,THE PITH OF THE NEWS. Chin Wefts [Mom 1C1111117WIIIMW. rte lams Seamed Mika tenses effete Week raseents remenesd-lereerlies• sue ed Mealy Mathes se neat ingembt•en Godly Macpherson, of Tornio, mot on Friday in Elea Rene, Italy. Smallpox has Woken oat anon!; the ('Mares to the bonded) wanMaw •t Yea ranter. 4 It is 43 years sine the suspension brides cusuertiug Vsessatos and Lewiston wee ► u Robert Present Stewart, professor of .arc st Dublin University, died yeeanlay of ep.pleay. Anan hist• from New York an exciting tk..tnktng silk weavers at Paterson, N J.. 1.' yaden.?. Thieve.. stole four cauJlestiek. valued at l:Sescb from St. Peter's Church, Both well. deo Tuesday night It is reverted that Admiral Mello nap dews elf 1'arany;na a vessel loaded with seat •r Prsaideut Peisot... t'batham rennets has refused to take ac• tion on a request (nen 400 citizens that a rates hell to eet•bli•hed. Another colony of several thousand Mor- aas will emigrate from L'tah to the De - glade d .trlrt, Mexico, nut tall Robert Baker, a sbeep•ber. er, wee found fnoaen t•. death wt the plain. eve motto Itesl Laramie. Woo., Thumb', night The •' •un forgery caw wadi before Mr. toe Meredith at 4niia on Wednesday. Ivy filed to agree and Celan is held he *et *seizes tinder �.MN bail It le said#Iosard Gould, third man of ta deed iwllicmaire. will marry Miss Tyler, ..n soros an Frohruau's company. Representative (limbering, of t smog., lea mittolviced • bill in the !hon... at Wasbuigt.w for retaliation against Canada At tial Franeir•o uu Friday 'adorning • keno+ dot the San Fnne4co. Savings room was robbed The ^ashler was shut sod kilted. Near N •t'h !tend, It.('., on Tlonredsv peon$,•N sham MamenJer, ssrtion man, ems shot and killed by John M. Ibngall, adskeden- ofeet.trwreu and women war" arrested ditentene cora of New York 4'ity ..n Fri dayrharje.l with plying the vocation of sb.nioniss. A InnBoii correspondent in ?Matander rays thirty persons were killed! by the ex piosioe1 t:n the hold of the .uuken steamer (Who Machu -heed Peers is about to follow Hevard. • ex ewp e, and pass a law forbidding the en. of e.tner poigsots witLuet a license from tie iSoon lent Bra i;drlwln of Mayhew. mistier of Yr H. 1. 'totem. M. P 1 ., died suddenly cf heart dissent at bar tarot see plate. neer Port Staolcy, on Wednesda.. Chale. Chamberlain, of Toronto, who pentiated levers! psrwons in the Winnipeg &tnoa, matt. r411 , .torday *entente.] to tires years in the penitentiary. Mr- M.D onaht pleaded guilty of bigamy m, Weduwnlay at the Sarnia Assizes. and eat a;:..sed to g,.1 ntider suspended see - hooding erred through ignorance of m. law. Meruner Campos, the Spanish cots• under has been offered a title and a pewt.n as a reward for his services in the rood tnonble. in Morocco, bath of which le hat declined. Ib'. Higgiss. • Chicago murderer. was hauled .on Friday. A 1 mat made • demonstration at the gao door against pnnd.rgatt, the murderer of ('atter Her risen, whose execution was postpone] on friday for two weeks A pnblie meeting was bald in St lath• shoes on Friday, at which resolutions pro testing against the clueing down of the old Welland ('*nal were passed. Ind a deteg•- ben appointed to go to Ottawa and inter- nee the f;overnmmt. The- .t9:h annual convention of the Aa- Oelatu,n of 1 /errand Passenger Agents of Amr.n. a began at Pass Demob, Ela, 11-e4lt *.lay. gutted" was chain as the plan for the next m.etiag, and the den teed for September 18. The ,:ovTnments of Great Britain, the Postel States and Italy have nuitodl)) n- ed•mm.nd.d to the (iover.meat of Brash that s humane worse be adopted In m- ean to the ineargeet refugees who have shelter en board the Portuguese warships. Two ra:ireeel employes. Walter McDoug- al and J..hn Messenger, bad an altercation oar Aanl...pp.a station. Manitoba Mes- senger hit McDowell over las head with • slick *aid the lens then pelted • revolver sad shot his assailant three times. Mee mower lived only 11 minutes.. A terrible blizzard raged is Manitoba ea lietaNay night. During the storm Prof. Joss au F.ngli.b gentleness of Portetlla a Prior,. lost hie 'way ..d perished In the Moan, being Ironed some keen afterwards Hie rou,panne' was eump.11el to leave him to save himself. Torre Arctic expeditions will start from Newfoundland during the dossing summer -102. to relieve I.f.at. Peary. anotias N *earth for the imploring party whk► was but with the slwsset Ripple past year, and Ih• third to *spasm for the United as... Government A t•-rrible mealieNp1. visited too Anse "f \.wfowwdl•sd Taeeday night and trawl unmene damage. Many villages mar' dev.atated_ Twwty two enamels. 'nth ;mem', six sae oght tho...ed e.re I'Intisdkl th steroid*I.$. tight to the oeotra of Ta. wont hllnaard of the winter struck Manpoths. Sieh on Saturday. Tia mer eery dropped 20 degrees TM wind blew Mom • hunk's.. sad rank damag. no "hoot other Yrrh� front. *t taws in 1'p rem .,' ace Mew that the gale end Wis venal fie A T. gee•.. i entrsal eap on Fri 411 **meted PraM.et of tM M..adtse w►iwImee•s Aimmialbm dellfrai Dd. