The Signal, 1894-3-8, Page 3Troveilible OuI s.
gay TRUNK &AMI.WAT. -�
srrlpe Wel *Writ Ogdenasr se M•
�1.." assays
sa▪ d dad Raper
Nail and [•prem
LAI pm.
'Sad aid Ksprem ••.••••:••7Jl0a.m.
lion and [sp0'� , .........,...
1111.1 .............. LA0 O.0
rows t.p .,te _Prat ones, Went• t..
O Waders aders ead approved Wel
nes sk e on hs
and for pls_esiaellrao-
deetbs, baa and vitalised ��
for a�a�etlm�of
�,t.ellnn Os�jreaarvatlan
arm lta
e W
cam 1541 -lye
rot. Ht vint
ic . PHYisIClAN. 80R-
gemr.. to. 0ILw Me Lame* e* iRene, Meek
%Dain sale from British [sobs
Hotel, 11.141
PklMeiaN. aeegee... Ammonium*. Re.
. 1411.1,4/1011.- Napier -at Dear.
riec.J. tietex ue.-ItesldeSw Nortbat,
V tare, sotloiters. Notaries. fie_ Ooderlce,
._over Jordan's tang thaw. It t'Aff-
K. ll. L',. 11, 0. JOHNiSTON. sem to
44 or. Cos vel &sour. k a...t.•. Monty
is lean lowest rates. Dorton's Block. °P -
panic t'ot 1• Hotel., Ont. RiNi-1t
I, N. Ldwl8, BARRISTER, I'Kt K; -
lib ter in •rttlgr. Co rta of G.tarto
Once--you•h horse tocol. 2313
of bream sad Wast
tele•gr0pb a1N.v, I'ri-
lowesn rel.e of sutra.
AKKOW d PKt l•'O
�Ickk. .1 T. UAtlanta
arrow til;.. Prwedtuot. de
lJ Bar. urate, Solicitors 1aCJ te.
Iiolerick. M. C. Cameron. Q.C. soli ;
►&die/ Mellows.
• . kr.. and eamm(mloaer for Wing
ie r.r,1t rec'o0wlm0oe° of bail. affidavit* us
awrne:hoa, d.poet,ions or solemn disc
nods to or oonraraiaarr ant sellers. atilt or
sed✓w in tee High Court of Justice. the
Court of Appeal fur Ontario. or in any •'u,nty
or Invision Court, All transactions carefully
s$d promptly esmosted. Itemdeac. and P.O.
address leuwesaea Ont. 1!116-tf
M.Mshantw.• Iniatttutee,
ftOOM, oar. of Last sower sad $quare lap
Owe nein I to 0 r.w., and from 7 to 10 P.W.
Laelory I)osly, Weekly aa.! I:Iwaruted
Papers, Magasatw, etc., oa Pile.
gDan:• id free ons of Library andReading-
Applhoattose tot membership received by
Libraries. la room.
Psseedent. Meeretary. March 131h IsaS.
Knitting Faotery.
1\'Nw KNIT.n
1Ni: FA('TtlKl. THE
1, anaemia) beim to anaonto 'he pub
-Nr that he ha• atted up premises with the
Weal sed runs improved knit tine machiuery
ewill be run by • thorouahlyl experienced
sad ie prepared to do the hest rtuab
d ksittlag •t eery r.s.ossble prices.
ere and others bringing in their own
num to be knit into stockings. s.rckee, etc., will
be liberally and promptly dealt with. Order.
left at my seen. onr. Victoria and 0ni00-eta.
will receive prompt attention. 1), K.
S TltAl'HAN.
* uoUOnaalO�.
and Rete neons Aimed. Oat.
Agent Londe& mad iAaoasbtee Co..
awl (etre District Kemalfol► Wee ►t
tended 10 1a say port of the 050011• lO ly
• denser sad Land Valuator. Ood.rloh,
Oat Navies had testlderable expenses, in
the•ostionetrtt t�radge..bhe Is In • pslties ie
into e�r, eisaw
wed to him MAtas
Maros a Motel. ar sat by laid M kis addrsee
iiedsrteb P.O.. tarefally siewmied to. JOHN
KNOX Elsleli AtMYsoar, iM7tt
Clrelew-- Oedtebb (,'*role. NO ltd .reel,
third Mender e[ mob mash la oho hall over
Tea asem•L ahem. Special Inducement/1 is
Iuwfames sad stet baadts. i). CALHiCii.
rel AlalSio isM. Trimmer iim
DsMMta1 AMnoufatllsiMRnt.
