The Signal, 1894-3-8, Page 6THE SIGNAL : GODBFIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1894.
NBNetauJ, byy the nay tHf u r
Arid it -metier with jeweled lei l ,
Mate tells ulisiorie. walling
Afar it. • ra.lhint laud.
Al the ward ut her votes. the pI. 1dw
time o5 with settee. P.w•wed.
t•e.Isastltive. ear to her rhatotwig
ti.l t. with :lee talc'.* eut..a.•i.
•Ire aunts it...l.• :.tar. tier In pawning,
NO atalt. r how grMt Ir tIN
Ail Mich tell. 4.urs...1: that 4,e MOT
Is aitytita,1t( for 1 t..•r 'overt
That he, .A them an. iia. beet.. I •....r.
To wit. her et lad to ht. hr, ..-'
That eaurtimr, or where. l.• a II. .i .ser
I t !.. I be siren' .• -
. !I'm ti -r .,.a1si. ;J'_ 1.,u... he .. c::.
I Ii. l'.•e,t sot !Le 111M •i yi ..f veal,
TirririrtHnptr the I.rar'. •1 M..411....
PT 1.111 al the 01,404141 C. I. er,
They It.\• toe de. me. th..,, mit
Ttmake r.e .lieu,.:%%,,,arsine
.•t 1N1 j, I•.. , .. le s.. t a.I
ft ire r : L• e• false
(i' ..•i,. IA t...' sal ..Las wruss •,
o i...!.... fthurater rte strife,
lila. an. 1 the ..s
1 10 the ..f a eon.
'4 -. +iMn. 4 the lou• INr. ut '*fr
'lh- pr'.... 1•.r ail your endtuina
1.4114f ..f the waeastea Mier.
.' .. ..' ..i Ntuf. la.t. her tri.ln14a1511
• -•., 4e np.. a.tress
Tire d,>atnsbip l ul.,n of t hie Pacific wail
lino was ..wry twilit v four hours, pt fruits
the Istluutw, but afremly four convivial
Mollify, hal f.,r,ned a frietlt mini, and
were tshstrrl in the smoking r•.axu talking
of the t':t.hs•ese at.,1 pleasure that utarked
'thee yeari'.ef Life In diff••retat, (wantrlsS
of serathjAmar••t, f..r all Lad come foam
'seats t,,1.,w the •,l'tat..:.
•It Will '1 o't•L.rlr.- A'tt::e•tlittl &eller
.tattle hi:{ Iain.+'t time for 4%% I1r. bat
the renals tad 111.1 ltnteittite. en- the
tal.1.• f,.r .lC 1:.t.: The eight was hive
Ix her "ly a ip,':.•teeth' l seen un the
nn en ft .$t• 1 water, an the (',.l.w
' 1 .rg 1 taloa,' r4;•. 'f cr,• ht.e a prate!.thr.wt �o.(sit, 3'I�h.wsph•.ye.rat .pray
atri-kt -king :p a ever! of Etre with het
propel: r- a- s!. r t i., ke l ..a f. •erten
not • ah, ;
i' ‘'.:1- i i. Ii- rf.' night that 1:1.1 is
.tat Lel tL agant- of thc staeker
to le*S• •. their •.•ai.1s and sit b eeitlte the
large d., r wheee- b. y coil.! I.ioh over
tat• atweet . rail ; n& ar the %atue ttnit.••' 1,•grtr'r.•r 1 _ -
,lu! n Lt*vtn.. a civil evenn':erwh•
&••w w.erking ..*loft* the line of
Vrova rade • art in Porn.'hart le.. it t.
..;gleent the t:tar• ell •ass '•,instr
Bab r .a lway Mel }lel i'lerti
'•ta ..of
, narks•) that dniiing all time he
mote in se•nth Ani.rte:s Le had net seen
a wil.1 at:iutal except one small titter.
stud that far in-tte interior Al he't this 'nes'-.,of the 'arty war et to draw leltek ar.1 ebu.lder as if
Wiu_i,tiL (*me La's- have toe
et.,ry ' .aid an Atilt-nesecon+M1 who
was goingh a., • oi� leAyes ' l 11 warrant
pores M t *ibis, rather inter.h,tieg if
lyoti„ronld telt it.