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, M A RCII 29. 18114e LOOK AT THE DATE -or YOUR LAHFL TJMIS _ SEE THAT YOUR NAME. 13 MARKED UP IN ADVANCE. Doolittle by einem In a poll of over !,Dee vols( The I)ustlmtn' Ila race meet will be heW a Moment. No rheum, was made In the elates of racing men. The Tele u Commercial mays • wit will this week be entered by the Aa.rlaa. khetno Company against the tell Tele- phone. lktmp nay. It 1. claimed that the hell .Y'mpany- hare appropriated the mul- tiple switchboard, which is the patent of Iu J. Penley, formerly of '1'oledlo. Al Wheatland, Pa, yeetenlav morning, Win I.ainl'a nines and throe adjeoiniug dwellings were dad/eyed by lire. After the en bird's body was foetid among the dabrie. lir. laird esu suppaed to have eua.tderable nuuev iu the Lows, and it u generally believed thou lairs was murder mal and robbed and the house burned to rev.r the cnwe The attempt wt Saturday of deputy tehernff. tit Brooklyn to pre0etet the res ploy" of the city railr,a,l at :New Town canoed trouble. lu antt.-ilattwt of • fight she wirm were cl*.rgad with ele,•triaty. Deputy Strmff Meyer, 1u attempting to ure.t one of the Well map srrtou.ly Leith ed by a live wire. applied to his week by the Wra, who wore rubber gloves a..1..4 elweeery to a rsa.asce. Aire,sa, Pa , March 2$. -W. S. Confer, 'oustutaeter at 111ii !'reek station, was •wekeued by six maske.l meu, who go Upon a r..( amttediately under the window of Lis room and began tiring with revolvers tbiough the wind..w. Mr. Colder gut bis revolter and fired the only two shuts that were in It, and at that instant the wiuduw was kicked to and the rohbere entered and compelled hem to open his safe. f which they took ¢:ri end a gold watch Of the looney shall ffe0 b.louged to toe pstuldtce funds and $15 to the Adams E1 ptem ('o. The first one of the robbers to jump in the window landed impurely in a cisstfe is wbkh • little Labe was sleeping, std witio a4 loth, the obstruction was kicked met 01 the way. but lortuuslely the little one was led 9uyurin! Mrs. Confer, who bas beets sick for ..moe taw.. is c..w. pl.t.ty prostrated from fright and in • dangerous condition. Drowsed In the 4Nsgars niter. Nti.*•a, Ont., March 24. - A sal drowning accident occurred near hen on Thursday um which t'tariie t ►'Neil, a young EugIlahaam, linng'on the River road. bet hoe ofe. 1t seems that 4 i Neil cruesrd the truer on Wednesday and whet+ he was within about kitty yards of the t'atiadian heat be became vas: in' the ice, notch .-f which was running at the time. It is .upp owed that be left the boat and tried to crawl ashore, as marks of hie feet ani fitagernalis were plainly visible iu the ice to •aearehing party who, seelug the empty beat, teed to reach it. O Neil was about 20 years of age without any friends in this coautry. Killed Is a {maskwp. St nal at, M_ar.h 2.1. -Thr express train east fns Winnipeg on the Canadian I'acihc railwsv nn dee the track on Thera lira„ uue male from Cartier, a snail place tis ty miles west of were. .A broken rail was the nese. Tl'tree or four can were Warned aver. Two Igen were killed and one was slightiy injured. Though then were quite • number of uther passengers. they escaped inj:iry. The dead into were Ivubermen just cuniug home from the wihtor's work in the ramie One had • cheque for $1910 sad cher for Wlt. .t. Expeaalae !.etas. Stamp. WOOLS.. [lot., March 26.-A t'*re wee tried ken on Saturday, the outcome of whkb ought to serve as • warniug to those who attempt to put .1.1 pelage stamps to a di.botawt toe Information was laid by by T. H. Matron. assistant pea coaat-. in sector of Kineston. chargmgJaw flibson, sr., of Stockdale, with being a party to the use. for the purpose se of payment, of a postage *tamp, obi -h had bass betory steed, with intent to defraud Ddemd•:it was fined $20 and costs or 40 dfyl, Arrested the Wh,kls.. ATLANTA, March, dib. -Abraham Walker of Wena a..Georgia, 1. M. Q A. dekg•te to ahs stats contention, was arrested, handcuffed and dragged N prisou uu Settled*? charged with *laths at • well known society lady. After the arrest it was discovered that the wro.g man had been arrested. The ease caused a great sensation arrow Ike delegates to the con Tendon now iu session. The vee system C.samlwlen. Tom.. m, March It --('bancellor Lloyd, president of the High Court of Justice , Hon. John Beverley Robinson of Toroste; Thome. Brooke, of Brantford township; John J. Hobson, of Guelph towu.bip, lead John J. Mason, of Hamilton, lave boss appot.ted • 0omalssloo by the Ontario I losernme.t to look luta and asesrtaln all facts bearing upon the Minivan views on Me question of salary or tees le provincial seamy oM'..LA. •.se.ast Dvowtaed. ('Aastre, Marsh 1s.