Se run mal Or
WIT AL r•*.
GODIl1 nL OW?.
It affords use omliealwd eatiefeetiw. after •
Ihmoe,th test r.s.W1e� Ionthe tweet entaesas►
tie appreastlea d dtttgMftY sad altasfsb.d
le(rwwe, la subsalt thet 1 here the Mb 14.54
e*cleelve right to tee Is oerie0.he Isttow
•mannas dieeev'ery. erltleb wsnwstsl sever
ts et teethe
et a er
every ems. and vers/ IjNM pal is Ike fiat
enretne ems.
AART'Z-1'Q1011aV10 lOMT A
• Isaslthat sever sass tis
w ad the best*
00U1a the fool Is Ih•rtslon Y waste.
Ihrs teeth asse.•Mui. toea phis. Psttwta
rem ren It le
rwetreV nerveless a w Massa
r•ew s iw tf .s wenteltter�+tmMsal $
v'lly de::
1 owes ere wise.
lift tet DR T. RICHARDSON.
• teams samwm.
Hee not • Ivo of say are, hie year. they
*umber dee,
Yet he has atreerth ler greater thea the
biggest num alive,
He opus hie voice at 0 o'clock, and lilts his
goy veto"
per silty mtautee sought la songs, ewe of
'en very choice ;
Aid all the while he's speeding oo leu curly
head aa acme
(II all the mea I've ever met, uouded could
have done.
He drosaee then and goes down waste wait
till btesitfa a tune,
Anil goo tbrsurb isalNohenics that great
�rineue in his priwte,
The strongest eau that ever was, 1 think
would hesitate
To try himself to do, despite his muscles
were m areat.
to fact, 1 of erhaard this lad ramal Yong ray
ly once,
"1 a tab old Samson 'd come down here
and play a game of stunts.
Thea through the day, while I'm away, hu
mother says that he
is just the very centre of • world of en
He climbs at least • hundred moles in walk
ing up the states,
And kap. a hundred more, she thinks, Irom
autos into ::bairn
:\oil illde., no doubt, the same amount up
00 the banisters,
And to he weary 0(0101 154 last thong that
to him occurs.
He'll push the bo ,teed• out of place, he'll
climb the table legs,
move the bureaus here mud there as
though they were tut tees;
He'll strew the Mor with Uncle and airs,
he'll paint the cellar door,
He'll help the weary hired teen du many •
weary chute
Xtr doth his spirit ever fall, It knows sot
how to sae,
And afar ••..e whole day of this ht's just
prepared for tag '
The wal,' may talk oft 40res, menu! muscle
and of length :
if even Hercules Masi:, ars] of wondrous
sunup.. ;
Ili ',smooth who the Philistines unaided did
death 4y.
1 Jon t believe there's one of then who's
equal t,. that boy. -
lud•ed, 1'd like to see the three-I'c• mee-
t4rata try just ,ace
To speed the day with Jimmieboy, and pray
a of stunts.
Harper's Baru.
Tbet1'1SWb*rlpsat, toe no eery Saeger.
The whirlpools of Scylla and Charybdis
o4*.ituated in the strait of Jles_in•, be.
tweee Sicily sad Italian Apulha, and al-
Lthough dangerous to the mariner ot the an-
cient world, are not very formidab:e in the
present days. The whirlpool ot Scylla hes
at the bale the clads on which smuts the
village of He says the I.or.'lon 4 •lobe.
The circling wit re have worn the entre in-
to caves, which 411 heavy seas emit sown
like the barking de dog.
Charybdis is near' -the port of Messina,
sine sea miles from S. Ila, and, according
to Signor Spsllaot., 4 AO Leet deep. The
old danger to miring between them has re-
cently been explained by M. Keller, u en-
gineer, who shows that the cements in the
strait depend both on Udo: and the wind.
The car -rents are strong because he tide is
Lew in the 'Ionian sea when it is l.,ii in this
'Tyrrhenian sea, and r foe verse, and whirl.
pools more or leas energetic are foritled at
various points of the strait.
When the wind is from the southeast the
waters pour from the Ionian sea into the,
stratus and form whirlpools north of the port
of Mamma and also Faro. where ships
it anchor are sometimes carried out to sea
and borne by the current on the rock of
I'elabris, toward the point of Prato. & little
farther oft than Scylla It is probable
therefore that the ancients meant by 4'hary b -
die the casual whirlpools near the port of
Nle saw, Mod by Scylla them at Twat I'erao.
