The Signal, 1894-3-8, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1891. THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. it los not our custom co announce Largatins nnlq,. \Yt hat.• lar' thing especially goal at especially low price.. We carry n full range pf High Class GaAs, marked at CIu.e Cut Prices, but our big Bargain fur this week i, It CASE OF WHITE COTTON (About 1000 Yards) .,... (:,„),14 are .hipped to us', direct from the mill, and are in from 4 to 10 yards Iontt. We are selling these end.' AT 10 CENTS PER YARD, :ut.1 tli. t' are superior to 'DIV 12 1',dt.,n in th.• tra.I. INSPECTION INVITED. JOHN T. ACHESON. AT THE DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE + + + - +_ A FULL ASiSNIT/ENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. 50c. Corse Cannot be Beaten. Ladies' and Children's Underwear, atm value. Navy and B1Hr Sime Series. the 'Reit in Town for the money. *DI= SOLICITIID. S PER. =VT. DISCOUNT- pole . OABA A_ MZTZ�TRO, 'Itt;4 Draper and Haberdasher. `Witt [IRACLE. 1:1:111BLE „EXPERIENCE t'F A '.1 L1. KSDNN I:RN TLF:MAN. •+ . 1d ert.tl. N fill omit al e't11111 Til tT • is 1111.1 LK*' A•• tN ptraNT W. • a t• . rats \ I..td►r'*11,ammmt auto ..' -.route TO R/..\LTil. From •ae Itiebibuco, N. It, Review. The attention of The Review laving bees a lel to two cases in Kingston le "Inch It es alleged rewrk.ble cures had been of reared by the use of 1►r. %Villtami Ptak Pill., a reporter wee sent to interview the , parties named, and tied out whether the • ares were really the result of the nue of Park Pills. Mr. Samuel Karnes, who for- merly resided in Dort Water. N 1t , nod who rem. ved to Kio•sto., Kent Co., some time age, was first inters i w. d, and slaked whether the reports coocerninr his Ilenes and bar re ••'eery frant the use of these pile were true. He e.pres.ed himself willing to add hie antimony to the enemy he saw in the papsff . noeerntug the wonderful cures effected by 'Pink Pills, and hoped his story mirht be the means ot briugaag relief to others. We 'oohs story as nearly as possible in his •en words . "1 war tint attacked with .-re muscular rheumatism in Marsh, 1891. I eat then livtgg in Ilorch..tar. For three mouths i lay in trod unable to move hand or more helpless than an Meat. The .fats et my ernes and legs were much .wollen, and my hunts and fingers twisted almost out of eheppe* The physician whn attends' me hrndeged my limb• and In every way attempted to give me relief but with ut effect. Two other doctors were called to consultation, but ,bold do nothing r'r me. i was told by a friend who called to me me of the wonderful cures reported to hive btu effected by the use of fink Pills, ami 1 resolved to out aside doctors' ,nodi "IO., and give the palls • nisi. When 1 had &bo.u, ti.iwhed the secood box 1 begun to feel slightly better. After taking fowl or five boos I wa &bee to gut ont ed bed awl walk around the bleu oat crutches. I :not nue.' taking the pills until 1 had takes a d. ,.n boxes, wheo I •for • time. M I was thea able with tkolp of Crutches to en out of doors &ad around. i have dace r'noved to Kiog.to., and cautioned to im I' -e1 a and hope soon to be entirely cared. ler. Barre s a geotlewso of decstien. whose statements will carry weight. The writer remembers whoa Mrs. Barnes find sire to ktng•tnn he was forced t0 sue nitches. sad we. &ole to get around nely w.,h great d.tficnity. He is now able to m ve monad using me • wee. and &p patently without may difficulty. Hie band• sot fingers, however, still bear trams et 'h' *ever* 'offering he has midefgnss. Ili. sitter, Mr'. John Taylor w.. alms • mlferso hoe mi.cas&r rheumatism. Ah• wa first &tt&eketl by the disease dghl ye'v+ aro, and at that time it was rely .11 gnat d.tticalty .he was able to m.