-(�'a+pQt�aln Willem, au •erenant. want up in • bnitios yeeterdsy Moo a spot near the amsbore. After aesssdiag about 900 feet the Wanton wee caught in a stream triad swirl was blows sward. Wilson opened the valve. but was apparently enable to chute it a be seared the surface of the water. The balloon dropped like a shot into the Sea and Willson was drowned. levellekie.1. Pi.mss. Ottawa.. March 11, -Henry Maynard, known to many an the "English plenan• hosged himself In hie shop het night O..etable Laughlin. who was on duty on Tort street, discovered Maynard's body suspended to the cellar of be plane 'water day. Maynard was from Montreal, when he leaves • widow and famine Mew S Ass • 'setwllNtM" nates. Iced 96 " lissllrb " Soap whets Marls. the wane (" Why Dees a wears Leek Old /teener Thos • Maa ") N Levee Rem, Lod., 43 Awtt+t Termite, and yen .i11 reesiee bl pas a pretty petters. fret from d og, mrd troll worth freedom. This is as away ay to demist* your hems The Beep a the beet im the eerrke and it will mild MM la oestsde w sled in the wrnp�ese� Nwoe. vtowns the 'Ude 49•111.L7eAe Sema sane eslmlanl. ly ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. BYsleess Befou' the i.in • INK tsMs *seed 1. ersonssily reels leers seas Lally .f r.r.aalba a1 sler- IM. [estimates Ile MGale .. sae Gadget. TuaosTo, Marcia 20. --The Speaker took the choir at :S o'clock, when after receiving a uumbec .'f petition" the folli.wtrng new .rolls were lotru.taosd said read • bast tion.; Mr Field -To • nsud the Aremmeut Act, eta to aweud the M.nica}al Act, jar Olieer Mowat -'1'o elect Nap:ming into • provincial and judicial district. Sir Diver Mowat-Re.pecting the site of time new Legislative am l depertwent•1 bullutu .. s. lar. (Gibson -To aware the prompt nano ishineut of peewit, guilty- of pers..untwn at vie,.ions of the Leg Watt te .t.embly. Mr. t ,eudu,wuy moved tor ■n order of the (louse for • return tit 4.1 cuuvict em u nder the liquor Licensee Act in the rid tug of North Omens during tee year 1893 mad the particulars ' This was earned. Mr. t;ibsotm *Huron) inured fob a order of the House fur • return show lug the uuw)er df acre. told by the Geveruweut 1; what was Balled the disputed territory, and .huwtny; also the number of square mile+.•f timber limits under 11ewu.e then iu, whet Iva accrued by way of revenue up to March 15, 1 WN. Mt \Motley 'moved the sec 1 reading of bill No 111. to amend the Munictpal Act. Ile expoained that by the present lsw the qusuticat;uus for a candidate for election to a Muuiciqa I Connell must s y e• ,ear .,n the fart nosed aee.rW .it roll snit where through defau:t of utistake on the parte.t tLe assessor the property glail- ficaUuu did meet appear on the loll the per - au or candidate was disqualified. He proposed nutter his new alwa,dmrut to abolish the necse0lty of the gnahfi:atiou appearing on the aseeeetuent roll. lomorro. March 21.-11r. McKay, of I oxford, resumed the debate on the budget in the Legislature yesterday. 'l he dew'. was taken op with the amendment 1 y Mr. Wooed• (Hna,t i provid- ing for the abolition of the gee system, and hotel unci. six o'clock. After et•ese the debate was resumed, the speaker& being Messrs. Claucy,4.IcCull, Ryerson, 1-ai', McCleary. Godwin, Wood , I:nut'. Willoughby and Carrow. .A vote was tbeu take:, un Mr. Wood's amendment to the motion to go into Com- idittee of Supply, de.l•riug for the obi Boon of the leo system mod the appoint- ment of registrar. 1.441 other county otmei•ls by municipal bodies, with the result that the amendment was lust by 40 to 16. Meson" McCallum ant' Mclaughtou, the P P.A. and Patrons .•t Industry members r.spectively-, voted sur the aulsudmeut. The mtd1u0 was then declared carried, 1.9•1 the House went tutu Committee of r•uppiy. Mr Oliver Mowat moTet that when the House adjourn* ,.n Thur*d•y ii stand ad• loomed uritis Monday at 8 p. in. T,am.tn,, Manch 2'S--lu the Legaolature yesterday ame dlacnesion was raised ma the ado ,..n of Mr. White fur an order of the Manse fur • return oI a copy of the rel.•'rt of the jnntor judge of the county 0t Essen, reps:lig to the dismissal or resigna- tion of Aureole 1'ac•nd, bahtf,together wltb cordes of all documents relating to the "natter. Mr. Ryerson moved for an order of the !louse for a ranee giving the rime of each calf offered fur sale from the thmtarlo Ct- perimeutel Tarns and Dairy iu 1893. the name of tits dem of each calf; when tech dam ws* pnrehased; to whom each caiJ was sold; the number cl Koeh inoculations each rail WAS aubjeete4o; the temperature atter each injection and the dates of the e injections. After ernes Mr. Guthrie mourned the debate on Yr. Meredith's motion tor Men flint sessions and was followed by Messrs. Whitney and Gnrenw. Sir Oliver Monet slid he saw no twos why • square rote should not be tattle - for or against bieuidisl mesion He sug grated that hie hon. friends (Mesas. O'Connor and Clancy) should withdraw the ant.ndneut and the amendment to the sawed went Mr. Meredith said that it seemed to bits • most desirable thing that there should be a square vote, uwmb•rrwed by the ameudm.nt or the amendment to the amendment. He thought members of the Howse could go with very baprace to the country and say that they bad sal there during the present Parliemeat and drawn $1100 each. and not w very long ago unanimously ezprired • desire that the in- demnity 'should be increased to 1600, .