Retweto these two points the currents are
extremely rapid, strong, and variable. The
danger is really serious for sailing vessels,
which were all the ancients had, aid an u1
experienced pilot might in avoiding l'haryb-
die find himself in Scylla.
no 1o" Wage Ms mire.
The story is told that *moan the many
office seekers bemiring Mr. Liaoolo was one
who used as on emphatic argument in his
own behalf tree fact that he had dose all the
dirty work of the party for 20 years. "Vet y
well," the president replied, " when 1 hear
of an office in which dirty work is oeceentry
I shall think of you first of aIL
• Reese lady.
A lady named Mn T. C. M Humphries,
living in Keene, Out,, who noted only two
bottles of Membr.y's Kidney and Liver
Care, has forwarded • statement to the
effect that it oompletely cured her of in-
flammatory rheumatism, kidney and hoer
troubles. Such a complication of diseases
yielding m .4uiokly to this remedy should
moorage sister sufferer' to give it an
lumen trial.
IN 1 p tltrntebl.
Veer backbone was not made for • barrel
hoop ; eo do not curve it around, bot rather
straighten it out, God mane man upright ;
not round shouldered, hemp b•eked, or
tending over.
if you bead over too much is your studies
got • lower seat Saw oke legs off from as
old chair, and then set down so low that
our chin will come just above the table,
make the hind Lost a little shorter than the
forelegs, and them reed and write with year
arms on the table, and it will tike out some
of the crook from your bank.
One mother whn•s daughter wee getting
the habit of stooping toed to have her lie
flat on her luck, without • pillow for an
hour each day, while she rend to her out of
some interesting boob In • little while
she was as etntght ae •red be, aid • pie
tore of health and strength.
la some countries the "roses carer pails,
tabs, and heavy Londe no their heads thin
kelps them erect. Throwing back the ares
10 towhee mosso of keeping straight. Re.
member you may add years to your life by
steadier op straight ; aid you may sea
tsiy bays alesw. *11., bet s strayer,
breeder, (ls per, ke pisr, esti • mage useful
We, it Test about e with ham: eros*
may desks and freer e.mplexlw, than if
is about hoot ever, tamped eepp,,, stoop -
lee, Ast sOssbd, 55)40*, servew aid miser-
'Yiod mode mos aright.--
Ri• • 1tm
Asa pini me-t1p sitir eweassive smarties
..r rvptwn. IHllila's Beef, Ira. and Wise
i. &•falai and MsIsrsing. Ion
we was D.etdee w ta.rmala Tooker d tike I
hitooatve. Y.Y.-1'he fire. T. DeWitt
Talmage has agate chewed hie mind shoot
resi[ufug the pastorate of the Brookyn
Tabenlaoh. A few 'Mutates before Dr.
Towage begau his sermon st the rnurniag
service yeater.lay he told the congregation
*let he had a few words to say to them.
He then r4••d the following letter, being
several times interrupted with applause -by
his hearer,
hear brethren of the Il., MI :of Treace.' of
r4he Brooklyn TalterI.scle,
Volt* nvireut letter is at hand. 1 had
folly r*s.h-el to resign my pent di, not
only because twenty yerrt of my Brs,klyn
pastorale will awn have pawed. hot be
ellaSit .,t the ti.tlpticial rntaet; 7.,meths reealt
ing few a aerie0 o) dewier* which would
hair (smelled any hank ,.r in.ttranee coon
pa4� "r wnr!ftty institution
\ow'. by the btras:uguf 410(1 upon your
tuanikn•nlrut, our church is put out of elf
etebarra•.omesit, and ! b •liege hat sten it.
last ,rich.. Persuaded by whit= yon say in
your letter of yesterday and by %fiat l
hear-.frotu ail %idea. and idtrt eekiug
divine directiot., 1 now *':.I11.•r•>.1.dare
my intenti..*4 to remain 71nr past/1r. Khat
1 have suffered at the uuti.•ipati•dl of pat
iiag fan this t1 blr met devoted lkrrk, aa:1.
from expecte I re al fr•ua• this beloved
city 111 masse affairs 1 here always been
deeply listened's' res nue 0.111 est/owe mid
now with mere mei high expeetion
than ' I veer -.114.,1 at•nly-previous leant to"
my ministry. 1 I. -in yr it to a hew campaign
tor li0d ail the w•,xl•_'i brtterwdut
_non's. etc . '
T. IneWirr T*i.wooE.
14'14ANE AT RING 67N0.