}tom lets hear. it • Nimt•.Vln the
other two
t'ept--Panlii t.t a ae •oterloutr-blark
cher. w I and replied Well it . a en
rione yarn. Adel 1 w'etnethlw', wonder
wheth'tr I really.passed through it all sir
n(t.but when it _senile only a,dr(am to
site ail 1 have t...ill i• to 1. (.x into my
trunk. There isi something there that
hes a vivid remindt,c (•f, the .night
i will tell yup atp.ut m
• that. .oa
thing I will *hew you in the m(irning
-1 at coir-.' stentlemen you know than
Mrs Pahl accusetetulee use. lout I don't that yon have n^.tiaa my :: year
old son who i• tweed for ey a Peruvian
•1 have.' remark..d theextent.- and
a sturdy 1..rking f•11.w he fii" •
When the lad wit. a ten month a old
Labe. ceatinu..l the captain. '•1 was
orehre•1 t'.1. gay teen il. Ecnador. As you
l.rotably know. 1 have been r presenting
Grine uuderwriters in south America
ha 'ng boon rent there to prevent agent.'
for ( aged ships making`tee, expensive
repair)* a ettr expense_ ' 1 hill' (sen vent
by my rams , tree to entleriutett(l work
on a stealer etch had sank in the
(itayarinil neer a t paint.
'•it meant four int • . •' stn)• at that
hot little t.ewn sixty ' ee from the
raen .•cast and so I at one rented a
little furnished hoose two til front
the city and installed 'my wife. b
and servants there 1 bought • got
(horse and rode bask and forth every
morning and evening It was hot and t
snoegnit'ses were plenty. to say uothing
•bo'it theta, but our little pia••« was sass
light and open that it caught any i.rereze
that alight be going. and life was net
half 1..•1 tier• The hoe.' had only sic
rontus 14,11•1 111: were ..n the grand floor.
lint they were e'ttliei.•n1 1 frequently
told Mrs Pana that it wa'i to
leave any of the doors ajar at night for
although burglars are not to be feared
in Frtm.1..r. yet fere in a while animals
came out of the )UN O. and they lied
been seen near the city Bnt as time
rzirI and nights i,e• am.• warmer we
rnth gtew carelt'is
4 int day 1 hall leen detains] in town.
and it was nearly midnight when I
monnted my horse to • return. for there
had bona survey- held that day on the
steamer. whi'•h tar thin time ha.' been
raised. slid 1 waited to hear the report.
The Light was a perfect one, much
like this i had moonlight to cheer
any way until near home. but the
last rays came over the hill se I
role past the ho.uee. and they just show
mol me that the front.heor was half open
1 must have the floors ci .seal at night.'
thought i as i role into the stable, and
taking off Tom's saddle I threw him
sane hay anti walked hack t' • the cot
' You are all aware how carefully a
man walks when he enters a house
where it year old baby is Indeed. it is
self preservation in many cases And
it this inetanre i did what many a
fatet hat .lune before use, 1 took off my
shoes on the doorstep My room was
the first.l,oue oft the hall and i entered it
OS tiptoe and stole alongside of the hed
There was a peenliar little wheezing
noise rousing from one Nile of the Lal
It we+',itch dark in the room, but i
knew that baby was there At fine 1
thonght I would 42' into tui wife's room
he the front of the house lett di 1 slow
l • nndresoed 1 argued that her Orating
the laky in my 1x.1 proved that ell. had
had a pretty bad evening r -e. I (heeded
to crawl in *aide the v.angster and not
disterb the mother t nndreiww'l ,,..i.e
Mealy and. donning my nightgown lay
down on the opposite rile of the 1..111
from the baby Aa the night wax ware.
f .14.1 not pelf even a .h.,•t oleo no l
Beater still kept op a ion i breathing,
but it didn't disturb nip though as r
fell asleep 1 remember lhit king that he
wonted news. sanely than metal -
• e •
" 't'tgh' . Jt weight had feller, tierieat
sae s/anat I didn't 111/1111 tine etc lam
adios gloat 1 had been in to r a.
• pMRlasa.line too Inas far that halt
awake. I rrltiaal that (luster had thrown
himself acreme my body 1 slowly
one arm out. then took hold of
int gently to lift him off wtubrwl wak
Ina him ':strange how long and hairy
Buster's head it ' l thought
•i44 Fosterer read 'Alice in Wonder.
I had mach the saute mesas
Dow, An are dew•ribed in that bunk. ter,
as 1 slowly passed my tuut.l along ser
baby'. heel, it veeule.l as if it WA.