•d admit that they had pueketed the old, sed Inform the incoming members that they should cooly receive i:RNI. Meer.. G'('.nnor and Cheney eoraeeeted to the withdrawal of their amendments, and • vote of the Hone wee taken on Mr. Meredith's motion m favor of biennial [tea moron, with the result that It was defeated by 31 to 16. Memo. McCallum sad Me - Naughton noted with the Government Timone°, M.reh 24 --In the Have em Thoesday Hoa. Mr. ilardy's bills reopen - Mg ditches and water rearms and so 0014• mondab and amend the dramatis laws wen reed • second tone and referred to come Minn. Hon. Mr. Ross' bill resperting Upper Commode College after some dieceseioo wee read • second titre. Hos. Mr. Gibson's bill respecting mort- gages sad sslea of personal proper•,y pe•a 14 Oa second reeding. lion. Mr Harpy'. bill to establish • pro- vincial park at Honde•n passed its wooed reading. The A t4wry c ;enteral moved las eseo.d reading et the bill to facilitate the ad- ministration of judice Is the Rainy aver Maria. The ensues pawed Three ether bills by the Atlofry-U.sersl- to fa - 1..d the power of the High Court Is re- epeet to mating m•lateamee to 1af.aN re.pretiag the aaismnisattos of rea'T4 es .*.01 to otknries seemed woes seder ace to• �baar 4.w -aims prised ssw paed t heir nd W, Mme's NU to •reed the Patine -1 - r Deana Art its hn,Omo renting. Tide bill by the Attorney tdener.l re- specting certain Julies of ,•"rover., passed Its secuad readlug. The Home writ lot. ...townie* of Supply. A number of items iu the estimates under the heeding al ei.0 government wen pend. Aaalast Catsa1Ns14 COM, Sepses kende. Lo'aus, Maws 24 -Th. Right Hon Herbert Gardner, President .'f the BTiu.h hoard of Agriculture, will receive, on April 3n1, a deputation Runt two Chambers of Agriculture of the C'uited Kingdom and from the Royal Society. iu reference ruche cattle trade of Great Britain. ' 11 a learned that thew d*putalwue will urge prol.osal• amtagti,mstic to the lomu:iou of p'anda's cattle export trade, au.! t.. this rad will Wats., strung repr...eutations urging that all imported cattle shall be slaughtered at the port of laed111e. Penh lbl ttw'ls Campine New Vona, March 24.-A "rectal from Charleston. S 1'_, „aye The wt,iskry .von stahulary of Charleetten are teviug their own way now and are gu.ug into pri.ate Louses indiscriminately, insulting 111* residents and bullring everybody. THE DEATH RECORD. f:REE. We are .Art• sorry indeed) 10 re- cord the death of Mrs. (prey, wife of Mr. Stephen 1:rey, of the 13th con., which oc- rurred on Tuesday, at the age of 59 years Iteceasod had been in poor health for wee time, but her death was not expected. She was a sister to the Iste 11. Snell, and had a very wide circle of acquaintances. She leaves six mos and three daughten,two of tbewrmarried, being Mn. Mothers and Mrs. Mustard. BROWN -Another removal by death of s most ntimable woman, a that of Mrs Brown, wife of John Brown, of the 13.h cos., •ko • sister of the late H Snell,which occurred on Tuesday u( lest week, after an thorns of several months. She was a wem- ber of the 14.11 Presbyterian church, and leaves one son and three daughters --one of the latter being the Ude el H. Kelly. GEORGE SACKETT'S CASE. eelsteleen raps a Meld taea•atle• -wee Mot of le d4 . 141d.et rills ear,. thole fellow raters .r r.ekarke sad Wilmer el.ra.e. Itol.'To* ., March 2n -This quiet village is in as uproar of excitement lust now Ayer tbe case of Geo. Sackett, a well-known re- sident. His experience has had many parallels in other places, loot none here. I)n. bot .d Dodd's Kidney rills cured him of severe backache mod kidney disease of long standing, after be had tried every other remedy within his reach, but without gond results. There pills are manufaceured by Dr. 1 . A. Smith & Co., Toronto mod are sold by all dealers, or will be mailed oe rc. oeipt of price : fifty cents ler box, or six bone for 12.50. POPLAR i1tOW Moieay, Meek 96. .1..1. Wright masa visiting ah Peplae Row last week IVs think the sailor at the Nile will be all right now. Ile u home. Joseph and ('bales Morass, with their wives, spent goal Friday at Morrisdale farm. Tien i* • young `ibephard from nese the Nile looking atter o0e of the lambs Clear 1'..plar. Ito.. Harry Morris went to Seaforth Inst week to delis sr a horse that hs sold to • Mr. Graham to be shipped to the old country. Truth 1. Slgbty. F EVA' lyses A.0n11, lint., March 24th, 1834. J. M. Md Lion, I;oderich : DsaaSit,--When 1 saw the extraordin- ary change that took place in the case of William Cowan- -although hos case was not like mias- and heard so much of the cures you made, 1 felt convinced and pinked up courses, thiakieg [bat when von cured him you condi surely cure me. whether it was the stomach anly that affected mew much, of indigestiom, or something else. i felt sure myeelt it was dyspepsia from which I suffered fes over two years. 