+S aree0d. ilseter's medieiee did net ►nip bort, esu she tried all kinds of so- -ono o•ares for rhoaMY.1a, but they ofp•oed to de her se gaol whatever. Three. the .tri^ of Mr. fames lad with the eeseset • ,I fp'. 11. physicist, .he b.takhtl PIMd fill. Ry the time . ked /sy alae seined hex she felt decidedly Improved. ••tho has mew a.kth.d bet fourth hes, .od is apperewtly as well ea .he ever sea Rhe et d shit was priestly willing that the 'abbe nosed knew that she w.. • area W- hev* it the eflio..y el PYk Pik Tis t*Bler tasit wrought hy tlh.s. rl M IS ease ..f \Ir. Carnes had tiros inrlutwl her to 1e the • , Q .n • trial. and she was now satisfied that tile pills possessed wonderful curative powers. 1►r. \t'illiama' fink Pills are a specific for .11 di.csors arising from au Impoverished condition rat the blood or a shattered ern dition of the nervous force., such a* st. Vitns donee, Iwamoto' ataxia, rheumatism. paralysis. .Viatica, the eftdr effects of 1a grippe, Toes of eppetite, heataehe, dir,iasau, chronic erysipelas, scrofula, etc They are also • specific ter the troubles peculiar to the female rysteen, correcting irre•ulanties, suppressions cad all forms of female weak- ness, buddies/ anew the blood and renorine the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. la the case o( men they etfect & radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over• work or °acnes of any nature. I M Williams Pink Pins may baked of all druggists or direct by mail from Ilr. Wil- liams' Medicine •'ompany, Brockville, Ont., nr Schenectady. N. V., et 50 cents • box, or six bons Inc tt2 50. The price at which these pills were sold makes • course of treat- ment comparatively inexpensive as com pared with other remedies or medical treat meat. DEATH OF MOTHER MANDELBAUM. Feimess as • !one feat Pewee 1E111 larlvea Into tette • BAilu.YO..1Int. Fob. 26. Mrs. Fredric& Meadd_aum, known 111 New York as a n otetiota "testy," died here this morning. Mrd klandelbaum war about 6i year' of age. She was wealthy. She came here shalt ten yeah ago, when the New York authorities bad begun proceedings against her and her conviction was probable. For • time she catered on a small busies. here, but has lived retired for several yeah. Her body will be take. to New York to -morrow afternoon for interment them on Wednes- day morning. Ten years aro there war no more notori- ous woman in this country than Mrs. Man. dalbeam, who was known es the most sue useful "fence" in the business. Mrs. Man d.lbeam was nearly six feet tall, of geed figura and well developed muscles. She had unlimited confidence in her ability to take care of herself. Her moaners were pleasing, and she war pons sesed of a degree of personal m.geetisen which made her • power croeka On Marc 23, 184.1, a despatch from Hamilton announced tie death of Mrs. Msnd•lbaum. A private despatch contain- i.sgg word of the woman's &sato ass also re o.ived by Howe A Hownmell, who had been bee attorneys when she was in trouble Imre, bot the mit day the news was denied by Mrs. Ml.ndelkaam hen elf, who sent des pelages all over the oseetry. Nn nes alive to -day can recall jest who ►Ir. Mandelhanm's heehasd was. It is be hayed that M died some time i. the .ural Lisa. Airs. klandalbaum began her busmen* career as the proprietor of a a salt dry goods Mere &t Rivingten aid Chutes stress. For two or three year* she did a i•gitimate _odea., ted prospered. but for thirty years alter that she oneducted her f.wmw isnee fns at Rivi.gten sed (;Beton streets s.d later at a plate is Dread street. Mea Mad.lbeso's plce sees because keews to mean all ever the rnustry. To them she was known as '`Old Mother" Maw&aibeem. 