Ir.awu oat fur yards At hast I reached
the en 1 'Khat troth In• has,' thought
-ilia then the teeth . irlel them
aelrM np
Whether at MAY that woti..n..r what
I never .hall Lwow. but in an ul.taut 1
was wide awake se 1 ever we.. and in
another moment I realized that the baby
was ort in bed with we, but that the
hear) object that lay acro.., my chest
w*, the hind• of a large auiwal
i had .ettw enough to lis perfectly
still How could 1 have mistaken that
h.iarse breathing for the bale-af.Nlli..h
little snore'. • Just because 1 acid to my
self that d was the Isb
' I eau t •leas rilae my feelings a* 1 lay
there !fret I grew veld and n.y- skin
se.ruled to shrivel u{, ill horror Nr
nerve( c•wtre• that it Wan ate
IV painful Thou c:ante.8'{s1at1lam and
the iw•n.J.itatiun Poured .l uvtr my
testy It was still pit.'b dark: alit t.
IeUI to fey hurter i had furto•tt.. til.
'lav of th' land. My•b.','t Mau t work
just right -1 conldu t locale the door
Tty ere I ;might. it was impassible for
me to relnevubt•r_w hit. h side of the ro.*u
illy lad face.1, I K .•,.urtw' the ooh' thing
t..-.1.. was tri lir still until.'th.•rc was
enough ligkt•to see t door. anal in the
uiwsnitu,e tui pray t the object be f
me night net be .tarred by Inv noise in
the Besse 1 ha u0 idea what time it
was t had no leas at all, except that
eon:, etiortno- - beast .rrupied part :•i
ult. 1,...1. an. that a !wavy, etlrty pen".
watlI . • law'
1....1 t--
••1 l eve' I Vega g..iue erazj• when I
h , b?" oat a little Yet, he IRAs in
illy ifs. room H..w• happy 1 felt as 1
he. 1 that noise. for I didn't know Litt
t animal had made .I heal of Bust it, it In$ doyen Then, l feared that
the baby would caul• the brute beside
tut- to awalie. Jett -at that moment his
neehe,', essehing'ee quieted hien
Thu! words of Mr•. Pants never aerate
ei s.. sweet. ueyer s.• thirst al.
lint all was again still except the
l.r.'athinrt of that b.oet MI th}. time 1
ha l Iain in one 1N Nit :on. not even daring
to ineve my lime! that rested on the fa.,
of the 'saw It sea. growing l'0411. the
early morning chill 11et1 flue air. and
there 1 lay. uncovered. anti in a clamour
.treat . tfhere was no more n•.iee.-- CK
i••.Ilr... i have no idea how long i re-
miined. 1.coonted one thousand breathe
taken by the animal then. steatite* to
ray I felt sleepy -.' ba,nation was doing
for me. That een.,t net 1.•. I colltete.t
my faculties again and (.neer mere watt
in abject terror
- _ - ---- - __ -o-
A faintN,
g low .•ear.' 1 at the side of
the roman It was the glint of .lawn
that lightened the .trace at the window.
'I hili a few ee•.,eud. utore.' Ltaid t'. my
belt. Slowly the objects in the room
beegiei t'• etend out. and finally I could
outline the dour which was opposite the
f...t .ef the les] It was standing•half
aped I waited a f.•w• la.indte. 1.'nger
until nitons iight came an then. ,slug
the paw, 1 threw it (rout me•. and with
4.00 hound was unt .f led. Another
earned me into the hall. and with a
long 1 j.ulle.l the door shut. and my 1
.1i.) .�. I heard a savage ;crawl and a
Crash` '
-Mrs Pail call de better justice to
the fret • of tin- story, but as .be hs not
here i will tell 11 as she has Often re.
• :She was awakemoi by the meet -ter-
rifle yell.. intersp•reetti.y the growls of
an animal. and the whole home. wast
jarred, as if cannon balls were (.ring
hurled against the walls Running
int,. the hall, she fonnd Rue holdin
onto my door knob with both tan
and iuwpmg up and down I
on ('nh' my short nightshirt.
my lets moved 111.
in and out of a cel
I was yelling at til
b this time Baste
otos Mrs Pani
nnateiy I h
left k. I her to c
few mints • the
is.y cam. in
• 1 sent ter r
tient% we - . d the.
was a ri an my wife
ly. and .Irdering the
lidder. I cent Mr, 1
the .table. for I w
brute would break through the p•rtit
Then without stopping to pnt on. an
clothes. which. 1.y the way I could not
bare .icor, as they were all in my nom.