1 was certain- ly aissr bie and unfit for anything. 1loot- ed like on gains lute ooasumptieu. cud was told 1 was bordering w it, st sot actually in it wheat i went to see you is 1892. I don - toted two years with local dootas without deriving .ay basset I took your valuable System Re.mtar for six weeks only wham I was like • new moa_ After 1bat 1 nano took w scan bottle of it. Aad sines tins I bane rt bed an attack et the stmai symptom of my old trouble. I ant k- lut-mese elythinkfs'-foray cure through yes, ltd I want to give my simple tribute of pram •ad gratitude to year easdieiaes,to yes ad to these was guided nee to °Me- rit►. 1 sea saw ever toe yam • sew m••, skis to work every day, eat well .aid with a reed apprthe every time, wittiest say signs or g raptome e/ dyepers* u the stom- ach, is the sheet er is the from all of which 1 eufs.wd se as to be almost a per- fect er feet .reek lel le brag. Send the onbelea • Ing to me, •d I ma tell sad show the good your medials bas thee in my can. Short - da1 .her I ger eared 1 west with my two sehtera, both of whom had long suffered, to get your &d.iea i hod eo.e.lted several doctors, .0 of whom had tad me that meth ism more mead be des* .ad this after spending hundreds of dollars. l-ou rive tie R. A. Miler men's liairent for t heir tremble, to M as directed wader - math the &ad is four uestbs beth moss ■plssdidly, .aid they ha.t bees quite wail ever eines. This was • sur- prise b es sad to may sera 1 most add that tiny took the System Reeov.ter .11 the time. R seemed net only to strengthen them, but to heal from within as well as the seaward .ppliemins. 1 hays, therefore, stat further plsamure is giving this testi- mony 1. 1.t. vane sad virtues of year med- idsa 1 !num! them to be sen to de jest I what they wen reeostsraded to do I what my letter given to tae petite. At,aoo I. 1 aTTrawt*, Blyth 1' O Let week Jolla Brews lest•.al- r�klm dry draft yearlinr colt. 1t wee= esins ether bereft whys Ase e1 Welted IM eat ea Ase of the boat leer, brielldat N .4, plana.. The gdtiel W bo M. D. McGILLICUDDY, PRorR DOMINION PARLIAMENT. j were rr,ll..,, Inji"" b. ,wap :eg oltt of the wiu•luww The charred bodies of we young grunion matt., e.ept u. the top Moor were found in the ruin What Is /nee from NNOafilspy Many .1 thurw who "caped were severely bururi TM (lase .1 Ila eg ba1. ea Ile Addreea- •glIalNa for Reduced balls: el Fare The t..1. la Ike t ..a.l sad wet.ree*► triage, Ortawa, March 90. --The debate on the addrees cl,.»e,1 rather uueupe•t.dly .t 111 o'clock last evening when Hon. Mr. Koster gave notice .d a motion to go into Committee of Supply on V$ ednwday, which means the oe.iv.ry of the budget spee.•u before the ndjourumeut fur the Easter holidays. 'Fide Senate ye..rday afteruo.an began the debate on the • Idris*, but did not finish, the uuly sueaken bring Senator Ferguson, 1 asgrau, Scott and Moore. Sir Jo1111 'll.vn.ps.u, sn reply to Mr. bwais, of 11otario. said that the *abject of tubercula.uo Wu at prr*eut being Studied by the- Agricultural Detariwent, mad oil the result ut thew studies would depend whet 1-gtelatton, it any, be intr.deced. A tares number of petitions Acre pre. mutedfrom lau.•r ulgati:rntions caking fur a reduced railway far •, 1.. wake Je t.u.tt- w poet u.ic, wrings bank* payanle on de loa:d41 slid to taake labor d.) a 'statutory holiday. err se; a. Starch 11. -Turn were three Lille iutr.etu1eel its the Ilou.e yrterd-.y and that '1.1* practically ail the (maimed.+ done bola"n'1 wotiug tor as. returns and the preee:.tatluu of the erutnates. I tun of the Lelia, however, create.! .elite • little flurry (or a short time. It wee that of lir. Mc- Carthy, to alx.lis1 Sepatste schools and dual language in the Northwest Territories, Mr. Mulock moved for • return of all correipoudeuee relating to the pinion .4 Messrs. Counoily and McGreevy. No die ottasiun took place thereon, Sir John proashong that then should he no un uecessary delay in furnishing U. At the clues of the session a number of prominent 1 )rangmeu now 10 session here entered) the chamber. escorted by Hou. l:.arks Wallace mad Mr. Saab Ifni/bee, and wen wtruduced to Sir Jutm Tborups.uu in t urn. 1 h. (government has fixed Tuesday March 2; as the day cm which the Miui+.try will receive the detestation of probibi lionises from the various provinces tit the Dum,ulon. Thisdeputation a the outcome of the recent