1t is said that she would sever disown ase arimkaal with .e.th.r. At driving a bar Baia "Mother" Malde bases had few Moa& She sever gm* mere tam a quarter of Its valise for any artiste. Os the ether head, it Is mid that .he frvgseetly teamed .sassy to her esdnaobe mad west is their heels whew they were arrested. Maly sessions erkimboale.i' mead. .se es M.ib.r Mae&elbasim's tse.e. A miss .11md Kerte. who wee eaavio.d is IA'T7 e1 teiddeit Wag liftSesta wt lis ieIllagams„M W Ma Watch "'Weight If you are losing Seen your system Is drawing on your latent strength. Something is wrung. Take Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver 011, to give your system lts need- ed strength and rlestore your healthy weight. Physicians; the world over, endorse St: Ise" 11 by ¶ik -'- y Boot a tures'. fialkedia AliDniseasta Ms. Mandslbaum. Scutt & 1'a recovered • ludgineot •g.iost her, which she paid ('o'.rinvmgg evident* was not obtained, how- ever, until,a wom.n thief who had been sent to bls.•kwell• bland, mind wha bad had •,uarrelled with llother Mandelbatnl, w rote to District t Attorney t lh.ey and made a statement of witat she knew •bout the reran.. For this the woman tr1a pardoned by 1.,.o. ('level►nd on .lan 1845. • on this evidence Police Justice Murliy issued a warrant, which was served by Robert 1. Pinkerton and tour other detect - no upon Mr=. Mandelb•um, her goo Julius, 01st Herman ?trood, • clerk, who was held for trial in 021,000 bail. The trial was set for Dec. 4, 1883, and %loth. r 31•n.leBsum was carefully watched by detetivee. About the middle of November the police learned that she acid her son were in Canada. The levels eh:: wore aroused the suspicion of chief of police ctew&rt of \lootre•t• who arrested her on suspicion of bein,Timpliated in a nicest robbery. No evidsoce was pro. diced agatn.t her, and she was discharged. She then went to Hamilton, on n tele- gram from district attorney. Olney she was arrested and an attempt true made to Fare her surrendered, but it was unsuceeseful. '.he hod since hied in -Hamilton with her two sons and two date:Jokes: There have been several reports•that Mrs. Manddb.um had midi secret visiti' to this ••:ty. She was repsteb,to have a large fortune. N Y. As tuned fres ayelsimerse. pati ilti "elr.M Free Fres. It wan tempestuous night on the Atlan- tic, and the great steamer with its precious freight of bureau lives Aria tossed &boat like a oackle shell. The tremendol. trivia hurl- ed themselves against the wall" of steel and dna sag In intl.etewt fors the d. less shook 1 he leviathan from bowsprit to rudder Dos'. Noone 'was visible about the ship except such of the crew as .necessity cum• pelted to facet he storm, and thiy wer • in imminent dangry every moment. The pss- sengen, ie. mortal terror, were huddled to gether (n tt••t cabin below. .Inst as a frightful blast had almost thrown the ship on her beaus ends the officer of the dirk saw r -passenger sunk h.s frowil:d heed DO - through • hrtt•hwey. • I..t back there," yelled the othicer. "Say, Cap.' came an answering yell, "b the roof gone yet ' ' "No : pet back there." "Have any of the wells et, r In yet "No: pet hack, 1 tell you. "Has the old woman nr the children been blowed out of the snood story window ' i :et back 1 tell you ; no.- "None o."