I hurried around the side ..f the hon*
and elimlmed np the ladder to my open
window which was about Nix feet from
the grronsul, *tad was more of a port hole
than anything else I innat have been a
ppaa nliar spectacle -tending there in rny-
b,btaibd nightshirt with ani repeating
rifle to my ah•mlder
"1 soon caught sight of the brute's ey.•a
and fired There was a yell and a crash
The animal had jumped for inc. ('tot
pletely nnatrnng 1.y the terrible Lone I
hail passel 1 fell from the ladder. and.
knocking the gardener off him feet we both
nailed e ..
en the grnnd Ile was certain
that the animal hid him. and his cries
caured Mrs Pate 4.. run from the stable,
both believing that we were oth being
kill.. In my fall 1 sprained my ankle,
and when 1 tried to get np I fainted
front the pain.
'A half hour later 1 found myself ly
ing in my wife'. 1s.1 and a doctor stand
ing beanie me. After 1 had fainted Mn
Paul, who-byy- the way is a very clever
shot -hal rrplaeed the ladder anti mph!ing my rifle, 'b•apateheal the animal,
whi.•h was nearly dead by that time. for
my bullet had entered itis brain."
There was a hush ae the captain fin
tithed his store and everybody felt *little
creepy' as he turned in that night. •
The four men .towel lesideethe cap
tain s .tamer trunk the next morning.
Mrs awl raul t.s.k out a heavy akin
that het been carefully' ',reserved and
laid it 'ni the deck
' Poor old Jim.!..' ' .he exclaimed
(*apt Paul had to pay pas, for killing
neighbor (larches fine Newteundlan.t
dug and so we have kept the skin -
The men tiled out
Ahem ! ' congh••.1 the ermine to ('apt
Pawl •' What will ren have' Here,
steward •"
.,u the cud lay over u,y
its art. ands • said
end down li pist••ni.
iudrr. A his lime
e top of •'
Innis . and
Blister had oirtni in the
the ht me crazy,
ad Quetta my wit*
the teen and in a
glen. r and the stable
and in a few mefastened. There
s .m, bort tlrlate•-
gard. r to get
'nal with
older to
as fractal t the
A .p.rt.% or l.ere %lack.
A cricket farm it conducted by Mir.
t'fint ('ailild.•II in R.Mheater. N 1• She
Mile the mew ts to fl.gsuveratrtiolls, who
believe in Irick that the cricket bristle
A Towu.bip Treasurer.* I)eepenk/e
Eucouulrr 11 lilt 'tau Tkieyew.
ad Me Minsm•M Keret.,. serrates Wessels
1row MI. .a•.ella.t. TM. Slabbers
Make Cruel Theis LerasDe
Wails 41... I, a
R..rttt.a. Mich.. March I. -Burglars
entered the house of Henry WHermash tr.a
serer of !Neter trades ae. Mentos county,
abet Mr.• I iiet1aau IMO Made their ewaps
frith nearly .91,1000.
Nu biertaan WAS awakened by a aoise
in the hone. sod tojud a mall •t•ading at
his Lstr.11P with a revolver pointed at hie
hal.!. Ile itlse.utly setae] the revolver
with his Lan.], when the burglar palled
the trigger, the ball paesiag thr.ttih the
hand Mr. 2.iernian .nraug out of Led.
when the berotar .lei at hint a setons
tl*u.•, tie shot taking egeet in his 1.4
.burlier burglar had ina.le has
ap!,earai:.•e h.:ermau grappled with en e
of hero at.,) threw lion against a waudow
with • i 1, t. ace that the ran!, .was broker
out He sea+ t :en stru_k W. the bead lye
the .,t:;er ...:int acid was ittuiuked scuttles*.
N'urti he came 2.. liherwaa ru, fur assist•
acct t•. the ueare.t mese and upon hie o-
ttani with help he funnd hie wife dead in
a...l .h... .Lr, ,... 6....1 .'._. 1,.11 bar.
ing tutored just book of the left ear
• The hur4l..ra as weer• between ele0 and
!.lith) wLjth wee' ledtlra ha the Leal. bt:t
newel e.le f that was hidden ill other
Naeem. There :. no clue to the thieves.
A Cfsr.e.lerre 1..r., l eraser ought 1.
By the nee of a bag holder. con,tyttct
ed as shown ni the ec.•Iu'.au',%I1 Miro.