prohibition euuventwu at Toronto. They object to the ratification of the French treaty as regards the ohne clause. (1n the following died the \Niue Makers Association will meet them. In the Benete yesterday afternoou Hon. Mackenzie Howell delivered an ezcellent speech. the best eo far of the session. vu the debate on the address. The Government ham forwarded to Trea- surer Cowan, of Carleton county, • cheque for $1,1:13 20, as. refund to the county for the costs in the Connolly -McGreevy trial 11TTaw•. Ont., March 2'3. -At the open- ing ymt.ntay atter the tunas 'formal pro- ceedings Sir Richard Cartwright *ru.e and moved the adjournment. lie maid he did this [ogles them an opportunity to ask if nothing had been duce by.the Govern- ment to give effect to the decision" arrived at by the arbitrators of the Paris tribunal in the matter of the Behring sea seating. Sir John l'hompson said that the de vision of the arbitrator esu :of no effect �dll rendered so by confirmatory legislation on the part of the British Government. but that • draft bill heel been submitted to the Canadian Government, end would in • few days be submitted ho the British Parlia- ment. Ito the meantime the Canadian Government had submitted to the British Government that the regulations should not be put to force as agaust those sealers who ailed before the promulgation of the regulations. The question of Separate schools in Manitoba and the Northwest was again before the House. Mr. 1.•riviere moved two motlum of wh•eh he had given notice and Mr. Tarte one, The motions were for the pruduct:on of certain curretpuudence, orders io council, petitions. w.morials, etc. Mr. larlviere contented himself with saying that he would reserve his speech till the praluctwu of the documents. Mr. Tart* spoke at some length, his speech be- ing in the main citations from newspapers political tpeeehon% etc.. to maintain bis ms' .ertio, that the country is on the eve of • gravy pr,lihcal crisis. H. was followed by Mr. lo auto. who took the ground that such gneatnona could be best settled by the peo- ple of tn. localities connived. The de- bate was out finished when the liouas rue. Sir John Tbumpsoo announce., that the budget speech will be delivered on Tose day next. Hon. Mr. Daly has dropped from the orderaper his bill regarding the North- west Territories Representatlwl Ace Cweedia.. Paola, tea ISN.. Lnwoow, March 22. -In an interview yesterday Mr. James F. bladders., the pro tater of the proposed new Ca,,adi•rt Pacifico :nail route to Ansar•lia ezproesd himself as most hopeful of obtaining all of advwtages and ronceeslons which were the objeets of hie :•vtsit hare. Sir Charles Tupper. Canadian High Commissioner, says that During the last weak be bad been approached by representatives of i.iver pool, Milford Haven, South•utptou, Swan- sea, Bristol, Plymouth and Cork, who pointed out the &leant•ges of their re- spective towns se pate of e*ll for the new line Stir Charlet sap1 m" election of an English port of eall had been wadi. as yet, dud none would be pending the definite as aeptance of the •gr'eemesl ..f tLe Canadian Government Coughed Ay a 11.11.1. 1.s •, Masa, Man11 4.-A. H. Sather land, a member of l'wt 93, U. A. R , of Saugus. yesterday coughed up • bullet from In bolos obit has been lodged thee* *Ince 4 ietober 11, 1463, when he was shot in the neck by use of Musby's guerrillas pu the bottle at Culper'..l.'s curt hot... For grass he h,.. suOered, but did out know the cause of (rrluent hrmhorrageo which ha.l troubled hies. H. was to hare visited the Masaact.ums is general hospital on Mon- day for an operation. 1'yrl.se is Sew Jersey. Hsla.rnor, N J., Moro _L.-1 has loon was I:sited by a cyeluue yesterday and considerable damage t.•.ult.d A Targe brick Shop. who•h had joet been finished for the South Jrr•ey I tact I'm 1 „wispy, ovad cuwii.tely wreek.,l 4:1 of *1,,.,-,,m lany•ecars were in the building awl ern eninll•lie.l. lime prup,•rt% Ihr.•ujhumt the town ons badly deruaare'1. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS, "The *.4Tll7d.." We Aare reco.ved "'nee gating with Ammunition fcr the Temperance Warfare, ' a new hank en tem ye note, by Rev. 11. Rogere, of i )unr•00on. It as finely bound in cloth, well illustrated and sold at the coinparatisely low price of 50 cue. From the introduction by Iter. .lolw Totts, 1) D., to the las. Page by the author there is not a dull, dry or unin teresuo6 page in this instructive little work The author has not only given his readers the beat thought• of • well stored mind on this question but has levied tribute upon the Lest ideas on the subject from other sources. We have much pleasure in nuomneudiag "The Cathodic' to students of the temperance emotion. "The I;atling" is for rale at the bookstore of D. B. ('alblck, for the town of 1:oderici S. kin,►.a - SIA..A/1,%, for April opens with the second of Octave Tbanet'• sketches