•'None of the neighbors been hlowe,l in through the shed roof yet "No, no : 1 t.e11 you get back down that hatchway, you blamed fool," and the of ficer started for the pusenger. "'Tain't so bad as 1 thought it was,' came a final yell, end the passenger dodged tato the depths below and disappeared "Well, who in thunder was that"..led the officer of the purser, who stoeid W. “He's all right." howled the ppsi�ttnessre "be comes from the cycles* illi * Kusa& " An Kneel T. Wie 0 used Haggard.. Pectoral Ital.am in our house for over three years, an! find it an excellent remedy for all forms of coughs and oslis, Io throat and long troubles it affords inatiet relief. dge Prianrr at the bar. you are /to .lewith shooting the plaintiff through each ear, one foot, an elbow and &long the top of the brad. What have you to gay for yourself ' Atli Ike (the prisoeerl Wal, 1 did sot have no killlo' grudge .gin him, se go 1 jest shot him is this *on aro.lnd the edges .o's not to hurt aim much. ti elittsitgisNw1 Adorer 1 know 1 stn poor, but 1 will in- sure my life for $20.000, which. at 6 per cent. interest. will give you *sough to live os comfortably in cue anything should hap pea to ane. MissFtightie 'doubtfully. -Ito you think that will be enough to support another hat- band' wen adapted. The effective action on the gland-slier.ystem and the blood, and the gsnersl regulating tonic and purifying action of R. B. R. espec- ially adapt it for the bilious, nervons,00.tive or .crnfulona From three to six bottles will cure .11 blood dile.... from • common pimple to the wont scrofulous gore. Ceaskierege, 4.sMI atle. erred. IiLeMbtwci,--1 suffered for • long time who conitip&tion and tried many medicines without swam. 1 then tried Burdock Blood Bitters and very soon had great re- lief, in 1 ceetisued its nes sad am now coin pletely cured. •I,.nErR PRn.uo,., Qw*_ea, Que. nisei M a Bic. Chief tto isdestrios. Markt Why didn't you dot the ' i ' M the IoM ward of your re- port lad, might' i.de..riers ('lark -- 1 ins porde'', sir ; bet you me. /he clock street tear Jost at that point, and 1 didn't ears to work over time. Ode( apologises. and writs to the are rotary to regard to animas* for este work. reea i r.0.. (itxTtswaa, -Having attend over twe years with •.a.NpatiM., and the doctors sea havini Wool me, 1 rnnoloded to try R. T111effilligkie1 seed one kettle i eras _Is&. 1 4111111d u. --rd is ler 'irk lalverQat. I Minn.D iese, a. SOME FACTS ABOUT LOTTERIES. lases CNeteMir.d es Prover Fulmer Is s/Msate.a, bet ..w "Newly/ Mere.' From the New York Herald. 'rbere is • emttoual howl nowadays about the perniciousness of lotteries mind the sails that they have worked or are working upset our social institutions, yet P. is not • huo dred years ago that the whole Lawns Lf girl.. tottering war partly widened by such a greet elms as -Thomas Jettersou and sive .sited by other famous statesmen. The foundation of w promineat an edu.a- ttoatl mato uton as ,lumbo a sleep traces directly back to • lottery, and per hsps if it bad not been for that method of raising funds this city might never have hot that great seat of learning. Few of those h,gblg upright cities's of this broad land who have uuu.termittingly cried u,, , upon the evils wrought by the Liminess lottery are aware of the fact that nee of the first etas the American Congress of 1776 was to to sutute a national lottery, and that the people-Vrelcoined it with great joy. Yet such was the cue, as history records ,t. Coe origin of lotteries is veiled IR con• . ides able darkness, and it is almost tmpoe- o ld. to find the record of the tint establish- ment of one. In the Rom •n Saturnalia and in the ban•tnets of the aristecratie Komaa Indtenes were instituted for the distribution of 1swore or pries as a a,nrce of amuse. menta Augustus was wont to distribute u, the guest. at his feasts paek.ts similar in a;.pearanee, but contenting art! !es varying widely in .s'ue. This custom was followed mg • outgo 8oent scale bt a tsieeding em• peror', Nero:giving euch pr;'ei as a house ur a slave. Hehiogstatltu Iotr'.duced the element of absurdity, one tL ket 1 erheps for • golden vase, while another was foi rix dies, Tke Italian merchants of the \1lddle Ages used lotteries for the dlstributico of their wares. The I:overnmeo' of Feriae-. in 1530 instituted • looney 1.'tery for the beoetit of the State, ..nd 10 ‘41314:e. half a century later, lotteries e.i.ted under pool., control. From that time salty 1: trepean- State. re.urted to the lottery at a means 01 raising • reyeaue. The first lott.