!ration trout a sketch by S Barrington.
it is puwrihlr t..r oafs luau to bag and tie
the graiu as flat at it h. run through the
nevi, hit.:
fauuiug twill. This contrivance ha avery
easy thing to make. and will lay a sou
every farm The one in the engraving
ex deans itself. 'fila• uauat II0LNNt
pent to has eoueidcrrd i* t•' wake the
fonn.Letioa blocks of 11:1 loch heavy
timber to pproerut upsetting Instead of
the. comp ete arrangement. simple the
lasg h1llhug circle ran 1e• made. and
hung aloin; the side rf th.• granary. or
to the mill. or any of:t••r insight .sir
face.-Atiocei.;an,, Agnceult It ref
11i'GREEVV ANO CONNOLLY. Urbanising 1'r..aIat,le-
maimti o,iu,,,
n of t Hearin t ieveru-
Alier Three 1I.otMe is C.as1neasrat They Meld to PRAtnafle into the gne•stioln of
Alain Ur.athe Erre .tlr. dehorning. report:' as fellow* A 111141
t hrTAW a, Marr'., '1. -The following Is the lee of veterinary .tirgtens and directors
odieial et*temr: t handed to t!.e grew by of experiment stations expr.•ue the opin
Lord ALerleeu in re.•arxl to the Mc( ireery• i.•u that .itbndding or preventing the
(oniony cats- "His Excellency 'the gr•wth ef horn can 1ee performed an
Governor-. »mend lee, on the te.•..mmenda calfho...1 with witch les pain The
lion of. his Miu:Ktrs, ai.proyad of the ,-ou,utiesiener., although not prepared
teeter for the rel.'a.e nit Resent Uoneolly to reeeinnnend that the 0peratieu be
and Mut ireevy 'rn the o' !ictal m-th.el re- limited hi- low tolbe period of ealfbl Ods
port of i►r. church. Inst.:ing ..0 the serious express the how that experiments will
consr',nences tuthe health of tile: urietmer. be wade in this line. and that if it
winch might wise if there were further de ; should be definitely demenetrated that
emesis ant the efurtLer inedieal n}.inioi,. thein+nlethe'ls are accompanied by lees
which. at hos Excellency** suggestion, the pain, and that the results are equally
Sliuiarr titeide,l to oWtata from Ur. 11. P. eatiafaeterv. farmer, generally will give
1: right corroborating the report sad re. "them preference over deh.ruiag at a
coinmsndation of Dr. Church Mr, Coto more advaucetriiie. The difference ot
rullr kit the pr°isori at 2.40 p.m. and )1r. opinion as to'the a:;e at which the opera
Met 'reeve a little heir. tion is (rest performed is. w great that
It id thn e menthe and & week (line Me- - the ceutiois.ionere 'lo not feel din
(..nails--wens-teat.iseed to recommend any limitation in
Judge Rase. 'Their liberation is the climax the rrs1M sets 1Lat the iia -tile of
of the most interesting cases in dehorning be permitted when per
C•lu lilt Mater), It Les abeuebed to it.. f.rrwe.l wzth,'rroter appliances and with
self the chief iutreat 211 the political cube die regard to the avoi. an... of unitises
(.f• tie capital, and whatever the particular miry snff•ring. and that the f h,tariu 1 ley -
Blonds on foes of the parties may think of ailment she old bring to the attentiuu of
the ease the general bpiuion amoug the • the L)wnndon Government the desire
unbiased is that Oleos has not been laity of amending the law relating to
abneed t.. aur great et tent, and a valnable cruelty to aiding. ss, as to give effect to
precedent has been tatabii.bed that will i this rereulmeuilation That the t Mtano
erne to bolter ss
setae lake owes is the l.oirrunst•ut saluted direct the manage.
fatnre.' I latent of the (bitario este-enema fano
CAMPBELL PERJURY CASE.' , tet experiweut with chemicals on the
Borns of young calve*, and also with
Shaffer('...purl* C.srrieted dad !'..nail- enttinat out the young embryo horn,
• Md t.. %/..d His Trial. with a view to a*certa}ning whether
I.••-ro.,tr.'a v:;+ltereh 5. -Walter Camp- , these
be.1 al.r.e.tred !before the magistrate, on • Art,"
Saturday to answer to a charge of perjure tall
ethce s are more dseeable than
uR the hems when th.•y have at
their full greerth. It. eeetue to
n un 29 ever the , oe eat Wished bevoud reasonable doubt 4#u Inquest livid on Ja
b.sly of the defeudaut's det•eissed brother.