Th. nepr.e.Y4 Moir ref Cartel Island *Later.
mea IOM Ma Yfarte-Term.
march stolen 1•.
'4 Ku/e arrived at the "jig 'ung d.•put
te.:erday in change of Sheriff Rutliu,r so l
'Inepecier W idianison. lie was dressed in
•bur noted-sri.-it, smooth bruwu ow -roost
and Soft 1.1.:ok bat. rime parte got off ou
tl.e river aide of the train meed w•,Ik.ddown
the trawl to theayprirou. MiKaue was met
in the clerk's 1.Oi,.e `ov ('hies t ierk t'"ram
and I4epnity Clerk %1-estlake. (';..n being
examiusel $: • : i was f"nuc! in his pockets:
Clerk Wratlake took his dhow ,ii.1 -stud, cnff buttons and diatu•'i d rirt�•
wihich 1.. sent hour. 11cK.tne gave his
prdiere.- as follows. 411.'tlpotl"II, builder;
7.1 married . religion. Methodist
barn in Ireiartd: doer toot nue tobacco or
isgnor. Aiter giving bis pedigree he was
taken to the state shun. where tie watgiven
a bath and aprisigi sur.
ubweti0g .Aeelde0t Near Clifford.
1.'W/ruRp, Ilnt., Mfarorh serious
shooting accident o ecerre,l on \\ cel ilesday
pear Likelet, a village five miles front
ere, whereby Robert IRtlmage, years of
sou of Alison Uuluta,te, merchant.
C a slit. will likely -awe his lite. lie was
hunt g foxes. ai:d while in the act of
eliwbi "ver a Iry his grin was accident--
ccident-ally die h*rged. the cuotents, a heavy
charge of `phut, lodging in hi* side, pene-
tratiug the req. Ile mew lies 40 a very
critical condi ' n and but slight hopes are
entertained for is recovery.
l'urvoa0, 4)11\1111Teh :t-I:obert Dui
mage, the young 1pa.•t er1.0 accidentally
shot Memel( while ante; near IAkelet
on Wednesday last, dried yesterday from
his injuries.
reasseelleseelaa AI
PARD, larch 2. -The St. Petersburg
correspondent ndent of the li.luit ekes the
statement that an offensive and ferniest
alliance between Koine and Franke was
formed and' the signed daring
the Franco-Russian teem, which took place
in Parts, Tonloo, Lyons and elsewhere on
the occasion of the visit of this Ritesien
fleet to Francis last 4lctuber. Tae agree-
ment. according to the correspondent, Ile -
fines the number of Mee to 4 twititlii into
the 14.1.1 by each party to the couventiou,
and determines the question of command
of the allied armies and Meets ander the
various conditions that may arise.
Mama by • OMmk5 1Klserewt.
Ngw,A.m.z, Pa., March -On Wed-
nesday night Hiss Mary Kellen went to
her home after some things to take to a
enrpriee party. F.ntoitnir the hones rhe
discovered • lot of clothing ablate She
extinguished the eases with • bucket of
water. but had no sower done eo than she
was 0,47.4114 by s masked villain• who shot
her through the arm. knocked her insensi-
ble, beat her brutally with • poker and
then Me.l The girl is in a critical condi
Mann Twerdmewth I►.•d,
l.nwil.w. March 3. - Dudley l'oottes
Marjoribsnk, Baron Tweedmoutb, died
soddenly yesterday afternoon He had
been ailing for some time. He eat in
erliamentfor hlerwiok from 1953 to 1368
Ile wee knighted in 111131 Edward Mar
ioribenk, hie son. the Liberal whip,
succeeds to the peerage. The Baronies. the
father of Lady Aberdeen, wife of the
(limonite. Gement! of ('ands
A (sterid 140.ltrl•e11'. Leek.
TA4•10A, Wash., March 3. -John Iwwlt
•.olored bo,tblaok, of (dympmo. has gone
to _'oracle to prove hie identity mid claim
a fortune of half • million dollars. An old
lily who adopted him as hes servant years
ago died recently in (Panda withont lea,
ing natural heirs and willed her fortune to
the teleses bey, who het been kind to her
in years gone by.
Cebelilet veleta
Lorimer. Marsh Yeilr
wraith has arrived lenge. KR with the
Hon _Elbert 0.1,1, et Minister of Defeat*
of \•le1,ria, will Intervlew the Hr11I•.