-ry in Eng - lend was established in 1O",.. he- the repeir harbor' and was sone folluwed by another for the beaetit'Ol the Virginia colo.\. .mins already noticed the lretrey wad iron, the very first settling of th. government ..t this country a familiar means of raising funds, and up to 1820 at least seventy acts were pawed by 4'o/wrest atr.built tug I..t terms for wart"lar puhlic•--purpttee•. 1:01' the numerous private lotteues whish gays rise to many s,;endsto.ts ..busts aroksed pub lie npiutou against them, and a society wys formed ,o Penn•ylvsnia ii 1: ;3 to advocate the•r snppressir n. This so:iety led • strorg crusade attains' the 1 ttery privet Irl, and its efforts were ultimately rewarded by the passage of acts in most n! t'.r 'Satin entire lv prohibiting the establbhmeat ofasytaiug ',mein? the nature of • lottery. CARTELL'S SILENT BRIO& towed doses re %peak to /Ms Agss1S.. Uwe the ■errlaer rime air. • - - Trsnb1e, 'Awl'., Feb. 26. -Mrs. Jerry torten, ot neer Trimble, has jwst broken a rash ow which • .11e made one twelve mooch• aato, and which she regretted ttiiT- ing ever made. iUo•tt eighteen months ego Sirs, Cartel was Miss Fannie L'rambley, • beautiful young lady of 18 years, and .ferry t'artell was her favorite suitor. But, as ie veterah ly the ease with young lovers, a quarrel arose between them, and in the heat of pas S ion Moe Fannie angrily bade her lever leave ber presence, mid vowed by high '~TeO she would never speak .to io:m again. 1 1 disconsolate lover took hu departure; bdt as he fairly worshipped th.e girl he s.1 - depth, set abodt to effect a reconciliation. At' last. to ansn•er to s pitifut,.pleading Jotter, life• Fannie Relented add pe* end M him • loving, forf(ivtug message. trerjoyed at the happy termination of *Waits, he hurried ,..to the bonne of Slims Famine, and was steriigiff warmly and affec- tionately, but with mat •a word of welcome. Taking a tablet and pencil from • desk she began • written conversation es though she could not speak a word. 4'erten pleaded the ueelessom and foolishness of such pro- ceedings, but in van, as his sweetheart positively refused to utter a word to him. She is very devout, • member of the Meths. dist church, and was firmly impressed with the idea that, if she should break her rash row, 41od would penish bon by striking her dumb, when 'he could speak to 0o one. She was con.tantly on her guard Inc fear she might forget herself and *peek to her lover, thereby inviting this terrible visitation. The eourtahip proceeded with pencil and paper tor some months, and then they were joined together in the holy bonds of mann wsooy. During their married life of nearly a year Mrs. l'artell serer 'poke to her hus- band until some days ago. Last t'htistmu Mr. Carton made his wife the present of • handsome and costly parr of vase.. The other morning the husband was bringing in an armful of wood and stn ck one of the rases and knocked it to the floe r, where it broke into a hundred pieces. " 4 ►h, Jerry, look what you have done cried Mrs. Cartel!. She was horribly shocked at speaking to her husband, and believed that she hadn stricken dumb. To •soertain the correct- ness of her belief she spoke to him again again and ws. overjoyed to discover that her organs of speech had not been in nein lest impaired. In the happiness of again hearing his wife . peak to him..Jerry folded her in. his arms, wept tears of joy and thanked (:ed Inc the breaking of the vase. Mr. anll Mn. Cartel' feel as if • eland hell 1.em lifted from their home, and there i. not • happte•r couple to- day in Dyer county. Kae'j.y's Liver Lustros do not purge or grips like pills. They simply assist nature to the production of the necessary bile to treetot. • healthful habit of the ermine of digestion. } A Racking Cough Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. NM. I), It, If .t i.f, 217 Grttesyur Wit., l..u'kpvrt, N. Y., Rays: 'oyer thirty ceari *30, 1 rotir.shry beano: my I:eth.'r d.