I that del.ornin� try _effecting ting a change
11atee1. Walttr Campbell swore that iilex. j in the diets t}c tuition
arket. tr animal. greatly
t'aniplreil, proprietor of the Retinal House.' , N 1 item yfenw. tweet.;
shoved hint over in the hotel and after .1, trembling the owner t'y lar: lle his stock
wants follow ins and his brother to the),
St 1(11 .11..'. a.•ouotuv noel match
lone of Ills N. Brown. 1 in the English market the buyers gin,
A Isrge amber en -Plummet' were heard!, *bout C. Iter bead wore f•'r &beetled,
on 1*tu ac aftern(MII. all of whew swore Wattle Ow-ing tf the (relief that they put
that , ex t'a'oph•:: was not to tilt i-*nnett .yl rt. -41 Lotter Fanners and butchers
Hot daring the fi lit sod Leh nothing to '� 14•o teatititd that they .offered 'serums
d with the 1'ampbells that ermine. him by the cattle ming their horns on
alas reanniissg kis the evening - 161tii1 ert•b °slime._
('awn Attorney' Matheson produced the stauunng s rust lemma
evidence of the prieouer taken it the ho- All youth, „1 font tree. yonngand ohi.
quest. Several wltueiw«s appeared Eur tb. I are belief Heel if the ground is tire ss.i•; all swearing that Alex. Campbell i with 1 rinslcast ntaanre. extending as
wawa present at the Cenbett Hawse at the tar on each aide as the height of the
tiruw 4.4 tine fight, When, all the witnesses s tree. it soften, the freezing• of the
were Lcifd the magistrst$ committed the gn ,nod and the manttte i. washaf down
prisoner to ]iila,u jut for trial auto the soil ('antion. however. must
(•ym•see Aseee be used net to glare c•ar,e manure
snsui(arrc, hit . March 11.- convert
vdrat the steme of the trees. as it in
tion was held here yesterday ander the rites the mite which knave the hark and
auspices of the Dairy•men'• Association of girdle them. It is eatest when mautire
Western t'ntario. A large member of le spread about the tress to knee a civ
farmers and others intererte.l in ch tk of harp gronnd within a f...t of the
and better making were present. T stew, with the ground slightly raised
meeting waw addrea.d by 1. W. Wheaton,` to keep the manure away Where
secretary of the association . Mr. A. Mel- barn manure cannot be haul, the raking".
dick, of dairy stations ill 'Of the lawn and orchard make a good
Western ornate), Mr. Sprague, instructor mulching for young trees, especially
in batter staking at the I Mtario AgrIe*l.-tw
protecting the gr.nnJ inert the severest
al'.,il..g.', and lfr. Hobert freezing If the trimuntigs of evergreen
Ru .Nin, cheese buyer. Loudon. The trees fin IPP had. a thin scattering of
al.lreseetwere of an exceedingly peaetical their branch.* neer the leaf mnlchiag
nature and Pre highly appreciated andwill prrveut the latter being blown
filum of great gold. A away
in the evening, at
ve of Shelburne,
aboult 'tie {.T
. ece..ud n,eetiug w
which Mr. It..1. Rik
presided. •
Te se. AN e• 411..4a'
11411.1/A X. March 2. -The itayol rester
day received s letter from ' eokuk; la
eskiug information about a young English-
man who was last heard of in Halifax
He had been living in Iowa end went to
England to see his relative. abort • month
ago N•hii. in Halifax he drew on his
friend. at Iowa for Vera,wlieh he got,and
since thea they had heard nothing from
bite. The city clerk made inquiries and
funnd that 1he young roan referred to had
been in Halifax for a couple of days, bay •
ing come from England, and the last men
of him was ou the Merl• of an outward go
Mg steamer. bound back to England. He
told soma ppnne has was g.ring hack to see
•' The bkfomite woman " again. The
man's friends will be en informed.
A Landow Jew Ab.eead..
IJ.iDON, (int., March 2. -Louie Cooper,
• Jew, doing binaries. ae a rap manufac
tater in this eity, has aharonde.l after
clearing 'n( all his stock. The enspbjes,
of whom a large number were girls, lo..
all their wages due, .s theme ars net
enough chattels loft to pay the landlord.
Tun kw'al whoI.aa6 tlrrns and one .1 the
leadtnp henries in 1orunt'• are known
hay. trg.te.l 4'.x.per He bought a watch
from one of the city jewel.-. lately, and
pent for it, lint jn.t before he went away
he got the jeweler to attune" him ;'41 cn,
a cheek, and the jeweler sill hole. the I An .soy and it is claimed a tmecowafnl
A IleseUlreed aleck.
This rack ie In feet long, a. feet high.
and :1 feet 4 inches wide. 1t is open at
top and has no bottom in it It is
hoarded up 20 inches from the bottom
oft all four sides, marked. A All the
other boards are ext fencing All the
spaces marked B are holes through
which the cattle lysyl! o est, the feedleing thrown inside. I it together
with hooks and staples at each corner.
:above and h.lnw 1'.. wronght nails
and clinch on the inside. Stork cannot
run over Md waste feed ouch as hay,
faller. eta.