1 •el.inet Mintse.rr► Tb. Australians ate
ver. 0op'f■1 of the prospects for an all
British Pamir sable bit.... (Panda atsd
Australia and ago of trade Pewees them
two missies M the mar future.
Ye A...w.r. the 11w.Hlo . .•I• the aslMs
a foe w Irdu.lry Y• that lase Prim
1lelo told ler the liar-yt111• aid f./• dei
rg.-E.s. Merit.
140011111‘ over the trial list of the Court
of Quarter Sessions. 1 mea,: reutiudrd of
a que.hon put to we a few weeks ago: •
is the rnh,ou a tow to indatwtry7' Fur
M .uday..lpt. 2f1, tie list includes 21
01151•$ ranging from smnault soil bst1.r*'
to (eloutouw wounding 4l( the now- :
bar. 14 are directly die- t.. intemperance
and nearly n11 of the olhe-ro heel, lu uu0 I
direction or another. from the saloon
door to the court r000l 'rurre judges ,
will wit in Dr wavy court norms 40 die -
WSW of them envy. and they will Iwo" •
to expedite brininess in order the
Ila•kit before evening Many of tboae
who will figure as defendants and
plaintiff* Mime f..r Iery than $1.25 a day.
litany more are WI.. (seause of the
bard timer and a few air ..Merge euongh
1., lay. /w their wits. I should have
said lack of wit. for where one roan
on him Wits many ether. must Its
lucking in wit or they could not starvar-
fuld toilet after that (*.Lion
Each trnu of court the same st/1ry 00
1,dd hi the trial list, and each term of -
court witne,.•.-s the tillig in and tiling
out ..1 workingmen and women to and
fawn our court rootlet. This is trite of 1
h.ckawatina comity'. if is Stn. of its I
nearest i•ondty ueigllh,.rs, and it is true
HI every saber county in the _tutted I
States null the world telt. r•• the *al4*,n
i• allowed to operate. Not only 1.s it
tette t•. day. l'nt it war true huutire•ds orf
year$ ago 111e1 whelk. I hear nits
aa$• -rt tflat we arm. as a rause.
);1.•wttet %%' and .better. I wonder
what Sir %lrtttliew flake would sat. c..1111
be lent testify t. • anexperience of mel yearn
the Nineteenth l'.•qttiry as he 411.1 ill
the $.vr•ut.r•t►th. lit speaking of the
operations sit the crituitwl law more than
2.mi years tutu, be maid
"_'lie places of jade -attire I have ie•n11
he:dintl.t. kittipiom hero gi7.-o rte age up
pnml:t:i t•...berve• the original "uuw
moat ..1 t4,.- •'purniitie:ale t Tia1'e be. -u nee
matted for the el*Le tFisieITFtwenty yea, 4,
mei b31dur«t * U4t--1 Lasa-tuusel-{3N►a
if the tuunl. , and mDti41aug11ter,, U r
burglaries ar:d robberies, tie riots aft,
tumults. the Wdnherit.•, /omit-idiot/a, Tepee
*Ld other -that have happened
tet gist time ,Were divide I I1110 fit's parte,
tour Of Mem have loon Oho. Dilate awl pro
fleet of e[ waive drtaki11 r -ref laver,/ 144,4
alb- bedew: o'lIdl:kiu:. '
S., said the _thief Justice of England
lieu es•tetunt•s ago: s, w..tt1.1 he• may to
oar were it pwowoible fu: !nut to +yiak oo
earth Not only would lie say that
four-ffilut of the criratrAtwrer•_Ilue ta.iea_
to -.sive drinking. hut he would have to
Albeit that av4'ut,..ot-crime, not known
in his day. were path. well Mate, and
crousle.l now, and that they had their
origin in the saloon. Of the four fifths
of whom Sir Matthew II•L• pave testi
pony nearly all were working people.
and int the vast numbers' who swell the
cruw,s in our court rooms today nearly
all are Laboring 'people.
'Tiibegift at that period where intent
pwr;u.ce first made itself manifest
i$ pot now p4,awiLlr neither !a
it possible to g.. back to a time
when IlltellIjwranc•e meta. nut re
gaveled a* wrong Trite. risen drank and
twat ruck other in olden titre•s a. though
it .were
Yi11reesary that
such thing.
t,11 1 e done. they reeled home
their dnulken bouts loud boat their
wives uud children. Out the world was ,
not told of it. in the next day'. paper
The wives of that day were slaves to
thi' men who were stares of drink, and
their yoire'e could not he beard in de
nn ra11.0tl of what otos justly be
termed the crime ret the ceuturies. • But
if Doast w-Umru and outraged children
could not be heard in protest they golf .
fore•.t uone the less, and we know that
they could not regard the home coming
of -. the drunken - parent and husband
with anything short of fear and ab
bon rut.•.