•acrilal ti,.• ial curative •41..•ti of Aysr's ('llo r,,' 1'..•t..rul, 1►otu.g It resort! cttark of I.n which neoitt.+l'the f.•rm'.1 a eetorrll,sareaesof the In riga. .'n,. pas,•d by an a.vrava'i,q cough. I 111.41 3 acb.ua r,'l' etsc-sander ,tilei..d• l,il•' tl:h et both rand:. 4u a partially a l lc v i:r..i t l:o c.iitgl.l ug &luring -nut 4,04 t.(.ne1f thee' i$Canted jate any r• 11.1 fool slat aprebt..'i.• artier o1 the limes te Ili. k woidd a •!se tar.• the retnit.'.t i .ittemp, .1 toIt...:o- . :ht. :1tier trdoe twirl'of ageh 1" ' • 1 •, al , Nearly iAi Despair, Mu] lu.a abaft. dcci,p'.1.I i 0,t 1-l.41l 1 .ig:1t In lay 0.x-1 ruin, opal . e .” 1:1 • n hest .Ia•ep t ',old In 11.st our, 1r '7 • • .1.1..1 to tt'.. That 1 had a 14rth• . f tort's t'+r •. r, P:a't..r. 1. I t..:t n dhi) cf t, .. t r' : n' L • .., r, :11 l *'.- • lar 1:. ` •.. ,.,. t , .y:;,::irt,;.a, ,1 .' -i % , I . .g•t1c-', i1t'.i! ':.''..'1:1 1'. reatly reeve 111 ;•1 .I ttn.k t• mp ,•,u; .:...! 1', . t ,atrtcry h';rht(.rau 2:.:1.•• u .+:.- .1..•r. •,... 1 the .J., ...„1-1 1 , • ,, r c .. It.i" a'• ,--:)a 039 4.111'-11," jeer's Cherry Pecpa,i al r.lo.,l4,w. a.. ronv'tto act., *um tc cures If A Writ.. {inner. If 1 were k•grocer, says a venter in amen icau-t •rater. 1 would have the approach to my place of Laxness so attractive that passers by would t1Lt forced to stop and look at aglist in#'.ft+Mst and au art lact ire dis- play of gootik rl would have the store Poon, count rI, scales and fixtures as bright and c:stn as 31how.•tease multi make thein 1 would buy'" t'h'e. bast coots in ,the Irak sad slay-yff...-ticuk.r ittnntinn. to `wage earndes the very best possible talub •or their money. 1 would haven at; com- petent and gentimte$y c!enk., noted for, their eourteey, .dQcli4.y5' honesty and of tici y. I w. std try"neeer to be .o a of s in cvery•asy defraud. '1 would have arty Plastic and high grsdc Nervier. 1 would grant, credit to every deserving a4 pi., ant, anti, l to guard against..losi, 1 would ha a first class credit, dep tt.ioeut where tfe record sad standing of every csstoner was scrutinised and watched. J would render all bills and accounts regular 1 ■al y strict attention to collections. 1 would buy for netcash, even tho.n;h 1 had to buy lregnently and in =mall Iota. I would catch every possible discount. 1 would be on hand early and late, i.d set an example to all helpers of devotion to bun - nese; l wouldn't skulk out to sero a ball game in the muddle of so afternoon, nor b: 'found playing po,1 or billiards irk the room around the eeroer. I would give no atten- tion to politics out of business hours, and try to make my every day life eboform to my religious professions. 1 would eschew all intoxicating liquor', forbid smoking in the store, and provide no convenience for tobacco chewer., loungers or sitters. 1 would try to have all helpers enthusiastic workers. taking • personal interest in the success of the busioes.: ia some way mak- ing them sharers to the results, after they had, by faithful service, won the right to such recognition. I would ever keep in mind that I was after the almighty dollar, and by economy, thrift and perseverance strengthen my credit I wonld not touch an outside investment, nor have any pecuniary interest in any vesture which de mantled my time 1 would take a trade journal of the beet sort. I would keep posted about the goods I handled. 