A Mt rider lb ■esttlewm
If a man will gmw grass in his orch
arils let him keep sheep to 'motors it
down and fertilize it That ie teeny -
times' latter than to think of mowing
the gram .eery few days and leaving it
on the Keenly] as a mulch The busty
fanner will simply omit. negle t er for
get to df it
o11 tree Mar.....
P•144'. way to oil harn.s.* is to IMO ernd petro
I kuru. Add a little lamp Mark aril ap
Nhwtr..rd laaw)er MI-.luO ply withont mo thing'tw leather The
fem e'wx, Mice. . Mar.),!-IM.pstrhe• oil will not only takoff the dirt bort
from I$rsntfur.1, 1 hit, announces that the 1 wtU soak into the Rather, aoftening it
town is mite•!, excited over the mysterious I and making it waterproof.
disap'eearance 1.1 .las !'. Doyle. lawyer and I _
see ntary of the 1(raritf..r.l ltefrnm Aar sheep $.t Nen! M b
cut' A wait answering
hu enAhn(m.t anything which the land pm
Ariel' the town afar nights ago and at 'Inc.. can be need as food for ahwep. and
lemma a treat deal of attentica I yet there arts many men who feed threw
anfmaia or variety of food continuously'.
It iii the pcs'rffet inn of the well
nurtured 151314 ,*l-tolheIIV 41t'441
by expert , rt•Illtera. NI lid
44 ;606,1, _fI4t 1ammo,.
u ►tl•II-
less tlttitlit•• lastif Plug lilt
i,leases til:' ills,:• It+thllUll�+:
114. PACS Tebeeeo Ce.: itichm.ia,
aM 1aatreal. eau.
The 111.. ash. Iles Friar* 12.1144N ear Hie
Salt Maus Arms.
Star Captain Nog -Wilkins, jiut at pm.
seat of New 1 .irk, whose bel grown ey
and religious fervor won the Russian !'ryas
Galitria for the salvation Army, is describ-
ed u.n earnest little lady, not lacking u a
tine sense of humor. She has a small oval
face inside ber 14r Loaner, • clear olive cram
• ,on and big, soft , yes. She he trim
ttle t pure carefuiiy manicured hands and
a voice Ilbaat used to gave her • good deal of
special work ill Iletltrt 4uoth's urging
brigade in London. captain Patty was •
mere gni: whenatie iec.n,e interested in the
Salvation Army. That was more than
fourteen years ago. She is • little !Welsh
maiden, and bef,.re she .•sate to .tmerac•
vetted in her own lead, in leaden and in
Isle of Weight, "where I Saw some good
ani glumus work done,' she says. she
went witli the army on its firs: limit to the
island, acd thee had atom exciting times
waging war on the Skeliagton arnty, which
was organized to ...mita, 11.em Captain
Patty was sten knocked Joan ■nd bruised
soil injured by b'ow■ that were intended
mat of them, for the mon. Itut they made
converts of the rebel captain sad lieutenant
and came (11 with eying colors. la this
country, the caption sass, she is •lwa)a
treated with courtesy in her visits. Son.
ot the girls, though. have been takes' be -the
shoulders and dcctdrdly placed ou side the
door what their uniform, prot•:asmed their
errands m %lanae laoeew t 1'apt•la fatly
think it would has a letter sad happier Isle'
to be married and settle down with • tamely
to care for ' she was salted lint she didn't
think so at all, and she laughed • little at
the idea.
tttk{1sk'. ai(alber.
Mrs. 1. s. Hawkins, 4 hat tanoopa•Tenn.,
toys " Shiloh'. !'Italics ' saved net life.
1 ooasiJer it the beet remedy for • detainee d I
system 1 ever clan!." Fur dyspepsia. liter
or kidney trouble It evtele.. Price .-cents.
Soli by all druggists. . e *
Dr. Fowler's:
Extract of 'Wild Strawberry• is a reliable
renotely that cue always be delegate eta
to core .etwee'a, e)rolera Iuf*utunl. c..l:e.
crimps. eiiarrh.ra• dvseuteryf uNl all
lotw:nt•.s of the bowels 11 is a pure
4en3aiaing all the . trt0t•• of Wild stn.,.?
berry, ewe of the *stem and surest coria
for ell anion].r com'rlsints, combined
with other harm lees art prenrpt curet. ye
.geut•S welt ktlrwu to u.witeal w loom.
The lrarP-
of Wild
Strawberry yo re known by the Indians
to be an excellent remedy for durrh.P..
dyenlery and looli ur,u of the
but medical w•teue-e Inas placed irefore
the public in 1)r Fowler's l:xt 41 Wild
a cnanpplete inti efferlrrtl core for ail
those distressing and often, danu(•r..ur
complaints se common in the. • o•oge•
able climate.