The average drunkard, or tippler. will
always point backward fl, the advice
given liy St. Pmol t.. Timothy, "Take a
little wine for thy stomach's sake," and
aomert that it isnot, and cannot be, wrong
to drink when such advice came 'nun
finch eminent authority. 1 often w1*h
that St. Panthtu1, for the sake of human
ity. refrainl.l from giving atteranee to
that sentiment, for no molter how luauy
good things he did say, that one short
sentence has encouraged men to debase
find demean themselves ever since.
That tine sentence spoken to TOO
othy\ for what reason or miler
what provocation i know not. ham
caused ilug4lrtrls of judge. t.. pronounce
the mute/it-ea death on numbers of men
since then. Almost in the salve breath
tit Paul said to Timothy. -Thou shalt
not mnzzle the ox that treadeth out the
corn," and therdis no doubt but that he
would not muzzle the min of labor who
treat their way in toil and sweat that
they may eat bread. if he tore away
the lunar/. fr the ox. it was placer)
on the man when he advised 1 ' to
drink : and no natter what construction
churchmen may place npon the advice
to take wine for the ItomacL'1 make, the
only construction the drinker place* .n
it is one that sanetiono his craving for
more and more until home, family.
eo nntry, earth itself and then Bowl are
lel sight of and drowned in liquor.
Thmngh all the centurieesineeSt. Paul
set the example to cronviviali*te by treat
pug T' thy to wino, there has leen a nst intemperance, against
drinking i.iner, and sorely that which
has not outlived the execration. of
thoughtful. intelligent mein and women
in all these years bet is still the object of
denunciation. of opltnmitiom and attack
must be inherently had. Examining
the records of criminal legislation. or
legislation enacted to prevent and i.nniah
crime we had that liquor and lignor
alone Iota wet the roots of the law*
w Lich ..ortipy four fifth. of the
tipsier on the at•tntr. The plot of
nearly every mnrder is lid in a m*Ioon .
the first step of the burglar, of the house
burner and of the one who outrage* Cir
toe is, in a nujority of ro*'s. taken (roan
'the malum her to the scene of action ,
spat when ere employ rarefnl amount
ants G. go over the ttrnte of expense
from the first drink of lignor In the
hangman $ fie we find that labor rapt
for all, indnatry suffers for all and
those depotldine on labor rn for a11.
Moat .aanr..11) the 'saloon is the fore to
in.l rat n .'
and by industry I mean more
than labor t 11uo*n 1110 State Itself, 101
industry is this laced is the Spate It is
order the employer sad the a lidsTel
Ma. Ibis a e eltesdrer.. w Arai N 5e0t•
• owe 5414) e•rea re.
ren , the 4'11 Cage Iteta►1.1
tt u.t M 110 baprsmliou of It • The lace
are 011 ei..I by eever.l reliable persona,
One or the a•et pf 4..I1.rY• railroad men
is the `State ia:tl receiver 01 • great corpur
aline was • 'gum* Yt the 4;ram' Pacific
Hotel. ruts eaa Lu: • .ley or tau ago.
11 hlle Iry was at 111• is .t.1 his eon and
daughter cisme to Lek. .1 -r w 4th het.
Thnl rationale h. west • • M. _Poul 1.oroe,
the .T* tit, suet mid ' (.Si• 5.• toe with tau
eau..1 1.w.1a.'
14, (;ores kuru doe .1 •.,..err wit• at the
hotel, air be hr not sort, and for
o leic ren rn reypises. i• - girl friend et
the 'laughter heti Levu h ' d person who
tank •hon. r at the bo • I •,•re 1s • rule of
tl.•• 1'u•• :Ise the -.4 every guest
111184 4► enlere•1 oh •t .t.•Ier. .'o Mr.