1 wculd advertise, ever heepiag in mind that • pleased customer is a Meleney ad?ert fear. le.ld Tani essis-rer fr gtreasary. From the t►etrott tree Press. The pampered child of luxury from Roston war naught over night in a rough town on Mutates in the dining room he was waited on by •kindly- cowboy waiter,who had seen better days. Have you any lobster a la newburg • he asked, when he had bonen Informed there WWI an roup. •' Naw, but tber'a some lobster • to can,.f the eat het0't et It." " Have yea any pate de foi gra " New, the dry weather killed 11 611 off. ' " Have you any sweetbreads and pee Nary one : hain't got any kind of bread tot !Indy biscuit." " Have you any terrapin The waiter couldn't. stand it any longer. •• l.00kee here, young feller," he stid,pul• ling up a chair and resting Ms elbows on the tall. very familiarly, •' you ain't built kr Mnatame feed. What you ought to an u Go go hack to Boston and live oe the funds mental rnnnepta of modern philosophic though• and boas,"and the rentlem•n from Roston was utterly partly,gtl. ONE HUNDRED people would not maks a very large crowd, but if all came at once it would make us hustle to serve them. We intend removing to the Crabb Block in April, and for the month of March will give BARGAINS IN ALL LINES. WE WANT ONE - HUNDRED - TONS -4*} -.. Scrap Iron, Lead, Copper, and Brass, 1 FOR WHICH WE WILL EXCHANGE NEW GOODS. Come and examine our 'Prices. Great Reductions on Goods sold- this month for Cash. • frivol Li, AT THE ULD STAND) (1N .WEST.;'1'1:1•:L i SAUNDERS & CO. tremendous- iUmblipg a t'..rt.a k gott t ar, they we Wklaa of the other lady,sitpa! ed first price. awaited WIN rile re.... tn.ue M. f hWil !x and es * sigh r q then ,.h.•' wait ewer.' CURE TTHC THATs�sT CoucHSHILOH'SNITN CURE oro. Too et tzmiriort., i.s. est ceder disk �w FreedSII*g a/r&sea.. The most prevalent com nt.a1 Ihis ssa OM are rheumatism, neuralria, sore throat, io*6mmatioos anti eosgeMisss. For all thew and other pointul treaties H&gy&ru's Yellow 4101 is the hest Weft* test *dorsal remedy. Colored 1.46ea Wive will. tees Pike. From The Baltimore Son. " A Ferule ( 'alum but o ('arpselorship Commit' was a novel feature of es ester teinment given Thursday night at Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church, South Stockton street. Eight woman entered the eceto.t, and each was decked oat ilia Philo nap and corporator'. apron. "afore each was • pine plank, doge* which a line Fed been draww. Fish easement war armed with a hammer sad • heedful of nails The feat for which the prises were awarded war the drivdeg of twist fear sadai* • work-.. n like user ',Rids s a time limit of tear lois eta. Whits the signals '• (le" was gives there woe sewed of mighty baswerrhig, se- e :.t Merl everembed bow, al • The last time Bart Scott wos►jnW..sh.,a„• ton he told a good story about tri-n.eml.gr ti,e Wisue.ii11 Legislature. The oft man was elected to the State Stnate from one of the 4tmhercountien and -viur proud of the honor. When the1.'gi.L.ture t'in Medi son, Senator Blank was .t•ily in lou *rat 10• fore the time for calling: t he Srpate to order, and spread the Mathison ,boreal before' him to real the new of the day. tine morning, after the chaps;e prayer. while :he r'Isirk of the Sealant Wail rcad,»C the ioornal of the proceedings ut t f e pri'vinus.1�T��O'fgi tlttppeau atter and Laid " \Ir I'resi.ietlt. 