It has Wart the teat for fol y.'.rs, aryl
hundred%of lira.. have been Nixed lav .t.
pi -voile use. • No other remedy *1w..v'.
summer compiaiuti m promptly, guises
the pain ser effectually and allays aeries -
lion so mereeg(ully as this unrivalled
pres;riptiou of Ili. Fowler. If you are
going to travel this
he sire anti talc a bottle with you. 1t
overcomes safely anti quickly the rice
teeming Rummer enmplaint no often
caused Ly change of air and water, and
Ovate) a asci&• against se sickness.
std all bowel
Price 1.ic. Beware of imitation. and
aah.titatcs sold by unscrupulous dealer*
for the .ak.• 0( greater profits.
stn (11451 m •10107...
Specific; and Antidote for
Impure, weak and impoverished bleed, dye
myna •I.epleuaem, palpitation of the
heart, livery ooln m t, neuralgia, less .1
memory, brwaokitis, comma prion, gall
stoma, jaundice, kidney and urinary
dimmers, Rt. Vital d..... female irreg- nmerwl d.Mlity.
J. 1N. 111cl,ROD,
Prwprtmtar.M Ulnauretarer.
Mclron'aBarran Rlraov•1ea eau be bad
hem all a ta tow*, s• wall mtrial
all th. Ir i. lis Wawa Owe. disamsl awl
A..Mrtk, t ra.Mt.. Defiant, sad Tama&
.n tr.
Fine Writing Papers, Boxed ar
Collegiate Institute Tablets, at
Bargain, for two weeks.
These Ta5lets are sellers wii
their Bright and Effective Colors.
We are still selling 25c. Dove
for 10c.
Dodo, by Benson, 25c.
A Third Person, by Mrs. Croke
A Terrible, Family, by Florenc
Warden, 50c.
To Bedlan and Back Again, 1
Frank Houghton, 30 cts.
and Stations
1 I -.ampere Sae Telleber.
Protect Your Chest `
it means health, .trrni th and long Ilfe to do ao. 1
avohd Coughs ar, I Cold. by wearing one, of Our
1•ee.l✓. 111i. M ( berry 2..ak (rN-11..e tiger Ira ie.
Our (berate. !beau, t Marla" 1asre,.. For (:shah•. ('roup. eto., in 1'1..1dr.•,
t.ayttaes • IA In Mand •Nam -For al l'Up. ard'lrritMw'..
-- ----
1'•. t hi[ I liar High
. 11.1 11,.
A Hama dui
1s the Moa% attract.,.nd stnkl',, t
ore in the house. Its •t.,ut the
thug yon asusa. Then .t.
to IOWim
as, sad beet sly
mew is tM.4 IS can von tires] aggm
range 41 _dodges sr lassiity
We nuke up on the pensive* all
latest its leets fringe, lace and erobr
t ry, lnaertone, He , to ht aa) sti,.
dew, and have nos en route • Ju
lmportatua, of l:aglieh nisi sly i...1
trimmings and upboaters, hems g'•
for our spring trade, ever show., in
c..nty ( sur large ;tock and teen]
for cutting, making •n1 trimming,
abbe u. to .ell at priors.
have fringe *lades with sprang rolki
.v.mpplete from '.r)c up, .as in d..r,n
. Miles, an immense line of beau{
When you want the hest yual4r,
naist designs, the greatest aer'rttte
and lowest prices on window- .hr
gni M
Seasonable Goods
Best Brands of Canned Salmon, Mackerel, La
sters, Sardines, Fresh Herring, Kippered Herriic
Herring in Tomato Sauce.
Finnan Haddie, Codfish, Pickled Salt Water lMaoa a�
" Clam Bouilon " Burnham*.
It is not Sawdust
We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WAN
Some people think it is, but they are mistake!
We use nothing but the longest and stronger
Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without sham a
joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pr
cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold air
liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts a
taste or smell to its contents, and is the lighter
tightest, sweetest and most durable ware eve
Ask for EDDY'S.
Bev. added to their present business one of R. J. Nash's lastest Sir
of Olty Heaises, also she finest line of funeral furnishings in the codF
and are now prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable
This department will he strictly attended to by his son Williatn, who, br�
in the smpl of the late D. Gordon for the past ten years. has a
knowledge of the bnainear, and by prompt attention hopes to share part 01
public patronage. Rensemher the place -West -et, on your way to the
office. (live us a call