4.04r...Iwr mel the u ...t i•ut down two
1e Ile put well th- mime of Mies
- 1. r' tsnilut.•r. 1 • though* to" •
moons•!: 41.1..U10 b• .. Ute 1Verbur
('l.•vr1..od." Ute . N',rhtirroe was
B .,* the name he mere,. , t' .'..lewd was
'1. 1...a, tau' the • 4041 all well,
:1 d 1.1 start) ot•.er pus 1a stoty ■•
+'-4d 44)44 Lr • t. he fee's. He
.. e•!,, •nn.. ahv 04 •' sires W4rhur
it.. 1 ••'send ' hr an. •.. ugh; up" a
ht•ittl•a. basso Iwo pa, -. t v regular,
he Wei •t;C" dupe I -
ay his
Lek the ee•ht.rke.i, •1 'so-•ounYtt,,siva
se,.) •out •._•r• three dais,
sod t hese a-'• t •n vitt cl.•s•;reo
• nr '. r )..u• .l•taght. 4'e for ]lin
t\•.0 1.111 14.44 ••
• \t, • N
•'Yr.: t1..'0 \t'.•. l':•velaad'.
Ie't10,e ria- w 1 .w dirt teat
G. b••, .1:�`C .e. I' - 40,,. '
..1.1••,•'1 -ru,tl.
•\ee1.4' •c
•. 11-. . w h I r
TOO .,. ,,. , 01, .
I r . I;. 0•
Lisa?. u
h r i.. :. •1•
I .:. ,
til•„ 1,r t •• - .•
ell up Pr the •.,rt.
• ' t
I'm sure -1 di•tn't m•-.
i .arirg mf see clerk
•. \.••'vied i:r. flop
Thee the t teen to ,•
wets ivmply en tom rl.
a besotfu c.o.- .f tl.
•for a.kins
• 4. 0411 Mr.
o y1 t that
I voile the
,,,an t hind 1
t' •t 11141.1un',
'1 srhul
1 n.y
4• '4 ago
• 1 i l• of,hrr,
_1"-a .'w11., ane
, • tog of her
a S. written
.me in the
.-t came to
• h' ther it
•deere or
• telt:nee.
A rwlI-Ihew d Mem • • •. Med M'
r40r Ilea« • • eswts.
l'ulcago, Feb'4
.a' 1 71.r.' Elio• 4.. a
r• art at the Pattie r h
p oetic t.uXtl et my a
Oita.. I *L0,'. ha .• 1.
t • 111 • w.. './ •r-•tu•e
In(• -111:' 1 o1 &•'mint_
..1 time hos **CU 24.1
N fly, M• ptu kr" •
g.�.nes 1,11,,rtrr.l•
.1, ; h.• . WWI
re'4411 �J.2.x,,1'
story .1 how I :weal..
• Then you wally u
:111t, 44 ,...Ir: ' 1
11 t, • .Stan ah ;;
•rveru'I w.• .p.
tr•.Ld 1 nixie, wile•
r tit it to •.y •sy •
.1141 stn, 0111 I4. w '
,•141100.• a s•alth•1$
" •\ • rr yen rale"
X 1 was bels •
rig *eke, it.
pro,siwe t4eme4k •
tort hs'M wry'_'
he in pe•eissi• n of
. 114 • M .vvii. '
"Nigh, 1t mini ha•
" No: m was Tot
'ratr.1 my kanw!eelg
• ref; •,of they, bar.
to tired .-e. free. p
ani.:lel he 11..1,
., n F' Lee ••.,
poasmioa of the secrete of the order,aod 1140
only &mower was to term the gentlemen who
pleased me at the wicket a foul, ernphaurod
with a strung adiectiv..
" Is it true that you propose to irganis0
lodges for the women •
„ lee, sir, 1 shall take such slaps
.• Ter what purpose •'
"Just to •hcw you men who errugste 1
superiority to y.ur.elre that a women cos
keep • secret"
" Aod yet you have just told that you are
a Mason and how you became we. 1
" 1 mid nothing about what 1 saw and
" Hut you have not the rt'ua1 with 1,
which properly to confer the degrees of �
have that all written wins Ito•'t ask
where 1 got that, fur 1 will not tell. That
is & secret as though lucked up iw the
room. The The truth u,wolneu need such a thing
as Masonry u much ea the men.
" How did you come to make the an-
uouaoement after w many years of %lienee'"
" Under rather peculiar circunutan es. I
It was while the decision of my suit with
(lorerour I.ewr•Ihor was peudiug before the
supreme court. A gentleman said to me :
' You will lose your case. The governor is
a Ma.ou.' 'So am I,' 1 retorted, and,knoa
ing Lim to ler a Mason, 1 gave him the grip.