of American Types, suggested ►.y her Miser vatioos among the State headings during the World's Fair. In this article she .1e• cribles "The Farmer so the South. whom she knows very well at home, •• It Is her custom to spend every %%Outer OD a pleat- atioa in Arkansas. The illustrations by A. H. Frost are in hu very best manner. A dery different type of character i• descnbed by H. 4'. Runner i. his "Bowery a•d Bohemia." His greet-familiaraty with the phases of New fork lifeeasbles Mr. Runner to describe • type, "the real Bohemian,' who u very little known and imperfectly understood by the general public. It is fully illustrated with sketches by ('fined inst. William A. Cotbn, the painter and critic, writes "A Word Abut Painting," apropos of presene tendencies in American art ; and Austin Dobson, the leading authority oa 18th Century life and lettere, writes of the iamnus Loudon bookshop of Robert Itodsler, under the title, "At Tally's heed." This number contains poem. by F:lith It. Thomas,.1. West Room telt, Dunne Campbell Scott and others. T*u: I►a.laadn'a .' o MAI u called the " College Commencement Number," and entails three articles especially interesting to 'amidst.. A 1:ir1's lane awl Work at Vassar is the title of the first of a series on the Women's Colleges of the II'oiteel State.; A ('ol'ege Commencement is most attract- iyely described by • graduate of Smith, and there is • felly illwrreted paper . a Con. rnenoement and Graduation Gowns. Under the heel of Employment for Women is a sensible article on \Nomee in.lournal.•m, by Edith Sessions Tupper. and Eleanor George treats the subject of Pantomimic Expression clearly and practically. A further irstall meat of Some Uses of Crepe and Tissue Pspen introduces some pretty articles for decorating • Spring Lunch Table, the third piper on WIN Liner gives some goad ad• vice shout Eating, and the many ways in which daughters o•s help their mothers is told in the second chapter of Mother and iSeeger. A Leather Wedding and • leog• omachy Party .re interestmatly d' scribed Some New Deserts are rive., and is the TeaT•ble Talks many se•so.nble topes are dismissed. The ('ultun of FaoMies is the subject of the Floral article, and there .re many new designs is Molting. l'roe:netin., Netting and Tatting. The sehscnptioa price of Th. delineator is $1 00 a Saar. Single Copies, 15 Oeste. Address orders to The Delineator Publishing ('o. 1 Ltd. S. 33 Riobme.d Street West, Toronto, Out. A Rgenau_tt Wn.ss'n MA.:an.it. --Kd- al. reesste ►epees .towed to Death. Penia, Mar'h 24 -A betiding now pled by Staters of 4 harity as a school for young women at Iron, Ian the Department of Al...., was barred to the gn,n.rd Tester day Resides the Staten there were • needier of pupils i.1 the building and all wen 5.1.1. 1hos. en the Meer bons were awaken..) hy the gam.. and warrnwly seeap.d with their heels The piing comas elm oeswp14 tae upper anon were mita& to lw0Y IM steirme asd maim of OVER THE HURON TRACT. The Orbit froth the Lesal MW. • Weekly Ingest .1 fwaaly \ewe served ■p 1. 0.11 Everybody - r1.4 sad dem" Clipped sed (.94.s.ed Orem Larry nestles. Morris • W. Whiteford and family have r moved to their home in reborn* tow.- Clinton Mr. Patterson and wife lett on Friday for Va0oourer ; be as a nephew of Jobs Met area. Clinton Mrs. Moffat, of town, has sold her farm, on the front roads, near Hat field, to ('has. Parker. Mullett : W. H. M000, of Mullet', de- livered in Clinton this week 18 hogs, which were all • goonl weight. Exeter Mews. !:on t Taylor bought the seek o1 :,emlock lows of the late Henry Yager amounting to 1125 /if feet. ?hanky While 11 Aakenbead was working in the woods one day last week he had the misfortune to cut his foot with the •ar- 't•nley Harry steep, who has beenen- gagedwith son. Hoe for the put two Seen, has kit to try his fortnse in Mich- igan. Clinton : The 1'hi.sgo Herald has re yuosted a detailed obituary of the let. Joe. tl hitehead, for use :n one of its special edi- tion Clinton 4.Ve understands that the secs rd lege' proceedings Ito have t ve his will sat d let aside. Tuckeremith The wife of ll' Mc Denali of 34,1 con , of Tuckersmith, died ..n Tuesday : she was • sister in law of .las, 4IcDoegall, of Clinton. Exeter kissers. Abbott and Stewart for the Bober Produce Cu , cased 12.000 deem eggs in a day and • half this week. This is c ons.dered good work. Manley : Alex. Fraser, of Anka Craig, was ,n Stanley during the first of the week; he hes rented his farm and purposes rei ey- ing to o'imton to resile Plinio Alex. kicker pie, of to.tr, has sold ba farm in Tueker.moth, I clog lot 3e, 3rd con., 50 acres, to Henry (Outer, GoJe- rich township, for $2,150. Loodnboro - k R. Jeffery, our •patioll agent, has sold his property at IVingham .function to John t alemore. It monists of house and 11 acres of land. Clinton A ,hoc dealer in town had a pair of boots stolen out 