1 intl!e.tn dispense with floe read,u,t of the journal. S�ietator Blank •I,uctly folded his Madison .Dburnal, arose, and said " Mr President, I move aleo to dupeose with the reading of the Times, the Inter •ocean, and all tether paper,. ' There should be no distinction against the Journal.' PLANING KILL ESTABLISHED HIP. Buchanan & Son, ar ANt'racrt wawa BASO, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1n all kind. ot LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's, material of every dervipl ion School Furniture a Specialty. Seiestillo AlasrNY AMSOY tsr ATENTS . r s�OAT 05g10ATA NTS COPTR10MT11, oto. rev information end free niendemelt writs to et N3(a,Y► MI Ran aowsv, Naw Toss. 11M..t bureau f.r swearing p.t.M. In A amine �eew'� 150..1 .hinge In th. Huta. H by a te tmwaar lief.., penin of • nalrw &tea $cientiftc American 1r t elre.1.tlnn of an 4.1,451111e p•:wr la the w,gtI. 1%4p.tInnglelr •11 h04.ot. Nn lntell l raw .bo•M 1e without It. Wesal•, 13.ey5�• Iear: 'Ilia Mx months. Addre-• M11NN a 1'1r., TL, trams...nu mnedw... Nr Para. Patronise True Competition. IBREAKFAST SUPPER. , •'Rg* thee...1 04021*. of el. e..lnr.t !AV.'S.** h:eh lav•• eta •1.- oar. r.N rove at dizee.. tas taut! ',turd ion. and it, s- a r'LI ail.. . wt:or. et ee sa the Inc rroperttl w . 'welt .mete(':xvrs,.Mr. F'pp•, has prowled for our I:-ca:.froc and .up• per a drliewt,') Havo•tred twvcrs,ce t::eh t11ay Bare us uuu,f hr&o r d.„-pg'i 1�,' e. 1' .a t1y .,.o },.17.-11^1 n+e of tri:.1 •rti.•Iee 4.,'," 31.n1 Zvi, esitnt,oe nifty hegraetat:y trr,.1lup •:nt.1 s:;aig enottt��ht to res ccery 'enlrn.) 'u 1'xa•.b Hundre.f. cf at: to mabudies mint Patina aroi,nit sae reedy to attack where, r; 'tem.,. a Iwc*L point. IV'e mty (•0(010 410447 n latae ak.u't by kcepin.l our0rhe. wall tor':Rr,: wltt purr Mnat and a pmperty no'triet•ed trsa e.'- ('i '.i S. rri'v 1403. fie. Verde .imply with belittle ass. r or 4'.Ik. Oe'.l only, in eaekets,by Urocers. lal,•l:d thug : 1 410Zia [Fre a Co.. tad.. N,wttw+pn/k1e .(00 15... t*silos. Faaland. •:1 ti-xiw GODEERICH GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA i1TRa CAD antME Pacers° inions*• tea's il.ase•rw hoe Mew etaaMlolh•d to gtvs the pebble o are* -e ase ,envies with fair and pee loe.ent /.'gptllh 1t le manest A oaktaelnes prinelpt.e and Is de 'Merest of It. patrons. It 1•.rves the support of every .arses who balloon b ee.tpeettles. Pie date& do.psseb awe car Compaq 'e new eortwsetteg with all Ilse. and rabies M 5ntlad Bled s. tonnsda and tttege. prima >t ad t (yr�Sw .11 . Fames Came YMo by Monnet. 1..2M.syw. O.MI.k Secant Boiler l o,•hs. .1. -.-STA Iil.tr?hHtlt'1010.1 A. S. C H RY STA L Suo rasor to 1_ Ari/.:al .$ Meek j �irnufacturers'of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright it Tubular Salt Pat,', Smoke Stacks, Shc..' Iron Works, .•t.., etc. Also drawn in l'pright and Horizon:al112.de V►Ive F:nrtuee. .\ utomatie 4.01 OR Engine. • penalty. All sires of pi e and pipeRtt.g ...instantly on hand. lstimat.e furnished ea .bort notice. Repairing promptly atteaded.le. 1'. O. Bos 37. Ooderich, Ont. Work. Opposite O. T. R Station. Goderict. WHO 18 YOUR TAILOR ? Clue not onaniuseto wh \u ehb1.g Y thought. DOLS HB SUIT YOU ? 1f not, you •ai easily get sat- isfac•.on by : ailing at. DVN�OP'S STflEEMPOET.IIIUM, WEST huge quantity of REAiDY MADE CLOTHIN41 on hand will be disposed of at whatever they will bring. Call early sad get Bargains, H. DUNLOP. HAVE YOU BACK-ACH E DODD5 KIDNEY PILLS WiLL CURE YOU "IackaeS. Mean! tM WI - Sege are in trouble. Dodd'. Kidney Pills rice prompt relief • 76 per evert. Of disease is rat caused by di.orrier.d h 4- M Night as will try to Ade a &healthy city without sewer- age, as feed health whew the hida.y. •ria .bpy./, they are the scavengers Of the system. "Delay /s dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in grad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and it h. moot da s- yqrrous !)1' al; BrigAt. Dieware, Diabetes and Drewry.' abou• dhwrtl.s rennet exist wk•r• Tedd'• Kidney /flee n reset. heM by all /nakn e. sem by W .w.ipt