He looked astonished:eel remarked that I
Icertainly knew something sheet klaseory I
Ij thee told hien that 1 wu1�00�.1y to or/sow •a
woan'e branch of the ord.rsed so the story
got out -
• Il:eee4 •sake.
Mae is an mewing tale from tiertnaoy
about • slum who thought he was • very
clever financier, and yet who does not seem
to have yutte as much sense as the boy wi,u
knows °slough to go iu'w170e it rinses ,
A Sore mea being towed up the Neither
from 11anocelm to Heidelberg. and a shoe-
maker on the tramp, with • large koapseek
on his back, carie up and asked the barge
man how titch he would charge hue for •
ride is his boat. The bargeman, who was
• bit of • sae. replied "Fetteeo krurers :
tut if you help pull. only sir ' The shoe-
n.aker thought the matter mer for a
minute or two, and calculating that he
would eve nine krcu/en by helping to pull
throw his bag into the boat, and cheerfully
tuyred at the loot all the way to Hridel
burg, where forked ..u' the six krewer, and
shouldered his knapsack *gain." .
Fhdoh's *'tire is sold on a guarantee. It
cures incipient consumption. It Is the best
tough cure. I )nly rue cent a dose ; 2.5 cis.,
CO eta.. and *1.00 per bottle. Sold by o11
drmpg late. c w
1 ion 1j.,c4, 4- nett
ltilrtu-ll! 1111' ,�/ in
c"ar•l !, 1.- 111 al•; 1.1.s11-1-•. ah'l
u' tis 31.+0
•• assertion
for say.
assert ion
t• uluntry.
• lied to e
.peril otter-
tter., tell the
.1 tell you
r gill of
N \. .t
• to Maitre,
.I... ail: It.
.04 0d 11ln
•1 had a
i:1 whsle
_J•,,you .re,
For to
i •be Graft is
.k iaitw
1 have
'•1. of the
•d 1 tried
who Is
nee entre
I int"
A Little Daughter
Of a Church of England minister
cured of a distressing rash, by
/yles Sarsaparilla. Mr. Rta IL\nn
DIRKS, the well-known Druggist, 207
]dcGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says:
I have sold Ayer's Family Mediae.,
for 40 years. and have beard stabiles but
gond acid of them. I know of many
Wonderful Cures
performed by Ayers Raraapsrflla, ons
In particular being that of • little
daughter of a Church of England mine -
ter. The child was literally covered
from head to foot with a red Wal ex-
Ce.dingly trsnh etwal a r•wh, from which
she haalanger•d for two nr threw years,
l■ spite of the best medical treatment'.
a.ainande. Iler father vias in great
distress about the ease. and, at my
inteemmmadstifni, at last hcgmn to al•
*Ioi*ter Ayvi's Serasp.rille. twrt bot-
tles of which effort. .1 • complete mire.
ranch is her n•h•f and her father's
delight. I am Mnre, war.• he here to -oar,
he wnnld testify M the strongest terms
M to the merits of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Pewee by A►. J C Ayer m ('e., 1 swell, Yee.
Cures others, will aures you
If you e.•nteutpl*tc building or repairing it will poi'
to inspect our (foods anal Prices,
DAVIS N & C .,
1 4 4 1..4.430. To R. r. assurer_.
Choice -.
The Best in the Market and the Most
Reaonable Prices at
4er. wain al etre, l sod .yrr.rr.
Ito you want any article inade in tin', copper or sheet iron, stove 'hovel' or
•tote pipes cleaned out, • new chimney top put on or any kind of repairing dune, we can
do it for yon.
IDo you want s new 4'oo0 'toys or Range' \\'e have the tions oseortment 10
choose from, of the latest .'••signs seal every stove warranted.
twine in your Tinware mud get it repaired while you are doing your other shoppinr.
Rutter, eggs and wood t.ken as cash.
\\ a are the only aut honied .gents to 4 •odertehlor the 4'elebr•ted Howard Fur-
naces. There is no other kind of furnace just as good or will make as much beat trona
the same amount of coal as the Host aid Furnaces. Don't 4.e de•eited.
Hot Air Furnaces and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating • specialty.
J. H. WORSELL_ & . CO.
Protect your feet and avoid la grippe. You can do this by pur-
chasing your Footwear froni
Gum Shoes,
Mackinaw Sox, &c.
arrantetl FIR.STS. No SECONi1S, or old Bankrupt, Moth-eaten
but the beat quality at prices charged elsewhere for an inferno -
About twenty diRer.vtt lines to choose
Very cheap.