41 ha store ooe even- ing last week. end the party suspected of the theft skirped the town. Blyth • Mrs. if. Taylor. of o.r•ften, it•kota, formerly of Clinton, daughter of W. Herbison, was marries .t L,ndoo, last week to T. 1'. McElroy, of Myth. Seaforth : 1)r. 1'ampbell, of Sesforth,hss rented his farm on the Sth con of 1'.irdrne, to Richard Tasker,ol Mullett, ter a term of years, at an annual rental of $250. Winghsm : .f. ll' Scott. late dentist of Ayton. now student of Michigan College of Medicines sad Surgery, Iletroit, was in town this week Wiliam ell Meads iIIAYFIELD. Wni'viaSAy. Mer. 28. Ansa Whidden is v*.atlng M nwwforth. Kmene ('ard. of l;oderich, is visiting her cousin Nellie Card. Nathan Walters, of ing here last week. Wm. Osmond and F:*.ter at Colborne. 1. ly Morgan ie visiting for • couple of weeks at Gannett Mr Houston, principal of Clinton Col• leg*.le. preached in St. Andrew's cher oh on Sunday morning last. Maggie sad Liens Faulkner. Maud For- m son and Item :Scanlan .re spending Faster holidays neer Brumfield. We understand tail the Royal Tempts a• negotsaling with Rev. Nr. l.ivingstose, of Kmmo.rdine, to jjyts lecture here before N. Morrison, Wm. Morrienn and Moe Maggie Morrison, of lento's and Maes S Morrison, of MIsforth, were here attending; the funeral of their ester Mrs. W. Wood.. Another petition to have our harbor re- paired was larges signed last week and u to be conveyed by Mr. Weiamill.r, who, we hope, will en that it receives attention Herbert Johnston, of the S•ubls lice, who has been engaged in the hardware besieges with his uncle at Hanover. lett this week to tak. • *Amities with Hobbs Hardware Com- pesy, London. (apt. 'reamer?, et Maytag. •valved Imre last week and took sear of the lSshatios Army 4aturda night. The former alone ( :apt a Jessie ilt.ory and Teas Ogilvie, IMO beam transferred to Forest. We often hear of babermw's lock. len is a sample • last week our tiehermen were doing well', wakirg tremendous hauls this week from .11 appearances then will he hundreds of enters' worth n1 s is lost own's to the stormy weather. Why pay 10 and 124e for prints when yen can bey the ••ane geslities at 8 and 10e hash. Now is the time to get your mewing dose before Spring home -ideas sg beg u•, • ■ 1 you can tied • splendid swortrawt of dress goods cheap •t H F. Edwards We regret to rented tail week the death of Elizabeth, wife of W. H. Woods, lake shore road, and d•taghter-of Hoban Morri son, leaden. The death occurred .t i.os do. oa Friday. March 23rd. sed the fee oral took pissed from the residence of tis. late 11r Weeds to Hayfield edem.tery o. Kealey •fterwer's lest week we stated that Hayfield wee in greet seed .d a bootie, . hop A km weeks age • enlistees from mar Winston' wee here making .rr•ar•w.ents In start • betake r shop. het for ewe nano er ether changed his mired Ile ms.1e • areal **- take, for Mr Fraser, nt Versa, who bas hew swung here sed has dose • splendid basher in end armed here, bee bats ob- liged to pail mei*g to 411e..ee as his family, .mad new we hay* to send sway by settee. We trot • hatcher to nide here. There is s• e.edlest obese. fear • splendid hest - mass. Colborne, was •nit Charley Pard spent Ward rollaway tells • singularly interesting story in hie soeoast of ' How I Wrote 'Looking Backward'" in the April ladies' Hone Journal. awl adds to the interest by describes, how the idea of Nationalism first occurred to him. Not lees personally inter sting is William Ikea Howells is the fifth arti.le of has literar7 autobiography, " My Unwary P.a.iase.' The clever wom.s when Robert Louis Stevessoa married, •ad u stow his wife. is promoted is • portrait and sketch, as is also the wife of F: S. Willard, the actor. P'ractical in its letter prem and beautiful illustration lean article ea 'The CALM of a Sl Bernard i►ag" by Aleesu der Maeksxie-H ked Manager of the New York 4t Berard Kneels. Madame RM.me, ander her som de genre of " Th Bntaw," straighten out moms " Antenna Mistakes About Frisch Womac." A love -ballad, very musical, by Georgie Reedit!, entitled " Tell Me." e gives in 8. tall piano more. Mr R T Rower tab.•f 'Wedding Breakf.sto" ; Robert .1. Harriette defines the attitude et the lather t award. • ens : Palmer ('ea has his "Rrowsies" in Florida ; a 1.1! page of four artieles tells women how to open bask aocesata, keep the houmh.dd expMN., and how to stakes will ; the Rey. T De Witt Talmage points not what are the ehiel "R..mies of (hair Hap`,ie.ss" ; F. (ward W Bek samosas theea paltu.tmeatiosesof "Fear ileeertale hikes Women" ; while all through the ether article rens that peculiar ly readable ..d popular quality whk•h metes this marrise se eagerly .ought for sed widely read, The .peeress is pehl'.kert hy the fortis P.blWi.g ('e.tp•.y el Pints delphle. ler .1M dollar its year, de tae rents par oily. Pent d. (mese, N. R.. is to haw • maw %rm•ltw•ter New &best 436,000